Living Every Moment In Fear - The Beginning
by Shirley Slick
Today is the 25th anniversary of an event that few other people have experienced; and that is to the good, because every day of my life during the past 25 years has been filled with FEAR. Putting these feelings into words and the words on paper feels necessary; but the decision to submit for publication is extremely difficult and frightening. Will "they" be shocked? Will "they" publish? Do I really want them to? What will happen if they do? Will I lose readers and followers as I lost so many friends and the respect of family members so many years ago?
Attracting Ms Perfect
by Gayl M Newton
Lesbians, like everyone else, would like to find the perfect match. Why does this often seem like mission impossible? Why is finding Ms. Perfect such a difficult ordeal? And, why do many lesbians repeatedly attract the "wrong" people into their lives?
Grown Up Bullies: A Lesbian's Perspective On Emotional Abuse
by Alex Karydi
Emotional Abuse. One of the most common abuses found between women, especially in lesbian relationships. For most of us, this type of abuse remains hidden by words and ignored by others.
To Be Pregnant or Not to Be? Lesbian Pregnancy
by Alex Karydi
For the last five years I have been battling the idea of having another child, and it has been a constant mental debate. When is the right time? Is this the right partner? What about money? And where do I get sperm from? It would be so much easier if I just liked boys, right?
Lesbian Relationships and Friends
by Gayl M Newton
One of the most difficult challenges, particularly in a same sex relationship, is establishing boundaries with friends and blending with each others' friends. Plus, doing this while remaining secure and making each other feel like she is the most important person in the world!
Was Abraham Lincoln Gay?
by Rick Smits
Abraham Lincoln had a wife and children, but in part because of comments his own son made a number of scholars think that there is a possibility that Abraham Lincoln was gay. There is no conclusive evidence to support this fact, but it's an interesting debate to monitor. This article gives a brief overview of this topic.
Online Dating Attracts the Gay Community
by James Lawrie
As many gay singles looking for dating experiences know, conventional society can often be less than helpful when it comes to helping homosexuals find lasting relationships. Since intolerance and homophobia can still spring up even in modern society, those seeking soulmates in the same sex are trying to make things easier on themselves in terms of their love lives by turning to genuine platforms that facilitate gay dating. Most would agree that this hardly does the gay community justice and may not be enough for gay men and women to really make any kind of headway in finding that...
The Real Obstacles to Attracting Love Are Not Outside of You
by Mary Gorham Malia
As a gay women, you may feel stymied in your quest for love partly because you cannot envision yourself being in a loving relationship with another woman. Until you are able to see yourself living the life that you truly want it's going to be difficult for you to create it.
How Do I Come Out?
by Nanette M Saucier
This article is about how to "come out" as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or questioning. Using steps one through eight will help you prepare for your own reaction to coming out and the obstacles. Then you will be best prepared for others' reactions to your coming out...
Dating Advice For the Gay Man in the 21st Century
by Bernard Y
You may be a single gay person who has finally decided to take a risk and meet other people. You actually want to go out on a date with someone and have the time of your life. However, dates are fairly unpredictable events and things can go from good to bad in just a matter of hours. You may actually be looking for someone you'd be seeing yourself in a serious relationship with.
The Perfect Gay Honeymoon
by David Mike Ellis
There is no reason that I can think of why a gay couple can't honeymoon anywhere they choose. Here a few good idea for a perfect honeymoon.
Homosexuality And Spiritual Development In Our Society
by Adonis Alexander
Homosexuality is an integral part of our society. But, in the religious world, homosexuals are often shunned and frowned upon. So, what is the relationship of gay and lesbian people in our society on a religious level? Spiritually, how do we relate to them as human beings? This is a discussion that requires tremendous insight to delve into. With great intelligence, let us look into why we have so many problems dealing with others being different from the rest of us.
What's Your Biggest Dating Mistake? It's Not What You Think
by Mary Gorham Malia
This isn't a trick question. There is no right or wrong answer, there is just your experience or even - experiences. You're here reading this article right now because you're single. You don't really want to be single but here you are single again. Our natural desire to be a couple and to not be alone can lead us to finding someone to fill the void who isn't right for us. It can mean that we make decisions that aren't always in our best interest.
Bi Curious Dating - Looking for Bi Curious Singles? Why Not Try a Specialist Dating Site?
by Richie C Bennett
It is important to note that in the event that you are not certain about your sexuality, there is nothing wrong with conducting some experiments just for fun, or just for confirming your suspicions. You first need to determine how you will be going about this, as it can be quite a challenge to find someone who is willing to share a bi curious encounter with you without having any strings attached. Bi curious can be described as being homosexual or heterosexual individuals who may even show some form of curiosity for sexual relations or a serious relationship with an individual from the sex that they do not favor, still separates themselves from the label of bisexuality. There are also times when bi curious may be used to describe the broad topic of sexual orientation between bisexuality and heterosexuality. Additionally, there are some persons that will refer to bicurious individuals as being homoflexible or heteroflexible.
5 Things You Ought to Know About Gay Dating
by Bernard Y
There are surely a huge number of gay couples these days to be seen in society. Some people might be put off by it, others accept it wholeheartedly. However, if you're a gay person who wishes to understand the ins and outs of gay dating, especially when you realize just how daunting it can be to step out of the first time and be as relaxed as possible, below are a few things you might want to consider before engaging in flirtation with the same sex.
How to Know If a Girl Is a Lesbian - 10 Signs You Should Look For
by Dawn R Greer
You are in the bookstore and this cute girl stands next to you, browsing at magazines. After a few moments, she strikes up a conversation and you aren't sure if she is flirting or just being friendly. How can you tell if she's interested?
A Gay Sane Christmas: 10 Tips for Making It Through the Holiday Blues
by Alex Karydi
I asked my five-year old muse the other day, "what should mama write about?" Her response was romantic and simple, "About love and Christmas." I blame Disney for her fantastic belief in love that will surely come back to bite me later in life, when she is older, and develop a better perspective of the complexity of love and people (until than I let her dream and embellish).
Lesbian - Much More Than A Word
by Alex Karydi
A few months ago I received an email from a woman that was upset, over a conversation that happened with a few of her friends. One of her acquaintance's thought that a woman could not call herself a lesbian if she had not being sexually active with another woman. True, that the primary use for the word lesbian is to describe a woman sexually attracted to another woman; however, there is no indication in that same definition that you must have been sexually active with another woman to be identified as a lesbian.
Importance of Estate Planning for the Gay and Lesbian Communities
by Jonathan R Geserick
Because many states do not recognize homosexual marriage, it is extremely important for people in gay and lesbian relationships to have Wills and Powers of Attorney to protect themselves and their partners. This article explores the documents which are necessary and why those documents are necessary and helpful.
Some Flirting Tips For Lesbians
by Fernando Gil
One of our flirting tips for lesbians would include using persistent eye contact as well as understated touching. Probably the most difficult aspect of flirting for lesbians is them knowing right off the bat if the person they are interested in is of the same sexual persuasion.
Simple And Easy Flirting Tips For Gays
by Fernando Gil
When you approach flirting with ease and self-assurance, it will make the experience not just fruitful but also satisfying. We will go through some flirting tips that can be used generally, but also flirting tips for gays. However, if the target of your affection is someone you may want to pursue something long-term with, then it would behoove you to thread a little more cautiously so as not to turn him off.