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the clinton days might be over, you know, where you throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform, and for prison expansion, throwing workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over

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nickname unavailable

Jan 1, 2017, 12:47:08 PM1/1/17
the clinton days might be over, you know, where you throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform, and for prison expansion, throwing workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over.

i say might, because scum like that love power, and they love being servants to the wealthy. they are not going to give this up easy.
so if you do not drive them out, the scum will rise to the top again immediately.
the population no longer believes the legacy media, the people will see what the clinton types really are, and the GOP will just keep on rolling the democrats, till they become a small third party.

Van Jones: 'The Clinton days are over'

By Daniella Diaz, CNN
Updated 10:46 AM ET, Sun January 1, 2017
Jones says the Democratic Party needs more progressive leaders
He adds that incoming Sen. Kamala Harris will be a star in the party
Washington (CNN)The Clinton family's grip on the Democratic Party has come to an end and it's time for a new generation of leadership to lead the party, CNN political commentator Van Jones said.
"You have to understand, I think that the Clinton days are over," Jones told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview that aired Sunday on "State of the Union." "This idea that we're going to be this moderate party that's going to move in this direction, that's going to throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform, and for prison expansion, that's going to throw workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over."

He added that Kamala Harris, a California Democrat who was just elected to the US Senate, is "unreal."
"She's going to be out there defending those DREAMer kids because they're a big part of her constituency," he said. "But she's got African-American roots. She's got Asian roots. She's female. She's tough. She's smart. She's going to become a big deal."
Jones also called Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress who is eying the Democratic National Committee chairmanship, "important" because he's progressive.
"I think that Keith Ellison is very important because he is somebody who represents the progressive wing of the party," he said. "One thing that happened, when Hillary Clinton had a chance to make a VP pick, she didn't pick someone from the progressive wing, which made it much harder to heal those wounds with the (Bernie) Sanders and Elizabeth Warren wing. Keith Ellison represents that wing very, very well."
He continued, "You also, I think, have to remember that Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are going to be there on the Senate floor every day. That's going to be an important part."

Bret Cahill

Jan 1, 2017, 2:11:53 PM1/1/17
> the clinton days might be over, you know, where you throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform,

Funny how the 0.1% media never told blacks about this.

Every time you post you unwittingly finger the 0.1% media as the root of the problem.

> and for prison expansion, throwing workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over.

> i say might, because scum like that love power, and they love being servants to the wealthy. they are not going to give this up easy.
> so if you do not drive them out, the scum will rise to the top again immediately.
> the population no longer believes the legacy media, the people will see what the clinton types really are, and the GOP will just keep on rolling the democrats, till they become a small third party.

> Van Jones: 'The Clinton days are over'
> By Daniella Diaz, CNN
> Updated 10:46 AM ET, Sun January 1, 2017
> Jones says the Democratic Party needs more progressive leaders
> He adds that incoming Sen. Kamala Harris will be a star in the party

I advocated running Harris in 2020 weeks ago.

California is large enough so that the Democratic Party has its own inertial system and triangulating with Repugs to is not necessary.

Nevertheless it is instructive for you to note that California voted for Hillary _even in the primary_. California does not antagonize the legacy media Democrats who are now being ejected from the party. What am I saying? We still have Sen. Feinstein (D-Legacy Media).

California represents effective activism as opposed to vilification and flailing out powerlessly at Dems who disagree with you on the merits.

Now that the Clintons are gone we can start out the new year by pointing out the biggest of LMD hypocrisies so that we can flush all the LMDs down the toilet in one fell swoop. No more wack a mole. No more flailing out powerlessly.

If I say so myself here's an excellent example of how to exert highly leveraged power by popping shill media fanny:


Hillary's slogan was "Stronger Together" however there is not one single person on the entire planet who believes HRC wanted her _own_ self to be together with the unwashed masses when it came to the one subject where it is critically important for politicians to be together with the people:

Deciding national economic policy, the clear intent of Art. I, Sec. 8.

Decades before the ebil Clintons were born, for over a century, the robber baron boot licking 0.1% shill media have been standing Jefferson on his head with third way 0.1% elitists-make-all-decisions-on-all-economic-policy nonsense.

Like impressionist artists the image the media paint over countless articles and editorials is that the founders can somehow be ignored (after all, "Jefferson had slaves" and horse and buggy days are over) as though some "seminal" discovery has occurred in political science where there is a form of society that's better than smelly Joe Sixpack deciding national economic policy or dictatorship.

Unlike other fields of science like physics, however, where seminal discoveries get a title, i.e., _Special Relativity_, an author, i.e., Einstein, and a date, i.e., 1905, in the parallel universe of the legacy media seminal discoveries that upend everything Tocqueville wrote have,

no title.

no author, and,

no date.

The legacy media are astounded that a dictator somehow got into power. Had they read Tocqueville they'd know that by undermining democracy a dictator will appear





_That's_ how you destroy the shilldom. By going after the shills. You listen to the celebrated Montesquieu and go after the _source_ of the problem.

The 0.1% shill media.

You don't accomplish anything by

Flogging the dead Clinton horse.
Flailing out at individual politicians which is wack a mole at best.
Voting for tRUMP (who has already flushed the uneducated whites down the toilet before he's even been sworn in).

You exercise editorial control over the 12 million parazoids getting paid hundreds of billions to destroy trillions in wealth every year to keep the public poor and powerless.

Again, the lofty elitist third way crap did not originate with the Clintons.

Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Jan 1, 2017, 3:08:24 PM1/1/17
On Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 1:11:53 PM UTC-6, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > the clinton days might be over, you know, where you throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform,
> Funny how the 0.1% media never told blacks about this.
> Every time you post you unwittingly finger the 0.1% media as the root of the problem.

but the blacks already know this. the blacks knew about the prison strikes, even though the legacy media refused to cover them. its why more blacks voted for trump, than the democrats ever believed would happen, same with latinos and women.
hide your head in the sand, way more americans hate the legacy media than you understand, its why the cartoon network out rates some of them.
they are kaput, and have lost in the last two election cycles. the real problem is, and will continue to be, the clintonites, the third way democrats, the so called centrists. drive them out, or slowly become a small third party.

> > and for prison expansion, throwing workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over.
> > i say might, because scum like that love power, and they love being servants to the wealthy. they are not going to give this up easy.
> > so if you do not drive them out, the scum will rise to the top again immediately.
> > the population no longer believes the legacy media, the people will see what the clinton types really are, and the GOP will just keep on rolling the democrats, till they become a small third party.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Van Jones: 'The Clinton days are over'
> >
> > By Daniella Diaz, CNN
> > Updated 10:46 AM ET, Sun January 1, 2017
> > Jones says the Democratic Party needs more progressive leaders
> > He adds that incoming Sen. Kamala Harris will be a star in the party
> I advocated running Harris in 2020 weeks ago.
> California is large enough so that the Democratic Party has its own inertial system and triangulating with Repugs to is not necessary.
> Nevertheless it is instructive for you to note that California voted for Hillary _even in the primary_. California does not antagonize the legacy media Democrats who are now being ejected from the party. What am I saying? We still have Sen. Feinstein (D-Legacy Media).
> California represents effective activism as opposed to vilification and flailing out powerlessly at Dems who disagree with you on the merits.
> Now that the Clintons are gone we can start out the new year by pointing out the biggest of LMD hypocrisies so that we can flush all the LMDs down the toilet in one fell swoop. No more wack a mole. No more flailing out powerlessly.
> If I say so myself here's an excellent example of how to exert highly leveraged power by popping shill media fanny:
> ~~~~~~~~~

the clintonites are not gone. you equate the clintons, as the only driving force behind the third way. the clintons own the face of it, no doubt about it, but others are stepping up the attacks on progressives, from the shadows.
the clintons are a spent force, but not the clintonites.
california can be neutralized under our system, ignore the clintonites at your own peril.

> Hillary's slogan was "Stronger Together" however there is not one single person on the entire planet who believes HRC wanted her _own_ self to be together with the unwashed masses when it came to the one subject where it is critically important for politicians to be together with the people:
> Deciding national economic policy, the clear intent of Art. I, Sec. 8.
> Decades before the ebil Clintons were born, for over a century, the robber baron boot licking 0.1% shill media have been standing Jefferson on his head with third way 0.1% elitists-make-all-decisions-on-all-economic-policy nonsense.

no one person did more damage to the constitution, than bill clinton. he tangled us so deep, as i said in the 1990's, i doubt we can untangle this mess, and stiglitz came out later with a piece saying just that. the scale of the corruption is beyond anything ever done in human history.

> Like impressionist artists the image the media paint over countless articles and editorials is that the founders can somehow be ignored (after all, "Jefferson had slaves" and horse and buggy days are over) as though some "seminal" discovery has occurred in political science where there is a form of society that's better than smelly Joe Sixpack deciding national economic policy or dictatorship.
> Unlike other fields of science like physics, however, where seminal discoveries get a title, i.e., _Special Relativity_, an author, i.e., Einstein, and a date, i.e., 1905, in the parallel universe of the legacy media seminal discoveries that upend everything Tocqueville wrote have,
> no title.
> no author, and,
> no date.
> The legacy media are astounded that a dictator somehow got into power. Had they read Tocqueville they'd know that by undermining democracy a dictator will appear
> every
> single
> time.
> ~~~~~~~~

they have now lost two complete election cycles in a row, and the cartoon network gets more respect.
drive out the clintonites, or find a small hole to live in, because america will no longer bite on the legacy media tales, and the american people were driven in desperation, to vote for a t.v. pitchman. don't make them do it again.
is harris anti free trade? if she waffles or is, she will lose.

> _That's_ how you destroy the shilldom. By going after the shills. You listen to the celebrated Montesquieu and go after the _source_ of the problem.
> The 0.1% shill media.
> You don't accomplish anything by
> Flogging the dead Clinton horse.
> Flailing out at individual politicians which is wack a mole at best.
> Voting for tRUMP (who has already flushed the uneducated whites down the toilet before he's even been sworn in).
> You exercise editorial control over the 12 million parazoids getting paid hundreds of billions to destroy trillions in wealth every year to keep the public poor and powerless.
> Again, the lofty elitist third way crap did not originate with the Clintons.

they were simply the ones who were the most effective, so effective that they destroyed the constitution.
the legacy media is kaput.

> Bret Cahill

Bret Cahill

Jan 1, 2017, 11:41:08 PM1/1/17
> > > the clinton days might be over, you know, where you throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform,

> > Funny how the 0.1% media never told blacks about this.

> > Every time you post you unwittingly finger the 0.1% media as the root of the problem.
> but the blacks already know this.

And still voted for Hillary over Sanders?

> the blacks knew about the prison strikes,

But did they know about the Great Satan Clinton quadrupling the black prison population back in the 1990s when they were voting for the Great Satan Clinton?

Every time you post you unwittingly finger the 0.1% media as the root of the problem.

> even though the legacy media refused to cover them.

Now you are even wittingly fingering the legacy media.

> its why more blacks voted for trump, than the democrats ever believed would happen, same with latinos and women.
> hide your head in the sand, way more americans hate the legacy media than you understand,

It needs to be 99.9% of Americans chasing the shills out of politics before you can expect progress.

> its why the cartoon network out rates some of them.
> they are kaput,

They got Hillary nominated and LMDs are still posting right on this group.

You can argue that they are really really dumb. OK, some Americans are dumb.

They still vote.

They still can be jerryspringered to drive _you_ out of the Democratic party.

> and have lost in the last two election cycles. the real problem is, and will continue to be, the clintonites,

Finally! You openly admit flailing out at the Great Satan Bill Clinton was wack a mole.

That's why it's a waste of time, not to mention fascist, to go after individuals.

Instead go after the Big Lies.

> the third way democrats, the so called centrists. drive them out, or slowly become a small third party.

All a legacy media Democrat needs to do to drive _you_ out is to get the legacy media to jerryspringer the Dem base against you.

The legacy media get paid tens of billions a year to do just that.

They make tens of billions a year. You make nothing.

And you are calling _them_ kaput?

> > > and for prison expansion, throwing workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over.

> > > i say might, because scum like that love power, and they love being servants to the wealthy. they are not going to give this up easy.
> > > so if you do not drive them out, the scum will rise to the top again immediately.
> > > the population no longer believes the legacy media, the people will see what the clinton types really are, and the GOP will just keep on rolling the democrats, till they become a small third party.

> > >

> > > Van Jones: 'The Clinton days are over'
> > >
> > > By Daniella Diaz, CNN
> > > Updated 10:46 AM ET, Sun January 1, 2017
> > > Jones says the Democratic Party needs more progressive leaders
> > > He adds that incoming Sen. Kamala Harris will be a star in the party

> > I advocated running Harris in 2020 weeks ago.

> > California is large enough so that the Democratic Party has its own inertial system and triangulating with Repugs to is not necessary.

> > Nevertheless it is instructive for you to note that California voted for Hillary _even in the primary_. California does not antagonize the legacy media Democrats who are now being ejected from the party. What am I saying? We still have Sen. Feinstein (D-Legacy Media).


> > California represents effective activism as opposed to vilification and flailing out powerlessly at Dems who disagree with you on the merits.
> >
> > Now that the Clintons are gone we can start out the new year by pointing out the biggest of LMD hypocrisies so that we can flush all the LMDs down the toilet in one fell swoop. No more wack a mole. No more flailing out powerlessly.
> >
> > If I say so myself here's an excellent example of how to exert highly leveraged power by popping shill media fanny:
> >
> > ~~~~~~~~~
> >
> the clintonites are not gone.

Then why were you wack a moling the Clintons?

> you equate the clintons, as the only driving force behind the third way.

Yer projecting again.

As stated below third way goes back to the age of the robber barons. The Clintons merely adopted it because "everyone" in DC adopted it.

> the clintons own the face of it, no doubt about it,

Then you think there's some kind of victory with the Clintons gone.

You are ready to wack more moles.

> but others are stepping up the attacks on progressives, from the shadows.

"From the shadows"

? ? ?

The 0.1% have 12 million well paid media shills doing it out in the open.

> the clintons are a spent force, but not the clintonites.

William Randolph Hearst was a Clintonite?

> california can be neutralized under our system,

tRUMP starts out as the most unpopular president in history.

This will only get worse as uneducated whites discover what everyone else already knew:

tRUMP was lying about the wall, lying about trade and lying about his posturing to help uneducated whites economically.

> ignore the clintonites at your own peril.

Here, try again (w/o suffering another attack of Great Satan Clinton derangement syndrome):

> > Hillary's slogan was "Stronger Together" however there is not one single person on the entire planet who believes HRC wanted her _own_ self to be together with the unwashed masses when it came to the one subject where it is critically important for politicians to be together with the people:

> > Deciding national economic policy, the clear intent of Art. I, Sec. 8.


> > Decades before the ebil Clintons were born,


> > for over a century, the robber baron boot licking 0.1% shill media have been standing Jefferson on his head with third way 0.1% elitists-make-all-decisions-on-all-economic-policy nonsense.

> no one person did more damage to the constitution, than bill clinton.

Then Nader should have read up on constitutional law and taken Clinton to court.

BTW, what % tariff is unconstitutional?


Clinton appointed Ginzberg, the only justice who has read the constitution.


> he tangled us so deep, as i said in the 1990's,

Third way has been going on since the 1880s.


The Great Satan the Ebil Clinton is so ebil and you are so completely unhinged there is no event that could set you straight.


> i doubt we can untangle this mess,

Be careful about using first person.

"We" aren't in a mess.

_You_ are the one in a hopeless mess.

And you are making your mess worse by cheering dictator tRUMP for vanquishing the Great Satan Bill Clinton.

After Clinton dies you'll be at the grave to dig him up to stone him to death.

But you will not have accomplished anything progressive.

> and stiglitz came out later with a piece saying just that. the scale of the corruption is beyond anything ever done in human history.

Did Stiglitz ever say anything about the % a tariff must be to be unconstitutional?

> > Like impressionist artists the image the media paint over countless articles and editorials is that the founders can somehow be ignored (after all, "Jefferson had slaves" and horse and buggy days are over) as though some "seminal" discovery has occurred in political science where there is a form of society that's better than smelly Joe Sixpack deciding national economic policy or dictatorship.


> > Unlike other fields of science like physics, however, where seminal discoveries get a title, i.e., _Special Relativity_, an author, i.e., Einstein, and a date, i.e., 1905, in the parallel universe of the legacy media seminal discoveries that upend everything Tocqueville wrote have,

> > no title.

> > no author, and,

> > no date.


> > The legacy media are astounded that a dictator somehow got into power. Had they read Tocqueville they'd know that by undermining democracy a dictator will appear

> > every

> > single

> > time.

> > ~~~~~~~~

> they have now lost two complete election cycles in a row, and the cartoon network gets more respect.

The legacy media candidate has lost every election since the Civil Rights movement barring a GOP meltdown like Watergate or BushCo.

Bill Clinton is no exception as he won by double digits by _not_ being a legacy media candidate.

> drive out the clintonites,

Legacy media Democrats will just get their buddies in the media to jerryspringer the Dem base against you and they'll drive _you_ out of the party.

The LMDs already did it once so they'll do it again.

And as long as you are cheerleading tRUMP, you _should_ be driven out of the party.

> or find a small hole to live in, because america will no longer bite on the legacy media tales,

As long as they are getting paid tens of billions to spread 3rd way nonsense the voters will be voting for 3rd way nonsense.

> and the american people were driven in desperation, to vote for a t.v. pitchman. don't make them do it again.

> is harris anti free trade? if she waffles or is, she will lose.

Hillary won the popular vote claiming the TPP was perfection incarnate and HRC looked like she just escaped from an ICU.

Not that tRUMP was ever serious about helping out those who want to screw in two bolts all day long, but after uneducated whites matriculate into the tRUMP Skool of Hard Knocks tRUMP's low approval will drag down anyone associated with anti trade rhetoric.

You have some good arguments against "free" trade but voters don't have time to make fine distinctions. When voters puke up tRUMP's tRUMPvilles, they'll puke your arguments out as well, _even thought tRUMP was never serious about tariffs_.

To save your arguments you really really need to distance yourself from tRUMP.

> > _That's_ how you destroy the shilldom. By going after the shills. You listen to the celebrated Montesquieu and go after the _source_ of the problem.

> > The 0.1% shill media.

> > You don't accomplish anything by

> > Flogging the dead Clinton horse.
> > Flailing out at individual politicians which is wack a mole at best.
> > Voting for tRUMP (who has already flushed the uneducated whites down the toilet before he's even been sworn in).

> > You exercise editorial control over the 12 million parazoids getting paid hundreds of billions to destroy trillions in wealth every year to keep the public poor and powerless.

> > Again, the lofty elitist third way crap did not originate with the Clintons.

> they were simply the ones who were the most effective,

What was the seminal breakthrough idea of the Great Satan Bill Clinton that allowed him to do so much evil?


>so effective that they destroyed the constitution.

It took such diabolical brilliance for Clinton to get the lazy goobers to go to Walmart to buy cheap stuff.

> the legacy media is kaput.

Then why are the shills still getting paid hundreds of billions a year to spread 3rd way nonsense?

You think Bezos et. al. are mentally retarded? Really really slow?

Graham may have dumped WaPo for at least 2 reasons: Snowden introduced a conflict of interest and/or Graham was thinking long term. Graham knew he should get the money while the getting was good. Graham was thinking long term, preparing in advance for the future.

That future as yet to arrive.

What you don't understand is the legacy media and the ancien regime are/were in two entirely different situations:

The ancien regime was merely on the wrong side of history. They could say, "hey we agree, maybe aristocracy isn't the best way to go."

In contrast there is no graceful exit for legacy media shills. What can the 0.1% media say?

"Hey, maybe we shouldn't have been shills."

? ? ?

At a minimum the legacy media are in a stage much like a sick or mortally wounded animal. They can still take the country down with them which is what they will do if you waste your time on the Great Satan and other politicians.

Bret Cahill

nickname unavailable

Jan 2, 2017, 3:25:00 PM1/2/17
On Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 10:41:08 PM UTC-6, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > > > the clinton days might be over, you know, where you throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform,
> > > Funny how the 0.1% media never told blacks about this.
> > > Every time you post you unwittingly finger the 0.1% media as the root of the problem.
> >
> > but the blacks already know this.
> And still voted for Hillary over Sanders?

in the south yes, not so much in the north. otherwise trump would not have won pa. oh. mi. or wisconsin.
since i knew the outcome of the election would be fought in those states, not the south, yes, enough already knew what the clintons were, just like the latinos also, and women.

> > the blacks knew about the prison strikes,
> But did they know about the Great Satan Clinton quadrupling the black prison population back in the 1990s when they were voting for the Great Satan Clinton?

yes they knew in the north, otherwise trump would have lost the election.

> Every time you post you unwittingly finger the 0.1% media as the root of the problem.

the root cause is corruption. no one held a gun to the clintonites head, and said you must do these things, they were/are still corrupt, and they did it for the wealth and power that they accrued.

> > even though the legacy media refused to cover them.
> Now you are even wittingly fingering the legacy media.

ROTFLOL!!!!! they did not cover them because of the election. it did not affect the outcome of the election, you just made my point, they are kaput.

> > its why more blacks voted for trump, than the democrats ever believed would happen, same with latinos and women.
> > hide your head in the sand, way more americans hate the legacy media than you understand,
> It needs to be 99.9% of Americans chasing the shills out of politics before you can expect progress.

you will never silence those whom advocate for plutocracy, aristocracy, oligarchy ect. who do it with sneaky propaganda, ect..
but its real easy for someone like me who came out in public in the 1990's, before the internet took off, and proclaimed what bill clinton was. it so enraged my party, that i was booted, that is what scares the corrupt the most, exposure.

> > its why the cartoon network out rates some of them.
> > they are kaput,
> They got Hillary nominated and LMDs are still posting right on this group.

it was rigged. and it was rigged because the clintons could no longer count on the legacy media to get them in.
otherwise if the legacy media still carried the day, sanders who? you do not even realize where this has gone, we are way past the legacy media shills, and are out to drive them out of the democratic party.

> You can argue that they are really really dumb. OK, some Americans are dumb.
> They still vote.
> They still can be jerryspringered to drive _you_ out of the Democratic party.

there are always those, its why you will never shut down the legacy media. however enough americans have wised up to the facts about the legacy media, and they watch cartoons instead. its a matter of record.

> > and have lost in the last two election cycles. the real problem is, and will continue to be, the clintonites,
> Finally! You openly admit flailing out at the Great Satan Bill Clinton was wack a mole.
> That's why it's a waste of time, not to mention fascist, to go after individuals.
> Instead go after the Big Lies.

they have lost two election cycles in a row, and now we are going to drive them out, because we want our country back.
calling out corruption is fascism? then you better not call out trump, err, you already have fascist.

> > the third way democrats, the so called centrists. drive them out, or slowly become a small third party.
> All a legacy media Democrat needs to do to drive _you_ out is to get the legacy media to jerryspringer the Dem base against you.

but they are watching cartoons bret. if they were not, hillary would be president.
the democratic base is mostly professionals, that are on par with AYN RAND, who despise working people.
they are already turning on us, and the legacy media is kaput. its the corruption man, just like it was the free trade man.

> The legacy media get paid tens of billions a year to do just that.

and they have lost two election cycles in a row. and they will keep on spending no matter what you do or say, i even told you that, a long time ago. you are a gnat to them. they will ignore you. however, we are in the process of perhaps another giant win, we are driving them out of the democratic party.

> They make tens of billions a year. You make nothing.
> And you are calling _them_ kaput?

they can make that money as i explained to you by advertising b-1 bombers to the public, i told you that, but that will not make people turn off the cartoons, to listen to what they know are lies.

> > > > and for prison expansion, throwing workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over.
> > > > i say might, because scum like that love power, and they love being servants to the wealthy. they are not going to give this up easy.
> > > > so if you do not drive them out, the scum will rise to the top again immediately.
> > > > the population no longer believes the legacy media, the people will see what the clinton types really are, and the GOP will just keep on rolling the democrats, till they become a small third party.
> > > >
> > > > Van Jones: 'The Clinton days are over'
> > > >
> > > > By Daniella Diaz, CNN
> > > > Updated 10:46 AM ET, Sun January 1, 2017
> > > > Jones says the Democratic Party needs more progressive leaders
> > > > He adds that incoming Sen. Kamala Harris will be a star in the party
> > > I advocated running Harris in 2020 weeks ago.
> > > California is large enough so that the Democratic Party has its own inertial system and triangulating with Repugs to is not necessary.
> > > Nevertheless it is instructive for you to note that California voted for Hillary _even in the primary_. California does not antagonize the legacy media Democrats who are now being ejected from the party. What am I saying? We still have Sen. Feinstein (D-Legacy Media).
> <CIA>

you mean you think we can drive all of the out, ridiculous. we will drive enough out, to shut her up. she either goes along with us, or she can go to the GOP, and then she will lose for sure.
how do you think FDR got the new deal in? he had to rely on southern democrats. but he had them neutralized by the bully pulpit.

> > > California represents effective activism as opposed to vilification and flailing out powerlessly at Dems who disagree with you on the merits.
> > >
> > > Now that the Clintons are gone we can start out the new year by pointing out the biggest of LMD hypocrisies so that we can flush all the LMDs down the toilet in one fell swoop. No more wack a mole. No more flailing out powerlessly.
> > >
> > > If I say so myself here's an excellent example of how to exert highly leveraged power by popping shill media fanny:
> > >
> > > ~~~~~~~~~
> > >
> >
> > the clintonites are not gone.
> Then why were you wack a moling the Clintons?

they are the face. the best thing to do is to remind america what they did, and who went along with it. otherwise why do you think the democrats keep losing in blue states. schumer even pointed that out a few years back about free trade and other corrupt policies of the clintonites, when he could see the tide turning against the democratic party. of course i saw that tide during the clinton years, its why bills record of democratic losses, was almost as bad as the dim wits.
don't worry, trump will do a lot of this for us.

> > you equate the clintons, as the only driving force behind the third way.
> Yer projecting again.
> As stated below third way goes back to the age of the robber barons. The Clintons merely adopted it because "everyone" in DC adopted it.

no one pointed a gun at their heads and say be corrupt. you want to paper over and are apologizing for their crimes. it ain't gonna happen, america knows their crimes, and they want a pound of flesh.

> > the clintons own the face of it, no doubt about it,
> Then you think there's some kind of victory with the Clintons gone.
> You are ready to wack more moles.

you just are beyond belief, its your worship of bill that is getting in your way. i say the clintonites.

> > but others are stepping up the attacks on progressives, from the shadows.
> "From the shadows"
> ? ? ?

these are wealthy powerful people who are out to beat ellison.

> The 0.1% have 12 million well paid media shills doing it out in the open.

good for them. what a waste of money, a majority of americans are watching cartoons instead.

> > the clintons are a spent force, but not the clintonites.
> William Randolph Hearst was a Clintonite?

oh please. the clintonites are the modern hooverites.

> > california can be neutralized under our system,
> tRUMP starts out as the most unpopular president in history.

so. it never stopped thatcher, or clinton. both sold out their countries, and were minority leaders.

> This will only get worse as uneducated whites discover what everyone else already knew:
> tRUMP was lying about the wall, lying about trade and lying about his posturing to help uneducated whites economically.

actually most people i know that voted trump did not want to, they were desperate people that were forced into it. you gave them no choice.
they already know hillary would pass the TPP as soon as she got in, plus hillary would start a war against russia and iran, she all but acknowleged it in public.

> > ignore the clintonites at your own peril.
> Here, try again (w/o suffering another attack of Great Satan Clinton derangement syndrome):

here, try again, the only way the clintons could attempt to get in again, is to rig the primaries, because they lost the last election cycle. but even rigging it did not save them in this election cycle either. the legacy media is kaput.

> > > Hillary's slogan was "Stronger Together" however there is not one single person on the entire planet who believes HRC wanted her _own_ self to be together with the unwashed masses when it came to the one subject where it is critically important for politicians to be together with the people:
> > > Deciding national economic policy, the clear intent of Art. I, Sec. 8.
> <CIA>

oh please.

> > > Decades before the ebil Clintons were born,
> <CIA>

oh please. we have had this discussion before. lincoln, teddy, and fdr all faced a hostile media like william randolf hearst, its just that they were not corrupt, and used the bully pulpit to enforce art. 1, section 8.

> > > for over a century, the robber baron boot licking 0.1% shill media have been standing Jefferson on his head with third way 0.1% elitists-make-all-decisions-on-all-economic-policy nonsense.
> > no one person did more damage to the constitution, than bill clinton.
> Then Nader should have read up on constitutional law and taken Clinton to court.

he should have.

> BTW, what % tariff is unconstitutional?
> <CIA>

what percentage is to low, what percentage is to high. you are playing the neo-liberal/conservative game, but saying what is their fair share?
we know what we need, then we legislate it. article one, section eight even says that.

> Clinton appointed Ginzberg, the only justice who has read the constitution.
> <CIA>

she missed the part that roberts read, where he warned us free trade was turning america over to clintons kangaroo courts.

> > he tangled us so deep, as i said in the 1990's,
> Third way has been going on since the 1880s.
> <CIA>

but we had fresh governments installed, that were not always corrupt.

> The Great Satan the Ebil Clinton is so ebil and you are so completely unhinged there is no event that could set you straight.
> <CIA>

even today hoover gets no respect.

> > i doubt we can untangle this mess,
> Be careful about using first person.
> "We" aren't in a mess.
> _You_ are the one in a hopeless mess.
> And you are making your mess worse by cheering dictator tRUMP for vanquishing the Great Satan Bill Clinton.
> After Clinton dies you'll be at the grave to dig him up to stone him to death.
> But you will not have accomplished anything progressive.

every country that tries to bury the crimes of the few against the many, end up failing. its why trump won.
the only reason why hoover was not strung up, was because FDR managed to stabilize the country by 1934, otherwise hoover may have ended up swinging from a lamp post.
it will be very easy for trump to say this mess was caused by whom, and what they did. people will give him leeway, and the clintons might end up swinging no matter what.
so the best thing for the democratic party is to drive them out, and get themselves as far away as possible from the policies that drove tens of millions of people into poverty, and created the atmosphere for fascism.

> > and stiglitz came out later with a piece saying just that. the scale of the corruption is beyond anything ever done in human history.
> Did Stiglitz ever say anything about the % a tariff must be to be unconstitutional?

he does not need to. we legislate what we need. what level of taxation is correct on the wealthy?


> > > Like impressionist artists the image the media paint over countless articles and editorials is that the founders can somehow be ignored (after all, "Jefferson had slaves" and horse and buggy days are over) as though some "seminal" discovery has occurred in political science where there is a form of society that's better than smelly Joe Sixpack deciding national economic policy or dictatorship.
> <CIA>

why do you think its important? we are watching cartoons right now.

> > > Unlike other fields of science like physics, however, where seminal discoveries get a title, i.e., _Special Relativity_, an author, i.e., Einstein, and a date, i.e., 1905, in the parallel universe of the legacy media seminal discoveries that upend everything Tocqueville wrote have,
> > > no title.
> > > no author, and,
> > > no date.
> <CIA>

but we are watching cartoons.

> > > The legacy media are astounded that a dictator somehow got into power. Had they read Tocqueville they'd know that by undermining democracy a dictator will appear
> > > every
> > > single
> > > time.
> > > ~~~~~~~~
> > they have now lost two complete election cycles in a row, and the cartoon network gets more respect.
> The legacy media candidate has lost every election since the Civil Rights movement barring a GOP meltdown like Watergate or BushCo.
> Bill Clinton is no exception as he won by double digits by _not_ being a legacy media candidate.

bill like the dim wit lied the first time around. and so what if bill won twice, americans did not like dole either, both were basically the same cut of cloth.
but now americans are watching cartoons instead of watching the legacy media, and they no longer believe the lesser of two evils, it was, and still is, bills policies that have created the atmosphere for the fascism that you are so scared about.
so if you are so worried about fascism, why did you support bill clinton so much in the 1990's, and why do you still worship him today?
i was worried that what he did would lead to this in the 1990's, its why i am not shocked about it like you are.


> > drive out the clintonites,
> Legacy media Democrats will just get their buddies in the media to jerryspringer the Dem base against you and they'll drive _you_ out of the party.

if that happens, we will do what you have been saying, we start a new large powerful party around sanders.

> The LMDs already did it once so they'll do it again.
> And as long as you are cheerleading tRUMP, you _should_ be driven out of the party.

not once have i cheer leaded him liar. you are like a looneytarian, you are outraged at the results of your own policies, then yo blame others.

> > or find a small hole to live in, because america will no longer bite on the legacy media tales,
> As long as they are getting paid tens of billions to spread 3rd way nonsense the voters will be voting for 3rd way nonsense.

it has not worked now two election cycles in a row. 2018 ought to be exciting. keep your head in the sand, trump is counting on it.

> > and the american people were driven in desperation, to vote for a t.v. pitchman. don't make them do it again.
> > is harris anti free trade? if she waffles or is, she will lose.
> Hillary won the popular vote claiming the TPP was perfection incarnate and HRC looked like she just escaped from an ICU.

you keep trying to legitimize the popular vote, its not how we do it in america.

> Not that tRUMP was ever serious about helping out those who want to screw in two bolts all day long, but after uneducated whites matriculate into the tRUMP Skool of Hard Knocks tRUMP's low approval will drag down anyone associated with anti trade rhetoric.

but they already know what the clintons did to them, the exact same thing that you are accusing trump of. then you are outraged that people will not fall for it again, geesh, the stupidity.

> You have some good arguments against "free" trade but voters don't have time to make fine distinctions. When voters puke up tRUMP's tRUMPvilles, they'll puke your arguments out as well, _even thought tRUMP was never serious about tariffs_.

a while ago you doubted free trade had anything to do with the immense problems america is facing. i said the number one issue will be free trade, you scoffed at a few tariffs are what people are worried about. i wonder which one of us was right "AGAIN".

CIA, over and over again.

> To save your arguments you really really need to distance yourself from tRUMP.

anyone who has the slightest understanding of political science, will recognize a devils advocate.
OBTW, you better make sure that harris lady is against free trade, because if she waffles, or is not, she will lose. if she lies, she will lose again, and we might get worse than trump.

> > > _That's_ how you destroy the shilldom. By going after the shills. You listen to the celebrated Montesquieu and go after the _source_ of the problem.
> > > The 0.1% shill media.
> > > You don't accomplish anything by
> > > Flogging the dead Clinton horse.
> > > Flailing out at individual politicians which is wack a mole at best.
> > > Voting for tRUMP (who has already flushed the uneducated whites down the toilet before he's even been sworn in).
> > > You exercise editorial control over the 12 million parazoids getting paid hundreds of billions to destroy trillions in wealth every year to keep the public poor and powerless.
> > > Again, the lofty elitist third way crap did not originate with the Clintons.
> > they were simply the ones who were the most effective,
> What was the seminal breakthrough idea of the Great Satan Bill Clinton that allowed him to do so much evil?
> <CIA>

like any other corrupt sociopath, he fooled people like you, not me though.

> >so effective that they destroyed the constitution.
> It took such diabolical brilliance for Clinton to get the lazy goobers to go to Walmart to buy cheap stuff.

if you understood economics, you would not say what you just said. and keep calling them lazy goobers, you will lose again.

> > the legacy media is kaput.
> Then why are the shills still getting paid hundreds of billions a year to spread 3rd way nonsense?

i even told you they would. they just advertise more b-1 bombers.

> You think Bezos et. al. are mentally retarded? Really really slow?

only a complete idiot would have swallowed the legacy media spin, that the GOP was heading for the dumpster, and that hillary was going to win in a landslide. bezos is just adding one more revenue stream to his portfolio.

> Graham may have dumped WaPo for at least 2 reasons: Snowden introduced a conflict of interest and/or Graham was thinking long term. Graham knew he should get the money while the getting was good. Graham was thinking long term, preparing in advance for the future.

then he was smart. if he read the article that i posted showing that the cartoon network is out rating CNN, then he is smiling.

> That future as yet to arrive.

the legacy media has now lost two complete election cycles in a row.

> What you don't understand is the legacy media and the ancien regime are/were in two entirely different situations:
> The ancien regime was merely on the wrong side of history. They could say, "hey we agree, maybe aristocracy isn't the best way to go."
> In contrast there is no graceful exit for legacy media shills. What can the 0.1% media say?
> "Hey, maybe we shouldn't have been shills."
> ? ? ?

no one cares, we are watching the cartoon network.

> At a minimum the legacy media are in a stage much like a sick or mortally wounded animal. They can still take the country down with them which is what they will do if you waste your time on the Great Satan and other politicians.

the russian scare is sure turning out to be less than a lady finger:)))))))

> Bret Cahill

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