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Is Israel Winning the War in Gaza?

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Jan 7, 2024, 8:02:29 PMJan 7
by Hussain Abdul-Hussain

Iranian and Arab pundits, both radical and moderate (on state-run TV),
seem to have reached a consensus that Israel is not winning in Gaza.
Arab loyalists to Tehran go as far as to argue they see signs of mass
Jewish emigration out of Israel. In their telling, all the land—from
the river to the sea—will then become Palestine.

But while Israel cannot claim a conclusive victory yet, trends suggest
the Jewish state is beating its enemies.

Every Israeli “has a second nationality and has his bag ready,” said
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, in Lebanon, on Wednesday—invoking
the popular canard that there is no real Jewish people, only a
collection of European settlers on Arab land. “Reverse [Jewish]
migration has begun, hundreds of thousands” have already left, he
said. “If you are an Israeli with an American passport, go to America,
with a British passport, go to England, with a French passport go to
France,” Nasrallah said. He added: “You Israelis have only this
future, the land of Palestine from the sea to the river will be for
Palestinians only.”

Not so fast. Israel has been killing top Iran Revolutionary Guard
Corps (IRGC), Hamas, and Hezbollah officers at such a rate that
funerals and eulogies have sucked the oxygen out of its enemies’
public life.

“...while Israel cannot claim a conclusive victory yet, trends suggest
the Jewish state is beating its enemies.”
Nasrallah delivered his remarks in commemoration of the fourth
anniversary of America taking out top IRGC leader Qassem Soleimani.
Nasrallah’s speech came two weeks after Israel assassinated IRGC’s
Syria viceroy, Razi Mousavi, and six days after an Israeli airstrike
allegedly killed 11 top IRGC officers. In Gaza, Israel has eliminated
at least a dozen senior Hamas leaders.

The day before Nasrallah’s speech, Israel had surgically taken out
Hamas’ number two, Saleh Al-Arouri, and six other Hamas leaders who
were meeting in Beirut’s southern suburb, a Hezbollah stronghold.

To top it all, since Hezbollah joined the war on Israel on Oct. 8, per
Nasrallah, the Jewish state has killed at least 150 fighters of the
Radwan Forces, Hezbollah’s “special forces.” In the ensuing battles,
Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health has reported fewer than 20
Lebanese non-combatants killed, attesting not only to Israel’s
surgical strike capabilities, but also to its intelligence prowess.

Iran’s Islamist regime and its allied militias seem to understand that
their conventional military power is no match for Israel’s. Nasrallah
justified the relative weakness of his side by arguing that had it not
been for America, its military aid, and the deployment of its fearful
aircraft carriers, Israel would have been toast.

With few tools left to respond to Israel’s power, Iran and its allies
started threatening an “all-out war.” Nasrallah threatened to wipe
out—with his missiles—Gush Dan, the highly populated coastal strip
centered on Tel Aviv.

Nasrallah’s threats, however, sounded hollow when he blamed Israel for
escalation, signaling that he was not interested in doing so.
Meanwhile, the leader of the Iran-led “resistance axis,” Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, reportedly counseled “strategic patience” to avoid direct
war with America. America’s deterrence seems to be working.

Has Israel reaped the fruits of its military superiority in Gaza?
Skeptics note that—three months into the war—top Hamas leaders in
Gaza, namely its chief Yahya Sinwar and his brother Muhammad, in
addition to Muhammad Deif, remain at large. Hamas has also continued
to launch rockets into Israel, suggesting that the organization’s
command-and-control is still working.

But if Hamas’ rocket frequency is any measure, one can deduce that
Hamas has been weakened. Add the number of Hamas tunnels in Gaza that
Israel has found and destroyed, and the territory that it has wrestled
from the Palestinian militia, and it becomes clear that the Israeli
military is succeeding, so far at the cost of 170 soldiers who have
fallen since the beginning of the invasion on Oct. 30. Hamas does not
disclose its losses, but the IDF estimates it has killed upwards of
8,000 fighters.

The Gaza war is not over yet, but trends are unmistakable: Israel
continues to erode Hamas’ capabilities, so much so that the Jewish
state has felt ready for another front—on the north with Hezbollah—if
need be. If current trends continue, Hamas will be too weak to mount
attacks, as its leaders lose hiding space, making them more vulnerable
to being caught, or likely to seek refuge abroad, perhaps with their
colleagues in Qatar.

“The Israeli entity [suffers] the loss of confidence in its political
leadership, its military leadership… all of this leads to weakness,
slackness, discord, and internal discord,” Nasrallah said in July.?
“All the Israeli arrogance and tyranny [and yet] you can see today
where this entity is: Where is its army? Where is the future of this
entity going?” the Hezbollah chief asked. “Fading into oblivion,” he

Nasrallah, and with him Iran’s Khamenei and Hamas, have mistaken
Israel’s peacetime demobilization with weakness. Nasrallah and
Khamenei have not learnt the lesson from one of the most famous Arab
poetry verses: “If you see the lion’s canines, don’t assume that the
lion is smiling.”

Israel looks to be on its way to beating its enemies in yet another
round of fighting. But for its victory to be fruitful, the government
will have to hand the reins from its generals to its diplomats, with
an eye toward finding Arab and Palestinian partners ready to forge
peace and build prosperity in Gaza, rather than turning it into a
terrorist stronghold once again.


Jan 8, 2024, 9:27:04 AMJan 8
NefeshBarYochai wrote:

> ... for its victory to be fruitful ...

Reminds one of TTC 30 and TTC 31.

The final line of TTC 30 has a time.
A word, zao, suggests how long.

Logic might conflict a bit with
just how soon a not-Tao way
ends. A day, months, years.

A few ways are said to be not the Way
or Ways of Taoism per se.

And yet, then again.

- humm. aum. Thanks! Cheers!


Jan 8, 2024, 10:38:52 AMJan 8
one linked to and wrote:

>Reminds one of TTC 30 and ....


>A few ways are said to be not the Way
>or Ways of Taoism per se.

Force or violence, in DDJ 30 and in DDJ 53,
unless it's reaching an apex, a prime, a peak.
Riches, robbery, great wealth and materialism.
Consumerism might be said to be not Tao seeing
as there well may be people who are unwell, etc.

Even still, a great thief is said to have Dao.

When winners exist, losers could emerge.
DDJ 2 arrives in mind at this time.

- hmm. om. thanks! aye. Cheers!


Jan 8, 2024, 6:20:01 PMJan 8

A Hebrew inscription found in Caesarea dating to the late 3rd or early 4th
century mentions Nazareth as the home of the priestly Hapizzez / Hafizaz
family after the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–135 CE). From the three fragments
that have been found, the inscription seems to be a list of the twenty-four
priestly courses: 24 x 7 x 13 = #2184 or 6D x #364 x 49 = 6J, with each
course (or family) assigned its proper order and the name of each town or
village in GALILEE where it settled.

#260 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 5 JANUARY as [#80, #90, #90] /
#265 as [#5, #80, #90, #90] = Pitstsêts (H6483): {UMBRA: #265 % #41 = #19}
0) Aphses = 'to break'; 1) a priest, chief of the 18th course in the
service of the temple in the time of David;

Nazareth is located in the northern part of Israel, in GALILEE. The Jordan
River, where John the Baptist performed baptisms, is situated in the
southern part of the country, near the SEA OF GALILEE. The Jordan River
represents a significant border in the Old Testament and symbolizes
transition and new beginnings. The river was crucial in the Israelites'
journey from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. Through the Jordan
River, the Israelites, led by Joshua, crossed into the land that God had
promised them.



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Jan 9, 2024, 3:32:55 PMJan 9
aye wrote:

>When winners exist, losers could emerge.
>DDJ 2 arrives in mind at this time.

Given: Tao Chia.
Winning a war sounds kinda like an oxymoron.

Beer o'clock on the other hand suggests a face
and more than a second when three hands exist.

A watch that is a watch could be, the Watch.
Although, Fuzzy wasn't really fuzzy.

- thanks! Cheers!
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