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Nikken's End #1C: Nichinyo's Scheme - Physical Zen Brutality +^

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Disbasing Zen Stories

Nov 1, 2023, 4:37:16 AM11/1/23
Nikken's End #1C: Nichinyo's Scheme - Physical Zen Brutality

Nikken's End ? or NIKKEN ZENned ? You be the judge ...

. "What distinguished the Indian system from that of the
. ancient Western world is the absence of slavery. The
. caste system made formal slavery unnecessary in ancient
. India."
. - from The Two Classes of the Four-Fold Caste System, by
. Sudheer Birodkar.

In Nikken's Threefold World, which is "the world of unenlightened beings who transmigrate within the Six Paths" ** [Hell, Hungry Spirits, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven] ... the 1st chapter describes the structure of Nikken's World of Hungry Spirits.

** Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism

____ Background for Toxic Zen Stories ____________

________ Table of Contents _______________________
. A Family Conference
. The Static Financials of Nichiren Shoshu Temple
. The Perilous Legal State of the Succession
. The Burgening Financials of the Soka Gakkai and SGI
. The Growing Opportunity That Vanishes Quickly
. The Time Has Come To Negotiate a Price
. Definition of Hungry Spirits (Gaki)
. Getting Some Help
. The Survivor Gita

________ A Family Conference _____________________

In the Fall of 2006, still during the first year of Nichinyo Hayase's tenure as High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu, there was a meeting of the Hayase inner circle, organized by Giyu Hayase, the second-born son, at a secret Hayase family location that was guaranteed to be private.

At the end of the previous year, Gikan Hayase, the first-born son, had become the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu, and hence, Chief Priest of Taisekiji. He had received that from Nikken, the former High Priest, since Nikken had no choice but to pass it down to a member of the Hokikai faction.

There had been two major factions in the Fuji School and they were both older than the name Nichiren Shoshu, adopted in 1912. The Hokikai faction, headed by the top Hayase family member, now Gikan Hayase and before by his father Nichiji, and the Myokankai faction of Nittatsu and Nikken Abe and Nittatsu's family.

The civil war in Myokankai had started with Nittatsu, who was displeased with his alternatives for a successor: either Nichiji of Hokikai or Nikken Abe of Myokankai. This displeasure arrived upon hearing from Nikken's mouth his assertion by his "skilled analysis" that the Daigohonzon was fake (that surfaced embarrassingly in the Kawabe Memo in the late 1990's, which saw Kawabe's son being summarily dismissed as Chief Priest of the Washington, D.C. temple, which later burned to the ground in an "accident"), and being pestered by elements of Nichiji's Hokikai faction that it was "their turn" to be High Priest.

Nittatsu solved this problem by appointing no successor whatsoever, and instead handing over the Transfer Box for Taisekiji Temple and Nichiren Shoshu overall to his son-in-law for safe-keeping. This would guarantee that whoever grabbed the top spot, would need to eventually hand it over to a member of Nittatsu's family, or face endless court challenges and challenges to their authority.

This totally surprised Nikken, when he appointed himself as High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu after Nittatsu's death:

Later, Nikken attempted to extort the Transfer Box from Nittatus's family, by destroying one after another, all the wonderful works that Nittatsu had created with Soka Gakkai cash during his term as High Priest, ending with crushing Sho Hondo. However, Nittatsu's family held fast and didn't give in (which would have been suicidal.)

Having betrayed the Myokankai so thoroughly, Nikken could not expect someone there to receive the priesthood and then reliably hand it over to Nikken's son. Blocked on that avenue, Nikken turned to his loyal thug, Gikan Hayase. Although he was Hokikai, Gikan made assurances, was appointed High Priest and then disappointed Nikken by showing his true Hokikai colors. Now Gikan was High Priest Nichinyo, but that meant he had inherited Nikken's fake position without the Transfer Box and all the problems that Nikken had multiplied with no useful result, as well.

________ The Static Financials of ________________
________ Nichiren Shoshu Temple __________________

Giyu started off the secret meeting with an analysis of the financials of Nichiren Shoshu Temple: they were no good!

After losing the SGI members offerings in the excommunication of 1991, NST had expected that Tozan and Gohonzon reception would bring many Gakkai members back to the Temple, but this had not worked as hoped. After all these years, membership was still up and down across the map of Temples, where there was growth it was glacial, and bleeding the members for Gokuyo and various special Tozan donations had worn them down to a nub.

The NST Priesthood was still a living, but not like before, they had been living like royalty before the excommunication! The Nembutsu priests would lord it over them now, with all their schemes for milking the parishoners of money for prayers to receive the names of the dead in the Western Realm. Now, Giyu's golfing expenses were killing him and he really hated the cheaper fairways he had to navigate.

Nikken Abe's wasteful reign of Nittatsu destruction had cost countless millions, had driven away members and driven down the remaining members' donations out of despair. In addition, Nikken's cronies had secretly plundered what land and other assets remained, so that there was literally nothing left that could be easily and inconspicuously converted to cash, if the need arose.

________ The Perilous Legal State ________________
________ of the Succession _______________________

Giyu continued with a discussion of the ultimate nightmare scenario.

What was the worst possible outcome, was the continuing threat of a court action, action by state agency or something else that would force them to stand and deliver the Transfer Box for Taisekiji to show that they had, in fact, a validated High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu. This could emerge instantly, without any warning.

And the knowledge of this state of affairs was completely public.

Once the request was official, their power to negotiate any safe landing would be negligable. They might even have to pass the position of High Priest to Nittatsu's family, simply to avoid prosecution for what little plundering under false pretenses they had been able to achieve.

This potentiality was what gave Nichinyo sleepless nights.

________ The Burgening Financials of _____________
________ the Soka Gakkai and SGI _________________

Now, Giyu was going to discuss the state of the finances of the SGI world. Nichinyo asked why the Temple should care? NST couldn't access SGI funds, and SGI money could not easily be used to hurt the Temple. Giyu responded: just wait.

He had heard that in Japan alone, the Soka Gakkai was approaching eight million households.

The average Japanese household wealth was eighty thousand dollars or eight million yen.

That meant that there were 640 billion dollars or an enormous 64 trillion yen of wealth in the Soka Gakkai Japanese membership, alone.

If you put the wealth in the rest of the SGI membership at a little over 12% of that, it made for 710 billion dollars and 71 trillion yen.

Then, if you add all the capital of SGI world together (buildings, cash, investments) that put the total wealth of the Soka Gakkai, the SGI and its members, conservatively at an astonishing 750 billion dollars or 75 trillion yen.

Everyone in the room was impressed with this number, and inwardly, Nichinyo cursed Nikken.

________ The Growing Opportunity _________________
________ That Vanishes Instantly _________________

Giyu sums up these points:

1. The Hayase cannot convert Temple assets easily into cash, nor can we raise much more from the Hokkeko members.

2. The Hayase cannot gain legitimacy as High Priest, but we can lose everything easily and quickly, probably to the Myokankai family of Nittatsu: ultimately this will be what happens at some point.

3. However, there is a mountain of cash available from the SGI world as it stands now, for the right deal.

4. What the Hayase control completely is the Temple at Taisekiji, because Nichinyo is Chief Priest of this temple to cut the deal, and Nichinyo is the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu that could block the deal.

5. Therefore, the Hayase can sell Taisekiji in a secret deal to the Soka Gakkai for many, many trillions of yen, and hand it over in an hour, under the right conditions.

6. This is the one and only way that the Hayase can control their fate.

The question was asked, how could you get away with this? Giyu said offshore banking, or Delaware limited partnerships.

To the question of how could Taisekiji be physically secured in the handover, Nichinyo mentioned that an alert status could be invented, forcing anyone not totally loyal to the Hayase and Hokikai to temporarily be away from Fujinomiya. Insiders in and outsiders out.

Then we can all build our castles in Maui, Giyu said. But there is a problem.

Daisaku Ikeda has grown old, and the Temple analysis has been that when he dies, there will be a frenzy of splitting and struggles over control of the organization. That mountain of cash will splinter and vanish quickly at that point. Until that point the mountain grows. Waiting is good, waiting just a little too long is very bad.

Nichinyo mentioned that the reasoning was sound, and that in the recent video, Daisaku Ikeda had appeared robust.

The secret meeting adjourned.

________ The Time Has Come To Negotiate a Price __________

Almost ten years later, Nichinyo punches his iPhone and speaks into it to a very close confidante, and tells him to make the connection to his opposite number and come up with a robust price. He was gazing at a picture of an enormous and lush beachfront estate in Maui.

________ Definition of Hungry Spirits (gaki) ______________

From the SGI Dictionary:

hungry spirits [餓鬼] (Skt preta; Jpn gaki): Also, hungry ghosts. Spirits who suffer from hunger and thirst as karmic retribution for their greed, selfishness, and jealousy while they were alive. Buddhist scriptures describe hungry spirits as beings with throats as small as needles and distended bellies. The realm of hungry spirits is said to be located five hundred yojanas beneath the earth, above the realm of hell. In that realm, food and drink turn into flames and torment the inhabitants. The realm of hungry spirits is one of the three or the four evil paths. From the standpoint of the doctrine of the Ten Worlds and their mutual possession, it represents a potential state or condition of life in which one is tormented by relentless craving. Hungry spirits are called preta in Sanskrit, which in ancient India meant the spirits of the dead. In China and Japan, the story of Maudgalyāyana's saving his mother from the realm of hungry spirits is well known. See also service for deceased ancestors.

________ Getting Some Help _______________________

If you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest, or a Hokkeko member from anywhere in the world, and are thinking about switching to the SGI call (310) 260-8900 or contact the Headquarters at SGI Plaza:,-118.4979288,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x80c2a4c8ce37f2e7:0x918d68e31aa2b5e4!2s606+Wilshire+Blvd,+Santa+Monica,+CA+90401!3b1!8m2!3d34.0205589!4d-118.4957401!3m4!1s0x80c2a4c8bc1aaae7:0x8b8af06c5597de63!8m2!3d34.0208086!4d-118.4958896?hl=en

Tell them that you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest or Hokkeko member, and wish to speak to someone about the SGI, and what to do.

________ The Survivor Gita _______________________

Who will replace the "Sen'ou Nezumi" ?

Nikken, the Usurper King of the Rats at Taisekiji, has been replaced by Nichinyo, who is an angry member of the elite, due to too many blows to the head. A little punchy, and brief in his rule, since Nikken has plans for his son to take over.

One thing that is known for certain: There will be a new Rat King. And quickly there will be another.

Another thing that is known for certain: All the alliances will change, and more than once. Anyone that has watched Survivor knows this.

Rule Number Zero:

The War of the Rodents can only be won by ... King Rat.

More to come ... These questions will be answered !!!



LS Chap. 16 .....

All harbor thoughts of yearning
and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.
When living beings have become truly faithful,
honest and upright, gentle in intent,
single-mindedly desiring to see the Buddha
not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,
then I and the assembly of monks
appear together on Holy Eagle Peak.
At that time I tell the living beings
that I am always here, never entering extinction,
but that because of the power of an expedient means
at times I appear to be extinct, at other times not,
and that if there are living beings in other lands
who are reverent and sincere in their wish to believe,
then among them too
I will preach the unsurpassed Law.
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