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Oops! Bald bunny butt!

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Lady Celena

Jan 29, 2002, 11:57:55 AM1/29/02
Okay, last night, I had to take my bunnies in a hurry from my
apartment to my husband's apartment (yes, we have two apartments, we
just got married and are looking for a house. He's got two cats, and
I've got three bunnies, so we couldn't have one apartment). My
apartment complex thinks I've got long eared cats, and last night they
left a note on the door saying they were doing pest removal in my
building, so I had to make sure my buns were gone in a hurry.

As it is, the bunnies and the cats seem to have no issues. One cat
completely ignores the bunnies, the other was curious, but didn't
touch them. And is now peeved that I spent a huge amoutn of time
grooming Trixie instead of her, but that's another question
altogether. *smirk*

At any rate, last night, I decided Trixie needed a good working-over.
Since she's been at my apartment, and I'm not there all the time, she
doesn't get groomed nearly as often as she is used to, and the cage
showed it. Fur EVERYWHERE. Fortunately Trixie loves her papaya and has
never had hairball issues. However, I decided she needed to be brushed
in a big way.

I tranced her and trimmed her toenails first, bringing out the nasty
in Trixie. She hates getting her toenails trimmed. She twitched and
fidgeted, pulling her feet away, attempting to not let me trim them.
Well, mission accomplished with much protestation on Trixie's part. My
pissybun does NOT like having her nails trimmed, period.

Then I brought out "the glove". One of those rubber gloves with the
white plastic brush-palms. It's softer than a slicker brush (which she
can't STAND), and easier on her than a shedding tool (which she also
hates with a passion). Usually after a good grooming session with
either brush or shedding tool, Trixie runs back into a corner, growls
and thumps at me, and won't speak to me for an hour. At least.

Well, she put up with the glove with good grace. Better than good
grace, actually. I spent an hour with her, instead of just brushing
her down, I was plucking her rear (which usually sheds FAR more than
anything else on her). I literally must have pulled three bunny's
worth of fur out of her bottom. She didn't object, so I figured she
must be fine.

Then I rolled her over to work on her tummy. That's when I noticed
what I'd done to the lower half of her backside.

Literally, Trixie now has a bald bum! On either side of her tail, her
butt is now no longer fuzzy! If she's just sitting on the floor, you'd
never notice that her butt has been balded, but when you roll her over
on her backside, there're now two fairly even bald patches on either
side of her bum!

Now Trixie being the pissybun she normally is, I expected that if
there were any issues, she'd complain about it. She normally lets me
know EXACTLY what I've done wrong and what needs to be done to do
something about it. But when I put her back in the cage (since I'm at
my husband's apartment and it's not bunny proofed, I can't let them
run around right now), she not only didn't thump and growl at me, she
came back to be petted some more!

Has anyone else ever had a bun who WANTED a bald butt? Maybe she
wanted some air conditioning?

I was so horrified when I realized I'd been so overzealous in all the
plucking, but she didn't object once, and still isn't objecting at
all! In fact, she chinned my fingers!

Anyone know what to do about a bald bottom? or if I should do anything
at all? Or keep going if she really wants it?

Cyd (the shocked butt-balding mommy...)


Jan 29, 2002, 2:34:09 PM1/29/02
>apartment complex thinks I've got long eared cats,



David Haynes

Jan 29, 2002, 3:02:51 PM1/29/02
We have an older bunny (8 yrs old) and have learned that bald bunny butt is
usually because they have sat in urine. Bunny urine is very caustic and will
make the hair fall out in about 24 hours after it happens. You did the right
thing by getting the old hair out.

Remember the bunny skin is VERY sensitive. There are two options we have
used with success.

1. Neosporin - this helps with bunnies all over as it tends to keep them
from infection. Use the type that has a mild pain killer in it.

2. Use a very mild lotion with aloe vera. Be very careful with this. Use
something maybe from a health food store. Low chemicals. The bunny butt
will turn red a bit as the skin is sensitive. Bunnies will not let you know
if you are burning their skin. Again very sensitive.

We have tried A&D cream or other creams used for baby rearends without much

The joy you will have later on is that the fur will grow back in the most
wonderous way.

Good luck

David (slave to King George I)

"Lady Celena" <> wrote in message


Jan 29, 2002, 4:32:14 PM1/29/02
LOL!! aww!! she sounds like a little darling.....
as for the baldness.... my rabbit, Snowflake gets a baldspot on his neck....
as long as the flesh is soft, pink, healthy looking and intact and dry (not
peeling or flaking but dry to the touch and nice and warm, kinda like a
little old man's bald head.... or even better, like a newborn baby's skin)
you don't have to do anything to "care for it" but just make sure that there
is no change... =) hope this helps!

"Lady Celena" <> wrote in message

Lady Celena

Jan 29, 2002, 4:43:47 PM1/29/02

No really! That's what my LAST apartment complex called them!!! :)

They had a "cats only" policy... However, when I told the rental agent
I had bunnies, she just said they were "long eared cats" on the lease.
:) I was so careful about keeping them clean and quiet, there were
never any issues, and the people who owned the complex never knew...

However, this newest complex, much as they allow cats, REFUSED to
allow me to have bunnies... At least, the owner did. The rental agent
said "what we don't know won't hurt us"... Hence having to remove all
three buns before the pest control people got there! *smirk*

There are now three large cages cleaned and stacked on top of each
other in the corner of my apartment, looking like they're just being
stored there... Since we've got a bid in on a new home and should be
moving in two months or less, there shouldn't be a problem getting
away with THAT one at all!!! :)

Cyd :)


Jan 29, 2002, 4:57:03 PM1/29/02
Hi Cyd,

That's funny about Twixie's rear-end air-conditioning.

I quite often had similar results with Zane. He was dignified about it,
but I was chagrined. Their butt-fur just seems to come out really
easily during a moult.

The good news is that it also grows back in very rapidly. Zane would
have fuzz-coverage within days.

They do like the attention, even if they object to the particulars.


Congratulations on your marriage!


Jan 29, 2002, 9:06:24 PM1/29/02
Holliwood posterior has been plucked bald before, too. Overzealous grooming
on the hoomin's part, I suppose. It was a bit scary to see, at first - all
pink and soft as a baby's butt (no pun intended!). But he didn't care, and
it grew back just as lovely as ever. I do still have a huge gallon-size
Ziploc baggie of fur that was plucked that day... ;)

I wasn't the one to pluck him completely bald, a friend did. She was
MORTIFIED when she had to show me what happened! But, as I said, Holliwood
didn't care, and it grew back, so I never really worried about it.

Sommer, Holliwood (Look at my naked bum!) and Isobel (Has he no shame?!)

For great bunny photos, electronic postcards, free e-mail, links, references
and more, hop to... @


Jan 29, 2002, 11:17:50 PM1/29/02
>No really! That's what my LAST apartment complex called them!!! :

Oh, I believe you!

I indentify so much.

>The rental agent
>said "what we don't know won't hurt us"... Hence having to remove all
>three buns before the pest control people got there! *smirk*

LOL, I changed the locks on my doors.

No one gets in and no one gets out!

In over eight years I have not even had
one cockroach.



Jan 30, 2002, 12:10:45 AM1/30/02

> LOL, I changed the locks on my doors.
> No one gets in and no one gets out!
> In over eight years I have not even had
> one cockroach.

Wow, those are SOME locks! Do you think they would keep out spiders? If
so, where do I sign up?

Sommer, Holliwood (Spider! Eek!) and Isobel (Run away!)

Lady Celena

Jan 30, 2002, 10:52:23 AM1/30/02
"SlyKitten" <> wrote:
> LOL!! aww!! she sounds like a little darling.....

*laugh* Normally she ain't no darlin'! She was raised in a dog store,
and tends to growl and thump at you when you don't do what she
wants... *smirk*

> as for the baldness.... my rabbit, Snowflake gets a baldspot on his neck....
> as long as the flesh is soft, pink, healthy looking and intact and dry (not
> peeling or flaking but dry to the touch and nice and warm, kinda like a
> little old man's bald head.... or even better, like a newborn baby's skin)
> you don't have to do anything to "care for it" but just make sure that there
> is no change... =) hope this helps!

Oh good, that's about what it looks like. Pink and healthy, but as
bald as kojak!

Tonight she goes back to her big cage... so hopefully her butt should
be better... :) (if nothing else, I think I'm going to put some fake
sheepskin lining on the carpets in her cage, so they're spanking

Thanks for the advice!

Cyd :)

Lady Celena

Jan 30, 2002, 10:58:07 AM1/30/02
Nona <> wrote:
> Hi Cyd,
> That's funny about Twixie's rear-end air-conditioning.
> I quite often had similar results with Zane. He was dignified about it,
> but I was chagrined. Their butt-fur just seems to come out really
> easily during a moult.

Found that out last night when I groomed Spunky (who was in no mood to
put up with it and got annoyed at mommy, but his butt-fur didn't go
totally bald underneath, he had quarter inch hair under it already...)
So now he's got really short hair on his butt and longer moulting hair
elsewhere, but at least he didn't go totally bald like trixie's butt
did!!! :)

> The good news is that it also grows back in very rapidly. Zane would
> have fuzz-coverage within days.

Oh good. I don't feel so bad anymore. Hubby was giving me guilt trips
over it (and wondering how I managed to do that to Trixie, when I
never seem to bald his cats... *smirk*)...

> They do like the attention, even if they object to the particulars.

Hee hee!! Yup! Spunky didn't take to it nearly as well as Trixie, but
Spunky doesn't trance as easily either... for a pissy bun, Trixie
trances easily. Spunky doesn't like being tranced (which makes nail
trimming hell on earth... And I had fur everywhere because of him last
night!!! *grin*).

> Congratulations on your marriage!

Thank you! We're currently married, but the wedding is in May!!! :)

Cyd :)


Jan 30, 2002, 3:22:51 PM1/30/02
Lady Celena wrote:
> Thank you! We're currently married, but the wedding is in May!!! :)

Let's see now, you're married but you live in separate apartments
(sounds ideal to me!) and the wedding in in May.

Hmmmmmmm, do you think bunny owners tend to be screwballs?

I know I've been accused of having a few loose!



Jan 30, 2002, 6:25:00 PM1/30/02
Nona wrote

> Hmmmmmmm, do you think bunny owners tend to be screwballs?

Eccentric Nona, eccentric! ;-)

Laurie, Jon, Rosie, Patches and from the Bridge, Snowbelle **

**Note: all eccentric.


Jan 30, 2002, 11:24:37 PM1/30/02
you're welcome. =) the sheepskin is a really good idea!

"Lady Celena" <> wrote in message

Mary H.

Jan 30, 2002, 11:36:00 PM1/30/02
LOL I had to laugh because I've done the same thing to Romeo! You just
keep plucking away and then suddenly you see skin! I was horrified the
first time I did it too....but he got over it. =)


SlyKitten <> wrote in message

Lady Celena

Jan 31, 2002, 10:25:28 AM1/31/02
Nona <> wrote in message news:<>...

Okay okay, lemme splain.

No, it is too long, lemme sum up.

We want to have a house wedding. However having the wedding at the
house means we have to BUY the house. Which is a whole lot harder if a
couple isn't married. Catch 22.

Since we have five pets between the two of us, we can't just have one
apartment. No apartment complex will allow more than two pets (and
they don't know I have three).

So Jan 1, we went out, got a friend of ours who happens to be a
justice of the peace, got both sets of parents, went out to lunch, and
somewhere between ordering lunch and getting the salad, we said our "I

This week, we just put a bid down on a house. :)

Within two months, we'll have a house of our own, and have the
"wedding" at the house! That way we can invite as many people as we
want, and have a "rolling reception" where people can come and go as
they please all weekend... We'll set my parents to be "house sitters",
go find the honeymoon suite at a local hotel, leave our friends at the
house, anyone who's too blitzed to drive can crash on the floor for
the night, and we'll have brunch the next morning with whomever's left
on the floor. :)

It's an excuse to have a big party. :)

Hence, the two apartments, married but not yet wedded situtation. :)
Besides, we might as well have one apartment, we never stay in
separate places... :)

Cyd (exstatic because the place she put in a bid on has the lower
floor set up in such a way that not only does her hubby have his TV
room with a dry bar, but has a HUGE craft room for me to put all my
craft stuff in! And a bedroom upstairs just for the bunnies!!!)

Jan 31, 2002, 7:14:01 PM1/31/02
Lady Celena <> posted:

> Within two months, we'll have a house of our own, and have the
> "wedding" at the house! That way we can invite as many people as we
> want, and have a "rolling reception" where people can come and go as
> they please all weekend... We'll set my parents to be "house sitters",
> go find the honeymoon suite at a local hotel, leave our friends at the
> house, anyone who's too blitzed to drive can crash on the floor for
> the night, and we'll have brunch the next morning with whomever's left
> on the floor. :)
> It's an excuse to have a big party. :)

That was *exactly* the attitude we took towards our wedding, and it
was *outstanding*! We rented the New England Aquarium for the evening,
got married on the penguin feeding platform and then fed the guests
while they wandered around looking at fish.

Not the wedding my mother wanted for her only daughter (I wore blue
velvet with a gold beaded jacket), but just *perfect* for us.

> Hence, the two apartments, married but not yet wedded situtation. :)
> Besides, we might as well have one apartment, we never stay in
> separate places... :)

*grin* That's good.

> Cyd (exstatic because the place she put in a bid on has the lower
> floor set up in such a way that not only does her hubby have his TV
> room with a dry bar, but has a HUGE craft room for me to put all my
> craft stuff in! And a bedroom upstairs just for the bunnies!!!)

OOOH! Sounds perfect!

Because the global village has more than its fair share of idiots.

Beth aylward

Jan 31, 2002, 9:53:54 PM1/31/02
isn't it funny how we look for house with just the rigth area for our
bunnies? my real estate gal thought i was nuts. i kept saying, but there
has to be a bunny area. overhead protecton, cement and roosm for them.
but amber and sweet don't use ther 3rd bedroom they like under mommies
bed.. how did they get that spoiled? i didn't do it , i swear!!!! baby,
little and dusty have their own room. wood floors, of course with a
little rug so no slip sliding!!! congrats on the upcoming wedding...

beth and her cute little fuzzbutts :)

(with hair the color of strained peaches)


Feb 1, 2002, 12:04:49 AM2/1/02
to wrote:
> We rented the New England Aquarium for the evening,
> got married on the penguin feeding platform and then fed the guests
> while they wandered around looking at fish.
>No *that's* what I call a wedding!


Lady Celena

Feb 1, 2002, 10:09:13 AM2/1/02
to (Beth aylward) wrote:
> isn't it funny how we look for house with just the rigth area for our
> bunnies? my real estate gal thought i was nuts. i kept saying, but there
> has to be a bunny area. overhead protecton, cement and roosm for them.

*laugh* Well, Joe and I kept looking for a house with a well-lit
"bunny room" because I've got the three buns and he's got the cats. We
wanted to give the bunnies their own space, yet be able to insullate
them from the cats if there were issues.

Having brought them over to his apartment the other day, I think we
can safely say there are few issues to contend with. the cats ignore
the rabbits. the rabbits ignore the cats. no problem. :)

> but amber and sweet don't use ther 3rd bedroom they like under mommies
> bed.. how did they get that spoiled? i didn't do it , i swear!!!! baby,
> little and dusty have their own room. wood floors, of course with a
> little rug so no slip sliding!!!

This room has wall to wall carpeting, but I'm going to line it with a
layer of sheet plastic, then put my own carpeting over it (I have
special office tile carpeting that I take from place to place so I
don't have to worry about bunny "accidents", especially since this
carpet is cream colored). They've got some of this same carpeting
lining their cage floors, and I'm going to take some of it up the
walls, so when we eventually sell the house, there's no problems with
permanent marking. :)

> congrats on the upcoming wedding...

Thank you!!! :)

Cyd :)

Beth aylward

Feb 1, 2002, 9:55:37 PM2/1/02
that's even worse than me!! hehehehehe
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