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Dori ... Beeb and Cissy
"Nhu" <nhu...@optonline.net> wrote in message news:_Mvod.4$Op...@fe11.lga...
Happy Thanksgiving, all!
Anita, Jessie, and Quark
>I'm not getting any messages either Nhu ... I have only received one. This
>is very unusual ... Is everyone sleeping? Away on Vacation? or is my mail
>server screwed up? Enquiring minds want to know :-)
I suspect people are getting ready for the holiday on thursday, and a
lot are not in work this week and the volume is just low...
beth and her cute little fuzzbutts, :)
I have a rabbit story, I don't know that it's a good one ... But all's well
that ends well :-) We took Beeb and Cissy out into the yard today and they
were having a blast, racing at top speed across the yard and doing circles
and binkys. Beeb raced back to the back door and then turned around to race
back onto the top level of the back yard ... Well, Cissy didn't see him
coming and they both raced head-on into each other. It was a tense moment, I
heard the crack as their heads hit and was sure someone was hurt. They both
looked stunned for a second then shook their heads and took off on another
lap around the yard. They seem perfectly normal tonight and there don't seem
to be any concussions ... What a pair.
Dori ... Beeb and Cissy
Anita, Jessie, and Quark
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 22:03:04 -0500, "scGram"
<dor...@REMOVEwriteme.com> wrote:
,,,Beeb raced back to the back door and then turned around to race
>back onto the top level of the back yard ... Well, Cissy didn't see him
>coming and they both raced head-on into each other. It was a tense moment, I
>heard the crack as their heads hit and was sure someone was hurt. They both
>looked stunned for a second then shook their heads and took off on another
>lap around the yard...
Happy Birthday, Jessie. Sorry about Bear, Laura. And,
Stevedrrf, your recent post on your bunny's abscess does
not show up on AOL at all at the present moment.
Daryl the PeskyRabbit
"Nhu" <nhu...@optonline.net> wrote in message news:_Mvod.4$Op...@fe11.lga...
scGram wrote:
> I'm not getting any messages either Nhu ... I have only received one. This
> is very unusual ... Is everyone sleeping? Away on Vacation? or is my mail
> server screwed up? Enquiring minds want to know :-)
8-) Professor :-P Merlin & ;-) The Jump
Bucky, Mouse, Junior, & Patches
(Jackie & Sasha)
scGram wrote:
> I have a rabbit story, I don't know that it's a good one ... But all's well
> that ends well :-) We took Beeb and Cissy out into the yard today and they
> were having a blast, racing at top speed across the yard and doing circles
> and binkys. Beeb raced back to the back door and then turned around to race
> back onto the top level of the back yard ... Well, Cissy didn't see him
> coming and they both raced head-on into each other. It was a tense moment, I
> heard the crack as their heads hit and was sure someone was hurt. They both
> looked stunned for a second then shook their heads and took off on another
> lap around the yard. They seem perfectly normal tonight and there don't seem
> to be any concussions ... What a pair.
Sorry to hear you had to be in the hospital again.
Happy Thanksgiving, all.
Anita, Jessie, and Quark
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 04:19:04 GMT, "PeskyRabbit"
<Reply...@PeskyRabbit.com> wrote:
>Well, I have been in the Hospital again so, I have been
>gone since Thursday, myself...
Yes, this have been the craziest past
12 months that could ever be imagined.
Never a dull moment with personal stuff,
work, freinds, bunnies, and hurricanes.
Looking forward to the holiday's!
"Anita" <a...@austin.rr.com> wrote in message
"nona" <ncle...@att.net> wrote in message
I said I wanted weather... well, I got it this year. I understand the
"turn around, don't drown" now. We've had a few people who got swept
away in the rivers around here. I have a great respect for high water
now. The rivers and creeks can go from a trickle to a torrent in no
time at all.
I think we're going to have a great Thanksgiving.
Anita, Jessie, and Quark
I noticed this too. I hope you are feeling better Daryl.
Lisa & the "Fab Four" - Cartman, Wendy, Boo Boo and Hershey
remove nospam from address to email me
Dori ... Beeb and Cissy
"Professor" <Hoo...@UHF.net> wrote in message
scGram wrote:
> Sometimes I think Cissy doesn't realize that she's a rabbit ;-)