September 7, 2023 To get UTC add 2.5 hours.
(Superhuman Day/National Feel the Love Day/
National Threatened Species Day)
10:55 p.m. My brother’s mental health is not improved,
and my mood is slightly low (say -1).
FULL RESET, but I don’t need to change anything.
(With that, my mood went to -2, the lower end
of normal mood range. Fuck this.)
[B] for the 5 bowheads 10:57 --> 11:00 p.m.
[incorporation of 36 workings] 10:57 p.m. -->
[PCMM] (with consequences) 10:57 p.m. -->
[min-ootws stuff] (non-overlap) 10:58 p.m. -->
[F123] 10:58 p.m. -->
[SMPES] 10:59 p.m. -->
[RAFHDBE] 10:59 p.m. -->
[SSA] 10:59 p.m. -->
a.s.c. (5) 11:00 p.m. -->
[B] in general 11:01 p.m. -->
Followup-To set to alt.religion.druid so check there for updates
if you notice effects. Also post any questions or reports of
effects or of lack of expected effects there. I would be
happy to explain my abbreviations to new readers who
ask me to do so.
-- Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand” (Ferron)