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my hamster dosent care for her babies!!!

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Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 2, 2003, 3:32:32 PM5/2/03
My hamster dosent care for her little babies. They are just 3 days old.
They are starting to get cold. She dosent visit the nest or let them
drink her milk.
I dont know what to do.



May 2, 2003, 6:08:27 PM5/2/03
Yep, Pixie did this, she went to the babies just to feed them and sometimes
clean them up and the rest of the time, she was in a different part of the
cage from them and the older they got the less she's around them. Now at 2
weeks, she checks on them every so often, and let them get a quick drink
from her and she's off again. She may also be feeding them and stuff when
your not around.

"Citizen" <> wrote in message

> Mom needs a short break once in a while.
> Did you give mom some extra proteines and calcium?
> You might give her a bit of tofu, plain boiled chicken, rice, bread
> soaked in soyamilk, plain white yoghurt etc. and some fresh veggies
> like broccoli e.g. Don't forget fresh water and plenty of her usual
> seeds. Did you have your hamster for a while already ?
> Does she miss your company maybe ?
> I would just take her out for a very short time ( just a minute or
> two). Pet her a bit and talk to her maybe as you normally do. Offer
> her some of the foods I described. Then bring her back near her nest
> and leave her alone. Do not touch the babies, put the cage in a quiet,
> somewhat dark spot. She needs absolute quiet and rest. If you check on
> the nest or touch the babies too soon she will be disturbed in her
> instincts. Do not try to feed the babies yourself, it is almost
> impossible. Nature will decide how this ends. Good luck and let us
> know how it goes on. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and pray that all
> will go well soon.


May 2, 2003, 9:28:14 PM5/2/03
How long have you had your hamster? How old is she?

If she's very young, she just may not be up to caring for them. Sometimes
they're just barely babies too and don't know what to do.

Have you given her extra proteins so that she feels that she can care for them?
Tofu and boiled chicken are good. Also vegetables would probably make her
day:) Make sure she also has plenty of water and of course her regular food.

Make sure you remove the wheel so that she isn't tempted to just run and ignore
the babies. Also, once the babies start walking around, they could be hurt.

Does she have enough bedding for them? Unscented, plain white toilet paper is
the best. DO NOT use the commercial bedding that they sell in pet stores.

Sometimes these things just happen though:( Some hamsters just never make good
mothers. This may be an indication of such, and it may be best if she's not
bred again. At 3 days old, its almost impossible to do anything for them...

Make sure the cage is somewhere quiet and dark so that there is less stress on

Please keep us posted.

christine miho


May 3, 2003, 1:10:09 AM5/3/03
I`m sure you know not to touch the babies.
Sometimes nothing you can think of will help mom be a better mother.
Just follow the advice you have and hope for the best.
I`ll keep the new mother in my thoughts,

"Citizen" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 02 May 2003 21:32:32 +0200, Beate Bjorli Dahle
> <> wrote:

Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 5:52:46 AM5/3/03

The mothers name is Puff and this is her first litter.
I give her vegetables everyday and vitamines in her water bottle.
She has started to care for her babies again to:) I took a towel and lay it over
the cage so she could have some peace and quiet. I went out of the room and when I
got back she was fast asleep on top of the babies.
I never use comercial bedding. I use hay or old towels.
One of my friends hamster died when she used this sort of bedding.

Thank you for all the answers:)

Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 7:44:16 AM5/3/03
> That's really good news.
> Don't forget please to give her more proteins and calcium.
> She really needs that while she is nursing the babies.
> It's very important.

I have a saltstone and a limestone is that enough? (and E-vitamines in her waterbottle)

Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 8:24:38 AM5/3/03
> >> That's really good news.
> >> Don't forget please to give her more proteins and calcium.
> >> She really needs that while she is nursing the babies.
> >> It's very important.
> >
> >
> >
> No, proteines are not vitamines etc.
> Proteines are found in eggwhite, plain cooked chicken, fish etc.
> Give your hamster a bit of egg if you can and some bread soaked in
> soyamilk. Normal milk is not so good for hamsters because they have
> trouble with digesting lactose. Soya is a good subsitute. But for 1 or
> 2 days, normal milk can't harm. You can also give simple cooked rice,
> or spaghetti without spices or salt etc. Some plain white yoghurt is
> also ok. These things are important and will help your Puffy a lot so
> she can make milk for her babies.
> Good luck and come back soon with tales and pictures of the babies,
> once they have their eyes open. That is the time you can start
> handling them safely. Mom won't mind by then.

Thanks for the advice:)
I can get some pictures after the weekend.
It looks like the pupps are going to be black and white just like their mother:)
I do think their eyes are going to open tomorow. Then they are 5 days old.
Now they have started to grow hair and teeth and tiny tiny whiskers:)


Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 10:39:26 AM5/3/03
> No thanks really :-)
> The pups will open their eyes when they are 10-14 days old.
> Wait till then to make pictures. The first 10 days it is best to leave
> mom and the babies alone. Just provide the extra proteines and
> calcium, fresh water and plenty of seeds. Change the fresh food every
> day, before it can go bad.

I read in a book that the eyes are going to be open at day 5.
But I can wait:)
One question: the cage are starting to smell really bad (I cleaned it 2 days before
the pupps came). Can I take the mother out and take the dirty stuff out if I dont
touch the nest and babies?


Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 1:31:54 PM5/3/03
> I wouldn't do that at day 5, wait at least till the babies are 10 days
> old. Do not change the cage or mom might feel that her pups are not
> safe. If are patient and wait another 5 days you will be rewarded wth
> healthy little cute hamsters.

But I want to keep one or two babies. If I pick out two to have in the same cage: boy
and boy or girl and girl? What is the best?


Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 2:49:10 PM5/3/03
> Are they dwarfs or syrians ?
> If they are syrians, they will all need their own cage. No exceptions.
> If they are dwarfs it is up to you what you prefer two girls or two
> boys. But be prepared to separate the dwarfs if they don't seem to get
> along. I have had two nests of dwarfs at one time. The majority of
> them were boys (9/12). From all the boys only two seemed to get along
> and are still living together. The girls (3/12) are still living
> together : one mum with 2 girls and another mum and her daughter.
> So, in my nests, female dwarfs had more luck to stay together.
> Those were roborovski's. I also had two winterwhite girls, but they
> had to be split up. You just can't predict it. It will have to be your
> personal choice, IF they are dwarfs. Again, if they are syrians, they
> will all need their own cage.
> What did you do with daddy hamster ? Is he ok ?

I have 3 syrian hamsters. 1 girl (Puff) and 2 boys (aleks and reidar).
Daddy hamster I borrowed with a friend beacuse Aleks just have 3 legs and cant produse
babies. And the second is her father.

But now Puff has started tomove her babies! I dont know what to do. I think she is going
to have them into the tunnels that go outside the cage, but I really dont know.
Is this normal for a hamster that is having her first litter?


Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 5:41:52 PM5/3/03
> Yes, moving babies around can happen. I don't know how your cage
> looks, but is there a way to remove the tunnels and wheels etc. and
> keep her just on groundlevel ? If not, just leave her be and report
> back after she has settled them somewhere.
> One of my mothers moved the nest almost every day and I was very
> worried too. Some mothers do that. My litle hamstermom did ok even
> with the moving.
> Is the wheel removed from the cage ? If not, try if you can do that
> without disturbing mom..
> Now that we know that they are Syrians, it doesn't matter if you keep
> same sex pups, as they will have to be housed seperately. It was very
> wise of you not to breed the mom with her familymembers.

I have 12 cages but the cage Puff lives in is a normal small cage (not plastic) whit tunnels
going out of the cage.
I havent removed the wheel beacuse she dosent use it so much. Why should I remove it?


Wendy UK

May 3, 2003, 6:05:27 PM5/3/03

Beate Bjorli Dahle
: I havent removed the wheel beacuse she dosent use it so much. Why should I
remove it?

If babies decided to climb onto the wheel, mum may also climb
onto the wheel and start running and babies would then be thrown
from the wheel and this could cause injury. Mum may also decide
to run on the wheel whist holding a baby in her mouth.


Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 3, 2003, 6:17:25 PM5/3/03

Wendy UK wrote:

> Beate Bjorli Dahle
> : I havent removed the wheel beacuse she dosent use it so much. Why should I
> remove it?
> ..
> If babies decided to climb onto the wheel, mum may also climb
> onto the wheel and start running and babies would then be thrown
> from the wheel and this could cause injury. Mum may also decide
> to run on the wheel whist holding a baby in her mouth.
> --

I have taken the wheel out now:)


May 3, 2003, 10:31:53 PM5/3/03
Adding vitamins to her water bottle is a very inefficient way to make sure that
she gets these vitamins. You wouldn't know if she is getting the vitamins
while they are still fresh in the water.

I'm not sure about the hay, but old towels are not safe for hamsters.
Especially babies. The cotton fibers can kill them. If your friend's hamster
died when she used commercial bedding, it may have been cedar or pine, or those
horrible cotton bedding stuff. Aspen, carefresh, and unscented white toilet
paper is completely safe.

christine miho


May 3, 2003, 10:34:23 PM5/3/03
It would depend on the type of hamsters. If they are Syrians, there is
ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that they can be housed together. Even the dwarves, there is
a chance that they can't be housed together. Right now I have 3 dwarves here.
They were fine for the first 3-4 months of their lives, but after that, one
started picking on the others, so she had to be separated. Right now I'm
keeping an eye on the 2 girls that are still together, but I may have to
separate them as well.

christine miho


May 3, 2003, 10:36:05 PM5/3/03
Her cage should be set up so that she can't move her babies around too much all
over the cage. There should be no wheel in there. And remove the tubes so
that she doesn't transport her babies in there. There should be no "second
floor" that she can also move her babies to. The fall could hurt them.

Since they are Syrians, you WILL NOT be able to house the babies together. All
Syrians need to have their own cage. No exceptions. Eventually, they could
fight and kill eachother.

christine miho


May 3, 2003, 10:38:19 PM5/3/03
You should remove the wheel because IF she decides to use it, a baby could get
hurt. If the baby is underneath, or around it when she decides to go for a
run. By removing the wheel, you also discourage the mother from getting
distracted. Since this is her first litter, you want to make sure that she
focuses on what she needs to be doing.

christine miho

Beate Bjorli Dahle

May 4, 2003, 10:05:28 AM5/4/03
> I'm not sure about the hay, but old towels are not safe for hamsters.
> Especially babies. The cotton fibers can kill them. If your friend's hamster
> died when she used commercial bedding, it may have been cedar or pine, or those
> horrible cotton bedding stuff. Aspen, carefresh, and unscented white toilet
> paper is completely safe.

I use fresh grass and most of the time for bedding. Sometimes toiletpaper.

Update on the babies:
They are getting really big now:) They have more color. 2-3 babies are going to be
white whit tiny dark spots on their back and the 6-7 others are going to be black
whit white markings:) They have started to grow hair and teeth.
Pictures are coming soon:)


nitesh ghorpade

Jul 27, 2020, 12:47:32 PM7/27/20
me (nitesh ghorpade change)
10:12 PM (2 minutes ago)
Hi I'm nitesh
I have two Syrian hamsters
Bob(male) and Anookhi(female)
Today might be in early morning Anookhi gives six babies and she is not feeding her babies and I'm so worried about her n babies, please tell me what to do and
One baby dies a minute ago
Please help me out
I put rest babies n mother in one shoebox with a small cloth cut out with proper air passing holes but I don't understand why she is not drinking water???
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