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Trump GUILTY!!! John Brennan says security clearance was yanked because Donald Trump campaign colluded with Russia

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Curry Munching ShitSkin Jai

May 9, 2020, 8:20:57 AM5/9/20
[Defending Trump Is Defending Sedition Against The United States of
America and giving aid and comfort to our enemy - TRUMP IS A TRAITOR]

John Brennan says security clearance was yanked because Donald Trump
campaign colluded with Russia

WASHINGTON – Former CIA Director John Brennan said Thursday that President
Donald Trump yanked his security clearance because his campaign colluded
with the Russians to sway the 2016 election and is now desperate to end
the special counsel’s investigation.

In an opinion piece in The New York Times, Brennan cites press reports and
Trump’s own goading of Russia during the campaign to find Democrat Hillary
Clinton’s missing emails.

Trump himself drew a direct connection between the revocation of Brennan’s
clearance and the Russia probe, telling The Wall Street Journal the
investigation is a “sham,” and “these people led it!”

“So I think it’s something that had to be done,” Trump said.

Brennan wrote that Trump’s claims of no collusion with Russia are
“hogwash” and that the only question remaining is whether the collusion
amounts to a “constituted criminally liable conspiracy.”

“Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those
close to him, which is why he made the politically motivated decision to
revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others
who might dare to challenge him,” he wrote.

Brennan’s loss of a security clearance was an unprecedented act of
retribution against a vocal critic and politicizes the federal
government’s security clearance process. Former CIA directors and other
top national security officials are typically allowed to keep their
clearances, at least for some period, so they can be in a position to
advise their successors and to hold certain jobs.

Trump said Wednesday he is reviewing the security clearances of several
other former top intelligence and law enforcement officials, including
former FBI Director James Comey. All are critics of the president or are
people whom Trump appears to believe are against him.

Democrats called it an “enemies list,” a reference to the Nixon White
House, which kept a list of President Richard Nixon’s political opponents
to be targeted with punitive measures.

There was no reference to the Russia probe in a White House statement
Wednesday in which Trump denounced Brennan’s criticism of him and spoke
anxiously of “the risks posed by his erratic conduct and behaviour.” The
president said he was fulfilling his “constitutional responsibility to
protect the nation’s classified information.”

Trump, his statement read by his press secretary, accused Brennan of
having “leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access
to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and
outrageous allegations, wild outbursts on the internet and television
about this administration.”

WATCH: Ex-CIA director Brennan testifies about link between Team Trump and

“Mr. Brennan’s lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly
frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nations’
most closely held secrets,” Trump said.

In the Journal interview, Trump said he was prepared to yank Brennan’s
clearance last week but that it was too “hectic.” The president was on an
extended working vacation at his New Jersey golf club last week.

Brennan has indeed been deeply critical of Trump’s conduct, calling his
performance at a press conference last month with Russian President
Vladimir Putin in Finland “nothing short of treasonous.”

Brennan said Wednesday that he had not heard from the CIA or the Office of
the Director of National Intelligence that his security clearance was
being revoked, but learned it when the White House announced it. There is
no requirement that a president has to notify top intelligence officials
of his plan to revoke a security clearance.

Trump’s statement said the Brennan issue raises larger questions about the
practice of allowing former officials to maintain their security
clearances, and said that others officials’ were under review.

They include Comey; James Clapper, the former director of national
intelligence; former CIA Director Michael Hayden; former national security
adviser Susan Rice; and Andrew McCabe, who served as Trump’s deputy FBI
director until he was fired in March.

Also on the list: fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was removed from the
Russia investigation over anti-Trump text messages; former FBI lawyer Lisa
Page, with whom Strzok exchanged messages; and senior Justice Department
official Bruce Ohr, whom Trump recently accused on Twitter of “helping
disgraced Christopher Steele ‘find dirt on Trump.”‘

Ohr was friends with Steele, the former British intelligence officer
commissioned by an American political research firm to explore Trump’s
alleged ties with the Russian government. He is the only current
government employee on the list.

At least two of the former officials, Comey and McCabe, do not currently
have security clearances, and none of the eight receive intelligence
briefings. Trump’s concern apparently is that their former status gives
special weight to their statements, both to Americans and foreign foes.

READ MORE: Donald Trump reportedly knew about Russia meddling 2 weeks
before inauguration

Former intelligence officials said Trump has moved from threatening to
revoke security clearances of former intelligence officials who have not
been involved in the Russia investigation to former officials who did work
on the probe. They spoke on condition of anonymity to share private
conversations Trump has had with people who have worked in the field.

The CIA referred questions to the White House.

Clapper, reacting on CNN, called Trump’s actions “unprecedented,” but said
he didn’t plan to stop speaking out.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s press secretary, insisted the White House
wasn’t targeting only Trump critics. But Trump did not order a review of
the clearance held by former national security adviser Mike Flynn, who was
fired from the White House for lying to Vice-President Mike Pence about
his conversations with Russian officials and later pleaded guilty to lying
to the FBI.

Democrats, and even some Republicans, lined up to denounce the president’s
move, with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., slamming it as a
“stunning abuse of power.” And California Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking
Democrat on the House intelligence committee, tweeted, “An enemies list is
ugly, undemocratic and un-American.”

Several Republicans also weighed in, with Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.,
saying, “Unless there’s something tangible that I’m unaware of, it just,
as I’ve said before, feels like a banana republic kind of thing.”
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