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Cockatiel with Seizures

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Oct 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/22/99
Hi Everyone...

My 6 month old cockatiel just started having seizures.. He had his first one
two weeks ago and injured himself a little... When I went to his cage, I
noticed blood all over it.. Well, it was late and I couldn't do anything
for him that night, like take him to the vet and he did seem alright after
that.. Anyhow, the next day (a Saturday) he had another one and this time I
was there to see it all and was able to help him this time... I took him
out of the cage and held him for half an hour and called the vet.. He
finally snapped out of it.. So when we took him to the vet, he was normal..
Anyhow, the day before's seizure he had got his wing stuck on the cage floor
and broke a feather.. He had two blood feathers which the vet pulled out..
He also did blood work on him last week and I found out today that his
calcium and protien is low.. It took me a week to find out because I went
out of town... Anyhow, I'm to start him on the Harrison Diet, anyone hear
of that????

I do not only feed him seed, he gets a bean mix in the morning and in the
evening and he's been eating really good... Minus the seizures he's is

A few things I was wondering about...

Are seizures common in Cockatiels??? Has anyone every had a tiel have
seizures??? Is there anything they can do for them?? I read on the net
they can give them a dialute form of some antiseizure medicine, is this

If you had/have a tiel who has seizures, is there anything you can do to
make their cage safer so when they do have a seizure and your not around,
they don't injure themselve really bad?????

Casey (my tiel) has a 3rd seizure one night this week, I don't know when..
But last night when I put him to bed, I noticed blood on his sheet that I
use to cover him up at night with.. I then saw some blood on the newspaper
that I laid down on the floor of his cage.. I did that so hopefully when he
does have another seizure he won't hurt himself too bad.. The one seizure
I did catch, he would get his left wing caught under the cage floor.. Which
is bars...

I really want to try and keep him safe, but it's so hard to do so when I
don't watch him all the time.. It's impossible to keep an eye on him all day
long.. I don't work, but still...

If anyone can help, I would really be grateful!!!!

Thanks for anything,
( )


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
to <> wrote in message

It may not be seziures. It could be night fright. They do not see well at
night and can get spooked by sounds. Try not covering the cage, and leave a
small night light on. That way he can see what boogie man is coming to get

Jim in NC


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99

Morgans <> wrote in message

> <> wrote in message
> news:7uqdsi$7p1$
> >
> > My 6 month old cockatiel just started having seizures.. He had his first
> one
> > two weeks ago and injured himself a little... When I went to his cage,
> > noticed blood all over it.. Well, it was late and I couldn't do
> > for him that night, like take him to the vet and he did seem alright
> > that.. Anyhow, the next day (a Saturday) he had another one >
> It may not be seziures. It could be night fright. They do not see well
> night and can get spooked by sounds. Try not covering the cage, and leave
> small night light on. That way he can see what boogie man is coming to
> him.
> Jim in NC
When I first read your post a few days ago I thought this also. But, I
assumed the vet must be right...of course that is not necessarily a good

Having soothed a lutino through two night frights already, they are scary
and can be bloody...although mine was lucky in that regard and there was
just a little blood on the beak.

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
First , yes I sold a cockatiel to a lady who let it roam free in her
house. One day it started having seizures. We took the bird to Dr.
Stoddard in Norco Ca. (wonderful vet) he found the bird had lead
poisoning.( from getting on top of a book case and chewing on a pencil
while she was at work) I have heard of other birds having seizures
from lack of Calcium too. Take the perches out of his cage so he stays
on the floor until he is well. Add extra Calcium which you can get at
the vets, add pellets or see to his diet ! My next suggestion you
will not like. Since you do not want to watch him all the time, even
though he is ill, find him a new and loving owner!


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
First of all, pencils are made of graphite, not lead, so I don't see how
that could have caused lead poisoning in the bird. Maybe from chewing on
old paint or something, but not from the pencil.

And why in the world would you tell Lisa to give her bird away? What were
you thinking? She NEVER said she didn't love the bird or want to care for
it. Sheesh! Maybe you should think before you post!

<> wrote in message

Dan Spencer

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99

Laurie <> wrote in message

> First of all, pencils are made of graphite, not lead, so I don't see how
> that could have caused lead poisoning in the bird. Maybe from chewing on
> old paint or something, but not from the pencil.

Laurie is correct. Graphite is pure carbon just like diamonds. The lead
could not have come from the paint in the pencil either since the paint on
pencils has been lead free for many years. This fact throws a huge wrench
into the credibility of the whole story.

> And why in the world would you tell Lisa to give her bird away? What were
> you thinking? She NEVER said she didn't love the bird or want to care for
> it. Sheesh! Maybe you should think before you post!

I think that the fact that PCarney posted an obviously bogus story means
that people should take her dubious advice with a grain of salt.



Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99

pooyai <> wrote in message
Do try the night light. Nothing to loose. I was baby sitting a friend's
bird a couple of weeks ago, and that was the only thing that would prevent
nightly episodes.

Jim in NC


Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99

<> wrote in message
> First , yes I sold a cockatiel to a lady who let it roam free in her
> house. One day it started having seizures. We took the bird to Dr.
> Stoddard in Norco Ca. (wonderful vet) he found the bird had lead
> poisoning.( from getting on top of a book case and chewing on a pencil
> while she was at work)

Okay, stop right there. Pencils have no lead in them at all and haven't
for at least the 50 years I've been alive. The "lead" in a pencil is
actually graphite, which is nothing more than one form of carbon. So if
your vet told you he got lead poisoning from eating a lead pencil then he's
not wonderful at all...but just plain stupid.

> I have heard of other birds having seizures
> from lack of Calcium too. Take the perches out of his cage so he stays
> on the floor until he is well. Add extra Calcium which you can get at
> the vets, add pellets or see to his diet ! My next suggestion you
> will not like. Since you do not want to watch him all the time, even
> though he is ill, find him a new and loving owner!

If all the people who couldn't watch their tiels all the time didn't have
tiels, there would cease to be a market for them. I'm sorry to be rude, but
that's a ridiculous comment you made.

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
No No laurie, I told her since she could not watch it even while it
was sick to find a new and loving owner for it, You know some people
love there birds dearly but cannot find the time no matter how they try
to care for a sick bird. I never said she did not love it. And a
VET, not a lay person told my friend her bird had lead poison from
chewing on a pencil, Not me! Maybe there is lead in graphite and to
top that she did find the pencil with the bill marks on it and no point.
I am sorry that you did not like my post.

Barbara Scanio

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
Hi! Lisa: I had a cockatiel about a year ago that died from seizures.
His name was wally, and he was my world he use to talk up a storm . he
took seizures allot, but like your bird if I took him out of the cage
and held him he would come out of them this went on for 7 years . The
vet told me it could be the led in the water so I tried changing the
water from tap to bottled , he was alright for a while , then one night
he took a seizure and he didn't come out of it , so 4 clock in the
morning I rushed him to the vet and had to live him there. the next day
and $400.00 later after calling the vet about nine times the vet told
me that wally had died at about 5 that after noon. I was devastated
like I lost a member of my family well he was a member of my family he
was a little human he talked and knew everything he was saying he
called everyone boo boo . Well anyway the vet told me he died from led
poisoning ,I don' know how true it was but I had to believe him . I
don't know if this helps you any but ask your vet and see what he says
Just know one thing you have to be careful of everything he eats the
vet also showed me in an xray that he must have gotten ahold of
something like a pearl or swallowed something small and round . I have
another cockatiel now its a female and I worry that the same thing will
happen to her so far so good she's 1 year old . Now I worry because
whenever you talk to her she constantly shakes her head like somethings
bothering her like maybe her ears I want to take her to a vet but after
wally's death I don't trust them Look I don't mean to scare you I just
don't want the same thing to happen to your bird . I hope you have a
good vet not like I had there was allot more that went on with this vet
but I can't get in to it it's to long of a story that's why I say that

Sincerely Barbara

Barbara Scanio

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
HI everyone :

Barbara Scanio

Oct 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/23/99
HI everyone : I heard that putting newspaper down on the bottom of
the cage is no good because they eat the paper and there's ink in the
paper I put white paper towels down and I never give my bird grit
because I heard it was no good for them, but I never heard about cuttle
bone not being good for them it has calcium in it. as far as putting any
food on the bottom of the cage I don't, because it might get
contaminated by his droppings . As for Lisa with the problem of her bird
and the bottom of the cage where the grate is put a terry cloth towel
down for cushioning so the bird don't get hurt when he has seizures .

Dan Spencer

Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99

<> wrote in message

> No No laurie, I told her since she could not watch it even while it
> was sick to find a new and loving owner for it, You know some people
> love there birds dearly but cannot find the time no matter how they try
> to care for a sick bird. I never said she did not love it. And a
> VET, not a lay person told my friend her bird had lead poison from
> chewing on a pencil, Not me! Maybe there is lead in graphite

Graphite is pure carbon. If a vet to your friend that, then the vet is a
quack. A veterinarian doctor needs to be proficient in chemistry. I
learned that graphite was pure carbon in a junior high school chemistry

> and to
> top that she did find the pencil with the bill marks on it and no point.

The bird could not have possibly died from lead poisoning from chewing a
pencil. The paint on pencils has been lead free for many, many years.

> I am sorry that you did not like my post.

Personally, I found your post rather amusing.




Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
There is ZERO lead in graphite.

<> wrote in message
> No No laurie, I told her since she could not watch it even while it
> was sick to find a new and loving owner for it, You know some people
> love there birds dearly but cannot find the time no matter how they try
> to care for a sick bird. I never said she did not love it. And a
> VET, not a lay person told my friend her bird had lead poison from

> chewing on a pencil, Not me! Maybe there is lead in graphite and to

> top that she did find the pencil with the bill marks on it and no point.

Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
Okay I am going to make one more comment here and that is it on pencils.
That IS what the vet said. he is a well know vet, used to be the vet
who wrote the articles in BIRD WORLD and in My Opinion HE IS A GOOD
AVIAN VET. my opinion. Now Good it not be possible that graphite
causes the same type of poisoning as lead? And instead of saying
graphite poisoning he said LEAD because they would understand that
better. I am not saying he was right! I am saying what he to my
friend who bought this bird from me. Now the dictionary says a small
stick of graphite as used in pencils, so I do know what graphite is.
I bred and raised birds from 1974 until 1995, so I am no stranger to
the bird world, This incident took place in 1977-1979. I do agree with
the one who said it might be paint, as the pencil was found on top of
an old antique bookcase. STILL, I was repeating what the vet said.
Now I am awfully sorry if you have a problem with that, but that is
the way it is. I did not set out to hurt anyone nor to mislead anyone,
I will send everyone a wet noodle and let you take 20 lashes if you
think I did. Read my other posts you will see I do know a litttle bit
about birds.


Oct 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/24/99
That bird may very well have died from lead poisoning, but I guarantee you
it wasn't from eating the pencil! If it was nibbling on peeled paint from
the antique bookcase, that probably is what did it. Or it could have come
from the water it was getting, or a host of other sources. Your friend may
have just assumed that because she found the chewed pencil, and the vet said
lead poisoning, that was what caused the bird's death.

I mostly took issue with you telling Lisa to find someone 'loving and caring
to take her bird'. You insinuated that she was neither. First of all, the
fact that she posted her questions here proves that she loves and cares for
her bird enough to seek help. Secondly, you assume she doesn't have enough
time to care for this sick bird. On what are you basing your assumptions?
Your post made you sound ignorant and insensitive.


<> wrote in message

Sandra K.

Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
Lead poisoning from a pencil? I think not, unless it was a verrrrry
old pencil. Pencils use graphite. Maybe the lead poisoning was from
paint chips. Tiels will chew on anything.
Reach me by ICQ. My ICQ# is 35916718
eFax (707) 924-1973
Sandra in Modesto, California... home of 4 humans,
6 birds, 3 cats, 3 guinea pigs, uncounted pet mice,
and Marvin, the Marvelous Rat.

Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
I will agree with you Lauri, after I reread the post it did sound rude
and I truly did not mean it to. I was just suggesting that if she had
to much on her plate at home to find a home---- no a loving, caring
home--- for her bird. Oh by the way, if I may be allow to make this
clear in this post THAT bird did not die. The vet gave her an
injection which he said would help her if she had ingested ''LEAD'
She came home 2 days later, eating , and strutting around. I do
know the difference from lead and graphite. As you can tell I am no
spring chicken. Still when I say pencil I say a lead pencil, I
wondered if this is not what the vet did. But you brought up the
point, maybe that is the what she assumed because of finding the
pencil. That could very well have been, Please accept my apologies
Lisa, I was not being mean, I guess I just did not couch my
suggestion in soft enough tones. Now having said all that , I have
to say this : I have had to give a bird away to a loving couple, so
I know how much it hurts, but you know what-- I loved my bird enough
to do it . so while you thought that statement was mean! I meant it in
a loving way, and I knew she would not like to hear the suggestion, I
thought of e-mailing you this but apparently other in this group think
I am a mean nasty person too, so while it is to you I also want others
to know, I meant no harm and was not being MEAN!

Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99

Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
Laurie et al: First let me say that bird did not DIE, The vet gave
her an injection that was intended to neutralize LEAD, if she had
ingested that. It worked two days later she was home strutting her
stuff happy as can be! Now . I did not mean to hurt Lisa, I may
have couched that statement in the wrong manner, after having read it
I can see what your beef is. It did sound nasty. I did not intend it
to. I had to give a bird away to a loving caring couple and I KNOW
how that hurts. I know pencils have graphite in them people. As to
the composition of graphite I have not a clue. When I say pencil I say
LEAD pencil, giving away my age I suppose, But I just thought this is
what the doctor said too. Yes my friend probably assumed it was lead
because the injection worked. I thought it was paint from the
bookcase and said so at the time. Please if I have offended anyone I
am sorry. Now that is all I can say, can we just get on with the ng
now and quit sending punches over the airwaves.


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
> It may not be seziures. It could be night fright. They do not see well
> night and can get spooked by sounds. Try not covering the cage, and leave
> small night light on. That way he can see what boogie man is coming to
> him.
> Jim in NC

Jim, they weren't night frights.. This was definatly a seizure.. The first
and second seizures were during the day when his cage wasn't covered..
I've tried (when I first had him and then a few months after I got him) not
coving his cage, but he gets night frights big time.. I also have three cats
and a dog and we all know cats are night creatures.. So when he seems them
walking around the family room, he gets scared... I've also had to move him
to a darker room (the family room) because he's afraid of sunlight..hahaha
Silly bird... But these were definitely seizure...



Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
> Do try the night light. Nothing to loose. I was baby sitting a friend's
> bird a couple of weeks ago, and that was the only thing that would prevent
> nightly episodes.
> Jim in NC

He has the light from a street light that is rather bright in the family
room at night.. He doesn't have too many night frights anymore.. Usually if
they happen, they happen with in the first half hour after putting him to
bed... I'm certain it's not night frights... But he does seem to be doing
better, now that his diet has changed.. If any of you have been reading the
other "Cockatiel with Seizures" thread, that's all me too.. Sorry I posted
twice the first time...



Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
> When I first read your post a few days ago I thought this also. But, I
> assumed the vet must be right...of course that is not necessarily a good
> assumption.
> Having soothed a lutino through two night frights already, they are scary
> and can be bloody...although mine was lucky in that regard and there was
> just a little blood on the beak.

I've had to soothe Casey a few times when he's had night frights.. Perhaps
the last episode was a night fright and he just injured himself in the
process.. But I know for sure the other two episodes were not night
frights.. It was daylight and he was playing just fine.. After seeing the
episode that got me to take him to the vet, I'm certain it was a seizure..
The vet said that everything I described to him sounded to be a seizure...

I'm not sure if I described what I saw on the second episode or not, but
when I found him, he was at the bottom of the cage, his head almost turned
completely around to the back, he was falling to his left side, but would
throw his wing out.. I guess for support or something, I'm not sure... But
he would shake his head from side to side while it was turned back.. he
would grab ahold of the cage side, since he was on his side on the cage
bottom and then when he would turn his head more towards a normal turn, he
would grab tightly to the cage and not let go.. He would squeek a little
too.. He just looked like he wasn't certain which was was up... I took
him out of the cage and tried to put him in his little travel cage (no bars
on it, just your normal cat carrier), but he would just roll and roll with
his head still turned around.. I feared he would break a wing or worse,
break his neck..

So I held him tightly in my hands, forcing his head around the right way...
Rubbed the top of his head and talking to him calmly and softly.. That
worked.. Half an hour later he came out of it and started biting the cloth I
was holding him it.. When I put him down, he still stubbled to the left,
but his head was turned... I held him a little longer then put him in the
travel cage.. Then took him to the vet half an hour later...

I just hope he doesn't have anymore!!!! It's so painful to see your bird

Thanks for all the help!!

( )


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
> First , yes I sold a cockatiel to a lady who let it roam free in her
> house. One day it started having seizures. We took the bird to Dr.
> Stoddard in Norco Ca. (wonderful vet) he found the bird had lead
> poisoning.( from getting on top of a book case and chewing on a pencil
> while she was at work) I have heard of other birds having seizures

> from lack of Calcium too. Take the perches out of his cage so he stays
> on the floor until he is well. Add extra Calcium which you can get at
> the vets, add pellets or see to his diet ! My next suggestion you
> will not like. Since you do not want to watch him all the time, even
> though he is ill, find him a new and loving owner!

The vet suggested a diet change, to Harrison's Diet.. Which I've put him
on.. Still weaning him off the seed... I've taken out some perches, but
left the high ones because he loves those perches.. I've taken the ladder
and lower perches out because that's how he was hurting himself when he
would seize... The vet said the new pellet diet should be all he needs,
but I am giving him extra calcium and he seems to be doing fine now... I
also didn't say I didn't want to watch him all the time, I said I can't
watch him all the time.. Can you watch your birds every second of the day,
no... I can not watch him when it's night time, I can not watch him when I
leave the house.. There are times you just can't keep an eye on your bird...
It's not that I don't want too.. When I'm on the computer, I run down stairs
at ever peep I hear.. He's now got it that he makes a pitiful peep and I
come running to see what's wrong and he just wants me to hold him.. So now
I've trained him that I'll come running when he makes a sad peep.. It's
quite funny, but what can I say.. He's had 4 seizures in the last week
and a half, two of which I did not catch.. One was at night and the other
was the very first one... I wasn't home at the time.. The other two, I was
there and was able to help him..

I am a loving owner thank you very much.. I wouldn't have gotten him if I
wasn't going to be a loving owner... If I knew I couldn't take care of
him, I wouldn't have gotten him in the first place.. The lady who gave him
to me would have never given me the bird if she didn't think I was a good
"mother".. She treats all her birds (2 African Grey's, 2 Cockatiels and 2
Love birds) as if they were her own children.. I treat my bird, my cats and
dog as they were my own children since I can't have kids of my own... In
fact, I got Casey because I got in a baby mood and wanted something I could
care for like a child.. My cat gets tired of me wanting to hold her all the
time, but not Casey..hahaha And I got the baby I wanted in Casey.. He's
so incredible spoiled it's not even funny sometimes..hahaha But
unfortunately I can't watch him all the time.. One reason I don't have
kids!! I do have health problems which prevent me from doing a lot.. I do
stay home, but it's still hard to watch him every second...

In fact, I do know when I can no longer care for an animal.. And that
reason is because the medication I am causes memory loss... I have three
finches that I am giving to a friend because I keep forgetting about them
because I spend all my time with Casey.. He requires a whole lot more then
the Finches and cats do, that I tend to leave my finches out.. I don't mean
too, but I know I'm not a good finch mommy, so I am giving them to a good
friend who really wants them..

Anyhow, I am a good bird mom and a good animal mom.. People give me a hard
time at how I treat my animals because I treat them like they kids, but to
me, they are my kids.. Just a little more hairier or with feathers...

( )


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
Thank you Laurie...

I do love my bird very much.. I was crying most of the time Casey was
seizing.. I felt so helpless and I almost walked to the vet just so
someone could help me.. Mind you, I have a heart problem and walking is
something I can't do too much of.. So saying I would walk to the vet, is a
big, big thing for me!! I was scared he was going to die in my hands.. I
didn't know what to do.. I love him like most people love their kids...
Heck, I'd probably give my life for any one of my animals.. They are all my
babies and I don't know what I would do without any one of them.. People
don't realize that my animals are my life.. It may seem silly to say that,
but when you can't do much of anything or go anywhere, then you'll
understand.. Life if very precious to me and I would never just give
something away because I can't take care of it.. I would only give a pet
away when I completely forget about it.. Like I have done with my finches..
But I've given Casey so much attention (as I have to) that the finches tend
to get forgotten.. And it's not that I don't love them, it's because I
can't help that I forget... I get lost driving in a town I've lived in for
17 years.. So it's not like I forget because it's convienant..

Also, my bird is in his cage whenever I'm not there and usually is in his
cage when I'm around.. Because I do have three cats.. I am not about to
risk his life with my cats, even though two of my cats could careless about
the bird...

I love him and want what's best for him and giving him away isn't the best
thing for him or for me!! I would be devastated if I had to do that... And
so would Casey, because I'm all he has.. He's so attached to me that he
doesn't like anyone.. It would be very cruel for me to give him away!!!
I've had this bird since before he hatched.. Well, not technically, but I
went over to the lady's house twice a week until he was able to come home
with me.. So love and not being able to care for him is not at all the


Laurie <> wrote in message
> First of all, pencils are made of graphite, not lead, so I don't see how
> that could have caused lead poisoning in the bird. Maybe from chewing on
> old paint or something, but not from the pencil.

> And why in the world would you tell Lisa to give her bird away? What were
> you thinking? She NEVER said she didn't love the bird or want to care for
> it. Sheesh! Maybe you should think before you post!

> Laurie


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
But I never said I wasn't going to watch him while he was sick!!! First
off, I had to leave town after his second seizure.. I couldn't cancel my
trip.. I wanted too, but I couldn't... Trust me, I would have taken him
with me if I could!!! The day of his second seizure, I stayed in the room
just about the whole day... Then I had to leave town for a week.. When I
got back, he seemed just fine.. Then after I found out he had another
seizure during the night, I turned off all my TV's and kept running down the
stairs (something really hard for me to do) whenever I would hear a rustle
or a peep noise come from him.. Now he knows what that noise is to get me
to come down the stairs.. Now I have to stop doing that so he'll not make it
to get my attention whenever he wants it..hahaha Like I said in my last
message to your comments.. I do love my bird, but with my health, watching
him 24 hours a day is hard.. I tend to take a lot of naps because I tire
easily.. I'm sure you don't watch your birds ever second of the day, even
when they are sick... I am not like some people.. I'm beyond that... I
love my bird and will do anything to keep him healthy... My husband had
said I over reacted to his second seizure (which is the first one I caught)
and didn't think we needed to take him to the vet, but I was determined to
take him.. Even when he was acting normal...

And why would you tell someone to give up there bird even if they can't
watch it while it's sick??? Some people do have jobs they must go too.. I
don't, but I do have things I do during the day... It's not like I let him
out of his cage while he was having his seizures and let whatever happen,
happen.. I took all the steps I knew to make sure he was safe in his cage,
just in case something happened when I wasn't around... It's not like I
just let him be and hoped he wouldn't have another one... His whole cage
is rearranged, something he doesn't like at all, and he has newspaper on the
inside of his cage on the cage floor.. He hates that too.. But I don't
care, just as long as he can't hurt himself...


<> wrote in message


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
> Lisa, I was not being mean, I guess I just did not couch my
> suggestion in soft enough tones. Now having said all that , I have
> to say this : I have had to give a bird away to a loving couple, so
> I know how much it hurts, but you know what-- I loved my bird enough
> to do it . so while you thought that statement was mean! I meant it in
> a loving way, and I knew she would not like to hear the suggestion, I
> thought of e-mailing you this but apparently other in this group think
> I am a mean nasty person too, so while it is to you I also want others
> to know, I meant no harm and was not being MEAN!

I did find your comments mean and it actually hurt a little, because you
don't know me and you don't know the love I have for this bird.. But I
explained that in an earlier post.. Anyhow, I can understand how you could
feel that someone should give their bird away for whatever reason.. My
parents are perfect example.. I feel really bad for my parents cockatiel
because he doesn't get much attention and only gets seed with maybe one of
those fruit bars once in a while.. I don't speak to them anymore and would
consider taking him, but I know my bird would be incredible jealous.. He
gets jealous when I pet my cats.. hahaha

Just so you know, I do love my bird and all my animals.. And like you, I am
giving away three of my finches (the only other birds I have) to a loving
person who I know will take good care of them.. I would keep them myself,
but I can not care for them properly anymore.. I'm afraid I will end up
killing them because I keep forgetting about them.. I don't do it on
purpose... As for Casey, no need to worry about him.. He is my baby and he
gets most of my attention.. Hubby is even a little jealous because the bird
gets more affection then he does.. hahahaha But I do know when I can't
care for an animal and only the finches are suffering.. well, not really,
but they are the only ones I am getting rid of and will get rid of... I
loved my parents cockatiel and always wanted one.. Even though he was/is a
tad on the mean side.. When I got Casey, I was so very happy.. Finally
a bird that loves when I hold him and a bird I can do anything to and he
doesn't care at all.. He's so lovable that I can't help but spoil him..

I didn't like the suggestion at all.. Had I wrote about something worse or
said that I couldn't take care of him at all, then maybe the suggestion
wouldn't have hurt me or I would have considered it.. But this bird is
very well cared for and gets a lot of attention!!! How many birds get a
stay home mom?? hahahaha

( )


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
Hi Barbara..

I'm so sorry for you loss of Wally.. I know how scared you had of to of
been.. I was scared when I saw Casey have his first seizure.. I thought he
was going to die in my hand, thankfully he didn't... I do hope he doesn't
have anymore, but I am on pins and needles these days.. Hoping he won't,
but waiting for it to happen.. And if it does, at least I know what it
looks like and what to do to help him..

The vet told me his blood calcium and blood protein was low.. Didn't say
anything about lead.. Which is the first thing I thought of, but the only
way he can get lead, is in the water.. I give him filtered water from the
fridge.. (Anyone know if that's bad?) The water is filtered at the
connection under the sink and then a line is drawn to the fridge.. I have
the type of fridge you can get ice and water from the door.. There's only
plastic, I think, but I have never really looked at it.. I will after I'm
done here!!!! I do have a Brita water filter, think that would be better
to use???? Anyhow, I ruled out lead because there's nothing in his cage
that is lead.. Just your regular bird cage (bought it from a bird story
online, not from a store on the street.. Also, the lady who gave me the
bird, bought her cages from the same place, that's why I bought mine from
them), perches, bird safe wood toy and plastic baby toys... Nothing mental,
besides his feeding/water dishes.. Stainless steal there.. Is that
alright???? Just trying to see what else it could be..

I'm sure it's the calcium and the new diet the vet has him on should help
that... Anyhow, when he's out of his cage, he's on me.. Either my shoulder,
chest or hand.. I don't wear jewelry, so that's not it.. I don't let him
chew on anything besides his toys when he's out of his cage.. I'm actually
really careful with him...

Anyhow, one thing you mentioned really struck me.. You said your bird used
to shake his head.. Casey does that.. He opens his mouth and shakes his
head.. The first time he did this, I panicked.. I thought he was chocking on
something.. But I asked the lady who gave him to me about it and she says
her birds do it all the time when they are trying to learn a new sound, word
or whatever.. Is this something I should have told the vet??? I never
thought about until you just brought it up... He's done that for as long
as I've had him..

Anyhow, thank you so much for sharing your story about Wally with me.. I do
hope the calcium stops Casey's seizures.. But I am on guard!!! I can't lose
him.. He's only 6 months old and he's my baby!!!

Thank you again for sharing this with me..


Barbara Scanio <> wrote in message


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
I can say that I make sure to watch for any chewing marks and so far, he
hasn't done anything like that... I didn't think about putting paper towel
down... Perhaps I do that, since I need to change it again... I just
wanted something that I could use that would help him and not injure him..
It was quick thinking..hahaha But I think head like the paper towel a lot
better... He hates the newspaper..hahaha I also don't put food down on the
bottom, only what he drops... Everything else is hanging on the side of the
cage.. He hates the bottom of the cage and is only down there when he falls
from his perch or lets go of the perch when he exercises his wing.. And of
course when he's seizing... He avoids it like the sun..hahaha He also hates
the sun.. Go figure, silly bird...


Barbara Scanio <> wrote in message


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
You said your bird used
> to shake his head.. Casey does that.. He opens his mouth and shakes his
> head.. The first time he did this, I panicked.. I thought he was chocking
> something.. But I asked the lady who gave him to me about it and she says
> her birds do it all the time when they are trying to learn a new sound,
> or whatever.. Is this something I should have told the vet??? I never
> thought about until you just brought it up... He's done that for as
> as I've had him..

Mine does that sometimes. I think it is a feather or piece of down stuck in
their throat. It seems to happen after preening, mostly.

Jim in NC


Oct 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/25/99
> Mine does that sometimes. I think it is a feather or piece of down stuck
> their throat. It seems to happen after preening, mostly.
> Jim in NC

Thanks... I thought maybe it was something like that or him just trying
out his vocal cords trying to find the right pitch..hahaha As long as it's
nothing serious, then I don't mind..



Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Lisa said :

" People don't realize that my animals are my
life.. It may seem silly to say that, but when you
can't do much of anything or go anywhere, then
you'll understand. "

I reply :

I understand totally what you are saying Lisa. I
have Crohn's Disease. We got our beloved Cleo,
a pearly female tiel, last March and I started a
Crohn's flare shortly after that. I dropped from 96
lbs. to 72 lbs. and was at my worst, so weak I had
to be carried into the Doc's office. I'm now on a
very strong steroid drug and morphine for the pain,
but only at 76 lbs. so have a long way to go yet
before I am over this flare. We think I will end up
having surgery very soon to remove the diseased
bowel parts.

Through all this, Cleo has been there. She didn't care
that I couldn't go out or do things that normal people
take for granted. If I couldn't make the 17 steps to
the bathroom and fell down on the floor from the
pain, she stayed there next to me or on me, loving
me up until the pain passed and I was able to move
again. She will perch on the top of my pillows on the
couch when I take naps and watch over me. She
even nipped at my husband a couple of times when
he tried to pick her up to take her to her cage
thinking she would be more comfortable there ! He
learned to just let her sit with her Momma and take
care of her on the couch :)

Cleo has been such a joy to have with me thru all
these months. I just can't imagine life without her
in it.

Give Casey a hug for me and we are praying he
is all better soon !


Admin XWorld NetWork

Barbara Scanio

Oct 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/26/99
Hi Jim and Lisa:
My cockatiel shakes her head every time I talk to her, it's like
something is bothering her it's constant . She also dose the same thing
you were talking about, but to me it seams more like she's yourning, but
it could be what you said about a feather, that doesn't scare me as much
as the shaking of her head constantly . I guess I'll have to take her to
a vet to find out if it's normal or not I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for your reply Barbara Thanks to you to Lisa.


Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99

Do let us know what the vet says, if you take her to the vet... I doubt
it's anything to worry about, because I've heard a lot of bird owners say
that their birds do this... I think it's kind of funny now.. But if it's
something wrong with him, I'll be mad at myself for laughing at him and not
taking it serious... So lets us know if you take yours to the vet..


Joshua Perkins

Oct 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/30/99
I brought this to my tiels vet about a month ago. And there is
something that they get, it can best be described as a "sore throat."
Our tiel's throat was red when he looked in on it. But apparently he
had just gotten over it because the swab test he took showed it to be
ok. But our avian vet told us the actions that he does that looks
like excessive yawning, is they think there is something "stuck" in
their throats and they do that to try and get it out. There were
posts about this subject about a month ago in here as well.
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