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The existence of immortal souls is confirmed by physical and medical evidence, by photographs, and even by an experiment (JP)

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Apr 22, 2009, 9:55:58 PM4/22/09
Practically everyone amongst us is aware, that only if we really do
have an immortal "soul" then our physical death is NOT the end of
everything. Therefore everyone amongst us would like to be reassured
that in fact does have such a "soul" inside. After all, for vital
reasons God coded into us a permanent fear of nothingness of death. On
the other hand, also for vital reasons, God continually maintains us
in the lack of certainty about the existence of this immortal "soul",
and even in the lack of certainty about the existence of God - for
details see item #F2 on the totaliztic web page named "evil.htm", or
see item #D1 on the web page named "ufo.htm" (addresses under which
one should seek these web pages are indicated at the end of this
post). No wonder, that practically almost everyone of us continually
seeks the reassurance based on the "knowledge and understanding", that
regarding the "soul" true is everything that religions make us to
believe just "on a trust". For example, every person would like to
learn a scientific proof that he or she actually has an immortal soul,
and that this soul is going to "live" after the physical death of the
body of that person. Also everyone would like to be reassured that in
other dimensions this soul is going to allow him or her to continue
"living" after the physical death takes place. Therefore practically
everyone of us asks various questions regarding his or her soul. The
totaliztic web page named "soul_proof.htm", from addresses indicated
at the end of this post, provides replies to the majority of such
questions. For example, it explains precisely what our soul actually
is, explains why the soul is immortal, reveals what is this "life" of
the soul after our physical death, and presents numerous items of
scientific evidence to confirm that souls really do exist - in this
number also photographic evidence, and even an experiment of a
physical nature.

Many publications about souls have appeared so far, which are similar
to the web page "soul_proof.htm". But that web page has a significant
advantage over all other such publications regarding soul. The reason
is that other publications about souls draw so-far their argumentation
and evidence from just a single source - namely from religious
traditions. On the other hand everyone knows that if during searching
for a truth just a single source is utilised (means the search is
based on the testimony of just a single "witness"), then the
researcher is exposed to errors, imperfections, and deviations of this
single source (means on departure from the truth which was introduced
by this only "witness"). Thus even the Bible is clearly recommending
to us, that - quote: in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall
every matter be established - for exact references to this biblical
recommendation about principles of searching for truth see item #C5 on
the totaliztic web page named "bible.htm" (which describes secrets of
the Bible authorised by God Himself). For this reason everything that
states the totaliztic web page "soul_proof.htm", is based on
statements derived from two different sources simultaneously, namely
from (a) written religious tradition (i.e. mainly from the Bible), and
(b) the scientific theory of everything called the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity (see descriptions of this theory provided on the web page
"dipolar_gravity.htm"). Also everything that the web page
"soul_proof.htm" states about souls in a definitive manner, is
confirmed simultaneously by both these sources - means is confirmed by
two mutually independent "witnesses". Therefore, statements of this
web page provides much higher level of correctness and certainty than
statements from all other previous publications about souls, which
were based just on a single "witness" (i.e. just on a single source of
information - which for them was the "religious tradition").
Personally I am convinced that information confirmed by such two
independent "witnesses" (means by two independent sources of
information) give the sufficiently high certainty to be correct, that
whatever they state is worth to take seriously under consideration in
our lives and in our actions.

Only on the web page "soul_proof.htm" a significant number of items of
scientific evidence was presented which certifies for the existence of
immortal souls. These items of evidence originate from a whole range
of different scientific disciplines. For example, not only from
physical sciences and biological sciences, but also from the area of
mathematical logic, statements of the Bible and religions confirmed by
the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, and also from everyday experiences of
people. On that web page is even indicated the highly objective
photographic evidence for the existence of souls. In turn item #E7.1
of that web page describes a simple experiment which every person
should be able to complete in order to experience on oneself that
actually he or she does have the soul after all. And we must remember
that whatever was presented on the web page "soul_proof.htm", it is
just a small droplet in a huge ocean of such scientific evidence for
the existence of soul, which is already indicated to us by various
sources and by numerous researchers.

The meaning of this huge pool of scientific evidence is unambiguous -
everyone amongst us, including yourself, the reader, in fact do have
an immortal soul. There is no even a slightest doubt about it. The
problem, however, with our certainty about the existence of the soul
depends only on the fact that - as this is explained in item #B1 of
the web page "soul_proof.htm", certainty cannot be given to someone as
a free gift, but everyone must earn it with his or her own effort.
Therefore, by basing own searches on the information and findings
presented on the web page "soul_proof.htm", now everyone can on his or
her own find and confirm private evidence and proofs that actually he
or she do have the soul. In turn, through finding and confirming such
evidence and proofs, now everyone can earn, just by his or her own
effort, a cognitive certainty that in fact he or she does have the

Simultaneously with proving the existence of the soul, the web page
"soul_proof.htm" discloses to everyone that what happens to this soul
after the death it depends solely on the decision of God. Not every
soul is going to land in the place which the Bible calls "heaven" or
the "kingdom of heaven" - i.e. not every soul is maintained "alive"
after the physical death of its owner and cohabits the "heaven" with
God as so-called "spiritual being". It turns out that God had in past
unpleasant experiences with "spiritual beings" - e.g. consider
descriptions of Biblical "fallen angels". Thus in order to avoid in
the future equally unpleasant for God experiences with spiritual
beings which God Himself created, God currently acts according to the
proverb "once bitten, twice shy" (or the proverb "a burnt person
dreads the fire"). It means that after the physical death of body God
"gives life" to only these souls which are meeting a whole array of
very rigid requirements. For example, He gives life to only these
souls which prove already in the physical life their unconditional
loyalty to God, their obedience to God's will, their usefulness as
helpers in accomplishing God's goals, and their unconditional
fulfilment of all God's commands. Of course, in order to be able to
test every souls whether it fulfils these requirements, God subjects
it in the physical life to a whole array of exams and tests. In turn
to create appropriate conditions for carrying out these exams and
tests, God intentionally maintains on the Earth a very unpleasant
conditions. These conditions are so controlled by God, that the
physical lives of people are dominated by immorality, evil, greed,
injustice, envy, illnesses, oppression, wars, etc. In this way God has
the opportunity to expose every person to the action of various forms
of immorality and evil, and to check how this person is going to
react. God ostentatiously subjects people to such tests and exams
through e.g. arranging on the Earth such situations that power and
leadership must be given to most inappropriate people, that immorality
and evil are immediately rewarded in a spectacular manner, while moral
behaviours and doing good are immediately spectacularly punished, etc.
- for more extensive descriptions of methods of action of God see
subsections JG3.3 to JG5.5 from volume 6 of monograph [8/2] (copies of
which are available free of charge from the totaliztic web page
"text_8_2.htm"). This immorality and evil intentionally promoted by
God on the Earth is so dominant, that the epoch in the fate of the
humanity to-date can be named the "epoch of God's experiments with
evil and with consequences of evil" - for details see item #B5 on the
web page named "will.htm", or see subsection JF6 from volume 6 of that
monograph [8/2]. This experimenting with evilness on people God admits
Himself in the Bible, informing us in there that He presently gave the
Earth to rules of "Satan". (The Bible states also in other verses that
this "Satan" is just another creation of God.) Thus, within the scope
of these God's tests and exams frequently one group of people
ruthlessly exploit, enslave, torment, and destroy another group of
people. No wonder that in the final effect only extremely rare people
pass all these God's exams and tests and prove that they fulfilled all
requirements imposed on them by God. So practically to the life after
the death and to cohabiting the heaven together with God allowed are
only very sparse souls. In turn the majority of souls lands again on
the Earth in their another reincarnation, to receive here still more
lessons, to be able to perfect further their attributes, and to
receive one more chance of proving that they fulfil God's
requirements. Unfortunately, some souls, which have proven beyond all
doubts, that they are completely unworthy of God's favours, land in
the place where they are subjected to the "second death" (i.e.
"deletion") - means they land in so-called "hell". (What exactly is
this "hell" the web page "soul_proof.htm" also documents precisely in
item #J2.2 - as usually supporting these findings with information
from as many as two separate sources, i.e. from two different

The evidence, explanations, and presentations from the web page
"soul_proof.htm" lead us to a very vital conclusion. Namely, they
prove that souls really do exist and they reveal that it is worth to
put a bit of effort and attention to what we do during this our
physical life. Also it is worth to take notice of warnings that are
provided in the Bible authorised by God Himself. After all, it would
be very unwise to unleash our immoral behaviours only to gain a few
mortal benefits, and this way to deprive our soul the chance for
everlasting life and to designate this soul to the fate that we would
NOT like it experiences.

If the reader is NOT convinced by physical, medical, and photographic
evidence for the existence of souls, which are described on the web
page "soul_proof.htm", then I suggest to complete a relatively simple
experiment described in item #E7.1 of that web page. The experiment
illustratively and convincingly demonstrates to people who complete
it, that the soul in fact does exist, and that this soul is a
"superior natural program which controls the matter". This experiment
boils down to convincing the soul to grant a supernatural weight to a
body of normally light person, making this body almost impossible to
be lifted up. Those ones who complete this experiment, have a chance
to experience in person that in spite of claims of present atheistic
scientists, souls do exist.


In the above post I try to realise that a huge body of physical and
medical evidence, photographs, and experiments does exist, and that
this body of evidence was identified, researched, and explained to
prove to all of us that everyone really does have an immortal soul and
continually carries this soul inside. The only problem with getting to
know this huge body of evidence and proofs, depends on the need to
open our eyes to it in order to be able to see it. Examples of such
evidence and proofs are described on the totaliztic web page named
"soul_proof.htm", update of 21 April 2009, or later. The above post
was adopted from item #L1 of that particular web page. The latest
update of the web page "soul_proof.htm" was already uploaded on
several frequently viewed totaliztic web sites. Because of someone’s
stubborn sabotage of the totaliztic web pages, the web page
"soul_proof.htm" is also planned to be uploaded in future to several
further totaliztic web sites. Interested readers already can seek the
web page "soul_proof.htm" at following addresses:
It is also worth to notice that practically all totaliztic web pages
are available at each web site of totalizm. Therefore, independently
from the web page "soul_proof.htm", each address (web site) indicated
above also offers all other web pages of totalizm - unless some of
these web pages just were sabotaged, or are so new that I had no time
yet to upload these at a given address (server). (But in a case when
for some reasons a page is unavailable under a given address, still at
this address a MENU should be available which has links to all other
totaliztic addresses (servers), on which a given web page should
already be accessible.) Thus, if someone wishes to view descriptions
from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page listed in
this post, or listed in other totaliztic posts, then in the above
addresses the name "soul_proof.htm" is just enough to exchange for a
name of the web page that he or she wishes to view, e.g. for the name
of web page "prophecies.htm", "bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm", "healing.htm",
"oscillatory_chamber.htm", "eco_cars.htm", "boiler.htm",
"fe_cell.htm", "free_energy.htm", "telekinetics.htm",
"dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm", "evil.htm",
"god.htm", "god_proof.htm", "bible.htm", "evolution.htm",
"wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm", "memorial.htm",
"newzealand.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", "fruit.htm",
"text_1_5.htm", "explain.htm", "day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm",
"katrina.htm", etc., etc.

If the above text needed to be cut down here to fit into the memory
that is available, or it is difficult to read, or links from it refuse
to work, then it is worth to know that this post is repeated on
several blogs of totalizm - where it carries the number #167E. These
blogs of totalizm can be accessed through following internet
While viewing any of these blogs, it is worth to know that they
contain an array of other posts with related subject area, for example
the post number 137E with the formal scientific proof for the
existence of soul, the post number 135E with the formal scientific
proof for the existence of God, the post number 109E about the self-
evolution of God, or the post number 157E which explains why God
purposely maintains us in the lack of certainty about His existence.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak


Apr 22, 2009, 10:05:43 PM4/22/09
You are stating the obvious.
Ask any enlightened person about this. It is something that
is generally accepted and known.
God incarnate on Earth as Krisna knew this and taught this
thousands of years ago.
The eternal nature of self is one that any enlightened
person knows of.
You are merely showing your ignorance by doubting or
questioning this obvious fact.

<> wrote in message

John J

Apr 22, 2009, 10:26:54 PM4/22/09
to wrote:
> Practically everyone amongst us is aware, that only if we really do
> have an immortal "soul" [...]

I think you want the third door down the hall marked 'abuse'.


Apr 22, 2009, 10:32:03 PM4/22/09

"John J" <no...@droffats.ten> wrote in message

Oh NO! There is someone over there - someone has stolen his
soul!!! He says he has not got an immortal soul! Someone
must have stolen it!
Who stole this guys soul???
You will be sent to the BOTTOMLESS PIT for such a dastardly


Apr 22, 2009, 10:41:12 PM4/22/09

Do not reply to this generic message, it was automatically generated;
you have been kill-filed, either for being boringly stupid, repetitive,
unfunny, ineducable, repeatedly posting politics, religion or off-topic
subjects to a sci. newsgroup, attempting free advertising, because
you are a troll, simply insane or any combination or permutation of the
aforementioned reasons; any reply will go unread.

Boringly stupid is the most common cause of kill-filing, but because
this message is generic the other reasons have been included. You are
left to decide which is most applicable to you.

There is no appeal, I have despotic power over whom I will electronically
admit into my home and you do not qualify as a reasonable person I would
wish to converse with or even poke fun at. Some weirdoes are not kill-
filed, they amuse me and I retain them for their entertainment value
as I would any chicken with two heads, either one of which enables the
dumb bird to scratch dirt, step back, look down, step forward to the
same spot and repeat the process eternally.

This should not trouble you, many of those plonked find it a blessing
that they are not required to think and can persist in their bigotry
or crackpot theories without challenge.

You have the right to free speech, I have the right not to listen. The
kill-file will be cleared annually with spring cleaning or whenever I
purchase a new computer or hard drive.

I hope you find this explanation is satisfactory but even if you don't,
damnly my frank, I don't give a dear. Have a nice day.

"THE BORG" <> wrote in message


Apr 22, 2009, 10:42:04 PM4/22/09

<> wrote in message

Apr 23, 2009, 12:05:51 AM4/23/09
On Apr 23, 2:42 pm, "Androcles" <Headmas...@Hogwarts.physics> wrote:

> you have been kill-filed, either for being boringly stupid, repetitive,
> unfunny, ineducable, repeatedly posting politics, religion or off-topic
> subjects to a sci. newsgroup, attempting free advertising, because
> you are a troll, simply insane or any combination or permutation of the
> aforementioned reasons; any reply will go unread.
It is like hearing a dog of a gardener - who does NOT appreciate
itself, and also prevent others from appreciating. It would be
interesting to know whether you can write anything else apart of
abuse. The posting such a general abuse instead of constructive
comments or specific criticism says a lot about the person. Is it
possible that someone pays you for such abusive activities, or you
just do it voluntarily, bacuse your nature makes you to do so?

Jan Pajak

P.S. Every forum was invented to facvilitate discussions. In turn what
you are advocating is an exact opposite of a discussion.

Uncle Al

Apr 23, 2009, 10:35:59 AM4/23/09
to wrote:
> Practically everyone amongst us is aware, that only if we really do
> have an immortal "soul" then our physical death is NOT the end of
[snip crap]

Make backups.

> their obedience to God's will,

[snip crap]

Moron rediscovers Islam.

> The Bible states
[snip crap]

pi accurate to one significant figure. The circle does NOT remain
unbroken. A little girl with a peg and some string could do better.

> With the totaliztic salute,
[snip rest of crap]

1) Christ died for your sins.
2) If you do not sin, Christ died in vain.
3) Get on with it.


Can God make a collection plate so vast that even He cannot fill it?

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)

Matthew Lybanon

Apr 23, 2009, 11:14:16 AM4/23/09
If you have something to say, write an equation.

If you have nothing to say, write an essay.


Apr 23, 2009, 1:16:14 PM4/23/09
On 23 Apr., 03:55, wrote:
> Practically everyone amongst us is aware, that only if we really do
> have an immortal "soul" then our physical death is NOT the end of
> everything.

That's not true. The recreation of a dead person with all his memories
would achieve the same. As far as I know St. Paul believed something
like this.


Apr 23, 2009, 1:21:06 PM4/23/09

Do not reply to this generic message, it was automatically generated;

you have been kill-filed, either for being boringly stupid, repetitive,
unfunny, ineducable, repeatedly posting politics, religion or off-topic
subjects to a sci. newsgroup, attempting free advertising, because
you are a troll, simply insane or any combination or permutation of the
aforementioned reasons; any reply will go unread.

Boringly stupid is the most common cause of kill-filing, but because

this message is generic the other reasons have been included. You are
left to decide which is most applicable to you.

There is no appeal, I have despotic power over whom I will electronically
admit into my home and you do not qualify as a reasonable person I would
wish to converse with or even poke fun at. Some weirdoes are not kill-
filed, they amuse me and I retain them for their entertainment value
as I would any chicken with two heads, either one of which enables the
dumb bird to scratch dirt, step back, look down, step forward to the
same spot and repeat the process eternally.

This should not trouble you, many of those plonked find it a blessing
that they are not required to think and can persist in their bigotry
or crackpot theories without challenge.

You have the right to free speech, I have the right not to listen. The
kill-file will be cleared annually with spring cleaning or whenever I
purchase a new computer or hard drive.

I hope you find this explanation is satisfactory but even if you don't,
damnly my frank, I don't give a dear. Have a nice day.

"walterimlenz" <> wrote in message


Apr 25, 2009, 11:35:59 AM4/25/09
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 18:55:58 -0700, janpajak wrote:

> Practically everyone amongst us is aware, that only if we really do have
> an immortal "soul" then our physical death is NOT the end of everything.

Practically everyone amongst us is aware that death is not the end of
'everything', soul or no soul.


Apr 25, 2009, 11:51:09 AM4/25/09

Sure death is the end of everything! By the QM laws of "modern"
physics we all know that wavefunctions do not "collapse" until we make
a measurement! This clearly says that things don't exist until we look
at them! If nobody is there to look at them, the things don't exist.
It's science pure and simple! Thus as each of us dies, the things
which we alone were "measuring" disappear! If everybody dies, it's
clear the entire universe and everything in it disappears! Hence it
clearly follows that "our" death is the "end of everything". QED.

Ask a physicist if this is not correct! It's proven by "science"!


Apr 25, 2009, 6:56:59 PM4/25/09
On 25 Apr., 17:51, Benj <> wrote:

> Sure death is the end of everything!  By the QM laws of "modern"
> physics we all know that wavefunctions do not "collapse" until we make
> a measurement! This clearly says that things don't exist until we look
> at them! If nobody is there to look at them,  the things don't exist.
> It's science pure and simple!  Thus as each of us dies, the things
> which we alone were "measuring" disappear! If everybody dies, it's
> clear the entire universe and everything in it disappears! Hence it
> clearly follows that "our" death is the "end of everything". QED.
> Ask a physicist if this is not correct!  It's proven by "science"!

So you don't exist, if nobody looks at you? This kind of personality
disorder is called "narcissism".

Apr 25, 2009, 11:18:30 PM4/25/09

I would argue with this. If (hypothetically) there is NO soul, then
after the body is dead our perception that we still "live" must cease.
But if we have an immortal soul, then our "life" can continue after
the death by only changing the form into a "spiritual being" - of
course assuming that God permits us to live in a capcity of such
"spiritual being".

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