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Re: AIPAC and Dubious Calls for Peace

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Prince Andy

May 14, 2009, 10:16:14 PM5/14/09

"JMD Morgan" <John...@email.non> wrote in message
> AIPAC and Dubious Calls for Peace
> By
> May 8, 2009
> At the annual AIPAC conference, Vice President Joe Biden and Israel's new
> Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sounded superficially like they were
> reading from the same page regarding Middle East peace, but Netanyahu's
> new hard-line government continues to add obstacles to a two-state
> solution.
> Share this article
> Speaking by satellite to the influential American Israel Public Affairs
> Committee in Washington, Netanyahu reiterated one of his new conditions
> before a final peace settlement could be reached with the Palestinians,
> that they must go beyond recognizing Israel's right to exist and accept
> Israel as a "Jewish state."
> More at The Real News
> Palestinian spokesmen have resisted making the "Jewish state" concession
> because they feel it could undermine the status of Arabs living in Israel.
> The Palestinians also complain that - even as Netanyahu makes sounds about
> desiring peace - Israel is pressing ahead with settlements in Palestinian
> areas of Jerusalem and the West Bank.
> is an independent news network that produces stories
> of global interest.
They have just revived an ancient custom? Spitting on the cross?

And what Jewish Democracy is complete without it's legal torture chambers?

eposited and accessions>notified by the Parties to the conflict before or after the beginning> ofhostilities or occupation. The Swiss Federal Council shall> communicate bythe quickest method any ratifications or accessions> received from Partiesto the conflict.>> Art. 158. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall beat liberty to> denounce the present Convention.>> The denunciation shall benotified in writing to the Swiss Federal> Council, which shall transmit itto the Governments of all the High> Contracting Parties.>> The denunciationshall take effect one year after the notification> thereof has been made tothe Swiss Federal Council. However, a> denunciation of which notificationhas been made at a time when the> denouncing Power is involved in a conflictshall not take effect until> peace has been concluded, and until afteroperations connected with> the release, repatriation and re-establishment ofthe persons> protected by the present Convention have been terminated.>> Thedenunciation shall have effect only in respect of the denouncing> Power. Itshall in no way impair the obligations which the Parties to> the conflictshall remain bound to fulfil by virtue of the principles> of the law ofnations, as they result from the usages established> among civilizedpeoples, from the laws of humanity and the dictates of> the publicconscience.>> Art. 159. The Swiss Federal Council shall register thepresent> Convention with the Secretariat of the United Nations. The Swiss>Federal Council shall also inform the Secretariat of the United> Nations ofall ratifications, accessions and denunciations received by> it with respectto the present Convention.>> In witness whereof the undersigned, havingdeposited their respective> full powers, have signed the presentConvention.>> Done at Geneva this twelfth day of August 1949, in the Englishand> French languages. The original shall be deposited in the Archives of>the Swiss Confederation. The Swiss Federal Council shall transmit> certifiedcopies thereof to each of the signatory and acceding States.>> Annex I.Draft Agreement Relating to Hospital and Safety Zones and> Localities>> Art.1. Hospital and safety zones shall be strictly reserved for the> personsmentioned in Article 23 of the Geneva Convention for the> Amelioration ofthe Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces> in the Field of 12August 1949, and in Article 14 of the Geneva> Convention relative to theProtection of Civilian Persons in Time of> War of 12 August 1949, and forthe personnel entrusted with the> organization and administration of thesezones and localities, and> with the care of the persons therein assembled.>>Nevertheless, persons whose permanent residence is within such zones> shallhave the right to stay there.>> Art. 2. No persons residing, in whatevercapacity, in a hospital and> safety zone shall perform any work, eitherwithin or without the zone,> directly connected with military operations orthe production of war> material.>> Art. 3. The Power establishing a hospitaland safety zone shall take> all necessary measures to prohibit access to allpersons who have no> right of residence or entry therein.>> Art. 4. Hospitaland safety zones shall fulfil the following> conditions:>> (a) they shallcomprise only a small part of the territory governed by> the Power which hasestablished them> (b) they shall be thinly populated in relation to thepossibilities of> accommodation> (c) they shall be far removed and free fromall military objectives,> or large industrial or administrativeestablishments> (d) they shall not be situated in areas which, according toevery> probability, may become important for the conduct of the war.>> Art.5. Hospital and safety zones shall be subject to the following>obligations:> (a) the lines of communication and means of transport whichthey> possess shall not be used for the transport of military personnel or>material, even in transit> (b) they shall in no case be defended by militarymeans.>> Art. 6. Hospital and safety zones shall be marked by means ofoblique> red bands on a white ground, placed on the buildings and outer>precincts.>> Zones reserved exclusively for the wounded and sick may bemarked by> means of the Red Cross (Red Crescent, Red Lion and Sun) emblem ona> white ground.>> They may be similarly marked at night by means ofappropriate> illumination.>> Art. 7. The Powers shall communicate to all theHigh Contracting> Parties in peacetime or on the outbreak of hostilities, alist of the> hospital and safety zones in the territories governed by them.They> shall also give notice of any new zones set up during hostilities.>>As soon as the adverse party has received the above-mentioned> notification,the zone shall be regularly established.>> If, however, the adverse partyconsiders that the conditions of the> present agreement have not beenfulfilled, it may refuse to recognize> the zone by giving immediate noticethereof to the Party responsible> for the said zone, or may make itsrecognition of such zone dependent> upon the institution of the controlprovided for in Article 8.>> Art. 8. Any Power having recognized one orseveral hospital and safety> zones instituted by the adverse Party shall beentitled to demand> control by one or more Special Commissions, for thepurpose of> ascertaining if the zones fulfil the conditions and obligations>stipulated in the present agreement.>> For this purpose, members of theSpecial Commissions shall at all> times have free access to the variouszones and may even reside there> permanently. They shall be given allfacilities for their duties of> inspection.>> Art. 9. Should the SpecialCommissions note any facts which they> consider contrary to the stipulationsof the present agreement, they> shall at once draw the attention of thePower governing the said zone> to these facts, and shall fix a time limit offive days within which> the matter should be rectified. They shall dulynotify the Power which> has recognized the zone.>> If, when the time limithas expired, the Power governing the zone has> not complied with thewarning, the adverse Party may declare that it> is no longer bound by thepresent agreement in respect of the said> zone.>> Art. 10. Any Power settingup one or more hospital and safety zones,> and the adverse Parties to whomtheir existence has been notified,> shall nominate or have nominated by theProtecting Powers or by other> neutral Powers, persons eligible to bemembers of the Special> Commissions mentioned in Articles 8 and 9.>> Art.11. In no circumstances may hospital and safety zones be the> object ofattack. They shall be protected and respected at all times> by the Partiesto the conflict.>> Art. 12. In the case of occupation of a territory, thehospital and> safety zones therein shall continue to be respected andutilized as> such.>> Their purpose may, however, be modified by theOccupying Power, on> condition that all measures are taken to ensure thesafety of the> persons accommodated.>> Art. 13. The present agreement shallalso apply to localities which> the Powers may utilize for the same purposesas hospital and safety> zones.>>> Annex II. Draft Regulations concerningCollective Relief>> Article 1. The Internee Committees shall be allowed todistribute> collective relief shipments for which they are responsible toall> internees who are dependent for administration on the said Committee's>place of internment, including those internees who are in hospitals,> or inprison or other penitentiary establishments.>> Art. 2. The distribution ofcollective relief shipments shall be> effected in accordance with theinstructions of the donors and with a> plan drawn up by the InterneeCommittees. The issue of medical stores> shall, however, be made forpreference in agreement with the senior> medical officers, and the lattermay, in hospitals and infirmaries,> waive the said instructions, if theneeds of their patients so demand.> Within the limits thus defined, thedistribution shall always be> carried out equitably.>> Art. 3. Members ofInternee Committees shall be allowed to go to the> railway stations or otherpoints of arrival of relief supplies near> their places of internment so asto enable them to verify the quantity> as well as the quality of the goodsreceived and to make out detailed> reports thereon for the donors.>> Art. 4.Internee Committees shall be given the facilities necessary> for verifyingwhether the distribution of collective relief in all> subdivisions andannexes of their places of internment has been> carried out in accordancewith their instructions.>> Art. 5. Internee Committees shall be allowed tocomplete, and to cause> to be completed by members of the InterneeCommittees in labour> detachments or by the senior medical officers ofinfirmaries and> hospitals, forms or questionnaires intended for the donors,relating> to collective relief supplies (distribution, requirements,quantities,> etc.). Such forms and questionnaires, duly completed, shall be>forwarded to the donors without delay.>> Art. 6. In order to secure theregular distribution of collective> relief supplies to the internees intheir place of internment, and to> meet any needs that may arise through thearrival of fresh parties of> internees, the Internee Committees shall beallowed to create and> maintain sufficient reserve stocks of collectiverelief. For this> purpose, they shall have suitable warehouses at theirdisposal; each> warehouse shall be provided with two locks, the InterneeCommittee> holding the keys of one lock, and the commandant of the place of>internment the keys of the other.>> Art. 7. The High Contracting Parties,and the Detaining Powers in> particular, shall, so far as is in any waypossible and subject to the> regulations governing the food supply of thepopulation, authorize> purchases of goods to be made in their territoriesfor the> distribution of collective relief to the internees. They shall>likewise facilitate the transfer of funds and other financial measures> of atechnical or administrative nature taken for the purpose of> making suchpurchases.>> Art. 8. The foregoing provisions shall not constitute anobstacle to> the right of internees to receive collective relief beforetheir> arrival in a place of internment or in the course of their transfer,>nor to the possibility of representatives of the Protecting Power, or> ofthe International Committee of the Red Cross or any other> humanitarianorganization giving assistance to internees and> responsible for forwardingsuch supplies, ensuring the distribution> thereof to the recipients by anyother means they may deem suitable.>>>Israel accused Friday, 3 November,2000 - Israel has always sought to escaperesponsibility for what was done inKhiamOPENING GRAVE WOUNDS / EVIDENCE OF ISRAELI ATROCITIES DURING THE 1967WARWITH EGYPT THREATENS THE COUNTRIES' FRAGILE TIES FREDERICK PAINTONREPORTEDBY AMANY RADWAN/CAIRO AND ERIC SILVER/JERUSALEM - The fury arousedin Egyptby the apparent proof of massacres was fueled by the press, whichmatchedwartime photos with imaginative illustrations showing Egyptiansoldierssurrendering, being ordered to dig their graves, then beingexecuted."The saving of the Jews in Europe did not figure at the head of thelist ofpriorities of the ruling class. It was the foundation of the Statewhich wasprimordial in theireyes." "The masses of Jews from Hungary's ghettosobediently boarded thedeportation trains without knowing their fate. Theywere full of confidence in the false information that they were beingtransferred toKenyermeze. The Nazis could not have misled the masses of Jewsso conclusively hadthey not spread their false information through Jewishchannels. The Jews of the ghettos would not have trusted the Nazi orHungarianrulers. But they had trust in their Jewish leaders. Eichmann andothersused this known fact as part of their calculated plan to mislead theJews. They were able to deport the Jews to their extermination by the helpofJewish leaders. The false information was spread by the Jewish leaders.The local leadersof the Jews of Kluj and Nodvarod knew that other leaderswere spreadingsuch false information and did not protest. Those of the Jewswho tried to warn their friends of the truth werepersecuted by the Jewishleaders in charge of the local 'rescue work'.The truth is that somewherebetween 700,000 and 1,500,000 people died inGerman work camps in 1944 and1945. Most of them were Jews. Many were not.Most of them died in the lastsix months of the war from disease and hungercaused by America's bombing ofGermany and subsequent destruction of herinfrastructure. There were someatrocities but very few. Few people realizethat the International Red Crosshad a field office in Auschwiz from 1942 untilthe end of the war. Thatoffice never reported or recorded any atrocities (Several yearsagointernational Jewry forced the Red Cross to apologize to theJews -apologize for not seeing something that never happened.)Clearly, theGerman authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situationas far as theywere able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating thatfood suppliesceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of Germantransportation, andin the interests of interned Jews they had protested onMarch 15th, 1944against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (InterArma Caritas, p.78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the GermanForeign Office of theimpending collapse of the German transportationsystem, declaring thatstarvation conditions for people throughout Germanywere becominginevitable."Dan" <> wrote> January 29,2009 at 20:44:43>> An avalanche of documentation that 9/11 was an "insidejob" tip of an> iceberg of monstrous, historical evil.>> by W. ChristopherEpler (Bill)>>> First, please check out the following recently submitted andexcellent> piece on Op-EdNews:>>>> Second, check out this link to a former editorof Forbes, named Benjamin> Fulford (a name we'll all undoubtedly be hearingmuch more from in the> future).>>>> If these links aren'tlive on your system, please copy the addresses.> If the Fulford address issignificantly blocked as well, do a search on> Benjamin Fulford (pieces,streaming videos, etc.).>> Obama is playing with marbles if even a tenth ofthe above massively> documented material is correct. Godspeed to hisefforts, but if the> ruling class of our country is not just business asusual corrupt, but> pathologically and genocidally evil (as the abovehistorical> documentation effectively proves), then it's time for theAmerican> consciousness to snap out of our Rip van Winkle coma and quantumjump to> realistically acknowledge forces that infinitely transcend thesitcom> game of politics.>> Part (and only part) of what this material isforcing us to confront is> the obvious and ominous truth that America isreally a relatively small> player in the vast human community of the Earthand we are getting VERY> threatening signals from the Orient in particularthat that they are> SICK TO DEATH of the war mongering United States ofAmerica.>> China, for example, is getting fed up with keeping the economyafloat of> a country that, to paraphrase Keith Olbermann is now seen byhumanity as> "the worst country in the world" -- and unfortunately they'retalking> about us (and our equally war mongering minion dependents).>> Sowhy are we like this and why are we so hated? Is it the American> people?Have we suddenly mutated into illiterate barbarians?> Fortunately, from theperspective of the above avalanche of facts, this> is not how the Orient inparticular sees us. Their anger is balanced> with intelligence and theyVERY CLEARLY understand that the going> ballistic Have and Have Not horrorin America is not only reducing> America's working class to cattle (orcorpses), but is rapidly and> devastatingly rippling out to trash theeconomies of ALL countries and> irreversibly destroying the life and deathecosystems of the entire> human race.>> OK, now let's think about this. Thenational/international elites> (sometimes called the "Illuminati" - do asearch on that one as well),> are having their way with EVERYTHING(especially in America!), but this> gaggle of multi millionaires and multibillionaires are perfectly> described as metastasized cancers or vampires(take your pick) since> either image captures the sense of miniscule(remember the elites are> less than one percent of the human race) buthorrifically toxic sub> systems which are VERY rapidly killing their"host" - where host means> both human civilization and the our increasinglydecimated human> environment.>> So, this all means what? Apparently fromthe perspective of the rest of> the planet, it means the Greek God likeparadise of American elites (or> Illuminati) is on the verge of beinginternationally "dealt with"> financially and, if necessary, violently.Hell, the Chinese alone could> bring us to our knees in a heartbeat if theycalled in all their loans .> . . but calling in loans in the least of it.>>The bottom line is very, very simple. The rest of the planet is coming> tothe end of their patience with war mongering countries, whether the> warsare money cow oil wars for American elites, or murder in the name> off Godwars of sociopathic, religious fanatics.>> Said differently, it seems mostof the planet really wants peace.> Unfortunately, Europe seems to be on thefence about all this, but not> the Orient. And speaking of Europe, theOrient is also coming to the> end of their patience about the UN. Afterall, they have most of the> population AND MONEY of the planet, and yet theystill are barely> represented in this pseudo international organization.>>Again, this is all so simple and plausible. How could it be otherwise?>Does it really make sense that the VAST MAJORITY of the planet is just>going to passively enable American elites to keep living like Greek> Gods?Does it make any sense that the vast majority of the planet is> going topassively allow American elites to extend their infinite greed> into theeconomic destruction of basically all other countries? And> most of all,does it really make any sense the vast majority of the> planet is going towatch TV sitcoms while American elites (think> Rockefeller, Paris Hilton,Rupert Murdoch etc.) literally DESTROY THE> HUMAN ENVIRONMENT?>> Bottomline, anyone who thinks the Orient in particular is gong to> "enable"American elites to keep living like war mongering Greek Gods at> the costtheir own national economies and their very lives needs to see> apsychiatrist.>> In AAA, when things get bad enough, someone does an"intervention" and> if the link material is mostly true, then we are on theverge of being> "intervened on". Appropriately, the ones who should worrythe most> about this are the elites/Illuminati, since if a monster isrunning amok> and trashing human existence, the implied strategy is to cutoff its head.>> The elites may be able to "have their will" with us, but thetime may be> close when they are going to discover that they are not GreekGods after> all, but vulnerable, mortal human beings along with all the restof> human race.>> An implied hopeful postscript is that IF the elites andwar mongerers of> all stripes (religious fanatics as well as greed vampires)realize how> large is the Sword of Damocles that is hanging over their headsas we> speak, they may come to their senses and realize that it is win/winfor> us all when human existence has a religiously unfanatical and>financially level playing field.>> The alternative may well be an enragedand imminent tsunami of> "corrective planetary feedback".

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