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RCPUSA (Revolutionary Communist Party) - Endorses Biden

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Jun 12, 2022, 9:18:40 PM6/12/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (also known as RCP and The Revcoms) is a
communist party in the United States founded in 1975 and led by its chairman
Bob Avakian. The party organizes for a revolution to overthrow the system of
capitalism and replace it with a socialist state with the final aim of world

Since the 2000s, Avakian's "new communism" is the RCP's ideological framework,
which it considers a scientific advancement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Prior
to this, the party was a founding member of the Revolutionary Internationalist

The RCP is widely criticized on the left as having characteristics similar to
that of a cult, which it has repeatedly denied, in addition to a controversial
presence at protests and activist events.


Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns ...

Aug 3, 2020

The head of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA is urging members to head to
the polls in November to cast their votes for presumptive Democratic nominee
Joe Biden - arguing that while Biden...


Communists approve Joe Biden for president - Washington Times

Aug 9, 2020

The better-known Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has yet to endorse a presidential
candidate, but its website calls for passing the "Heroes Act," House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi's $3 trillion COVID-19...


Revolutionary Communist Party Endorses Democrat Joe Biden For President

Aug 4, 2020

That now includes Bob Avakian, the radical founder and leader of the
Revolutionary Communist Party who just endorsed Joe Biden and instructed fellow
communists to support Biden in the election. Avakian once faced serious charges
of rioting and assault for protesting in favor of Chinese communist Mao
Zedong's bloody and brutal regime.


By Their Red Stars You'll Know Them - Townhall

Aug 11, 2020

The better-known Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has yet to endorse a presidential
candidate, but its website calls for passing the "Heroes Act," Nancy Pelosi's
$3 trillion Covid-19 relief bill stuffed...


By their red stars you'll know them | GOPUSA

Aug 15, 2020

The better-known Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has yet to endorse a presidential
candidate, but its website calls for passing the "Heroes Act," Nancy Pelosi's
$3 trillion COVID-19 relief bill stuffed...


Communist Party USA approve Biden for president - The eBay Community

Aug 11, 2020

Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCPUSA), has
endorsed Joe Biden for president. Mr. Avakian, who has led the party since
1979, says he doesn't particularly like Mr. Biden, but that electing him is
necessary for "the overthrow of this system, as the fundamental solut...


List of Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign endorsements

This is a list of notable individuals and organizations who endorsed Joe
Biden's campaign for President of the United States in the 2020 U.S.
presidential election. Endorsements listed once each. ... 1979-1991)
(previously endorsed Steve Bullock) Peter Neronha, Attorney General of Rhode
Island (2019-present), U.S. Attorney for the District ...


Revolutionary Communist Party, USA - Wikipedia,_USA

t. e. The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (also known as RCP and The
Revcoms) is a communist party in the United States founded in 1975 and led by
its chairman Bob Avakian. The party organizes for a revolution to overthrow the
system of capitalism and replace it with a socialist state with the final aim
of world communism.


Communist Party USA -

Imagine CPUSA won majorities in every federal and state legislative chamber and
took the White House and every governorship-even then, building socialism would
be a monumental task. (By the way, to dispel a misconception: we do not see
ourselves ruling a single-party state, as in the Soviet or Chinese models.


Liberalism Really IS a Disease

Rudy Canoza

Jun 15, 2022, 11:48:45 AM6/15/22
On 6/12/2022 6:18 PM, ['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy —
*capitulated* and *submitted* to Rudy:

> RCPUSA Endorses Biden

No, it didn't.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:23 PM6/15/22

Comrades: Communist Party USA endorses Biden - World Tribune

The founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA has endorsed
Democrat candidate Joe Biden for president. Joe Biden has called for
'revolutionary institutional changes' in America....


Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden, warns ...

The head of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA is urging members to head to
the polls in November to cast their votes for presumptive Democratic nominee
Joe Biden - arguing that while Biden...


Campaign Press Release - COMRADES: Joe Biden Endorsed By Leader of ...

Campaign Press Release - COMRADES: Joe Biden Endorsed By Leader of
Revolutionary Communist Party August 03, 2020 Biden is an empty vessel for the
radical left. Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield just this morning
made clear that "everybody who believes that Joe Biden should be president" is
"welcome into this campaign.


The Biden Endorsement Menagerie: Traitors ... - The New American

In addition to "Hanoi Jane" Fonda, the Hate Trump Club of Biden endorsers
includes Alec Baldwin, Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cher, Alyssa Milano,
Snoop Dog, George Clooney, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom...


Redmentum: Top Revolutionary Communist Endorses Joe Biden for President

Aug 6, 2020Source: AP Photo/Paul Vernon In case you missed it this week, the
chairman of America's Revolutionary Communist Party, a man called Bob Avakian,
has endorsed Joe Biden for president.


Even America's Revolutionary Communist Party is endorsing Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden has received a number of endorsements in his
campaign to unseat President Donald Trump, from the expected to the surprising
and maybe even unwelcome. But none are...


List of Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign endorsements

This is a list of notable individuals and organizations who endorsed Joe Biden
's campaign for President of the United States in the 2020 U.S. presidential
election. Endorsements listed once each. Contents 1 Former federal executive
officials 1.1 Presidents 1.2 Vice Presidents 1.3 Cabinet-level officials 1.4
State Department officials


Communist Party USA Endorses Obama and Democrats Again

Obama just received a critical endorsement, The Communist Party USA. The
Communist Party USA leader, Sam Webb, explains why he will continue to support
Obama and Democrats in 2012. The Communist...


Narcissists Really Are Pathetic And Broken

Imagine that the only way you could feel better about yourself is by putting
other people down, sabotaging them, crushing them, turning others against them.
Entering them into a competition that they did not sign up for and beating them
at any and all cost. Imagine having such poor, pathetic character that that's
the main way that you operate in life. That's all you're capable of. That's all
you stand for, taking away the joy and fulfillment from other people.

That's just pathetic. How empty, how shameless do you have to be to behave like
that? To treat other people as only existing to be a means to your end? Being
utterly incapable of ever truly wishing another well? That is a sad, desperate

They are emotionally stunted. They are not capable of the full depth of emotion
you and I am. They will never truly know love. At best the mimic the appearance
of love and think that's what it is. Now that is truly sad.

The narcissist already knows that he is broken. The narcissist hates himself,
has massive shame and expects everything he touches to turn to shit. His outer
defense is to deny and avoid that shame, because he won't get the attention,
energy, admiration and sex that he requires if he steeps himself in that toxic

To be clear, I'm NOT talking about covert narcissists, because I have no
experience with them.

Therefore, the overt narcissist presents a confident, powerful, indifferent,
ego-centric public profile. No matter his stature/height, he will be "Large and
in Charge," larger than life. In this case, the narcissist is 5'6", ugly,
badly-groomed, sloppily dressed and with an unseemly figure.

He's chronically depressed, frequently sunk into a pit of despair that he tries
to remedy by watching porn and being addicted to his image on Facebook
(mysterious, twistedly funny and politically "out there") with frequent rants
that were childish and offensive to many people.

So, narcissists don't have to "find out" they're broken. If you are hoping that
helping them discover their brokenness may lead them to an epiphany that will
turn around your Usenet relationship, don't.

Their brokenness is not fixable.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:24 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden


Comrades: Communist Party USA Endorses Biden

The founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA has endorsed
Democrat candidate Joe Biden for president.
Joe Biden has called for "revolutionary institutional changes" in America.

"At this critical hour, every appropriate means of non-violent action must be
utilized to remove this regime from power," Bob Avakian said in a statement.

"And if, in spite of mass protest demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence
regime, this regime remains in power when it is time for voting, then - using
all appropriate means to work for the removal of this regime must include
voting against Trump."

Avakian instructed his followers not to vote for a third party candidate,
saying they must vote for Biden.

"To be clear, this means not a "protest vote" for some candidate who has no
chance of winning, but actually voting for the Democratic Party candidate,
Biden, in order to effectively vote against Trump," communist leader said.

"The question is not whether Biden and the Democrats represent something
"good," " Avakian continued. "Biden is not "better" than Trump, in any
meaningful way - except that he is not Trump and is not part of the move to
consolidate and enforce fascist rule, with everything that means."

Avakian has endorsed violent fringe movements in the past, such as the Shining
Path - a Maoist rebel movement that tried to overthrow the government of Peru
by using guerrilla warfare - in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Biden has called for "revolutionary institutional changes" in America.

Rep. Bass called top communist a "friend and mentor'

Rep. Karen Bass, considered one of the leading candidates to be Biden's running
mate, eulogized one of the top members of the Communist Party USA in 2017 and
called him a "friend and mentor."

Politico reported that Bass, California Democrat, praised Oneil Marion Cannon
on Jan. 30, 2017, in remarks that were inserted into the Congressional Record.
The eulogy failed to mention Cannon's role in the Communist Party USA, the
report said.

Cannon was a top member of the Communist Party USA for decades.

Bass has also drawn scrutiny for her ties to communist Cuba.

Bass traveled to Cuba in 1973 with an organization called the Venceremos
Brigade, a joint venture between the Castro regime and left-wing U.S. groups
that organized trips for Americans to Cuba. During that trip, she went to see
Cuban dictator Fidel Castro speak and, in 2016, when the dictator died, she
sparked controversy by referring to him as "commandante en jefe" (commander in
chief) and calling his death a "great loss to the people of Cuba."

Biden campaign reveals its Latino agenda - 136 people watched

Biden on Tuesday night held a virtual event to announce his Latino agenda. A
total of 136 people watched, reports say.

The Trump campaign took a dig at Biden, tweeting: "That's about the same number
of Hispanics who go by "Latinx." "

Biden has referred to members of the Latin community as "Latinx" - a gender
neutral term that reportedly offends the majority of the Latin community.

On Monday the Trump camp unveiled a new ad comparing the "progressive" Biden to
Latin socialists and communist revolutionaries.

The ad showed Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro, Venezuelan socialist
dictator Hugo Chavez and others bragging about being progressive.

Biden said at a campaign event last month: "If I'm elected and this passes I'm
going to be good to go down as one of the most progressive presidents in
American history."


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:25 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

Revolutionary Communist Party USA Leader Endorses Biden, Warns Followers
Against "Protest Vote'

Bob Anakin Says Voting For Biden Is Essential Part of "Struggle Against This
Fascist Regime'

The head of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA is urging members to head to
the polls in November to cast their votes for presumptive Democratic nominee
Joe Biden - arguing that while Biden still represents a "murderous system of
capitalism-imperialism" he is a better choice than President Trump.

In a lengthy email to his followers - which was also posted on the
Revolutionary Communist Party USA's website - Bob Avakian said that ousting
Trump from the White House was too important of a goal.
York: This is not the same Democrat Party that elected the Obama-Biden ticket

"At this critical hour, every appropriate means of non-violent action must be
utilized to remove this regime from power," Avakian wrote. "And if, in spite of
mass protest demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence regime, this regime
remains in power when it is time for voting, then - without placing fundamental
reliance on this - using all appropriate means to work for the removal of this
regime must include voting against Trump (assuming the election is actually

"To be clear," he added, "this means not a "protest vote" for some candidate
who has no chance of winning, but actually voting for the Democratic Party
candidate, Biden, in order to effectively vote against Trump."
Trump campaign wants presidential debates with Joe Biden early and often Video

Avakian, who founded the party in 1979 and has a controversial past that
includes a prison sentence for desecrating the American flag and support for
Peru's Shining Path guerrillas, wants his followers to know that he is not
endorsing Biden, but that he sees this election as choosing a lesser of two

"Biden is not "better" than Trump, in any meaningful way - except that he is
not Trump and is not part of the move to consolidate and enforce fascist rule,
with everything that means," he said. "The struggle against this fascist regime
needs to include voting against Trump by voting for Biden... and being prepared
to carry forward this mass mobilization if Trump loses the election but refuses
to leave."

According to the most recent average of polls taken by RealClearPolitics, Biden
maintains a seven-point lead over the president.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:26 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

The Biden Endorsement Menagerie: Traitors, Terrorists, Communists, Socialists,
Marxists, Jihadists, Abortionists, Perversionists

Joe Biden. This is what a "moderate" Democrat looks like? Really? Well,
considering the craziness of the Democratic primaries with a lineup that
included Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Cory
Booker, Biden may seem moderate by comparison.

And that, of course, is the whole point of the media narrative in attempting to
sell Joe Biden as a "centrist," "Moderate," "conservative" Democrat to Middle
American voters. However, aside from Biden's long public record of supporting
far-left positions on political, social, economic, and moral issues, his list
of current endorsers speaks volumes about the agenda we could expect from a
Biden presidency. Consider this very abbreviated list of endorsers:

Jane Fonda, the unrepentant actress/activist/traitor who sided with the
Communist Vietcong while they were killing American soldiers, endorses Joe
Biden. In fact, "Hanoi Jane" is co-hosting an upcoming campaign fundraiser for
him with her Hollywood comrades.

Angela Davis, the longtime terrorist/communist/professor, Black Panther
activist (and official candidate for U.S. vice president on the Communist Party
USA ticket in 1980 and 1984) recently gave a plug for Biden in an interview on
Vladimir Putin's RT (Russia Today) TV channel. (See a short list of her
revolutionary exploits here.)

Noam Chomsky, the 91-year-old Marxist professor of linguistics, who has spent
the past 60 years supporting every far-left cause, says we have to support
Biden because "the future of humanity is at stake," and, "We have to get rid of
this malignancy."

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) prefers Bernie Sanders" full-on socialism, but
has coalesced behind Biden, the presumptive Democrat candidate, nonetheless,
declaring, "We must defeat Trump and the GOP while working to build a mass
movement for socialism in this country."

Planned Parenthood acting president, Alexis McGill Johnson, went on National
Public Radio on June 15 to announce that the nation's largest chain of baby-
killing abortion mills would be endorsing and supporting Joe Biden through its
Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America (formerly National Abortion
Rights Action League), told the McClatchey newspapers the abortion group is
giving Biden its "full-throated" support. "He's always moved in a more
progressive direction," Hogue said. "He's never backflipped. And that's just a
mark of his great character."

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar and Minnesota Attorney General Keith
Ellison, two of the most prominent (and militant) Muslim elected officials in
the nation, signed a letter of endorsement for Joe Biden prior to the "Million
Muslim Votes" summit. The letter and the summit were organized by Emgage
Action, which is working to turn out Muslims to vote for Democrats. "This
upcoming presidential election is arguably the most important one within our
lifetime," Emgage Action CEO Wa'el Alzayat wrote in a statement. "We cannot
afford another four years of a Trump presidency." Emgage Action tweeted on July
22: "Vice President @JoeBiden quotes the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in his
historic address to Muslim Americans at the Emgage Million Muslim Votes
Summit!" Biden, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, New York Governor Andrew
Cuomo, and other apostate Catholic politicians who reject their church's
teachings on abortion, marriage, and other moral issues, is effusive in his
praise for Islam. "I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic
faith," he told the Muslim summit. "I wish we talked about all the great
confessional faiths. It's one of the great confessional faiths."

Dolores Huerta, radical labor union activist, co-founder of the United Farm
Workers, honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, propagandist
for communist dictator Fidel Castro, and activist in far-left causes for more
than five decades, announced on May 1 (May Day, celebrated by communists
worldwide) 2020 that she plans to do "whatever I possibly, humanly can to make
sure that Joe Biden gets elected."

"Charlotte" Clymer, the gender-confused transsexual, former official of the
(LGBTQ) Human Rights Campaign, and apologist for mass-murdering Soviet Dictator
V.I. Lenin, wrote a Biden-endorsing column for the Washington Post entitled
"Take heart, progressives: When the party moves left, Biden has always
followed." The subtitle expounded further: "The former vice president has moved
left on everything from same-sex marriage to criminal justice to abortion
rights." This is the same Clymer who took to Twitter to school critics that had
called out the cancel culture mobs tearing down statues of Washington,
Jefferson, Lincoln, Lee, etc., while the giant statue of Lenin stands unscathed
in the People's Republic of Seattle. Eschewing the "civility" he/she demands of
others, Clymer tweeted: "Lenin was not a slave owner, you Confederate apologist
f**ks." Actually, Comrade Lenin enslaved tens of millions and slaughtered
millions more. His successors - Stalin, Mao, Tito, Ho Chi Minh, Nicolai
Ceausescu, Fidel Castro, et al. - have slaughtered over 100 million and
enslaved several billion. (Minor details for Biden supporters such as Mr./Ms.

Evan Wolfson, a militant homosexual attorney who led the LGBTQ legal attack on
the Boy Scouts of America and is widely proclaimed the "architect of the gay
marriage movement," penned a May 4, 2020 piece for LGBTQ Nation titled "Joe
Biden has met his moment. America needs him now more than ever." According to
Wolfson: "It's Trump or Biden. Ruin or renewal. Fear or hope. More of Trump is
intolerable; it is literally killing us. I choose Joe Biden for president."

MoveOn, the militant organization launched with major funding from billionaire
George Soros and that has funded numerous political campaigns for radical
candidates and helped orchestrate "peaceful" street chaos for the past two
decades, says it is committing $20 million to defeating Trump and electing
Biden. Earlier in the Democrat primary season, Texas Representative Beto
O'Rourke and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders held the leads among MoveOn
members. However, Biden now has the "overwhelming" support of the group, which
praises his platform as "the most progressive platform in Democratic Party

Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the two
most well-known radical socialists in the Democrat Party have endorsed Biden,
as have Speaker Nancy Pelosi and far-left members of the Congressional
Progressive Caucus, such as Representatives Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Bobby
"Black Panther" Rush (D-Ill.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Ro Khanna (D-Calif.),
and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.)

Leftist Hollywood Glitterati for Biden
After initially endorsing Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Pete
Buttigieg, and other also-rans, the usual lineup of Hollywood's virulent Trump
haters has, for the most part, gravitated over to the Biden bandwagon. In
addition to "Hanoi Jane" Fonda, the Hate Trump Club of Biden endorsers includes
Alec Baldwin, Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cher, Alyssa Milano, Snoop Dog,
George Clooney, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Hanks, Spike Lee, Bill Maher, Rob Reiner,
Howard Stern, Barbra Streisand, Steven Spielberg, and many more.

Fake News narrative: Biden as "moderate"
All of the above notwithstanding, the establishment media continue to portray
Joe Biden as a "moderate," "centrist," even "conservative" Democrat. Far from
it! As his record and his endorsements clearly show, Joe Biden is ready and
willing to go as far left as he thinks the political moment and the political
tides will allow. On issues such as abortion, gun rights, property rights,
taxes, regulation, government surveillance, LGBTQ insanity, the cancel culture,
COVID dictatorship, etc., it would be foolish in the extreme to expect any
moderation from Biden. Currently, with the COVID-1984 agenda and the BLM-Antifa
riots and revolution taking the anti-Trump/anti-American/anti-Christian bigotry
to unprecedented levels, he apparently feels sufficiently comfortable putting
the metal to the socialist pedal, depending on his media allies to continue
providing him with "moderate" cover. But as election day approaches, its going
to be harder for Biden to extricate himself in voters minds from the forces of
chaos and destruction in smoldering Democrat cities that his political
endorsers have unleashed and promoted.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:26 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

Campaign Press Release - COMRADES: Joe Biden Endorsed By Leader of
Revolutionary Communist Party
August 03, 2020

Biden is an empty vessel for the radical left.

Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield just this morning made clear
that "everybody who believes that Joe Biden should be president" is "welcome
into this campaign."

That now includes Bob Avakian, the radical founder and leader of the
Revolutionary Communist Party who just endorsed Joe Biden and instructed fellow
communists to support Biden in the election. Avakian once faced serious charges
of rioting and assault for protesting in favor of Chinese communist Mao
Zedong's bloody and brutal regime. Avakian also titled his memoir My Journey
from Mainstream America To Revolutionary Communist. "Bob Avakian has taken the
whole idea and conception of communism to another level," one of his admirers
once wrote.

Avakian's endorsement further demonstrates that Joe Biden is an empty vessel
for the radical left. Indeed, Biden is seriously considering communist Rep.
Karen Bass to be his running mate. Bass praised Fidel Castro, traveled to Cuba
many times as part of a radical communist revolutionary group that trained in
terrorist tactics, and eulogized a Communist Party USA member as her "mentor"
in 2017. This is who Biden may put a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Joe Biden is too weak to be president and too weak to stand up to the radical
left. He's nothing more than an empty vessel for the extremist fringe of the
Democrat Party, a terrifying cabal which now includes active communist leaders.

They've taken over Joe Biden. Don't let them take over America.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:27 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

Redmentum: Top Revolutionary Communist Endorses Joe Biden for President

In case you missed it this week, the chairman of America's Revolutionary
Communist Party, a man called Bob Avakian, has endorsed Joe Biden for

Avakian, who briefly fled to France after being charged with assaulting a
police officer in 1979, has released a lengthy and rambling screed to his
newsletter subscribers in which he throws his support behind Joe Biden for
president in the upcoming election.

In order to uproot "capitalism-imperialism," it's crucial to defeat the
"fascist regime" of the Trump administration, he writes:

This is a regime headed by "a demented bully" with his finger on the nuclear
button. It is a regime that, without exaggeration, threatens not just greatly
heightened suffering for the masses of humanity but the very existence of
humanity itself, through its intensified moves to further the plunder of the
environment and its boasts of unequaled weapons of mass destruction and its
blatant declaration of willingness to use those weapons, including its massive
nuclear arsenal.

I have also emphasized that it is this system of capitalism-imperialism which,
through its "normal workings," has brought forth this fascism, and that no
fundamental change for the better can be brought about under this system, and
instead this system must be overthrown and replaced by a radically different
and far better system, in order to abolish and uproot all relations of
exploitation and oppression, and the violent conflicts they give rise to-all of
which is built into the foundations of this system and its ongoing functioning
and requirements.

Right now, for everyone who is concerned with ending injustice and oppression,
and with the question of whether humanity will have a future worth living-or
will have a future at all-removing the Trump/Pence fascist regime from power is
an immediate, urgent question and truly historic imperative.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:28 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

America's Revolutionary Communist Party Is Endorsing Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden has received a number of endorsements in his
campaign to unseat President Donald Trump, from the expected to the surprising
and maybe even unwelcome. But none are quite like the statement Bob Avakian,
leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (Revcom), wrote about why he
plans to vote for Biden in the fall.

In Avakian's 4,000-plus word statement, he calls the Democratic candidate an
"instrument" of the "exploitative, oppressive, and literally murderous system
of capitalism-imperialism," and adds that Biden is not "'better" than Trump, in
any meaningful way-except that he is not Trump."

However, as the longtime Revcom leader explains, his endorsement of voting in
the election itself marks a significant shift in his typical approach to U.S.
politics. Avakian has previously argued against voting in "bourgeois
elections" in favor of dismantling the system as a whole. In the statement,
Avakian still promoted utilizing "mass protest" and other nonviolent means
before resorting to voting.

"And if, in spite of mass protest demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence
regime, this regime remains in power when it is time for voting, then-without
placing fundamental reliance on this-using all appropriate means to work for
the removal of this regime must include voting against Trump (assuming the
election is actually held)," Avakian wrote. "To be clear, this means not a
"protest vote" for some candidate who has no chance of winning, but actually
voting for the Democratic Party candidate, Biden, in order to effectively vote
against Trump."

Of course, this less-than-enthusiastic endorsement didn't go unnoticed on
Twitter. Some on the right, including GOP National Spokesperson Elizabeth
Harrington, framed Avakian's support as an opportunity to attack Biden.

"Joe Biden is the preferred candidate of Communists. He is even considering
Karen Bass who was part of a group that trained militants in Cuba to be his VP
pick. Now, Bob Avakian, founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party
USA endorsed Biden," tweeted GOP Rapid Response Director Steve Guest, peddling
a claim about Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) that she has repeatedly denounced.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:29 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

List of Joe Biden 2020 Presidential Campaign Endorsements

Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA[406]
(Revolutionary Communist)

Richard B. Spencer, neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, white

Short List of Joe Biden 2020 Presidential Campaign Endorsements - From
Religious Freaks (wy's words) to Communists to Convicted Felons

Michael Avenatti, former attorney to Stormy Daniels, convicted felon

Joseph Gerson, peace and disarmament activist - Funny, now that The Democrats
are now the party of war - check the investments into the stocks of war-making

Robert W. Lee IV, activist, pastor, descendant of Robert E. Lee

Greta Thunberg, Swedish environmental activist retard


List of Joe Biden 2020 Presidential Campaign Endorsements - Religious Freaks
(wy's words)

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, writer, Baptist preacher

Mark Winer, interfaith activist, rabbi

Eric Yoffie, rabbi, president of the Union for Reform Judaism (1996?2012)

Vashti Murphy McKenzie, Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

Doug Pagitt, evangelical pastor, author

Megan Phelps-Roper, member and spokesperson of the Westboro Baptist Church

Stephen F. Schneck, Catholic activist, executive director of Franciscan Action

Ron Sider, theologian, social activist and founder of Evangelicals for Social

Ryan J. Bell, Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, contributor to HuffPost

Greg Boyle, Roman Catholic priest of the Jesuit order, founder and director of
Homeboy Industries - probably a boy molester

Amy Butler, Christian minister, former senior minister at the Riverside Church

Simone Campbell, Roman Catholic Religious Sister, lawyer, executive director of

Shane Claiborne, Christian activist, author

Joel Hunter, senior pastor of Northland Church[458]

Miriam Jerris, rabbi of the Society for Humanistic Judaism


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:30 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

Revolutionary Communist Party Leader Backs Biden, Proves He's the Radical-Left

Well, here's an endorsement that Joe Biden probably didn't need.

In an email sent to his party's followers Saturday, Revolutionary Communist
Party USA leader Bob Avakian urged them to vote for the Democratic presidential
nominee, saying that the "struggle against this fascist regime" was more
important than a "protest vote."

Avakian - who bills himself on his website as "the most important political
thinker and leader in the world today" - conceded that Biden wouldn't be his
first choice, but said that he was an acceptable compromise to the ultra-
radical left.

"At this critical hour, every appropriate means of non-violent action must be
utilized to remove this regime from power. And if, in spite of mass protest
demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence regime, this regime remains in power
when it is time for voting, then - without placing fundamental reliance on this
- using all appropriate means to work for the removal of this regime must
include voting against Trump (assuming the election is actually held)," Avakian

"To be clear, this means not a "protest vote" for some candidate who has no
chance of winning, but actually voting for the Democratic Party candidate,
Biden, in order to effectively vote against Trump."

The reason why is predictable - it's "not because Biden (and the Democratic
Party in general) have suddenly become something other than what they are:
representatives and instruments of this exploitative, oppressive, and literally
murderous system of capitalism-imperialism."

It's because President Donald Trump is a fascist, of course.

"The question is not whether Biden and the Democrats represent something
"good," or whether, in fundamental terms, the Democrats are "better" than the
Republicans," the letter read.

"Both of these parties are ruling class political parties, and none of their
candidates represent anything "good" in the most basic and essential sense.
Biden is not "better" than Trump, in any meaningful way - except that he is not
Trump and is not part of the move to consolidate and enforce fascist rule, with
everything that means."

Avakian founded the party in 1975; according to Fox News, he's been involved in
a number of controversies, including support for Peru's Shining Path guerrillas
and a prison sentence for desecrating an American flag.

As The Washington Times pointed out, this wasn't the only figure on the far,
far left to endorse Joe Biden.

People's World reported that Communist Party USA co-chair Rossana Cambron told
the Marxist publication "he knows some have hesitations about the Biden

"This is a strategic action to remove Trump. The moment calls upon us to look
beyond ourselves and do what's best for all of us," she said. "This is why we
need a massive voter turnout in November, a victory margin so undeniable it
cannot be contested."

John Bachtell, former chair of the CPUSA, wrote an Op-Ed for People's World in
which he praised Biden's transformation.

"As the crisis has deepened, Biden, and the Democratic Party as a whole, have
evolved and adopted a more progressive governing agenda," Bachtell wrote in

"He and the Democratic leadership recognize the scale of the crisis and
festering problems of inequality, calling for solutions "not just to rebuild
the economy, but to transform it.'"

And then there's one of the last of the true 1970s-era revolutionaries left -
Angela Davis, former Communist Party USA vice presidential candidate, who told
Russian state media that Biden was the candidate who could be "most effectively
pressured" into far-left positions.

Indeed, the fact that Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez of New York - both self-declared democratic socialists - have
been involved in Biden's campaign, crafting policy, should tell you a lot.

Despite this, Biden wasn't exactly the one crowing about Avakian throwing the
Revolutionary Communist Party USA's support behind him.

The Trump campaign, on the other hand, was positively elated.

"Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield just this morning made clear
that "everybody who believes that Joe Biden should be president" is welcome
into this campaign." That now includes Bob Avakian, the radical founder and
leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party who just endorsed Joe Biden and
instructed fellow communists to support Biden in the election," a news release
from the Trump campaign released Monday read.

"Avakian once faced serious charges of rioting and assault for protesting in
favor of Chinese communist Mao Zedong's bloody and brutal regime. Avakian also
titled his memoir "My Journey from Mainstream America To Revolutionary
Communist." "Bob Avakian has taken the whole idea and conception of communism
to another level," one of his admirers once wrote."

"Joe Biden is too weak to be president and too weak to stand up to the radical
left. He's nothing more than an empty vessel for the extremist fringe of the
Democrat Party, a terrifying cabal which now includes active communist
leaders," the missive concluded.

"They've taken over Joe Biden. Don't let them take over America."

While that last line is great campaign copy, I don't think they've taken over

If anything, Biden and the Democrats have come to them.

The rhetoric from our communist friends is that they're just going to stomach
the Democratic nominee because Trump is a new kind of evil, one that requires a
temporary suspension of the good fight.

It's that the Democrats and their empty vessel have moved close enough to them
that, if they can't offer their full support, they can just shrug and say, "Eh.
That'll do."

For the rest of us, however, it shouldn't do.


Jun 15, 2022, 11:35:32 PM6/15/22

RCPUSA Endorses Biden

Revolutionary Communist Party Endorses Joe Biden

For Bob Avakian, founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA,
this year's election is actually an easy call: The need to stop President Trump
is so overwhelming that he has no qualms about backing Democrat Joseph R.

The far left usually finds itself at election time grappling with tricky
questions about lesser-of-two-evils, and fears of boosting what they see as a
corrupt Democratic Party. But that's not happening this year.

From Maoists to Marxists, leftists say it's actually an easy choice.

Mr. Avakian says this is not the year for protest votes, and while he still
considers Mr. Biden and the Democratic Party "representatives and instruments
of this exploitative, oppressive, and literally murderous system of capitalism-
imperialism," Mr. Trump and the Republicans are even worse.

"Biden is not "better" than Trump, in any meaningful way - except that he is
not Trump and is not part of the move to consolidate and enforce fascist rule,
with everything that means," he said in an email to supporters Monday.

He continued: "To approach this election from the standpoint of which candidate
is "better" means failing to understand the truly profound stakes and potential
consequences of what is involved. The fact is that there can be one - and only
one - "good" that can come out of this election: delivering a decisive defeat
to Trump and the whole fascist regime."

Compatriots, competitors and fellow travelers from America's communist movement
are coming to the same conclusion.

Angela Davis, who gained fame as a 1970s-era radical and was the Communist
Party USA's vice presidential nominee in the 1980 and 1984 elections, told RT
in an interview last month that the left should pick Mr. Biden because he can
be "most effectively pressured" into accepting their demands.

Indeed, some on the left say they've already seen that in Mr. Biden's
willingness to work with Sen. Bernard Sanders, who bills himself as a
democratic socialist and was runner up for Democrats" presidential nod.

The two men teamed up on a blueprint for the party's platform, producing a
document last month calling for stopping deportations and offering the chance
for citizenship rights for 11 million illegal immigrants, opening the door to
reparations for slavery, embracing a $15-an-hour national minimum wage and
imposing national policing standards.

The collaboration is what helped win over William Ayers, a former leader of the
violent Weather Underground. He wrote that to see Mr. Sanders and Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez working with Mr. Biden is comforting.

"That's because, in my view, Trump and Trumpism represent the most reactionary
political force in the world today and the most immediate and serious threat to
peace and human freedom in the post-WWII era," he wrote in May.

Mr. Biden's leftward drift was also welcomed by John Bachtell, a former
chairman of the Communist Party USA. He said Mr. Biden is not taking the far
left for granted.

Rossana Cambron, current co-chair of the CPUSA, is actively working to boost
Mr. Biden - or, more precisely, to oust Mr. Trump.

"This is a strategic action to remove Trump," she told People's World. "The
moment calls upon us to look beyond ourselves and do what's best for all of us.
This is why we need a massive voter turnout in November, a victory margin so
undeniable it cannot be contested."

Joe Sims, her fellow CPUSA co-chair, warned followers against approaching this
election worried about "lesser evilism." He said Karl Marx "worked to lend
aid" to Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party over the Confederacy and its
president, Jefferson Davis, in order to end slavery.

Mr. Sims said the Democratic Party is "an imperfect vehicle" that at times
subverts the labor movement.

"Yet an imperfect vehicle is still a vehicle, and Bernie Sanders, Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, and others in the African American, Latino, women's and labor
movements have run effective campaigns through it," he reasoned.

One major movement that has not gone all-in, though, is the Democratic
Socialists of America, Mr. Sanders" core backers.

Last year DSA adopted a policy that if Mr. Sanders wasn't the nominee, it
wouldn't endorse anyone. An effort this year to reverse that plan and tell DSA
members to support Mr. Biden fell short.

DSA didn't respond to an inquiry from The Washington Times, but some of its
members said they've chosen to back Mr. Biden, despite their misgivings.

Andre Vasquez, a Chicago alderman, called Mr. Biden "a wet noodle" but said
there's no alternative.

"It's tough. I know it's tough because I feel it," he told Red Star Live, the
video channel of Midwest Socialist. "But to me, stopping Trump is something we
have to do."

Plus, he said, if the left begs off and Mr. Biden loses, it's the socialists
who will be blamed, which will set them back in their quest for major political

It's not clear whether the willingness of the far left to embrace Mr. Biden is
reciprocated, but the Trump team said Mr. Avakian's support should not be

The RCP leader has backed some violent movements including serving as a leading
acolyte of the Shining Path, a Maoist movement that waged a violent guerrilla
campaign to overthrow Peru's government in the 1980s and 1990s.

"Avakian's endorsement further demonstrates that Joe Biden is an empty vessel
for the radical left," the Trump campaign said.

Rudy Canoza

Jun 16, 2022, 10:15:31 AM6/16/22
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by cocksucking narcissistic shrieker repaired]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — praised Rudy:

> Comrades: Communist Party USA endorses Biden

No, it did not.

Rudy Canoza

Jun 16, 2022, 10:17:08 AM6/16/22
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by cocksucking narcissistic shrieker repaired]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — praised Rudy:

Rudy Canoza

Jun 16, 2022, 10:18:47 AM6/16/22
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by cocksucking narcissistic shrieker repaired]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — praised Rudy:

> RCPUSA Endorses Biden

No, it did not.

Rudy Canoza

Jun 16, 2022, 10:20:10 AM6/16/22
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by cocksucking narcissistic shrieker repaired]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — praised Rudy:

Rudy Canoza

Jun 16, 2022, 10:22:14 AM6/16/22
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by cocksucking narcissistic shrieker repaired]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — praised Rudy:

> RCPUSA Endorses Biden

No, it did not.


Jun 26, 2022, 12:57:29 AM6/26/22
AlleyCat wrote:

President Trump's reelection bid received a vote of support Friday from an
most in his party would reject: the Taliban.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told CBS News in a phone interview, "We
believe that Trump is going to win the upcoming election because he has
himself a politician who accomplished all the major promises he had made to
American people, although he might have missed some small things, but did
accomplish the bigger promises, so it is possible that the U.S. people who
experienced deceptions in the past will once again trust Trump for his

Another senior Taliban leader told CBS News, "We hope he will win the
and wind up U.S. military presence in Afghanistan."

Jun 28, 2022, 7:18:41 PM6/28/22
Gronk <inva...@invalid.invalid> wrote:


That's old news. Why do you post shit like this?

Lock 'im up!
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