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Not-So-Swift Boat hoax-TeeVee media can't smell real well-or, do we have any real journalists?

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Aug 27, 2004, 8:55:27 PM8/27/04
Lots of unreported news these past few days: TeeVee land is a vacuous area
of all smiles and nice coifs. When will the fancy haircuts and the lifted
and seperated bosoms stand up and resist the slime campaign they started and
supported and grew to such large proportions?
They ignored the connections between the SBV group and the Bush family and
Karl Rove that were clearly defined and mapped out by the NY Times.
Upon being identified as the lawyer both for the Bush-Cheney campaign
and the Swift Boat Liars, Benjamin Ginsberg bravely offered his
resignation to the campaign, which has said repeatedly it has NO
connection to the Liars.

conducting a hoax. And the Washington "press" doesn't care: //


TOMORROW-YOU DON'T HAVE A PRESS CORPS: MSNBC's performance Thursday night
was perhaps the worst we've ever witnessed. Matthews, Olbermann, Norville,
Buchanan-we take you right through the whole litter.
affirmed Kerry's account of the Bronze Star events-the incident in which he
saved Jim Rassmann's life. The new vet's name is Robert Lambert-and no, he
says he doesn't plan to vote for Kerry in November. But Lambert was there in
the Bay Hap River when Kerry pulled Rassmann out of the drink, and he too
says there was enemy fire, just as it says on Kerry's citation. Tired of
reading Swift Boat Veteran bull, Lambert spoke with his local newspaper.
Paul Fattig did the profile for the Jackson County (Oregon) Mail Tribune.
Note: Lambert served on the boat commanded by Larry Thurlow, one of Kerry's
chief accusers:

FATTIG (8/26/04): Lambert, now 64, was a crew member on swift boat PCF-51
that day. The boat was commanded by Navy Lt. Larry Thurlow, a now-retired
officer who questions why Kerry was awarded a Bronze star for bravery and a
third Purple Heart for the March 13 incident.
"He and another officer now say we weren't under fire at that time," Lambert
said Wednesday afternoon. "Well, I sure was under the impression we were."

Lambert's Bronze Star medal citation for the incident praises his courage
under fire in the aftermath of a mine explosion that rocked another swift
boat on that day 35 years ago.

"Anytime you are blown out of the water like that, they always follow that
up with small arms fire," he said.

So let's go to the scoreboard again, the one we toted on Monday. Every
crewman on Kerry's boat says they were under hostile fire. Rassmann, the man
whose life was saved, says there was hostile fire too. And now, three
different crewmen from two other boats have also come forward to describe
hostile fire. Let's make sure we recall who they are. You won't hear about
them on cable:
Wayne Langhofer, PCF-43 (skipper: Dan Droz). Reported by the Washington
Post, 8/22/04.
Jim Russell, PCF-43 (skipper: Dan Droz). Reported by the Associated Press,
Robert Lambert, PCF-51 (skipper: Larry Thurlow). Reported by the Mail
Tribune, 8/26/04.
These men join Kerry's entire crew and Rassmann in saying there was enemy
fire. Meanwhile, Newsweek's John Barry reported yesterday that Lambert's
Bronze Star citation describes "small-arms and automatic weapons fire from
the river banks." There was no chance that this account could have come from
Kerry, he said.
Nor is this the only incident in which Kerry has received recent support. On
Sunday, the Chicago Tribune's William Rood wrote a front-page essay
supporting Kerry's account of the Silver Star incident, in which Kerry saved
the lives of his crew. Aside from Kerry himself, Rood is the only surviving
officer who witnessed the events of that day. Rood complained that the Swift
Boat Vets were "armed with stories I know to be untrue." He twice mentioned
John O'Neill by name, directly contradicting his accounts of this incident.
(In today's New York Times, the widow of that day's third officer also
supports Kerry's view. More below.)

Readers, isn't it time for America's "journalists" to conduct a damage
assessment? More specifically, isn't it time for the lords and ladies to
confront the slander campaign against Kerry-a campaign that is changing
America's White House election? Given the Swift Boat Vets' endless
clowning-their phony affidavits; their changing stories; their blatant
misstatements; their unavailable "witnesses"-can America's somnolent press
fail to see that a problem exists?

Can they catch the smell of a hoax in the air? Are they able to care about

In fact, our nation's somnnolent press is slow to sniff out false accusers.
They like to assume that "there must be some truth" when accusers make
charges, however kooky. In 1992, the corps was played for fools by the gang
of Arkansans who managed to gin up the Whitewater hoax. And they praised
sex-accusers like Kathleen Willey-then refused to let you know when
Independent Counsel Robert Ray called her a blatant liar (see THE DAILY
HOWLER, 6/10/03-do not miss). When the RNC made up tales about Gore, the
lords and ladies ran to repeat them, pimping the nonsense for two solid
years. Yes, your "press corps" loves those accusers-and they're slow to
smell a rat. But by now is it difficult, even for them, to catch the stink
of these Kerry accusers? The stink of rancid Steve Gardner, for example-the
man who told Douglas Brinkley in March that he had "no trouble shooting
gooks?"At the time, Brinkley, writing for Time, described a curious
situation. All Kerry's crewmates admired his leadership. Except for one
hold-out-Steve Gardner:

BRINKLEY (3/9/04): Every sailor who served under Lieutenant John Kerry on
Swift boats PCF-44 and PCF-94 have gushed about his poise under enemy fire.
They tell stories of his rescuing a Green Beret from drowning, killing a
Viet Cong sniper, and saving 42 Vietnamese civilians from starvation. To
paraphrase Ernest Hemingway they claim that in combat Kerry exemplified
"grace under pressure." But PCF-44 Gunner's Mate Stephen M. Gardner-in a
long telephone interview from his home in Clover, South Carolina-has a
starkly different memory. "Kerry was chickenshit," he insists. "Whenever a
firefight started he always pulled up stakes and got the hell out of Dodge."
Brinkley quoted another crew member, Jim Wasser, puzzling over Gardner's
"weird grudge" and his "dead wrong" recollections. After speaking with
Gardner, Brinkley offered his view. It was pure politics, he said:
BRINKLEY: After interviewing Gardner for over an hour it essentially boils
down to one word: politics. A strong supporter of President George W. Bush,
Gardner is sickened by the idea of Kerry as president. "Anybody but Kerry,"
he says. "I know what a disaster he'd be." So what brought Gardner out in
the open? The answer turns out to be Rush Limbaugh's talk show.
Good God! We strongly suggest that you read this profile. (According to
Brinkley, Gardner "was nicknamed 'The Wild Man' by his crewmates for his
hair-trigger penchant for firing M-60s into the mangrove thicket.") No,
Brinkley's view can't be taken as gospel. But as pundits watch Gardner's
rants on TV, can they avoid a sense of unease with this man whose accounts
they've helped peddle?
Yes, the sailors-and documents-keep coming forward, supporting Kerry's
account of events. And yes-the misstatements and clowning of the Swift Boat
Veterans are still pimped all across cable. Can the press corps fail to
smell the hoax-the latest one they have helped peddle? Isn't it time they
stood on their feet and resisted the coup they've helped sell?


Aug 27, 2004, 9:24:34 PM8/27/04
Take the 'Fat Stupid White Guy' sitting by Kerry at the convention. Take his
Fat Stupid 9/11 film and see how far up your biased _ss you can stick it.
Kerry is getting what he deserves - the TRUTH.


"GerhardErasmus" <> wrote in message


Aug 28, 2004, 12:45:45 AM8/28/04
You have a weird (read that Republican) idea of truth. All those self
righteous complaints about Moore but now we see the real truth. Republican
lies are just fine. What hypocrites and phonies. By the way, there were no
lies in Moore's film.

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