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Nikken's End #4: The Takanos: The Graduate? +^

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Disbasing Zen Stories

Nov 28, 2023, 2:42:18 AM11/28/23
Nikken's End #4: The Takanos: The Graduate?

Nikken's End ? or NIKKEN ZENned ? You be the judge ...

. "What distinguished the Indian system from that of the
. ancient Western world is the absence of slavery. The
. caste system made formal slavery unnecessary in ancient
. India."
. - from The Two Classes of the Four-Fold Caste System, by
. Sudheer Birodkar.

In Nikken's Threefold World, which is "the world of unenlightened beings who transmigrate within the Six Paths" ** [Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven] ... the 4th chapter describes the structure of Nikken's World of Hell.

** Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism

____ Background for Toxic Zen Stories ____________

________ Table of Contents _______________________
. Belated Concern About Rissho U.
. Fuji Gakurin's Grand Opening
. Uh-Oh, My Degree's Worthless
. The Graduate? Meets The Takanos
. Definition of Hell (Jigoku)
. Getting Some Help
. The Survivor Gita

________ Belated Concern About Rissho U. _________

Rissho University, which is owned and operated by the Nichiren Shu Minobu Sect, has an astounding website. They show so much interest in the Gohonzon ... that a picture of one is popping out of the faculty and academic pages, in many places. Experimental Gohonzon, student project Gohonzon, every kind of slanderous rendering and circumstance you can imagine.

(I would not recommend browsing there, it will make you sick to your stomach.)

Minobu Sect at the Rissho University, has an objective view of the Daishonin's Buddhism, they study it along with Tendai, Zen, Shingon and the rest of the Four Dictums. They have classes in opening the eyes of statues. They take a decidedly two vehicle approach to the study of the One Supreme Vehicle.

As a matter of fact, they study just about every distortion of the Buddha's teachings and intent that is possible, while somehow never getting around to Nichiren's Buddhism, which means propagating the Law with the intent of Kosen Rufu.

They ARE propagating their elitest ivory tower of slander, for the purpose of maintaining their control of the people: a Brahminist and anti-Buddhist enclave if there ever was one. A place for training Japanese Buddhist priests in the priesthood business, like they have been for centuries under Meiji (Imperial Way Buddhism in support of the war effort), and before that as minions of the Tokugawa Shogunate's Buddhist regime.

In other words at Rissho University, the Nichiren Shu Minobu Sect is maintaining and advancing the "Calumnus Quo", the level of slander of the Law in academia.

And this is where no follower of Nikko, the founder of the Fuji School, should be trained.

From "Moral Philosophy and Dealings With Priests", written by myself (sorry about that):

. 8. Nichiren Shoshu and the Hokkeko have always called
. themselves followers of Nikko's Fuji School, but from
. the beginning (1912) they have followed priests that
. disobey the 25th Admonition against sexual abstinence,
. and they have followed priests that were trained by
. Nichiren Shu (5 Senior Priests) at Rissho University -
. disobeying the 2nd Admonition, and hence according to
. Nikko they are not his followers, but are instead
. followers of the Five Senior Priests. (Nikko would have
. kicked them out of the Fuji School just for training at
. Rissho.)
. From the end of Nikko Shonin's 26 Admonitions:
. "I have set forth these 26 articles for the
. sake of the eternal salvation and protection
. of humankind. Those who violate even one of
. these articles cannot be called disciples of
. Nikko."
. In 1969, Daisaku Ikeda founded Soka University to train
. the future leaders of the Soka Gakkai, among others.
. This was a necessary move, because of the corruption
. seen in attitudes of Japanese Academics, and their
. determined resistance to recognizing the Soka Gakkai as
. a valid religious organization and worthy of respect.
. Witness the academic quotes in the LOOK Magazine article
. (1963) by the President of Rissho University, Rev.
. Shobun Kubota, D.T. Suzuki of Zen, and other academics,
. that the Soka Gakkai "can not be Buddhism".
. ' The Rev. Dr. Shobun Kubota, vice-president
. of Rissho University of Tokyo, concurs. "The
. principle of Buddhism," he says, "is to
. restrain man's desires, such as sex, hunger,
. wealth and fame, but Soka Gakkai promises the
. possession of these desires. It uses man's
. weaknesses as a tool for its own expansion. It
. has the same characteristics as Nazism.
. Finally, it is a corruption of Buddhism." '
. LOOK Magazine, September 10, 1963
. This from academic Buddhists who signed up unanimously,
. institution by institution, to bear the Shinto Talisman,
. and promote Imperial Way Buddhism and Imperial State Zen
. militarism for the God-Emperor. In support of that self-
. same Nazi Reich, while Makiguchi and Toda alone bore the
. brunt of oppression to the end. Such evil-doers call
. themselves Buddhists. Their tongues should rot in their
. mouths.
. Soka University has created at least one academic
. environment where the Soka Gakkai can be viewed with
. objectivity by students. This was and remains an
. absolute good.
. Nichiren Shoshu has continued to allow the training of
. their future leaders by the Nichiren Shu Minobu Sect at
. Rissho University, even though they were aware that this
. was a slander of Nikko's school, and made them not
. followers of Nikko.

The proof of Rissho's heritage is on their own website, the page on "History of Rissho":

. ' Over 120 Years of Tradition and 70 Years of History as
. a Modern Educational Institution '
. ' No other institution of higher education in Japan has
. a longer tradition than Rissho University. '
. ' Our founding dates back to 1580 when the "Iidaka-
. Danrin School" was established to educate student
. priests of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. The school
. took its name from its location, Iidaka Town, which is
. now Yoka- lchiba City in Chiba Prefecture. Some of the
. ancient wooden structures have been carefully preserved
. and form part of the Hanko-ji Temple. These structures
. include the lecture hall, gate, drum tower and bell
. tower, which are designated as "Important Cultural
. Assets" by the Government. The school closed its gates
. in 1875. During its 295-year history, it produced a
. great many talented figures who made prominent
. contributions to promoting Buddhism and education in
. Japan. '
. ' Shortly before it [Iidaka-Danrin School] was closed,
. the "Nichiren-shu Shukyo-in" (Nichiren Religious
. Academy) was established in 1872 at the Jokyo-ji Temple
. in Takanawa, Tokyo, to succeed the "Iidaka-Danrin
. School" in modern times. '
. ' In 1904, the Academy was moved to Osaki,Tokyo, the
. present site of the main campus of Rissho University. '
. ' Authorized by the Government ordinance concerning
. colleges issued that year [1904], it opened its gates as
. "Nichiren-shu Daigakurin" (Nichiren Religious College).
. '
. ' When the Government issued an ordinance concerning
. universities in 1924, the University was reorganized
. into Rissho University with Faculty of Letters newly
. opened. Its doors were opened to both Nichiren priests
. and ordinary students. '

The year 1580 is an interesting date. It is merely 1 year after the Debacle/Debate at Ohmi, which caused shakubuku to be outlawed by Oda Nobunaga.

What has happened in the place of the highest practice of Buddhism, Nikko's Fuji School, has been 670 years in the making. The death of Nichimoku on the road to Kyoto, left the Fuji School in turmoil for a hundred years, long enough to weaken the infrastructure sufficiently, that when Oda Nobunaga (effectively Shogun) finally gave the Fuji School and the rest of the Nichiren Sects a face to face debate at Ohmi in 1579, the Fuji School lost their one and only chance to redeem themselves.

At that time the ill-prepared 14th High Priest Nisshu, who was the follower of the aged 13th High Priest Nichiin, who had become HP at the age of nine, and who was also ill-prepared by his aged master, the previous 12th High Priest Nitchen, who had become HP at the age of thirteen, and who also was ill-prepared by his aged master Nichiu the 9th High Priest after much chaos and shuffling in the Fuji School ...

. 1573-1596 Nisshu (fourteenth):
. He established a relationship with Yoho-ji* temple,
. whose doctrines substantially deviated from the orthodox
. teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, to capitalize on the
. prestige it enjoyed among aristocrats in Kyoto, then the
. political and cultural center of Japan. ("An Interview
. with High Priest Nichiko Hori on the History of the Fuji
. School," published in the November 1956 Daibyakurenge,
. pp.15-16). In 1594, Nisshu invited Nissho, a priest from
. Yoho-ji, to Taisekiji, and only two years later in 1596
. Nissho became the fifteenth high priest. For almost a
. century--from 1596 to 1692 when Nikkei, the twenty-third
. high priest passed away, Nichiju (16th), Nissei (17th),
. Nichiei (18th), Nisshun (19th), Nitten (20th), Nichinin
. (21st), Nisshun (22nd)--nine high priests came from
. Yoho-ji to Taisekiji. (Essential Writings of the Fuji
. School, vol. 5)
. (*)Yoho-ji (also Yobo-ji) has its origins with Nichizon
. (1265-1345), a disciple of Nikko Shonin. He and Nichigo
. accompanied the third high priest Nichimoku Shonin to
. Kyoto in 1333. During the journey Nichimoku Shonin fell
. ill and later he passed away. Both continued their trip.
. Nichigo brought back the ashes of Nichimoku Shonin to
. Taisekiji, while Nichizon remained in Kyoto. Later in
. 1334 he established a temple called "Jogyo-in". After
. 200 years it was renamed Yoho-ji. However Nichizon,
. deviating from Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, erected a
. statue of Sakyamuni in his temple.

Nisshu was, unfortunately for all of us, the one who would represent the Fuji School to debate the issues in front of Oda Nobunaga at Ohmi, JOINTLY WITH THE OTHER NICHIREN SECTS. This kind of joined operation with the Five Senior Priests School at Minobu is an explicit and utterly unbelievable affront to Nikko, as a direct violation of his 2nd Admonition:

. 2. The doctrines of the five senior priests differ in
. every regard from the teachings of the late master.

In spite of the Founder's clear and obvious guidance, Nisshu the Deviant and Incompetent 14th HP went directly ahead into the disaster (sort of like George W. Bush into Iraq):

. 1579 CE:
. The Ohmi debate. Before the Tokugawa period, Oda
. Nobunaga also demonstrated his supremacy over religious
. authority. Oda summoned the doctrinal debate between the
. Ikko sect and the Nichiren sect in Ohmi in 1579. He
. intentionally declared the defeat of the Nichiren sect,
. and forced the Nichiren Buddhists to stop its aggressive
. propagation. See Ooms, Tokugawa Ideology, (1985)

So, thanks to the deviant incompetence of Nisshu the 14th, shakubuku (propagation activities) was effectively outlawed until ... 1946 !!!

Of course this slander of the Ikko Sect would not go unpunished, so just one year later ...

. 1580 CE:
. Oda destroys the Ikko sect in Japan.
. Kitagawa narrates the death-struggle between Oda and the
. Ikko sect: "In 1570 Nobunaga's forces attacked Ishiyama
. [the center of the Ikko sect], but the monto (followers
. of the sect) came from all parts of Japan to defend
. their holy city, and Nobunaga's army was completely
. defeated.... Nobunaga attacked the followers of the True
. Pure Land [Ikko] in the Owari district, near Nagoya, but
. failed miserably in 1571, 1573, and 1574. Then the
. desperate Nobunaga tricked the Ikko by offering peace,
. only to turn about and massacre nearly forty thousand
. believers in Owari. In 1575 he dispatched his forces to
. the Hokuriku district and massacred forty thousand more
. adherents of Ikko. In 1576 Nobunaga again attacked
. Ishiyama; however, not only was his army defeated, but
. he himself was wounded. In the following year Nobunaga's
. forces attacked the Wakayama district which had supplied
. men and materials to Ishiyama.... Finally, in 1580, the
. temple town of Ishiyama surrendered" (Kitagawa 1966).

And of course this slander of Nobunaga would not go unpunished, so just one year later ...

. 1582 CE:
. Oda Nobunaga is betrayed by a vassal and murdered.
. Toyotomi Hideyoshi inherits full power over clan, in
. Japan.
. Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Oda's vassal, completed the
. demilitarization of the Buddhist community and the
. subject. In 1578, Toyotomi subjugated other strongholds
. of the militarized monasteries (Negoro, Kumano, and
. Koya), and conducted the Sword Hunt all over the land.
. In 1586, Toyotomi summoned hundreds of the monk and
. priest from all sects and major monasteries to conduct
. the prayer for the Toyotomi Shogunate and the Toyotomi
. family. He intended to demonstrate his supremacy over
. religious authority.

Cold comfort to followers of Nikko, the punishment of those who cause such a setback.

Clearly, the point is made at this time. Follow Nikko's admonitions, he made them for a reason. But, oh, no.

The Fuji School after Nichimoku, both before and after that brief and shining moment ... when Nichikan the 26th High Priest re-established Nikko's School in the early 1700's following Nikko's Admonitions ... has been an institution which has markedly deviated from it's Founders, Nikko and Nichimoku, and their Late Master, Nichiren Daishonin.

________ Fuji Gakurin's Grand Opening ____________

Indeed, Nikken (the current and profoundly slanderous 67th High Priest) makes an unmistakeable admission of past guilt in the training of priests at Rissho by Nichiren Shoshu, by starting his own training school:

. (Excerpts from
., the "Fake
. [High Priest]" Newsletter:)
| "My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu
| has been polluted with Minobu's wicked
| teachings," Nikken confessed at the opening
| ceremony for the Fuji Gakurin School (Dai-
| Nichiren, May 2000 edition).
. Fuji Gakurin is the school that Nikken started to
. belatedly replace Rissho University as the source of
. priest trainees for Nichiren Shoshu. Apparently, he only
. took this action after people started talking about the
. 26 Admonitions publicly (Living Buddhism article by
. Daisaku Ikeda in 1998). The sad fact is, that Nichiren
. Shoshu has violated all 26, most by the letter of the
. admonition, but all 26 by their intent.
. In relatively short order after being rebuked in 1998,
. Nikken officially opened the Fuji Gakurin School on
. April 10th, 2000. Many attended and heard his
. statements: Nichijun Fujimoto, Nichiyu Yoshida, Nitto
. (Juken) Ohmura, Nichijo (Gikan) Hayase, Nissho (Shinei)
. Yagi, Chief of the Overseas Department Kotoku Obayashi,
. Chief of the Public Relations Department Kogaku Akimoto
. and Vice Chief of the Study Department Kosho Mizushima.

("Fuji Gakurin" must mean "afterthought" in the Nikkenese dialect.) Nissho (Shinei) Yagi had to be at the opening of Fuji Gakurin, because he is the President of the School, as we will see later ...

. Nikken went on to state that "he had been contaminated
. by Minobu's teachings"...
| "I once attended the University run by
| Nichiren-shu. The hardest thing for me in my
| campus life was that the teacher said many
| false things about the teachings and history
| of Nichiren Daishonin. I had always thought
| that I should refute these false ideas.
| However, I cannot say that that was my true
| intention, because I was only a student."
| "When we constantly hear false things, we will
| be caught up in false ways of thinking, or I
| can say, we will be trapped in it. As I recall
| my early days, false ideas did exist in my
| view of Nichiren Buddhism, especially
| regarding the legitimate teachings of
| Nichiren-shoshu. At that time, I was not able
| to straighten out my thoughts sufficiently
| from the viewpoint of faith, action, study....
| If I were young now, I could study with you,
| young fellows, in these classes, taught by
| these engaged teachers."
. But his distorted views from Rissho were not left there
. at the University.
. We are reminded of Nikken's words on October 8th, 1985,
. when he attended the completion ceremony of Komyoji
. Temple, Hachioji City, Tokyo. Kotoku Hirayama, the chief
. priest of the temple, asked Nikken, "What is the biggest
. obstacle you had in your practice?" Nikken answered, "It
. is that I could not truly believe in the Gohonzon. I
. cannot believe truly now. I have to really try."
. Also, we are reminded of Nikken's statement that
. "Daigohonzon is a fake" from the Kawabe memo. This
. statement seems to be influenced by the author of "view
. of wood honzon is false", Minobu priest Bentetsu
. Yasunaga, who is an associate professor at Minobu's
. Rissho University and chief priest of Zenshoji Temple.
. In recent years, the exchange of Minobu
. priests and Nikken sect priests has become
. more frequent. Monks of the Nikken sect make
. pilgrimages to temples of Minobu sect with
. Hokkeko members, or they invite Minobu monks
. to Taisekiji. General chief of the Hokkeko
. federation, Kisoji Yanagisawa, made a
. pilgrimage to Kuonji Temple, the general head
. temple of the Minobu sect. We [the Fake
. Newsletter] have mentioned this issue before,
. and even "Emyo," one of organ papers of Nikken
. sect, could not argue against this. Taisekiji
. priests Kaido Seki, Jikei Maekawa, Kosho
. Mizushima, Sonfuku Ochiai, Gishu Funabashi,
. all made visits to Minobu's temples
. themselves. They later made excuses during
. lectures at their temples or in their temple
. newsletters, saying, "We went and saw the
. temple but did not chant."...etc.
. Hence, Nikken is more than simply an enemy of the Soka
. Gakkai and a very bad High Priest at the Fuji School.
. Nikken in clearly not a follower of Nikko's School and
. never has been at any time. He is a follower of the Five
. Senior Priests and a minion of Minobu, in spite of what
. his conscious mind tells him. Consciousness is, after
. all, only one of Five Components.

But now he has his VERY OWN training facility, where he can have his way with the minds of the young priests. AND he can charge the full four-year institutional University tuition and fees, as he reels in the young priestlings, for their up-close and personal QUALITY education AT THE HEAD TEMPLE, from those top Nichiren Shoshu teaching-priests. oh, boy !!!

________ Uh-Oh, My Degree's Worthless ____________

But, what about this story from "The Hindu" an english language newspaper on October 4, 1999, almost a year before the grand opening:

. Delhi University earlier this year cancelled the
. admission of two Japanese students after it became known
. that they were trying to secure admission on the basis
. of a fake academic record.
. The admission of Sakabe and Kotake was cancelled after
. it was discovered that they had given a false
. certification in their career application form.
. In the official application form the two students had
. contended that they were graduates of "Fuji Gakurin"
. University.

Apparently, in 1999, Nichiren Shoshu went on a failed campaign to send the "graduates" of Fuji Gakurin University to Delhi University and to En-Sei University of Seoul, South Korea, which are well known and accredited gradute schools.

Accreditation of graduate schools such as these rests upon checking the accreditation of the students who enter the University.

When these records for these students were checked, it was found that FUJI GAKURIN IS NOT IN ANY WAY ACCREDITED IN JAPAN !!!

This is even though they have special paper diplomas that are printed out nicely, with a special mark identifying the school, and the very special signature of the President of the University, Nissho (Shinei) Yagi.

Before the SGI opened Soka University in Aliso Viejo, there was much preparation done on accreditation, and that was way BEFORE the first student was interviewed. SUA-AV was actually pre-accredited by the WASC, by demonstrating the competence of faculty, departments and curriculum. There are a lot of hoops you have to jump through, but how can you approach students for entry, before there is some guarantee that at least some graduate institutions will accept them? Now that the Fourth year students are going to graduate this year, full accreditation is on track. The administration, faculty, staff and students at SUA-AV should be proud of their accomplishments, in spite of the many daunting obstacles and outright attacks against them.

At Fuji Gakurin University, President Nissho Yagi, of course, backs their diploma with his full faith and guarantee.

Which is precisely why the diploma of Fuji Gakurin University is absolutely worthless in every single country around the world. (With the exception of the PureNikken Land at Taisekiji. And, apparently at the low-hurdle Temples of the Nikken Sect, such as Myohoji.)

The article from "The Hindu" goes on to say:

. ... This was an attempt on [the] part of the Nikken Sect
. priests to put their priests in first class universaties
. of the world.
. None of the priests who have graduated from the "Fuji
. Gakurin" University are recognized as graduates by
. Japanese society. The same ploy of using the name of
. "Fuji Gakurin" has been tried for entry to the En-Sei
. University in Korea.

________ The Graduate? Meets The Takanos _________

Ryoko Hase has been a troublesome assistant priest for Taishin Takano to deal with, at Myohoji Temple in Los Angeles. He has been way too friendly with the lay families. Far, far too overfamiliar for Takano's taste. And impossible to control, generally. A real discipline problem.

So, he has been exiled from the court of the American Nikken, and his Imelda Marcos of a wife. His family connections with the Hayase clan has disallowed the embarrassment and punishment he so richly deserves, however.

Hence, Hase has only been banished to the other side of the country, and that is as far as Takano could throw him away. He will assist in Washington D.C. at Myosenji where "Son-of-Memo" Shoshin Kawabe was chief priest until recently.

His father, Jitoku Kawabe's power to embarrass the top families has diminished over time, and as more of the story of Nikken's slander of the DaiGohonzon slowly spread around and was dealt with by sheer authority, and ignoring that elephant until it looked like a piece of furniture. (People will apparently accept anything, given enough time and the raw exercise of power over the laity. Controlling others is merely a powerful state of mind for Taishin Takano.)

So, Kawabe could be dispensed with and was given the heave-ho.

And now it's Hase. Since he is NOT to be embarrassed, on his last day he got to sit in Nikken's chair, the seat of the High Priest. In this case, more like an ejection seat from a James Bond movie ... BOOM, he was gone. Good riddance !!

And now the new assistant priest. This should be far easier.

Shinon Satoh is from a third tier priesthood family [Vaishya in the Survivor Gita], and is a 1998 graduate from Fuji Gakurin University. Which is quite a trick, since they had their Grand Opening in Spring of 2000. No matter, IF they ever get accredited, it will not affect the worthlessness of Satoh's degree.

His degree is only of use inside Nichiren Shoshu, so unlike priests in the past, who were able to escape into the reform movement, this new breed of priest is completely trapped inside the structure of Taisekiji.

They cannot escape, because they literally have no place to go.

Outside of Nichiren Shoshu they are worthless men.

Taishin Takano really loves these new guys. The priests they replace or their associates, they really are hostile to these new priests from a completely unrecognized school.

The writing is on the wall.

They are virtual slaves, and becoming more common, so if you are posted with one, YOU have to be a slave, too.

And, because of that, the money is diminishing. At some point, the Fuji Gakurin priests will be servants in bondage. You could pay them in NikkenScript, and they would have to buy everything from you !!!

Taishin Takano likes this thought. He's hugging himself again. Everything is working out, just fine. He is gradually gaining absolute control over the Temple network in the Americas: the six NST Temples in the United States, and those South of the Border as well.

He finesses everything and everybody, just like in Panama.

In a series of careful steps.

The problem was: how to register as a local organization in Panama, without even risking having the application turned down as Japanese. And how to retain REAL control by Taisekiji.

. 1. On 10/25/97, Nichiren Shoshu Templos Panama registers
. with:
. President: Ruth A. Torres (Panamanian)
. Vice President: Taishin Takano (Myohoji-L.A.)
. Treasurer: Alfredo Macia (Panamanian)
. Directors: Lourdes M. Von Chong (Panamanian)
. Katia N. Gonzales (Panamanian)
. 2. 4 days later, on 10/25/97, Nichiren Shoshu Templos
. Panama has a re-election of the Board of Directors
. with 5 chief priests of Nichiren Shoshu Temples, none
. in Central America, none of them Panamanian (of
. course):
. President: Taishin Takano (Myoho-ji-L.A.)
. Acting President: Kotoku Obayashi (Myoko-ji, Japan)
. Vice President: Jisei Nagasaka (Myosetsu-ji- NYC)
. Treasurer: Shido Takahashi (Honsei-ji-Hawaii)
. Secretary: Jiho Takahashi (Myoshin-ji-S.F.)
. 3. The next year, he sends the Takahashi brothers
. packing, back to Japan. He had this in mind when he
. chose them as officers.

If only the free priests will sit still long enough, for enough slave priests to be manufactured at Fuji Gakurin to replace them all. That is the vulnerable point in his plan.

If the free priests challenge him in court, he could get tied up and lose big.

In California, Cho'on Shiba could have sued under the California Unfair Practices Act, alleging unfair employment practices. He still could, but he was so thoroughly subjugated during his departure, that he may never speak again !!!

The free priests around the country don't realize that they could form a union, and he could not send them back, nor fire them. Since NST is incorporated in America, there would be nothing he could do.

But Taishin Takano isn't losing any sleep over it. Controlling others is just a powerful state of mind that he learned from studying the other Buddhisms at school.

If you think of others as minions, and treat them as minions, and crush their dreams with mind-numbing swiftness and surprise, they will submit.

Taishin Takano is, as he always is, supremely confident of the outcome.

________ Definition of Hell (Jigoku) _____________

From the SGI Dictionary:

hell [地獄] (Jpn, Pali naraka or niraya; Skt jigoku): The first and lowest of the three evil paths, the six paths, and the Ten Worlds. Buddhist scriptures describe various kinds of hells, such as the eight hot hells and the eight cold hells. They depict hell as a realm beneath the earth where those who have committed evil are reborn and undergo different degrees of suffering for varying periods of time according to the nature and weight of their offenses. The expression "136 hells" is used to describe the array of hells, this number representing the eight hot hells, each with its sixteen subsidiary hells. T'ien-t'ai (538–597) and Nichiren (1222–1282) interpreted hell, or any other of the Ten Worlds, as a condition inherent within life and manifest at any moment. Viewed in this manner, hell describes a condition of utmost suffering and despair. See also eight cold hells; eight hot hells

________ Getting Some Help _______________________

If you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest, or a Hokkeko member from anywhere in the world, and are thinking about switching to the SGI call (310) 260-8900 or contact the Headquarters at SGI Plaza:,-118.4979288,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x80c2a4c8ce37f2e7:0x918d68e31aa2b5e4!2s606+Wilshire+Blvd,+Santa+Monica,+CA+90401!3b1!8m2!3d34.0205589!4d-118.4957401!3m4!1s0x80c2a4c8bc1aaae7:0x8b8af06c5597de63!8m2!3d34.0208086!4d-118.4958896?hl=en

Tell them that you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest or Hokkeko member, and wish to speak to someone about the SGI, and what to do.

For Labor Legal help in California, see one of the lawyers listed with the Google search:

California "unfair employment practices"

For help in protecting yourself while organizing a union in the United States (about 40 lines from the top is a list of employer conduct which is illegal in the U.S.):


. The National Labor Relations Board
. and YOU
. Unfair Labor Practices
. Prepared by the National Labor Relations Board
. an agency of the United States Government

This pamphlet contains a general explanation of what the National Labor Relations Board is and what it does with respect to the processing of unfair labor practice charges. Although the pamphlet cannot provide answers to all questions, it does contain useful information which will be helpful to you.

What is the National Labor Relations Board

We are an independent federal agency established to enforce the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

As an independent agency, we are not part of any other government Agency--such as the Department of Labor.

What Are Your Rights As An Employee Under the NLRA?

Examples of Your Rights As An Employee Under the NLRA Are:

. * Forming, or attempting to form, a union among the employees of your employer.
. * Joining a union whether the union is recognized by your employer or not.
. * Assisting a union in organizing your fellow employees.
. * Engaging in protected concerted activities. Generally, "protected concerted activity" is group activity which seeks to modify wages or working conditions.
. * Refusing to do any or all of these things. However, the union and employer, in a State where such agreements are permitted, may enter into a lawful union-security clause requiring employees to join the union.

The NLRA forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of rights relating to organizing, forming, joining or assisting a labor organization for collective bargaining purposes, or engaging in concerted activities, or refraining from any such activity. Similarly, labor Organizations may not restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of these rights.

Examples of Employer Conduct Which Violate the NLRA Are:

. * Threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for a union or engage in protected concerted activity.
. * Threatening to close the plant if employees select a union to represent them.
. * Questioning employees about their union sympathies or activities in circumstances that tend to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under the Act.
. * Promising benefits to employees to discourage their union support.
. * Transferring, laying off, terminating or assigning employees more difficult work tasks because they engaged in union or protected concerted activity.

Examples of Union Conduct Which Violate the NLRA Are:

. * Threats to employees that they will lose their jobs unless they support the union's activities.
. * Refusing to process a grievance because an employee has criticized union officers.
. * Fining employees who have validly resigned from the union for engaging in protected activity following their resignation.
. * Seeking the discharge of an employee for not complying with a union shop agreement, when the employee has paid or offered to pay a lawful initiation fee and periodic dues.
. * Refusing referral or giving preference in a hiring hall on the basis of race or union activities.

What We Do Not Do . . .

We do not enforce--

. * Various federal laws within the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor. For example:
. o Fair Labor Standards Act
. o Wage Garnishment Provisions of Various Statutes
. o Public Contracts Act
. o Service Contract Act
. o Davis-Bacon and Related Acts
. o Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
. * Various state laws relating to employment. For example:
. o Unemployment Compensation Statutes
. o Workman's Compensation Statutes
. o Equal Employment Statutes.
. o Various statutes within the jurisdiction of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.


Are You Excluded From the NLRA's Coverage?

The NLRA specifically excludes from its coverage individuals who are:

. * employed as agricultural laborers.
. * employed in the domestic service of any person or family in a home.
. * employed by a parent or spouse. employed as an independent contractor.
. * employed as a supervisor.
. * employed by an employer subject to the Railway Labor Act.
. * employed by a Federal, State or local government.
. * employed by any other person who is not an employer as defined in the NLRA.


When Do We Take Action?

If you have any question regarding your work situation that you would like to discuss with this Agency, our Information Officer will be happy to speak with you. The Information Officer is a professional who is experienced in the investigation of unfair labor practice charges. The Information Officer can be contacted by phone, mail or in person to discuss the question which you wish to present to the Agency. The Information Officer can provide you with information which will assist you in deciding whether or not to file an unfair labor practice charge.

If you wish to file a charge, we can provide you with the appropriate forms and assistance in completing these forms.

You should be aware that the Act provides that allegations of unfair labor practice violations must be filed and served within 6 months of the occurrence of the conduct alleged as violative.

What Can You Expect, If You File a Charge?

If you file a charge, you should be prepared to tell us the name and address of the employer or union against whom you are filing the charge. In addition, you must tell us the nature of your complaint. You will be required to state your current address on the charge form as well as sign the charge.

A copy of the charge will be served upon the employer or union against whom you are complaining.

After the charge is filed, we will receive your evidence in support of the charge. Receipt of your evidence, including sworn statements, may occur at the time you file the charge. If this does not happen, an NLRB agent will contact you shortly after the charge is filed for the purpose of receiving your evidence in support of the charge.

If sufficient evidence is revealed to warrant the continuation of the investigation, the Board agent assigned to your case will contact other witnesses who possess relevant information and the charged union or employer.

Following the investigation of this matter, a review of the evidence will be made. If it appears that no violation of the NLRA has taken place, the Board agent will ask you to withdraw the charge. If you decide not to withdraw, the Regional Office will dismiss your charge. You will then have the opportunity, if you desire, to appeal the Region's dismissal to the Office of Appeals in Washington, D.C.

If after reviewing the evidence it appears that a violation has occurred, the charged employer or union will be asked to remedy the violation. If the charged party refuses tp voluntarily remedy the matter, a formal complaint will issue against the charged party and the case will be set for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. During the hearing evidence will be presented concerning the allegations of the complaint. The hearing before the Administrative Law Judge and its possible review by the Board or U.S. Courts will determine what, if any, remedy you may receive as a result of your charge.

NLRB Offices:

Our office addresses are located in the telephone directory under the United States Government, National Labor Relations Board. The address and phone number of the office closest to you is:

MAIN OFFICE: Washington, DC 20570-0001
1099 14th Street, N.W.,
Telephone (202) 273-1000

Albany, NY 12207-2350
Albuquerque, NM 87102-2181
Anchorage, AK 99513-3546
Atlanta, GA 30323-3301
Baltimore, MD 21202-4026
Birmingham, AL 35203-3502
Boston, MA 02222-1072
Brooklyn, NY 11201-4201
Buffalo, NY 14202-2387
Chicago, IL 60606-5208
Cincinnati, OH 45202-3271
Cleveland, OH 44199-2086
Denver, CO 80202-5433
Des Moines, IA 50309-2116
Detroit, MI 48226-2569
Fort Worth, TX 76102-6178
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3022
Hartford, CT 06103-3599
Hato Rey, PR 00918-1720
Honolulu, HI 96850-4980
Houston, TX 77002-2649
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1577
Jacksonville, FL 32202-4412
Las Vegas, NV 89101-6637
Little Rock, AR 72201-3489
Los Angeles, CA 90017-5455
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3682
Memphis, TN 38104-3627
Miami, FL 33130-1608
Milwaukee, WI 53203-2211
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2291
Nashville, TN 37203-3816
Newark, NJ 07102-2570
New Orleans, LA 70112-3723
New York, NY 10278-0104
Oakland, CA 94612-5211
Overland Park, KS 66212-4677
Peoria, IL 61602-1246
Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404
Phoenix, AZ 85004-2212
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4173
Portland, OR 97201-6604
St. Louis, MO 63103-2829
San Antonio, TX 78205-2040
San Diego, CA 92101-2939
San Francisco, CA 94103-1735
Seattle, WA 98174-1078
Tampa, FL 33602-5824
Tulsa, OK 74127-8916
Washington, DC 20570-0001
Winston-Salem, NC 27106-3325

For more information, see the NLRB website:


________ The Survivor Gita _______________________

Who will replace the "Sen'ou Nezumi" ?

Nikken, the Usurper King of the Rats at Taisekiji, has been replaced by Nichinyo, who is an angry member of the elite, due to too many blows to the head. A little punchy, and brief in his rule, since Nikken has plans for his son to take over.

One thing that is known for certain: There will be a new Rat King. And quickly there will be another.

Another thing that is known for certain: All the alliances will change, and more than once. Anyone that has watched Survivor knows this.

Rule Number Zero:

The War of the Rodents can only be won by ... King Rat.

More to come ... These questions will be answered !!!



LS Chap. 16 .....

All harbor thoughts of yearning
and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.
When living beings have become truly faithful,
honest and upright, gentle in intent,
single-mindedly desiring to see the Buddha
not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,
then I and the assembly of monks
appear together on Holy Eagle Peak.
At that time I tell the living beings
that I am always here, never entering extinction,
but that because of the power of an expedient means
at times I appear to be extinct, at other times not,
and that if there are living beings in other lands
who are reverent and sincere in their wish to believe,
then among them too
I will preach the unsurpassed Law.
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