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Re: Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control Society's Links to German Nazis

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"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117

Sep 28, 2015, 7:18:33 PM9/28/15
On Mon, 28 Sep 2015 16:11:33 -0400, Anglo Saxon <inv...@invalid.invalid>

> Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus wrote:
>> <>
>> ========================================
>> Lecture 36: Eugenics and Other Evils
>> Eugenics is a nice-sounding word, combining as it does the Greek words
>> for "good" and "birth". And Francis Galton, who made up the word and
>> the idea, proposed Eugenics "for the betterment of mankind". But
>> that's as far as the nice-sounding stuff goes. The actual definition
>> is rather horrible: the controlled and selective breeding of the human
>> race. Galton based his ideas on the theories of his cousin: Charles
>> Darwin. By the beginning of the 20th century, when Darwin's theory was
>> safely embraced by the scientific establishment, Eugenics was getting
>> good press. The New York Times gave it constant and positive coverage.
>> Luther Burbank and other scientists promoted Eugenics. George Bernard
>> Shaw said that nothing but a Eugenic religion could save civilization.
>> Only one writer wrote a book against Eugenics. G.K. Chesterton.
>> Eugenics and Other Evils may be his most prophetic book.
>> Eugenics led directly to the birth control movement. All the same
>> players were involved, such as Margaret Sanger, who was a member of
>> the American Eugenics Society and was the editor of the Birth Control
>> Review. The primary philosophy was trumpeted on the cover of the Birth
>> Control Review: "More Children for the Fit. Less for the Unfit". She
>> made it clear whom she considered unfit:. "Hebrews, Slavs, Catholics,
>> and Negroes". She set up her Birth Control clinics only in their
>> neighborhoods. She openly advocated the idea that such people should
>> apply for official permission to have babies "as immigrants have to
>> apply for visas".
>> Why don't we hear of this connection between Margaret Sanger, the
>> founder of Planned Parenthood, and Eugenics?
>> Two words: Adolf Hitler. He officially instituted Eugenics, leading an
>> entire country in carrying out its principles, not only to breed what
>> he believed to be a superior race but to eliminate everyone whom he
>> considered to be inferior. Where did Hitler find early support for his
>> Eugenic ideas? From Margaret Sanger and her circle. Eugenic Scientists
>> from Nazi Germany wrote articles for Sanger’s Birth Control Review,
>> and members of Sanger's American Birth Control League visited Nazi
>> Germany, sat in on sessions of the Supreme Eugenics Court, and
>> returned with glowing reports of how the Sterilization Law was
>> "weeding out the worst strains in the Germanic stock in a scientific
>> and truly humanitarian way".
>> After World War II, when the world learned of the horrors of the
>> Holocaust and the death camps, the term Eugenics was utterly
>> discredited. Margaret Sanger was quick to distance herself from
>> Eugenics and began to emphasize Birth Control as supposedly a feminist
>> issue. We don't hear about Eugenics at all any more.
>> ========================================
>> We don't hear about Eugenics at all anymore because the libtards, who
>> still support the underlying tenets of eugenics, have wrapped their
>> racist murderous eugenicistic intentions in philanthropic-sounding
>> verbiage and institutionalized their racism in Planned Parenthood and
>> similar abortion mills cum organ harvesting operations (the
>> overwhelming majority of which are in minority neighborhoods, the rest
>> in poor neighborhoods... the stated goal of the eugenicists is to rid
>> the world of minorities and the poor, after all); in vaccination
>> programs (often utilizing forced vaccinations in third world
>> countries, sometimes at gunpoint) with vaccines that are adulterated
>> with sterilization agents (those sterilization agents couldn't get
>> into the vaccines accidentally, and wouldn't survive in those vaccines
>> unless they were specifically crafted for that vaccine) that have
>> killed as many as 50,000 people per year; the handing out of welfare
>> and other goodies to minorities to keep them subjugated and dependent
>> in return for votes (what the libtards call "The Farm" because calling
>> it "The Plantation" would be too blatantly obvious even for the
>> libtards to keep a straight face); government-sponsored segregation
>> via government housing; libtard policies that keep minority children
>> trapped in poorly-performing schools; libtard policies that prevent
>> minority entrepreneurs from starting or make it more difficult for
>> minority entrepreneurs to start their own businesses; libtard-promoted
>> laws that drive up unemployment amongst minorities; the entire concept
>> of keeping minorities dependent upon government (and specifically upon
>> the libtards, who happily act as their nannies in return for votes, a
>> lopsided quid pro quo that perpetuates the minority struggle for
>> equality); and by continually race-baiting and playing the race card
>> for political purposes.
>> But now that blacks across the US are waking up to the endemic racism,
>> oppression, eugenics and tyranny that the Democrat party has embodied
>> for more than 150 years and continues to embody today, they're
>> rejecting Democrats for the party that has historically been their
>> savior, the Republicans. Eventually the libtard kooks in the Democrat
>> party will be an historical footnote, a sad racist blot on this good
>> nation's history.
> Excellent background summary.

if birth control and curing STDs is now considered "eugenics", imagine
what "going to the doctor" says about someone's politics!

aren't you and fakey just two peas in a "religious whacko pea pod"?
"That Sanger was enamored and supported some eugenicists' ideas is
certainly true," said Susan Reverby, a health care historian and professor
at Wellesley College. But, Reverby added, Sanger's main argument was not
eugenics — it was that "Sanger thought people should have the children
they wanted."

which brings us back to one of fakey's favorite most-cherished types of
logical fallacy:

the same one that he stupidly employs in order to try to "prove" that
democrats of today (ie: the "librul" racial minorities and queers that he
vocally hates so) would vote against the civil rights act in 1964 and join
the KKK in jim crow alabama (or similarly, the republican party of today),
just as slaveowner democrats had in the past when the democratic party was
a conservative party compared to republicans.

i wonder if there are any other ashamed anonymous fucktards who can chime
in on this?


If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: headers
containing "ro...@", unless you are an idiot who would like to
yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints
to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful
information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you
downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try:
The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority — as
it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjects
or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it
presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written,
Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homework
before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason
many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating
opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd

Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you,
look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassing
bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-toed
boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks,
Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)

Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus

Sep 29, 2015, 12:18:01 AM9/29/15
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>

Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider) of 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey),
socked up as suck...@, in
<news:op.x5o4c...@benson.localhost> did thusly jump head first
into the wood chipper again:
Let's watch a libtard melt down because he can't refute truth and


> if birth control and curing STDs is now considered "eugenics", imagine
> what "going to the doctor" says about someone's politics!
> aren't you and fakey just two peas in a "religious whacko pea pod"?
> "That Sanger was enamored and supported some eugenicists' ideas is
> certainly true," said Susan Reverby, a health care historian and professor
> at Wellesley College. But, Reverby added, Sanger's main argument was not
> eugenics — it was that "Sanger thought people should have the children
> they wanted."
> which brings us back to one of fakey's favorite most-cherished types of
> logical fallacy:
> the same one that he stupidly employs in order to try to "prove" that
> democrats of today (ie: the "librul" racial minorities and queers that he
> vocally hates so) would vote against the civil rights act in 1964 and join
> the KKK in jim crow alabama (or similarly, the republican party of today),
> just as slaveowner democrats had in the past when the democratic party was
> a conservative party compared to republicans.
> i wonder if there are any other ashamed anonymous fucktards who can chime
> in on this?

Woot! Look at DildoRider foam at the mouth as he melts down!

Bwahahahaaa! He's *really* gonna freak out when my post goes live
which provides links to videos showing Planned Parenthood admitting
that they sell body parts, organs and tissues to the highest bidder,
they haggle with buyers like they're in a fucking butcher shop, and
they alter abortion procedures so they can get more intact abortion
"specimens" which fetch a higher price... all violations of Federal
law, all caught on camera, and all happening in every single Planned
Parenthood abortion mill / butcher shop.

Said Planned Parenthood abortion mills / butcher shops being 78%
placed in black neighborhoods, the remainder being in poor
neighborhoods, with the stated intent of the eugenicists being to rid
the world of minorities and the poor.

Said Planned Parenthood abortion mills / butcher shops performing
333,964 abortions, compared to only 28,674 prenatal care visits and
2,300 adoption referrals per year, by DildoRider's own admission.


Way to try to whitewash the ongoing racist, murderous, eugenicistic
libtard belief system, DildoRider. They've been racist, murderous
eugenicistic libtards for more than 150 years... are you naive enough
to think they've changed? LOL

Socialism is a mental disease, a murderous psychosis. Its 'kissing
cousins'... liberalism, Nazism, Marxism, communism are the same, they
all draw their tenets directly from that murderous mental disease
called socialism.

Nazism (National Socialist German Workers Party) was outlawed in
Germany because it proved itself to be a murderous mental disease.
It's time liberalism was similarly outlawed.



Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
DildoRider, aka Teh Mop Jockey)
5907 Stanton Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA
(412) 665-8289
(412) 404-8757

DildoRider admits he's stoooopid:
MID: <>
>> it appears I've kicked your ass so hard it's
>> damaged your brain, DildoRider.

> then it appears that you like shooting fish in
> barrels, intellectually lazy fuckhead that you are.

Well, you've just admitted that intellectually kicking your ass is
akin to shooting fish in a barrel... IOW, you've admitted that you're
stoooopid. No un-ringing that bell.


DildoRider admits he's "really stupid" (his words). LOL
MID: <>
> so what you're saying is that your targets for attack
> have to be really stupid or else you can't manage?

DildoRider admits much more about himself:
MID: <>
"absolutely and completely retarded, insane, gay, ugly, smelly,
toothless, dirt-poor, incontinent and possibly homeless"

This is a libtard's method of "winning", for fuck sake.


"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117

Sep 29, 2015, 10:03:07 AM9/29/15
so, here's your whole argument in a nutshell:

sadly, for you, i will not be responding to any more of your fox news
caliber logical fallacy. you will have to prove that planned parenthood
was intending to ethnically cleanse, which you won't/can't... what you
have evidence of is of planned parenthood selling tissue that was legally
transferred to them via legal means on a legal market. if you and some
bible-thumping gawd lubbers want to get rid of planned parenthood, then i
sure hope you have more room in fakeyVille for 6 adopted kids to pick up
the slack. not that planned parenthood is responsible for directing women
of faith toward adoption centers (which they are).

it's funny how your approach to housing is to make profits before worrying
about one's own living situation but you have a shit-fit when someone
gives an organization donated tissue from an unwanted birth. how many of
your kids are adopted, fakey?

thanks for playing, loser.
>>>> from Nazi Germany wrote articles for Sanger’s Birth Control
yet, we've been watching you melt down like you're ted cruz realizing that
he can't shut down the government over planned parenthood now that boehner
has stepped down:

looks like you and ted have a similar "debating" style.


>> if birth control and curing STDs is now considered "eugenics", imagine
>> what "going to the doctor" says about someone's politics!
>> aren't you and fakey just two peas in a "religious whacko pea pod"?
>> "That Sanger was enamored and supported some eugenicists' ideas is
>> certainly true," said Susan Reverby, a health care historian and
>> professor
>> at Wellesley College. But, Reverby added, Sanger's main argument was not
>> eugenics — it was that "Sanger thought people should have the children
are you sure it had absolutely nothing to do with nazis losing a genocidal
war where the megalomaniac insane fascist coward leader who dreamed it up
ate a hot slug of his own volition after fucking over his whole country?
on a related note, why do you suppose that in our reality home-grown
all-american neo-nazis flock to the republican party and people like
donald trump these days?

let's check in with the nazis for evidence of all of their
undying support of mrs. clinton and bernie sanders:

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huh... fakey, you lied to me? you said nazis supported planned parenthood
and democrats. :(

i even did a search for "sanger" on everybody's favorite nazi website to
see what they thought and the nazis seem to agree with YOU more than they
agree with ME... i thought that they would be evidenced defending planned
parenthood as a joint democrat and nazi eugenics scheme and crying "FOUL!"
based on what you have been k'lameing about nazis! ;)

"sanger" on fact, the crazy naziK0oks seem to COMPLETELY agree with you:

what kind of crazy k0o-k0o world, where you and self-professed nazis
profess the same beliefs did we cross over into, here, fakey?

it doesn't stop there... remember your hero ahlquist? they seem to also
be enamored:

can you find any talk of these things on any democrat forums, fakey? why
do i see so much gleeful discussion of the republican debates and similar
"anti-liberal" language i've heard from you spewed on this stormfront
website that was created and is occupied by degenerate filth neo-nazis?

why would anyone have a sneaking suspicion that you probably have a
stormfront login, fakey?

i think that from now on we (TINW) will have to show you publicly at every
turn that you typically support the same policies and candidates as
neo-nazis, but first, how's about this:

when "they" are carting away your children on the "jade helm" trains to
the democrat-nazi "fema camps" you can go ahead and get back to me about
how you think "liberals are as exactly as bad as nazis" and i'll listen,
okay, clooless? LOL

in the meantime, i bet you know an awful lot about the word "benghazi",
please fill in these blanks:

Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus

Sep 29, 2015, 11:26:48 AM9/29/15
Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>

ro...@, in <news:op.x5p9a...@benson.localhost> did
thusly jump head first into the wood chipper again:

> so, here's your whole argument in a nutshell:

That'd be all well and good, except none of the truth and reality I've
promulgated have you been able to refute. All you've done is melted
down, bleated hard, tried to divert attention from your inability to
refute any of that truth and reality, and proven that yet again, I've
been proven correct when I state:

Socialism is a mental disease, a murderous psychosis. Its 'kissing
cousins'... liberalism, Nazism, Marxism, communism are the same, they
all draw their tenets directly from that murderous mental disease
called socialism.

Nazism (National Socialist German Workers Party) was outlawed in
Germany because it proved itself to be a murderous mental disease.
It's time liberalism was similarly outlawed.

> sadly, for you, i will not be responding to any more of your fox news
> caliber logical fallacy.

"fox news caliber logical fallacy" LOL

You mean catching Planned Parenthood in several violations of federal
law, on camera?

You mean proving with link after corroborable third-party link that
what I say is true?

You mean utterly destroying your entire libtard lie of a life by
yanking the rug out from under your kooky belief system by proving
it's been a mental disease, a murderous psychosis for more than 150
years, and remains one today?

Spankard. LOL

> you will have to prove that planned parenthood
> was intending to ethnically cleanse, which you won't/can't...

Will the words of the founder of Planned Parenthood do, DildoRider?

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro
population," Sanger said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more
rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of
Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of
thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p.

"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who
never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization,
referring to immigrants and poor people

On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief
aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12



> what you
> have evidence of is of planned parenthood selling tissue that was legally
> transferred to them via legal means on a legal market.

No, what we have video evidence of is Planned Parenthood and its
contractors conspiring to artificially inflate the perceived costs of
tissue retrieval so they can sell it at a higher cost and make more
profit (a violation of federal law outright admitted to in the
videos); Planned Parenthood taking whatever organs and tissues they
wanted even if they hadn't obtained parental consent (a violation of
federal law alleged by a former employee of one of Planned
Parenthood's contractors); altering the abortion procedure so Planned
Parenthood can obtain more intact "specimens" that will fetch a higher
sale price (a violation of federal law outright admitted to in the
videos); Planned Parenthood haggling for the sale price of those
"specimens, selling them to the highest bidder (a violation of federal
law outright admitted to in the videos); and Planned Parenthood
conspiring with their contractors to trade services instead of money
to get around federal law (a violation of federal law outright
admitted to in the videos).

But your lying bleatfest is noted, DildoRider. Your meltdown because
you chose a political ideology that is a murderous, eugenicistic
killing machine that has enslaved people, denied people their rights
and outright killed tens of millions is further noted.


> if you and some
> bible-thumping gawd lubbers want to get rid of planned parenthood, then i
> sure hope you have more room in fakeyVille for 6 adopted kids to pick up
> the slack. not that planned parenthood is responsible for directing women
> of faith toward adoption centers (which they are).

By your own admission, Planned Parenthood performed 333,964 abortions,
compared to only 28,674 prenatal care visits and 2,300 adoption
referrals per year, DildoRider. Planned Parenthood saw 2.7 million
people in the 2013-2014 accounting year (the great majority of them
minorities). So 12.369% of women who walk through their doors end up
getting their babies ripped out of them, then those babies are
dissected and sold like meat in a butcher shop, to the great profit of
Planned Parenthood.

> it's funny how your approach to housing is to make profits before worrying
> about one's own living situation but you have a shit-fit when someone
> gives an organization donated tissue from an unwanted birth. how many of
> your kids are adopted, fakey?

You'll note that its been proven that Planned Parenthood takes the
tissues and organs of those murdered babies whether they've obtained
parental consent or not, DildoRider. A clear violation of federal law.

> thanks for playing, loser.

Says the loser who can't refute even a single point I've brought up,
and who is now running away with his tail tucked. Again.

Perhaps the reason you're such an angry little emo freak is because
you were stupid enough to construct your life around a political
ideology that's been proven to be a mental disease, a murderous
psychosis for more than 150 years, and remains one today?


What's any of your bleatfest got to do with the fact that you can't
refute any of the truth and reality in my prior posts, DildoRider?

Awwww, you're melting down in lieu of providing any refutation. Again.

And you're tucking tail and slinking away in defeat. Again. LOL

Which means you lose. Again. LOL


Robert Michael Wolfe the Pittsburgh Pied Piper Of Penis (aka
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