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Would you like some Trump toast with that whine?

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Governor Swill

Aug 4, 2017, 3:12:16 AM8/4/17
In Politico:
Lindsey Graham: "Any attempt by the President to go after Mueller
will be the beginning of the end of his Presidency."

In the Washington Post:
"Secret Service vacates Trump Tower command post in lease dispute with
the President's company."

In The Hill:
Senate blocks Trump from making recess appointments over break

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), doing wrap up for the entire Senate,
locked in nine "pro-forma" sessions — brief meetings that normally
last roughly a minute. The move, which *requires the agreement of
every senator,* means the Senate will be in session every three
business days throughout the August recess. [emphasis added]

"Bungled collusion is still collusion." -- Charles Krauthammer.

Governor Swill

Aug 4, 2017, 3:47:52 AM8/4/17
Star Tribune:
"Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby (R) says the two nations' relationship
began deteriorating with the Russian Revolution of 1917, which led to
Communist rule. Shelby says, "I don't see how it's Congress' fault.""

"[Trump] has done something no other American President has done. He's
united the Congress." -- Lindsey Graham to MSNBC 08/03/2017

LA Times:
"Senate confirms dozens of Trump's nominees in an outbreak of
bipartisan productivity after failed healthcare vote"

What is the Magnitsky act anyway?
"Businessman Paints Terrifying And Complex Picture Of Putin's Russia"
""Effectively the moment that you enter into their world," Browder
told senators investigating Russian interference in the 2016
presidential election, "you become theirs.""

In Old News . . .
The Hill:
"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he hasn't met an American who has
seen the Senate Republicans' healthcare bill yet, though he's "sure
the Russians have" gotten their hands on it, Bloomberg reported."

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 4, 2017, 3:57:58 AM8/4/17


Aug 4, 2017, 11:45:22 AM8/4/17
On 08/04/2017 07:28 AM, PIBB wrote:
> The more people denigrate the Magnitsky Act with flimsy arguments,
> the more I am sure it was the right thing to have been passed.
> It is turning out to be a great way to punish specifically Russian
> transgressors in high places. Who would have thought it would work
> so well.
> When Russia was a failing communist state it was isolated from the
> world markets. When Russia entered the international economic
> community parts of its ecomony and banking finance inevitably became
> reliant on other countries. Now Russia must behave itself or suffer
> sanctions.
> I kind of hope the U.S. legislators have a Magnitsky Act Version Two
> in draft form waiting for the right moment to punish Russia for any
> further trangressions. :)

Obama removed sanctions on IRAN while they were helping terrorists and
trying to hack American interests (sites were hacked by Islamists for
posting any negative truths) and Russia is fighting the terrorists.
Where were Liberals when Obama was removing sanctions for Iranian
terrorism crimes that actually kill people?

That's Karma

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 4, 2017, 1:54:48 PM8/4/17
PIBB, <news:XnsA7C77ED...@>
> On 08:57 4 Aug 2017, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> The more people denigrate the Magnitsky Act with flimsy
> arguments, the more I am sure it was the right thing to
> have been passed.

You had been proven to be unable to reason on substance.

So you've no ground to claim anything about 'arguments'.

> It is turning out to be a great way to punish
> specifically Russian transgressors in high places. Who
> would have thought it would work so well.
> When Russia was a failing communist state it was isolated
> from the world markets. When Russia entered the
> international economic community parts of its ecomony and
> banking finance inevitably became reliant on other
> countries. Now Russia must behave itself or suffer
> sanctions.
> I kind of hope the U.S. legislators have a Magnitsky Act
> Version Two in draft form waiting for the right moment to
> punish Russia for any further trangressions. :)

Or it may be due to abuse of those authorized opiates.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 4, 2017, 8:27:48 PM8/4/17
PIBB, <news:XnsA7C7CCD...@>
> On 18:52 4 Aug 2017, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

>>>>> What is the Magnitsky act anyway?
>>>> It's a hoax, to put it briefly.
>>>> Ie., Browder duped the public.
>>>> Read more about the Browder-Magnitsky case here:
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>> The more people denigrate the Magnitsky Act with flimsy
>>> arguments, the more I am sure it was the right thing to
>>> have been passed.
>> You had been proven to be unable to reason on substance.
>> So you've no ground to claim anything about 'arguments'.
> Soviet-style "facts" are not recognized as facts in th
> erest of the world.

What is 'Soviet-style facts'?

Facts are simply facts, and they take place regardless of
whether you like or dislike a person that points out to certain

It looks intellectually inferior when someone that pretends to
be informed and educated etc turns out to be so pathetically
helpless when facing the reality as it really is.

Governor Swill

Aug 4, 2017, 10:17:52 PM8/4/17
On Fri, 04 Aug 2017 12:28:14 +0100, PIBB wrote:

>When Russia was a failing communist state it was isolated from the
>world markets. When Russia entered the international economic
>community parts of its ecomony and banking finance inevitably became
>reliant on other countries. Now Russia must behave itself or suffer

This has been the core philosophy of US leadership since WW II. It is
the foundation of Pax Americana.

Economic integration in the form of cross border investment and free
trade creates a situation in which every country is so dependent on
it's neighbors, friend and foe alike, that nobody can go to war
without cutting their own throat first.

This is what Trump's lovers don't understand. It's either the world
as it is, or a world as a cinder, burned by continual war between
major powers.

Governor Swill

Aug 4, 2017, 10:32:13 PM8/4/17
On Fri, 4 Aug 2017 11:45:19 -0400, #BeamMeUpScotty
<> wrote:

>Obama removed sanctions on IRAN while they were helping terrorists

Propagandist lie. Iran gave up terrorism against the US long ago. Bin
Laden was Saudi. The perpetrators of the first WTC attack were Saudi.
The Al Qaeda Embassy bombings and Cole attacks were Saudi. 15 of the
19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. Saudi money supports Al Qaeda and other
Islamist terrorist groups. Saudi money finances the notorious global
network of Madrasa schools where children are taught to use guns and
make bombs even before puberty are financed by Saudi money.

Modern Islamic terrorism comes from Saudi Arabia and it's Wahhabbist

> and
>trying to hack American interests (sites were hacked by Islamists for
>posting any negative truths)

The US was the first nation in the world to use a cyber weapon against
another country. We attacked Iran with a virus (Stuxnet) jointly
developed with Israel that did hundreds of millions of damage to
Iran's nuclear infrastructure. It set their nuke program back at
least six months. And who authorized that attack?

Barack Hussein Obama.

> and Russia is fighting the terrorists.

So in Iran.

>Where were Liberals when Obama was removing sanctions for Iranian
>terrorism crimes that actually kill people?

Realizing that Saudi Arabia was the greater danger.

The Saudis' terrorists have killed over 3,000 Americans. How many
have Iranian terrorists killed?

Governor Swill

Aug 4, 2017, 10:33:24 PM8/4/17
On Sat, 5 Aug 2017 03:25:10 +0300, "Oleg Smirnov" <>

>Facts are simply facts, and they take place regardless of
>whether you like or dislike a person that points out to certain

How would you know?


Aug 5, 2017, 11:28:47 AM8/5/17
On 08/04/2017 10:32 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Aug 2017 11:45:19 -0400, #BeamMeUpScotty
> <> wrote:
>> Obama removed sanctions on IRAN while they were helping terrorists
> Propagandist lie. Iran gave up terrorism against the US long ago. Bin
> Laden was Saudi. The perpetrators of the first WTC attack were Saudi.
> The Al Qaeda Embassy bombings and Cole attacks were Saudi. 15 of the
> 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi.

Thta's nice but it doesn't change the Iranian terrorism connected to the
Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas..... and other terrorist groups.

That's Karma

Governor Swill

Aug 7, 2017, 12:44:18 AM8/7/17
Those groups are primarily funded by Saudi oil money. Iran's support
has been for Hezbollah via Syria and targets Israel and Christian
Lebanon, not the US.

Aug 7, 2017, 1:51:31 AM8/7/17
Lindsey Graham ? Commonn, never speaks strait. he is a gansta.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 21, 2018, 3:55:21 PM1/21/18

Why Are the Media Ignoring Crucial Parts of the Simpson Testimony?
Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson painted a disturbing portrait of hedge-fund manager
William Browder.

James Carden | JANUARY 16, 2018

.. Yet beneath the sensational and salacious parts of Simpson's testimony lies
a largely unreported story regarding William Browder, the hedge-fund manager
turned human-rights crusader and Kremlin critic.

Simpson's testimony about what he discovered about Browder has gone largely
unremarked upon. There was no mention of it in three leading US publications
(The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Politico), despite the fact that
Browder was mentioned no fewer than 50 times during the course of Simpson's
testimony. ..

In his testimony, Simpson recounted his mounting suspicion that the carefully
cultivated image of Browder as an anti-corruption crusader was perhaps
something of a fiction.

Simpson testified that Browder's "determined effort to avoid testifying under
oath, including running away from subpoenas and changing-frequently changing
lawyers and making lurid allegations against us, including that, you know, he
thought we were KGB assassins in the parking lot of Aspen, Colorado, when we
served the subpoena, all raised questions in my mind about why he was so
determined to not have to answer questions under oath about things that
happened in Russia."

Interestingly, Simpson recalled that when he first met Browder, "I was working
on a story about Vladimir Putin['s] corruption and he lectured me about how
have [sic]Vladimir Putin was not corrupt and how he was the best thing that
ever happened to Russia."

"This," said Simpson, "made me more curious about the history of his
activities in Russia and what that might tell me about corruption in Russia,
and as part of the case we became curious about whether there was something
that he was hiding about his activities in Russia."

As indeed there seemed to be.

During the course of the pretrial discovery, Simpson alleges that he began to
learn about Browder's history of "tax avoidance in Russia and we began to
deconstruct the way that his hedge fund structured its investments in Russia
and, you know, we gradually accumulated through public records, not all from
Russia, that he set up dozens of shell companies in Cyprus and other tax
havens around the world to funnel money into Russia and to hold Russian

The pretrial discovery also found that Browder "set up shell companies inside
of Russia in order to avoid paying taxes in Russia. ..

Read it in full <>


Oleg Smirnov, <news:om196e$smb$>
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