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Kinda notice I've got japan resubjugating their subculture.

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Dec 18, 2020, 10:33:15 AM12/18/20
New SphinxCat question, ..What did the sphinxcat eat for breakfast other than the last idiot to ask it stupid questions...

Q: How is the Church of Sat'n not exactly the Jerry Garcia Band?
A: The jerry garcia band never told their lot they should start reading intelligent material.

..also understand, if we were on a space craft, and somehow you were there, and you were going to sabotage the mission possibly killing everyone onboard, whether you were understanding that or not, I was the first vollunteer to push you into the airlock, wave go bye bye, and watch your 108086Hz processor turn off in a sixteen billionth of a click.

..Japan said via Mark who is called John, who is called Mark, that Japan, the soviets, and everybody going along with their sh't, will burn in a lake of false hope mingled with irritation as if that wasn't already happening, also, that if you want to believe you can making things happen by believing they will, go ahead joe.

Visit Mount Shasta and the Etna of the Siskiyou!
..expect alot of soviet pipeheads on false hopes.

Try the SuperBLT or the Club on Rye, or both.

Occasionaly I point out worth mentioning discoveries like the fact that if you get jettisoned like garbage out the airlock into outer space (or simulation of such), your checking out in a sixteen billionth of a second, due to water boiling at any temprature in a vacuum, during the next 6 seconds, which your not there for, gases and liquids seperate from solids, and the rest of the process is very slow but turns you to hydrogen and then not even that,.. ..proves your brains do in fact operate at exactly 108086hz.
My mice upon proper nutricianal therapy went through retrophases prior to metadom, ie.. their retinas went from soviet with a fungal micellular growth to clean, pretty russian, to black and purple japanese, to 3 stages of american to meta, ..means, concerning reception of proper nutricianal therapy, soviets would go through a japanese stage, and a s. american stage prior to a normal stage then meta, a jap, one less stage, and a frenchie, six stages, prior to normal then meta, starting with a british stage..

Dear Lord God,
..if I have performed the work of any, who didn't because they wouldn't rather than couldn't, please grant me all their paychecks retroactively and put them in the poorhouse, thanks.
Also, if any citizens of Poland exist, and want to be loyal to me and their nation, please empower them to do so, they don't even believe you have internet, thanks. ~, H.

Of the 4000 versions of jesus that aren't matthew's, the two most common are soviet jesus and british jesus..
..soviet jesus accepts you no matter what and hands you unmerited favor for asking, british jesus is soviet jesus but calls you the rightious for claiming jesus.

According to jesus of the bible, he wasn't omnipotant or omnicient, even called himself the son of man meaning not having all the answers, just / right / proper, surrounded by crapoids, praying at god, receiving church.
He also stated, a peice of crap wont be and isn't expected to pop out candy or vice versa.
He also said you have to at least be unwilling to sh't to get any consideration, must be at least a living saint to stay above water, that there are far more sh'tties than saint, that 75% of actual saints turn to sh't, and of the 25%, 33.3% are bland, lame, and boring to god, and that none can force or stay the hand of god which can but doesn't have to act, nor in any perticular way, but the top 33.3% of the 25% of the mass does in fact make god move, noticably, and has far more pull / juice with god than the rest.

"Sponcered in part by 'God', as easy to obtain as hooch."

..already was a thing is that if I personally don't like you, god hates you, if I am hateing you, god is already punishing you and the devil already handed you more to burn on.

Dear Lord God, please make cooch as easy to obtain as hooch for me, per those desire of my heart references, if I'm your friend, etc.. ~, Hunter
P.s.. ..Also Lord God, could you please make any of these supposedly girls find their feminine instincts? ..or is it a maybe for you too and you'll ask your god? ..Plus, can we get rid of all japan's iranian selma hyack sh't and their cher sh't, etc.. plus all the soviet aberative inferior version..? Thanks.
..also, please inform matt damon again that he may not portrait me, but may use/portrait any tech I used and mentioned in writing, as long as ron howard would approve his script and we would approve beverly hecht's casting..
..P.p.s.. ..I know you hear this sh't all the time from every saint+, but can you somehow in someway or get your lord to make it happen that, I find a woman, actually, and that she is worth having, and also bless her womb with my seed, and watch over them, and godfather over them if nessesary.. etc.. amen.'s difficult for me to mention the bible was written by the devil charactorized in the bible without pointing out the ninth gate meaning all that is known as light came from the shadows and sometimes beginning to do what it takes to get somewhere is enough to get there.

Q: What did Jesus give paul and those soggy f'ks called apostles? (apostle = non-dier (even if they die) or undead)
A: Just a taste.

..uh, you do know ambrosia isn't what we eat, or are, is just our secretions, right?


Most of jesus' prayers wern't answerable, I could bother to explain which and why, but I can sum that all up as praying to god to forgive them because they are stupid doesn't work.

..if anyone seeks forgiveness, let them make up for their sh't instead of asking, I've elected japan as my tax collector.
Japan was already in my law firm and was already to you the devil in every way.

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