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Matthew Hough

Apr 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/22/00
I am currently having problems with my cat weeing in my house.It weed the
other day by the door.The smell was terrible.It is a female cat called
Nora.I was wondering how I could stop her from doing this in the future.Is
there a type of spray or something?

thank you

Matthew Hough


Apr 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/22/00
Matthew Hough wrote:

Is Nora spayed? If not, she may be in heat and peeing by the door to
advertise her availability, if you know what I mean. See Gene's response to
your other post for more information.

Apr 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/22/00

Your best bet is to try and figure out why your cat is peeing where she
shouldn't be. Do you have enough litter boxes (usually one per cat),
are you keeping it clean? Could your cat have a urinary infection? Is
there some kind of stress causing her to not use the box?

But as far as the smell, make sure you thoroughly clean the area where
your cat peed or else she may pee there again. I use a cleaner called
Nature's Miracle which you can get at a good pet store or by catalog
(R.C. Steele, etc.). There are other similar type cleaners, too. These
cleaners will neutralize the odor. Do not use anything with ammonia in
it or else this will just smell like urine and the cat will want to pee
there again.

There is a spray called Feliway that you can spray on the areas that
your cat pees which deter your cat from peeing there again. You can get
it from your vet. Just a word of caution...feliway can be kinda
expensive and I've known people who have had good luck with it and some
who have not.

Good luck!


Oct 13, 2019, 4:17:30 AM10/13/19
On Saturday, 22 April 2000 09:00:00 UTC+2, Matthew Hough wrote:
> I am currently having problems with my cat weeing in my house.It weed the
> other day by the door.The smell was terrible.It is a female cat called
> Nora.I was wondering how I could stop her from doing this in the future.Is
> there a type of spray or something?
> thank you
> Matthew Hough

I'm sorry for bumping this old thread, but I really feel like I have some advice to offer you - and you seemed to really need it at the time

One of my 2 cats (both neutered males) had taken to painting all of my walls, furniture, and anything else he could reach. I was horrified when I got a UV light. He never did that in all of the 9 years I've had him and didn't when I got him a buddy (they love each other and did so right away) but when a strange black cat started showing up outside both of my cats went nuts and the older one (9) started his wall painting, as well as the curtains out in the kitty room. I couldn't keep up with it.

My cats are indoor cats so it's not like the stray is actually going to get in here but they both hate him (and he is neighbor's cats hate him too). I've tried cleaning with a pet urine enzyme and then spraying some "No More Spraying" but that hasn't worked. He's a sneaky little bugger too; he waits until he thinks I'm not looking and then does it. He's learned that the minute I see him backing his butt up to something he gets yelled at.

It wasn't until I found "Cat Spraying No More" that I was able to finally get rid of this tiresome behavior.

Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box anymore :)

Here's a link the their site if you're interested in checking it out:

I hope you guys don't mind me sharing this. Cheers!
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