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i hunger for KNOWLEDGE

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Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
wassssssup bob
phreaking and hacking are fun
a hacker can not delete a hard drive
without a trojan or a virus
hackers onlylook for knowledge
of a system but some assholes ruin it
look keep posting q's not "IM A TOTALL NEWBIE"like some people and get there
heads blown off by others
just stick with it get to know VC++
and linux (try mandrake at first)
and build a few boxes before you do
any p h r e a k i n g oh and have phun

>computers really fascinate's fucking AMAZING at the things one
>could access if they had the know how or even the
>tools(programs)...i've heard it said MANY times that a TRUE hacker is
>not somebody that destroys hard drives and such,but somebody that has
>the ability to do such things,but DON'T...sounds reasonable enough to
>me....i'm STARVING for computer know how,but can't seem to find
>anybody that will nudge me along the way.....also,i've seen such
>remarks from (so called) hackers as...."share what you know-learn what
>you don't"....i'd like to make a few friends from the net that will
>help teach me such things STRONGPOINTS/WEAKNESSES,port
>accessing,ip number tracing,phone phreaking and such things as
>that....anybody game?
>thanks guys/gals...........Bobby


Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
VC++ and Linsux? :-(

Learn C, and SysV/BSD.


Pope John The 23

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
>Learn C, and SysV/BSD.

No, learn Pascal and MacOS!

Hawkeye 6.49

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
In article <>,

No learn any programing laguage that has an ASCII chracter in it and
every OS that has an ASCII chracter in it as well.

-Hawkeye 6.49

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought
which they avoid. "
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
"Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so. "
- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them. "
- Samuel Palmer (1805-80)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. "
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."
- Jimi Hendrix
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the
sale of a book can become a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry
-Thomas Jefferson

The walls in the maze of life consist of problems. Fools stumbling
though the maze, happen upon the end. Smart people systematical search
the maze, keeping one shoulder to a wall at all times. Yet true
geniuses, make the end, an escape but they never end their search. I
mean . . . how the hell will would all the fools and selfish pricks get
out of the maze if they didn't!?

E-mail me at:
-- Hawke...@hotmail.ubetterfuckinknow --
AOL IM me at:
Hawkeye 649

Sent via
Before you buy.


Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Hawkeye 6.49 wrote:

> In article <>,
> (Pope John The 23) wrote:
> > >Learn C, and SysV/BSD.
> > >
> > >UHF
> >
> > No, learn Pascal and MacOS!
> >
> No learn any programing laguage that has an ASCII chracter in it and
> every OS that has an ASCII chracter in it as well.
> -Hawkeye 6.49

NO, throw away all of your computers and phones and other shitty little
gadgets and live in a remote cabin in the woods of montana or a hip studio
apartment in new york. It doesn't really matter where you go, just get
rid of anything that lights up or buzzes. After a while you'll wonder why
the hell you ever thought hacking and phreaking were cool. Forget those
operating systems and programming languages, computers are a fad. But, if
you really want to be a hacker or phreaker, drop these newsgroups and
never touch irc. They are incredible wastes of time.

Pope John The 23

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
>> > >Learn C, and SysV/BSD.
>> > >
>> > >UHF
>> >
>> > No, learn Pascal and MacOS!
>> >
>> No learn any programing laguage that has an ASCII chracter in it and
>> every OS that has an ASCII chracter in it as well.
>> -Hawkeye 6.49
>NO, throw away all of your computers and phones and other shitty little
>gadgets and live in a remote cabin in the woods of montana or a hip studio
>apartment in new york. It doesn't really matter where you go, just get
>rid of anything that lights up or buzzes. After a while you'll wonder why
>the hell you ever thought hacking and phreaking were cool. Forget those
>operating systems and programming languages, computers are a fad. But, if
>you really want to be a hacker or phreaker, drop these newsgroups and
>never touch irc. They are incredible wastes of time.

No, spend all your time one IRC! Learn how to make mIRC scripts and netbus
people. That is the true hacker way.

Bryan Lloyd

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
What's up people. I've read through the reply's have a couple coments. One
is i belive everyone in here says a hacker cant delete a harddrive with out
a trojan. In most cases that is true. If someone has filesharing on while
on the net and it is accessed they can delete your hard drive, If you are
running certian 3rd party software suck as PC Anywhere or ftp programs such
as Serv-U and many others have bugs not only that can cause denial of
service but the rights can also be changed to gain full access of all files.
The information on how to do this I don't belive should be made public
because of the mentality of over 90% of the people who claim to be hackers
would use the information to cause innocent people problems. Also Linux,
Unix, BSD and all like operating systems can be rooted and files deleted or
changed if you run telnet or ftp servers. There are many brute force
password cracking programs that you can download from allmost any hacker
site to do this. Hackers have many differant intrests not all of them have
to do with pc's and the internet. Anything Electronic can be hacked such as
Satellite Systems Cable TV Phone Company. My advise to anyone who wants to
become a hacker is learn the basics first learn differant operating systems
windows dos *nix. and build other electronics. Learn how things work what
makes them work then you will find the holes that will qualify you as a

come to #Hack$ on irc's dalnet it's a new chat room i'm starting to gain and
share knowledge.

My nick is Sabotage

"Bizkid00" <> wrote in message

Bryan Lloyd

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
My Reply to the Mac and Pascal reply: IBM Compatable Computers are the
future learn Microsoft and *nix based operating systems. As far as you MAC
morons go throw that piece of shit away and build a real box.

If you want to make money working with computers and having a job doing what
you love to do stay with the IBM Compatable. If you want to end up at Mc
Donalds get that MAC and enjoy a shitty life.

Sabotage` on efnets #Hack-X
"Hawkeye 6.49" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> (Pope John The 23) wrote:

> > >Learn C, and SysV/BSD.
> > >
> > >UHF
> >
> > No, learn Pascal and MacOS!
> >
> No learn any programing laguage that has an ASCII chracter in it and
> every OS that has an ASCII chracter in it as well.
> -Hawkeye 6.49


Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
> My Reply to the Mac and Pascal reply: IBM Compatable Computers are the
> future learn Microsoft and *nix based operating systems. As far as you
> morons go throw that piece of shit away and build a real box.
> If you want to make money working with computers and having a job doing
> you love to do stay with the IBM Compatable. If you want to end up at Mc
> Donalds get that MAC and enjoy a shitty life.

Or buy Sun equipment and work with real hardware, and a real *nix OS.



Jun 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/23/00
Perhaps you are jumping the gun with this mac is dead argument. A fine example
is that over 200 developers (including ibm, hp, disney, and even
microsoft- have
announced plans for the new os x operating system. I think the above link only
talks about microsoft's internet explorer plans for mac. But, they have
announced a port of office 2001 as well. is
the link for that. As for getting a job with macs, i think the computer
industry is moving more towards the internet, where the computer platform is
not really important. But, when i searched the cnet job database, it returned
167 matches for macintosh jobs. Unix returned 5126 matches and windows
returned 3935 jobs. So yeah, you do make a good point there. But i think that
will change soon. (web returned 6312 jobs) Anyway, as long as apple keeps on
pumping out their fruit of the month imacs, there will be jobs making software
for them.

Dale Carnegie

Jun 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/23/00

> Bryan Lloyd wrote:
> > My Reply to the Mac and Pascal reply: IBM Compatable Computers are the
> > future learn Microsoft and *nix based operating systems. As far as you MAC
> > morons go throw that piece of shit away and build a real box.
> >
> > If you want to make money working with computers and having a job doing what
> > you love to do stay with the IBM Compatable. If you want to end up at Mc
> > Donalds get that MAC and enjoy a shitty life.

Why are y'all pissing and moaning about Macs, Unix, IBM etc. in a
phreaking NG anyway?


<insert default quote here>

creepy creature

Jun 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/23/00
Unix box?

Dale Carnegie <> wrote in message

Pope John The 23

Jun 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/23/00
>Perhaps you are jumping the gun with this mac is dead argument. A fine
>is that over 200 developers (including ibm, hp, disney, and even
>microsoft- have
>announced plans for the new os x operating system. I think the above link
>talks about microsoft's internet explorer plans for mac. But, they have
>announced a port of office 2001 as well.
> is
>the link for that. As for getting a job with macs, i think the computer
>industry is moving more towards the internet, where the computer platform is
>not really important. But, when i searched the cnet job database, it
>167 matches for macintosh jobs. Unix returned 5126 matches and windows
>returned 3935 jobs. So yeah, you do make a good point there. But i think
>will change soon. (web returned 6312 jobs) Anyway, as long as apple keeps on
>pumping out their fruit of the month imacs, there will be jobs making
>for them.

Preach it Brother!

Oh and Mr. Lloyd, try not to take everything so damned serious. Sure, Macs
might not be the best computers for "hacking", but they are not dead or pieces
of shit, and people who use them are not "Morons". Bill Gates has a G4 sitting
right next to his Comapq in his office you know. ;)

Hawkeye 6.49

Jun 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/23/00
In article <>, (Pope John The 23) wrote:

If I am not mistaken, wich I usualy am, MAC can be argued to be better
then PCs. Just as everyone says the queen is all powerfull (chess) but
who can beat the queen's pretty little pussy without being in any
danger? The night. If I recall, MACs don't have the 640kb ram
limitation to be over come. And I know this for a fact, they don't use
a fat tab, allowing our measly 1.44MB disks to be used as 2.0 MB disks.
Although, knowing what the FAT tab does, this most likely makes saving
slower, because the computer has to keep all files together and can't
segment them, making it nessisary to move files that are "in the way"
or on the sector that whatever your saving needs to be saved on. But
there is also the basic understanding of how the processessors differ.
In MACs I would think the software would be generaly bigger, because
the soft ware is more "powerfull" and say for every 1 decision my
processor would make the G4 might make 4 or 5, and if those 4 or 5
small ones are faster then my 1 big one, well faster computer. Also
from what I hear, they are for some reason very good with images. For
what reason I do not know, but they are.

Hawkeye 6.49

Jun 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/23/00
In article <Qqv45.13925$>,

Can't delete a hard drive? A friend of mine telnetted into a web page,
that is also a websever. Took him about 3 minutes to gain access to the
victems computer. Then typed these measly little words.

format c: /u

Then he went to the guys BBS. He sent enough copys of this huge help
file to fill the hard drive that the BBS was running on then crashed
the BBS too.


Jun 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/24/00

Good show, old chap!

Also, PowerPC's have almost no cooling problems, while my fingers are
burning up on this Dell laptop.

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Jun 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/25/00
Hmm *Evil Grin*

"Hawkeye 6.49" wrote:


Jun 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/25/00
Well I make mIRC scripts as for nutbusing people. Net bus is the past Sub7 all
the Way. ( Im just joking for all of you who need it to be spelled out :) )

Pope John The 23 wrote:

> >> > >Learn C, and SysV/BSD.
> >> > >
> >> > >UHF
> >> >
> >> > No, learn Pascal and MacOS!
> >> >
> >>
> >> No learn any programing laguage that has an ASCII chracter in it and
> >> every OS that has an ASCII chracter in it as well.
> >>
> >> -Hawkeye 6.49
> >

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