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Dr. Marc Siegel: Ancient typhus is plaguing modern day liberal paradise Los Angeles – How did we get here, what should we do?

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Leroy N. Soetoro

2019年2月24日 13:51:422019/2/24

Medieval life has made its way to modern-day Los Angeles, where groups of
4,000 or more homeless people huddle together on city streets constituting
a “typhus zone.” In the heart of this west coast metropolis, storm drains
are used for bodily waste, garbage piles up, and rats – yes, rats -
(carrying fleas with typhus bacteria) swarm.

The rats are everywhere, climbing over the people, feeding off the
garbage. Unfortunately, many of the fleas carry a tiny bacteria, a
rickettsia, known as murine typhus. The fleas spread typhus to humans when
flea-feces comes in contact with a victim’s cuts or their eyes.

What is typhus? Typhus is an ancient scourge that has been around for
thousands of years. It’s the name for a group of infectious diseases that
can leave patients with severe headaches, a fever, and a rash.


Of course, it has no place in a modern advanced society but there doesn’t
seem to be any way for L.A. to get rid of it. The mayor of Los Angeles,
Eric Garcetti, has pledged his support and funding to clean up the
garbage, but so far the problem is getting worse, not better.

Ironically enough, this past week the typhus endemic spread to L.A. city
hall itself, with rats and fleas infesting the old building to the point
where LA officials are considering ripping out all the carpeting. Deputy
City Attorney Liz Greenwood, who contracted typhus in City Hall said, “It
felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes and out the
back of my neck.”

Indeed, typhus does cause a severe headache. It also may cause fever,
muscle aches, fatigue, and a rash. It can be treated effectively with an
antibiotic (doxycycline). Unfortunately, most of the homeless on the
streets of L.A. don’t have access to the treatment.

L.A.’s homeless populations lives in cars, in tents, in lean-tos, in
cardboard boxes. These streets were never intended for human habitation.
There is a serious housing shortage in L.A. which has contributed to the
growing numbers of homeless.

Homelessness surged by 75 percent from 2012 to 2018, due to a shortage of
shelters or crumbling buildings to seek refuge in.

There are currently over 50,000 homeless people in L.A. County, with over
30,000 of them in the city of LA alone.

The homeless population is varied. First, almost a third of the homeless
in Los Angeles are suffering from chronic mental illness. Second, among
homeless adults with children, almost a third have reported working at
least part-time. Imagine how dangerous it is from a public health point of
view for working mothers with children to be living on the streets.

Unfortunately, L.A.’s restrictive land use policies have exacerbated the
housing shortage brought on by businesses pulling up stakes and leaving

In New York City, which has put billions of dollars into its shelter
system, only 5 percent of the homeless population does not have access to
shelters, in L.A. by contrast, the number is a whopping 75 percent.
Whereas the New York City government allocates roughly $17,000 for each
homeless person, in LA it is only $5,000.


Cheap affordable subsidized housing in the form of projects and shelters
are crucial to addressing the garbage/rats/fleas/typhus problem, even as
regulations are loosened to attract more businesses. In addition, I
believe that access to treatment for chronic mental illness including
schizophrenia could be combined with placement programs.


We also need more direct public health services in terms of disease
screenings and available antibiotics to treat typhus, which infected at
least 124 people last year in L.A., and probably hundreds more whose
symptoms went unreported.

Simply cleaning up the garbage in so-called “typhus zones” will not solve
the problem, as people who have nowhere to go and nowhere to dispose of
their waste will simply make more. And more garbage means more rats which
means more fleas which means more typhus. Perhaps now that typhus has
reached City Hall, the message will finally be received.

Donald J. Trump, 304 electoral votes to 227, defeated compulsive liar in
denial Hillary Rodham Clinton on December 19th, 2016. The clown car
parade of the democrat party ran out of gas and got run over by a Trump

Congratulations President Trump. Thank you for cleaning up the disaster
of the Obama presidency.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp.

ObamaCare is a total 100% failure and no lie that can be put forth by its
supporters can dispute that.

Obama jobs, the result of ObamaCare. 12-15 working hours a week at minimum
wage, no benefits and the primary revenue stream for ObamaCare. It can't
be funded with money people don't have, yet liberals lie about how great
it is.

Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in the eight
years he was in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood queer
liberal democrat donors.

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