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Wasserman - Shultz Was Correct: Sanders Had No Clue What They'd Do

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Bret Cahill

Jul 22, 2016, 9:59:31 PM7/22/16

nickname unavailable

Jul 22, 2016, 11:42:48 PM7/22/16
On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 8:59:31 PM UTC-5, Bret Cahill wrote:

its why he should have never endorsed her, and why he should walk out of the convention. otherwise the dumbocrats deserve a good shellacking.

Bret Cahill

Jul 22, 2016, 11:59:00 PM7/22/16
> >

> its why he should have never endorsed her, and why he should walk out of the convention. otherwise the dumbocrats deserve a good shellacking.

If it'll make you feel better this is the last time the Dems will run a legacy media Democrat.

The punishment revenge you seek is less likely to happen than either candidate getting the entire planet nuked.

Don't get mad or even. Get ahead.

Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Jul 23, 2016, 12:51:22 AM7/23/16
if corruption did not matter, we would never jail anyone.

> Bret Cahill

Bret Cahill

Jul 23, 2016, 2:15:15 AM7/23/16
> > > >

> > > its why he should have never endorsed her, and why he should walk out of the convention. otherwise the dumbocrats deserve a good shellacking.

> > If it'll make you feel better this is the last time the Dems will run a legacy media Democrat.

> > The punishment revenge you seek is less likely to happen than either candidate getting the entire planet nuked.

> > Don't get mad or even. Get ahead.

> if corruption did not matter, we would never jail anyone.

And indeed, no one has ever been jailed for low taxes or low tariffs or any other "corrupt" policy related to Art. I, Sec. 8.




Not one bad politician.

There is no substitute for widespread political engagement.





Ask anyone at the Bob Graham Center and they'll tell you the same thing.

And who is doing everything possible to make a mockery of widespread political engagement in order to disable democracy?

The 0.1% sponsored jerryspringer media.

That's the _source_ of the problem.

And their fannies are _enormously_ exposed, just waiting to get popped.

Progress has never been easier.

I have no pity for any progressive who isn't having a great time.





Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Jul 23, 2016, 2:49:29 PM7/23/16
yet its still corruption, and can be painted as corruption. its why trump might win. the people see it as corruption. so to ignore corruption, is to ignore it at your own peril.
does not mean we get them nailed for corruption, but that would be nice, but we can discredited them, and their corrupt polices.

> Bret Cahill

We've seen over time that countries that have the best economic growth are those that have good governance, and good governance comes from freedom of communication. It comes from ending corruption. It comes from a populace that can go online and say, 'This politician is corrupt, this administrator, or this public official is corrupt.' Ramez Naam
Read more at:

Jul 24, 2016, 1:56:33 PM7/24/16
On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 11:42:48 PM UTC-4, nickname unavailable wrote:
> On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 8:59:31 PM UTC-5, Bret Cahill wrote:
> >
> its why he should have never endorsed her

Bernie, Hillary and Debbie Wasserman - Shultz all know that the dems don't do anything unless its POLL DRIVEN. Right on down to the VP selection.

(don't take any of this personally)

Jul 24, 2016, 9:23:08 PM7/24/16
The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.

Infidel Castrato

Jul 24, 2016, 9:25:26 PM7/24/16


Jul 24, 2016, 9:29:27 PM7/24/16

<> wrote in message
> The convention must distance itself...

No, not really.

Jul 25, 2016, 10:03:09 AM7/25/16
On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 9:59:31 PM UTC-4, Bret Cahill wrote:
> The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.

Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.

Bret Cahill

Jul 25, 2016, 2:04:14 PM7/25/16
> >

> > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.

> Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.

Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.

Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.

The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.

Bret Cahill

Jul 25, 2016, 2:16:44 PM7/25/16
> >
> >
> > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.

HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) said it best.

She the only Dem candidate that can unify the Repugs.

With Sanders we divide and conquer the Repugs just like the jerryspringer shill media try to divide and conquer the American people.

Jul 25, 2016, 6:45:02 PM7/25/16
The votes won't be cast for months.

nickname unavailable

Jul 25, 2016, 7:30:15 PM7/25/16
trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.

reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?

Does Hillary Get It?
By Robert Reich -
July 24, 2016
| Op-Ed
March 10, 2015. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment.
Does Hillary Clinton understand that the biggest divide in American politics is no longer between the right and the left, but between the anti-establishment and the establishment?
I worry she doesn’t – at least not yet.
A Democratic operative I’ve known since the Bill Clinton administration told me “now that she’s won the nomination, Hillary is moving to the middle. She’s going after moderate swing voters.”
Presumably that’s why she tapped Tim Kaine to be her vice president. Kaine is as vanilla middle as you can get.
In fairness, Hillary is only doing what she knows best. Moving to the putative center is what Bill Clinton did after the Democrats lost the House and Senate in 1994 – signing legislation on welfare reform, crime, trade, and financial deregulation that enabled him to win reelection in 1996 and declare “the era of big government” over.
In those days a general election was like a competition between two hot-dog vendors on a boardwalk extending from right to left. Each had to move to the middle to maximize sales. (If one strayed too far left or right, the other would move beside him and take all sales on rest of the boardwalk.)
But this view is outdated. Nowadays, it’s the boardwalk versus the private jets on their way to the Hamptons.
The most powerful force in American politics today is anti-establishment fury at a system rigged by big corporations, Wall Street, and the super-wealthy.
This is a big reason why Donald Trump won the Republican nomination. It’s also why Bernie Sanders took 22 states in the Democratic primaries, including a majority of Democratic primary voters under age 45.
There are no longer “moderates.”  There’s no longer a “center.” There’s authoritarian populism (Trump) or democratic populism (which had been Bernie’s “political revolution,” and is now up for grabs).
And then there’s the Republican establishment (now scattered to the winds), and the Democratic establishment.
If Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party don’t recognize this realignment, they’re in for a rude shock – as, I’m afraid, is the nation. Because Donald Trump does recognize it. His authoritarian (“I’ am your voice”) populism is premised on it.
“In five, ten years from now,” Trump says, “you’re going to have a worker’s party. A party of people that haven’t had a real wage increase in 18 years, that are angry.”
Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by “taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.”
Worries about free trade used to be confined to the political left. Now, according to the Pew Research Center, people who say free-trade deals are bad for America are more likely to lean Republican.
The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
Most basically, the anti-establishment wants big money out of politics. This was the premise of Bernie Sanders’s campaign. It’s also been central to Donald (“I’m so rich I can’t be bought off”) Trump’s appeal, although he’s now trolling for big money.
A recent YouGov/Economist poll found that 80 percent of GOP primary voters who preferred Donald Trump as the nominee listed money in politics as an important issue, and a Bloomberg Politics poll shows a similar percentage of Republicans opposed to the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision.
Getting big money out of politics is of growing importance to voters in both major parties. A June New York Times/CBS News poll showed that 84 percent of Democrats and 81 percent of Republicans want to fundamentally change or completely rebuild our campaign finance system.
Last January, a DeMoines Register poll of likely Iowa caucus-goers found 91 percent of Republicans and 94 percent of Democrats unsatisfied or “mad as hell” about money in politics.
Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” In fact, such a move could hurt her if it’s perceived to be compromising the stances she took in the primaries in order to be more acceptable to Democratic movers and shakers.
She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment – forcefully committing herself to getting big money out of politics, and making the system work for the many rather than a privileged few.
She must make clear Donald Trump’s authoritarian populism is a dangerous gambit, and the best way to end crony capitalism and make America work for the many is to strengthen American democracy.
This article originally appeared on Robert Reich’s blog.

Bret Cahill

Jul 25, 2016, 10:13:38 PM7/25/16
> > > >
> >
> > > > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > > > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> >
> > > Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.
> >
> > Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.
> >
> > Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.
> >
> > The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.
> trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.
> reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
> The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
> the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
> so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?

Hike taxes on the 1% and raise the EIC a few thousand.

> Does Hillary Get It?
> By Robert Reich -
> July 24, 2016
> | Op-Ed
> March 10, 2015. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
> Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment.
> Does Hillary Clinton understand that the biggest divide in American politics is no longer between the right and the left, but between the anti-establishment and the establishment?

Establishment is necessarily right. It matters not how much they hype abortion and flagburner parades, the only minority the shills care about is the 0.1%.

nickname unavailable

Jul 26, 2016, 2:29:28 AM7/26/16
On Monday, July 25, 2016 at 9:13:38 PM UTC-5, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > > > >
> > >
> > > > > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > > > > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> > >
> > > > Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.
> > >
> > > Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.
> > >
> > > Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.
> > >
> > > The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.
> >
> >
> > trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.
> >
> > reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
> > The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
> > the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
> > so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?
> Hike taxes on the 1% and raise the EIC a few thousand.

free trade allows them to move profits onto other over seas divisions, so we cannot touch them. its perfectly legal under our free trade agreements.
to try to do anything else except get rid of free trade, is like you said, whacking a mole.

> >
> >
> > Does Hillary Get It?
> > By Robert Reich -
> > July 24, 2016
> > | Op-Ed
> > March 10, 2015. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
> > Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment.
> > Does Hillary Clinton understand that the biggest divide in American politics is no longer between the right and the left, but between the anti-establishment and the establishment?
> Establishment is necessarily right. It matters not how much they hype abortion and flagburner parades, the only minority the shills care about is the 0.1%.

this might be the first election in many decades, where the legacy media was not able to fool enough of the people all of the time.
in the case of the shrunken loser base of democrats, there will always be some who can be fooled all of the time.
so this election could be where the majority was not fooled, and the legacy media was a mute issue, except with the minority that can be fooled all of the time, which you will never get away from.
you have to understand this point, for me to make it, is pretty hard, but i have come to the conclusion, unless bernie pulls something out of the hat, the con artist bill clinton and his wing, has completely turned the democratic party into some sort of cult. you show the rank and file its day out, and bill clinton says its night, who ya gonna believe, me, or your lying eyes, and the dummies believe the clinton wing.
if they name hillary, they deserve a good shellacking.

Bret Cahill

Jul 26, 2016, 2:52:59 AM7/26/16
> > > > > >
> > > >
> > > > > > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > > > > > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> > > >
> > > > > Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.
> > > >
> > > > Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.
> > > >
> > > > Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.
> > > >
> > > > The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.
> > >
> > >
> > > trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.
> > >
> > > reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
> > > The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
> > > the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
> > > so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?
> >
> > Hike taxes on the 1% and raise the EIC a few thousand.
> >
> free trade allows them to move profits onto other over seas divisions, so we cannot touch them.

We cannot hike the 1040 tax rate to 90%?

What page is that on in these free trade agreements?

This isn't just another end. It's the _means_ to tariffs.

Pop 'em hard enough on the fanny with tax hikes and they'll start looking at tariffs.

Your problem is you don't know how to pop fanny. That's why you never get results.

> its perfectly legal under our free trade agreements.
> to try to do anything else except get rid of free trade, is like you said, whacking a mole.

Do free trade agreement prevent us from hiking the millage on land?

> > >
> > >
> > > Does Hillary Get It?
> > > By Robert Reich -
> > > July 24, 2016
> > > | Op-Ed
> > > March 10, 2015. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
> > > Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment.
> > > Does Hillary Clinton understand that the biggest divide in American politics is no longer between the right and the left, but between the anti-establishment and the establishment?
> >
> > Establishment is necessarily right. It matters not how much they hype abortion and flagburner parades, the only minority the shills care about is the 0.1%.
> this might be the first election in many decades, where the legacy media was not able to fool enough of the people all of the time.

Two things are happening at the same time. The people are more and more desperate to get the discussion onto economic issues while more and more people like me are pointing out that Job 1 at the legacy media is to get the political discussion _off_ of economic issues.

> in the case of the shrunken loser base of democrats, there will always be some who can be fooled all of the time.

That goes w/o saying so there is no reason to say it.

Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Jul 26, 2016, 3:07:20 AM7/26/16
On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 1:52:59 AM UTC-5, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > > > > > > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> > > > >
> > > > > > Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.
> > > > >
> > > > > Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.
> > > > >
> > > > > Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.
> > > > >
> > > > > The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.
> > > >
> > > > reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
> > > > The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
> > > > the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
> > > > so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?
> > >
> > > Hike taxes on the 1% and raise the EIC a few thousand.
> > >
> >
> >
> > free trade allows them to move profits onto other over seas divisions, so we cannot touch them.
> We cannot hike the 1040 tax rate to 90%?

you can hike it. good luck trying to pin it down.

> What page is that on in these free trade agreements?

i do not know. but i have posted empirical evidence showing it. its why corporations are sitting on such huge cash hordes over seas. a big portion of the cash was made here in the u.s.a., but because of free trade, it can be moved onto the books of offshore divisions, out of reach of uncle sam. its what the huge fight us about, profit reparations.
they will bring the money back in, if we let them bring it back in tax free.

> This isn't just another end. It's the _means_ to tariffs.
> Pop 'em hard enough on the fanny with tax hikes and they'll start looking at tariffs.
> Your problem is you don't know how to pop fanny. That's why you never get results.

but people like me have been pushing for tariffs for years. we even attack the legacy media with tariffs built this nation, we are just ignored.

> > its perfectly legal under our free trade agreements.
> > to try to do anything else except get rid of free trade, is like you said, whacking a mole.
> Do free trade agreement prevent us from hiking the millage on land?

the investor thing does. if a foreign corporation, even if its a u.s.a owned one, can and has said that a tax, law or regulation, interferes with our ability to make profits, so they can and have been struck down. so try to tax them, free trade will make sure in the end you cannot, its why i say sovereignty is so important. so whack that mole bret.
and why i have been trying to tell you that bill clinton decided to make sure the constitution, and what people like him thinks is the ugly part, article one, section eight, will no longer apply to the wealthy.

> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Does Hillary Get It?
> > > > By Robert Reich -
> > > > July 24, 2016
> > > > | Op-Ed
> > > > March 10, 2015. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
> > > > Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment.
> > > > Does Hillary Clinton understand that the biggest divide in American politics is no longer between the right and the left, but between the anti-establishment and the establishment?
> > >
> > > Establishment is necessarily right. It matters not how much they hype abortion and flagburner parades, the only minority the shills care about is the 0.1%.
> >
> > this might be the first election in many decades, where the legacy media was not able to fool enough of the people all of the time.
> Two things are happening at the same time. The people are more and more desperate to get the discussion onto economic issues while more and more people like me are pointing out that Job 1 at the legacy media is to get the political discussion _off_ of economic issues.

but so far trump is up now what, 6-7%. so the legacy media is only fooling the part of the country, which can be fooled all of the time, and like the old saying goes, not all of the people all of the time.

> > in the case of the shrunken loser base of democrats, there will always be some who can be fooled all of the time.
> That goes w/o saying so there is no reason to say it.

if we split the party, which i hope happens, the words losers will be used a lot. and if the losers lose, you will here the words losers a whole lot more.

> Bret Cahill

Bret Cahill

Jul 26, 2016, 3:28:54 AM7/26/16
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > > > > > > > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.
> > > > >
> > > > > reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
> > > > > The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
> > > > > the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
> > > > > so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?
> > > >
> > > > Hike taxes on the 1% and raise the EIC a few thousand.
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > free trade allows them to move profits onto other over seas divisions, so we cannot touch them.
> >
> > We cannot hike the 1040 tax rate to 90%?
> >
> you can hike it. good luck trying to pin it down.
> > What page is that on in these free trade agreements?

> i do not know.

IOW you can hike 1040 taxes w/ trade agreements.

> but i have posted empirical evidence showing it.

Cite the empirical evidence in court when the Socialist Party hikes 1040 taxes.

> its why corporations are sitting on such huge cash hordes over seas. a big portion of the cash was made here in the u.s.a., but because of free trade, it can be moved onto the books of offshore divisions, out of reach of uncle sam. its what the huge fight us about, profit reparations.
> they will bring the money back in, if we let them bring it back in tax free.
> >
> > This isn't just another end. It's the _means_ to tariffs.
> >
> > Pop 'em hard enough on the fanny with tax hikes and they'll start looking at tariffs.
> >
> > Your problem is you don't know how to pop fanny. That's why you never get results.

> but people like me have been pushing for tariffs for years.

If it's more than 2 years -- the time interval between Art. I elections -- you don't know how to pop fanny.

If the legacy media are not vilifying _you_ you ain't doing jack.

> we even attack the legacy media with tariffs built this nation, we are just ignored.

Of course. That's because you aren't popping legacy media fanny.

> > > its perfectly legal under our free trade agreements.
> > > to try to do anything else except get rid of free trade, is like you said, whacking a mole.
> >
> > Do free trade agreement prevent us from hiking the millage on land?

> the investor thing does. if a foreign corporation, even if its a u.s.a owned one, can and has said that a tax, law or regulation, interferes with our ability to make profits, so they can and have been struck down.

So how have eight Pennsylvania localities increased the millage on land since 2000?

> so try to tax them, free trade will make sure in the end you cannot, its why i say sovereignty is so important. so whack that mole bret.
> and why i have been trying to tell you that bill clinton decided to make sure the constitution, and what people like him thinks is the ugly part, article one, section eight, will no longer apply to the wealthy.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Does Hillary Get It?
> > > > > By Robert Reich -
> > > > > July 24, 2016
> > > > > | Op-Ed
> > > > > March 10, 2015. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
> > > > > Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment.
> > > > > Does Hillary Clinton understand that the biggest divide in American politics is no longer between the right and the left, but between the anti-establishment and the establishment?
> > > >
> > > > Establishment is necessarily right. It matters not how much they hype abortion and flagburner parades, the only minority the shills care about is the 0.1%.
> > >
> > > this might be the first election in many decades, where the legacy media was not able to fool enough of the people all of the time.
> >
> > Two things are happening at the same time. The people are more and more desperate to get the discussion onto economic issues while more and more people like me are pointing out that Job 1 at the legacy media is to get the political discussion _off_ of economic issues.
> >
> but so far trump is up now what, 6-7%. so the legacy media is only fooling the part of the country, which can be fooled all of the time, and like the old saying goes, not all of the people all of the time.
> > > in the case of the shrunken loser base of democrats, there will always be some who can be fooled all of the time.
> >
> > That goes w/o saying so there is no reason to say it.
> >
> if we split the party, which i hope happens,

That's _guaranteed_ to happen now that everyone knows tRUMP is the Siberian candidate. That's why the neoconfederate bigot is in full meltdown.

Put In & tRUMP will slam the Party of Reagan & BushCo so far down on the ash heap of history the Gipper would scream and run from the cameras. W. Bush's PR man is writing sappy speeches to keep Dumbya out of the world court.

Once the GOP is gone you free to force the legacy media to eat "2 vibrant parties":

"Donja need horse race elections to gush hype?

"Come on, for old times sake, let's hear you gush 'it's a horse race!'

"Can't do it? Wassa matter? You need 2 political parties?

"OK, now that you've twisted our arms [ouch] we'll start another vibrant political party.

"The Socialist Party."

Bret Cahill

Jul 26, 2016, 9:26:33 AM7/26/16
On Monday, July 25, 2016 at 7:30:15 PM UTC-4, nickname unavailable wrote:
> On Monday, July 25, 2016 at 1:04:14 PM UTC-5, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > > >
> >
> > > > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > > > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> >
> > > Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.
> >
> > Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.
> >
> > Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.
> >
> > The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.
> trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.
> reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
> The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
> the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
> so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?
> Does Hillary Get It?
> By Robert Reich -
> July 24, 2016
> | Op-Ed
> March 10, 2015. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
> Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move toward the “middle.” She needs to move instead toward the anti-establishment.
> Does Hillary Clinton understand that the biggest divide in American politics is no longer between the right and the left, but between the anti-establishment and the establishment?

Robert Reich is wrong. The divide in America is having blacks at your job or in your neighborhood. Status of the establishment is far less of an issue.

nickname unavailable

Jul 26, 2016, 12:59:21 PM7/26/16
On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 2:28:54 AM UTC-5, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > The convention must distance itself from this Wassergate scandal at the DNC
> > > > > > > > > by nominating a clean ticket, like Sanders-Warren.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Oh yeah? Show us the votes to prove it.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Princeton Elections shows that tRUMP is 2000 times more likely to win in 2016 than Mittens in 2012, which was a "horse race" according to your beloved legacy media.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Like the other Republicans HMC (Hillary Milhous Clinton) cannot beat tRUMP.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > The only way for Democrats to win top and down ballot is to nominate the Bern.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > trump is doing exactly as i said he should: Speaking at a factory in Pennsylvania in June, he decried politicians and financiers who had betrayed Americans by taking away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > reich himself does not get it, this paragraph says it all,
> > > > > > The problem isn’t trade itself. It’s a political-economic system that won’t cushion working people against trade’s downsides or share trade’s upsides. In other words, a system that’s rigged.
> > > > > > the average brexit voter said they got sick of sitting at home getting 79 pounds a week, in their prime, with no work at all, no way to make a living, no way to build wealth, no future.
> > > > > > so how are you going to cushion the effects of free trading with billions of workers who cannot buy what they make, let alone what we make robert?
> > > > >
> > > > > Hike taxes on the 1% and raise the EIC a few thousand.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > free trade allows them to move profits onto other over seas divisions, so we cannot touch them.
> > >
> > > We cannot hike the 1040 tax rate to 90%?
> > >
> >
> >
> > you can hike it. good luck trying to pin it down.
> >
> > > What page is that on in these free trade agreements?
> > i do not know.
> IOW you can hike 1040 taxes w/ trade agreements.

you can, but they can be challenged, and they will be challenged. its all there bret, the loss of sovereignty. why do you think the train wreck is so eager to get another one through.

> > but i have posted empirical evidence showing it.
> Cite the empirical evidence in court when the Socialist Party hikes 1040 taxes.

its called the investor dispute part of the free trade agreements. anything sovereign can be challenged that gets in the way of profits.

it is impossible to free trade and have a civil society. bill clinton knew this well, its why he knew free trade would deal a death blow to article one, section eight of the u.s. constitution. income taxes are being challenged under free trade
How ISDS threatens tax justice

Under the current system, states can and have
been sued for changing tax laws, revoking tax
breaks, and increasing corporate, income and
other taxes

A tax ‘carve-out’ written into a trade or
investment treaty doesn’t necessarily prevent
taxes being challenged – it can just give the
lawyers and arbitrators working on these cases
more to argue about

We believe that states must have the ability
to reconsider and change previously set and
unfair tax ‘incentives’ granted to corporations,
and to be flexible in choosing which industries
to subsidise with tax breaks

The threat of an expensive ISDS case can
be as powerful as actually filing one – an
unknown number of disputes are resolved
before a case is ever formally filed. With states
unclear about what might trigger successful
claims, the safest course of action is to never
threaten a multinational corporation’s profits –
a dangerous prospect for tax justice and
public interest laws

There is no comparable mechanism for
states to hold foreign investors to account
for their actions. ISDS is a one-way system,
where states are always on the defence.
If a multinational behaves badly, a state
cannot launch an ISDS claim…

please read more, if you value your democracy, sovereignty, and civil society, you will do everything in your power to end free trade, and to out those who have sold us out.

> > its why corporations are sitting on such huge cash hordes over seas. a big portion of the cash was made here in the u.s.a., but because of free trade, it can be moved onto the books of offshore divisions, out of reach of uncle sam. its what the huge fight us about, profit reparations.
> > they will bring the money back in, if we let them bring it back in tax free.
> >
> > >
> > > This isn't just another end. It's the _means_ to tariffs.
> > >
> > > Pop 'em hard enough on the fanny with tax hikes and they'll start looking at tariffs.
> > >
> > > Your problem is you don't know how to pop fanny. That's why you never get results.
> > but people like me have been pushing for tariffs for years.
> If it's more than 2 years -- the time interval between Art. I elections -- you don't know how to pop fanny.
> If the legacy media are not vilifying _you_ you ain't doing jack.

i have been at it for decades. i am being ignored, just as baker and millions of others are being ignored.

> > we even attack the legacy media with tariffs built this nation, we are just ignored.
> Of course. That's because you aren't popping legacy media fanny.

we are. even baker is getting sick of it.

> > > > its perfectly legal under our free trade agreements.
> > > > to try to do anything else except get rid of free trade, is like you said, whacking a mole.
> > >
> > > Do free trade agreement prevent us from hiking the millage on land?
> > the investor thing does. if a foreign corporation, even if its a u.s.a owned one, can and has said that a tax, law or regulation, interferes with our ability to make profits, so they can and have been struck down.
> So how have eight Pennsylvania localities increased the millage on land since 2000?

it is impossible to free trade and have a civil society. bill clinton knew this well, its why he knew free trade would deal a death blow to article one, section eight of the u.s. constitution. income taxes are being challenged under free trade
How ISDS threatens tax justice

Under the current system, states can and have
been sued for changing tax laws, revoking tax
breaks, and increasing corporate, income and
other taxes

A tax ‘carve-out’ written into a trade or
investment treaty doesn’t necessarily prevent
taxes being challenged – it can just give the
lawyers and arbitrators working on these cases
more to argue about

We believe that states must have the ability
to reconsider and change previously set and
unfair tax ‘incentives’ granted to corporations,
and to be flexible in choosing which industries
to subsidise with tax breaks

The threat of an expensive ISDS case can
be as powerful as actually filing one – an
unknown number of disputes are resolved
before a case is ever formally filed. With states
unclear about what might trigger successful
claims, the safest course of action is to never
threaten a multinational corporation’s profits –
a dangerous prospect for tax justice and
public interest laws

There is no comparable mechanism for
states to hold foreign investors to account
for their actions. ISDS is a one-way system,
where states are always on the defence.
If a multinational behaves badly, a state
cannot launch an ISDS claim…

please read more, if you value your democracy, sovereignty, and civil society, you will do everything in your power to end free trade, and to out those who have sold us out.
good chance trump will win. most goobers know putin is a winner.

> Bret Cahill

Bret Cahill

Jul 26, 2016, 2:52:32 PM7/26/16
Then obviously you aren't popping 0.1% media fanny.

Were Jefferson alive today he'd have the shills screaming and running to Canada in a matter of minutes.

. . .

> > > if we split the party, which i hope happens,
> >
> > That's _guaranteed_ to happen now that everyone knows tRUMP is the Siberian candidate. That's why the neoconfederate bigot is in full meltdown.

> > Put In & tRUMP will slam the Party of Reagan & BushCo so far down on the ash heap of history the Gipper would scream and run from the cameras. W. Bush's PR man is writing sappy speeches to keep Dumbya out of the world court.

> > Once the GOP is gone you free to force the legacy media to eat "2 vibrant parties":

> > "Donja need horse race elections to gush hype?

> > "Come on, for old times sake, let's hear you gush 'it's a horse race!'

> > "Can't do it? Wassa matter? You need 2 political parties?

> > "OK, now that you've twisted our arms [ouch] we'll start another vibrant political party.

> > "The Socialist Party."

> good chance trump will win.

Then the legacy media Democrat is finished and down ballot goes Democrat which will revitalize the Democratic Party and a Socialist Party will never happen.

If both candidates head South in the next month or so which is not unlikely then you have a chance for a large new party.

No matter what happens the future does not favor neo cons which is why she'll have to start a war by the end of January.

There is a real wedge issue between Obama & HRC.

> most goobers know putin is a winner.

Both the tRUMP and HRC campaigns and many other politicos are all making a big mistake assuming that Putin's money is somehow more tainted in voters' minds than American money.

At least you don't hear the same ol same ol' with Russian money. At least you see some shill fanny getting popped.

This may be the most valuable unintended consequence of globalization.

There was a reputable poll back in "patriotic" BushCo days that showed most Americans thought the U. S. would be better off being run by the U. N. or some other foreign entity.!topic/alt.philosophy/k8oh7vdRVcA

Bret Cahill

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