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Re: Standing Ground - We knew we were right before we were wronged. - Now, what are you going to do about it?

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King Johnny for President

Aug 5, 2012, 8:45:04 PM8/5/12

NY Times Admits NATO Terrorists Are Targeting Christians In Syria

Cold-Blood Mass Murder in Syria by the West�s "Pro-Democracy

King Johnny's Sunrise

NATO�s �loving, peaceful democracy activists�
on video collect people from their homes, such
as innocent Jews, innocent Christians, and
Innocent Muslims, and savagely executes them
for Hitlery and 9/11's Pentagon NATO Generals
to bask further in the riches of blind as evil
lawlessness sold by the smiling TV celebs.

/ / In 2008, a 21-year-old Israeli soldier, Anat Kam, gave Haaretz
journalist Uri Blau, around 2,000 IDF classified documents. Based on
these, Blau wrote an article about how Israeli military and security
officials decided to kill Palestinian militants and intentionally
ignored a Supreme Court order. Both of them were convicted for
threatening national security and sentenced \ \

By criminals escaping their NAKED treasons against
our Jewish State. Nazi grunters do not supersede
a Supreme Court Order of a lawful society in
true victory over the forces of EVIL darkness.
These are first degree murderers, who broke a
truce with a slave labor prison camp to threaten
the lives of more innocent Jews by indiscriminately
mass murdering ourselves by war crime with American
white phosphorus for stolen profits as truly Satanic.

Stand as a human being who's life here really means
something. Nazi Zionist Israeli, murder Christians,
Muslims and Jews as the most henious of WAR CRIMINALS.


Under the Obama administration�s rules, "any
adult male killed in effectively a defined
kill zone is a terrorist, unless
posthumously proven otherwise,"

War criminals, as supremely EVIL to you
and to me, deserve to die fairly by public war
crimes trial to defend the innocent ourselves.

Speaking Truth as Power

I am truly the Rightard's most glorious
King, but they are too weak to know it.

Justice is Victory in Freedom for Everyone

/ / US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said
on Sunday that the government of Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad has lost all
legitimacy by attacking the armed groups
[called offically terrorists warring for
lawlessness] in the city. \ \

King Johnny - Victory is Yours

Again, just what is the crime of the Taliban
to ask for evidence to form a conclusion as
reaching to Publicly nab those truly guilty
of 9/11 in New York City? I ask anyone?

Congress Now Trying To Outlaw
Reporting On Government Corruption

/ / NATO-backed militants execute civilians
praying on the streets as they await impending
battle in Aleppo, Syria. \ \ Such war crimes
usually warrant death in every civilized society,
but in tv America, 'heroic freedom fighters'
warring for whatever isn't democratic, or
worth their public mentioning as demonic
thieves for the Republican Demonrat? are
the good guys too?

Ron Paul�s next project: Fracture the freedom movement

Again, never to champion Justice as
freedom is treasonous? Bush and Cheney
closed 9/11 police investigations:
who set explosives into building seven?

/ / This is our revolution�. Government
[of the Peoples, by the Peoples] needs
to get out of the way \ \ of their
moneybomb cons not helping anyone
but their lowly millioniare selves
on our continuing publicly un-adressed
miseries? Think People think..

They are masters at hijacking the language
of freedom and liberty to disingenuously push
for more de-centralized lawlessness to rob the
American sucker further as enemies of everyone
here. Godless, lawless evil demon fuks that
still call for an audit of the fed - whereas,
we have acomplished the direct evidence
of huge crimminality already.

/ / There was no debate about whether
$16,000,000,000,000 would be given to
failing banks and failing corporations
around the world. \ \ RIPPED OFF.
LOOTED over massive securites fraud.

The EVIL Libertarian

/ / We need to accept the principle that
sometimes poor people will die just because
they are [made crime victims by Republican
demonrat traitors to be even more] poor. \ \

The Facts Are...

/ / "The facts are one out of four Texans is
without health insurance, one out of four
Texans is on Medicare or Medicaid."

"We got some of the finest health care in the
world," Perry insisted. \ \ While the Perry family
enjoys Canadian like taxpayer funded heath care
coverage until his death, as does too, every
Demonrat Repuglicon Congressman, he can get away
with farting Gin like this out of his pie hole?
While collecting Canadian like Healthcare
through the FEHBP, they'll together, as tv
America's 'right' and 'left', sell these Obamney
scams against all being measured detrimental.
Perry will show US how he will deny health
care funding for the eldery poor of Texas who
have it too good already. Notice, they're not
this evil as stupid for themselves being
'Public servants' however.. but for You, as
the poorest of the poor? being messed with as
one out of four? Alas, who truly cares in
America for innocent crime victims of
America's continuing errors in sound
judgment absent true leadership here?

As the Maddow show suggested, (correct us
if I'm wrong.. please..); in Texas, if you
as the elderly, receive more than $3000.00 a
year from anywhere, the State of Texas will NOT
qualify you for Medicaid as 'too rich', as instead
firstly, drain every last cent you have in assets
as a homeless eldery person, such as your bicycle
or pop-tent, or food and asprin budget, to instead
treat yourself starving to a many many thousands of
dollars, 'you got old chump', emergency bill for a
mishap due to the lost years of bone fluoridation..
starting at about, $3000.00 a night!, to enrich the
TALENTLESS billioniare Republican Demonrat 'no Public
Option' fund raisers raiding in the wings, as not
our good doctors or nurses short changed here also
by the CEOs of HMO share takers. (TAX GIVE-AWAYS
AS WRITE OFFS???) What.. next,? the Republican
enemies with Obama are going to advance hugely
profitable 'debtor's prisons' no doubt against
the further made ill innocent masses still denied
science - as the sick unjust evil fucks of everyone
we are 'willingly' led as binded blinded - locking
up the whole state in the heavy burden of made into
wasting as toxic to themselves. Demand reason as
good judgement in freedom by Voting Johnny why
don't you? Forward this post to one as all.

Alas, who truly cares in America for innocent
crime victims of terror here? Obama with NATO
are war criminals defended by Perry who bombed
Libya more than 10,000 times to rob Humanity of
Justice, of public banking and of health care.
Gadaffy was not in violation with the UN, as
officially doing everything that was asked of
himself, while freely educating all, as pointing
out terrorist al-Qeada forces are funded by the
giving blindly American tax payers to murder US
Blacks and Jews. A cowardly nation of the worst
nazi facists is what America is plagued with -
evil as ungodly false accusing war criminals
warring Creation for the final escape of
those who done did do US wrong still.

Study: Radiation Therapy Can Make Cancers 30x More Malignant

X-rays do what?

We've known this for decades, while American women
still, to this day, are murdered by U.S. "doctors",
along with countless men and children unthinkingly.
Vote Johnny and the science of measurement will
assertain to state closer, the nature of our true
losses during the up coming public trials of all
trials to win the freedom to live. Justice is
victory over the tyranny of lawlessness as plain
ungodly stupidness caused initially by who knows
where, by whom or what as the why of all whys..
but knowing this for sure as so; our 'leaders'
have failed to communicate the science on this,
as on a great many other important life and death
struggles not counted. Made incapable so far, to
gain ground as honorable leadership leading to a
international legal defense of ourselves from
ridiculously ignorant asses furthering their
divisions for profitable psychotic criminality..
Anti-depressants chemically induce psychotic
behaviours as more likely during the down time,
without even asking, 'it can't be so bad, all
the time in every circumstance, what's the
problem chum? Do you need a happy pill because
kbr has raped a loved member of your family?
Do you need a happy pill because the bankster
stole your family's home in broad daylight
with the town sheriff back from Afganistan
encourging you to relax about everything by
picking up his heroin habit?' I ask the
Sheriff, just what is the crime of the Taliban
to ask for evidence to form a conclusion as
reaching to Publicly nab those truly guilty
of 9/11 in New York City?

We are naturally willing to be free of tyranny
as all fairly spoken clearly. Again, Justice is
victory over war criminals man. Make Your stand
for all that you am.

We are the Twenty First Century.

King Johnny for President

Al Qaeda leader writes column for Guardian!

/ / The Western world now enters surreal
territory as men who have certifiably
killed Americans are writing pro-NATO
propaganda for British newspapers. \ \

CIA: 'Pro-Obama NATO war partner is al-Qaeda'


'Canadian band attacked by Satanic Zionists
for playing song �Apartheid� on mainstream TV'

�Israel is undoubtedly operating as an apartheid state.�

Jewish Journalist: Anti-Israel Ads in NY are Also Anti-Semitic

/ / which recently appeared in New York
train stations and which insinuate that Israel
steals Arab land. \ \ "INSINUATE" Again, the
most ungodly enemies of creation that ever
existed, who claim SATANICALLY themselves "Jews"
while they NAKEDLY Steal, they kidnap, they
torture, they break TRUCES to murder innocent
Jews too, to gain further at our losses as
crime victims. They broke a truce with an
indiscriminate mass murder campaign they
tv labeled "cast lead". As in, casting the
leads for the real mass murder scene. FACT:
They purposefully burned innocent women and
children to death as targeted with the U.N.
using American paid for white phospherus,
then awarded the WAR CRIMINALS bonus American
tax dollars as a gift for being an enemy to
GOD and Mankind.

Romney Sucks, Obama Swallows

Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt
for our safety.

Again, just what is the crime of the Taliban
to ask for evidence to form a conclusion as
reaching to Publicly nab those truly guilty
of 9/11 in New York City? I ask anyone?

Can you possibly care for anyone truly,
to forward this concern for others
as your own left forsaken too?

Don't except anything else
but a free to be we society.



America needs sound critics against
further foolish lawlessness by pirates
of our air-waves, and I'm the guy to do
just that for victory.

freedom won by indiscriminate needless warfare?


Narcissism Much? See Mitt's Olympic Pins!

Seriously Though...

/ / Mitt Romney said that if elected
president he wouldn�t have to get
congressional permission for a military
strike on Iran. \ \ as a war crime traitor
warranting immediate death he would be.
It's called first degree mass murder.

NO EVIDENCE. Evil man evil. Wake up to
the lie about the tv snews celebs caring
for America's continuing survival.


Israel Admits War Causes Were Fabricated

Many of the first strike targets were
the Jewish communities in Northern
Lebanon. Why would Nazi Zionist target
honorable innocent Jews for money?
Because they are SATANIC ENEMIES OF
EVERYONE. Nazi Israeli have thousands
kidnapped in their Zionist Nazi prisons
held purposefully without public trial,
Jewish children included, just as God
with the LORD teaches in the good book
about the criminal actions of the truly
Satanic. Nazi Israeli freely admit
to breaking a truce for mass murdering
only innocent souls as Satanic. They
called their operation, "Cast Lead" -
as in casting the leads for the for
real mass murder scenes. Christ is
a Jew too you fools. DBD.

"Auschwitz-like" conditions at US hospital - Who Cares?

/ / The American general opposed an investigation
into "Auschwitz-like" conditions at US hospital...

He went on: "The general did not want bad news to leave
his command before the election or after the election."

..When asked to describe the scene.. the hospital
lacked soap, heat and the means to boil water, he said.

"There were open vats of blood draining out of soldiers' wounds, there
was faeces on the floor...

Caldwell eventually agreed to request a limited investigation, but
Carozza said it "would not mention the Auschwitz-like conditions at
the national military hospital".

soldiers [continue to] die from neglect or lack of food \ \

..this after 'spending' hundreds of billions
by NATO's war profiteers that rightly deserve
war crime prosecutions for their brazen ungodly
criminality of high treasons as lying
further to thieve even more.

EVERY BREATH I TAKE - they war US as the
innocent for the escape of Blackwater's
Cofer Black on 9/11, they war for the escape
of those from NATO who mass murder American
teen soldiers suckered to die for furthering
lawlessness, while gang raping American women.
They war for the escape of Banksters who have
made of with trillions. Fight back for christ
sake by forwarding these words as if they
were truly a concern of your own to speak
freely of also.

King Johnny for President

To be 'proudly serving the military',
is not to advance a further needless
sacrifice in blindness for evil. Why
so dumb chum as the evil conned too
being losers here? Instead, find where
Justice is Victory as freedom from
criminals, vote for King Johnny as
President of US and be a for sure
winner winning some self respect
here equally committed too man.
We are good as understood.

/ / In short, the [AMERICAN TAX PAID FOR] mercenaries
have been blitz-trained across the border in Turkey,
given Kalashnikovs and a fistful of dollars and
told they were making a jihad against the Israeli
Army. \ \ TO MURDER INNOCENT JEWS. AGAIN, the American
godless Zionist ENEMY OF GOD, wills to murder innocent
Jews, Christians and Muslims too for more stolen gains.

"UNLESS someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not." Dr. Seuss movie
Lorax.2012 - it's about
everything important
disappearing maybe

Care about,


New McCainiac and Hitlery "US" aid to military
dictatorship of Yemen to WAR INNOCENT PEOPLES,
totaling $112 million: includes sniper rifles,
machine guns, and over 1 million rounds of
ammunition. Let alone for the moment the 50
billion American tax give aways to Saudi
Arabia to attack INNOCENT Christians,
INNOCENT Muslims, and INNOCENT Jews too.
Vote Johnny or lose as unjust evil demon
nazi zionist enemies of Life's greater
dream fuckers. Live and let live for
freedom. I am man.

Ask NWO GLobalist AJ, 'what is the Crime of
the Taliban to ask for evidence to form any

I Can not See The Difference? Foreign Policy We
Get Barack Obama We Get George Bush - Ron Paul

What? that according to Rightard Ron Paul, neither
are guilty of mass murdering innocent souls to
escape the 9/11 perps, along with the banksters?
Gadaffy was not found in violation with 1976,
neither was Saddam on 1441. The Bushite war
criminals covered both nations with radio-active
toxic waste, while robbing ourselves of everything
else, with their godless rapings and pillagings
of themselves even! Torture rightly warrants death
according to standing law ushered by President
Reagan in the War Crimes Act. Death to the
Bushite, death to the enemies of Justice,
the enemies of God and Man.

'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Monday, March 21st, 2011

/ / ENGEL: ..I would say one in five of the
rebels told me today that they are fighting
because they think Gadhafi is Jewish. \ \



Federal gov�t to withdraw funds from your retirement account

/ / the Federal Reserve reports the US top
seven banks have over $10 trillion in assets
recorded in over 14,000 created �subsidiaries�
to avoid taxes. \ \ If true, then why were
Americans made to pay tens of trillions
more in taxes to banksters for nothing?

Romney Caught Lying by SEC: He was Chairman
and Owner of Bain When He Claims He Wasn't
[a major felony earning a life term in some

Yeah Yeah

Yeah yeah, you too can make off
like a bandit at the further
destruction of stolen credit
in TV America.

Israeli lawmaker tears up "abominable"
New Testament of the Messiah, throws
it in trash as 'Religious' act of..

Again, Satanic enemies of GOD,
being OPENLY, anti-Semetic, as
told truly of in every Testament.


73,846 US Soldiers Dead

/ / They [the magic tv snews celebs] decided
to report the war deaths [of American teens]
in Iraq only if the soldier died with his
boots on the ground in a combat situation. \ \

It is far worse than this. Somewhere near 2005,
someone from Germany leaked that American
soldier deaths in Iraq since 2003 is closer
to 50,000. Why would they know better than
magic tv celebs that routinely sell blindness
to true evil everywhere? They actually were
counting the corpses. I know i know, who cares
for the facts here, where America is warring
for Hitlery and John McCain's claim that they
are "pro-democracy" as the "friends of Democracy
in Syria" warring arm in arm with Saudi Arabia
and officially al-Qeada, Uzbekistan, Qatar,
along with the bushite grunters who die
for the escape of those who directly were
responsible for mass murder in my America
on 9/11. Example: how did 'al-qeada' plant
explosives into Blackwater Cofer Black's
secured 'cia' building 7?

Ehud Barak,"We will know early enough
whether the Iranians are ready to give
up their nuclear weapons," Zero evidence.

Why Is It?

Why is it that the Alex Jones NWOer Cult (a
cult that WHORES not only for Bush, but for
the "U.N." by demonizing, instead of being
truthful about the needless war crimes of
Iraq with 1441 for example, or Libya's 1976)
can't speak the truth regarding the TRULY
Satanic Zionist godless enemy, TV LYING in
Public all about how important it is to
indiscriminately mass murder the INNOCENT
Jews of Iran with American radio active
toxic waste? on fictions involving Iran's
NPT Treaty with Canada and the U.S. to
freely built their nuclear power stations?

Don't get me wrong, nuclear power is dumb
as dangerous - considering we have these
huge pollution free power stations called
Oceans and a Moon. But, TV America is
programmed to blindly hate the wise man
or women using tricky intelligent thought
structures. Why? Makes the Rightard look
as truly dumb as they are factually. As
is why math and science are forbidden on
television. Example: Social Security, a
Trust Fund, receives less than 2% interest
on a multi trillion dollar deposit. And,
of course, private banksters do not cover
our loans we 'pay them back' for as the
grotesquely wealthy, doing nothing for
nobody to "earn" such huge losses. Imagine,
right here, all the Rightards with Alex
Jones the gold merchant, crying out for evil
to not allow US to mention such facts like
on freedom's rule to 'follow probable cause'
that they will no one truly understand about,
before they continue their attacks with Ron
Paul against governing fairly with Justice,
progressive tax policies, a Public Option
Health Care offering, free education, basic
welfare for the homeless, and so on.. Instead
to waste as a bigot divider to tell us all
without question, (for Pope AJ claims to be
infallible), what all non-conservative
"liberals" wrongly think, or non-conservative
effeminate males, or the pilfered "Mexicans"
think, and so on.. instead of finding ourselves
on common ground with all to fairly demand
public trials with the public evidence against
ungodly false accuser war criminals and the
thieving banksters? Or of the fools who sell
gold as the wrong answer to everything falling
devalued. Yeah yeah, the Rightard's sell,
you too can make off like a bandit at the
further destruction of stolen credits in


He was 16 years old and an American citizen.
He had committed no crime and was charged with
no wrongdoing - he was MURDERED without
trial or due process by 'lawless' demonic
enemies of God and Man � Cofer Black's
Blackwater, aka the three top secret guys
who 'elusively' call themselves America's
"CIA" in AP and Reuters, CNN, BBC, and
al-jezzerah. Such ungodly demonic war crimes
against innocent Americans deserve True
Patriot firing squads under our Presidency

�Fiscal Conservative� Rand Paul Pledges
$9+ Billion of American taxes to Israel

Remember, the Alex Jones cult are forbidden
to say anything against Rand Paul EVER, or for
the innocent victims targeted by the Nazi
Zionist Israeli demonic enemy, as that way,
you would for sure be working for Alex Jones'
'hidden' Globalist NWOers.

U.S. District Vaughn Walker �A citizen may
not gain standing by claiming a right to have
the government follow the law,

But then, that would be a citizen in government
being a for sure criminal. Un-American. So, a
standing among whom? Criminal Judges who should
be in our prisons awaiting a death sentence for
high treason?

FACT: America is evil for their
continuing godless refusals to
demand justice here and now.

NO TALK of the now very near,
60,000 FACTORIES that have already
left AMERICANS for greener pastures
in 'free market' unlawful military
dictator sinking ships. of Ron Paul
wannabes (you victim) instead. covered
in badly drawn 2� comic book fictions
of a breed of ignoramuses never seen
before so foolishly depraved in their
own made up filth called Patriotic,
while soldiers are conned for needless
deaths. In their wallowing cowardice as
pimped for sell out whoredum, as; 'Down with
Big', 'Laws are bad', 'Ron Paul!' Never thought
seen before.. but in a lost time speculated
to be of when real men briefly did not walk
these plains of existence in loyalty to
everything. We are the Law. as fairly
spoken to one as all united in victory
over godless slavery of false imprisonments
with torture, taken for trillions while
drugging our children with ritalin, by a
war criminals greeds to attempting final
escape in our truer names. so far...

God is Divine

I would suggest granting US a free
few minutes to speak to America inter
nationally about Justice equaling freedom,
near nobody there can TV fairly. And
about the Treasury Department, as on
what it's function actually is. Every
last Rightard, and Patriot, or Truther,
gets this nature partly wrong from what
I've heard mostly. We need to discuss
fractional reserve debt as credit,
pirated privately by banksters, who
are for sure, defrauding ourselves of
every thing for not being more clearly
understood here. The bankster does not
cover our loans, we do for example. Or,
if we don't follow probable cause on
9/11, the terrorists will for sure escape
to commit more misdeeds against a dying
forsaken America. Dying for evil doing
cowards positioned to be officially
leaderless, as just another bankster's,
'teen pawn', lost in a checkers game
where the criminal cheat wins for
stealing our better moves on the dance
floor. Blindly willed by TV America to
be criminally sacrificed for lawlessness.
To 'Support the Troops' is not to have
them sacrificed COWARDLY to escape those
who done did do America wrong on 9/11.

Afghan Heroin Myths Simplified

60 Minutes: CIA Reveals Bush Told Iraq Had No WMD

Bushite in the Air Force have dropped
literally millions of tons of radio-active
toxic waste to only bomb the innocent - as
enemies to all of Life for thousands of
years attempting Satanic genocide. Being
such, the anti-God 'lawless' pro-torturing
heroin pushing Bushite dumfuk are the
enemies of all America, as judging US
by the smiling magic tv demons to
unfairly rob our undefended Humanity
for banksters further. Enough.

King Johnny for President,
or.. HSBC chief quits in front of US Senate
committee as bank is found �letting drug
cartels launder $7 billion'..

But no jail sentence in corporate tv
"America" for crimes that warrant likely
near 1000s of years for pushing THEIR
illegal heroin onto American teens for
life terms, as third strike felonies.

Ten Years After Decriminalization,
Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal

More than ONE MILLION American people
are in prison, as dangers to society
for drugs - such as a life term to
Micheal, who as an chemically addicted
quadriplegic, is serving 25 years
in a prison cell with his cumbersome
wheelchair twitching, all because he
had a double prescription from two
different doctors for an approved
narcotic - rules are rules, and
according to this world, we can't
care enough to demand his immediate
release with apologies in the millions,
never mind King Johnny be allowed to
fairly win this upcoming 2012 election
where the truth really mattered once
to the honorable of our communities
being granted this given self respect.
In as, Justice for all is freedom to
any - godless tyranny is enslavement
by the debasement of our truth worth
left further forsaken. Vote Johnny
or lose.


Top priority. Justice for 911 Victims. Paper
ballots for fair elections on fixing to vote for
a public education on 'banking scams'. Us, and
them who hide and pretend who's all paying for
this there is something not publicly defined.
Because they are taking us for Rooked!
Banksters don't cover our loans.

/ / Here Are the 15 Senators Who Voted to Stop
Armed FDA Agents From Conducting Warrantless
Raids on America's Farmers (Not One of Them
is a Democrat) \ \

Rand Paul, the traitor, is running cover
by refusing to acknowledge these high acts
of treason. Like his comments about how
royalty-free BP must be let go to kill and
maim more Americans left officially undefended.
Remember all whores of the Globalist Alex
Jones: Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police
investigations on 9/11, to then steal
Afghanistan from Afghanistan over the
mass murder of Americans for stolen
cash profits. Ohh.. and banksters
do not cover our loans as the bail-outs
are the crimes of extortion, while torture
warrants death under American standing
law. and... ahwhtevr

King Johnny for President

US Admits Arrested Al-Qaeda Chief Has No Ties To Al-Qaeda

U.S. Military Officers Demand 911 Investigation

Well now, that just sounds American to me.
How about You?

Again, just what is the crime of the Taliban
to ask for evidence to form a conclusion as
reaching to Publicly nab those truly guilty
of 9/11 in New York City? I ask anyone?

Soldiers, My Friends

Soldiers, my friends. Understand, the
magic TV and every Republican has not
expressed a concern that al-Qeada is,
and has been openly financed by the
Pentagon. Nobody there truly cares to
be honest with you. Well, I do. I care
for the victims of these needless wars,
for the gang rape and torture victims.
I care for the millions of American
families that have had their homes
stolen, and their foods tainted.. I
care for the guys and gals who get
ripped off by our bad economics criminal
run lotteries, or government sanctioned
'health services' that do nothing to
treat deadly causes. I care for the
ignorant intolerant unclean masses who
for the life of themselves as bigots,
can't yet figure, the banksters do not
cover our loans, and that the bail-outs
are the crimes of extortion. True, I
am what some might call, occasionally,
intelligent beyond comprehension, BUT I,
unlike any other, will wide open
communications for real public debates
on where FACTUALLY we all could go from
here, with science as reason to measure
our achievements. Yes, it's true, once
in a while, I will make a Rightard out
to be truthfully dumber than shit, but
that's just our way, and in it self,
doesn't cost innocent lives. Support my
nomination, and I'll promise you here
and now, teen Soldier lives will not be
needlessly sacrificed by TV Con for
further ungodly tyranny. Or..

Grunts Assault Peaceful Peoples
Demanding Our Stolen Rights Back

These are not Cops dedicated to defend
Americans as being Bushite servants
of Evil - as is most certain when they
war side by side freely with the most
oppressive military dictatorships
on this planet. Ask anyone, when
the Bushite traitor to God and
Country dies, we all win a
better future saved from
indiscriminate mass

Gadaffy called for a cease fire, and
elections. And even if he top secretly
hadn't, still doesn't ever give al-Qeada
the right to steal our innocent lives.
Who there would have voted for Obama's
man, a known al-Qeada leader from Langely
Virginia to steal their banking and their
oil for BP? WHO?. Iran has a Treaty with
Canada and the U.S. by the way...
Rightards are as dumb as
they are evil.

/ / He is not worried because he heard that the Ministry
of Health has taken a somewhat unusual step. "They sprayed
the city," he explained, "with the necessary products." \ \

There is no such scientific basis of
understanding in this Universe, to spray the constituents of
sub atomic viral particulates with ground pig/monkey livers,
willy-nilly all over the places as a possibly 'known' health
benefit with toxic Barium. We need war crime death sentences
for these, the near absolute worse of Zionist Nazi war crime
behavior perpetrated by Bushite enemy grunters in the
Air Force who have stolen our US flag as traitors. Again,
understand, there is no real science to support happy face
CNN, FOXNEWS, and Demonrat Republican, who are warring our
species with these deliberate poisons. A world wide moratorium
on all vaccination programming needs to be called, so to
educate all freely on how we are falling crime victim here
to the loud mouth 'no it all' Rightard, playing US for
innocent victim, that demand we not be allowed to form a
free consensus, where all Rightards naturally fairly LOSE
found cheating and thieving from all as scoundrels.
Bush and Cheney 9/11, and Saddam was not found in violation
of 1441 - while BP removed the "safety fluid" which caused
the blow up in the gulf. Banksters do not cover our loans,
we do - as so, Ron Paul is a traitor warring America for
the escape of bad guy war criminals. Example: All American
Congressmen afford themselves and their families
a Canadian health care system for themselves as the Elite,
but not for you as an American dumfuk slave to
FOXSNEWS' Commie Pinkoism. Instead, vote freely
for Justice by electing King Johnny for President.

Romney Caught Lying by SEC: He was Chairman
and Owner of Bain When He Claims He Wasn't
[a major felony earning a life term in some

Well, my friends.. it looks like this run is
finished. The 'new' Google only requires a
simple complaint to remove any person's adroit
sane position on lost Justice securing freedom,
to be replaced entirely with vile obscene
diatribes of 'anti-pedo' pedotry, or 'anti-Jew'
Zionist uselessness as 'officially' acceptable
to everyone who doesn't will to be exposed for
their ungodly evilness, now that every voice
for Justice will be silenced by a single
enemy to all as any. Bad news for You my
friend, bad news for you. Forward this
post to one as all.

ADL chief says cartoon showing haredim praying
at �Wall Street� Western Wall �perverts most
sacred Jewish site into a shrine of greed�

That is not the wailing wall, and what kind
of demonic "G-D" is this, that can't hear your
concerns unless you root a piece of paper
pleading to hurt/steal/or murder an innocent
life, as between the stones of the "wailing
wall", of which ISN'T that wall! of Satan they
as Satanic, call wrongly the "most holiest of
holies"... a lie.. twice, or thrice over just
to start with.. !!! Satanic enemies of God do
exist claiming Johnny the Messiah doesn't
exist making perfect sense anywhere to
make a fuss against America's corporate
censorship for lawlessness of my little
man Reality. I will make this stand in
all that I am, the true Son of God.

Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt
for our safety. The bushmob did 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve
freedom, America is lawlessly still led by
those who demonically claim we don't need
evidence to form their guilty verdicts. On
the matters of Good and Evil. And some people

Republicans are Evil traitors to our flag,
warring to kill America for Satan as the
good for nothings. Under the new Johnny
Presidency, America will stand proud and
strong as freedom being Justice for
everyone. You included.

"$12 billion every 30 days in Afghanistan"

Remember, after the first year of
the Iraq war, 2004, the REAL total
cost for both wars was 2.5 billion.
The late Senator Kennedy told US that.

Investigating the Investigation[.htm]l?StoryID=17816

/ /Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president
call you and urge you not to investigate the events
of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly contradicted Cheney: "Yes \ \ : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

/ / Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered
[..] `You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations' \ \


'He is too busy with the campaign.'

Too busy to save America from the banksters
who stole trillions? Too busy to demand
9/11 prosecutions?, for after all, Bush
and Cheney called an immediate halt to
such truly Patriotic activities.. How
about the millions dead in Iraq? or the
al-Qeada war crimes in Libya by Obama,
Ban Ki Moon, NATO and the ICC? that
traitor Ron Paul and Alex Jones blames
"big government" or effeminate males for?
How about the trillions stolen by the
Pentagon? Vaccines? FEMA? Evil fukers.

Note: "big" is relative.

Dozens of Women Describe Hell Of Being
Raped by The Nazi grunts in the US Military

Nations of Humanity, these Nazi American
war crime vermin war our Innocent Peoples
for ungodly lawlessness with radio-active
toxic waste to torture for godless tyranny
as the sworn enemies of every single last
one of US, which naturally, includes
themselves of which they care not in.
Let all men demand the execution of these
bushite nazi grunts, who rape American
women while claiming, no laws of God nor
man can put it into it's grave rightly,
for the Antichrist of Creation has deemed
it "Lawless". I HATE Bushite, as any real
man would. Americans are not men to remain
neutral on this, as they do regarding the
naked war treasons of Obama, Cheney and
Bush. Under the Johnny Administration,
we will support big cash rewards all
around for everyone that helps achieve
the 'impossible', of disallowing war
criminals to walk these streets alive
as heroes.

Ron Paul: Unconstitutional Uses of Drones Must Stop

But the demon liar suggests in his treasonous
silence, it is not first degree mass murder?
Have you seen Ron Paul, the Rightard, give his
talk in Texas only near a week ago, riling the
crowd to support an audit of the Fed?, where for
those who have a true mind for Liberty, already
are fully aware, that it has been audited, and
we found they STOLE as documented, 16 trillion
American? And now we have this;

Fed Members Gave Their Own Banks $4 Trillion In Secret Bailouts

With Jamie giving himself 390 billion.. Never
heard that on Alex Jones did you? Like about
BP removing the "safety fluid" causing the
blow-up, or Bush closing 9/11 police
investigations? Or Gadaffy not being
found in violation with the U.N.? as
neither Saddam? The Rightards are
playing Americans for dying suckers..

Houla Massacre Was A Manufactured Atrocity
Blamed Falsely Without a Shred of Evidence

/ / Yesterday reports emerged about a NATO airstrike in Logar province
that, according to local officials, killed 18 civilians�the vast
majority women and children.

Readers of the Washington Post could learn about this (6/7/12) by
flipping to page 10 and looking for this headline:

Afghanistan Suicide Blasts Kill at Least 22 Civilians \ \

Watching every last NATO official hang for
their war crimes will be one of the very special
treats of my glorious King Johnny Presidency.

D.C. Press Corps Sits on Hands as Actual Reporter Is Silenced

Why so evil? Because they know that Honeywell directly
knows that 9/11 was an inside job, run by a Honeywell
remote controller for all flights that crashed that day.
TRAITORS - godless demonic enemies of Americans everywhere.

Vote Johnny

America Shut Up! John is speaking...

Americans - a land where evil godless
cowards are patriots to the paying to
stay blinded masses. They enjoy cheating
Humanity of our stolen lives, believing
to do so, they will profit like Alex
Jones and the Republican Demonrat
traitors have from our undefended
forsaken losses. No more. Justice
is Freedom. King Johnny for President
of an America where torturers are rightly
executed as traitor war criminals under
the war crimes act of Reagan, and KBR
gang rapists of American women along
with the 9/11 perps are hunted to the
ends of the Earth to insure proper
burials. Anything less would be
un-civilized in my eyes.

McCain and Hitlery Aim together
with al-Qeada for Dictatorship

'Syrian rebels' aim dictatorship, not democracy'

Russia says it has no plans to impose
an arms embargo on [PRO-DEMOCRACY] Syria
and intends to fulfill a contract for
delivering air defense systems to the
country. [To defend against war crime
terrorist Hitlery's Satanic "al-Qeada",
who officially as NAKEDLY SATANIC have
boycotted all elections, AND SPEAKING!]
When a Bushite traitor to God and Country
dies, everyone wins freedom. DBD.

Daily Paul website considered an Attack Site

The evidence must be SOLID on this.. Now,
if so, it doesn't necessitate that all
Ron Paul fans are godless demonic enemies
of America, who have no TRUE love for
freedom as Constitutional Justice, as
instead war our worlds as lying cheats
with censorship for the final escape of
Bush and Cheney with Ron Paul and Alex
Jones here on 9/11, along with the
banksters who steal our credits, but
pretty damn close. Understand, if Google
was wrong, they would be sued for billions
- as again, Ron Paul does refuse the truth
on these matters of freedom's survival
with his loyal buddy Republican Demonrats
as naked MURDEROUS traitors warring our
worlds against God for the final escape
of Bush and Cheney here on 9/11, along
with the banksters who steal our credit.


(Google musta forgot to rig down the counter,
for we have a few hundred thousand new souls
nobody knew about till days ago I suppose...)

Spooky evil shit Ron Paul the whore for
evil is as as a godless sell out for
tyranny everytime.

Did You Know: Ron Paul sucks?

Ron Paul, knowing he would likely
win the Rightard's CPAC convention,
has decided not to attend.

Libertarians are evil because they refuse
the public knowledge that the Iraq war is a
needless TV war crime costing American lives
and treasures 'freely given' in the stolen
trillions.. Saddam wasn't found in violation,
and guess what? They for the near entire most,
couldn't care lesser for the real teen
soldiers sacrificed irrationally in their
silent names there, or that banksters do not
cover our loans they pay them half of our
lives "back" for. They do not argue that
these wars are anything but legitimate for,
they do not argue against the merits of the
consequences of raping and pillaging - no,
instead, they state things like, 'the
forefathers warned us about foreign
entanglement' - like, as if to suggest all
of everything is bad every time without
questioning.. just as a Rightard
belligerent cacophonies as loud mouth know
nothing, noitalls.. Like, when did Bush and
the magic TV argue, that American soldiers
must be sent to their deaths, because a
foreign entanglement is what the Republican
thieves will? They didn't.. No they LIE,
they cheat, they steal, without fair public
challenge of which they would naturally lose
to as measured in literally seconds. I am
King for good reasons. Let US together not
forget the millions of innocent Iraqis
indiscriminately mass murdered and or
tortured by these 'lawless' war criminals
who intent to walk our American streets as
pro dope pushing gang rapists, warring still
against freedom in my America, for the final
escape of Bush and Cheney as Obstructing US
Justice here on 9/11.

Many Wall Street executives says
wrong doing is necessary: survey

They don't do anything but rip everyone
off of our credit - they take more and
more while the undefended nation has
less and less due to being tv happy
crime victims who hate smart people
talking that make them look truly
dumb as evil.

The Bottom Line

"The bottom line is that the majority
of the country is engaged in a popular
revolution for freedom, for democracy,
for dignity," says Rafif Jouejati who
apposes Democracy and Justice for Humans
being murdered by Hitlery's Satanic al-
Qeada. Says too Rafif Jouejati but
not anyone speaking for Hitlery "We have
mountains of evidence indicating that his
armed forces [WITH BUSHITE GRUNTERS] have
been engaged in systematic torture, rampant
detentions, massacres across the country."
But can't disclose a sliver about Bushites
raping Afghanistan women and children while
pushing heroin escaping Bush and Cheney as
'lawful'? What about the children and women
murdered in Houla, of which Nazi Zionist TV
America with NATO blamed Assad personally
for WITHOUT evidence of anything made but
naked lies - to, for real, ESCAPE the
grunting 'whoreyeh' perps who will to
murder any innocent man women or child
for more American tax money sacrifices
being openly ungodly as Satanic? Look at
bombing only civilians 10,000 times, plus
28,000 sorties to kill school kids in Libya
for Satanic enemy al-Qeada stealing Libya's
oil today, or JPMorgan in Iraq stealing all
our credit as ungodly demon fucks.

�Several drunk troops behind bloodbath,
laughed on shooting-spree, burned corpses�

/ / Noorbinak, 8, told Hakim that the
[Bushite Nazi grunter] shooter first
shot her father�s dog. Then, Noorbinak
said in the video, he [the Bushite
Nazi grunting enemy of God] shot her
father in the foot and dragged her
mother by the hair. When her father
started screaming, he [the ENEMY of
ALL HUMANITY, the Bushite Nazi
grunting FOXSNEWS "Hero" gang
rapist] shot her father, \ \

Death to the Bushite enemy of America,
death to the enemies of US all. DBD.

American Gang Rape victims say Bushite
grunting military labels them 'crazy'
in the Light of who's paying America?

Chart: GOP Votes

/ / ..the optics of deliberate redundancy. \ \

Did you know, these Congress males take more
than $170,000 each, to sit around stealing
everything like this while openly taking
cash bribes? Again, the Obamney plan has
been pushed by Republicans since 1996.

Where's the Evidence to Form a Conclusion?

/ / The United States said on Monday it would work
with NATO ally Turkey to hold Syria accountable
for what U.S. officials believe was a deliberate
act of shooting down a Turkish fighter jet. \ \

Who is this US person who said what? These enemies
of Johnny's America, claim they need no evidence
to form our conclusions with the Rightards about
bombing a nation indiscriminately with radio-active
toxic waste. It's a "fighter" jet flying in Syrian's
airspace as Russia does prove. Assad is calling for
democracy, while al-Qeada leadership in Syria,
have stated freely, they boycott all democratic
elections - because of course, who is in their
right mind going to vote for the Pentagon's
al-Qeada to please the Satanic LIAR enemies
of everyone who have stolen trilllions from
coward America? Only a Bushite Nazi grunting
enemy of God and Man, who whores as demonic
for the escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11.

Israelis killed 23 protestors in the Syrian Golan

/ / According to SANA, the protesters were
targeted by snipers and �phosphorus bombs�. \ \
These are SATANIC war crimes funded by Americans
who remain silent against the demon Antichrist,
who simply closed all police investigations
immediately after 9/11 - this according to serving
FBI officers with Cheney also confirming, that
he nor the Admin never made a case that
bin Laden played a part in the terror
strike of mass murdering Americans - as too,
I stated in Canadian Criminal Court, as
Cheney is recorded here speaking
as such in,

King Johnny - Out of the Dark

/ / Federal authorities are probing why the
U.S. in 2010 let go an Arizona man accused
of supplying grenades to a Mexican drug cartel, \ \

That were proven by Mexican authorities to
be responsible for the murder of a Mexican
State Prosecutor involved in the "Jaguar"
matter, along with countless police
officers as innocent souls, despite
what magic tv sells. Obama has told,
it is not the business of AMERICA to
demand accountability on this first
degree mass murder issue of Bushite
enemy heroin dealing out of Mexico.

Ron Paul Has Gone Batshit Crazy

I think the important thing here is that
Ron Paul directly intends to deprive the
public power to defend ourselves. Especially
from wiser men and women that defeat his
idiocracy in literally seconds. Explaining
why Pope dope Alex Jones forbids US true
talk of Justice on election rigging, 9/11,
Iraq, BP, and so on.. AJ'd Rather have
innocent Americans suckered for death,
than look as truly evil as he is censoring.

Some lose $250,000 owing as little as $400

Why would anyone need to explain further why
these banksters need to serve prison time?

Gordon Brown Sold Britain�s Gold at Artificially
Low Prices to Bail Out a Large American Bank

No, to CRIMINALLY short change the
nation for his billionaire backers.

President Obama secretly ordered attacks on
the computer systems that run Iran�s enrichment

This should warrant death as high treason
because, Iran was not found in violation by
anyone anywhere. Being, Israel is not of NPT,
but Iran is! with Canada - Canada who in
part LEGALLY built their nuclear power.
What? Obama thinks he can mass murder
innocent souls in Japan to get away
from whom?

AMERICANS! no need to worry - Congress won't
murder US, just the terrorists who don't
deserve Justice..

'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Monday, March 21st, 2011

/ / ENGEL: ..I would say one in five of the
rebels told me today that they are fighting
because they think Gadhafi is Jewish. \ \

/ / Although Gadhafi talks about al-Qeada,
and says the rebels are al-Qeada.. THERE IS
AN AL-QEADA presence in this country..
Saudi Arabia and other governments [who are
funding the al-Qeada terrorists] in this
region would like to see this conflict end
MUCH MORE QUICKLY \ \ Saudi Arabia and the
Pentagon with Obama and Hitlery admitted to
giving our billions in free weaponry to attack
our civilian populations to steal our banking
and oil for the 'lawless' Godless TV LIAR
Zionist Neocon ENEMY of Life, as clearly
Satanic al-Qeada terrorism in foolish
disguises. NATO and the Pentagon with Obama
and France STOLE more than 33 billion dollars
out of Libya, and then, took 1.6 billion in
AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS, and gave it freely to
TOP Al-Qeada leadership in Libya for terror,
who of, is openly torturing the innocent,
killing our brother niggers, stealing the oil,
and taking slave wives.. NATO's forces broke
everyone out of prison, and according to the
UN, have replaced the convicted offenders with
thousands of INNOCENT teachers and students
they will continue to torture as Bushite enemy
until we send the True Patriots in to take out
all al-Qeada as ONE BY ONE to the Law, once
and for all, starting with Cofer Black, after
Bush and Cheney for obstruction on 9/11 naturally.
The exit strategy is: Outlawing lawlessness.
King Johnny for President.

Rise Up to Defend Innocent Life American,
or don't and see where it'll get you in
the end..

King Johnny - Justice Will Be Served

Truth of Consequence

Sanatorium "Pick any other Republican in
the country! He is the worst Republican,
in the country, to put up against Barack

NYT "You said, Mitt Romney was the worst
Republican in the country. IS THAT TRUE?"

Sanatorium "Stop lying.."

Obama's near dumb as evil health care plan
is directly from the Republican play book
championed in 1993. And a plan that Romney
spoke the greatness for nationally, and that
Obama condemned as clearly stupid. Stating
something as Obama did, 'it's like making a
law that the homeless must be forced to
purchase a home.'. And no., it's just that
your being taxed to pay Zillionaire
insurance BANKSTERS for doing nothing but
issuing Your checks, while stealing away an
easy thirty percent from the bottom to
rather see US dead. Thirty percent of
300,000,000 is 90 million paying to die as
suckers. Does it seem to make for good
money after a bad to anyone watching TV
smiling today, to have some private bankster
collect our waged taxes as then giving away
our public interest for their ill gain to
further sacrifice our standards of health by
minimally THIRTY PERCENT? From what would
be otherwise, (as in a true Trust), spent to
desperately pay for what needs to be done in
our dying forsaken names as the made into
less thans here? Ungodly TV America's
Congress is able to Trust for themselves
and their immediate families without a hitch
through the FEHBP, and too, for all those
who volunteer to commit the very worst of
war crimes to escape the 9/11 perps. Side
by side with KBR's lawless gang rapists and
lawless Blackwater al-Qeada CIA torturers,
lawless indiscriminate bombers of
radio-active toxic waste, and lawless heroin
pushing America killers. A good example is
the lawless grunt dressed up in a Cop's
Uniform, who use a U.S. military grade
"neural-toxin" pepper spray on NYC women and
children to sell blinded without Leadership,
'They are too, honorable men of the good old
red white and blue'? I don't think so, at
least while blindly sold in the official
name of the thieving Pentagon enemy escaping
with stolen trillions. All these Demonrat
Republican bribe takers do this to sacrifice
any as all American teen soldiers without
questioning. While importantly, again,
these unlawful enemies to all as America's
Congress, demand no such foolishness be done
in for themselves privately as commie pinko
war criminals. We are born to rule too.


/ / Israel remains concerned by Hamas� ongoing
efforts to use the [TRUCE] Tahdiya to increase
their strength, and at some point, military action
will have to be put back on the table. \ \

Of which they did by murdering more than
239 Police Officers, and countless Christian
women and children they TARGETED with the
U.N. for naked UNGOLY SATANIC mass murder
with American white phosphorus as WAR
CRIMINALS - War criminals the Bushite
nazi grunting enemy will die as a coward
for, before championing Justice on 9/11
either - where Bush and Cheney closed
investigations immediately to steal
everything it means to be American,
born and bred. When a Bushite dies,
everyone wins.

Banksters never covered the trillions
they say we still owe them, while America
goes further down the crapper

/ / Page 205 � Separate and apart from these �broad-based
emergency program� loans were another $10,057,000,000,000
in �currency swaps.� In the �currency swaps,� the Fed
handed dollars to foreign central banks, no strings
attached, to fund bailouts in other countries. The Fed�s
only �collateral� was a corresponding amount of foreign
currency, which never left the Fed�s books (even to be
deposited to earn interest), plus a promise to repay.
... These currency swaps and the �broad-based emergency
program� loans, together, totaled over $26 trillion. \ \

These are trillioniare thieves who believe,
corporate America will never grant a living
soul to explain that the credit was America's,
not private individuals highjacking our authority
for CRIMINAL sacrifice. Remember, this is more
American money than all Americans owe through
each paycheck they pay near half their dying
wages to the IRS or go to jail for failing.

King Johnny rules.

TV Americans are fucking evil. Their contempt for
Justice is naked, as their hatred of US speaking
freely with the facts. They refuse to forward this
demand for Justice on 9/11, not because they can
disagree, but because they can't as bushite nazi
zionist enemies of a God that loves all. They
needlessly bombed Lybia more than 10,000 times,
against only civilian targets to whore further
for Satan in their continuing silence as contempt
for the value of their falling worthless lives.
Die bushite die. What about the important enough
to die teen grunts for, WMD's? Don't care where
they went now? that more than 50,000+ Soldiers
are NEEDLESSLY dead?, and many more still to go
for your continuing contempt of Freedom and God?
While leaving Iraq and America ROBBED of countless
more treasures to 'lawless' torturing demonic evil
thieves and KBR gang rapists? TV steal Your tongue?

Example: We do know, Mr. George Walker
Bush with Cheney is treasonously criminal
to America here as Obstructors to Justice
without quarrel. For, even if bin Laden
'did 9/11', he couldn't have surely also
planted explosives into building 7 - he
would have had to have an accomplice not
sought, for Bush and Cheney stopped Police
investigating to make the formal arrests
immediately after the crime occurred.

/ / Members of the radical Syrian opposition
have boycotted a meeting in Cairo, \ \

They boycott all democratic elections,
(who's going to vote for al-Qeada to rob
our banks for the Pentagon and JPMorgan?)
and now this... no talking for Justice!!!

The Pentagon with John McCain et al Arm Four
Year Olds to Murder Innocent Folks for Satan

Children dragged into grown-up war in Syria

/ / Public executions of alleged
adulterers were common when the
Taliban regime was in power. \ \

No, the Taliban were formed specifically
to defend women's rights. IT IS the
partners of the Bushite grunter, namely
the CIA's northern alliance heroin pushers,
who are present in the video likely before
'Students' aka "the Taliban" - considering
nothing has been identified, but by the
words of those pro war crime NATO liars,
who routinely gun down innocent women
and children admittingly for the lawless
demonic escape of those who mass murder
innocent Americans too. Bushite nazi
grunters who push heroin have made it
"legal" to assault women today in
Afghanistan, and to murder dogs, where
as, under the Taliban, all Bushite
grunters would be put rightly into their
graves for America's continuing godless
evil naked CRIMINAL offenses against
Dogs and Man.

Sound American?

US Media Hide an American Atrocity

/ / and slaughtered, one by one, nine boys
apparently as young as seven years old \ \

Sound Human? To remain silent over these
innocent victims, but to then lie about
lawlessly dying America for al-Qeada in
stolen Lybia, in Syria to steal democracy,
as godless evil pro-tyranny Repuglicon
Demonrat Nazi Zionist THIEVES.

Justice for God

Remember, the Peoples simply asked for evidence
to form a conclusion. And the American TV
Zionist, as ungodly criminal in the silented
majority, refuse to defend the innocent rights of
all others by not demanding freedom rule for our
benefits as Humanity. Defended for the innocent
crime victims of terror. Instead they preach as
devils for division to side quietly while war
criminals torture, rape, thieve, and mass murder
escaping Antichrist Bush and Cheney for
Obstruction on 911. For the banksters walking
with trillions. trillions man, trillions. Have
poisonous vaccines, and made so, Mexican Gulf oil
death products instead how about. Naaahhh.
Forward this concern to anyone
as your own, please. Thanks.


Alex Jones and Ron Paul today
'we have to audit the fed.'

Rand Paul endorses Mitt Romney
as ""precisely the person I would
want to turn around a failing
business like our govt"

Romney stated as President, he wouldn't
advise getting involved to help anyone,
as instead, embezzle the country to crumble
to dust through blind de-regulation of
freed criminal forces. 'Free Market' the
Rightard degenerates call it.


/ / water is for Jews only. \ \

Nazi Israelis are not Jews ethnically
or religiously, but Satanic ENEMIES of
all Creation - God rightly calls them
Satanic godless WAR CRIMINALS as they
are nakedly, clear as day to any real
man or woman breathing. SATANIC
as the good book teaches..

Lord Jesus Christ �I know thy works, and
tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)
and I know the blasphemy of them which say
they are Jews, and are not, but are the
synagogue of Satan.� (Rev. 2:9-10)

Justice is freedom...

/ / Seven men found at a party where Colombian police arrested
neo-paramilitary drug lord "Fritanga" identified themselves as
American citizens. "I am a United States police officer." \ \

As highly likely, a Bushite nazi grunter too back
from raping women and children in Afghanistan, to
escape the 9/11 perps for pushing it's heroin onto
American teens for further Sacrifice to the demon
ANTICHRIST. Die bushite die bushite die bushite die.

International group urges sanctions on Russians

"International" war criminals who deserve public trial
for rightful death sentences. America's al-Qeada have
boycotted our democratic elections, and Russia
is defending US, from the bushite's indiscriminate
lawless attack against INNOCENT CIVILIANS in South

Bloody bandits and Western lies:
What�s really going on in Syria

/ / Assad opponents refuse to participate, saying the
elections are designed to reinforce the regime's grip on
power. \ \ They refuse to participate in Democracy, and
refuse to state Assad as guilty of anything truly.

Don't you too, hate the bushite grunters as any
real freedom loving man or woman would? Understand,
they don't even murmur a disproval for ungodly
demonic tyranny, ruled as WAR CRIMINAL by demon
witch LIAR Hitlery Clinton with John McCain,
escaping those responsible for mass murdering

Notes on the 'Patriot' Ted Nugent

/ / Ted Nugent admitted to being a serial pedophile

Look it up. He literally shit his pants for
a month to gain a 4F and not have to serve. \ \

What's worse, is that he's into conning American
teens to die sacrificing for the final escape of
those directly responsible for mass murdering
Americans - of a land where evil godless cowards
are patriots to the paying to stay blinded masses.

Georgia Gets New U.S.-Approved Defense Chief

"American" soldiers warring for Obama and
McCain with the very worst war criminals of
modern history - they went in and specifically
ADDMITTINGLY targeted the innocent civilian
population of South Ossetia, murdering so many
innocent souls, they couldn't for a while find
the land space to bury the dead women, men,
and infants. Death to the Bushite, death to
the enemies of God and America.

The Demonic Speak Out -
Israeli Nazi criminals state "outrage"
to suggest giving up their Life of crime

/ / Israeli officials today reiterated their
�outrage� at the United Nations Human Rights
Council for deciding to probe illegal
settlement activity \ \ Admitting they
are ungodly enemy CRIMINALS funded by
America's burdened tax payers of all


Brian Cox: Bank bailout costlier than UK science 'since Jesus'

With King Johnny, we shall hunt them
with the law, to return our embezzled
monies - ending taxes - and just all
around making improvements to achieve
greater futures.

War Criminal NATO off the coast of Syria

/ / The task of the Standing NATO Maritime
Group 2 is �to give a clear message to terrorists
in the region that NATO is on duty,� \ \

This from the demons who bombed Lybia
more than 10,000 times against ONLY
civilian targets. The very worst of
war criminals ever, who target openly
with al-Qeada the innocent to rob our
credit for Satanic Zionist Banksters.

King Johnny - All Is Possible

/ / But at just two years old, my iPad is now
pretty much obsolete. And that's a deliberate
strategy by Apple, which wants me � and
you � to buy another iPad. \ \

Slave labor will do that to you.

P.S. Apple is an 'American' company,
operating near completely as secretly
China's. Like too, 'American' soldiers
warring for lawless barbarity with torture
as the enslavment of Man to make for the
final escape, of Mr. George Walker Bush
and Cheney for closing Police investigations
on who was also, personally responsible for
mass murdering Americans for stolen profits.

Example; how did the magic tv's bin
Laden get explosives into building 7?
he must have had not an accomplice
though? See, Bush and Cheney tv state
to will to know as ourselves being the
Public, is to be with 'them', a terrorist
that doesn't deserve justice - instead
of as a freedom loving true blooded
Patriot American concerned about

Do You Believe?

Did I tell you, that torturer Bush,
the false accusing 9/11 War criminal,
recently gave an expensive speech on
"Human Rights"? - for, who really
cares here for the facts then now
even to say today I mean?


AJ "Get in the face of the real controllers
of this planet, not their shields of front
Presidents and Prime Ministers who can come
and go, we're going after the real elite."
so shield Presidents and Prime Ministers
as un-touchable to reality while blindly
blaming the bartender at Builderburg for

Globalist NWOer Alex Jones, the Rightard,
wants us to blindly bigotly blame anyone
but for sure guilty parties. Like BP, the
private banksters, and Dick Cheney's kbr
gang rapists of American Women escaping
here wearing my American Uniform,

Republicans for Rape

Of who,
claim they are to be held un-accountable
still by the cowardly American Rightard
Commie male and those 30 Republican pro
gang rapist enemies of GOD and Mankind
in Ron Paul's bullshit party bulwarked
by the 'who me?' rich Demonrats.. Do you
care American for Freedom from Tyranny?
You should, really no truly, you should.

The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free

/ / Ron Paul wrote, �Opinion polls consistently
show that only about 5 percent of blacks
have sensible political opinions.� \ \

Obama "Nothing will be gained
by laying blame for the past."

Good or Evil? the way, did you know that
banksters do not cover our loans?

Why is this happening?

Banksters are walking away with defrauded
TRILLIONS. And the Rightard will to have
life die this way, denying free talk on the
facts surrounding their ungodly evilness.
Making the escape for the Antichrist
enemy of God, Mr. George Walker Bush who
Closed 911 police investigations as naked
traitor like themselves, enemies of the
Republic who refuse to allow a just cause
speak as America's will for Freedom.

Matt Taibbi - Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail!

Ron Paul sucks.

/ / Why would FEMA, an organization
supposedly tasked with helping in a
time of crisis, deliberately cut
police communication lines? \ \

Ron Paul: FEMA - Why We Don't Need It

Ron Paul is a demon con escaping those
who did US wrong with stealing trillions
and mass murdering Americans.


Bushites Warring side by side with
Osama bin Laden's Army now in Lybia

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

We refuse to sacrifice further for
the evil 'no opinion' TV bullshitters
all to make the final escape of
Bush and Cheney on 9/11. War criminals
suck. Truth is our way. as we are
freely being to make that stand
in the greatness of all there is.
And right now, there isn't much..
We have alot of work to do here People,
so, let's get started on the charge of
Obstruction by Bush and Cheney on
9/11, and NATO commanders as clearly
traitors to continue bombing anyone
else but guilty parties - namely,

Libyan detainees die after torture by Obama and
Hitlery's al-Qeada, says Amnesty International

And the TV couldn't care less if their
own 'innocent' lives with America's
criminal Congress hung in the balance
for being blatant naked accesories to
war crimes earning rightful death
sentences as LYING sacks of shit,
trying to make the big break for
Bush and Cheney here on 9/11, by
calling the cowardly evil grunts
heroic for whoring as Satanic.

AMERICAN TV - argues it's good to
get killed Jews by breaking truces with
prison labor slave camp - "for real"

the Lord of Creation


The ESM Coup D�Etat in Europe

This was what I was speaking about on
the radio program today, as an actual for
sure deal that leads without doubt, to
imminent collapse. Why? Because the tax
Payers here are being taken 'willingly'
only in blind faith that somehow this
doesn't reward criminality. The therefore
'public insured' private deposits held by
marketeers, who will, (as trillioniare
Banksters in the lost chaos of the tv
duped masses,) balance their frauds with
more truly WORTHLESS derivatives over the
REAL deposits they will pay themselves with
as "earned" commissions. Until the well of
pensions or municipal holdings runs dry
due to the poorer and poorer masses having
no more trillions in tax monies to 'freely'
give away anymore as made penniless crime
victims., as a natural result of allowing
the effects of pirate bankster crimes
going unpunished, but instead blindly
worshiped by our 'leaders' WHO OPENLY
TELL US SO of their complete utter
ignorance on this subject of OUR
'freely given' sacrifice. Example
of examples: Bear Sterns went
belly up with 77 TRILLION DOLLARS
in completely worthless derivatives.

Peoples of Earth: Respect yourself and Vote
Johnny to get this whole place cleaned up
in a jiffy.

Failure to Communicate

Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's
start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either
we pay them without question, or come Monday
morning, they would run the country into the
ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a
trillion dollars in capital, throughout the
entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most
however, is that banksters do not actually cover
our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they
illegally took all our trillions of dollars for
'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy
man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.

DHS allow Satanic Israelis to
cut in line and avoid the TSA

'Why treat Satanic Israeli differently?'
'they have a special relationship that
supersede the rights of American victims'


Vaccinated children have up to 500%
more disease than unvaccinated children

And American tv only encourges for
more American brain damage for the
final escape of the traitor proven
criminals guilty of mass murdering
Americans on 9/11, stealing
trillions, pushing heroin,
torturing, and so on..


Russia to America "We firmly oppose the use of
[OBAMA INC.] violence in the course of current
transformations in Arab States, especially
against civilians."

Who would willingly 'vote' for al-Qeada
to have our nations robbed of Justice?
Only in America, where George Walker
Bush closed 9/11 police investgations
immediately after the crime occured.
Done in by Bushite grunters who bomb
civilians exclusively with radio
active toxic waste as the godless
enemy of everyone everywhere here.
They push heroin onto America,
for torture as the enslavement
of Mankind. The time is now.

I Won The Big One Chums

I'm not going to take it anymore
as unworthy a fair consideration.
My America does not intent to going
further as silented victims to
lawless KBR plunderings. Justice
is a Plus. what would anyone think?
What would they think if we had
company over with this place left
in such a shambles? Forward concern
to anyone as your own here please
Mr. and Miss. you'll do it later.
We want our stolen money back from
the traitors`who claim in Congress,
America is not being undone by
trillionaire thieves, with the
Obama Admininistration's
criminals. Near 60,000
FACTORIES have left America
for 'free market' cash profit,
while TV republicans tell 99.9%
of America to further take the
bath, to Watch them blame the
poor, elderly, and disabled.

Johnny Nationwide

Johnny has gone nationwide!!!
"CNN... CBC.... MSNBC... "

Department of Homeland Security Plans
to Release Bacteria in Subway Systems

Vote Johnny to try for treason these
Bushite enemies of Life as we know it.
A "dead" bacteria is dust demon fuks.
Remember, the Science of following
probable cause is a concept they
refuse to support in our stolen
names as falling further crime
victims to their terrorisms.



Our Priorities Are: 9/11, the lawless wars, and
the Banksters. Justice will be sought. We have
to start somewhere, and here is as good as any..

Satanic Israeli Teach Their Children To Blindly
Hate The Innocent of Humanity in God as Demonic

/ / The fact that the Education Ministry promotes
openly racist stereotyping and discourse, particularly
in a civics class, is indicative.. \ \ as too a
subtle criminal threat of violence against any
innocent Jew who believes in Justice as Liberated.

Justice is Key to Securing a Better
Future for All as Freedom Standing

This Is The Bomb

/ / An Israeli cabinet minister Tuesday
called on placing Iran under an air and sea
blockade if it does not stop its presumed
drive for nuclear arms. \ \ REALIZE: is
Iran planning to plant a bomb under every
Republican's ass? Could be. Could be planning
with an inter-galatic "alien" force to
have all Republicans fall down rightly
dead to defend their next targeted
innocent victims.. Could be. BUT, Obama
and the enemy of the Jew Zionists, have no
right to deny our nations food and water for
their demon tales, denied medicine and fair
elections, or to have Jewish communities
bombed with radio-active toxic waste, all
because Obama took an Oath to Satan, to
directly assist in the escape of Bush and
Cheney for closing outstanding criminal
investigations here on 9/11, designed
since the dawn of man, to arrest guilty
parties for mass murdering Americans.
It's called following probable cause.

[Jew Hater] Holder: Assassinating
Americans �Legal and Constitutional�

It's called murder. And it is against the
Law of Moses. But the Satanic don't believe
little Johnny demands the right to be treated
Justly, as an inteligent Universe would will.
Real men exist fighting for freedom from
godless tyranny here bushite nazi scums.

Speaking Truth as Power

While these trillioniare banksters are making
their escape with American pensions, Pope Alex
Jones tells his cult yesterday, that anyone who
criticizes anything Rand Paul the true enemy of
everyone says, is always automatically
discredited. A blind CULT of stolen faiths,
contempting against the Constitution as all we
hold dear. This is no exaggeration. Just saying
your a "Constitutionalist" means shithead if the
TeaBag don't call criminals what they are as why
to defend ourselves rightly from further plunder.
Don't stand as a TeaBag from JonesTown, stand
as a man or woman thang bringing it home.

'more than 1,000 Israelis took to the streets
in the city's south to criminally riot for the
deportation of the Biblical Semitic black Jews'

No Seriously,

Popular TV Republicans have taken an Oath
not to stop tax loopholes. Loopholes we
are told hurt as un-intentional. Unless
you were a Demonrat Republican cheat we
can now freely assess. These loophole
cons, are of the most obscenely wealthy,
paid instead for by every last American
suckered then. True, a Congressionally
de-lawing loophole is not only a gaff, or
an embarrassment, but sometimes criminally
willful to cheat the tax payers a fair
shake with no-money-down trillioniare
bankster lawyers who do not, I repeat do
not pay for our sacrifices. Nor do they
for the earkmarks of billions lost. Do you
realize now, how terribly unqualified all
Rightard (absolutionist pro bigot ideologues)
are as lefties too?, who for the life of
themselves, can not hear, see, or speak for
us truly, you or me being whoever naturally?
Just who the hell are we trying to convince
ourselves here that we should already
have had our very own, Justice for All
multi-media comedy pilot airing now!!!
Where everyone here is invited to
play your wares fair, or beware for
mankind is awakening to all that is our
right here to defend. 9/11 victims. God
is Divine, but shit really happens, so
John the Man was called in. But I'm just
a bit player in all this is as yours to
be far greater for a better future. How
ever, I know things. Example: The IMF admit
their austerity plans, do nothing but
exacerbate the growing worse then problem.
The Problem is: they refuse US to acknowledge
that we've been criminally had, by these same
shysters!, As that the credit is Ours, not
privately theirs hocuspocusy. So, they of
course do not want to truly help anyone here
communicate for Liberty.. Naturally, they
can't compete here in a free market of ideas
where reason is King. God wills fairness for
all parties, so as then, suffers less, and
celebrates more., is really super cool
being nothing thereaway as separate from
who you are here. We are more than
we know. If you seek, you shall find
answers.. God is truly greater than we
give ourselves credit for, or we even.
Justice is Victory in Freedom for Everyone.
Be True Blue American, and it will show
for place as the big win when words are
freely sewn for bettering a still being
injured unjustly world. Johnny is incredible.,
and as a natural consequence, you are
incredible now too. So then so, what's
holding us back, for you can count US in,
for who is what Life again as divided on
justice winning over false imprisonment as
a serious war crime against anyone? Who
supports tyranny without our concerns
present? That we pay for. Who? I have
already turned on the light ages ago.
See? That's what I'm talking about..

Obama to Congress : Don�t Saddle 4th Amendment on Me

/ / Probable-cause warrants would
only get in the government�s way. \ \

Blatant naked treason for tyranny against a
free Peoples everywhere. Not following
probable cause escapes the for real bad
guys, for our freedoms would be therefor not
defending, but wasting away on fictious
assumtions. Cops will be not working for
the Public's interest, like the FBI has been
wasting since 9/11 not doing the job
discription of nabbing General Ahamd who
funded 9/11. This is not the science of

Forward this concern to anyone
as your own, please. Thanks.

Translated: Justice is a must
always willed in the Johnny
2012 Presidential Ticket.
Winners we must be.

The Justice Department's Eric Holder Declares
Eric Holder Will Not Obey The Law - nanananana

LAND OF BIZZARRO � The Justice Department declared Friday
that Attorney General Eric Holder�s decision to withhold
information about a bungled gun-tracking operation from
Congress does not constitute a crime and he won�t be
prosecuted for contempt of Congress.

The House voted Thursday afternoon to find Holder in
criminal and civil contempt for refusing to turn over
the documents. (all about giving 'untraceable' granades
to kill do gooders not TV mentioned too don't forget..)

It's not up to Eric Holder to decide whether
Eric Holder is a criminal conspirator guilty
of obstructing Justice on the murder of Police
officers, all so the Nazi Bushite grunter can
push it's heroin further into the 'willing'
veins of American teens through the thieving
Pentagon's ties with Mexican cartels. It is
the Congress's job for the People to make that
determination for the Department of Justice,
of which US have already. Just who does Eric
think he is standing against every single
last one of US on this issue eh? American
males, stop being pussies, and stand up
proud to be a free speaker of Freedom
for this day - Johnny 2012

'No Public Option! No Public Option!'

They don't fight for our rights to
be measured fairly in defense - is
what it is, to deny the evidence of
war crimes to speak as ourselves falling
further plundered. by these smiling TV
sadists of corporate whoredum, who
sellout all, as just too uncaring to
what The People have a Right to claim
as our true own fight. Good thing we're
already there then as here too in the
future with some great concepts of
Civilized Life. Johnny 2012.

We need to be going back to
following the 'probable cause' of
something, to figure out, nearer
for sure, just what the hell has
happened here. Bigots, such as the
American Rightard, don't like
this fair plan, because they form
their faulted character judgment
falsely as others, blindly hanging
on as talentless rejects. A
Rightard's major trap, is it
will aline itself, to public
badgering of a labeled group of
people, it sees as incapable to
escape it's bigot class confinement.
I'm not Left, I'm not Right, I'm
John. A guy who tries to make a
decision he firstly understands
something about. Minimally..
instead of, 'regulations are
impeding', 'governing is bad' or
the TV classic 'No Public Option!'

Inside 9/11 - Who controlled the planes?

Honeywell remote controllers have
been confirmed, and one pilot was
reported to have regained control
before Cheney shot it down.

Alex Jones, "Liberals don't like Bush."for
mass murdering Humanity as never elected
demon enemy of God he means? Alex Jones

Bush "There's no need to discuss
evidence of innocence or guilt."

What kind of inhuman monster could commit such a
willful crime against innocent others for money?

American TV Celebs are Smiling War Criminals

/ / The Law criminalizes "any glorification of
Muammar Qaddafi, his ideas, his regime and his sons" \ \
free education? health care? not breaking laws?
sharing oil sales? love for People? what?

Rightards are Evil

/ / Jan Mickelson told Rep. Tom Latham
(R-IA) last week. "Do you guys, do you have
any power to pull the nuns on the bus over
and pistol whip them?"

"They say he [Paul Ryan (R-WI)] is evil, they
say he is a fake Catholic [as demonic enemy
truly hiding from none]," he added. "They're
the ones that threw the first punch." \ \

So this Satanic enemy of God and Life,
asks if Republicans can assault all innocent
Peoples as demonic, and then escape a rightful
death sentence from all independent men who
wield power? all because, some rare Nuns
believe one should be just in their treatment
of others, as the Law does stand to defend
all fairly - and as God would will too
included. Rightards are Evil,
and lose.


Professor patents way to stop textbook sharing by students

It's not about higher education in American schools.

/ / According to the US Centers for Disease Control,
nearly 1.2 million Americans are living with the
disease and approximately one-out-of-five are
unaware they are living with HIV. \ \

CDC's new estimates of half a million dead prove too comedic to ignore

Arrests for the wickedest of ungodly
treasons against science is warranted.


Pictures Ground Zero on 09/11/01 Taken by an Iron Worker

/ / There is ONLY one crystal clear and indisputable
event on 9-11 that says it all. Building 7 collapsed
into its own footprint in free-fall from the center
without being hit by an airplane and having only 2
small fires on two floors. Even if you ignore the
15 (one for each 3rd floor approximately which is
standard controlled demolition practice) low velocity
explosions on the sound track there is NO WAY building
7 was not a controlled demolition. If building 7 was
a controlled demolition the the whole 9-11 event was
an inside job. Period, end of discussion. It doesn�t
matter what your politics are or what else you believe,
physics is physics, period. \ \

'Ron Paul Would Have Prevented Greek Debt
Crisis That Goldman Sachs Helped Create'

/ / ..they want to cut back aggressively on
financial regulations, slash taxes on corporations
and wealthy individuals, and have the freedom to
invest unlimited sums into elections. Or as I
call it: the Ron Paul Plan. \ \ The Rightard
NWO Globalist Alex Jones refuses the truth
to be spoken about the Ron Paul treasons
all over everywhere. No Justice for them,
is no justice for you.

Harper will defend Israel 'whatever the cost'

"those who threaten the existence of the
Jewish people are in the longer term a
threat to all of us." This from Harper,
who holds no words against our Canada
funding the Pentagon's al-Qeada in Libya,
hell bent to murder innocent peoples
simply because they are thought Jewish,
or black. It would seem our cost of
innocent Jewish lives lost to those
who break truces as war criminal, are
the true 'hidden' Satanic enemy of the
good Jew world wide. Read a Bible demon.

/ / Jeffrey Kaye updates the investigation
into misuse of malaria drug at Gitmo. \ \
no science, but for that of genocidal murder.

Death to the Bushite Enemy

The enemy Bushite grunter wars the innocent of Humanity
as war criminal with torture and indiscriminate bombing
campaigns for Satan to make for the final escape of
those responsible for mass murder on 9/11. Every Bushite
death is a glory to God in Christ. They take an Oath they
hold in total contempt. When we hear of these grunters
dying rightly for their naked treasons as being pro
lawlessness of gang rapists and heroin pushers, I
begin to believe, that Christ is truly not alone in
our Universe. Die Bushite die Bushite die Bushite
die. Kill a Bushite for Christ, do it for America.

Justice is Freedom

Justice is truly freedom, and denying
justice from the terrorists as a public option
strategy is the con of a war criminal escaping
our authority. And that Americans buy that for
a dollar should shame our entire species.

We are dealing with some serious liars here,
who'll lie to America to get killed teen soldier
minds for more stolen blood money.

Alex Jones sells his better than
everybody Rightard bigotry, instead of
being a sound critic in lost reason as
measured factual. As such, AJ can not
find ourselves qualified truly fairly
for freedom as the individual being
respected here.

Don't be a TeaBag from JonesTown, be
a man or woman thang, bringing it Home.


'Romney Led Bain's Investments in Outsourcing
Firms, Despite What Fact-Checkers Say'

He is clearly a Satanic enemy of
all Humanity with his pro-war crime
treasons he sells as a good thing
for America to die for..

Romney Calls for More Military Deaths

"..not only in treasure, but in
blood," Romney promised the dying
crowd of grunters chanting 'whoreyeh'
'whoreyeh' as godless cowards for
evil who will to rape America

This Newspaper is So Full of It

�About 9-10 percent of our oil production goes to our partners for
their share. The rest is exported for the benefit of the NOC and the
Libyan people.�

So, appoximately 150 million is earned
per day, in a nation of a mere, several
million victims not receiving a penny yet
in payment from demonic terrorist AL-QEADA,
who instead, admittingly, is paying Nazi
Zionist war crime NATO officials STILL
though?, yes, paying NATO for bombing the
nation as war criminals irrationally,
indiscriminately more than 10,000 times as
SATANIC, who already, admittingly, stole
33 billion from Libya, while billing the
dying as evil American tax paying suckers
too! almost a billion in total for flying
28,000 sorties ONLY against defenseless
innocent folks at hospitals, schools,
food storage facilities, water treatment
plants, electricity plants, telephone exchange
buildings, airports, and so on... Why so
incredibly evil beyond anything else in all
recorded history? Because there were NO
MILITARY TARGETS - as was too Gadaffy's
boast, that he hadn't done a thing since
the year 1976 as a Libertarian on steroids -
the number the UN used on their US resolution
that Gadaffy WAS NOT found anywhere to be
in violation of - with anyone. FACT. DIE
is TV celeb America so godlessly demonic
in their evil silence as a true hatred for
Christ in God? Their hatred for Reality?
Their hatred for we? Example: What's the
crime of the Taliban (aka students) to
ask for evidence to form a conclusion?

We Don't Know Where 2.3 TRILLION Dollars Went!

These be ENEMIES of America's Defense, who
ROB America of trillions, clearly. Look, if
you were legitimately protecting America as
innocent victim, you would want to know
where every trillions is going.. Instead,
they war America as pro-torture grunters to
not have the sacrificing People ACTUALLY KNOW
what happens to near around 80%, EIGHTY
PERCENT!. 80% that the TAXED American pays
the Pentagon to Claim; they as most in
Congress have no interest in knowing about
9/11 either. So, so must with 'Socialist'
Obama, attack the elderly and poor. It's too
tricky apparently to the PAYING TV American,
but everyone else needs to get calculating
quick on this. We need Public FBI Warrants
for arrest to stop further lawless plundering
by those who steal our lives through NATO.
Done all above board with the lights on.

/ / Clinton reiterated that the US was committed
to pursuing �every possible avenue we can to see
if we can get them to correct their desire and
goal of acquiring a nuclear weapon, but we cannot
let them acquire that weapon. We are the only
country in the world that can stop that.� \ \

The free world can not stand by tv silently
as this demon witch to lie in our names for
war crimes so nakedly. She needs to be
arrested for these most TREASONOUS lies
of herself as the Satanic enemy to all
peoples left as the innocent forsaken
everywhere. Again, Bush and Cheney stopped
9/11 police investigations immediately
after the crime of mass murder occurred.

UN polio vaccine for children campaign kicks off

78 percent of children with polio were given polio vaccines

/ / Tackling polio has entered "emergency mode"
according to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
after "explosive" outbreaks in countries previously
free of the disease. \ \

As Commander and Chief, I would send every available
officer and soldier Worldwide to take in "the Global
Polio Eradication Initiative" for attempting genocide,
with death by firing squads once an easy fair verdict
with science is arrived at for public sentencing.
Again, there is no REAL science to support these
DEMONIC CRIMES against God and Humanity - fight
back for Christ Sakes God damn you, fight back!

King Johnny for President

Why Do Americans Hate God?

CNN reported with video, several children
wounded in Syria, that they blamed on the
government, with out anything whatsoever
offered to form such a conclusion.. while
OPENLY refusing to defend the countless
children gunned down by NATO's appache
helecopters freely admitted by the demonic
bushite grunters of the for real ANTICHRIST
of Revelation. Why is America so ungodly
evil to not forward a real demand for
liberation here and now from their naked
war crime TV treasons to God and Mankind?
Forward this post or be held in contempt
by a true living timeless Universe.

Die bushite die.

Bush team 'agreed plan to attack the
Taliban the day before September 11'

Condi Confesses to Plan
- Dated August 4th 2001

"if it refused to hand over Osama bin Laden"

For what? No evidence for anything was
Condi's "TOP SECRET" war crime plan to
escape the Neocons responsible for mass
murder on 911. Understand, THEY HAD NO
INVASION 'ESCAPING' the guilty Neocon.
(*The Taliban offered Laden to Clinton who
refused due to no evidence of conclusion)
They, the Taliban, were funded to the tune
of tens of millions by the Bushmob only
weeks prior to the 911 attack of mass
murder going down with Blackwater's pre-set
explosives in Bulding Seven. Pre-planned by
Cofer Black and Company who are responsible
too, for advancing more war crime drone
strikes, as bombing runs against innocent
citizens, or kidnapping innocent folks for
torture to places like lawless Gitmo. While
the Banksters make further get aways with
STOLEN trillions and trillions and trillions,
paying off Obama and Romney to go after the
made weaker and poorer to sacrifice America
further in 'free trade' competition with the
very worst of military dictatorships. Do
you know what a trillionaire Hedge Fund
Breaker that takes "no risks" is in other
words not expressed present on TV in this
devaluation of our higher costs for products
and services, or lower pensions and pay
grades for example? The Hedge Fund Breaker
has no special skills at par above all
others, just the 'given' right to get away
ripping us all off further our credit in
broad daylight. We will instead fairness
for all parties.

Loose Change Final Cut (FULL VERSION)

What's the crime of Johnny Taliban to
ask for evidence to form a conclusion?

Child RAPE Condoned by Rumsfeld

These bushite enemies will gang rape your
American wife as KBR, and claim that FOX
rightly always sells they are heroic for
doing everything ungodly criminal without
question. They, the heroin pushing bushite
grunting enemy of God in Afghanistan, who
have made it "legal" to abuse females, are
the lawless enemy to every single last one
of us everywhere still denied Justice here,
until now.

PROOF: Republicans are Evil bigots,
who whore for money to leave everyone
further undefended from lootings.

"Without using the evidence to form our
conclusions, on someone or 'something'
being guilty of clandestinely stealing
rights of others victimized, the bad
guys will for sure, still escape as
they plan." - King Johnny

Russia Slams U.S.'s Saudi Arabia, and
U.S.'s Qatar as Openly Funding Terrorists
for the final escape of NATO as war criminals

Washington funded Houla-style massacres: Analyst

Again, tv America expresses no concern to
discover who commits these typical American
war crimes (such as the Haditha child killers
called Heroic), but only to tell, all tv
Americans refuse to demand evidence to form
a conclusion being truly demonic whores for evil.
They are ungodly as evil minnions of the for
real demon antichrist who war US all to escape
the enemy Bushite grunters who planted explosives
into building 7.


More Rightards TRULY supported enemy of Justice
Commie Pinko Ron Paul in 2008, than all the
other Rightards combined.


Ceasefires, Israeli-Style

They admit TODAY, as yesterday, and last week, month,
year, decades, that they target completely innocent
people for murder to punish Humanity for believing
in God as Just, or real freedom understood as practiced.
Libertarians couldn't give a shit on a issue such as this,
that they keep everyone ignorant of through hypnosis. Israeli
openly admit to thieving innocent peoples homes, to them
be sent at gun point, to live in a concentration prison
death camp.

THE HOULA MASSACRE: Opposition Terrorists
"Killed Families Loyal to the Government"
Detailed Investigation

/ / The UN and every reputable media outlet say
the survivors blame the Syrian government or
groups aligned to them \ \ what survivor(s)?

GEE REBELS ARE EVIL ,Colby likes them .......????

No evidence to support the indiscriminate mass murder
of completely innocent souls. Only, 'the magic tv says
so', from the clearly ungodly evil as Satanic.

Irish government urged to add lithium
salts to water supply in suicide battle

Why not instead have them force fed
heroin?, or ordered from child birth
to smoke crack to feel real good for
about three minutes, then to have them
crawl the floors frantically all day
long, looking for more to be gathered
enough to stand straight up confidently?
Oh yeah I see, not as bad as lithium,
which will in the balance, chemically
induce unfounded depressions LEADING
to suicides that did not warrant
the un-natural process of consequence
in irregular dosings. It's like treating
anti-psychotic people with people that
are clinically insane as our world
leaders or Doctors.

King Johnny is running for the
Leader of everyone over there too
as Ireland's new thingamabob.

Forward this post to everyone you
know to be Irish please to save
some innocent lives
- what do you say?

The Rightards want US to blame big government,
(yeah like, it's all God's fault..) as not any
criminals found easily to be so by knowing.

America Has Gone Nazi

According to Satanic Israel�s "Unlawful Combatants Law,"
any innocent Jewish soul not suspected of doing any wrong,
can be held in a slave labour prison camp for an unlimited
amount of time without public charge as public trial, left
instead to be tortured, or randsomed by the 'lawless'
Satanic Zionist Nazi grunting enemies of all

Vote for the Muslim Jewish
Christian dude from folklore,

King Johnny


/ / San Francisco officials put out a foreclosure audit that showed
that 84% of all foreclosures have fraudulent documentation or are
illegal. \ \

Justice Is a Must Have

Be an honorable Cop, and as such,
you will be serving to defend US.

..when asked by ABC's Jake Tapper about rumors
that he once believed the 9/11 attacks were
an inside job. Ron Paul Responded "Now, wait,
wait, wait, wait," he told Tapper on "This Week."
"Don't go any further on that. That's
complete nonsense."

A TRUE DEMON. Why? Who is he and Alex Jones
conning there besides teen soldiers for further
needless deaths? Bush closed 9/11 police
investigations, then claimed we don't need
evidence ever to form a conclusion on guilt
or innocence - as then therefor, if we held
any opinion counter, we were to be the terrorists
denied Justice. The ANTICHRIST that nazi evil
Americans hide from our censored Humanity to
continue their godless tyranny further for the
truly Satanic against our Humanity treated
unfairly. Don't be a coward, it unbecoming
a man in the twenty first century.

..the only legitimate candidate
running, King Johnny for President

Get Ready....

Did you know: Wisconsin's Walker is a for
sure criminal?, caught already trying to
steal all the State's assets top secretly
for his buddies? . Vote Johnny.

"Welcome to a Paradise found
through Civilized Life my friends. First
things first: we must follow 'probable cause'
to ascertain truly a formal Public
allegation of wrong doing - a skill we've
temporarily lost through bad leadership
skills, and a corrupt TV politic.."

We are good to know these things of being
successfully beyond the Dark Ages once
before. Lawless anarchy ruled irrationally
by capital false TV accusers does US no
good politically. As so to know, I factually
would make a great President, for already
am, the great King Johnny at your allegiance.
True freedom for any as all is found in
treating as equals, all innocent with just
as much a right to speak for Justice
denied here as anyone else, under the
found as unbound awesomeness of it all
freely given for fair consideration.

Vote Johnny


The enemy Bushite grunter, does not use evidence to
form it's reason to indiscriminately slaughter our
Humanity, all to escape as pro dope pushing gang
rapist traitors, Bush and Cheney with Obama and
Hitlery as for sure war criminals warring our
worlds FOR Al-Qeada, OPENLY - who according to
Engel on Maddow, will to kill all thought to be
secretly "Jewish" - You, as Human, fight back
by supporting our meteoric rise of truth to lay
claim our rights to be defended as civilized
here, held as an equal to all in this place
called a home to me for peace known well.
King Johnny for President, so we
can get back our 16 trill then fix
banking, hunt the 9/11 perps starting
with Cofer Black down to an early
public sentencing for his terrorist
crimes of suckering more teen soldiers
for death as ungodly pure evil.
Torture warrants death rightly, and
no excuse can be given upon a successful
prosecution - the Bushite grunters at
Gitmo torture innocent folks to confess
to offenses that the grunter wars to
TRULY ESCAPE. Anyone in Texas, who even
slightly supports torture 'sometimes',
should be rightly formally tried big time
in Public for execution by Texas law,
as a first degree murderer of innocent
folks randomly kidnapped. Better it, the
bushite grunting enemy dies, than anyone
else of US others that includes everyone
innocent. Long story shortened: torture
warrants death, as well, as should be
leastly considered, false capital
accusers - as Reagan and Hammurabi
would have it.

Syria Says Houla Massacre Victims
Wouldn�t Cooperate With Rebels

The Bushite grunters who war Innocent Humanity with bombs
to rape and torture for the escape of those who planted bombs
in building 7, while pushing their heroin deserve to die by
fair pubilc war crime trial for the naked traitors they are,
as escaping those truly guilty of mass murdering Americans.
The magic tv tells the 'perpetrators for 9/11 will be
given a fair trial' without any evidence linking the torture
victims to the crime of no questions., ignoring that more
than 20 prosecuters have resigned before playing into
the highly illegal godless demon tv celeb con, where the
FBI has officially been forbidden to follow the ample crime
scene leads at the mass murder scenes - as pre-aranged by
Condi. We all know, the bushite nazi zionist war criminals
for the trillionare bankster thieves are clear traitors to
God and America, and in all we hold proud as true freedom.

Everyone here ever hear of drawing a conclusion?

/ / Netanyahu said. "And you have to understand who is
supporting this brutality, this butchery � it is Iran and
Hezbollah. \ \ This is Netanyahu supporting the escape
of those who mass murdered children at point blank range.
Again, this Satanic enemy of God, Mr. Netanyahu has ZERO
evidence to form his therefor, FALSE accusation - while
with CNN selling they care for these innocent vitims
so much, they are willing to indiscriminately bomb
our nations with al-Qeada to rob our banks and kill
Jews too for SATANIC ENEMY profit.

Report: Intelligence Unit Told
Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden

How did OUR government lie US,
The People to Lawless War?

Forward this concern to anyone
as your own, please. Thanks.

A New World Order

Ask NWO GLobalist AJ, 'what is the Crime of
the Taliban to ask for evidence to form any
conclusion'? Him and the Pakistan General made
no argument there, nor neither on Bush's
complicity as prime false accuser - who then
stopped police investigations from occurring as
following probable cause to nab the actual bad
guys. How is that possible that AJ remains quiet
here in a free to speak world of liberty truly
seeking? HOW!?! Rightards are plain evil for
who knows what all to not do so, pretending we
can't hear them being deviant. The word
�Extortion� for example, ask yourself, honestly,
why can not a Rightard say that 'trillions dollar
stolen by threat of harm' Justice word� why?
Because it�s true? Now they have no excuses to
be lame attacking the lame for furthering
misfortune to escape the �no money down� Zionist
ungodly Banksters. And believe it Conservative
Rightard bigots, this truth is a good thing for
all without argument.

NATO dismisses Gaddafi�s truce offer

They have no right. No wanting for
peace, but to mass murder,
torture and

Patriotic Obama?

/ / the United States has demanded the UN
Security Council (UNSC) to remove the
provisions of charging mercenaries
[AL-QEADA] with war crimes in the
killing of Libyan civilians. \ \
accessory to mass murder.

Let US, as Humanity, demand a rightful
death sentence for these war crimes.
Kaddafi, when he rose his green book,
read that those who murder Libyans
as anyone, will be formally executed.
100% of Libyans are with US on this.

Libya Ranked #1 on the Human
Development Index Above America

1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped

West Point Terror Center Confirms
Obama's "US" is Al Qaeda in Libya


Spooky evil shit Ron Paul the whore for
evil is as as a godless sell out for
tyranny everytime. He okayed the bombing
of Afghanstian to escape Bush and Cheney,
that as of too, refused to acknowledge the
treasons they were both guilty of regarding
Iraq also.. trillions extorted, Americans
gang raped by his fellow Republicans he
holds in high esteem, torture, as so on..
"Constitutionalist"? your ass.

Happy Daze

Bush team 'agreed plan for WAR the day before Sept. 11'

Agent Successfully Penetrates al-Qaeda

/ / An agent successfully penetrated al-Qaeda.
[..] and was planning �large scale operations in
New York in the summer or fall of 2001.� He
provided this information to the US in August
2001. [Agence France Presse, 11/22/01,
International Herald Tribune, 5/21/02, London
Times, 6/12/02] \ \ (Tenant warned Bush in July -
60 Minutes - where when Bush promptly goes on
vacation - to warn who? - all the while. Condi
conniving her genius plot for overthrow.)

Condi said there was no plan, then Armitage said
there was, then she said, golly gee, there was
indeed a "top secret" plan after all, written
from her very own pen. Designed not to catch
the bad guys by finding those responsible by
documented fact, but, so they can blindly make
off as war crime thieves who immediately closed
criminal investigations regarding the tv matter.
Bush "There�s no need to discuss evidence of
innocence or guilt." Did you know, some
times people or the Antichrist commit
criminal acts to cheat ourselves
a better life?

And Mr. Powell openly gives the suspects 47
million dollars on behalf of Johnny Taliban.
Who the Nazi enemy grunts tortured for being
so, pro-America., as funded directly by the
Bush Administration weeks before. I mean,
come on..

Free Johnny!


Ron Paul "I do not believe it is our place
to dictate how Israel runs her affairs."
Breaking truces to get murdered Jews for
money is a terrorist's crime under American
Law though... Right, Ron Paul is a Rightard.
That's a Rightard for You being Anyone
as just another innocent victim led
blindly to your doom.

Money has been privatised by stealth

Hey! ...this is GREAT! ..and it's
in the popularly influential
Guardian. Excellent. Bravo
on all that jazz. Just remember,
we are 'paying them back' for
money they never privately
lent us. And some, have literally
trillions and trillions of our
dollars that they will, be not
truly understood about.

WTC 7 Explosion That the Magic TV Refuses to Show - Why?

/ / NIST is now cornered: trapped within their web
of lies. Now that the video of the firemen reporting
explosions has been released from NIST archives,
they have NO EXCUSE for failing to investigate

This is high treason. \ \ You got that right buddy.

/ / Honeywell describes an already existing
"secret" disabling FMC code that can allow a
GPS-guided aircraft autopilot system to take
away control of an aircraft from a pilot during
emergencies. Honeywell state-of-the-art Flight
Management Systems (FMS) were used by the four
aircraft reportedly hijacked on Sept 11, 2001. \ \

We must demand Justice.

No, criminals did 9/11. Of which many
might 'hide' behind the banner of being
Satanically Ungodly 'Israeli', but never
the less, it is all nations having been
found responsible for failing to nab the
escaping true perps so far! for lack
of true leadership on the Justice is
Freedom for All platform. Without using
the evidence to form our conclusions,
on someone or 'something' being guilty
of clandestinely stealing rights of
others victimized, the bad guys will for
sure, still escape as they plan. Bush
and Cheney are guilty of Obstruction, and
how does anyone ignore "embarrassed"
General Ahmad or Condi, Rumsfeld, Tenant,
BUSH and CHENEY!?! Isn't "Jewish" maybe?
(Hamas IS funded by Nazi Israeli for example))
Still, very excellent coverage usable
in the creation of the Public Warrants and
everything, once King Johnny becomes America's
Stand In from Nowhere, Holy Jesus Man God
Exists not present President. You guys will
do almost all the work, and I'll relax as
if on vacation for most of the time...
ahhhaaa. That's if we win...
losing? well that wouldn't be much
better than what many are dying here
as innocent victims for continuing
in lawlessness. As President, we will
get rid of taxed regressions, such
as taxes on quality booze and cleaner
cigs, and boost the economy by leaps
and bounds, by arresting the banksters
guilty of extorting trillions. Then,
give back the homes to those who were
illegally foreclosed on in the last ten
years or so, and fix the Lotteries. Or,
you can go back to less and less of the
same rigged game for losers to cheat
you more out of your house and
country once believed home
to freedom not yet

Johnny 2012 or Bust

P.S. Bankers Do Not Cover Our Loans.

Nazi Support of Zionism

This surely is key. 'American Patriot'
radio has one or two 'hosts' that will to
blindly blame any as all Jews as more
responsible for all the world's ills, before
themselves not sighting examples of
understanding where our rights have been
truly violated. Such as on the subject of
all as any private bank credit, 911's war of
error, or as grunts pushing heroin on
everyone. Instead as when, with themselves
as strickly blind "Jew" haters, siding
naturally in ignorant bigotry being blindly
pro Nazi Israeli!, to break truces in our
hijacked names by indiscriminately
slaughtering US as civilian populations,
while targeting cops trying to do something
right. Thus is why Hamas (as the KKK would
be too) is funded by Nazi Israeli to blame
"the Jews" for everything, instead of those
directly responsible for threatening
innocent Jewish lives by breaking truces -
like Livini. [239 Cops in only one act the
Zionist Nazi ENEMY there publicly titled:
"Cast Lead" - as in casting leads to the for
real, indiscriminate MASS MURDER scenes of
Christians, Muslims, Atheists, and some Jews
too as Satanic WAR CRIMINALS.] Or as
officially acknowledged for Satan by
Biblical scripture as near main stream world
wide news today; the godless EVIL Nazi
Israeli, Actually, For Real, STEALS innocent
Peoples homes routinely at gun point -
kidnaps thousands and thousands of innocent
Jews too denied a fair day in this Court -
starves, maims and tortures innocent Jews
especially to attract charitable aid they
use else-wheres. As criminally such,
they'll openly bomb Jewish communities as
the first strike targets in needless wars
they start with demonic lies, as they did
documented in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan
and everywhere else besides as planning.
All this, paid 'willingly' for by the dying
unfair as whoever American taxed payers..

Can you possibly care for anyone truly,
to forward this concern for others
as your own left forsaken too?

Don't except anything else
but a free to be we society.

CA CAFR $600 billion surplus,
TV criminals demand �austerity�

Bastards who have US leaving ourselves
incapable of causing a tv fuss at their
wilful criminal $600 billion contempt
for the Peoples made to pay here...
United as serving ourselves fair is
freedom under every banner - despite
all their magic tv's giggles and high-jinx
claim to be us instead of demanding arrests
for obstruction on 9/11, conning America's
soldiers for needless deaths, stealing trillions,
attempting genocide.. For example: Someone
escaping set explosives into Bulding Seven,
while banksters have stolen trillions,
and I, for one, am not going to allow
this change Civilization's plan for
demanding Justice here and now.

I Am America,

Vote Johnny


America Has Gone Nazi?

/ / Terrorists that Engel and Maddow
reported of, are paid by American tax
payers to murder innocent peoples because
they are thought Jewish. \ \

Don't Be Dumb

The American dishonorable Rightards are
selling to not be publicly aware that
Republicans and Obama's State Department
are alleging without a single shred of
evidence from tv anywhere, that Assad
and Iran did this latest attack in Syria.
It should be understood why the State
Department spokesperson needs to be
immedately publicly arrested, publicly
tried and sentenced with Tv for treason,
as the for sure war criminals they are,
escaping those truly guilty of
slaughtering innocent women and
children to steal Syria's bank for pirate
JP Morgan. Understand, Assad states their
are no facts presented to these therefore
BLIND godless enemy to all tv allegations,
and the State Department provides nothing
to state as certainty, but the FACT that
NATO and the Pentagon are openly funding
al-Qeada in the region to commit war crime
acts against US as The People randomly
targeted. Terrorists that Engel and Maddow
reported of, are paid by American tax
payers to murder innocent peoples because
they are thought Jewish. This TV silent
Nazi American propaganda for bankster evil,
is a naked ugly attempt at stealing further
from the dying American soul by not
offering any actual reason justified,
for why the American regime COULD believe
in such blindness of godless tyranny
as the false accusing 'American' way
American teen soldiers die sacrificed as
the bad guys for. Rightard bigot Alex
Jones calls for no public option of
demanding accountabilty, because he
too falsely alleges, all that the
guilty are, is puppets taking orders
from the aways secretly hidden...
but hmmm.. wouldn't that then make
even more sense for public capture
of the individual traitors? As why,
The People, should support arrests
of FOR SURE war criminals like Bush
hidden from no one, as halting the
individual perpetrator in the name
of Law that finds all equal in true
Freedom. Alex Jones sucks. America's
Nazi Israeli FREELY admit to breaking
truces then mass murdering exclusively
innocent women and children with white
phosphorus, while American grunters
bomb our nations with radio-active
toxic waste to torture the innocent
for gang raping American women,
pushing heroin, stealing humanitarian
aid, all to escape Bush and Cheney.

/ / nine Afghan boys [under 12] were
gunned down by two attack helicopters \ \

Where are the Americans as Silent on all
this Commie Pinko Republicanism? We know
the Nazi grunters of NATO freely admit to
have gunned down countless helpless innocent
children without appology, while pushing
heroin stealing billions each month from
dying America. Guilty war crime traitor
Anderson Cooper now reports 'our' wills to
indiscriminately slaughter the civilian
population of Syria as al-Qeada with radio
active toxic waste for similar crimes while
giggling as enemy McCainiac. Anything to
escape Antichrist George Walker Bush and
Cheney for closing outstanding 9/11 police
investigations immediately after the crimes
of high treason occured. This will not do
if we want freedom from tyranny for our
worlds. Vote King Johnny for President.

FOXSNEWS Liz Trotta Believes Women in
the Military Should Expect to be Raped

No doubt, when your talking ungodly
demonic enemies of America, warring
Innocent Humanity with torture for
the final escape of traitors Bush
and Cheney on 9/11, and Peter
Power for 7/7 - we are not talking
honorable men here. Enemies of God,
enemies of America, are truly, the
bushite nazi dumfuk grunting pro-
Republicans. What male of Earth could
proudly vote Republican but the very
worst of godless enemy cheats and
thieves, rapists and or torturers?

You'd better wake up sooner than later my
silent American friends, sooner than later.

Bush claims "we" needed not evidence to form
an innocent or guilty verdict. ! regarding
who it was then to set the explosives in
building 7., and my friend of this living
universe must think that that is the dumbest
evilest disturbingly true shit even to be
pronounced by a being anywhere. Ask around..
It's just the most evil thing a TV celebrity
president of pro war crimes fare could utter.
Escaping the bad guys left unchallenged.
Obstructor of Justice George Walker Bush is
a blinding stealer of good will as clearly
ungodly from any realm of believability. We
must secure our freedoms by demanding Justice
denied by Bush and Cheney here. Freedom is a
Just world where our rights are the same to
defend from ungodly criminals who will we
know not of such simplicity as our Natural
Will of Justice for all as anywho to truly
believe in such things. It works out on so
many levels. God is Greater.

Banker Exec. 'with these prices, these
pissing on poor Americans can easily
afford it - Romney 2012!'

Mitt Romney Kicks Out Journalist
Over FED, Goldman Sachs Questions

The silence tells all.

King Johnny for President

God's Will is Just

Shocking - Up to 30 innocent civilian
children CAN be killed by the Bushite
Nazi grunter to kill a "terrorist"
school teacher or student of law.mp4

Taliban is the Arabic word for Student

For America, God and the LORD, you joyously
kill the bushite grunt war crime enemy
who mass murders innocent Humanity to
escape Bush and Cheney for Obstruction
here on 9/11 with al-Qeada in Libya.

Did you know that after it had been
confimed too by CNN on the ground in
Kabal, that the Taliban leadership
had been long gone out of town, the
Bushite nazi grunters THEN dropped a
38,000 lb. radio-active toxic waste
bomb mass murdering only the elderly,
and children in the many many thousands
dying at the brink of stavation? Why
starving? Bush stole their emergency
food aid charity months prior, and the
Red Cross did not demand death against
the ANTICHRIST for the offense against
everyone here. See "America's" billionaire
FEMA 'helpers', or "cops" from the worst
of the KKK and L.A. street gangs using
a U.S. military grade "neural-toxin"
pepper spray against NYC children
criminally assaulted 'lawlessly'
for more.

Afghan chief of terror is on US payroll[.htm]l

/ / violence involving burglary, rape
and murder of civilians, desecration of
mosques and mutilation of corpses. \ \


Caught in Libya: America's Freedom
Fighters are torturers for al-Qeada

Where's CNN America's "humanitarian
rescue mission" that Obama and Hitlery
claim with CNN to be so proud of with
al-Qeada still there raping and
pillaging? Freedom fighters?
For who?

A Real Man Speaks to America

By closing Police investigations, how do
we ever expect to nab the actual bad guys
someone ask Ron Paul, or those like him
that would rather leave You out as anyone.

To 'Support the Troops' is not to have
them sacrificed COWARDLY to escape those
who done did do America wrong on 9/11
and so on...


Ron Paul never tells that bombing innocent
millions NEEDLESSLY is ungodly mass murder.

Example: what is the
crime of Builderburg? Alex Jones
makes no mention of? Why would he
encourage his cult to go blindly
against our good Police, instead
of empowering ourselves with the
cold hard facts here of serious
wrong doing by individuals such as
Obama on Libya? No evidence was
offered too by Bush or Cheney, or
by Condi and Rumsefeld linking
Laden to anything, and Cheney now
admits tv/radio America never made
any formal argument to indicate
Laden played any part in the mass
murder of forsaken Americans
whatsoever. Just Condi's "top
secret" military plan planned
to escape the guilty parties for
an offense that hadn't yet happened.
Example: who set the explosives
in Blackwater secured 'Building 7'?

War criminal torturer Cofer Black?

Every American TV Channel suggests
Gadaffy was a brutal dictator, as
the justification for why they
refuse still a care for the
indiscriminate mass murder victims,
or for those who had free heath
care, education, and public banking.
1976 was the last year that Gadaffy
made a formal decision on where
Libya was leading, and as such,
there was no federal government
buildings for NATO to bomb with
radio-active toxic waste that will
kill Life for thousands of years.
So as is why, they as war criminals
who DESERVE TO DIE blew up everything
needed by the civilians to survive,
but for the oil they are instead
stealing. Now, Nazi TV America has
promised to give the UN-ELECTED Jew
killing nigger hating al-Qeada forces
a very small cut of all Libya's
stolen money, to further terrorize
innocent women and children, to
torture, as enslave all so the
1% Neocon Satanists can "win" stealing
everyone's lives further for more
Antichrist evil. Remember, Bush
closed 9/11 police investigations,
and Rightard America is a place
of ungodly cowards for the devil,
who sell anything they can as an
excuse to remain numb on the subject
of Justice denied for You, or
anyone else. Instead they pirate
our air waves refusing all calls
to deny open free communications.
Everyday, innocent Peoples of Earth
are tortured in Afghanistan and Iraq
for the pleasures of the Satanic
amerikcan. When the treasonous Bushite
Nazi grunter who holds God and America
like his Oath in contempt rightly
dies, we are all better served for
the loss. King Johnny for President.

Military to Avoid Embarrassing
Pictures by Banning Photography

"The infiltrators are a cancer in our
body," Likud MP CANCER Miri Regev told the
crowd, as fellow MP Danny Danon shouted:
"The infiltrators must be expelled from
Israel! Expulsion now!" TRULY SATANIC.
While being of God is to love all
Peoples freed from the chains of
godless tyranny. Nazi Israeli
steal Peoples homes routinely.
They are not Jews but racist
bigot enemy to all thieves.

'Legislation Will Give Unknown
Amount of Military Aid to Israel'

This is without question, one of
the biggest acts of high treason in
the History of our Humanity. Remember
these Satanists steal money over the
war crime sacrifice of ourselves as
innocent Jews too. Do YOU care? Forward
this post to one and all then. America
needs sound critics against further
foolish lawlessness by pirates of
our tv air-waves, and this is the
thing to do just that for victory.


Victoria Grant To Explain How Canadian
Banking Is A Fraud (VIDEO)[.htm]l?ref=canada

Hey, this is something awesome..

Maybe I ain't all so completely
alone in the Universe after all..



/ / Who is Jose Rodriguez? He is the [war]
criminal who ran the CIA [aka-blackwater]
torture program. \ \ Outstanding!


Noam Chomsky:
without question, Israel commits
"Violations of Elementary Human Rights"

They openly steal, rape, kidnap
and torture innocent Jews too
while breaking truces to war
crime further. OPENLY SATANIC.

Panetta, Barak to Announce More
US Military give aways to Israel
(for a war crime nation that
despises being good as godly)

Top Department of Justice
Connected To Bankster Thieves

/ / Covington lists 22 from
the Justice Department \ \

This explains why America has not
received Justice yet on this issue
of trillions plundered on mortgage
securities fraud by those financing
near entirely these rigged for TV
elections, with only whores of evil
participating to rob US all further
as the innocent forsaken. All for
the escape of those who attacked
America on 9/11. Like You or me
have no rights here to speak of
fairly as real leadership on
universal liberation.


The Lightbulb Conspiracy (Full Length)

And to think today, in the modern
TV world, the Rightard garners our
stolen respect of brighter folks.
Remember, Republicans with the
Demonrats are insuring American
lightbulb factories, like everything
else are being shut down, and replaced
with a product that actually contains
mercury vapour to kill you with.
While I have a much better idea.
Argon with sulfur.

Pentagon blows up thousands of homes for Fun
(all the while STEALING billions from America)

/ / The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet
engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that
can destroy a house more than a mile away \ \

The Anatomy of a Still-Open Hot Case

/ / Again, we
are not talking about experienced detectives
and savvy and independent prosecutors. No;
just a handful of masterful and deceitful
politicians and their puppet administrative
staff. \ \

Obama told Bradley Manning's
prison torture is 'appropriate'

Obama has gone too far
wth me on this. Johnny
for President.

completely human

It's all about respecting the
rights of all for freedom as
the individual, to be all we
are as completely human. Here
here, a cheer to one and all.

FOX edits, fakes applause for
John Bolton pro-war statement

FOX News: "US has moral authority to
annihilate Iran because they're evil"

Realize: most near every last Cop
would rather the traitor war crime
grunt be put rightly into it's grave,
if all things need being said were done.

Fox edits out the audience booing
and replaces with it applause for war crimes!!

Remember, FOXSNEWS with the Supreme Court
have sided to actively work to kill Americans
by tricking them with lies for death.


Lies for death.

Pentagon Says it can MURDER AMERICANS and
not face an rightful death sentence at
the hands of every true American Defender

No evidence, person innocent. DIE BUSHITE DIE.

The Afghanistan War was Planned
Months Before the 9/11 Attacks[.htm]l

/ / President Bush was expected to sign detailed plans for a worldwide
war against al-Qaida two days before Sept. 11 but did not have the
chance before the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, U.S.
and foreign sources told NBC News. ... \ \

This is a lie. The 'plan' from Condi's
desk was provided to MSNBC, detailing
how the bushmob would secure invasion
by escaping the true perps. When MSNBC
contacted the Bushmob, their REPORTED
response, was that the "top secret" plan
signed by Condi (couldn't be denied) was
completely implimented. Years later,
MSNBC's web site changed the story to
claim, that. 'oops., the plan to
escape those responsible for a
terrorist crime that hadn't yet
happened was not completely
carried out'. True story.

"60 Minutes" telling the truth.

Magic TV's inhuman criminal will of
non-opinionated Republican Demonrat's
continuing injustices, robs US all of
our Humanity.


I've explained in great detail how
Cofer Black commits these treasonous
murders TODAY for more and more money
paid out by Rumsfeld and Company at
the enemy Pentagon. See Conni Chung's
expose regarding Cofer and two others
being paid three billion dollars just
before 9/11 to 'investigate al-Qaida',
when all others, ALL OTHERS!!! through
W199i, were forbidden 'by law' to do
so in the name of the for real demon
ANTICHRIST with slave driver Clinton.
(Then note the clear phony bin Laden
with bushier eyebrows, and dyed
black beard, being watched live on
tv by bin Laden likely held kidnapped,
as grey haired through-out. Remember,
bin Laden was prepared to hand himself
over when the Bushite grunters started
bombing the starving innocent masses of
Afghanistan after escaping the Taliban.)
Kill a Bushite for God and America.

�the United States is at war with Islam
we ought to just recognize that� is
presented at a course for mid-rank
officers at the Joint Forces Staff
College in Norfolk, Virginia. DBD.
(Muhamed wills himself to not count...
(wow eh?)) God's Will is Just.

Ron Paul Openly Calls GOP Election Fraud

/ / The whole sorry criminal saga goes on
and on and at last Ron Paul calls it
for what it is \ \ BUT HE DOESN'T!!!

Alex Jones dared to suggest AGAIN it was
his "UN" that gave Obama and Hitlerly the
cover to indiscriminately slaughter
civilians in Lybia for al-Qeada, when
Gadaffy was not found in violation of
1976. As neither was Saddam with 1441.

Dennis Kucinich - "AL Qaeda flying
it's Flag over Libyan Courthouse"

A Real Man Speaks to America

By closing Police investigations, how do
we ever expect to nab the actual bad guys
someone ask Ron Paul, or those like him
that would rather leave You out as anyone.

A Bushite grunt does not serve any country.
A traitor to the flag, a traitor to You.
They bomb populated cities to mass murder
indiscriminately. Look at what they did
for al-Qeada in Libya. Die bushite die.

President Obama signed an executive order
Monday that will create a formal system
of indefinite detention..

War crime kidnapping, and torture
warrants death under standing American law.
They are already torturing American soldiers
for money.. not enough still for the
American to raise it's lifeless dying

Under Holder�s due process, U.S.
citizens subject to whim of �couple
of guys sitting around the CIA�

"The CIA" is Blackwater, and Blackwater
works cock in ass with KBR and Aegis
South African death squad goons who
randomly gun down innocent peoples while
desecrating Elvis for entertainment.
Kill a Bushite for Christ, kill it
for America. Johnny 2012.

Magna Charta
"No free man shall be seized or imprisoned"

Don't except anything else
but a free to be we society

/ / The Quran mentions Jesus twenty-five
times, more often, by name, than Muhammad. \ \

'Nato sets fire to the Koran, then brags about it'

NATO's Bushite Nazi grunters in Afghanistan
tell of proudly burning the words of Christ,
in hopes more Peoples of Humanity will recognize
the grunter's Satanic hatred for God's Will
of Freedom for Any is Justice for All on
this Day.

Mossad/CIA murdered U.S. troops in Iraq

American nazi grunters actually broke
the cop killers out of prison, where
now they live as terrorists in Britain
apparently. Nazi grunting heroin pushers
who will to murder more our good police
officers for defending freedom with
stolen gains from the enemy Pentagon.
Do you care to demand war crime trials
to see these lawless Bushite enemies
of God rightly put under in America's
better name? Johnny for President.


/ / NATO warplanes bombed a group of small
children between the ages of 6-12, killing
six of them and wounding one other. \ \

A Good Word for Nazis

Nazis were no where near as evil
when the dope pushing Bushite grunters
arrest all military aged males (10-55)
to be taken away to be tortured to
death as American "freedom". Bombing
indiscriminately with radio-active
toxic waste that will kill precious
Life for thousands of years, and still,
the Rightard censor for furthering
tyranny commands OUR national media
discussion firing against the weak,
elderly, and poor. All to escape 9/11's
Bush and Cheney with al-Qeada, and the
banksters who never cover our loans.
Bush and Cheney need to be rightly
brought into cause-study awaiting
their war crimes trial for 9/11. Bushite
deserve rightly to die under the Laws
for murder in Texas, and war crimes
law excepted by every last civilized
Peoples. They torture, they rape, and
they push dope for the 9/11 perps final
escape, as true traitors to Johnny
and Life. God's Will is Just.

Cheney admits he gave the order to shoot down Flight 93,

Who would say what about "freedom" when
the Pentagon has openly 'lost' [stolen]
TRILLIONS according to auditors murdered
on 9/11 at the Pentagon where Cheney
refused to allow the plane be shot down.
Unlike, flight 93 which he takes credit
for. Honeywell confirms the flight
had radio remote control, and there
was an FAA report somewhere that talked
of the pilot regaining control..
Cheney and Bush are GUILTY of
Obstruction on 9/11, leastly.

/ / Under the UN Charter it is the ultimate war crime for a nation to
initiate an aggressive war against another country that has not
attacked it or that does not pose an �imminent threat� of attack. \ \

Anyone as everyone, realize:
Alex Jones wills to not defend
US from these lying war mongers
on Iran too.

Panetta: US attack on Iran
would be more effective

More effective at putting Panetta
to a rightful death as war criminal
during the public trial. Again, they
have NO EVIDENCE to back their
highest of war crime frauds.

US military admits to guarding,
assisting lucrative opium trade

When along the trail does it become
illegal warranting immediate death as
naked treason? With the Bushite? the
DEA? Mexican Heroin kingpins? Or addict
teens trying to ease their growing pains?
Bushites are not defenders of Liberty in
America here on 9/11 either. I am running
for President of these United States

US admits Israel is arming and
training terrorist groups in Iran

These are Satanic war criminals needing
immediate death sentences imposed on
them from our militaries. All militaries
of every nation, must target for death,
these CRIMINALS who commit to terrorist
acts for mass murdering innocent folks
with false accusations in our public
arena of influences. Evil is real,
but it is also extremely stupid.

US Senate introduces bill backing
military response against Iran


Again, the Rightards are attempting
to steal America's soul. These Congress
peoples HAVE TO BE arrested under the
new democratically elected, King Johnny
Presidency for high treason. Why? THERE
ACCUSATIONS to commit first degree mass
murder - to sacrifice American teens
needlessly for ungodly SATANIC war
crime gains. DBD.

Hillary Clinton 'We came, we saw, he died�

Peoples of Earth, look at what the
bigot evil American has brought US.
They still are mass murdering our
innocent friends and families for
Satan to steal from God, refusing
all Human beings on their TV and
national radios to demand Hitlery
and Obama be formally executed for
these continuing war crimes with
NATO, for Gadaffy WAS NOT in
violation with the U.N.'s 1976..
They could have done anything to
ask, and sided as evil with al-Qeada
to war crime, being proudly Zionist
enemy LIARS of a just merciful God.
Alex Jones tells their soldiers all,
"they just want to do the right
thing", while they rape Americans
and torture Americans, push dope onto
Americans, and grunt while bombing
our cities indiscriminately, to
finally escape Antichrist Bush and
Cheney on 9/11. Happy George Noory
threatens the lives of all American
teens to not refuse a criminal order,
else he claims, he'll go ballistic
against every last one of them who
believes they could one day become
men. He, like Zionist Alex Jones
falsely believes they can control
Your dying world, by simply refusing
the honest truth be spoken, such as
on Iraq, banking, BP, now Iran, and
so on. Let US all change their evil
ways by getting some accountablilty on
these matters of OURS. Americans die
for their cowardice, die for their
hatred of me speaking freely with the
facts they deny our Humanity. Such as
banksters not covering our loans we
blindly are forced against our wills
to pay them 'back' for sacrilegiously.
I demand I Be Heard Here. And not only
in the best of movies and music either.

Standing Ground

Look, nobody in America tales that this stand
your ground law, dissolves the criminal act
of murder. It, in it's best terms, is
redundant. It still requires the action of
defense to be measured just.


'The Synagogue of Satan are an
occult power elite which, having
sacrilegiously rejected the
Messiah of Israel to steal in
God's good name' murderous
thieves as the factual matter

Example: to arrest Americans
to be held without trial is
called kidnapping, a CRIMINAL
Offense. Don't tell yourself
I am all alone on this, as
being serious business of
yours American, I mean,
seriously.. just imagine
third world dictatorship
mercenaries working as they
do, like Aegis does, side by
side with the bushite grunts
as the most ungodly evil
tyrants of lawlessness -
being Republican sanctioned,
'government always bad'
imprisonments of the only
found INNOCENT, to defend
who again as TV American?

Example 2: "Pre-emptive war"
is first degree mass murder,
and in Texas, does as would
rightly warrant death.

Michigan Republicans Illegal

Highest of treason that warrants public trial.
The Republicans are falsely claiming here "we"
voted for un-elected dictatorship - as NAKEDLY
rigging the count. Openly, in Your face. Do
you care? or are you less than a man here to
tell something different. The time for you
to speak is now, for I have said my turn.

King for Good Reason

Ungodly to all Zionist enemy liar "Jews"
who openly will to deny Human Rights from
everyone as thieves of anyone's property,
(Yours included..) just plain evil.
First strike targets in Lebanon were innocent
Jews for example, and Nazi Israel's garbage
dumps are frequented by starving Jews who
the "Jews" in charge over there, have stated
Publicly, they'd rather see as the innocent
suffer, as to then, attract more charitable
aid they can use elsewhere. It makes their
major newspapers when the stories break. The
tin can rockets could have been stopped
decades ago. But the Rightard claims,
reading like facts, is for the stupid
people. Sarah Palin openly tried to con
America for world war as the bad guy mass
murderer. Social Security is a 2% 'Trust',
and Medicare has an overhead of less than
2%, compared to giving 30 percent of your
health investment to a billionaire insurance
breaker, who would rather see you die before
eating into his thoughtless takes. (Bushite
grunting war criminals deserve to die how
about?). Banksters do not cover our loans,
we do. The bail-out is massive frauds by
extortion. A 27+ TRILLION dollar scam, they
say we still owe them now even more then ever
before for. The trillioniare Banksters along
with the poor wise folk hurtin', know this
to be so, that they on magic TV would have
us rather not succeed as fairness for all
parties, instead stuck where unjust bigots
thrive in selfishness. The light of God is
a natural here. This is the truest thing I
tale. As Creator, I'm here to tell you,
You're not suppose to be this stupid.

A Million Dead Iraqis Worth It

Saddam was not in violation, as did everything
plus more that was asked of himself. The war was
causeless, to do nothing but indiscriminately
slaughter innocent defenseless Humans being.

Bushite 'I don't care to forward this
post to save the life of innocent
Americans. Where's the money in that?'

Romney is Officially a Commie!!
- Bain Capital is Secret Police of China -

/ / When Mitt Romney talks about "getting tough on the Chinese,"
people didn't realize that he meant the Chinese people, not their

'Romney Doubles Down on Statement That Iran
Will Get Nuclear Weapon if Obama is Re-Elected'

See the exercise of the truly
Satanic? Romney has no real reason
to believe such baseless quackery,
but yet, sells it hard to convince
Americans blinded, to willingly
sacrifice their children for DEATH!

Christ IS Pro-Israel - Down with Satan

Iran Is NOT Building a Nuclear Bomb

Ehud Barak,"We will know early enough
whether the Iranians are ready to give
up their nuclear weapons," Zero evidence.

Think of how truly ungodly Satanic this is
Peoples of Earth. It, the Zionist enemy,
wills to mass murder tens of millions of
US innocent folks for it's ungodly demon
lies, all to escape the wrath of Humanity's
censored cry for Justice against this
specific ENEMY of good will named Ehud
Barak. We are expected to all be lost
in tv made un-certainty, while Satanic
Ehud Barak 'escapes' a rightful death
sentence for his war crimes against

/ / To date, every inspection of Iranian
nuclear facilities has documented that no
nuclear materials have gone missing, and
that there is no evidence of an Iranian
nuclear weapons program the inspectors
have been able to find at all. \ \

/ / The US ambassador to Israel on Friday
said the United States would not remain idle
and be complicit in a second Holocaust. \ \

High treason warranting death. Iran has
not been found in violation with anything
to do as secretly building a nuclear bomb,
falsely alleged blindly by those who
intent to mass murder millions of
innocent Peoples as truly Satanic.

Christ IS Pro-Israel - Down with Satan

IDF to track foreign anti-Israel groups

To be pro-Israel, would mean a demand for
death against every last Zionist war
criminal savaged by the region.

Livni: I was the Minister of Justice. I am
a lawyer� But I am against law - international
law in particular. Law in general.

Because all Law finds her a rightly guilty mass
murdering Nazi war criminal who breaks truces
to kill off innocent Jews for money. Just like
Hitler. No wonder then why she hates GOD as
Jewish Law eh? Remember: First strike targets
in Lebanon were the Jews, then they went after
the Americans. Listen to "Nazi_Israel.mp3" for
the scoops not scooped. Why? Because Rightard
Americans too, hate the wise man, the good man,
the just man. Makes the males all into the true
Nazi Commie cowards they are, and the Womens in
need of real manliness in these here parts.

Leaked UN report reveals Qeada/NATO torturing,
lynching, and abuse to Everyone in New Libya

This is very misleading. Why? Well,
when Gadaffy first learned, that now
NATO/OBAMA/QEADA's "partner" in war
crimes was torturing a kidnapped Human
Rights Lawyer in Libya, right under his
tent, he ordered every last political
prisoner under false arrests by that guy,
(a guy tied directly to the Bush regime,)
be immediately released. This was BEFORE
NATO started bombing schools, churches,
hospitals, stores, houses, airports,
cars. See? no government buildings
existed, so they had no sellable
excuses from the get go to bomb
anyone dear as war criminals - for
Gadaffy wasn't found in U.N.
violation either.. but for these
WAR CRIMINALS, none of that TV matters,
the main thing was to indiscriminately
mass murder innocent Humanity with
radio-active toxic bombs as ENEMIES
TO GOD, to steal the oil, and banking
as they are attempting to escape all
ourselves with, armed as al-Qeada.
Let's not leave them do that to US
my friends, let's not let them do that.

Obama "Nothing will be gained
by laying blame for the past."
(yes, he really does say this)

Good or Evil?

/ / Audit shows 95% of the funds
for rebuilding Iraq 2007-2009 is
MISSING and 100% from the years
2004-2007 is unaccounted for \ \

TV Celeb Bill Maher speaking of
Iran "You should leave physics
to countries with Jews."

Any Idea how ungodly demonic this
Nazi statement from a liar, a cheat,
and a thief of God like Maher is?, who
wills openly to mass murder more innocent
Americans for war crime Caucasian 9/11
Zionists?, who the Bible teaches are
TRULY Satanic being not middle eastern,
but unlawful in God's 'stolen' Holy name?
Understand, Iran's Jewish community is
larger than all the world Zionists put
together in a room to devour themselves
as true enemies of Mankind. Did you know,
Nazi Israeli's first strike targets in
Lebanon were the Jewish communities?
Did you know, the Jews of the Bible
hereditably, as like a birth right,
live in Ethiopia, and that Nazi Israeli
are pro-apartheid Nazi scum who break
truces to mass murder Jews for money
while stealing our homes routinely? Do
you care as a TV "American"? Likely
not, but for only what you too as a
Republican Libertarian Conservative
parasite can steal from ourselves
as the innocent left forsaken also.


Ron.Paul is LYING about voting Against Repeal of Glass-Steagall!!!

Army of One

"I have my own army in the NYPD,
which is the seventh biggest army
in the world,� Mayor Bloomberg

As dumb as SOME Cops are, I don't
believe near any are here to whore
to anyone in broad daylight. They
most Will to defend the City, their
country, the People. They are more
my Army as a Man, than Bloomberg,
the fugitive of the Law from 9/11.
If the truth was to be TV told..

Gates: Public Opinion Can�t Stop Wars

Soldiers don't care to do right? Ever?
Are they that dumb as evil war criminals
always my friends? I don't think so..

Trillioniares who do not cover our
loans to begin with is what we are
talking about here.

Half of a 99%er's

good work can be paid out to cover mortgage
payments on a loan the Banker never covered.
Then if times are tougher due to massive
fraud and, the 99%er perhaps just falls short
that last cheque, then, the banker must take
the whole thing (waitforit...) 'b-b-b-ba-back'
'back' the private banker takes it all back.
Takes the house and all the money invested,
while not covering the GIVEN credit, that was
hijacked at some places back in lost History.
Early Bank of Canada conceptions just prior
to the kick off of WWII with Bush banking
Adolf, is a interesting place to seek further
enlightenment along with Glass Steagall, on
just why is it today these, do nothing for
nobody trillioniares, clear tens of billions
for each quarter we continue to pay them
blindly in dying slavery, from bad loans
they profit from, losing to the criminal
Nazi family still killing Jews stealing
homes, we all are. Nazi Israeli broke a
truce to threaten innocent Jewish lives by
indiscriminately slaughtering Christians,
along with 239 Police Officers. It was
labeled by the Satanic as, "Cast Lead",
as in, casting the leads for the first
degree mass murder scenes of dead Police
and innocent Christians, while Hamas was
given the wave to blame "Jews, Jews, Jews"
for. And if you think that is too scary
to mention, wait till you still cowardly
refuse to forward my words to any as finding,
these demonic enemies of Justice, God and
Johnny are stealing our homes on a routine
basis now funded by the American Taxed Payer.
Payer. Payer. Payer. Down with criminals I
say. Cowards of Evil for Godless Tyranny is
what lawless America is currently running US
a ground with, as truly against the core values
of Mankind that eternally stand proud as

Kissinger: We should ignore intelligence
and assume Iran wants nukes to indiscriminately
slaughting millions of innocent souls - so
America can indiscriminately slaughter millions
of innocent souls for stolen gains with Satan.

When a 'lawless' Bushite Nazi grunter dies,
we all win freedom from ungodly tyranny.

NATO's 28 members are "sharing the same
goal, which is to see the end of the
Gadhafi regime in Libya," for what? NO
tell falsely, Gadaffy was commiting
"Genocide". While Russia told, there
was no truth to their completely
BASELESS claims, for they were
monitoring everything from satelites.
Obama TV and Republicans said nothing,
hoping it wouldn't matter, for, Bush
and Cheney closed 9/11 Police
Investigations with Alex Jones and
Ron Paul so these bushite grunters
can escape lawlessly torturing and
thieving, dope pushing and child raping
as mass murdering Demonrat Republican
enemies of every last free willed person
here. EVERYONE. They are godless evil
enemies of the True American Patriot who
lives for a better future. Congressmen
who have "earned" millions while in
office doing nothing but sending more
teen soldiers to die in NEEDLESS wars
against God and Civilization.
I Select: none of the above.

'U.S. Blocks Oversight of Mercenary Army in Iraq'
(the most henious of war crimes imaginable)

Here where magic TV America plays
US all too stupid to compute this
is where we need to start at now.

Afghan president rejects US apology over killings

/ / nine Afghan boys [under 12] were
gunned down by two attack helicopters \ \

/ / Disturbing footage of Apache attack
helicopters killing people in Afghanistan
is being shown to frontline British soldiers
in "Kill TV nights" designed to boost morale \ \

This is why the American Patriot takes
great pleasure as a true love for Christ
in God, to kill the Bushite without a
second thought to save it's next innocent
victim., that could be anyone. The grunt
takes an Oath to defend, that it, as like
a Rightard "Constitutionalist" holds in
total contempt, while mass murdering only
those they know to be completely innocent
to escape Bush and Cheney for Obstruction
on 9/11. As heroin pushing enemies of the
Republic, the Bushite Nazi grunters
deserve to die, to defend their next
innocent victims. They do not support
Justice for themselves even, while knowing
the Pentagon has tortured thousands of
American GIs to steal further from
themselves. THINK.


Efforts to Impeach George W. Bush

Loose Change Final Cut (FULL VERSION)

America: Let's Save Manning

Bradley Manning and the Rule of Law

/ / Manning was ordered "to round up and
hand over Iraqi civilians to America�s new
Iraqi allies, who he could see were then
torturing them with electrical drills and
other implements." \ \ know what what still
is called enemy al-qeada

Death to the Worst of War Criminals

Let every last American man, war the
Rightards to free innocent Manning.

Obama Calls Ahmadinejad's 9/11 Comments Hateful

What? huh? Who's he trying to con here?
America? but he's the President.. HuhHh,
trying to con himself with all US watching
soldiers dying for 'hidden' war criminals
more looks like..




"Panetta Believes Israel
Will Attack Iran this Spring"

As war criminals warranting immediate death by
American Patriot firing squads.



effectively fighting back against those
who war to steal our rights to live
free here - this is our home.

Johnny for President - In Your Dreams

/ / Any threat of military strike against
Iran is in violation of the UN charter and
the IAEA's continued supervision on Iran's
uranium enrichment facilities means there
is no justification for sanctions. \ \
Obama's attack with al-Qeada against
Libya warrants death under OUR un. 1976.
Don't blindly believe the "Globalist" cheat
Rightard bigot Alex Jones here, who is
treasonously with Ron Paul running cover
for the war crimes of NATO. Gadaffy wasn't
found in violation. As proven by Russia.
And because Putin has been shown somewhat
cowardly here to stand with God, (who
wouldn't?), makes not an iota of
difference. Justice is Freedom.

War criminals should be arrested for attempting
first degree mass murder here.. am I right?

Leading Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Media

"Anti-Mosque Coalition�s Website Owned By
Neo-Conservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney"

/ / Gaffney: "It is regrettable that they had to
die, but I believe they did have to die. The
danger was inaction could have resulted in the
death of a great many more Americans than 4,000.
And that's the reason I'm still delighted that we
did what we did." \ \ Saddam was doing whatever
was asked plus more - whatdidtheywantbutnotaskfor

Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441. War
criminals truly deserve to die by war crimes
Public trial. Why? It's NEEDLESS mass murder
Neocon Gaffney supports on magic TV without the
facts there to defend anyone. Dying. The Iraq
war has no cause. Soldiers are warring there to
bring about a situation that was present before
the conflict began. Near Impossible now with all
the toxic waste and losses to everyone of
innocent lives made to suffer and die for nothing
but the Bushite's contempt for Law. Contempt for
Justice. Contempt for God. Contempt for our wise
leaders of civility, contempt for Freedom. Once
nearer a civilized Humanity we were living for
freedom, and now, all suffering with God for
more than a thousand years, due these Zionist
Nazi illiterate savages, pirating our fire power.
Innoculating THEMSELVES blindly with posions that
make US all even dumber. George Walker Bush is
evil personified as the war criminal of the worst
order, ever. As Humanity it must all be our
fault, for I felt I could easily help everyone to
be more Human than all we've been left as on TV
since 911 happened on our watch. One thing is
for sure: Lawless wars for ungodly tyranny by
slavery sucks for everybody. Justice is a must
if we are to ever claim Victory here again.

Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.

I Love Women

Right off, I'd like to tell, I love women.
I would have thought to say so, would
go without saying, but hearing the degenerate
males of America speak recently, I suppose
I have to talk to everyone at this level.

they falsified as with Sattler,
for, 'that they may have been boys and men pretending
to be women', and all as such, could be first degree
mass murdered. Ahha! But all those defenseless
innocent women and children were not all between
10-55. Most of the children were toddlers and
infants. Bushite grunts deserve to die as the
war crime lying traitors they are, warring America
for the final escape of Bush and Cheney here on 9/11.

SWAT Kills Bushite Grunt In Our Defense

Better it, than absolutely any other
innocent person it willed blindly to
first degree murder for the escape of
those who done did do America wrong on
9/11 truly for starters..

Understand, there is near never real
criminal investigations!, or inquisitive tv
reporters anywhere in censored TV America,
when it comes to rigging an election with
sworn to be losers for bankster extortions,
gang raping American women, or flying planes
into buildings for godless tyranny.

.throw in your two cents for King Johnny to
participate freely with the facts in
this up and coming "Presidential" debate
for Liberty in our new Century of untold
possibilities, with true one of a kind
greatness. Or further fall to your
cowardly doom in silence as chump.
Whatever you decide.

King Johnny for President.

Chamber of Commerce Offshores Millions of American Jobs
(then "Debtor's Prison" in a THIRD of States.. Holy Fuk)
[you'd better start caring sooner than later my friends]
"people effected by offshoring should stop whining"
(56,000+ FACTORIES gone - Mr. Grinch 'get a job')

The Rightard Mule

The Rightard mule knows it can't compete
honestly when real men speak freely,
as is why, they commit the audience
to censorship, denying US the facts
for a Life they would otherwise
naturally lose to as laughed right
out the Hall minimally. Alex Jones
and his Cult of NWOers forbid open talk
with the facts, because they know where
free men speak, intolerant Rightard
bigot Alex Jones is shown honestly to
be what he truly cons for. Remember,
without doubt, Ron Paul is a true
pinko commie - no justice for You
anywhere. Who gives himself and his
extended family a public option
with all the perks, as too, with his
"elite" fellow talentless election
rigging Repuglicons - who's only
serving purpose is to be selfishly
sinister conning teen soldiers WITH
TV LIES for needless deaths to escape
the actual bad guys. Wake up: Tax payer
paid for KBR is gang raping American
women, as sanctioned 'lawless' by 30
Republicans attempting escape from US
as men in America. American teen
soldiers are dying for no better
good or reason understood, but to
enrich the ungodly war mongering
enemies of Justice, the IRRATIONAL
(no reason to bomb Innocent Humanity)
pro Peenacker ungodly Neocons.

The Greatest Hoax in the History of Money

We need to get back our money while
putting the crooks in jail for starters.
Who's with We? Johnny 2012.


War Criminals are Evil

Obama and Hitlery's double standard:
Gaddafi bad for free healh care and
education, Karimov good for enslavement
by false arrests, torture, and thefts

Settlers Stone Elderly Palestinian Lady

Is this Human?

Kurt Haskell: Witness to Government False Flag & Cover Up


Every Bushite death is a mercy on our souls

I, as new elected President by paper ballot,
will call on every last honorable cop and
soldier, man woman and child, to assist in
the immediate arrest of those two bushite
grunters who call themselves "the FBI" who
are treasonously assisting in the escape of
al-Qeada operatives who tried to blow up that
plane. They didn't even do the most cursory
investigation to find who at the Pentagon
and the State Department was responsible
for attempting mass murder of innocent
Americans. Can you believe that Judge
and Prosecutor to take a written statement
from the accused kidnaped by the Pentagon,
and not demand the accused be made present?
TREASON. Remember, the Pentagon freely admits
to funding al-Qeada, as they did in Libya to
the tune of 25 million American taxed dollars.

Pepper Spray Kills

He needs to be arrested yesterday for
assault and battery, to serve a ten
year prison term, for what was a very
serious chemicals weapon attack


/ / When Specialist Corey E. Jones struck
the knees of the Dilawar, he cried out
painfully to God. Jones said, "Everybody
heard him cry out and thought it was
funny." Hundreds of blows later, Dilawar
died in custody. \ \ Corey E. Jones and
his partners are still torturing
innocent Peoples to death as FOXSNEWS
Heroes to escape the Neocon. Why? Because
the enemy Bushite claim there is no such
thing as manhood in American TV politics.

The US military led by Zionist Israel is
comprised of the KKK, and the worst of
L.A. street gangs.. and, that just wont
do if we want freedom as owned.

[they pay NO royalties toooooooooooooo]

Tea Bagger 'Yeahs but, they's harder to
pick on than helpless welfare mothers.'

Judgment Day - A New World Order Defined


Tea Party Founder on Current Version
of the Tea Party: �Tea Party My Ass.�

�Tea Party my ass. This was nothing
other than the Republican Party stealing
the anger of a population that was fed
up with the Republican Party�s own
theft of their tax money at gunpoint
to bail out the robbers of Wall Street
and fraudulently redirecting it back
toward electing the very people who
stole all the ****ing money!�

Yet Ron Paul has never, ever, in his
entire political TV life, said anything
remotely similar to save ourselves from
such Rightard criminals he calls his
Party, of demonic con artists as EVIL.


Lemonade is Good

The Rachel Maddow Show contacted the
Maine republican party to question
why these votes weren't counted,
and they did not respond as caring.

The Rightards are a godless cult of
evil, who are fully committed to rob
and kill innocent Americans for stolen
gains,. AS IS WHY!! WHY!!! they speak
near nothing for the GOP Head to be
tried for execution as a NAkED rigger
of an American "democratic" election.
Why they hide with the Satanic to lie
about Jews in Iran.

We need to go back to paper ballots
policed by 24/7 live video feed,
along with armed guards. Why paper?
So then that way you have a record.
They war monger the innocent poor
and innocent elderly to deprive life
from for pity sakes, while insisting
trillionaire hedge fund brokers
shouldn't pay taxes, having not
"earned" anything of the trillions
"lost" into their personal private
accounts as it was. thinkaboutit!!!
Wakey wakey my friends, wakey wakey.

John McCain calls JFK's
murder an "intervention"

This Is True!

Mr. McCain is definately a
supporter al-Qeada. He lies
today for al-Qeada in Libya.
The Pentagon is OPENLY funding
al-Qeada with American taxes
to push their heroin and rape
our families. Let US not let
these enemies of Christ escape
ourselves for proper convictions.

I think we have been somehow
asleep for a spell. Tell you
what, this time, let's dream
of something greater. Support
our rise to popular acclaim,
by taking this stand for our
fellow man. I have a plan.

We need to go back to paper ballots
policed by 24/7 live video feed.

"Every day in the United States,
we are losing 15 factories."

Ron Paul On The Failures Of Obama In Libya

Gadaffy was NOT found in violation of 1976.
Russia claimed FACTUALLY that Obama and
Hitlerly were lying. Gadaffy called the
cease-fire 1976 WAS ALL ABOUT of which NATO
said, so? while continuing on strafing
defenseless innocent souls at airports,
hospitals, and schools. (They shoot high
caliber weaponry near straight up into the
sky continuously on TV 24/7 as "Freedom" for
example, a crime that should warrant
IMMEDIATE death as I order to all troops
everywhere being our true good King Johnny)
Gadaffy called for the cease-fire MANDATED
again several times, of which [NOT ELECTED]
NATO Stated with CNN no good still. Gadaffy
called for elections (lamely as likely brain
damaged from maybe vaccines or just being
blind pro-American all these years?), not
good enough for enemy to all lawless pro
al-Qeada NATO, for NATO does not want free
elections warring our worlds for the escape
of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Why? because,
who on this dying Earth, would actually vote
for an al-Qeada leader from Langley in Libya
to STEAL their oil and banking for Evil as
Ungodly TV America? Bush whore ALEX JONES
SUCKS with Ron Paul here, and demands you
too, as HIS, left to lawless Americans must
also pay likewise for Ron Paul to advance
their naked sabotage to God's true Will of
Justice by falsely Demonizing Ourselves for
further ill. Get real. Ron Paul really truly
sucks, he just does on everything, like a
parasite might claiming money would magically
buy Rights not spoken now for without the
green, in a Rightarded evil world where Ron
Paul the COMMIE still gets a "Public Option"
(FEHBP) for himself and multi-million dollar
family of charity collectors, but not you
suckered further for to pay for his true
contempt of all Human Life left marginalized.
He is not a Constitutionalist, nor a 'Founding
Father Patriot' escaping Bush and Cheney for
Obstruction on 9/11 nakedly in broad daylight
either. Facts are facts, despite AJ's Cult
of Rightards to air the voice we truly
proclaim our own.


Seafood 10,000 Times Over Safe
Limit FDA Says to Eat it Anyway

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus is ordering all
members of U.S. Military eat gulf seafood.

War by Deception Director's Cut

IDF DENIES disciplining top officers over
phosphorous used against children targeted[.htm]l

You know, when you say you blame the innocent
Jew, you serve the war criminal ungodly Zionist
enemy right?


Libya: War Without End
(1976 did not 'ok' mass murder)

While, Alex Jones wants more money
bombs from his Rightards to attack
without Justice for traitor, do
nothing for no one Ron Paul? While
claiming Obama has the green light
to slaughter more without his
complaining. Justice equals


/ / He claims Its of the devil, Islam that is.
�when Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the
Quran� Immortal Technique. \ \

All Words are of God.

Justice is key to securing a better
future for all as freedom standing

90% of detained minors tortured in Israeli jails

�puppy dog� imagery to sell genocidal attack

That guy is a war criminal who
deserves immediate death. Gadaffy
was not found in violation with
the U.N.. What did it want to
do? Anything.. indiscriminate mass
murder to rob everyone our rights
to life by breaking our Laws? Death
by True Christian Patriot firing
squads is what we will as the godly
campaign the Public most favorably
for. Remember, that nazi grunting
demon fuk mass murdered defenseless
innocent souls that had done no wrong
to any of US. All to steal Libya's
Public banking and oil, education,
money, Our Lives, for the Peenacker
Neocon Betrayers. Death to the
Bushite, death to the sworn
enemies of God and Mankind.

Johnny Law

'Operatives Assigned to Kill Gaddafi'

First degree murder. And again, those in
Texas, who support first degree murder,
need to be immediately formally executed
under the Texas Law, "Law of Parties"

CIA�s Bin Laden Hunter Ordered
to Stand Down 10 Times - for why?
(think think think think think)

True you Fool

/ / OH THE HORROR.... To those who say I lied
about what Tenent FREELY confesses
(60Minutes-Tenet-2.wmv) LISTEN in horror at what
America is truly led blindly into hell with
STILL.. \ \ crooksandliars pulled the recording!
In it Tenant tells of the bushmob knowing in July
2001 bin Laden was going to get blamed for a
strike big in America from a cave in Afghanistan!
Then later, (not mentioned) in AUGUST! Powell
went over there himself personally, and gave the
Taliban the what for, 47 million dollars. Swear
to God true. NOT HIDDEN. Look it up. I mean it
made almost all the major dailies. See? This is
what Alex and the Rightard COMMIES fear, that
wise men, actual wise men, or women, like myself,
can put this stuff together in seconds by-freely
communicating for open challenge on error, of
what would take others committed to dying
through censorship for blind fear, never
in a lifetime spared. Who cares right?


/ / A new book based on a series of
interviews with the Navy SEALs involved
in the mission to kill Osama bin Laden
claims.. \ \ written by rich and famous
Chuck Pfarrer..

We will Publicly try the traitor for
his foolishly demonic war criming.

NYT/WP: CIA Admits Faking the bin Laden Videos

As President, I would insure, such offenses
would be prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law, no matter who the perp traitors
thought we were.

Oakland Police Shoot Protester HELPING
Scott Olsen To Safety In Violation Of
Geneva Convention - they SHOT HIM

HEY!! Remember when the bushite
nazi grunters in their attack
helicopters would bomb little
kids, then they would wait for
humans to respond to the surviving
children screaming in pain, and
then, the then bushite nazi grunter,
(now American war criminal "police"
officer) would bomb them again while
chanting 'whore yeah' to Satan. It is
Christ's Will to see every last bushite
nazi grunt tried Publicly, then
gloriously executed for our
love of Justice. When the bushite
grunter dies, we all win a better
future. Under Standing Law in Texas,
every last grunt needs to be put to
death by Public trial immediately
as real Justice in these here parts.
They bomb defensless innocent souls
as the ungodly enemy of Creation,
to maim and rob everyone as hateful
evil Rightards who advance cowardly
their further attacks against the
poor, elderly, and disabled.

Obama Calls Murder of Children in Libya A �Success�


SEE!! NWOer Alex Jones, the Rightard,
supports blindly the U.N. he states is Your
enemy of freedom, that he justifies by
escaping themselves with NATO from their
treachery to God and Humanity left
undefended. He won't allow to America's
further death, anyone to State the TRUTH,
Gadaffy wasn't in violation with 1976. He'd
rather all of America die innocent victim
instead, than allow a truly wise man or
woman speak freely about Obama and
Hitlerly's war crimes. After all, he needs
a thoughtless cult of cowardly bigots to
blindly whore for his do truly nothing for
liberty, but give him, George Noory and Ron
Paul all your dwindling Life support. How
much will it cost US Alex Jones, before you
allow it to be known, American tax payer
funded Nazi Israeli STEAL Peoples Homes
routinely? That banksters do not cover our
loans, or that the bail-out is extortion?,
or that BP removed the safety fluid which
CAUSED the blow up in the gulf? That Bush
stopped 911 investigations?

Gaddafi Gone: NTC & NATO murderers?

Gadaffy WAS NOT found in violation with
U.N. 1976. So all this bullshit about
the U.N. (WHO'S THAT?) investigating
whether an innocent man, NOT charged with
a crime who gave near everything he had
to Libya for a better life, who hadn't
made a formal 'dictorial' decision since
the year 1976, being murdered by a pack
of Rightard al-Qeada rats chanting like
Zombies, who Will, like America, to escape
rapist torturers, to enslave 'all' to
enrich the Zionist Peenackers is a crime
maybe. Did you know, NAZI GRUNTERS are
warring to torture countless innocent
souls today for pleasure in Afghanistan
and Iraq? Did you know, that the Nazi
grunter claims he is within his rights
to push heroin, rape children, and
American Women with KBR because the
ANTICHRIST and 30 Republicans claim
it is to be held unaccountable to
all laws God or man made? Any and
all things for the Rightards to escape
Bush and Cheney for the crime of
Obstruction here on 9/11. When the
Bushite al-Qeada pro-lawless enemy
dies, we all win freedom to speak
freely with the facts to judge
fairly. You forward this post.

Qaddafi Was Worth More Than $200 Billion

Correction. Libya is worth more
than 200 billion, and Gadaffy
slept in a tent as the idiot
who thought not governing made
perfect sense since the year
1976. The Peoples of Libya had
formally decided on their own
democratically, that oil sales
money, would go directly into
their pockets as the true
shareholders (now America's
al-Qeada), and we all know how
much a Rightard degenerate like
Alex Jones the bigot Just
blindly hates this, like US
all being allowed health care,
or to follow 'probable cause'.
Bush and Cheney. What's the
crime of the Patriot to ask for
evidence to form a conclusion
Mr Alex Jones?? Can't hear
US yet? Oh you will sooner
than you can cut US all off.

PBS - NOW - Oil Royalties

No Royalties!

[they pay NO royalties toooooooooooooo]

Tea Bagger 'Yeahs but, they's harder to
pick on than helpless welfare mothers.'

No restrictions against lawless war crimes
occurring (Israeli broke the truce, and
Gadaffy did call the cease fire!) as cash
paid for by Americans, Satanic war criminals
that can freely, without hindrance from the
Pauls, bomb anywho with the "free world" as
un-defended for further lawless lootings.
How can we compete against slave labor
"policed[RP interp.]" by Zionist blackwater?
When Ron Paul refuses to defend the rights of
innocent others, while 'elected' Senate members
personally profit off the kick backs of war
mongering for Satan through AIPAC, you are
refusing to defend freedom in a Republic as
or so Democracy. So, where is the magic TV's
'legitimate' political candidate, in this new
world order of Civilized Man?

Scalia Rules To Execute the Innocent
this isn't funny.

/ / If the Constitution doesn't
protect us from being executed
even if we are innocent, then,
Houston, we have a fundamental
problem of human rights in America. \ \

Scalia needs to go to prison for
intenting to pre-meditate murder.
He KNEW as We, the acccused was
only possible to be innocent. I,
for example, found out who the
true escaped cop killer was
very near for sure in less
than 15 minutes.

Get Real

While NATO OFFICIALLY sanction the rape of
children in Afghanistan, and those thirty
Republicans continue to gang rape American
women, CNN spends all day telling how evil
Gadaffy is for not supporting (of which he
did) the arrest of those personally
responsible for the unsubstantiated blind
allegation of one female. Real PROVABLE
American women still being gang raped, or
murdered by tv celeb John Coryn with KBR?,
'who cares' to mention it the Rightards feign.
Tv'ed Americans truly can't care for fear of
doubt with made as lacking Fact, but especially
the Rightard Libertarian Enemy of Liberty,
who purposefully con for escaping CRIMINAL
banksters, while continuing their Rightard
attacks against America's growing poorer as
near helpless, all to escape Bush and Cheney
for Obstruction on the 9/11 matter, or, for
torture that RIGHTLY warrants death, or for
spying on not suspected for anything, 'other'
innocent Americans being set up by the corruptly
criminal of Mr. Mueller's "fbi". REFUSING TO
FOLLOW probable cause for a terror crime of,
'no questions, no questions'. While the Rightard
"Constitutionalists" like Rand Paul, demon
whore Sarah Palin, or Ron Paul, truly do not
give an ounce of sweat for Liberty. For the
con to needlessly bomb Millions indiscriminately
in Iraq to rob ALL Peoples as minions of
Satanic war criminal, they remain silently
neutral to our cries for Justice against
their furthering of godless tyranny.


How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning us to Death

There was as is, no reason to bomb Iraq, but
to steal through mass murder, and torture
for false arrests as ungodly war criminal
evil. Saddam did everything that was asked
of himself by the U.N. plus more that Bush
refused. And we know, they knew they were
lying to TV trick Americans for stolen
profits through mass murder. They knew full
well as we, there were no WMDs, but as even
so, Soldiers could have even simply walked
in without firing a shot. A Bushite Nazi
'lawless' grunter is a cowardly traitor to
his fellow dying teen soldiers, who remains
silent against those 30 Republicans with KBR
gang raping American women. Dope pushing
pro-torture enemies that War innocent
Humanity for the final escape of false
accusers Bush and Cheney for Obstruction
on the 9/11 matter.

Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil'

/ / "You guys are evil," he told the magazine,
out on February 18th.- "Canada's the best country
in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't
need to worry about paying him," \ \

American incubators = $100,000+ a day
Canadian incubators = $1000ish- a day

[Same machine, but in Canada the medically
qualified oversee, in America, the Rightards.]

/ / motive for Israel to bomb Norway who
routinely gun down our innocent children? \ \

[who's calling the shots here then???]

Liam Fox needs to be executed immediately
for first degree mass murder of civilians.
Gaddafi did call a cease-fire. They did not
warn the janitors at the airports they were
going to indiscriminately slaughter everyone
within the mass murder crime scene. Nobody
nowhere voted here for Liam Fox. Who the
fuk does this bush bitch nazi grunter think
it is dropping American tax paid for bombs
costing billions? The UN did not sanction
such crimes. It must die for capital one
mass murder in war time. Peter Power did
7/7 and Liam Fox, he don't care. SAS troops
are cop killers. They kill cops dressed up
in al-qeada gears. Liam Fox must die.

Jeremy Scahill: Keep US Troops Out of Libya

Just because the Rebels appose Gadaffy,
doesn't auto mean that they do not intent to
mass murder and steal all oil resources by
Declaring who the head of Oil and Finance is
[Blackwater], without ANY ELECTIONS YET on
unsubstantiated claims of lawlessness as
it's public pledge drive, or IMPORTANTLY,
whether Libya would will to now be charged
interest on their loans that the Zionist
bankster will not even cover like it is
rotted in war crime TV happy America, and
forced by gun in Iraq for pro-torture

One Third of Libya Turns Out to Support
Qaddafi in World�s Largest March Ever

Terrorist NATO Warning: Bombs
may hit any place at any time!

As MURDERING war criminals that
deserve immediate death sentences
for their blatant illegal carnage
made. When the godless evil enemy
Bushite dies, we all win
freedom from evil tyranny.

Libya says arrest warrant for Gaddafi
a 'cover' for NATO bombing campaign

It's after the fact absent facts. After
Bushites [al-Qeada] in NATO indiscriminately
slaughtered Your defenseless INNOCENT
Humanity. Gadaffy did call the cease-fire
never the less. Bush and Cheney. Don't
be dumb as evil on this refusal to say
something truthful in your name as
religiously God loving somewhere.

No evidence against the accused
is US being truly abused by NATO.

For no reason did the bushite enemy attack the
innocent Peoples of Iraq, with bombs and torture
to but for the pleasure of escaping those who
will to do America wrong further. The Rightard.
Again I will open talks. I want the debate to
showcase our incredible skills from everywhere at
winning the claim we rightly deserve, self
respect. All because we champion true Freedom to
get Justice won. That way, the Rightard can't
destroy Social Security with their lies escaping
the real bad guys, or attack just about anyone
innocent but those guilty of treason with free
communications ruling for our benefits.

Justice is Freedom.

Private banksters do not earn anything,
but steal from US all our credit.

�Give up now or we�ll kill you,�
never elected Liam Fox warns Gaddafi

That would be murder. Remember, nobody
here ever voted for Liam Fox the war
criminal to steal our rights for
victory. And besides, I thought being
pro-Al-Qaeda meant you were the bad
guys to the 'no opinion' corporate

Court Rules US Taxpayers, Not BP, Are
Liable For Gulf Oil Spill Clean Up Costs

In Contempt for God and Country

Look, it's all about NATO confessing with
many popular TV Republicans, to be funding
al-Qeada to commit terror acts against the
Peoples (of Libya).

NATO Admits Al-Qaeda Linked To Rebels

Osama bin Laden Rebels to get $25m
of AMERICAN weapons from Pentagon

Canadian soldiers were being told 'not
to interfere in incidents in which Bushite
forces were having sex with children.'

Kucinich: Billions Gone Missing!
Bring Our Troops Home! We Are Lying!

The Coinage Act of 1792, prescribes
the death penalty for any official
who fraudulently debased the people's

Mr. Obama is a War Criminal
Gadaffy called a cease-fire

War criminals instead how
about, war criminals instead.

Bushite Nazi Grunters Murder Thirty Five[.htm]l

/ / Thirty five women and children were
killed by an American cruise missile \ \

Video: NATO attacks ordinary Libyans

NATO air strike hits medical factory

NATO air strike kills 12 on Bus in Libya

When the Bushite dies, we all win.

Who is Jewish Christ asks the American Dumfuk?

'The War You Don't See' - Pilger Film Banned

al-Qeada looted the Central Bank of
Libya, 900 million Libyan dinars and
$500.5 million in U.S. cash.

"US says it may kill Americans abroad"

That would be murder, and no you may not.


Obama's US Drones Continue to Kill Aimlessly
Officials Don't Know Identities of Any of Slain

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!


What kind of lawless world
is that, where they are so
sure, no real Cops can gain
access to defend ourselves?

Until now.

No Evidence, Person Innocent. Who's In?

/ / President Bush was expected to sign detailed
plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida two
days before Sept. 11 but did not have the chance
before the terrorist attacks in New York and
Washington, U.S. and foreign sources told NBC
News. \ \ What would have been the Justification
used then without 911? A lawless war against
'terrorism' world wide without end? Did you know
a spy had inflitrated the FBI and actually was
responsible for providing the explosives that
near brought the WTC down the first go around?
This is a critical communications issue that is
still costing innocent American lives because the
nation is a land of cowards who refuse to demand
the likes of a George Noory and FOX Snooze fans
to take US seriously in these demands for willing
just causes.

Cheney's Daboul Working Group explains much.


GOP Open the State up to a Corporate Asset-grab

$285 billion defrauded from Americans

/ / The US military paid $285 billion over
three years to hundreds of military contractors
that defrauded the Pentagon \ \


a staggering $5 billion cut to Texas schools

"No Texan can be proud of this."

AJ, Rand Paul, and other Rightards of the
NWO Globalist Commie Elites, can't compete
fairly on a open playing field for Just
cause, where the facts are here for all to
witness of them escaping the worst of
criminals in Your name.

GOP Get Government-Subsidized Health Care Today!
Still None for You.

We have seen consistent cruel and
unusual punishment of Manning.

Torture Memos Admits Techniques Were Not Approved By DOJ

Judge Rules CIA [Cofer Black] Can Suppress
Information About Torture Tapes and Memos

No he can't, unless he's telling
US he too is a war criminal needing
a fair public death sentence.

Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers[.htm]l

Study Verifies That There Is No Value In Any Flu Vaccine

TV America - Where The People Don't Count

Oh for Pete's sake.. Republicans give themselves
"Socialized" Canadian like, "Socialist" Health
care, but not for the suckers who pay more for
less to die as losers to the commie con men
absent my logic. If this system is good enough
for Obama and the Repuglicons and Ron Paul, why
isn't it good enough for blinded as lost in
indifference American dumfuks? Good question.

Why Is The U.S. Mainstream
Media So Afraid Of Ron Paul

Certainly not for being a true Patriot to
demand Bush and Cheney be taken down with the
censored facts. Certainly not in fear he is going
to demand death against 'lawless' KBR gang rapists
of American women. And certainly not for arresting
banksters who have stolen trillions from
America as the AUDIT confirmed - that AJ insists
still must happen.

Study: CEOs Who Fired Most Workers Earned Highest Pay

/ / The cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service will
offer buyouts this summer to nearly all of
its 45,000 mail handlers, \ \ Yeh, but it's
not cash-strapped, it's the 'Post Master' that
needs arresting for high treason, as being
the Rightard Demonrat claiming without defense;
that America must cover billions for pensions
of non-existent workers!!!, otherwise, America
must suffer for nothing but being made all crime
victim in this. Understand this real evil: The
bigot degenerate forbids wiser men or women
to speak for freedom on our tvs, if it means
Justice for all in fairness.

Again, Ron Paul, the COMMIE traitor speaks
nothing of facts regarding how he and Alex
Jones conned American soldiers to die for
their UN lies. Ron Paul states nothing
about the lies around un-restricted access
that were TV censored on the onset of the
war, or the admitted war crimes committed
by un-elected George Walker Bush who closed
9/11 police investigations immediately after
the crimes occurred. Saddam wasn't found in
violation, and Ron Paul with Alex Jones has
"always" forbidden America from UNDERSTANDING
what real Freedom is truly, especially about
the banksters not covering our loans, and
not following probable cause. Just
as they refuse today, to acknowledge the
DEMONIC as truly (in God's Words) SATANIC
liars on our TV, lying to all of us
here for the mass murder of millions more
of our innocent souls forsaken by Ron Paul
and bigot Alex Jones. Life will lead ourselves
Naturally to these rotted American traitor
grunters, to have them arrested for death
themselves, as guilty of bombing our
populated cities indiscriminately. Example:
Nazi grunters dropped 5000 lb. bombs on the
telephone exchange buildings of Iraq,
(warning no one of the irrational action
for Saddam wasn't in violation doing
everything that was asked of himself PLUS
MORE), as mass murdering thousands of
defenseless innocent women for no legitimate
reason, but their hatred of US freely
communicating. The NATO grunters in attack
helicopters mow down our children openly
to state blindly in silence, there is no
possible way King Johnny will succeed to
have them hunted to the ends of Earth, to
insure they are properly buried for their
war crimes against this suffering world.
The grunters dropped nine two thousand bombs
needlessly on Fallujah. Every last FOXSNEWS
grunter in sadist America who takes public
pride is such war crimes as demonic enemies
of Christ, being Rightard Alex Jones fans or
otherwise, as a nazi Veteran enemy still
breathing, of States that have the "Castle
Laws" or Texas' "Law of Parties", will be
formally tried and executed rightly under
American war crime law - by our Brothers,
our Sisters, our distant friends and complete
strangers. Be we Crackers or Niggers or Jews
who they are openly murdering today in Libya,
side by side with the very worst of military
dictatorships on this planet, arm in arm
with the Pentagon tax funded AL-QEADA.

IDF DENIES disciplining top officers over
phosphorous used against children targeted

You know, when you say you blame the innocent
Jew, you serve the war criminal ungodly Zionist
enemy right?

'Lieberman demands persecution of whistleblowers'

Under the new Johnny Presidency, this
criminal act of high treason by Lieberman,
the typical Republican traitor, will rightly
warrant death by true blue Patriot American
firing squad. As again, I ask, just who
or what could 'vote' for such a Satanic
enemy of everyone here?, to escape those
who do truly do us wrong as ungodly
for sure CRIMINALS everytime?

King Johnny - Out of the Dark

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