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FBI Tracks Potential GOP Protesters: Seig Heil, Seig Heil, Seig Heil

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Aug 16, 2004, 5:21:25 PM8/16/04
These Fucking Bastards Incorporated (FBI) are Nazi pigs.

Fuck them they are worthless pieces of shit.

This is suppose to be America.


FBI Tracks Potential GOP Protesters

NEW YORK (AP) -- Federal agents and city police are keeping tabs on
people they say might try to cause trouble at the Republican National
Convention, questioning activists, making unannounced visits and
monitoring Web sites and meetings.

The law enforcement effort has been going on quietly, overshadowed in
public by talk of counterterrorism measures planned for the Aug.
30-Sept. 2 event.

``We're not engaging in surveillance of groups or individuals without
legal predication,'' said Jim Margolin, spokesman for the New York
office of the FBI.

Ann Roman, a spokeswoman for the Secret Service, said agents expect to
respond to an increase in possible domestic threats against President
Bush and other dignitaries as the convention at Madison Square Garden
nears. The Secret Service is also playing a lead role in planning
convention security.

``How we do that specifically, I'm not going to go into,'' she said.

Law enforcement sources said that in recent weeks, federal agents have
begun interviewing people in the New York City area they believe might
know about any plots to cause mayhem at the convention, and have used
surveillance against possible suspects.

The intelligence unit of the New York Police Department has been closely
monitoring Web sites run by self-described anarchists. It also has
sought to infiltrate protest groups with young, scruffy-looking officers
posing as activists.

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