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Underground Bases and Gravity Anomalies (fwd)

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Steve Wingate

Feb 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/11/96
"I discussed the prospect of using the paper in the MUFON Proceedings to
try to find the center of gravity for the mutilation cases from those maps
that run from about 1972 to 1982 or 1983. The word gravity triggered in his
mind another connection having to do with the Dept. of Interior that has a
gravity dept. and they do in fact survey the United States and publish maps
indicating the gravity contours. THERE IS A VERY WEAK GRAVITY at the site
near Dulce. He said that the craft are very sensitive to the gravity levels
RELATIVE TO WEAK GRAVITY (Note: a lower gravity field, which is detectable
by sen- sitive equipment although not necessarily discernible to humans,
also reportedly indicates a lower earth-mass below ground, or rather a
greater possibility for porous or cavernous subterranean levels below
'weak' gravity field areas. A careful study of weak gravity field contours
may help immensely in tracking down sub- terraneous systems, anything from
untapped oil deposits to unoccupied cavern systems to underground bases
occupied by either benevolent or malevolent 'alien' cultures - Branton)."

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Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
to wrote:
> (Steve Wingate) wrote:
> <snip>

> #near Dulce.
> <snip>
> The term very weak gravity (even in all caps!) is very relative! A
> gravimeter will detect the difference in altitude of about 1 and 1/2
> inches. That is how they are calibrated. A very weak gravity anamoly
> is a very small indication.
> If you are interested, Mean Sea Level (MSL) varies widely over the
> ocean. There are places in the ocean where the MSL is several meters
> different than at other places. Does this mean that the aliens have
> sub-oceanic bases as well?
> If you will bother to check magnetic and seismic readings near Dulce,
> I imagine that you will probably find they apply to structures under
> the earth, but not alien bases.

well sure they do!! (sub-oceanic bases) ever see the movie abyss?????

Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96

Archae Solenhofen

Feb 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/16/96

Gravemetric survey maps are very seldomly used for detailed geologic
interpretation. When they are used for such a purpose (usually in
combination with other remote sensing techniques (and I don=92t mean
psychics)) it is under very special circumstances, and the determination
of subterranean caverns is not one of them. Gravemetric survey maps
involve gravity measurement on incredibly large volumes of rocks. The
density of these rocks is important and is based on a number of factors,
one of which is porosity. However, it is not macroporosity (fractures,
vugs and caverns) that is a controlling factor in the density of the rock
but the microporosity (pore spaces and microfractures). Because
macroporosity (even a large chamber) occupies such a very small volume of
the rock compared to the volume of the rock under study it has a
negligible effect on density, microporosity on the other hand can occupy
a very large volume of the rock and therefore can significantly affect
the density. Gravity surveys will not pick out cavities in the rock.
Alone gravity maps are very difficult to interpret and therefore they are
used as a cost effective method to determine the broad structure and
boundaries of sedimentary basins, salt domes and limestone reefs. It must
also be stated that gravity map represent the variation in gravity after
corrections have been made for latitude, free air anomaly, Bouguer
anomaly and topography. This means that the map represents the gravity
variations on a reference plane at sea level and not the land surface.

If you still want to look for caverns I would suggest ground penetrating
radar (only under special circumstances) or even better seismic surveys,
both of which are very localized and probably not available. Check with
the Geological Society of America.

One must also remember that gravity varies from place to place around the
earth and its value is dependent on latitude, altitude and topography as
well as geology. In fact the lowest gravity values are present at the
equator due to the polar compression of the planet.

Archae Solenhofen

Archae Solenhofen

Feb 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/16/96

Feb 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/18/96
Archae Solenhofen <> wrote:

#If you still want to look for caverns I would suggest ground
#radar (only under special circumstances) or even better seismic
#both of which are very localized and probably not available.

You are absolutely correct about the gravity. It would be worthless
for looking for what they want to find. But I'm afraid that I must
disagree with you on ground penetrating radar. All the versions of it
that I am aware of will have too short a range into the Earth to do
much good. We've used it to try to back failures in our underground.
And the types used for archeology are useless over a few meters deep.
(Depth depends on local conditions.)

Seismic surveys are probably not available for much of the US as they
are usually made by the oil companies and are considered company
secret. Whether they find anything or not. IF they find nothing, why
tell your competitor about it. And if later data becomes available,
such as in the Maryland Basin in NM, they become very valuable.

But seismic reflection equipment is cheap to rent and it isn't
difficult to find someone to read it. Don't try to use refraction

Good luck.

Alan deWalton

Jul 27, 2019, 4:54:22 PM7/27/19
On Sunday, February 11, 1996 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-8, Steve Wingate wrote:
> "I discussed the prospect of using the paper in the MUFON Proceedings to
> try to find the center of gravity for the mutilation cases from those maps
> that run from about 1972 to 1982 or 1983. The word gravity triggered in his
> mind another connection having to do with the Dept. of Interior that has a
> gravity dept. and they do in fact survey the United States and publish maps
> indicating the gravity contours. THERE IS A VERY WEAK GRAVITY at the site
> near Dulce. He said that the craft are very sensitive to the gravity levels
> RELATIVE TO WEAK GRAVITY (Note: a lower gravity field, which is detectable
> by sen- sitive equipment although not necessarily discernible to humans,
> also reportedly indicates a lower earth-mass below ground, or rather a
> greater possibility for porous or cavernous subterranean levels below
> 'weak' gravity field areas. A careful study of weak gravity field contours
> may help immensely in tracking down sub- terraneous systems, anything from
> untapped oil deposits to unoccupied cavern systems to underground bases
> occupied by either benevolent or malevolent 'alien' cultures - Branton)."
> ^
> <<<<<<|>>>>>>
> <<<<< >>>>>
> <<<<<<< >>>>>>>
> <<<<<<<<< Anomalous Images and UFO Files >>>>>>>>>
> <<<<<< Citizens Intelligence Access BBS 415.927.2435 >>>>>
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Enter the NEXUS...

Alan deWalton

Apr 1, 2023, 7:21:16 PM4/1/23

Kym Horsell

May 8, 2023, 8:12:50 AM5/8/23
On Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 9:21:16 AM UTC+10, Alan deWalton wrote:
> On Saturday, July 27, 2019 at 2:54:22 PM UTC-6, Alan deWalton wrote:

Thanks to all on the thread. It's given me something to think about on tonight's gravyard shift. :)

I cull through lots of data. And one of the datasets the above reminds me of is gathered by satellites called "GRACE". There have been 2 of them so far. Each sat is actually a pair of sats in orbit close to each other. A so-called "satellite train". (Just not as big as some of Elon Musks').

By very very accurately measureing the distance between the 2 parts of the train they can measure what the mass of earth is directly below. If there is a mass concentration the 2 sats will slightly separate; if there is a lessening of local mass below then they close up.

The sats have been used to map out sea level rise and major ocean currents. The measurements are also good enough to detect movement of underground water and I have used them to measure how much ocean plankton comes and goes across a season. Just in case anyone out there may be dipping into the ocean and grabbing a couple spoonfulls of the stuff for their own use.

But this thread gets me thinking about plotting mass concentrayions across the US and seeing if they have any relation with the local density of UFO sightings.


In case it's dropped off the radar my Archive of UFO stuff is at <>.

After an unusul object (or 2) seen in the past few years I've been
"running the numbers" for different things.
While I've been ranked "up there" in data science work ( there's no guarantee anything I've looked at
is totally correct. I tend to do rough work that points
to a direction for other researchers. My thrust is pretty hard-headed and security oriented.
Which may not be to everyone's taste. :)

Regards all.

Kym Horsell

May 11, 2023, 10:34:41 PM5/11/23
I prev posted some notes on the link between covid and certain
activities. While the bulk of the certain activities seem to
negatively correlate with the pandemic surges, "an element" of it
seems to go the other way.

But there is some other, perhaps more telling data. I mentioned that
way back 3-4 years ago I worked on a project to model the then
up-coming pandemic. Based on very preliminary data the model we came
up with predicted the disease would surge every 100 days or so. Given
the complexity of the model -- allowing different groups in the
generalised western population we had the data on to mix and adapt to
conditions as we presumed would happen over time -- it was mostly
expected to be a simple fact of epidemics generally. The combination
of infection, recovery and re-infection rates does often show
consistent and sometimes chaotic oscillations (e.g. measles). No real
big whoop.

But it came as a surprise to find a couple years later that the 100
day cycle that was predicted seemed to obtain in different countries
that were then pretty much isolated from each other with travel closed
down. Not only that, but the 100 day cycle seemed to be locked onto
"every 100th day since the start of the pandemic".

And it then came as no real surprise that there was one well-known 100
days (approx! ;) cycle in our solar system -- the orbit of Mercury.

We are now heading for day 1300 of the covid pandemic. The UN has
declared the emergency phase is over although the pandemic itself
continues. Most countries have slackened off. In Australia the prev
conservative govt told its population last December to "ignore the
virus" and we immediately saw a huge rise in fatalities with more
people dead in the last year than the prev 2 years by a good
factor. Things have quietened down considerably over the past 6m
although we are seeing more than 100 deaths per week. If you can
believe the official numbers. Because the methodology of counting
cases and deaths has changed and the numbers are way less reliable
than they used to be.

So it was with surprise today I plotted out the latest numbers for

The result is here:

It was pretty obvious from the plot of weekly death totals
since we changed from daily to weekly reporting (a change that came
with a lot of "hidden" changes to the way the disease was measured by
state and federal departments; e.g. a "covid death" only occurs when
someone dies and has tested +ve for covid. But who says everyone is
now routinely tested for covid? No-one, that's who) that there was a
peak at either end of the plot and a big one in the middle. Using the
neat tool in the graphics program you can setup a box e.g. between
the first 2 peaks. Then move the box along. Surprise. It fits
exactly. The peaks are equi-distant.

So, naturally, you have to call up the plot of the distance between
Earth and Mercury and overlay it.

It seems the pattern of peaks synchronised to close approaches of
Mercury is still going.

During the Big Lock-down we had here -- you were not allowed to travel
more than 5 km from your home for 6m -- we saw a lot of interesting
things. Sometimes in the daytime sky. Mostly in the nighttime sky. My
eyesight got worse and worse. I had been "declared" blind (loss of 50%
of eyesight) a few years back. But even I could see some pretty weird
sh*t flying around. And so I began this little UFO project.

One thing I recall from the lock-down was a series of bright "meteors"
falling to earth in several directions. All my life I had never seen
things like that. I used to be interested in astronomy in high-school
and (first) college. I built my own 10" reflector. I used to sit out a
night and watch and photograph things and had a growing portfolio of
interesting clusters and planets. In maybe 10 years of doing that I
never saw a meteor streak down to earth. Let alone half a dozen times
over 6m.

One such incident I outlined in my blog and posted to one of these
"special interest" groups. It was after some other sh*t during the
daytime. So I was "sensitised" to unusual things.

One night I was having coffee and watching the sky. A meteor streaked
down. Bright and (I think) blue. It came down at a ~45 deg angle on
the N horiz. Looked close.

WOW! I said to myself. There's something you only see one time in a
lifetime. A few mins later and a 2nd bright meteor streaked down to
the same spot but from the opposite 45 degree approach.

WOW! I said to myself. What are the odds? And from different approach
angles, too.

5 mins passed a a blacked-out helicopter raced directly over my roof
going S to N. Exactly to the place where the "V" of the 2 meteor
tracks seem to have intersected.

WOW! I said to myself. Are you allowed to fly at night with no lights?
Apparently *someone* is.

Another few mins went by and I saw 2 bright sparks off to my left
cross the sky in jerky parallel paths, curving off to the NW.

WOW! I said th myself. What the sh*t?

I walked out into the yard a bit to see where they were going. But
they had pretty much disappeared. I turned around to face south,
looking directly at my house. And... a big black boomerang, perfectly
silent, flew directly over my head. It was maybe 30 deg across. As it
flew off directly N also directly toward that "V" where the meteor
tracks intersected I could judge its height. Pretty low. I could even
see little sparks coming and going out its "back hanger" as it passed
slowly overhead.

I later calculated it had a wingspan around the size of a B2 bomber.
But it was not a B2 bomber. A B2 bomber has flat ends on its wings.
This thing was a proto-typical boomerang. Thick in the middle. Curved
ends. Perfectly black. Perfectly silent.

From underneath you could see there were 3-4 rows of dimly lit circles
on the underside. Each circle had a little dimly-glowing dot in its
centre. It might have been e.g. rows of downward-pointing propellers
that were glowing in the dark for some reason. Stealth tech that wasn't
totally worked out yet. Or something. Couldn't hear any buzzing like
you get with a drone. Maybe they were silent propellers?

But something weird was going on, and of course no mention of anything
like this in the local press or anywhere else I could find. And a
report I posted to a couple local UFO groups also immed went MIA.

There seems to be an official but secret policy in place. Unlike the
US, Australia's military has officially refused even in the past 12m
to look into UFO's.

Nothing to see here.

But I still like to get out of a night and watch the little aircraft
buzzing around, chasing the little lights. It used to happen every
night. But what with all the warm sea temps nights have lately been
very cloudy. Or something. Just by total coincidence they
particularly cloud up at the times I previously associated with peak
"little light" activity in the early post-dust and and pre-dawn. I
have some numbers to post on that, as well.

No. Nothing going on here.

The US government portrays itself as the world's preeminent
superpower, so to acknowledge that there are things in their
airspace, whatever they are, that are faster and more manoeuvrable
and run rings around fast jets doesn't play very well.
So there's the embarrassment factor, and maybe a little bit of
fear that either an adversary has made a quantum leap in
development, which has left the US in a poor second place, or, as
some believe, this really is extra terrestrial, in which case we're
not at the top of the food chain anymore.
-- Nick Pope, 02 May 2023

"[F]or the few cases in all domains--space, air, and sea--that do
demonstrate potentially anomalous characteristics, AARO exists to help the
DOD, IC, and interagency resolve those anomalous cases. In doing so, AARO is
approaching these cases with the highest level of objectivity and analytic
rigor. This includes physically testing and employing modeling and
simulation to validate our analyses and underlying theories, and
peer-reviewing those results within the U.S. government, industry partners,
and appropriately cleared academic institutions before reaching any
-- Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, Senate Hearings on UFOs, 19 Apr 2023.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

Section 8. Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Reports
Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity
should contact a ... data collection center, such as the National UFO
Reporting Center, etc.
--, as at 30 Nov 2022

But what is true and I'm actually being serious here, is there are, there's
footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what
they are, We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not
have an easily explainable pattern.
-- Pres Barack Obama, "The Late Show", 2021

"I think some of the phenomena we're going to be seeing continues to be
unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the
result of something that we don't yet understand."
--Ex-CIA Director John Brennan

Kym Horsell

Jun 13, 2023, 8:57:14 PM6/13/23
I've added some more detail to my WISE telescope maps.

To recap, I've been looking at light curves captured by various space-based telescopes trying to spot "objects" that may cross in front of dim stars. The beauty part is -- the stars are so dim they can't be seen by the naked eye (esp given WISE is an IR telescope that orbits between Earth and Moon) so can not be mistaken for UFO's. Neither can some of the dim planets like Ur, Nept and Pluto.

We've looked before at correlation maps between each 10x10 deg part of the sky and UFO sightinfgs in the following days. This latest update looks at 1x1 deg parts of the sky near the position of key planets.


Recall we are robustly time-series correlating the daily variation in UFO
sightings across N America with each section of the sky as seen by the WISE
IR telescope in the prev 48-72 hrs.
We compare (with a TS regr) the daily UFO sightings against the changes in
light from 0-2 days before the sightings dates. The mental model
is something like "2 days out", "1 day out", "today".

The R2 value shows what fraction (approx!)
of UFO reports is explained by variation in IR light from each
part of the sky.
Typically when the IR light goes down (the magnitude increases --
mag and brightness are inverses; blame astronomers for that)
the UFO reports go up shortly after.

We found before that certain parts of the sky correlate highly.
The original plots showed more sightings follow from avg IR brightness
decreases in various parts of the sky at the 10x10 deg granularity.

In the new maps we up the resolution to 1x1 deg tiles and zoom in on
on the 2010-2020 regions of the sky for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
The outer planets move slowly and hang around the same part of
the sky for years or decades.
Again we show the R2 correlation maps for 2 days out, 1 day out,
today and the combined map (i.e. the "average" of 0-2 days out).

The more detailed maps suggest objects are coming from each of these key
parts of the sky. The maps for the 3 different lags seem to show
in many cases the objects are maintaining a consistent course over
at least the last couple days of their trip. This is also consistent with
a prev study that suggested UFO reports vary in sympathy with the
straight-line distance between certain planets, moons and asteroids
and the Earth.

This all suggests "they" are coming from many different places,
maybe don't come faster than light (i.e. the delays on the correlation
of 2 days show that don't get here for at least 48 hrs from any
of the outer planets shown :), but come in pretty much straight lines or
very gentle curves over at least the last 48-72 hrs of the trip.

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