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What Is Woke?

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Cauf Skiviers

Jun 5, 2023, 9:03:39 AM6/5/23
The question is not the victory the Woke believe it to be...

After being exposed through the 'What is a Woman?' phenomenon, progressives,
in their lack of imagination and sense of dignity, believed they found a
silver bullet in a supposed comeback: 'What is woke?' With one fell swoop,
they felt they could alleviate criticism of their irrational antics and
provide a gotcha question to lay the pesky 'what is a woman?' problem they
can't answer, to rest.

Except ‘what is woke?’ is a burning question that holds no fire.

The woke thought they were having their ‘what is a woman?’ moment. Instead,
it turned out they had their 'what is Aleppo?' moment. Or, better yet, their
“the jerk store called” moment.

There’s no ambiguity, no contradiction, just a demonstration of sheer
progressive ignorance while the world watches. Because the world knows
exactly what woke is: the cult of Cultural Marxism, a secular humanist

It is a concept so widely accepted that I wrote about it over a year ago in
the article below:

All Hail the Church of Woke

: “if their founding myth is based on the ‘oppressor’ and ‘oppressed’
: archetypes, it only makes sense that their theology is underpinned by
: historical materialism [Marxism] but, with a twist: instead of the class
: struggle, we ended up with multiple identity struggles.”

But, don’t take my word for it. Matt Walsh, of “What is a Woman?” fame, has
recently given a remarkably similar definition, and I was not surprised by

: “[woke] is a cult or a secular religion which teaches that society is
: systemically oppressive towards certain supposedly marginalized groups, […]
: that our institutions were built expressly with the purpose of oppressing
: these groups […] according to the doctrines of the cult nothing can exist
: for its own sakes no institution can have any purpose above or beyond the
: enforcement of those doctrines […] in the woke religion the Satan figure is
: the heterosexual white male and each member of this group inherits the
: collective guilt of the oppressor”

Interestingly, last year, I identified Donald Trump as the 'devil' according
to the woke perspective (Walsh is more generic, opting for the heterosexual
white male), and I wrote an entire piece on how the progressive belief in
naïve rationality (Walsh’s “nothing can exist for its own sake no institution
can have any purpose above or beyond the enforcement of those doctrines”) is
a reason why the woke fail in critical thinking.

You can watch Walsh’s full video on the definition of ‘woke’ here. Now, even
if we couldn’t agree on a common definition, there is still a crucial
difference between asking ‘what is a woman?’ and asking ‘what is woke?’ A
woman is, of course, a biological reality, 'woke' is an idea and therefore
open to multiple interpretations. Also, by answering 'what is woke?' we are
giving a definition to something. By answering 'what is a woman?' the Left is
attempting to redefine a word, assigning a contrived meaning to something
whose definition we always understood.

Nobody Joins a Cult
So, why does the definition of 'woke' remain elusive to the woke themselves,
even if conservatives agree on a roughly concise meaning? The answer lies in
two reasons.

First, people never join a cult; they simply associate with a group of like-
minded individuals who believe they are working towards the 'greater good'. A
key characteristic of cult members is their inability to understand that they
are part of a cult.

But are the woke really part of one? German-American philosopher of religion,
Joachim Wach, identifies three key elements of a cult: a belief system, a
system of ritual worship, and a moral system governing social relationships.
Wokeism checks all these boxes.

As a belief system, it holds the egocentric belief in a self-God, the
founding myth of 'white privilege', and the theology of the 'oppressed vs
oppressor'. Additionally, they threaten dissenters with the modern-day
Inquisition of cancel culture and hold the belief that the apocalypse is near
with Climate ChangeTM poised as divine retribution for our sins.

In terms of ritual worship, followers gather in communion to chant protest
slogans, often while donning their ceremonial pussy hats and/or black masks.
They produce a rich iconography to virtue signal that they are always
supporting the 'current thing' and have strict rules about what one can say,
wear, or eat. They also hold firm beliefs in the sacraments of gender
transition, abortion, divorce, and euthanasia.

Regarding the moral system of social relationships, the woke have a well-
defined structure with apostles (celebrities), prophets (politicians), high
clergy (corporate officers), and low clergy (NGO officers), all enforcing a
strict hierarchy of victimhood.

Diverse Weights and Measures
Similar to those in a cult, the woke are under constant pressure to suppress
their individuality and conform. They are driven to change their names,
engage in self-mutilation and castration (or mortification?), and consume
hallucinogenic substances to ‘find themselves’ (LSD, ‘shrooms, and ayahuasca
are the new Kool-Aids).

The cult goes to great lengths to isolate their members from the external
world, portraying outsiders as harmful influences. Within this echo chamber
of relentless emotional abuse, members cling to each other, relying on the
benevolence of their leaders. Unsurprisingly, this standardisation process
surfaces many common traits among the members, such as:

Narcissism, an inflated sense of self-importance and a craving for perpetual
validation and attention, leading to a belief that their feelings outweigh
logic, and their experiences surpass reality. Hence, the cult's emphasis on
'lived experience,' 'my truth,' deplatforming dissent, and a profound sense
of entitlement;

Oedipus complex, also known as 'daddy issues,' reflects an aggressive,
irrational attitude towards the achievements of one's ancestors or
predecessors, leading to a visceral repulsion of anything built before they
came to be. Hence, the cult's quixotic hatred of an imaginary 'patriarchy,'
fierce opposition to parental rights, and profound disdain for organized
religion and familial life;

Naïve rationality, a conviction that desired outcomes can only result from
direct control, leading to a belief that things will happen just because they
wish hard enough or try hard enough and, of course, unquestioningly follow
expert advice. This accounts for the herd-like reaction to Covid, their
belief that ‘if one identifies as such, one is such’, deep respect for
credentialism, and a propensity, when in government, to increase expenditure
and throw money at problems; and, finally,

Aesthetic worldview, the tendency to comprehend the world based on sensory
perceptions, which results in a narrow and superficial understanding of
reality and a failure to recognise that things aren't always as they appear
on the surface. Hence, their unwarranted reverence for the wisdom of children
and indigenous peoples, codified behaviors and accessorisation, and a very,
very poor taste in arts.

With this framework, it's easy to identify which things ARE woke: racism
(different treatment based on skin color), misogyny (erasing women to
accommodate men's desires), socialism (central planning of the economy by a
nomenklatura), fascism (compulsory vaccination and big tech surveillance),
doublethink (“it’s just a clump of cells” and “oh, look, Rihanna is having a
baby!”), and white supremacy (an exceedingly white, ‘enlightened’ reasoning —
just ask the 'Latinx' — with an aggressive suppression of diversity of

We can also identify which things are NOT Woke: meritocracy, charity,
diversity, empathy. While the woke can feel empathy, it typically surfaces
when they anticipate getting something in exchange - a quid pro quo, more
sociopathic than empathetic.

Shepherds and Butchers
If belonging to a cult is the first reason the woke can't quite grasp what
'woke' means, the second reason has to do with perspective.

One could say they're in denial about their own condition, but there's more
to it than that. As obedient, well-trained sheep, they've learned to see
their masters as shepherds, not as butchers.

In their fervent rebuttals, they allude to a ‘woke’ revelation, spun like a
woolen yarn to keep you warm and docile, arguing that being ‘woke’ is to
acknowledge past wrongs and understand the present through their lens.

While it's crucial to remember the lessons of history, the ‘woke’ version
seems selective, ignoring any progress made and any instances that don't fit
neatly into their narrative, veering towards a Kafkaesque drama rather than
providing a straightforward course of action. Thus, they discard any notion
of personal responsibility, conveniently laying the blame on an omnipresent,
nebulous system.

In the end, the Left’s portrayal of being ‘woke’ feels more like an identity
badge than a call to action. It serves as a comforting reassurance that
they're the good guys, the enlightened ones, while everyone else is either a
villain or a sleepwalker. In essence, their version of ‘wokeness’ feels like
a narrative designed more for self-validation than for navigating the
roughness of the real world.

And they wear that identity badge as the hood of a clan, but it isn't even
that: it's the skin of a sheep.

Because how they self-identify isn't what they are, and it bears no weight on
reality. An objective observer, impartial in assessing the sheep and their
handlers, will see their handlers not only as shepherds, but also as the
butchers they are.

As for me, I’m a simple man, so I’ll stick to my initial gut feeling about
the whole thing: ‘woke’ is just a mix of hot yoga and bad choices.


Jun 6, 2023, 7:28:07 AM6/6/23
>After the latest episode with Chik-Fil-A you've jumped the
>woke-obsessing shark, rightwingnuts.
>Even Donald Trump is making fun of you now. <chortle>

Nonresponse noted.
Ad hominem noted.

Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.

Let's go Brandon!


Jun 6, 2023, 6:40:36 PM6/6/23
>Rightwingers love their Protestant Pedophile clergy. Many were raped in
>the ass as children.

Nonresponse noted. Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.
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