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T. Nguyen

Jan 22, 2003, 6:17:20 PM1/22/03
Randall walks to an Anti War demonstration. Agrees that WAR is
terrible and wishes there was no need for it. He walks to an Anti-War
Peace activist and asks, "Don't you think what happened on 9-11 is a
reason to retaliate, not to mention the other horrible things that
will follow as threatened by these crazie SOBs? Don't you think we
should nip this thing in the bud?:
The Peace Activist replies, "There is never any reason for
violence, there is no reason for war ever!"
Randall replies, "So your saying that there is no reason for us
to retaliate for this cowardly act of terrorism and future ones to
The peace activist replies, "Absolutely not, violence is NEVER
the solution."
Randall in a confused tone replies back, "No reason for any type of
violence or war for any reason?"
The activist says, "None whatsoever, peace is the only answer for
everything and..."
Then the activist is interrupted by Randall, slapping him in the face
and staring at him...
The activist in a confused and whiney way says, "Why did you do
Randall slaps the man again and this time kicks him in the ding ding.
The activist laying down on the ground cries, "Why are you doing
this to me?"
Randall picks the activist up again and yanks his hair, spits in
his eye, slaps his face.. then looks down at the activists daughter
that is there with him and slaps the daughter in the face.
The activist now stands up and pushes Randall back.. OK NOW THATS
So Randall punches his little girl in the somach then kicks the
activist in the shin.
The Activist can't take anymore and picks up a huge board to wack
Randall over the head knocking him over.

Then Randall stands up and says, "Hey Man.. I thought you said
there was no need for any type of violence or war.... peace man!"

How many times are we going to allow our selves to get slapped around
by a Randall before we fight back..How many threats from a Randall is
it going to take. Many sons and duaghters were in the WTC and the
PENTAGON that were slapped by a Randall.. and you want to just let
your American brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, wives, husbands,
etc. etc. get slapped around and then walk around calling America the
real terrorists? Hey here's an idea.. many have said before.. why
don't YOU go live over there.. see how long you have the freedom to
whine and complain.. see how long you women have your rights before
you are wrapped in a cloth and beaten for speaking at the wrong time.
See how long it takes before you miss this America you are so unhappy
with now.

Jeff Mullen

Jan 24, 2003, 12:20:13 PM1/24/03
Randall walks to a "Let the Inspections Work" demonstration. He agrees
that war is
terrible and wishes that there was no need for it. He walks to an
activist against the
war that our President it trying to drag us into against Iraq and asks,
"Don't you think
that what happened on September 11 is a reason to retaliate, not to
mention the other
horrible things that will follow as threatened by these crazy SOBs?
Don't you think
we should nip this thing in the bud?"

"Yes," the activist replies. "I'd love to retaliate, and I'd love to
send a message that
the people doing this won't be able to ignore. Unfortunately, Iraq
isn't those people
and going to war with them won't 'nip this thing in the bud,' as you put
it, and might
even make more people angry enough at our country to turn THEM into
making the situation worse instead of--."

Randall slaps the peace activist in the face.

In a low, angry voice, the peace activist asks, "what was THAT for?"

"You're one a them dumb peacenicks!" Randall exclaims. "I can't believe
anybody would believe that a man would never need to fight!"

"I didn't say--," the activist begins.

Radall tries to slap him in the face again. This time, though, the
peace activist
catches his hand in mid swing and twists his arm. Eventually, Randall ends
up face up on the ground. (Randall, it seems, didn't know that the peace
activist had learned a little martial arts here and there.)

The activist is now speaking between gritted teeth. "Stop putting words
in my mouth," he says. "I'll be more than happy to mix it up with anyone
who wants to break the peace--including you--but I won't do it unless I
think it's going to solve a problem. Now stop putting words in my mouth
and get the hell out of my sight."

"But we NEED this war," says Randall, "and if you can't figure it out,
somebody should show you what it's like to be beaten up!"

"No, we don't," says the activist. "And if you try to beat me up
because I think so, then you're no better than the terrorists you
want to do away with."


How much longer are we going to let a Limbaugh Loonie like Randall
try to slap us around until we do what they say? T. Nguyen is a Randall,
and his last post was a slap in the face America. He should never have
been so stuck up as to try to speak for someone whom he neither
agrees with nor understands.

If he has his way, we won't NEED to live over there, because he'll make
it so much like that over here that the difference won't be worth

Unhappy with America? Hell no! I like it so much that I'm willing to
fight--especially against idiots like Nguyen--to keep it from being turned
into a fascist gulag--and don't let any Limbaugh Loonie tell you otherwise.

There are ways to fight terrorism. War with Iraq isn't one of them. Lieing
about that fact won't change it.


T. Nguyen

Jan 31, 2003, 3:32:41 PM1/31/03
Mr. Mullen did you watch FOX NEWS this morning on the survivor from
Iraq torture? Did you see the video they played of the tortures that
people undergo if they oppose anything? Did you see the picture of
the dead baby on the ground? Did you hear the man saying that he and
many other Iraq citicens are behind Bush and support what he want's to
Did you watch the news yesterday when the Italian Prime Minister
backed President Bush.
Did you watch the SOTU address where Lieberman and Clinton continually
stood and applauded Mr. Bush, sometimes standing first?
Do you watch the news at all? Or do you follow the left liberals, and
celebrities of this world who ask stupid questions like, "I just want
to know what Iraq did..." or , "Are we even going to try to talk to
Iraq before attacking them?" I hope your not on that band wagon of
close minded, close eared, and close eyed people.

Jeff Mullen <> wrote in message news:<>...

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