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Why do so many people hate Bush?

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Chuck Buckley

Nov 22, 2003, 7:35:33 PM11/22/03
Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
damage to this great country in so short a period of time.

Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
collective lifetimes.

Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )

Nov 22, 2003, 7:56:03 PM11/22/03

One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
The answers are hilarious.

"Throw me that lipstick, darling, I wanna redo my stigmata."
+-Jennifer Saunders, "Absolutely Fabulous"


Nov 22, 2003, 8:01:46 PM11/22/03

"Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
<> wrote in message

> >
> One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
> what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
> The answers are hilarious.
There's nothing hilarious about it. Every action that has been taken was
planned well before 911.

Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )

Nov 22, 2003, 8:24:58 PM11/22/03

Like what?


Nov 22, 2003, 8:20:47 PM11/22/03
george is the village idiot. born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.
his is a black and white mind in a Technicolor world.


"Chuck Buckley" <> wrote in message

Joe S.

Nov 22, 2003, 8:28:58 PM11/22/03
George Bush is not the problem. The problem is that he is part of the
entire radical reactionary movement to destroy all progress made in this
country since the Great Depression.

The goal of the radical reactionaries who control the Republican Party was
revealed in all its ugliness when New Gingrich published his "Contract With
America." Gingrich entitled his reactionary legislation "Freedom to XXXX
Act" -- the Freedom to Farm Act, the Freedom to Bank Act, etc., etc.

In fact, what Gingrich proposed was a total rollback of progressive
legislation started with the New Deal. The Republican Party has bitterly
fought against all reform legislation in every field -- labor, banking,
farming, health, financial transactions, you name it. The radical
reactionary Republican Party wants to return to the days of the
late-19th/early-20th century with robber barons, six-day-work-weeks, 10-14
hours workdays, no overtime, no workplace health and safety regulations, no
food safety inspections, no limits on the unbridled powers of banks, stock
manipulators, and monopolies.

When the American public saw this, the Republican majority in the House and
Senate began to drop dramatically.

It was at this point that the Republican Lie Machine swung into action.
Fueled by huge infusions of money from Richard Mellon Sciafe and "Rev" Sun
Young Moon, the rightwing liars convinced many voters that the words
"Democrat" and "Liberal" were the equivalent of leprosy. Meanwhile, the
same lie machine set up GWBush as a compassionate healer.

He is none of the kind. He is totally in the thrall of the radical
reactionaries who intend to "starve the beast."

The radical reactionaries who run the Republican Party see the federal
government as the enemy. Their goal is to destroy all legislative progress
since the New Deal. However, they know that they cannot pass legislation to
wipe out Medicare, to wipe out Social Security, to stop food safety
inspections, to stop investigations into stock fraud. They know the public
would revolt if they tried to do what Gingrich did. So, they are doing it
quietly by running up huge federal deficits and quietly choking off the
programs they do not like.

Regulatory agencies are being starved. Do you really believe anyone is
going to investigate and prosecute Enron, WorldCom, mutual fund
manipulation? Of course not -- because the SEC is being strangled by not
being given sufficient budget to hire the investigators and lawyers it
needs. Same for every other regulatory agency -- do you really believe your
food and medication is being inspected?

GWBush has caved in to big business interests in his move to destroy
overtime pay. Remember a few months ago when the Congress turned down Bush
attempts to wipe out overtime for several million workers? Well, Bush has
attached the defeated legislation to the omnibus spending bill that the
government needs to continue operating -- and he has threatened to veto the
bill if the overtime-killing rider is taken out.

Why do I hate him? It's not so much the man -- he's nothing but an affable
dunce -- it's the policies to which he is captive that will turn this
country back over to the robber barons of the 19th century, all the while
sacrificing our young men and women to never-ending war.

What's your next question?



Joe S.


"Chuck Buckley" <> wrote in message


Nov 22, 2003, 8:50:28 PM11/22/03
to (Chuck Buckley) wrote:

Every imaginable unpleasantry in the last three years is
Bush's fault, right Upchuckley? 9/11, the anthrax attacks,
the dot com collapse, the bad fishing season and the
outbreak of athletes foot are all Bush's fault, right?


Nov 22, 2003, 9:00:50 PM11/22/03

"Joe S." <> wrote in message

> George Bush is not the problem.

Agreed. The problem is today's Democrat Party.

Stuart Grey

Nov 22, 2003, 9:10:32 PM11/22/03

Chuck Buckley wrote:

> Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> damage to this great country in so short a period of time.

What damage?

> Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
> years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
> collective lifetimes.

You care to defend your absurd claims?

Stuart Grey

Nov 22, 2003, 9:11:36 PM11/22/03

Ohia wrote:

Now that was incoherent. What actions, and actions
by whom are you talking about?

Stuart Grey

Nov 22, 2003, 9:23:42 PM11/22/03

Joe S. wrote:

> George Bush is not the problem. The problem is that he is part of the
> entire radical reactionary movement to destroy all progress made in this
> country since the Great Depression.

Progress towards what? World Socialism? The end
of Freedom? The destruction of America?

Yes, the Soviet Union is no more, China is turning
capitalist, and Cuba is an incredibly impoverished
nation, as is the other world socialism holdout,
North Korea.

Socialism has indeed been set back since the depression.

Is that a bad thing? Certainly not. Bush, his father,
and Ronald Reagan can be proud of their part in
turning back the tide of tyranny, and defending the
United States against it's enemies, foreign AND

> The goal of the radical reactionaries who control the Republican Party was
> revealed in all its ugliness when New Gingrich published his "Contract With
> America." Gingrich entitled his reactionary legislation "Freedom to XXXX
> Act" -- the Freedom to Farm Act, the Freedom to Bank Act, etc., etc.

And, you find freedom bad.

> In fact, what Gingrich proposed was a total rollback of progressive
> legislation started with the New Deal.

"Progressive" is PC speak for "Communist".

> The Republican Party has bitterly
> fought against all reform legislation in every field -- labor, banking,
> farming, health, financial transactions, you name it. The radical
> reactionary Republican Party wants to return to the days of the
> late-19th/early-20th century with robber barons, six-day-work-weeks, 10-14
> hours workdays, no overtime, no workplace health and safety regulations, no
> food safety inspections, no limits on the unbridled powers of banks, stock
> manipulators, and monopolies.

Well, IMHO, the elected Republican office holders
are a bit too much in bed with those that would like
to be robber barons. The rank and file Republican
capitalist want to see the robber barons hung from
the lamp post at the street corner. No, the common man
does NOT want to see his capitalist holdings stolen
by the likes of Ken Lay.

On the other hand, the alternative is to vote for
the capitalist hating socialist/communist in the
alternative party - a sure thing that they will be
robbed of what they own.

All in all, they get a better deal with the Republicans.

> When the American public saw this, the Republican majority in the House and
> Senate began to drop dramatically.

?!? They are now the majority in both houses.

When the American people saw this, they put more
Republicans in office.

> It was at this point that the Republican Lie Machine swung into action.
> Fueled by huge infusions of money from Richard Mellon Sciafe and "Rev" Sun
> Young Moon, the rightwing liars convinced many voters that the words
> "Democrat" and "Liberal" were the equivalent of leprosy. Meanwhile, the
> same lie machine set up GWBush as a compassionate healer.

Nope. The convinced the middle of the road voters
that the Democrats have no ideas other than socialism,
and have decided to be bitterly critical of everything
that the Republicans do, EVEN IF the Democrats were
doing and saying the EXACT SAME THING, and the
Democrats came up with the policy in the first place!

The people are seeing the Democrats as trying to destroy
the nation for their own political goals. They've seen
this in the Rockerfeller memo, and in the California
legislature incident.

> He is none of the kind. He is totally in the thrall of the radical
> reactionaries who intend to "starve the beast."
> The radical reactionaries who run the Republican Party see the federal
> government as the enemy. Their goal is to destroy all legislative progress
> since the New Deal.

Again, only if you define "progress" as the
advancement of the socialist/communist goal
and the enslavement of the American people.


Nov 22, 2003, 9:33:23 PM11/22/03

"Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message

In terms of financial success, this is a conservative fallacy. Reagan, for
ran up the national debt to unprecedented levels, and so Bush II follows in

The four most successful presidents in terms of increasing employment,
inflating, and reducing deficits--

were all Democrats. Reagan signed the largest tax increase in history. He
holds the record.

And the four presidents are:


And, at last count, Bush II has a 29% approval rating worldwide.

You were saying?

Stuart Grey

Nov 22, 2003, 10:07:47 PM11/22/03

ehollo wrote:

> "Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message
> news:nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04...
>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>>What damage?
>>>Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>>>years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>>>collective lifetimes.
>>You care to defend your absurd claims?
> In terms of financial success, this is a conservative fallacy. Reagan, for
> example,
> ran up the national debt to unprecedented levels, and so Bush II follows in
> his
> footsteps.

Reagan and Bush had Democrats in control of the
congress. And yes, this spending on "Star Wars"
was one of the things that broke the Soviets.
Wars, even cold wars, cost money. You're side
lost, my side won, get over it.

Winning this war for capitalism and liberty did
a great deal of good for America and set you
socialist back a great deal. The "peace benefit"
from the reduced spending after the victory lead
to the longest economic expansion in U.S. history.

Stuart Grey

Nov 22, 2003, 10:16:12 PM11/22/03

Dennis McGee wrote:

> In article <nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04>, Stuart Grey

> <> wrote:
>>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused
>>>so much damage to this great country in so short a period of
>>What damage?

> Try an unnecessary military quagmire,

It's not a quagmire, and it was quite necessary
as you would know if you've been reading even
the recent newspapers.

Even if one has not read the newspapers about the
recently leaked memo; one would note that:
1) One of the big beefs and recruiting points
that Al Qaeda had was that we have had troops
in Saudi Arabia, and Islamic holy area, since
Saddam's original aggression back under Bush I.
2) We couldn't pull out as long as Saddam was
in power, as Saddam still posed a significant
threat that the Saudi's alone could not defend
against, even in Saddam's reduced state.
3) We could leave Saudi Arabia, and remove
one of Al Qaeda's big propaganda points, if
Saddam was REMOVED.
4) We removed Saddam, and then our troop strength
in Saudi Arabia was considerably reduced as
the threat Saddam posed to the region was gone.

Even the untrained observer could see the sound
reasoning behind this motive to the Gulf War II.

When you throw in the fact that we have known
since the Clinton administration that Saddam
was working with Al Qaeda, and proof of this
recently surfaced, the case for war against
Iraq is a slam dunk.

However, some anti American socialist who
want to destroy America are still ranting on
as if they were not proven to be the fools
they are.

> record unemployment, deficits as far
> as the eye can see, and a loss of US prestige worldwide as starters.

We had the longest economic expansion in U.S.
history, mostly due to the reduction in government
borrowing due to Reagan winning the cold war.

It was bound to come to an end, and it did, towards
the end of the Clinton Administration. Bush didn't
cause it, Clinton didn't cause it. It's part of a
natural cycle. So, as far as "record unemployment"
and "deficits", it's just bull.

As to loss of US prestige, yes, socialist all
over the world are pissed that the US has
taken another step back from the brink of
world socialism.


Nov 22, 2003, 10:25:58 PM11/22/03
President Bush has done more in a very short time to show strength and
determination for freedom for us and for all other civilized nations.
He has single handedly controlled terrorism and will continue to do so
until he is allowed to retire.
He is the most wonderful president we have ever had. He has brought
morality, prayer, family and patriotism back into the Whitehouse.

Stuart Grey

Nov 22, 2003, 11:06:06 PM11/22/03

Dennis McGee wrote:
> In article <0EVvb.277671$HS4.2462734@attbi_s01>, Stuart Grey
> <> wrote:
> (a bunch of rationalizations for the boyking's incompetence and corruptness)

You make a poor impression when you're challenged
to support these allegations of incompetence and
corruption, and all you can do is endlessly repeat
the same unfounded lies.

> Yeah whatever. You'd be squealing like a stuck pig right now if a Democrat
> incumbent had presided over an unnecessary military quagmire, record

> unemployment, deficits as far as the eye can see, and a loss of US prestige

> worldwide.

The only president to have done that in the last
100 years was LBJ.

> I guess time will tell if Bush's $200 million warchest can convince the
> American people they need to be punished like this for another four years.


Nov 22, 2003, 11:02:25 PM11/22/03
I hate Bush due to his being from a long bloodline of criminal thugs who
have raped this nation since it's very beginning. His family financed Adolf
Hitler and financed the attachs on the World Trade Center (thru uncle
Jonathon's place of employ - Rigg Bank--bank Saudie Princess funded the
hijackers thru-- .

Republicans are traitors to our nation--always have been and always will be.
They are blood suckers who hate honest work and must suck worth from others
to survive.

Time to educate these creeps on the merits of truth. Dirty, underhanded
tricks is the the way to wealth, at least it shouldn't be anymore!

"Chuck Buckley" <> wrote in message


Nov 22, 2003, 11:26:36 PM11/22/03

"Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message
I remember Ted Kennedy and other democrats declaring a peace dividend to
spend when the Soviet Union went under. They didn't seem too worried about
any deficit. LOL

Winston Smith, American Patriot

Nov 23, 2003, 1:15:31 AM11/23/03
"Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
<> wrote in inimitable style:

> Chuck Buckley wrote:
>> Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>> damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>> Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>> years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>> collective lifetimes.
> One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
> what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.

Muslims saw Bush invade Afghanistan and said that the Taliban/al Qaeda
deserved it. The whole world agreed.

Then Muslims saw Bush invade Iraq and said that Iraq did NOT deserve
it...had been cooperating...the proof is "where is the WMD?"....and
suspected, then knew it was about oil and Israel's desire to arrange the
Middle East to its liking. These Muslims now go to Iraq like iron filings
to a magnet, to sign up to kill Americans for the Crusade the U.S. starts
1000 years after the last one. For Bush's illegal invasion, not only those
who were indifferent to us now hate us (Muslims), but those who were our
friends and allies now are indifferent to us.

> The answers are hilarious.

Yuck it up, moron.

U N Me

Nov 23, 2003, 1:32:48 AM11/23/03
--=Cochise~||~Guardian=-- wrote:

> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> George W. Bush is so pro-Mexican that if you hit him with a stick, prizes would fall out of him.
> That traitor needs to be impeached.
> ////////////////////////

I wonder if there's a market for bush pinatas?


Nov 23, 2003, 1:35:44 AM11/23/03
In article <7wVvb.280038$Tr4.863263@attbi_s03>, Stuart Grey
<> wrote:

> ehollo wrote:
> > "Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message
> > news:nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04...
> >
> >>
> >>Chuck Buckley wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> >>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> >>
> >>What damage?
> >>
> >>
> >>>Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
> >>>years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
> >>>collective lifetimes.
> >>
> >>You care to defend your absurd claims?
> >
> >
> > In terms of financial success, this is a conservative fallacy. Reagan, for
> > example,
> > ran up the national debt to unprecedented levels, and so Bush II follows in
> > his
> > footsteps.
> Reagan and Bush had Democrats in control of the
> congress.

So what is W's excuse?

Vendicar Decarian

Nov 23, 2003, 3:32:02 AM11/23/03

"Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message

> Progress towards what? World Socialism? The end
> of Freedom? The destruction of America?

That just about sums it up....


Nov 23, 2003, 4:23:46 AM11/23/03

"Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message

I think it's Bush's personality.

Nov 23, 2003, 6:35:36 AM11/23/03

I would like to rephrase the questions. What has Bush done in the
last three years that has improve the lives of the American people.
These answers should be hilarious. Crap like making us stand tall,
showing the world who's the boss, and jingo crap won't do it. How have
our lives improved on average.

I personally can't think of anything of substance that this man has
done that will leave this world a better place due to GW Bush being
our president. That's a pretty sad thought when you consider he is
theoretically the most powerful man on the planet. Busness ethics,
education,the environment, the treatment of the poor and the
disenfranchised, our respect and position in the world, personal
freedom, the level of violence in the world. etc.. It just seems
endless. The man has improved nothing, but worse, he does not seem to
give a fat rats ass could at least give credit if you felt
he tried.

Ted Hart

Nov 23, 2003, 9:20:20 AM11/23/03

Eyeball Kid

Nov 23, 2003, 9:48:33 AM11/23/03
In article <>, the oblique allusion in

lieu of the frontal attack <> wrote:

> Chuck Buckley wrote:
> >
> > Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> > damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> >
> > Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
> > years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
> > collective lifetimes.
> >
> One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
> what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
> The answers are hilarious.

Yeah. The comic relief begins when the families of the 9/11 dead can't
get a straight answer from the White House about what information they
knew before the attacks. More laughs build to a crescendo when the
families of the dead from the Iraq invasion and occupation ask where
the justifications for the war went. And from way up in the peanut
gallery, the guffaws can be heard from the Pope, who opined that any
invasion of Iraq would constitute an "unjust war" (Hmm.. I guess that
means that the head of the Catholic Church is implying that unjustified
killing means that Bush has ordered the murdering of countless Iraqis.
But what does the Pope know, anyway, when it is Bush himself who said
that God had told him to invade Iraq?).

Well, my sides are aching from all of this hilarity. I've got to rest

E. K.

Free humor. Whenever you want.

"It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human
cloning to come out of that chamber."å­£.W. Bush, Wash. D.C., April 10, 2002

"Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he
makes and we should just support that."- Britany Spears, 9/2003

He Pep!

Nov 23, 2003, 10:02:53 AM11/23/03
Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04>...

> Chuck Buckley wrote:
> > Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> > damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> What damage?

A trillion dollars in new debt, millions of lost jobs, and an
involvement in a hugely expensive and unnecessary war that has cost of
the lives of hundreds of our military people does sping to mind.

> > Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
> > years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
> > collective lifetimes.

> You care to defens your absurd claims?

If terrorists could cause a trillion dollars in new debt, deprive 2.5
million Americans of their jobs, and embroil us in a vanity war and
quagmire that would further deplete our economy and cost of the lives
of hundreds of our military, I should think they would consider such
destruction terrorist successes.

But they weren't caused by terrorists, the were caused by the
indifference and flat out stupidity our remarkably inmept and
incompetent president.

> You care to defend your absurd claims?

Care defend your absurd "president" beyond asking "why daddy?"


Nov 23, 2003, 11:00:22 AM11/23/03


Are you fucking brain-damaged or what? He's a miserable failure as a
pResident and as a human being. He has no morals. Look beyond the
marketing, dumbass.

"nospam" <> wrote in message


Nov 23, 2003, 11:03:20 AM11/23/03
Actually, cunt, the problem is stupid people like you who refuse to look
past the party line to see how devasting this administration's policies have
been to the PEOPLE who they work for. See, that is what your ilk forgets,
they work for us not the other way around.

"BW" <> wrote in message

Stuart Grey

Nov 23, 2003, 12:36:06 PM11/23/03

Winston Smith wrote:

> "Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
> <> wrote in inimitable style:
>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>>>Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>>>years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>>>collective lifetimes.
>>One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
>>what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
> Muslims saw Bush invade Afghanistan and said that the Taliban/al Qaeda
> deserved it. The whole world agreed.

No. NATO wanted to make Afghanistan a NATO mission
so they could stop it, for example. That's why the
U.S. went after the 9-11 terrorist without the support
of NATO.

> Then Muslims saw Bush invade Iraq and said that Iraq did NOT deserve
> it...had been cooperating...the proof is "where is the WMD?"....and
> suspected, then knew it was about oil and Israel's desire to arrange the
> Middle East to its liking. These Muslims now go to Iraq like iron filings
> to a magnet, to sign up to kill Americans for the Crusade the U.S. starts
> 1000 years after the last one. For Bush's illegal invasion, not only those
> who were indifferent to us now hate us (Muslims), but those who were our
> friends and allies now are indifferent to us.

They all hated us anyway. The idea that we shouldn't
go stop the ones that are killing us because they
may kill us has been debunked. It's irrational on
the face of it.

It is far better to fight them in Iraq than to have
to fight them in New York.

You America haters are never going to change your
anti American spew. We pretty much take that as a given,

Stuart Grey

Nov 23, 2003, 12:41:47 PM11/23/03

fiend999 wrote:

> In article <7wVvb.280038$Tr4.863263@attbi_s03>, Stuart Grey

>>>In terms of financial success, this is a conservative fallacy. Reagan, for

>>>ran up the national debt to unprecedented levels, and so Bush II follows in
>>Reagan and Bush had Democrats in control of the
> So what is W's excuse?

I know you're joking, which is what makes it so sad!

The Republicans are having problems keeping the budget
under control now because:
1) The longest economic expansion in American history
ended just before President Bush took office. The fall
in tax revenue made for a big budget shortfall.
2) To get the economy going again, the President and
Congress passed tax cuts, slightly raising the deficit.
This policy may have worked (or it might have been
the end of the natural cycle of economic downturn
after expansion...)
3) The terrorist acts of 9-11 have put a large
burden on the government to increase domestic
security, and this cost money. We also have had
to fight two foreign wars to root out the terrorist
and their allies, and this costs money too.

But all in all the big problem they faced was
(1), and the economy does seem to be turning around.
I don't even think it can be said to be certain
that it was the Republican's doing.

Vendicar Decarian

Nov 23, 2003, 12:47:52 PM11/23/03

"Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message

> 1) One of the big beefs and recruiting points
> that Al Qaeda had was that we have had troops
> in Saudi Arabia, and Islamic holy area, since
> Saddam's original aggression back under Bush I.
> 2) We couldn't pull out as long as Saddam was
> in power, as Saddam still posed a significant
> threat that the Saudi's alone could not defend
> against, even in Saddam's reduced state.
> 3) We could leave Saudi Arabia, and remove
> one of Al Qaeda's big propaganda points, if
> Saddam was REMOVED.
> 4) We removed Saddam, and then our troop strength
> in Saudi Arabia was considerably reduced as
> the threat Saddam posed to the region was gone.

Listen to the sniveling little peon-NeoCon traitor repeat the lie to protect
his discredited Liedeology....

No. 851-03
IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 15, 2003


DoD Statement on News Reports of Al Qaeda and Iraq Connections
News reports that the Defense Department recently confirmed new information
with respect to contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq in a letter to the Senate
Intelligence Committee are inaccurate.

A letter was sent to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Oct. 27, 2003,
from Douglas J. Feith, under secretary of defense for policy, in response to
follow-up questions from his July 10 testimony. One of the questions posed
by the committee asked the department to provide the reports from the
intelligence community to which he referred in his testimony before the
committee. These reports dealt with the relationship between Iraq and al

The letter to the committee included a classified annex containing a list
and description of the requested reports, so that the committee could obtain
the reports from the relevant members of the intelligence community.

The items listed in the classified annex were either raw reports or products
of the CIA, the National Security Agency or, in one case, the Defense
Intelligence Agency. The provision of the classified annex to the
Intelligence Committee was cleared by other agencies and done with the
permission of the intelligence community. The selection of the documents
was made by DoD to respond to the committee's question. The classified
annex was not an analysis of the substantive issue of the relationship
between Iraq and al Qaeda, and it drew no conclusions.

Individuals who leak or purport to leak classified information are doing
serious harm to national security; such activity is deplorable and may be

Selma Ritter

Nov 23, 2003, 12:42:32 PM11/23/03
"Vendicar Decarian" <> wrote in message news:<0h_vb.1005$>...
> "Stupid Grey" <> wrote in message

World Corporate Socialism? The end of Freedom? The destruction of America?

Yep. Sums up 3 years of Bush misrule to a tee.

Stuart Grey

Nov 23, 2003, 12:44:41 PM11/23/03

ehollo wrote:

> "Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message


> I think it's Bush's personality.

Could be. I, myself, hate to hear him give a speech.
He pauses in his lines like William Shatner. Shatner
did it because he was trying to remember his lines.

Still, I don't fault him for not being charismatic.

(I fault him for leaning too far to the left...)

Vendicar Decarian

Nov 23, 2003, 12:51:43 PM11/23/03

"He Pep!" <> wrote in message

> > What damage?
> A trillion dollars in new debt, millions of lost jobs, and an
> involvement in a hugely expensive and unnecessary war that has cost of
> the lives of hundreds of our military people does sping to mind.

You failed to mention the perpetual stream of lies from the Bush
administration, the hypocricy, distortion, illegality and outright acts of
terror used by the Bush administration to finish Daddy Bush's unfinished
personal business. And profiteer and loot america in the process.

The Enemies of America love Bush.

Vendicar Decarian

Nov 23, 2003, 12:53:37 PM11/23/03

"nospam" <> wrote in message
> President Bush has done more in a very short time to show strength and
> determination for freedom for us and for all other civilized nations.

True. Bush has destroyed more freedom in America than any other president
in U.S. history.

Americans are far too cowardly to state this simple fact for themselves.

They fear Bush retribution.

Stuart Grey

Nov 23, 2003, 12:53:36 PM11/23/03
to wrote:

1) Waged war against the Al Qaeda terrorist. This is
something President Clinton did NOT do event though
Al Qaeda attacked the WTC, trying to blow it up; blew
up two of our embassies; blew up the USS Cole; blew
up the U.S. Army barracks in Dhahran... Clinton wouldn't
take Osama bin Laden on a silver platter! President
Bush has a world wide manhunt for him, dead or alive.

2) Is making the middle east more stable by getting us
out of Saudi Arabia and kicking Saddam, who was collaborating
with Al Qaeda, out of Iraq.

3) Just as much as Bush "caused" the economic downturn (I'm
never going to get you controlled economy commies to admit
that in a capitalist economy, there are natural cycles) he
"fixed" it with tax cuts.

4) At least socialist/communist American hating judges
are not being appointed anymore. Come on, Lannie Grenier
for Attorney General?!

> I personally can't think of anything of substance that this man has
> done that will leave this world a better place due to GW Bush being
> our president. That's a pretty sad thought when you consider he is
> theoretically the most powerful man on the planet.

Sad that you're an idiot. Or sad that you're an American
hating liar. Or sad that you can't think past your own
Anti American wishful thinking. Or sad that you have let
yourself be blinded by your own hate.

I have no idea why you produce this stupid crap. It is
just enough to know that you do, I guess.

> Busness ethics,
> education,the environment, the treatment of the poor and the
> disenfranchised, our respect and position in the world, personal
> freedom, the level of violence in the world. etc.. It just seems
> endless. The man has improved nothing, but worse, he does not seem to
> give a fat rats ass could at least give credit if you felt
> he tried.

Yeah. Bush made a complete stop to the "progress" you world socialist
were making in enslaving the American people. Total bitch,

Vendicar Decarian

Nov 23, 2003, 1:00:06 PM11/23/03

"Eyeball Kid" <> wrote in message

> Yeah. The comic relief begins when the families of the 9/11 dead can't
> get a straight answer from the White House about what information they
> knew before the attacks.

It's only coincidental that the Bush Administration claims there was no
evidence of planning for such an attack yet teh evidence already in shows
that miltiple warnings were given over several years. And in fact an attack
exercise of just such an event was planned to occurr the very same day as
the real event.

It's wonderful to watch Republicns lie so about so many things, and
refreshing to see the depths peon-NeoCon's will go in order to justify and
prumolgate those lies.

Bush is a traitor and a gift to all those who Hate America.

Stuart Grey

Nov 23, 2003, 12:59:39 PM11/23/03

Eyeball Kid wrote:

> In article <>, the oblique allusion in
> lieu of the frontal attack <> wrote:
>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>>>Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>>>years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>>>collective lifetimes.
>>One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
>>what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
>>The answers are hilarious.
> Yeah. The comic relief begins when the families of the 9/11 dead can't
> get a straight answer from the White House about what information they
> knew before the attacks.

Oh yeah. Let's expose all our sources and methods to
a bunch of people with no need to know.

> More laughs build to a crescendo when the
> families of the dead from the Iraq invasion and occupation ask where
> the justifications for the war went.

The justification didn't go anywhere.

If you find Saddam, you'll probably find the WMD.
He didn't use WMD against us in Gulf War I. He used
them to regain control of the Iraqi people. He knew
that no matter what he used, there was no way he
could stop the U.S. from kicking his ass. He's in
one of his underground bunkers somewhere.

His strategy is simple; he fights a low level,
highly visible terrorist war against the Americans,
to try and get US to leave ASAP. Then, he can come
out and kick ass of whomever is in charge with
his WMD, just as he did in Gulf War I.

It is now public knowledge that Saddam and Al Qaeda
were working together. You Anti Americans are pretty
big on trying to overlook that fact.

> And from way up in the peanut
> gallery, the guffaws can be heard from the Pope, who opined that any
> invasion of Iraq would constitute an "unjust war" (Hmm.. I guess that
> means that the head of the Catholic Church is implying that unjustified
> killing means that Bush has ordered the murdering of countless Iraqis.
> But what does the Pope know, anyway, when it is Bush himself who said
> that God had told him to invade Iraq?).

So, you're anti-Abortion now? And you're going to
mass every Sunday?

I don't think so. I think you pick and choose what
the Pope says.


Nov 23, 2003, 1:02:26 PM11/23/03
"Winston Smith, American Patriot" <Franz...@Oceania.WhiteHouse.GOV> wrote in message news:<Xns943BE26EE...@>...

> "Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
> <> wrote in inimitable style:
> >
> >
> > Chuck Buckley wrote:
> >>
> >> Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> >> damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> >>
> >> Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
> >> years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
> >> collective lifetimes.
> >>
> > One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
> > what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
> >
> Muslims saw Bush invade Afghanistan and said that the Taliban/al Qaeda
> deserved it. The whole world agreed.

Fucking bullshit. Regarding Afghanistan, there were national and
worldwide protests from the usual suspects like ANSWER.

Go to google groups and search around the time of the Afghan invasion.
You will find usuall whining, second-guessing, fake outrage, and
hand-wringing from leftists as you do today about Iraq today, probably
even more...

Stuart Grey

Nov 23, 2003, 1:20:50 PM11/23/03

He Pep! wrote:
> Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04>...
>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>>What damage?
> A trillion dollars in new debt, millions of lost jobs, and an
> involvement in a hugely expensive and unnecessary war that has cost of
> the lives of hundreds of our military people does sping to mind.

As I explained in another post...

1) The economy has cycles, and it started it's downturn
under clinton. It's now started it's upturn.
2) When he economy is in a down part of it's cycle,
the taxes collected go down but the spending remains
the same, resulting in debt.
3) Besides all the other good reasons for war against
Saddam, like to get us out of Saudi Arabia, we know
now that Saddam was working with Al Qaeda, despite
the lies of the Anti Americans.

No damage here, other than the fact that Bush happened
to be president when we went to war. If Clinton had
taken care of things when he had the chance, Bush would
not have gotten into this mess.

Do recall it was CLINTON who allowed the North Koreans
to build nuclear weapons.

>>>Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>>>years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>>>collective lifetimes.
>>You care to defens your absurd claims?
> If terrorists could cause a trillion dollars in new debt, deprive 2.5
> million Americans of their jobs, and embroil us in a vanity war and
> quagmire that would further deplete our economy and cost of the lives
> of hundreds of our military, I should think they would consider such
> destruction terrorist successes.
> But they weren't caused by terrorists, the were caused by the
> indifference and flat out stupidity our remarkably inmept and
> incompetent president.

I see a bunch of stupid claims, but no objective facts.
The lion's share of the debt is caused by the economic
downturn. Economic downturns are a natural occurrence in
a capitalistic economy. When the economy goes down, tax
revenue goes down. Government spending remains the same.
So, there are deficits. It's not Bush's fault and it's
not Clinton's fault, it just happens. Just like the
upturn that follows just happens. So, scratch the debt
and job loss parts of your argument.

Vanity war? Let's see... Terrorist blew up the WTC,
part of the Pentagon, and intended to blow up part of
the White House or the Capital building. Prior to this,
they set off a big bomb in the WTC, blew up two of our
embassies, a military barracks, and a U.S. warship. Bush
goes to war. Vanity war? Hell no, that's a big lie.
The link between Al Qaeda and Saddam's Iran is now
public knowledge. So your argument here is shown to be
a bunch of Anti American commie propaganda.

So, you don't have much.

>>You care to defend your absurd claims?
> Care defend your absurd "president" beyond asking "why daddy?"
> questions?

I didn't vote for him, nor did I think he would make
a good president.

On the other hand, I'm not a rabid slobbering idiot
anti American shit bag of a socialist, either; so I give
him credit where credit is due.

I dislike his "no child left behind" act, because the
fed has no business in education. There are several other
things I don't like about his policies that I can't recall
right now because you commie bastards keep me so busy
pointing out your stupid bullshit lies.

jose soplar

Nov 23, 2003, 2:16:36 PM11/23/03
to wrote in message news:<>...

If you are waiting around for somebody else to improve your life or
expecting the guvment to do that, you are a miserable failure in life
and deserve whatever life has in store for you.

Kirk Gregory Czuhai

Nov 23, 2003, 4:07:02 PM11/23/03
to (Chuck Buckley) wrote in message news:<>...

> Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
> years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
> collective lifetimes.

I AGREE google^google percent !!!

only good bushes:

Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )

Nov 23, 2003, 5:03:35 PM11/23/03

"Winston Smith, American Patriot" wrote:
> "Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
> <> wrote in inimitable style:
> >
> >
> > Chuck Buckley wrote:
> >>
> >> Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> >> damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> >>
> >> Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
> >> years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
> >> collective lifetimes.
> >>
> > One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
> > what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
> >
> Muslims saw Bush invade Afghanistan and said that the Taliban/al Qaeda
> deserved it. The whole world agreed.

Yea, right. You'll notice that the Liberals around here opposed the
invasion of Afghanistan when it was going on. You'll notice that the
Islamo-wackos ran to Afghanistan to give aid to the Taliban. That's what
happened, deny it at your own risk. The same thing is happening now.

> Then Muslims saw Bush invade Iraq and said that Iraq did NOT deserve
> it...had been cooperating..

Iraq was supposed to get compliant in 1991, not after keeping inspectors
out since 1998 in 2003.

> .the proof is "where is the WMD?"....and

That is proof of nothing. Iraq was supposed to show compliance. Iraq did
not do that.

> suspected, then knew it was about oil and Israel's desire to arrange the
> Middle East to its liking.

You are insane.

> These Muslims now go to Iraq like iron filings
> to a magnet, to sign up to kill Americans for the Crusade the U.S. starts
> 1000 years after the last one.

If Muslims want to die to keep Iraqis under the thumb of Saddam, Muslims
are insane along with you.

> For Bush's illegal invasion, not only those

How was it illegal and Clinton's Balkan's bombing wasn't?

> who were indifferent to us now hate us (Muslims), but those who were our
> friends and allies now are indifferent to us.

LOL. They hate us for making them free. Absurd.

> > The answers are hilarious.
> Yuck it up, moron.

We are winning and you loons are not.

"Throw me that lipstick, darling, I wanna redo my stigmata."
+-Jennifer Saunders, "Absolutely Fabulous"

Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )

Nov 23, 2003, 5:05:17 PM11/23/03

A lot of the idiot Liberals around here are just pretending that they
supported the Afghan efforts because they know that is water under the
bridge and they want to appear 'moderate', ha ha. It is pretty easy for
them to distance themselves from their previous comments because most of
them change their nyms regularly.

Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )

Nov 23, 2003, 5:06:33 PM11/23/03

Vendicar Decarian wrote:
> "Eyeball Kid" <> wrote in message
> > Yeah. The comic relief begins when the families of the 9/11 dead can't
> > get a straight answer from the White House about what information they
> > knew before the attacks.
> It's only coincidental that the Bush Administration claims there was no
> evidence of planning for such an attack yet teh evidence already in shows
> that miltiple warnings were given over several years.

You mean back to Clinton? If we get hit with a nuclear weapon or
chemical weapons or bioweapons, you can look back and see plenty of
warnings and you will and you will blame Bush, won't you?

He Pep!

Nov 23, 2003, 5:21:41 PM11/23/03
Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<6U6wb.285087$Tr4.878888@attbi_s03>...

> He Pep! wrote:
> > Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04>...
> >
> >>Chuck Buckley wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> >>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> >>
> >>What damage?
> >
> >
> > A trillion dollars in new debt, millions of lost jobs, and an
> > involvement in a hugely expensive and unnecessary war that has cost of
> > the lives of hundreds of our military people does sping to mind.
> As I explained in another post...
> 1) The economy has cycles, and it started it's downturn
> under clinton. It's now started it's upturn.

Bush's passive role in the economic affairs of our country are pretty
obvious. However, one quarter of economic growth fueled by new debt
funded so-called "tax rebates' are hardly the stuff of an economic
turnaround. We are still 2.5 million jobs down from January of 2001.
Ironic that the very people who are benefiting from the "3 Month Bush
Boom" are the same people who received all the tax cuts. The vast
majority of americans have been left out in the cold.

Remember, Bush will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to
oversee a net loss of jobs during his administration. Babbling about
Clinton does nothing to dispel this rather stunning historical fact.
It is a failure on Bush's part that will be talked about for decades.

> 2) When he economy is in a down part of it's cycle,
> the taxes collected go down but the spending remains
> the same, resulting in debt.

And Bush's fiscally insane tax cuts had nothing to do with this? Are
you always in the habit of avoiding facts that inconvenience your
preconceived agenda?

> 3) Besides all the other good reasons for war against
> Saddam, like to get us out of Saudi Arabia, we know
> now that Saddam was working with Al Qaeda, despite
> the lies of the Anti Americans.

If there was an al Qaeda connection to Iraq at all, it has yet to be
proven. But it is nice that we've removed our offensive selves from
Saudi Arabia. Perhaps if we had a president whose true allegiences
were to the United States rather than the international oil cartel we
would be sending more troops into Saudi Arabia due to its undeniable
role in the 9-11 murder of American citizens. The connections between
the Saudis and al Qaeda are far more substantive than anything linking
Iraq to the same. The terrorists, their leadership, and the funding
that made their murderous acts possible, were all Saudi in origin. Not
Iraqi. And still Bush stonewalls against any real investigation into

> No damage here, other than the fact that Bush happened
> to be president when we went to war.

Hundreds of billions in new debt and the deaths of hundreds of our
service people is nothing to you, sir? The war was based on the big
lie that Iraq posed an immediate threat to the safety of the people of
the United States, and that Iraq played a role in 9-11. As it turns
out nothing could have been farther from the truth.


Nov 23, 2003, 8:23:06 PM11/23/03
Obviously you are too stupid to know a great president when he is
available to all of us to save this nation from the liberal scum and
third world types who are living here but will soon be sent to the
borders and out of the US.
We need to round them up and put them on reservations in some deserted
Then back to their primitive land.
Mary Belle Republican, Patriot and True Christian

--=Cochise~||~Guardian=-- wrote:

> On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 03:25:58 GMT, nospam <> opined:

>>President Bush has done more in a very short time to show strength and
>>determination for freedom for us and for all other civilized nations.

>>He has single handedly controlled terrorism and will continue to do so
>>until he is allowed to retire.
>>He is the most wonderful president we have ever had. He has brought
>>morality, prayer, family and patriotism back into the Whitehouse.

> You have posted this blather in alt.comedy, have you not? As a former Republican I have got to say that Bush,
> like the rest of his inbred Texican hog-screwing klan, actually makes Hitler look to be not quite as bad he
> was. Helen Thomas is absolutely right about old Jorge........ worst 'leader' ever. Damned RINOs.
> Draft Tancredo in 2004.
> -----------------------


Nov 23, 2003, 8:25:43 PM11/23/03
Look Gracie...liberal scum. You need to get back on your drugs and face
reality. He has the best record of any president that has held the
reins of government.
He is wonderful as is his whole blest family.
God bless our president and his family and all the Republican, Patriots
and True Christians...I am happy to be counted amongst them.
Mary Belle


Nov 23, 2003, 8:27:42 PM11/23/03
They fear only what evil they do as the liberal scum they are.
When they can become patriots and stop speaking ill of our president and
government then they can return to society.
We then will return to a civilized nation. Until then these people need
to be watched and caged where necessary.
Mary Belle

Stuart Grey

Nov 23, 2003, 8:27:57 PM11/23/03

He Pep! wrote:

> Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<6U6wb.285087$Tr4.878888@attbi_s03>...
>>He Pep! wrote:
>>>Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04>...
>>>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>>>>What damage?
>>>A trillion dollars in new debt, millions of lost jobs, and an
>>>involvement in a hugely expensive and unnecessary war that has cost of
>>>the lives of hundreds of our military people does sping to mind.
>>As I explained in another post...
>>1) The economy has cycles, and it started it's downturn
>>under clinton. It's now started it's upturn.
> Bush's passive role in the economic affairs of our country are pretty
> obvious. However, one quarter of economic growth fueled by new debt
> funded so-called "tax rebates' are hardly the stuff of an economic
> turnaround.

Which way are you going to argue this? You can't have
it both that Bush didn't do anything significant to turn
around the economy and that the economy would have been
on its way up even without the tax cuts; and also claim
that the tax cuts are too temporary to make a difference
in the long run.

If the tax cuts DID spark the economy, then the obvious
thing to do is make them permanent per the Bush plan.
And we give credit to Bush.

> We are still 2.5 million jobs down from January of 2001.
> Ironic that the very people who are benefiting from the "3 Month Bush
> Boom" are the same people who received all the tax cuts. The vast
> majority of americans have been left out in the cold.

The "vast majority", the 50% of the population with a lower
than average taxable income, only pay 4% of the income taxes.

This is like the guy getting free pizza bitching about how
unfair it is that the guy who has to pay for the pizza gets
a dollar off coupon. "Hey! I should get a dollar back on my
free pizza!: Get real! You don't GET a better break
than not having to pay any significant amount of taxes.

> Remember, Bush will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to
> oversee a net loss of jobs during his administration. Babbling about
> Clinton does nothing to dispel this rather stunning historical fact.
> It is a failure on Bush's part that will be talked about for decades.

Nope. Only in "Commie World(tm)", that bizarre other reality
that you commiecrats live in.

>>2) When he economy is in a down part of it's cycle,
>>the taxes collected go down but the spending remains
>>the same, resulting in debt.
> And Bush's fiscally insane tax cuts had nothing to do with this? Are
> you always in the habit of avoiding facts that inconvenience your
> preconceived agenda?

The tax cuts are an insignificant addition to the
total deficit. Your hate the working man, stoke the
fires of class warfare propaganda is pathetic. Why
don't you commiecrats go back to your worker's paradise,
Cuba or North Korea? You should love it there, they
do ALL of your policies.

>>3) Besides all the other good reasons for war against
>>Saddam, like to get us out of Saudi Arabia, we know
>>now that Saddam was working with Al Qaeda, despite
>>the lies of the Anti Americans.
> If there was an al Qaeda connection to Iraq at all, it has yet to be
> proven.

Ah, the commiecrat rebuttal: bend over, shove head up
ass, and claim not to see the evidence. Yes, I know the
routine. You will question existence itself before you
admit who the bastards are that are harming the United
States. But the fact is, the link has been shown:

> But it is nice that we've removed our offensive selves from
> Saudi Arabia. Perhaps if we had a president whose true allegiences
> were to the United States rather than the international oil cartel we
> would be sending more troops into Saudi Arabia due to its undeniable
> role in the 9-11 murder of American citizens.

Ah yes. More of the "Commie World (tm)" other world
delusions. You "just know" that it's all a vast

Well, you're just crazy.


Nov 23, 2003, 8:31:19 PM11/23/03
The Republicans are the only saviours of this nation. The Bush family
is a great family with a long heritage of service to the United States.
It would seem you are very jealous that you don't come from such a
stately heritage.
Were your progenitors just common cotton pickers? I suppose so your
comments do reveal that very plainly.
Try to get an education and join the Republican groups and learn about
the real America not your fearful imagined America.
Republicans have always been those of commerce and industry whilst the
democraps have been the drones.
Mary Belle


> I hate Bush due to his being from a long bloodline of criminal thugs who
> have raped this nation since it's very beginning. His family financed Adolf
> Hitler and financed the attachs on the World Trade Center (thru uncle
> Jonathon's place of employ - Rigg Bank--bank Saudie Princess funded the
> hijackers thru-- .
> Republicans are traitors to our nation--always have been and always will be.
> They are blood suckers who hate honest work and must suck worth from others
> to survive.
> Time to educate these creeps on the merits of truth. Dirty, underhanded
> tricks is the the way to wealth, at least it shouldn't be anymore!
> "Chuck Buckley" <> wrote in message

>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.

Winston Smith, American Patriot

Nov 23, 2003, 9:15:01 PM11/23/03
Stuart Grey <> wrote in inimitable style:

I want you to list every American ever killed by the state of Iraq since
the cessation of hostilities in the War to Liberate Kuwait. I want you to
name, date, and detail the act of war committed by Iraq against the United
States that prompted our invasion.

> It's irrational on
> the face of it.
> It is far better to fight them in Iraq than to have
> to fight them in New York.

It is far better not to fight anyone at all unless YOU are the one STARTING
the fight!

> You America haters are never going to change your
> anti American spew. We pretty much take that as a given,
> now.

How long did it take the German people to get rid of the diseased minds of
those thuggish countrymen who made up the Nazi fist of Hitler?

It will no doubt take America as long to deal with the pathology that is
the support of Bush.

U N Me

Nov 23, 2003, 9:51:00 PM11/23/03
nospam wrote:

> Obviously you are too stupid to know a great president when he is
> available to all of us to save this nation from the liberal scum and
> third world types who are living here but will soon be sent to the
> borders and out of the US.
> We need to round them up and put them on reservations in some deserted
> desert.
> Then back to their primitive land.
> Mary Belle Republican, Patriot and True Christian

But that won't save you from your fate in hell.

Nov 23, 2003, 9:52:21 PM11/23/03
On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 17:53:36 GMT, Stuart Grey
<> wrote:

> wrote:
>> I would like to rephrase the questions. What has Bush done in the
>> last three years that has improve the lives of the American people.
>> These answers should be hilarious. Crap like making us stand tall,
>> showing the world who's the boss, and jingo crap won't do it. How have
>> our lives improved on average.
>1) Waged war against the Al Qaeda terrorist. This is
>something President Clinton did NOT do event though
>Al Qaeda attacked the WTC, trying to blow it up; blew
>up two of our embassies; blew up the USS Cole; blew
>up the U.S. Army barracks in Dhahran... Clinton wouldn't
>take Osama bin Laden on a silver platter! President
>Bush has a world wide manhunt for him, dead or alive.

According to all credible sources, Ossama Bin Ladin ain't in Iraq,
but of course now most of our military is. Al Queada has us pinned
down but could. Smart way to go looking for a criminal gang. I am sure
your willing too over look all the lies Bush told to get us over
there. But I bet you could reel off 20 pages of Clinton lies by heart.
If this is your idea of integrity what can one say.

>2) Is making the middle east more stable by getting us
>out of Saudi Arabia and kicking Saddam, who was collaborating
>with Al Qaeda, out of Iraq.

Yeah, he moved us out of Saudi Arabia, too keep the heat off the
friendly dictators in the house of Saud, moved them over to Iraq,
where we can really cut loose.

This is your idea of stabiliyt eh.

>3) Just as much as Bush "caused" the economic downturn (I'm
>never going to get you controlled economy commies to admit
>that in a capitalist economy, there are natural cycles) he
>"fixed" it with tax cuts.

I'll admit they natural, you admit they naturally fix themselfs. He
working for the consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few. A very
few. You most likely will not be included when it's all done. Welcome
banana republic. It's a horrible policy, that eats at all that America
is supposed to be about. I'll leave this alone.
At any rate the economy and jobs ain't exactly bubbling over.

>4) At least socialist/communist American hating judges
>are not being appointed anymore. Come on, Lannie Grenier
>for Attorney General?!

John Ashcroft, a real voice of moderation and freedom.

Name calling eh. Obviously nothing to say here. Me neither.

>> I personally can't think of anything of substance that this man has
>> done that will leave this world a better place due to GW Bush being
>> our president. That's a pretty sad thought when you consider he is
>> theoretically the most powerful man on the planet.
>Sad that you're an idiot. Or sad that you're an American
>hating liar. Or sad that you can't think past your own
>Anti American wishful thinking. Or sad that you have let
>yourself be blinded by your own hate.

Oh, name calling directed at me. Did I call you an idiot, even though
I completely disagree with you. Sorry, for asking a question,
discussion and debate is becoming a bit scarce these days. A natural
result when one's argument's start getting a bit weak and desparate.

>I have no idea why you produce this stupid crap. It is
>just enough to know that you do, I guess.

That enhances the discussion. Typical though, no need to know why the
world is the way it is.

>> Busness ethics,
>> education,the environment, the treatment of the poor and the
>> disenfranchised, our respect and position in the world, personal
>> freedom, the level of violence in the world. etc.. It just seems
>> endless. The man has improved nothing, but worse, he does not seem to
>> give a fat rats ass could at least give credit if you felt
>> he tried.

>Yeah. Bush made a complete stop to the "progress" you world socialist
>were making in enslaving the American people. Total bitch,

I was so enslaved untill GW Bush came along. Why do I feel less free

Yeah, guess will have to give up the clean air and water, go back to
a dog eat dog world where people with power just get more and then run
over anyone in there way.

And now we can tell the rest of the world how it's gonna be. Might
makes right eh. Land of the free. Don't think they won't come for you
wither when it suits them.

All I can say is when the Pendulum swings back the other!


Nov 23, 2003, 10:57:26 PM11/23/03
You cluel;ess Dumfuk:

The first 1000 days of Appointee Bush is a HORROR SHOW!

A LOST War in Afghanistan, an unnecessary Iraq war Bush led
us in to using LIES and deceit, a war which will cost the USA
hundreds of billions in money, and hundreds of lives as we
are mired there for DECADES; ALIENATION of out major allies;
DESTRUCTION of our relations with the UN and NATO, American
troops killed or maimed daily with no rational Iraq exit plan;
misfired missiles into Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan; TERROR,
GI's with SLIT THROATS, unemployed UP 50%, RECORD budget deficits
of hundreds of billions as far as the eye can see, after
getting handed $5.6 TRILLION in surpluses, anthrax, snipers,
EXPOSING the identity of covert CIA agents; corporate frauds
ignored- like Enron and "Kenny-boy" Lay;, lost secret spy planes,
chips to be implanted in you, FORCED smallpox vaccinations.

Lost civil rights, privacy invasions, a huge useless new
"Homeland Defense burocracy- UNFUNDED and headed by an idiot;
spy on your neighbor, 14% hikes in Federal spending - so high
they refuse to BUDGET for future Iraq war costs; SOARING HEALTH
CARE costs, an idiotic Tax Cuts for the Rich plan followed by
a SECOND Dividend Tax Cuts for the Rich absurdity, new Tax Plans
where only WAGEARNERS are taxed and millionaire stock and bond
holding coupon clippers have tax rates slashed to 15%.

RECORD HIGH bankruptcies, global HATE of America, a fallen WTC,
air / water pollution and rape of resources being encouraged,
huge crime increases, CUTTING of funds for local police, state
and local government bankruptcies with no Federal help, soaring
college costs, plunging charity contributions, rising hate crimes,
mass staff firings and resignations, racial division, appointment
of criminals to key position, FAILURE to pursue REAL terrorists
like Bin Laden, and failing to fund domestic border defense.

Soaring gang violence, decimated 401k's, pre-emptive NUKE use
policies, misplaced priorities -WAR on non-threat Iraq, PAYOLA
to Nuke threat N Korea, allowing Scud delivery to "Alqueda haven"
Yemen, ignoring port and border security, approving TORTURE of
captives held by the USA, "Homeland Security" via "tarps and
duct tape" while Bush screams WAR! TERROR! TERRORISTS! all day
every day in desparate hopes that terrorizing America AND THE
WORLD keeps him in office, and distracts from his failures.

America has slipped into a BUSH HORROR SHOW during 1000 days
of this Appointed Insane Megalomaniac's Bush Regime. His is the
WORST administration in USA history, by orders of magnitude.

I knew it would be BAD - I never dreamed it could be THIS bad.

nospam wrote:
> President Bush has done more in a very short time to show strength and
> determination for freedom for us and for all other civilized nations.

> He has single handedly controlled terrorism and will continue to do so
> until he is allowed to retire.
> He is the most wonderful president we have ever had. He has brought
> morality, prayer, family and patriotism back into the Whitehouse.


Nov 24, 2003, 1:43:00 AM11/24/03
> The Republicans are the only saviours of this nation. The Bush family
> is a great family with a long heritage of service to the United States.

You mean like the time George W. Bush went AWOL to escape his air
national guard unit's departure for Vietnam? Long heritage of service,
yup. And tell me, what exactly are the Republicans saving us from? The
evil Islamic Terrorist Democrats? Who want to balance the budget, get
a sensible man elected to office and not blow people up all around the
world with fighter jets?

> 1) Waged war against the Al Qaeda terrorist. This is
> something President Clinton did NOT do event though
> Al Qaeda attacked the WTC, trying to blow it up; blew
> up two of our embassies; blew up the USS Cole; blew
> up the U.S. Army barracks in Dhahran... Clinton wouldn't
> take Osama bin Laden on a silver platter! President
> Bush has a world wide manhunt for him, dead or alive.

> 2) Is making the middle east more stable by getting us
> out of Saudi Arabia and kicking Saddam, who was collaborating
> with Al Qaeda, out of Iraq.

This I just don't get. No one ever produced any evidence that Saddam
was collaborating with Al Qaeda - even the Bush administration says it
has no evidence to support the goal. Yet 60-70% of Americans
(according to a recent poll) believe that Saddam had something to do
with September 11th. Why is this country full of such idiots?

And answer me this one - What did Bush do in the year he had before
September 11th to combat terrorism? Couldn't have been a big problem,
then, could it?

And Clinton did go after Bin Laden, with missile strikes and
international diplomatic initiatives and the like, not with massive
military campaigns committing the entire military, and then failing to
find the man (like someone we know). And Al Qaeda did not bomb the
WTC. That was a guy named Yoseuf from Islamic Jihad. Let us not forget
that Saddam was a secular leader, and did not sympathize with the
cause of Al Qaeda, and it worked both ways. God, you people really
need to learn to read - The facts are out here. Don't be force fed by
American media.

> 3) Just as much as Bush "caused" the economic downturn (I'm
> never going to get you controlled economy commies to admit
> that in a capitalist economy, there are natural cycles) he
> "fixed" it with tax cuts.

Granted, the downturn was not directly linked to Bush. However, what
has he done to fix it? Given us record budget defecits, given us a tax
cut only for the more wealthy, in the so called trickle down effect
(which does not and will not work). He's given us two wars, both
causing unbelieveably fragile stock markets, especially with the price
of oil and the like. 3/4% of this 7% GDP gain people keep talking
about was expansion of oil and defense companies profiting from Iraq.
I suppose war is a good business venture, and good for our economy,
then. And don't be so sure we're out of the proverbial woods yet -
we're still in the most fragile stock market in recent memory. Stocks
are more overvalued now than they were when the bubble burst in 2001;
and this war shows no signs of going away anytime soon. Let's not
forget how adept Bush is at caving in to big business - Free Trade
Agreements with Chile and Singapore are exporting jobs overseas in an
already terrible unemployment market. (BtW, unemployment is much
higher than 6%, once you stop receiving benefits then you are no
longer as counted as unemployed..Interesting)

If there is one person that is responsible for the slight upturn in
the economy, then we should thank Alan Greenspan - who doesn't like
Bush at all, I might add.

> Sad that you're an idiot. Or sad that you're an American
> hating liar. Or sad that you can't think past your own
> Anti American wishful thinking. Or sad that you have let
> yourself be blinded by your own hate.

Perhaps you might want to take off the blinders, Captain America.
Patriotism just as dangerous as any sort of idealistic religious

Site for Young Writers

Nov 24, 2003, 1:58:37 AM11/24/03
On 23 Nov 2003 22:43:00 -0800, (John) wrote:

>Why is this country full of such idiots?

Maybe it is you and not them.

Josh Rosenbluth

Nov 24, 2003, 8:45:21 AM11/24/03
Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<vj6wb.284849$Tr4.876927@attbi_s03>...
> fiend999 wrote:
> > In article <7wVvb.280038$Tr4.863263@attbi_s03>, Stuart Grey
> >>>In terms of financial success, this is a conservative fallacy. Reagan, for
> >>>example,
> >>>ran up the national debt to unprecedented levels, and so Bush II follows in
> >>>his
> >>>footsteps.
> >>
> >>Reagan and Bush had Democrats in control of the
> >>congress.
> >
> >
> > So what is W's excuse?
> I know you're joking, which is what makes it so sad!
> The Republicans are having problems keeping the budget
> under control now because:
> 1) The longest economic expansion in American history
> ended just before President Bush took office. The fall
> in tax revenue made for a big budget shortfall.
> 2) To get the economy going again, the President and
> Congress passed tax cuts, slightly raising the deficit.
> This policy may have worked (or it might have been
> the end of the natural cycle of economic downturn
> after expansion...)
> 3) The terrorist acts of 9-11 have put a large
> burden on the government to increase domestic
> security, and this cost money. We also have had
> to fight two foreign wars to root out the terrorist
> and their allies, and this costs money too.
> But all in all the big problem they faced was
> (1), and the economy does seem to be turning around.
> I don't even think it can be said to be certain
> that it was the Republican's doing.

The fiscal mess we are in is largely voluntary and the result of Bush
policy, although 9/11 does play a part (the Iraq war was voluntary as
is the growth in domestic non-security spending and the tax cut).

During the 2000 campaign, Bush called for tax cuts arguing that we had
a large projected surplus (even when not counting Social Security
surpluses). Even Gore called for substantial tax cuts too. Then came
the recession and what did Bush call for? The *SAME* tax cuts (!?).
Those cuts were not a stimulus to pull us out of a recession. Most of
them weren't going to take effect for years to come. Bush used the
recession as an excuse to pass his supply-side tax cuts.

Now the recession is over and we will hopefully have a long expansion.
But, we have Reagan redux too. High spending (you would think Bush
would realize we can't afford the tax cut given all the new 9/11
spending) and lower revenues thanks to supply-side tax cuts. The
result in Reagan's time was a systemic deficit and exploding debt even
with good growth. We might see that again, only this time we are fast
approaching the Social Security and Medicare fiscal debacle when debt
pressures will pull the economy down if we don't get our act together.

The Bush economic plan is bad.

Josh Rosenbluth

He Pep!

Nov 24, 2003, 11:51:04 AM11/24/03
Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<x8dwb.214370$mZ5.1612821@attbi_s54>...

> He Pep! wrote:
> > Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<6U6wb.285087$Tr4.878888@attbi_s03>...
> >
> >>He Pep! wrote:
> >>
> >>>Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<nGUvb.281631$Fm2.291070@attbi_s04>...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
> >>>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
> >>>>
> >>>>What damage?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>A trillion dollars in new debt, millions of lost jobs, and an
> >>>involvement in a hugely expensive and unnecessary war that has cost of
> >>>the lives of hundreds of our military people does sping to mind.
> >>
> >>As I explained in another post...
> >>
> >>1) The economy has cycles, and it started it's downturn
> >>under clinton. It's now started it's upturn.
> >
> >
> > Bush's passive role in the economic affairs of our country are pretty
> > obvious. However, one quarter of economic growth fueled by new debt
> > funded so-called "tax rebates' are hardly the stuff of an economic
> > turnaround.
> Which way are you going to argue this? You can't have
> it both that Bush didn't do anything significant to turn
> around the economy and that the economy would have been
> on its way up even without the tax cuts; and also claim
> that the tax cuts are too temporary to make a difference
> in the long run.

Bush didn't do anything significant to help turn around the economy.
The tax cuts were a quick fix temporary solution that will result in
short term benefits at best. Believe me, by the time spring of 2004
rolls around this will be on the growing list of topics you do not
want to talk about. Remember Stewie, the economy is showing the
benefits of pumping hundreds of billions of dollars in borrowed money
into the mix in the form of rebates and vastly increased defense
industry spending. A trillion dollars in new debt, and with no end to
Bush's spending spree in sight. You can only run the place on a credit
card for so long. Someday someone is going to have to pay the bills.

> If the tax cuts DID spark the economy, then the obvious
> thing to do is make them permanent per the Bush plan.
> And we give credit to Bush.

And how does Bush propose to do that? Outside of his "What, me worry?"
tax cuts, he has done nothing, and proposed nothing. There is no "Bush
Plan" beyond looting the treasury and borrowing money from hostile
foreign econimic powers like China through bond sales.

> > We are still 2.5 million jobs down from January of 2001.
> > Ironic that the very people who are benefiting from the "3 Month Bush
> > Boom" are the same people who received all the tax cuts. The vast
> > majority of americans have been left out in the cold.
> The "vast majority", the 50% of the population with a lower
> than average taxable income, only pay 4% of the income taxes.

Again, Bush will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to

oversee a net loss of jobs during his administration. Babbling about
Clinton does nothing to dispel this rather stunning historical fact.

Couple that with the end of the Bush Credit Card Boom in a few months
and you have the makings of a political disaster for the right. What
will we be looking at in a few months? A damaged economy, an empty
treasury that contains nothing but IOUs, and a net loss of jobs that
could very well exceed 3 million.

(The remaining segments of Stewie's post here degenerates into name
calling, silly insults, and "Newsmax" cites. I'd go on, but social
work has never really appealed to me all that much.)

Stuart Grey

Nov 27, 2003, 5:46:49 PM11/27/03

John wrote:

>>The Republicans are the only saviours of this nation. The Bush family
>>is a great family with a long heritage of service to the United States.
> You mean like the time George W. Bush went AWOL to escape his air
> national guard unit's departure for Vietnam?

That never happened, you're just repeating a lie.

> Long heritage of service,
> yup. And tell me, what exactly are the Republicans saving us from?

The socialist/communist America haters, mostly. They do
this by moving the politics and mood of the people back
towards traditional American values.

> The evil Islamic Terrorist Democrats?


> Who want to balance the budget, get
> a sensible man elected to office and not blow people up all around the
> world with fighter jets?

The Democrats didn't balance the budget in all the
time that they held both branches of congress in the
last 50 years.

The Commiecrats are, by definition, not sensible.

I seem to recall Viet Nam, when the President and
congress were commiecrats, and the war not ending
until a Republican was elected president. So it seems
that commiecrats like blowing up people "with fighter

>>1) Waged war against the Al Qaeda terrorist. This is
>>something President Clinton did NOT do event though
>>Al Qaeda attacked the WTC, trying to blow it up; blew
>>up two of our embassies; blew up the USS Cole; blew
>>up the U.S. Army barracks in Dhahran... Clinton wouldn't
>>take Osama bin Laden on a silver platter! President
>>Bush has a world wide manhunt for him, dead or alive.
>>2) Is making the middle east more stable by getting us
>>out of Saudi Arabia and kicking Saddam, who was collaborating
>>with Al Qaeda, out of Iraq.
> This I just don't get. No one ever produced any evidence that Saddam
> was collaborating with Al Qaeda - even the Bush administration says it
> has no evidence to support the goal.

Ah, yes. The commiecrat salute to the refutation of
their propaganda is to bend over, insert their heads
up their asses, and proclaim that they don't see
and never heard of the evidence.

> Yet 60-70% of Americans
> (according to a recent poll) believe that Saddam had something to do
> with September 11th. Why is this country full of such idiots?

Maybe its the 30-40% that have it wrong?

> And answer me this one - What did Bush do in the year he had before
> September 11th to combat terrorism? Couldn't have been a big problem,
> then, could it?

Bush didn't do a damn thing before September 11th.

> And Clinton did go after Bin Laden, with missile strikes and
> international diplomatic initiatives and the like, not with massive
> military campaigns committing the entire military, and then failing to
> find the man (like someone we know).

Clinton didn't take bin Laden when he was offered to Clinton
on a silver platter. Clinton gave lip service to fighting
terrorism. He effectively only responded to attacks
with punny measures and half assed attempts. In short, if
Clinton had killed bin Laden, we would still have the
World Trade Center.

> And Al Qaeda did not bomb the
> WTC. That was a guy named Yoseuf from Islamic Jihad.

Prove that Al Qaeda wasn't involved.

We all see that you're LYING to protect Al Qaeda.
What scum!

And you IGNORE that it was Al Qaeda that bombed
our Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

You IGNORE that it was Al Qaeda that bombed the
USS Cole.

Then we shouldn't wonder why you America hating
commiecrats hate Bush - he's taking on your beloved
Al Qaeda and your socialist comrade Saddam.


Nov 27, 2003, 5:57:51 PM11/27/03
*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***

Stuart Grey wrote:

> moving the politics and mood of the people back
towards traditional American values

the rest is moot.

"the Bush family is a great family with a long heritage of service to the
United States."

and hitler was a swell painter.


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James Monroe

Nov 27, 2003, 7:57:26 PM11/27/03
On 27 Nov 2003 16:57:51 -0600, "<SmirkS>" <>

>*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***
>Stuart Grey wrote:
>> moving the politics and mood of the people back
>towards traditional American values

Drunken driving, vehicular homicide and underage drinking are the bush
family ideas of "traditional American values".


Nov 27, 2003, 8:26:12 PM11/27/03
> Drunken driving, vehicular homicide, underage drinking, homosexuality,
rape, and obesity are the Kennedy family ideas of "traditional American

Laura Bush - America's kid-killer

Nov 27, 2003, 10:12:34 PM11/27/03
Millions of americans ask only one question re their president. Is he
willing to do whatever it takes (lie, steal or kill) to get enough oil
that i can keep my SUV?

Jani Tor

Nov 27, 2003, 10:44:24 PM11/27/03


"Laura Bush - America's kid-killer" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted

James Monroe

Nov 28, 2003, 12:21:56 AM11/28/03

Did you have a point and forget to get to it?

(Clue: Transgressions by the Kennedy's don't make the drunken bush an
acceptable president.)

Ronald Dean

Nov 28, 2003, 12:36:01 AM11/28/03

"James Monroe" <> wrote in message
When did Bush take the last drink? I need some evidence. If you can
produce it I will not vote for him in 04, but otherwise I will.



Nov 28, 2003, 1:42:09 AM11/28/03
*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***

Marie A. wrote:

> Stalin, a darling of the left even to this day

You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder.


Nov 28, 2003, 1:47:01 AM11/28/03
*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***

> Drunken driving, vehicular homicide and underage drinking are the bush

> family ideas of "traditional American values".

>> Drunken driving, vehicular homicide, underage drinking, homosexuality,
> rape, and obesity are the Kennedy family ideas of "traditional American
> values".

politicians really represent the cream of society, don't they folks?

didn't "traditional American values" begin with the wholesale genocide of
the peoples that lived on this land before 'civilized' man arrived, to be
followed quickly by the wholesale importation of slaves to 'develop' it?

the bush and kennedy clans don't hold a patent on elitism.

James Monroe

Nov 28, 2003, 6:36:53 AM11/28/03
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 00:36:01 -0500, "Ronald Dean" <>

Your standards for deciding who gets your vote are pitifully low.


Nov 28, 2003, 11:06:20 AM11/28/03
" You can fool some of the people all of the time"!

Chris Morton

Nov 28, 2003, 11:24:09 AM11/28/03
In article <>, ZenIsWhen says...

>" You can fool some of the people all of the time"!

The actual number of Al Qaeda supporters is much smaller than Zepp and Judy
Diarya would have us believe.

Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women should have to fistfight with 210lb.


Nov 28, 2003, 2:10:42 PM11/28/03
to (Marie A.) wrote in message news:<>...
> "<SmirkS>" <> wrote in message news:<Xns94409839091...@>...

> > *** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***
> >
> > Stuart Grey wrote:
> >
> > > moving the politics and mood of the people back
> > towards traditional American values
> >
> > the rest is moot.
> >
> >
> >
> > "the Bush family is a great family with a long heritage of service to the
> > United States."
> >
> > and hitler was a swell painter.
> Stalin, a darling of the left even to this day, was responsible for
> infinitely more deaths than Hitler ever dreamed of. Hitler is a piker
> when compared with butchers on the left, and we're not even including
> Mao Tse Tung who probably killed well over 30 million in the Cultural
> Revolution.
> Cordially, Marie

"Marie's" stupid and empty-headed response is an perfect example of
"why don't more people hate Bush?" It's not that more people don't
hate him, it's that the vast numbers of people who do hate him have
been beaten into silence by such shitheads as Marie.

Raise a single word in opposition to Bush, Newt, Cheney, Armey, Delay,
Pat Robertson, and any of the other radical reactionary right and you
are immediately eviscerated as someone who loves Stalin and Mao.

Look at what happened to Max Cleland in Georgia -- a Vietnam veteran,
a moderate Democrat who sometimes voted with the Repulicans, lost both
legs and an arm in Vietnam. Yet, he was attacked as a "traitor" by
his Republican opponent Saxby Chambliss who accused Cleland of
"breaking his oath to protect and defend the constitution."
Chambliss, meanwhile, avoided military service in Vietnam because of a
"football injury."

The radical reactionary right has, for two decades now, conducted a
widespread, heavily-financed operation of lies to attack anyone who
dares oppose their goal of driving this nation back to the 19th

It's not that people don't like or support Bush, it's that they are
afraid to speak out.

Fortunately, things may be slowly changing. The top books on all
best-seller lists over the past couple of years have included books
that the radical reactionaries don't want you to read:

"Blinded by the Right," by David Brock (former darling of the right)
"Made in Texas: George W. Bush and the Southern Takeover of American
Politics" and "Up From Conservatism," by Michael Lind (former darling
of the right)
"The Lies of George W. Bush," by David Corn
"Hey, Dude! What Did You Do With My Country?" by Micahel Moore.
"Big Lies," by Joe Conason.
"Lies and the Big Fat Liars Who Tell Them," by Al Franken.

And, it appears that the press is now becoming more and more unafraid
of exposing the Big Lie and the Big Liars.

As for you, Marie, I am a liberal Democrat who spent 28 years in the
Army including combat in Vietnam. I was sucking rice paddy water when
you were spreading you thighs for the Texas A&M football team and
daring them to "brang it on." You want a piece of this old soldier,
be at the Rocking Horse Saloon, Hwy 11 West, near Bristol TN,
11/29/2003, 2300 hours, look for the guy in the white Dodge 1-ton
dually. Bring your big brother and tell him to be prepared to have
his ass kicked into next month. Fuck all you conservatives cowards.

Intersting that you should mention Hitler, an old friend and business
partner of the Bushes.



Nov 28, 2003, 2:11:36 PM11/28/03
"<SmirkS>" <> wrote in message news:<Xns9440E6F2937...@>...

> *** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***
> Marie A. wrote:
> > Stalin, a darling of the left even to this day
> You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder.

No, actually, Marie is just another radical reactionary rightwing chickenhawk.



Nov 28, 2003, 2:43:47 PM11/28/03
*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***

SPQR wrote:

> You want a piece of this old soldier,
> be at the Rocking Horse Saloon, Hwy 11 West, near Bristol TN,
> 11/29/2003, 2300 hours, look for the guy in the white Dodge 1-ton
> dually. Bring your big brother and tell him to be prepared to have
> his ass kicked into next month. Fuck all you conservatives cowards.

lmao! tell us how you really feel, bud!

Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )

Nov 28, 2003, 4:27:21 PM11/28/03

Chris Morton wrote:
> In article <>, ZenIsWhen says...
> >
> >" You can fool some of the people all of the time"!
> The actual number of Al Qaeda supporters is much smaller than Zepp and Judy
> Diarya would have us believe.

Of course the more freedom, democracy, economic stability and progress,
etc that the US helps to provide for Muslims, the more will hate us and
join al Qaeda, or so claims Zepp and Judy.

"Throw me that lipstick, darling, I wanna redo my stigmata."
+-Jennifer Saunders, "Absolutely Fabulous"

Message has been deleted

Stuart Grey

Nov 28, 2003, 9:40:36 PM11/28/03

SPQR wrote:

> "<SmirkS>" <> wrote in message news:<Xns9440E6F2937...@>...
>>*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***
>>Marie A. wrote:
>>>Stalin, a darling of the left even to this day
>>You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder.
> No, actually, Marie is just another radical reactionary rightwing chickenhawk.

SPQR is another commie asshole on the run.

Can't make any kind of intelligent rebuttal to Marie,
so he resorts to the very Clintoniques mud slinging.

Liberal's are such pathetic examples of humanity,
begging for a nanny government to tell them where
to work, what to do, how to live their pitiful lives.
Freedom is wasted on jackasses and Democrats like


Nov 29, 2003, 2:33:02 AM11/29/03
*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***

Stuart Grey wrote:

> Can't make any kind of intelligent rebuttal to Marie,
> so he resorts to the very Clintoniques mud slinging.
> Liberal's are such pathetic examples of humanity

there is no intelligent rebuttal to marie, however, your misspelling and
petty insult are good examples what we're up against here.

here's a pathetic example of humanity - the bush war plan:

"Atlanta Journal Constitution - 3 hours ago
Underscoring the dangers that inspired the secrecy surrounding President
Bush's Thanksgiving trip to Iraq, a US soldier was killed Friday, making
November the deadliest month so far of the Iraqi engagement."


miss calm

Nov 29, 2003, 7:19:27 AM11/29/03
George Bush is a truly great President. Just read his speeches and see how
he has moved US foreign policy from supporting dictators to promoting
No other US President has done more for Africa and he has donated 80 billion
to help aids on that continent.
It sticks in the craw of the evil-minded racist, anti-Semitic Liberal Left
Democrats to have a truly good man as leader of the free world.
A man who saved 25 million Iraqis from the hell of Saddam, overturning years
of support for this dictator and resisting desperate attempts by the French,
Germans and Russian to keep him in power.

"Stuart Grey" <> wrote in message


Tom Potter

Nov 29, 2003, 7:42:17 AM11/29/03

"miss calm" <> wrote in message

> George Bush is a truly great President. Just read his speeches and see how
> he has moved US foreign policy from supporting dictators to promoting
> democracy.
> No other US President has done more for Africa and he has donated 80
> to help aids on that continent.
> It sticks in the craw of the evil-minded racist, anti-Semitic Liberal Left
> Democrats to have a truly good man as leader of the free world.
> A man who saved 25 million Iraqis from the hell of Saddam

"miss calm" makes a good point!

As Bush "saved 25 million Iraqis from the hell of Saddam"
he missed a golden opportunity by
not going out in the streets when he was there,
and let the Iraqi people thank him for freeing them.

Of course, "miss calm" is wrong about Bush
being the leader of the "free world",
as the unilateral actions of Bush,
in the areas of attacking sovereign nations,
starting trade wars, opposing environmental cooperation,
trying to force his agenda upon the United Nations, etc.
have turned most nations, and most people in the world
against Bush, and unfortunately against America,
and Americans.

Before Bush took office,
America was respected, trusted, admired, and even loved
by almost all of the people in the world, but Bush's actions
have made all nations in the world re-think their policies,
and to rearm, form new trading and defense alliances,
build their own GPS systems, find alternates for American products,
move their money from dollars to Euro-dollars, and RMB, etc.

Bush sent a wake up call to the peoples of the world.
The peoples of the world have learned,
that you can't trust anyone, or any nation,
because you never know what the next
"Maximum Leader" will be like.

Tom Potter

WHO instigates conflict and war for power and wealth?
WHO instigated the class wars of the 1900's?
WHO is instigating the religious wars of the 2000's?
WHO has a well organized propaganda machine?
WHO gang attacks all who expose their agenda and methods?

Visit my web site, and download the world's best physics tutorial!

Stuart Grey

Nov 29, 2003, 2:52:12 PM11/29/03

Tom Potter wrote:

> "miss calm" <> wrote in message
> news:bqa2sn$k9f$
>>George Bush is a truly great President. Just read his speeches and see how
>>he has moved US foreign policy from supporting dictators to promoting
>>No other US President has done more for Africa and he has donated 80
> billion
>>to help aids on that continent.
>>It sticks in the craw of the evil-minded racist, anti-Semitic Liberal Left
>>Democrats to have a truly good man as leader of the free world.
>>A man who saved 25 million Iraqis from the hell of Saddam
> "miss calm" makes a good point!
> As Bush "saved 25 million Iraqis from the hell of Saddam"
> he missed a golden opportunity by
> not going out in the streets when he was there,
> and let the Iraqi people thank him for freeing them.

We didn't see you moving to this paradise of freedom
and Democracy that was pre-war Iraq that you're talking
about here, commiecrat. Could it be, gosh! yet another
commiecrat lie?

> Of course, "miss calm" is wrong about Bush
> being the leader of the "free world",

There is very little of the "Free world" left,
and much of that is under the siege of the
commiecrats. No wonder you commiecrats hate
President Bush and the United States so much.

> as the unilateral actions of Bush,

Yeah. We acted like an independent, sovereign
nation and not as part of the world communist
soviet. Imagine! You must be horrified. True
Americans left wondering what is your problem.

> in the areas of attacking sovereign nations,

?!? Uh, yeah. No other kind to attack, really.

Hitler's Germany was sovereign. Imperial Japan
was sovereign. What kind of commiecrat lie is
this that you spew? The President, based on the
information he had, judged that Al Qaeda was
in Afghanistan and attacked to eliminate the
enemies of the United States who murdered 3000
innocent Americans. You commiecrats hate that.
Then, again based on information he had, he
attacked Iraq.

You filthy America hating commiecrats LOVE to
put Bush in a damned if he does, damned if he
doesn't situation, don't ya? That's the dead
giveaway that you're a commiecrat. The catch
22 is that if the President does NOT reveal
the secret information, then you can claim that
he based the wars on nothing. If he DOES reveal
the secret information, then you can damn him
for revealing sources and methods, or what
you consider better yet, American's informants
and technological methods are revealed so America's
enemies can shut them up.

> starting trade wars,

NAFTA and the WTO is an invitation to trade wars.

> opposing environmental cooperation,

LOL! You mean that worthless Kyoto accord that didn't
do a damn thing to stop global warming EVEN IF the
commiecrat lies about global warming being man made
were true. All it does is move industrial capacity
to the third world away from the United States.

Which is what you America haters wanted all along.

You commiecrats are too transparent.

> trying to force his agenda upon the United Nations,

EVERY nation tries to get their agenda through the
United Nations, you idiot. That's what a good representative
does. Of course, idiot commiecrat America haters like
you think it would be good if the U.S. just surrendered
to the United Nations and let an organization that has
dictators for most of it's members take over.

Stupid commiecrats. There's still an American majority
that loves freedom too much for your commiecrat wet
dream to come true.

> etc.
> have turned most nations, and most people in the world
> against Bush, and unfortunately against America,
> and Americans.

LOL! You commiecrats have been spreading hate for
America for 50 years now.

> Before Bush took office,
> America was respected, trusted, admired, and even loved
> by almost all of the people in the world,

That's a lie. Commies all over the world hated the
United States. Your leaders Marx and Engels made that
clear in your Manifesto. You hate capitalism and
the free markets.

> but Bush's actions
> have made all nations in the world re-think their policies,
> and to rearm, form new trading and defense alliances,
> build their own GPS systems, find alternates for American products,
> move their money from dollars to Euro-dollars, and RMB, etc.
> Bush sent a wake up call to the peoples of the world.
> The peoples of the world have learned,
> that you can't trust anyone, or any nation,
> because you never know what the next
> "Maximum Leader" will be like.

You commiecrats can bring it on.

Tom Potter

Nov 30, 2003, 8:57:11 AM11/30/03
Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<MN6yb.157633$Dw6.628029@attbi_s02>...

> Tom Potter wrote:
> > "miss calm" <> wrote in message
> > news:bqa2sn$k9f$
> >
> >>George Bush is a truly great President. Just read his speeches and see how
> >>he has moved US foreign policy from supporting dictators to promoting
> >>democracy.
> >>No other US President has done more for Africa and he has donated 80
> >
> > billion
> >
> >>to help aids on that continent.
> >>It sticks in the craw of the evil-minded racist, anti-Semitic Liberal Left
> >>Democrats to have a truly good man as leader of the free world.
> >>A man who saved 25 million Iraqis from the hell of Saddam
> >
> > "miss calm" makes a good point!
> >
> > As Bush "saved 25 million Iraqis from the hell of Saddam"
> > he missed a golden opportunity by
> > not going out in the streets when he was there,
> > and let the Iraqi people thank him for freeing them.
> We didn't see you moving to this paradise of freedom
> and Democracy that was pre-war Iraq that you're talking
> about here, commiecrat. Could it be, gosh! yet another
> commiecrat lie?

It is interesting to see that like most people,
"Stuart Grey" has been conditioned to have fixed
responses to certain stimuli, and is unable to
think rationally and clearly on certain subjects.

As a long time entreprenuer,
who believes in laissez-faire capitialism,
and in the principle that
"The government that governs least, governs best.",
and in the Jefferson principles,
"That all men are created equal and entitled
to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.",
is saddens me to see how
impressionable people like "Stuart Grey",
have been brainwashed to reject truth, honesty,
justice and the principles America was founded on,
and to parrot boilerplate trite propaganda phrases,
and to support a greedy, dishonest, lying thief,
who cons America Blacks, Rednecks and Latinos
into sacrificing their lives, limbs, liberties, fortunes,
and enjoyment with their children, spouses, and friends,
so that he, his family, his friends and associates
can steal trillions of dollars from
a small, independent nation.

Message has been deleted

Stuart Grey

Nov 30, 2003, 7:19:24 PM11/30/03

Tom Potter wrote:

< a bunch of gibbering commiecrat propaganda >

I looked for your point in your post. You
seemed to be saying: (1) You're a good capitalist,
so we should believe you when you advocate commiecrat
ways. (Sort of like Karl Marx, another successful
capitalist become commie, I guess...) (2) You
made irrelevant ad hominem attacks against me. (3)
You read the commiecrat manifesto about the oppressed
peoples of the world.

How does that not make you a commiecrat?

Given such STUPID arguments, it is ironic that
you prefaced your remarks with comments about
thinking rationally.


Nov 30, 2003, 7:50:07 PM11/30/03
*** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***

Marie A. wrote:

> Are the rest of us now all of a sudden supposed to actually take you
> frauds seriously?




Dec 1, 2003, 6:50:29 PM12/1/03
Ohia wrote:

> "Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
> <> wrote in message
>>One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
>>what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
>>The answers are hilarious.
> There's nothing hilarious about it. Every action that has been taken was
> planned well before 911.

that is correct sir!

a 1000-page Patriot Act cannot be written from scratch within 6 weeks time.

pure evil military coup...........................already done and the
sheople still have not heard of Wolfowitz/Pearl/Feith..............

what dumbshits.


"I think in this case international law
stood in the way of doing the right thing (invading Iraq)."
- Richard Perle

"He (Saddam Hussein) has not developed any significant capability with
respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project
conventional power against his neighbours."
- Colin Powell February 24 2001

"We have been successful for the last ten years in keeping
him from developing those weapons and we will continue to be successful."

"He threatens not the United States."

"But I also thought that we had pretty
much removed his stings and frankly for ten years we really have."

'But what is interesting is that with the regime that has been in place
for the past ten years, I think a pretty good job has been done of
keeping him from breaking out and suddenly showing up one day and saying
"look what I got." He hasn't been able to do that.'
- Colin Powell February 26 2001


Dec 1, 2003, 6:51:20 PM12/1/03
Stuart Grey wrote:

> Ohia wrote:
>> "Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
>> <> wrote in message
>>> One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
>>> what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
>>> The answers are hilarious.
>> There's nothing hilarious about it. Every action that has been taken was
>> planned well before 911.

> Now that was incoherent. What actions, and actions
> by whom are you talking about?

Patriot Act was written up BEFORE 911 dumbnuts.


Dec 1, 2003, 6:52:31 PM12/1/03
Winston Smith, American Patriot wrote:

> "Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"

> <> wrote in inimitable style:
>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>>>Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>>>years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>>>collective lifetimes.

>>One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
>>what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.

> Muslims saw Bush invade Afghanistan and said that the Taliban/al Qaeda
> deserved it. The whole world agreed.
> Then Muslims saw Bush invade Iraq and said that Iraq did NOT deserve
> it...had been cooperating...the proof is "where is the WMD?"....and
> suspected, then knew it was about oil and Israel's desire to arrange the
> Middle East to its liking. These Muslims now go to Iraq like iron filings
> to a magnet, to sign up to kill Americans for the Crusade the U.S. starts
> 1000 years after the last one. For Bush's illegal invasion, not only those
> who were indifferent to us now hate us (Muslims), but those who were our
> friends and allies now are indifferent to us.
>>The answers are hilarious.
> Yuck it up, moron.

correct!.........we have no allies now.......nor do we deserve them.


Dec 1, 2003, 6:57:51 PM12/1/03
Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack ) wrote:

> tkdowning wrote:
>>"Winston Smith, American Patriot" <Franz...@Oceania.WhiteHouse.GOV> wrote in message news:<Xns943BE26EE...@>...

>>>"Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )"
>>><> wrote in inimitable style:
>>>>Chuck Buckley wrote:
>>>>>Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>>>>>damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>>>>>Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>>>>>years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>>>>>collective lifetimes.
>>>>One thing that is rather fun to do is to ask people like you exactly
>>>>what it is that Bush or didn't do that caused all this supposed harm.
>>>Muslims saw Bush invade Afghanistan and said that the Taliban/al Qaeda
>>>deserved it. The whole world agreed.

>>Fucking bullshit. Regarding Afghanistan, there were national and
>>worldwide protests from the usual suspects like ANSWER.
>>Go to google groups and search around the time of the Afghan invasion.
>>You will find usuall whining, second-guessing, fake outrage, and
>>hand-wringing from leftists as you do today about Iraq today, probably
>>even more...
> A lot of the idiot Liberals around here are just pretending that they
> supported the Afghan efforts because they know that is water under the
> bridge and they want to appear 'moderate', ha ha. It is pretty easy for
> them to distance themselves from their previous comments because most of
> them change their nyms regularly.

untrue. most liberals supported the afghan war (myself included) because
they are responsible for 911 (or so I beleive with
all the corruption in the regime at home - hell maybe WE did 911).

Fact is the afghan war was LEGAL uder INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Iraq invasion and occupation is ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!

the fact that YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT INTERNATIONAL LAW is far more telling
of your own riechbot mindset than any "leftie american haters".

WE HATE AMERIKA. not Ameican.

zig heil!


Dec 1, 2003, 7:13:35 PM12/1/03
nospam wrote:

> President Bush has done more in a very short time to show strength and
> determination for freedom for us and for all other civilized nations.


Bu$hler has only shown the world that he and we are bullies to be hated.

> He has single handedly controlled terrorism and will continue to do so
> until he is allowed to retire.

Ha!!!!!!! where is OBL???..............and Saddam?...........dummy.

> He is the most wonderful president we have ever had. kiss his dimpled arse it you love him so much.

> He has brought
> morality,

?????? like illegal insider trading, AWOL during Nam, FAKE christian
"values" HA!, and protecting his friends like Key Lay - who have taken
mony from all Americans - including you!! HEY!!!!!! maybe I can rob you
blind too and be loved!

He a tyranical little Hilter wannabee shit.

Go rent the Chaplin movie to see Bu$hler in action.

> prayer,

what about it?...........oh the fake kind that the fake christian
performs............oh you like that.

> family

what about it? - yes everyone has or had one in their life.

> and patriotism back into the Whitehouse.

Nationalism is not patriotism - on the contrary it is repugnant to LIBERTY!

> Chuck Buckle wrote:
>> Most patriots could never care for a president who has caused so much
>> damage to this great country in so short a period of time.
>> Bush has done more harm to the United States of America in 3 short
>> years than all the terrorists in the world could accomplish in their
>> collective lifetimes.


Dec 1, 2003, 7:20:53 PM12/1/03
nospam wrote:

> We need to round them up and put them on reservations

> Mary Belle

shame to see a woman sound like a redneck KKK thug.

> Republican,

this much is obvious.

> Patriot

HA! are the enemy of Liberty!.........and so NO
Patriot! madam (I use the word in it most LIBERAL
sense) are a Traitor to liberty, our deomcratic traditions, our
Constitution and our Nation!!! sum you are a discrace to all who
have defended our land from tyrany, both domestic and foreign since the
birth of our Nation.

You are not welcome here!..............take Bu$hler and his Paleo-Cons
with you.................and don;t let the door hit you on the way out.

> and True Christian

Yep. as true a "christian" as Judas was.........or Bu$hler.


Dec 1, 2003, 7:26:27 PM12/1/03
nospam wrote:

> Look Gracie...liberal scum.

i see you hate Liberty.

> God bless our president

my God destroy him has he did Pharoh.........both were equally arrogant.

> and his family

ok...........his kids at least.

> and all the Republican,

HA!.........some God should bless and they are not the majority Bubba.

> Patriots

indeed!.........guess that leaves you out.

> and True Christians...

indeed.............guess that leaves you out.

> I am happy to be counted amongst them.

God has never valued Hubris. You claim such a thing which by claiming
it, negates it in the eyes of God.

Your arrogance shall be your damnation. hope you like heat fool.

> Mary Belle

Happy to be counted haughty.....................say hello to Pharoh for
me Mary.


Dec 1, 2003, 7:32:38 PM12/1/03
nospam wrote:

> They fear only what evil they do as the liberal scum they are.

I see you still hate liberty.

> When they can become patriots and stop speaking ill of our president and
> government

allegience to our Government is for Nazis, not Liberty affirming
American Patriots.

Go to Kazakstan if you love police states idiot.

government rules by the consent of the governed - not vise versa
fool......................Patriots challenge and confront the government
at every opportunity - this is called defending liberty.

oh thats right - you hate liberty.

Zig hiel!

> then they can return to society.

yes the collective..............Vee must have order!

> We then will return to a civilized nation. big civilized Gestopoe

> Until then these people need
> to be watched and caged where necessary.


> Mary Belle

Heil Bu$her!


Dec 1, 2003, 9:08:41 PM12/1/03

"gaffo" <> wrote in message
> nospam wrote:
Let me just clip all this out to save time. I have read all your posts here
and you have not posted fact one.......... Just opinion. You people will be
instrumental in Bushes reelection. So be it.



Ahn Fyuh Wi Dizayah

Dec 1, 2003, 10:25:53 PM12/1/03
> > There's nothing hilarious about it. Every action that has been taken
> > planned well before 911.

I think anyone who devotes time to hating Bush, and doesn't realize that the
two party system is wholly complicit, has understudied the issue.

Bill Bonde ( the oblique allusion in lieu of the frontal attack )

Dec 1, 2003, 11:10:26 PM12/1/03

"zig heil"?

Tom Potter

Dec 2, 2003, 6:36:36 AM12/2/03
Stuart Grey <> wrote in message news:<gOvyb.371815$Tr4.1101085@attbi_s03>...

> We didn't see you moving to this paradise of freedom

> and Democracy that was pre-war Iraq that you're talking
> about here, commiecrat. Could it be, gosh! yet another
> commiecrat lie?

It is interesting to see that like most people,
"Stuart Grey" has been conditioned to have fixed
responses to certain stimuli, and is unable to
think rationally and clearly on certain subjects.

It is also interesting to see that "Stuart Grey"
thinks [sic] that the Jefferson principles,

"That all men are created equal and entitled
to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

is "gibbering commiecrat propaganda".

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