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Have you lost your hamsters more than 2 days?

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I miss my hamsters so much........

Jan 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/1/97

Hamster is very intellegent in finding ways to escape, I believe we all had
experiences with ran away hamsters.
I want to know what is the longest time your hamster got away, my got away for
4 days now, and I believe they didn't take in any food or water....what did your
hamster eat and drink when they ran away? And where did you finally recovered

"In Memory of my beloved hamsters......."

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Jeff Sidlosky

Jan 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/2/97
   I've had my hamster gone for more than 3 days, first of all, there pretty intellegent, they usually know if there going to escape, and will bring food, or will find food. the time the 4 days though, we were about to give up, and finally opened the Closent door, more of a storage room, and cleared it all out, she was way in back, and had made a nest back there, and had some old food she had borght with her. it was pretty interesting, anothertime, 2 baby hamsters escaped, they managed to get under the cuboard, when we finally found them, they had broughten last nights tbone steak bone down there! :) they musta got itouta the garbage, there was a hole in the garbage bag.
  they usually manage to find food, water is more difficult though

Brian Henderson

Jan 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/2/97
to (I miss my hamsters so much........) wrote:

> Hamster is very intellegent in finding ways to escape, I believe we all had
>experiences with ran away hamsters.
> I want to know what is the longest time your hamster got away, my got away for
>4 days now, and I believe they didn't take in any food or water....what did your
>hamster eat and drink when they ran away? And where did you finally recovered

Well, most recently I had a rat get out when the cats overturned his
cage. I thought he was dead and eaten, but two weeks later, I found
him again, thin but otherwise healthy.

They can survive for quite a while without apparent food and water.


Jan 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/4/97

Last night, I reluctantly woke up to the sound of my little terrier
roughing things up in my bedroom. We have a little basket in the corner
filled with toys for our 20 mo. old son (things for him to play with while
I'm ironing and such). Molly, the dog, was busy moving the toys all
around and pushing the basket away from the walls. I realized this was
unusual for her since she usually stays sound asleep under her covers the
entire night. I turned on the light and went to investigate. We used to
have a really bad wild mouse problem in our home, and I expected to find a
mouse scurrying around the basket.

But when I moved the basket, there was Lizzie, our new teddy bear hamster.
We've had her and her mate for less than a week, and she somehow escaped.
Molly had been making a comotion for some time before I got up, and she
must have been following Lizzie around our room.

Lucky for Lizzie that Molly was there to wake me up and lucky for Lizzie
that my cat, Toby, had been too noisy that night and had been banned from
the bedroom.

And of course, lucky for me that I still have my lucky Lizzie. :)


Juliet Violette

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Yes, I lost my hammie Tia for four days once. I was living in an
upstairs apartment. The lady downstairs found her in her kitchen!
(Or rather, her cats did, but they didn't hurt her.) She fed Tia cat
food (ick) until she heard the landlord talking about the missing
hamster and returned her to me.

Las Vegas, NV

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

I haven't personally lost a hamster for that long, but my best friend lost
her hamster for over a week once. It lived under her refrigerator eating
crumbs, and it must've come out to drink from the dog's water bowl. When
Dawn told me they had finally found the hamster after giving it up for
dead, I was shocked that it could have survived.

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

SNIP...Juliet Violette ( wrote:
: (Or rather, her cats did, but they didn't hurt her.) She fed Tia cat

: food (ick) until she heard the landlord talking about the missing


Actually, cat food is a highly reccomended food for hamsters in most
hamster books. I have fed both of my hamsters cat food, and they enjoy it
alot. However, I wouldn't reccomend feeding it to them on a regular
basis... This may turn you tame hammies into carnivores (meat eaters).
Some people actually feed their hamsters crickets, and meat! (YUK!).
However, feeding hamsters meat-based food increases their tendancy to bite
you, thinking your finger is a nice, juicy piece of meat.

Jeremy & Colleen Freeman
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Internet Access Via: Edmonton Freenet

Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

Years ago, my teddy bear escaped and was gone for 11 days. I had just
about given up hope, and was on the phone calling the local pet stores
to see if they had baby teddy bears, when I looked down and noticed
Houdini IV (they've all been named Houdini) sitting there on the floor,
looking up at me. I think he was basically giving himself up, having
exhausted all of his food/water resources. I picked him up and put him
back in his cage, and he never escaped again.

All of my hamsters have escaped at least once (hence the name), with
the exception of my current buddy, Houdini X.


at me


Jan 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/5/97

I lost my first hamster (Hammy, go figure...) for two weeks when I went over
to my grandparents house for a vacation and took him along. He managed to get
out of his cage and lived quite happily digging tunnels in my grandparents
walls until he somehow found his way into the bathtub and got stuck. hehe...
and we did try numerous ways of catching the little guy, but he refused to
fall for any of the tricks. It was truly amazing the amount of damage he
caused to the walls though. (they had thin wood paneling which he quite easily
chewed right through.)

Las Cruces, NM.

Juliet Violette

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

>Actually, cat food is a highly reccomended food for hamsters in most
>hamster books. I have fed both of my hamsters cat food, and they enjoy it

>Some people actually feed their hamsters crickets, and meat! (YUK!).

I didn't know about that, but I do give my hammie a small dog biscuit
sometimes because I've read that that's good. Actually, I offered my
hamster a Pounce onetime, but she picked it up and took a nibble, then
threw it aside! She was pretty disgusted. I'll bet they'd like
regular cat food tho'.
My friend is always asking me if he can give my hamster a nice, juicy
mealworm! He says she'd love it, and she probably would, but I can't
deal with it, gross!

Las Vegas, NV

R. Pappas

Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97
to wrote:
> I haven't personally lost a hamster for that long, but my best friend lost
> her hamster for over a week once. It lived under her refrigerator eating
> crumbs, and it must've come out to drink from the dog's water bowl. When
> Dawn told me they had finally found the hamster after giving it up for
> dead, I was shocked that it could have survived.
I lost a hamster for over a month. I really thought the little guy was
gone and one night my husband heard something rustling by his side of
hte bed and the little guy was trying to break into his bottled water.
He was real skinny but none the worse for the wear. When we moved we
found his stash of food under some heavy furniture.


Jan 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/7/97

>Well, most recently I had a rat get out when the cats overturned his
>cage. I thought he was dead and eaten, but two weeks later, I found
>him again, thin but otherwise healthy.
>They can survive for quite a while without apparent food and water.

Brian, I've had experience with escaped hamsters before too. Have you
noticed any difference in the hamster if s/he has been out for several days
and then comes back, or is recaught? Or was it just me? Every time I've had
this happen, the hamster would express a strong desire to be free again,
because they enjoyed being, which I can't blame them for, while I was
worried out of my mind for their safety, though, as you mentioned, , food
never seemed to be a problem for the hamsters.

Net-Tamer V 1.07 - Registered

Kerry Prendergast

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

I once had a female who managed to take "extended vacations" outside
her cage on 3 occasions.

The first time she lost a foot (hence the name Lefty). The second time
I found her after a few days trapped in a wide-mouth glass jar.

The third time happened while I was away at summer camp. She escaped to
the outdoors and survived quite nicely for about a week. The day before
I was due to arrive home, she unexpectedly appeared at the doorstep and
waited for my father to put her back in her cage. I had a hard time
believing this story when I heard it, but my parents and sister
insisted it really happened.

Kerry Prendergast

R. Pappas

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97

I fed my hammies cat food and pounce as a midnight snack one night when
I ran out of hammie food. It seemed to tide them over till morning.


Brian Henderson

Jan 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/8/97
to wrote:

>Brian, I've had experience with escaped hamsters before too. Have you
>noticed any difference in the hamster if s/he has been out for several days
>and then comes back, or is recaught? Or was it just me? Every time I've had
>this happen, the hamster would express a strong desire to be free again,
>because they enjoyed being, which I can't blame them for, while I was
>worried out of my mind for their safety, though, as you mentioned, , food
>never seemed to be a problem for the hamsters.

Nope, he's been back in his cage with no apparent desire to ever go
anywhere else. I'm sure he was terrified to be out, especially since
he was loose in the cat's feeding room (he had food, but no water in
all the time he was out AFAIK).

I'm sure that he's happy to be safe again and really didn't want to be
out in the first place.


Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

On 1997-01-06 said:
>My friend is always asking me if he can give my hamster a nice,
>juicy mealworm! He says she'd love it, and she probably would, but
>I can't deal with it, gross!

I could be wrong about this, but I get the idea that your friend is just
kidding with you to be gross. I've never heard of hamsters eathing
mealworms, but It may be that they would. I couldn't deal with that either.

Mr. Peabody

Jan 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/9/97

I've never fed my hamsters mealworms, but some of the hamster books I've
read recommend an occasional mealworm, cricket, or grasshopper as a source
of protein. And like you, I don't think I could deal with that. I know
this sounds stupid, but the idea of feeding my hamster something alive
makes me think of how people feed live mice to snakes, which brings up all
kinds of unsavory associations.....

Bryan Byun
"To block hats -- that is everything!" -- Woody Allen

David G. Imber

Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97

->I could be wrong about this, but I get the idea that your friend is just
->kidding with you to be gross. I've never heard of hamsters eathing
->mealworms, but It may be that they would. I couldn't deal with that either.

Nope, it's true. I've heard it from plenty of reliable sources.
They eat 'em and they like 'em.

I used to give my lizards mealworms and I could handle it.
But as far as I'm concerned, they're off limits for my hamsters.
There's just some kind of "mammal eating insect" thing that
bothers me. It's just not kosher.



David G. Imber
Maniform Creative Services


Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97

>with that. I know this sounds stupid, but the idea of feeding my
>hamster something alive makes me think of how people feed live mice
>to snakes, which brings up all kinds of unsavory associations.....

Thanks for posting that comment, Brian. I don't think it's stupid at all,
and I pity those who do think it is. I'm a hard-liner on that one. I
believe that it's inhumane for snake owners to use feeder mice, especially
when, as has been the case, they post that they kind of like the mice. If
that were the case, then they would discontinue the practice. If I had a
snake, which I would never, I'd try really hard to find a substitute for
live food. And yes, I've heard from the snake people on this as to why they
do it. I still think it's cruel and inhumane. There was a girl one time on
a tv show that said that every time she tossed her snakes live rats that
she thought about boyfriends she had in the past. If I fed my snake live
rats, I wouldn't get on tv about it, nor make jokes about it. Takes all
kinds, I guess. But then considering how most people feel about mice and
rats, they wouldn't see this situation the way we might. Now if it were a
kitten or bunny, then you'd have the spca all over you. Strange, that!

Mr. Peabody

Jan 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/10/97

In article <5b5321$lb6$>, wrote:

> >with that. I know this sounds stupid, but the idea of feeding my
> >hamster something alive makes me think of how people feed live mice
> >to snakes, which brings up all kinds of unsavory associations.....

>Thanks for posting that comment, Brian. I don't think it's stupid at all,

>and I pity those who do think it is. I'm a hard-liner on that one. I
>believe that it's inhumane for snake owners to use feeder mice, especially
>when, as has been the case, they post that they kind of like the mice. If
>that were the case, then they would discontinue the practice. If I had a
>snake, which I would never, I'd try really hard to find a substitute for
>live food. And yes, I've heard from the snake people on this as to why they
>do it. I still think it's cruel and inhumane. There was a girl one time on
>a tv show that said that every time she tossed her snakes live rats that
>she thought about boyfriends she had in the past. If I fed my snake live
>rats, I wouldn't get on tv about it, nor make jokes about it. Takes all
>kinds, I guess. But then considering how most people feel about mice and
>rats, they wouldn't see this situation the way we might. Now if it were a
>kitten or bunny, then you'd have the spca all over you. Strange, that!

Yes, it is cruel. I can't imagine subjecting something to that kind of
terror. I don't know if a mealworm feels fear or anything at all, but it
still doesn't feel right. I also agree that most people have very
different standards when it comes to mice and rats as opposed to puppies,
kittens, and bunnies. There seems to be a feeling that, since mice and
rats are traditionally "vermin," it's OK to kill them in awful ways. In
fact, I read a news story a few years ago, where a community was outraged
that this guy had been raising rabbits in his backyard in order to feed
them to his python. Granted, it _was_ a horrific story, but what bothers
me is that people were outraged because they were _bunnies_. If he'd been
raising rats I don't think most people would have cared.

I'm not saying it's wrong to kill any living thing for any reason (if
that's true then we're monsters for swatting mosquitoes or flies). I just
don't see any good reason to cause suffering or torment in doing so. If
one must kill, it should be done humanely. And I don't see anything humane
about dumping a terrified mouse into a snake cage to be slowly chased,
crushed and devoured.

Bryan Byun

There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with
a little Prozac and a polo mallet. -- Woody Allen

Jan 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/11/97

In article <5b5321$lb6$>, writes:

>Now if it were a
>kitten or bunny, then you'd have the spca all over you. Strange, that!

There's a small, local pet store near me that specializes in snakes. I
visited there several times when my stepson was thinking about asking
Santa Claus for a snake. They have snakes there that are HUGE, that they
did indeed feed rabbits *and* guinea pigs! So, it does happen.

(BTW, this is NOT the pet store that I have mentioned to some of you that
I frequent. The store I shop from specializes in rodents, not snakes.)

Kim Feiler

Jan 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/11/97

>I can't imagine subjecting something to that kind of terror. I
>don't know if a mealworm feels fear or anything at all, but it
>still doesn't feel right. I also agree that most people have very
>different standards when it comes to mice and rats as opposed to
>puppies, kittens, and bunnies. There seems to be a feeling that,
>since mice and rats are traditionally "vermin," it's OK to kill
>them in awful ways. In fact, I read a news story a few years ago,
>where a community was outraged that this guy had been raising
>rabbits in his backyard in order to feed them to his python.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't like fishing because it involves using
live worms. People have asked me why I don't like fishing, after I told
them I didn't like it, but I've always been hesitant to tell them exactly
why. I guess I'm like you in that respect, Brian. As far as feeding rodents
to snakes, what really bothers me about it more than anything else is that
rodents are like us in more ways than not. They're warm-blooded mammals, in
their own way, have feelings and thoughts, and unquestionably feel pain.
Sadly to say, I might not care if they were feeding their snakes worms, or
anything else but a warm-bloodded mammal, but since it is, I'm greatly
disturbed over it. What I find totally apalling is how people in good
conscience sell feeder mice and rats at general pet stores, or how they can
by the same token, allow children to witness snakes feeding. That's some
twisted reality.

>Granted, it _was_ a horrific story, but what bothers me is that
>people were outraged because they were _bunnies_. If he'd been
>raising rats I don't think most people would have cared. I'm not
>saying it's wrong to kill any living thing for any reason (if
>that's true then we're monsters for swatting mosquitoes or flies).
>I just don't see any good reason to cause suffering or torment in
>doing so. If one must kill, it should be done humanely. And I
>don't see anything humane about dumping a terrified mouse into a
>snake cage to be slowly chased, crushed and devoured.

Brian, as has been said so aptly before, the answer lies somewhere in the
middle of the two extremes when it comes to killing some animals while not
wanting to kill others. As you know, we kill countless insects and
organisms in the course of the day, whether we want to or not.

BTW, did you hear the story, a couple of years ago about a guy who had
cruelly killed a rat with a broom? Someone saw him do it and reported him
to the SPCA or other animal welfare agency, who surprisingly took the
report seriously and was going to go so far as to bring him to court and
make him pay a fine for cruelty to an animal, all of which took me by
surprise, considering majority attitude towards rats. At that time I was
reading an animal rights message base, in which the conservatives
considered it a blasphemy and an outrage that this guy was being taken to
court and fined for killing a RAT, of all things. I remember thinking to
myself, if only they could listen to themselves in the light of reason.
It's absurd to make a distinction between killing a cat and killing a rat
just because you don't like the rat. I don't know what happened in that
case, but at least it brought that distinction to the minds of many who
heard about it. Oh, yes. Everybody made jokes about it on the talk shows,

Jan 8, 2019, 11:56:21 PM1/8/19
Ah...its Jan 8 11:52 pm I lost my teddy bear hamster chibi naru castiel James crawson. I need advice. My house is big I have two cats. I'm scared one of them ate him but I feel i would know. I found the cage open when I came home today at 7 from work. Ironically yesterday Jan 7 I thought i saw something orange by my bed then the next day today I woke up to a bad feeling and feeling sad and scared. When I can home and saw the cage open I lost it. I've had him since last October and have been very careful with him to make sure the cage is locked. I'm scared he's suffering some where and I really want to find him. I blame my self so much and need advice please.


Jan 11, 2019, 3:18:48 AM1/11/19
Hi there.

Although some cats will catch anything, they do tend to stick to instinctual
prey ie mice, voles etc. A hamster is going to smell different, and most
have attitude, speed, the ability to do a huge back flip and will bite
anything poked at them, which may put off all but the most determined cat.
There would be signs of blood and bits left on the floor, so if there is
none you may be in luck.

First shut and keep all the doors (and windows) shut. If possible have
someone take the cats for a few days, or into a cattery if you can afford
it, failing that keep the cats in the furthest room from where the cage is
kept. If theyve been paying attention to one room that might be where the
hamster is.

Get some carrot, apple (favourite food) an exact number of sunflower seeds
etc so you know exactly what you left. Place them in a corner of every room
except where the hamster trap is, and make sure no other food is available.
If the food is missing you know the hamster is in there. Look for a poop
trail. If you have an ultra violet light available you may be able to spot
urine in the dark.

Start with your bedroom if you think that the orange you saw may have been
your hamster. Also they associate you with food, playball etc and will
sometimes go towards the place they smell you most, which is probably the

Make the hamster trap in there. Use a steep sided rubbish bin, bucket, deep
saucepan or similar. It has to be tall enough that they cant stand on hind
legs and pull themselves out. Put a layer of bedding inside (to cushion
landing). Put apple, carrot (for moisture) and favourite foods in as well.
Get some books, boxes etc and pile them up to the lip of the bin like steps.
Take a bit of the soft wet food and drag it on the side of the bin, down the
"steps" and then around the floor leading up to them, so there is a trail
for the hamster to follow and make sure there is no other food in that room.
Leave it overnight.

If you find food missing in another room repeat the above in that room with
fresh food.

Hope all ends well. :)

<> wrote in message

Feb 5, 2019, 4:11:56 PM2/5/19
I bought my daughter a Dwarf hamster right! Left PetSmart and asked her not to open the box, but she had her headphones on didn’t hear me and opened the box. Now I have a hamster on the loose in my car. First it was under the gear. Then I put out 3 sunflower seeds and of course it ate it and then disappeared for good! I have the entire cage setup and on the floor on the front passenger side with one of my license plates acting as a bridge to lead it into an open cage with an abundance of food and water into BUT NOTHING!!! 😡😡😡 Someone says on their nocturnal and only come out at night to feed. Yeah right. I have spent countless hours in this car at night waiting for this darn hamster. I am going to take it as a loss and move on. I just hope it doesn’t smell up the car if something bad happens to it. I’m done looking!!!!!

Feb 8, 2019, 10:52:19 PM2/8/19
I just lost my dwarf winter white yesterday morning. when I woke up I found the cage overturned with the cage door open and bedding all over the floor. I have 2 winter whites, and I only found one of them in the upturned cage. i'm very worried that my winter white has been attacked by a stray cat, though I can't say for sure. there wasn't any blood or anything. it's too short to climb up any stairs and too big to sneak under any doors. I don't know whether I still have hope of finding my beloved hamster :( does anyone have any idea where it could be?

Jul 6, 2019, 3:44:46 AM7/6/19
How is your hamster now?

Jul 6, 2019, 3:45:22 AM7/6/19
Did you find him?

Jul 21, 2019, 2:37:16 AM7/21/19
Hello everyone I was outdoors cleaning the hamster bin when I had her in the ball, I turned away to empty the bedding and when I looked back her ball was open and the hamster is gone outside! We have lots of stray cats outside so I took her cage a giant plastic box, put it upside down outside cut a hole in it and put her food and water in there (so the cats aren't messing with it)
I read some blogs about people finding a hamster outside a few days later, I don't have a fence though. Does anyone know how far a hamster will roam off too and do you have any better ideas on how I can possibly try to catch her outside and trap her if she is still nearby?
It is very hot here in Texas and dry my mom does gardening and waters the plants daily, so she can get water if she stays near the front of our house by where I put her cage. I try to put smelly foods like peas and french fries, I am thinking she went under the mobile home because I searched all over the yard & my neighbors. Hopefully she is safe whereever she is. If anyone has caught a hamster outside let me know what you did and how long it took you to find it.

Mar 15, 2020, 9:37:56 PM3/15/20
This topic was started New Years 1997?
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