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The Noahide Faith

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Daniel Daly

Feb 21, 2003, 3:00:44 AM2/21/03

I live in Canberra. I would be extremely interested to know if anybody
around Australia has heard about the Noahide Faith. Found in the
Hebrew Bible (Genesis ch 9), there is a covenant and laws and rules
associated with it. It applies to all mankind, as the bible teaches
that all mankind has descended from Noah. The sign of the covenant is
the rainbow.

For those interested in learning more about the covenant, the following
website goes into detail on it;

If anybody has any questions about it, please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards

Daniel Daly
Canberra, Australia
ph: 02 6291 4414


Feb 21, 2003, 3:20:04 AM2/21/03
to (Daniel Daly) said

> Greetings
> I live in Canberra.

That explains a lot.

> I would be extremely interested to know if anybody
> around Australia has heard about the Noahide Faith.

They skinned/tanned Noah ?? Last I heard he was fixing boats out near
Jeruselem. Apparently his offspring kept the family business running for
a few centuries 'till some cunt called Moses came along and asked his
mate (someone called God IIRC) to part the sea. From that point on,
people thought 'fuck getting my boat fixed, I'll just get Moses to call
his mate again" so Noah Inc. went under.

> Found in the
> Hebrew Bible (Genesis ch 9), there is a covenant and laws and rules
> associated with it. It applies to all mankind, as the bible teaches
> that all mankind has descended from Noah.

Of course we did. All these genetic scientists have obviously got it all
The world is also flat and the sun travels around the earth (though fuck
knows how if it's flat. Wouldn't it fall off the edge?)

> The sign of the covenant is
> the rainbow.

I thought it was the ark. That's what Indiana Jones reckons and he
appears to be a pretty cluey bloke.

> For those interested in learning more about the covenant, the following
> website goes into detail on it;

No thanks. I've seen *all* of the Indiana Jones movies and therefore
already know all there is to learn about it.




Feb 21, 2003, 4:32:48 AM2/21/03
anyone care to complain to geocities for spamming >?


"Daniel Daly" <> wrote in message


Feb 21, 2003, 8:25:30 AM2/21/03
no a' hide from god
"Kwyjibo." <> wrote in message

Vombatus Ursinus

Feb 23, 2003, 7:57:23 PM2/23/03
OzBoc~! <> writted:

> anyone care to complain to geocities for spamming >?

>> Kind regards
>> Daniel Daly
>> Canberra, Australia
>> e-mail:
>> ph: 02 6291 4414

more to the point how would ACTEW AGL (an ACT government authority) feel
about him using his work email address to ditribute and reply to this



Stress: The confusion created when ones mind overrides the body's basic
desire to
choke the living crap out of some butthead who desperately needs it.


The above quote was hand crafted
from recycled electrons

Jul 12, 2015, 5:24:13 AM7/12/15
Morning Stars
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
(c) 2000 - 2010 CE / 6164 - 6174 SC

Before the beginning God planned. He planned something special, something new, something he had not done before. He planned to create.

For all eternity he had been alone. Throughout that span he had done nothing - there was nothing or no one else for him to interact with. Instead he had simply existed, and in that existence he had perfect peace. He knew himself, understood himself and rested in perfect harmony with himself. However within his mind dwelt infinity, and throughout eternity he contemplated infinity.

At some point in those contemplations something new came to him - it came to him as his mind investigated the concept of mathematics. Concepts had no tangible substance yet existed in the mind, and mathematics was one of the concepts that God delighted in. Its axioms were true - its laws complete and absolute, and within this concept something new came to him as he thought of the basic building blocks of mathematics in relation to himself.

He existed as one - there was no one with him. However within the laws of mathematics one and one made two. That is where the idea was born. What if there existed besides himself something else, something more than the God who was one. His infinite mind considered the possibilities - 'what else could exist apart from him? How would it come into existence? What would it be like?' And that is where the plan began.

Part One


Chapter One - Michael of Eternity

Awareness. The first thing that Michael could remember was awareness. Before then he had not existed, and from that point on he had. But his very first memories were simply of being aware of his own existence. What he now called light came very soon afterwards. And as that light flooded over him he began to perceive something within it. Something which he had no words at the time to describe, but which he now sang to and praised as the Glory of God.

Within that Glory Michael had felt goodness and love. And something else - a force. A force that at once was filled with infinite peace and gentleness yet, at the same time, strong and powerful beyond imagining. It was then that Michael learned to fear God.

In those early times, everything was new. God, he soon found out, was his creator. And more than that, his Father and teacher. God taught him many things, but mostly about the plan that he had. Soon he had what God called his brothers and sisters. They were like him in many ways, and different in many others. Each was unique. Each had their own thoughts, plans and, from what God had told him, their own destiny. Michael had his own destiny as well - one that continually unfolded as he lived out his life.
At 10 years of age, Michael had been alone. Not yet had there come forth any other of the Seraphim community - the Seraphim being his angelic brothers and sisters. God had been his companion and friend - his teacher, mentor and father. God did share with him that he would one day have family - and that family would come into being on the day of Michael's 12th birthday. His Father had shared with him the name for what would be his new brother - Gabriel. Michael liked the name. It was different to his and sounded original.

He, as he usually had done in the previous 10 years, spent most of his time exploring the world. His father had called it 'The Realm of Eternity'. He had also called it by a specific name, Zaphora, which he had asked Michael not to share with the brothers and sisters to come until a much later date.

Michael had been born in the 'Garden of Zaphora'. The Garden was the place where Michael ate most of the food that he needed to live on. All sorts of fruits and vegetables grew in the Garden. The Dwarrow fruit was quite tasty. Michael also particularly enjoyed the 'Melit' fruit, which was very light and refreshing. It was also very easy to squish down and drink, like water, so Michael had called the juice of the Melit fruit 'Melit Water'.

In the Garden were special trees as well. The tree Michael was most cautious about was the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. His father had warned him not to partake of the fruit of this tree. 'Not until you are of mature age and mind do I want you to partake of that fruit. If you do in fact partake of the fruit before that time, you may find ideas in your mind, thoughts which may challenge you - thoughts which, my dear son, you may not in fact like at all.'

Michael had trusted his Father and taken him at his word. At the age of 7, having understood the concept of years by that time, he had decided in his mind that for at least 1000 years he would not partake of the fruit. After that, though, he may consider it. He would ask his Father's permission then - but then, and only then.

The other fruit which his Father asked him to partake of every birthday was the 'tree of life'. Simply by eating this fruit his Father had said he granted him ongoing life. He had told him that he did not have to eat the fruit if he did not want to - that he would not force that upon him. But he had also said that, after a long and great time, if Michael failed to eventually eat of the fruit, he would in fact die. Michael did not really understand what 'death' was supposed to mean, however his father had explained that the fruits and vegetables that his son had in fact eaten were, in a way, now dead. 'In the life I gave them, they no longer exist. However this was always my intent. For you my son, if you fail to partake of the tree of life for a long and great time, you will eventually meet their fate. This choice, though, is in your hands. Over that choice you are sovereign.' His Father had gone on to explain that in their youth, the community of what would be his Seraphim brothers and sisters were to partake of the fruit every new year, which was Michael's birthday. But, at a later date, depending on the way certain things developed, which his Father would not share with him, they would only really need to partake of the fruit every century. And eventually, once they had built up enough of their own spirit, only once every millennia.

Michael had queried wether this would go on forever, the time increasing between how often they would need to partake of the fruit. His father had spoken to him very seriously then, and told him that, eventually, once every million years would likely suffice. To go beyond that, into great numbers, he had explained that he did not think that his children would be able to eventually cope with the things life threw at them. But he did have one thing to say which had frightened Michael in a way. 'It is possible, my son, to live without ever partaking of the fruit after a certain point in time. But you will have to be well trained and strong in the reality - the principle - of life. And all that is contained therein. If you actually sought that, and persisted passionately, vibrantly and with an eternal commitment - you perhaps could achieve this truth - this reality. But the fruit I have given is designed and intended to make it easier to live, without you having to struggle to that type of existence under your own strength. The fruit will be there eternally. It will always be available, and should you ever be struggling in a decision to go your own way, which I do not disapprove of, but advise caution, you are always most welcome to partake of the fruit. It is a gift of life I have provided for you. It has no cost, nor ever will - except that, in a sense, there is a cost in partaking of the fruit for your spirit. And that cost is your pride.'

* * * * *

He sat in front of the Sellawon, the name he had given to the river, watching it cascade along in its merry trill of life and love. He was 11 now, but it was the cold time of the year, and he was shivering occasionally, watching the river flow along and noticing some frozen ice by the edge of the river. Naturally he preferred summer and in winter usually stayed in the safety of the garden which seemed somewhat warmer than the rest of Zaphora at that time of the year, something Michael was unable to explain. Lunch time was approaching soon and he would likely go off looking for food, even flying to the garden if necessary. He usually came to the Sellawon every day to drink water, but often would just make do on the melit water which was a close approximation. But he had to cleanse his body every now and then and he somehow knew that only pure river water could cleanse it for the best. He stood up from the bank and walked down, picking up a stick, and sat at the edge of the river. He poked the stick into the ice, making holes, gradually making one big hole. It was entertaining enough, and he had done it often enough, but it made him happy and gave him something to do. He was feeling a little thirsty not having drunk today, so got down on his stomach and drank the ice cold water from the hole. Half an hour later, his body starting to shiver, he knew it was time to make his way back to the garden. He needed shelter from the cold and he had now drunk enough.

Landing back at the garden which was near the middle of Zaphora, he gradually made his way towards his usual hang out place, grabbing some pieces of fruit as he walked along, munching on them happily. He sat down in the middle of his clearing, noticing the warmth instantly, and then lied down on his back, staring up at the sky. Life had been like this for as long as he could remember, ever since his birth, right here in this clearing. It was as if he had gradually become aware of himself and then, just as suddenly, embraced the love and power of his father. And then he had been here, in the clearing.

That had been over 11 years ago and now, as his 12th birthday approached, something he was greatly anticipating drew near - the birth of his first brother Gabriel. He did not really know what Gabriel would be like but his father assured him he would be like himself in many ways, but unique in many others. But he would indeed be his special brother. And then more after that, apparently, until a certain number had been reached. He did not know what that number would be, but waited patiently.

He slept a lot in his youth and dreamt strange dreams. Dreams of clouds turning all sorts of colours and mountains getting bigger and smaller and water fountains gushing from the tops of them, and then ice patterns would form in his dreams, going through an endless parade of strange shapes he did not recognize. They were some of his dreams but he had many types, all from his life here in Zaphora. He finished off eating the piece of fruit, thought about getting some Dwarrow, but decided against it. Maybe later on for dinner. Time for rocks, he thought to himself.

Rocks was a game he had invented in which he tossed rocks, one first, then two at a time and so on, into the air to see the biggest number he could throw up and then catch. His record was still five but he was sure he would get to six one day. It was just a matter of perseverance.

He picked up his collection of river rocks, all smooth, which he had collected from the Sellawon and began juggling a few of them first of all. And then he started his game. He threw the first rock up, making sure it went high enough to satisfy his own sense of rules for the game, and caught it easily. This was followed by two, which he again managed, and then three which he was lucky to get. But he failed at four which meant he had to start again.

He played rocks for quite a while, not managing to get past three that day, but it was fun to do and kept him busy. Soon, though, he would go to his fort and do some more work on it. Michael's fort was near the edge of the garden and made up of rocks and wood branches. It was his own little abode which he had started building at about 2 and it had gradually gotten bigger. It collapsed once when he was 7, but he had since rebuilt it.

Walking along to the fort on the southern side of the garden, he listened as the winter wind blew in the trees. Looking at the grey clouds in the sky he felt it might rain soon, and being in the fort would be a good idea if rain came today.

He arrived at the fort and looked it over. It was twice as tall as him, with two levels, and about a trees length across. Pretty impressive he thought to himself. He thought briefly about gathering some more rocks to work on the extension he had been planning, but noticing the droplets of rain starting, he quickly climbed inside the fort and raked same of his leaves over him. Listening to the rain as it hit the roof of the fort, some drops splashing on him, he was happy to be warm and safe inside his domain. It would be good to share this with Gabriel - to show him what he had built. They could have lots of fun and adventures together, he thought to himself. It would be great when his brother arrived. But for now he was alone, apart from his father who spoke to him often at nights, and snuggling down in the leaves as the rain pounded the roof of the tiny little hut, Michael was at peace and happy with everything in his beautiful little world.

* * * * *

He woke. The rain had stopped and it was late afternoon. Time for gathering some more rocks. He climbed out of the fort and looked it over. The extension he planned was on the southern side to make a permanent bedroom, one he wanted to make, if possible, full-proof from the rain. He had gathered all of the rocks in the immediate vicinity and often brought some from the Sellawon were many were to be found. But he decided to head a little south today and see if he could find any. He could only carry one big rock at a time, and it took him ages to collect all the rocks, but he had nothing else to do and really wanted to complete his fort. After walking for a while he spotted a small outcropping of some rocks and picking one up started flying back to the fort. He put the rock in the growing pile he had been working on and now flew back. He did this for a couple of hours, heaving over 2 dozen rocks, before finally getting hungry and going off looking for some Dwarrow. He found some in the garden, tore it open and started eating. It was a basic vegetable his father had told him, but it was good enough to eat.

He worked on his fort all the rest of that winter and the following spring as well and when he had finally completed the extension just a few days before his 12th birthday he knew he had something special to share with Gabriel.

As the day approached and it got to the evening before his 12th birthday, God spoke to him that night.
'DEAR SON. GABRIEL IS READY NOW. I HAVE TOLD HIM ALL ABOUT YOU AND HE REALLY WANTS TO MEET YOU. BE AT PEACE WITH YOUR NEW BROTHER.' Those words made Michael smile and while he tried to stay up all night to wait for his new brother, sleep eventually claimed him and he drifted of with dreams of rocks and dwarrow and climbing mountains.

* * * * *

"Come on Gab. Let's fly." They took off, headed from the Garden in the early morning light, racing one of their usual races each morning to the Sellawon. Usually, because he was still a bit bigger, despite Gabriel having grown a lot, Michael won. But occasionally Gabriel put in the extra effort and came first. Today was close though.

They flew quickly, keeping an eye on each other, lunging and diving when necessary and as they reached their destination Gabriel dived and just touched ground before Michael.

They were puffing and Michael patted his brother on the back and said 'Well done, Gab. You have done it again.'
'Thanks Mikie.'

And then, for the first time in his life, Michael was spoken to by his third brother, who had just appeared. 'So you two are Michael and Gabriel, huh?'
Michael turned, stunned and looked at the dark figure. 'Raphael?'
'You guessed it,' responded his new brother. Michael and Gabriel ran over, hugged Raphael and started smiling at him.
'I knew you were due soon,' said Michael. 'But God wouldn't give me the exact date.
'Well, here I am,' responded Raphael.

They played for the rest of the day and finally, after a long tour of the garden, all three went to sleep in Michael's fort. The children of destiny were starting to grow and soon, very soon, more would come forth.

* * * * *

'Go on. I dare you,' said Saruviel to Michael. The other 5 angels watched cautiously, wondering if Michael would take on the dare.
'But, with my wings tied I could fall and injure myself. It's too dangerous, Saruviel.'
'Someone's got to do it, Mikie. And you're the eldest.'
'Why does anyone have to do it at all?' asked Raguel.
'We need to set records. Soon the rest of the 70 will be here and we need bragging rights on them. Otherwise they will not respect the oldest 7 enough.'
'Does that matter?' asked Phanuel.
'7 is the key number,' responded Saruviel. 'The 7 Archangels of Glory. How about that.'
Michael conceded, allowed Uriel to finish tying his wings together, and started the climb to the top. They were near the top of Mt Zadar anyway, on a ledge, near the difficult part, and Saruviel had laid down the challenge. Michael had finally accepted, and it was on. Naturally, he made it. He'd had many years climbing and was good at it now, and when the others standing at the summit watched him get there they congratulated him.
'Well done, Michael,' said Saruviel. 'That is the standard firstborn needs to set.'
Michael nodded, breathing heavily, unsurprised by those words. They were so like the 7th angel, so like him, and the expectations on perfection he had of all of them. But he was not disappointed now, not really. He'd made it and indeed they would have bragging rights and, perhaps, as Saruviel claimed, a sense of authority. Only time would tell.

* * * * *

He was embarrassed. Daniel the Seraphim, 45th born of the male Seraphim of the Realm of Eternity, was most embarrassed. Meludiel had blushed strongly and pushed him away, telling him what he had done was not appropriate, and now he was embarrassed. Daniel had had a crush on Meludiel for so long now, as long as he could practically remember. And with Zaphon nearing completion he had found her doing some carving of the woodwork under Elenniel's tutelage, told her he liked her and kissed her quickly on the cheek, but she had quickly pulled back, almost in horror to his great disappointment. And now he was duly embarrassed.

Later on, at dinner, Meludiel had approached him to explain her perspective and told Daniel that she didn't feel that way towards him. Daniel had listened, ashamed, but understood then that she didn't love him. And he would have to accept that, which he had, but his heart still hurt. He hadn't won her, and probably never would, but that was part of life. And sitting on the grass at the northern edge of the nearly completed haven of eternity, Zaphon keep, Daniel looked up at heaven at father and said, 'Why is my heart as such, father? Why is my heart as such?'

* * * * *

Rocks. They played a lot of rocks. Michael loved that. Saruviel thought it was oh, so, bloody gay. Lame as hell. Gabriel didn't care.

But they were getting older, somewhat now, and life had changed. There were 140 of them. Seraphim of God. The firstborn children of God, and Father loved them. And the old man visited, once or twice, who looked weird. They didn't know who he was, but he had a long beard, as he called it, on his face. And he said he was the father of the torah, and that he loved them. But he didn't tell them his name, and then he was gone. But he visited occasionally, the old man, and said he loved them.

* * * * *

Meludiel was an intelligent angel, but Daniel had a huge crush on her anyway. Daniel was called the idiot amongs the Seraphim angels, but Ambriel always defended him. He wasn't stupid. He just had an uncommon habit of making a fool of himself. And then, when Zaphon was being built, he made a huge blunder with the girl who was his crush, Meludiel, and fretted for years afterwards.

'Get over it,' said Ariel, to her twin Daniel.
'Get over what?' asked Daniel.
'Get over Meludiel. You will only end up with me in the end anyway.'
'You wish,' said Daniel.
'No. Not really,' said Ariel. 'Of every single Seraphim brother of mine, you are 100% the last on the list, Believe me, the last buddy. Even that maniac Saruviel is preferable to a schmuck like you.'
'What's a schmuck?' asked Daniel.
Ariel looked guilty. 'Nothing. Michael and Gabriel use the word a little. Your just too stupid to know what it means.'
'I know,' said Daniel glumly, looking downwards.
Ariel took pity on her brother, looked at him with love, and sat down next to him.
'Look, silly. One day. It may be at the end of eternity, and knowing my luck probably will be. But one day, even doofus Daniel will grow up and start acting like a man.'
'What's a man?' asked Daniel naively.
'Brother,' said Ariel, looking away.

* * * * *

And then the old man showed up and talked with Gabriel. 'You have a long and winding destiny, son of mine. Watch Michael. You two are tragically competitive in the end. He will best you at every corner, in the end, if he can. He's like that. But, with maturity, you will grow to love each other.
'Yes, father,' said Gabriel instinctively.
And God smiled.

* * * * *

'Look, Daniel. Face it. In the end Ambriel will never budge from his beloved twin. As gay as that may be, Ambriel is just like that. His twin is his all. No matter what you say or do, she will always choose Ambriel in the end.'
Daniel refused to be consoled.
'So how about giving me a go, you know. Your sis. Your bestie. The only one who really, deep, deep, down, cares for you the most.'
She touched his hair, and stroked it, and she looked at him and loved him. He would grow up, one day. And he was a handsome angel. Good looking, and, despite his awkward youth, was very decent in his heart. A good soft heart. Meek. Like Ambriel, but different. A gentle man. And she would insult him forever, for he thoroughly deserved it, the faithless beast. But she would love him forever as well. Never tell him, though. But love him none-the-less.

* * * * *

Gabriel picked up the rock from Michael's desk. It was the victory rock when they had last had a competition, a long time ago.
'What are you doing with that?' asked Michael.
'Just looking,' said Gabriel.
'I won fair and square,' said Michael. 'And the century isn't up yet, so there is no new competition yet.'
'I know, I know,' said Gabriel, and put the rock down.

He sat in front of Michael's desk in Zaphon, the heart of eternity, the haven of eternity as it was known, and looked at his brother making notes about the work they were now doing. It had been recent, the building of Zaphon, only a few years earlier completed, and Michael was overseer of Zaphon, the number one guy, and ran things. And they used papyrus and quills with ink now, and had a growing library of scrolls, Brindabel running the library, and even scholars like Davriel, who seemed to know so much. Lastborn was really smart, everyone knew that. And Cimbrel - genius at numbers. Everyone knew that as well.

'You know. The old man. I think I know who he really is.'
'He's God,' said Michael.
'Yes,' said Gabriel surprised. 'How did you know?'
'We have been talking. Some of us about him. Davriel said it was probably God.
'Oh,' said Gabriel.
'Yep,' said Michael.
'I see.' Gabriel looked at the rock in his hand. They already knew. No great surprise.

When Gabriel left Michael thought on it. The old man. Well. Probably God. But when he came the second time, he looked different. Quite different. The hair was shorter, and he looked - less old. Less wrinkled. But, in the end, they had no real proof. It was God. Or it was just the old man. Just an old man. Just an old man.

And later that same year the old man came one last time, and said to them.
'I love you, children of mine. But I must go now. For you must grow up, and trials are coming very soon. But I will be there - forever. Your heart will always remember. You, though, will forget me in time. Not long from now. I will be gone from you, but I will return one day, though it will be as if you had never known me before anyway. But I will always be there, watching, loving you. Dear Children. Dear, dear Children of Destiny.'

And the old man went, then, and, indeed, in time he went from their memories, and was just an old man in there hearts, comforting them in their dreams, which vanished when the night was gone.

* * * * *

Michael, sitting his room one fine day in eternity, was contemplating some strategies in Chulara, which was also known as Katchular - or by the fuller name of Katchulara.

A knock came to the door, and he went to answer it. Elenniel, his twin sister, stood there. 'Michael. We need to speak.' He let her in and they sat down in his bed. She looked at him. 'Michael. Do you love me?' He looked at her, and looked down at his lap, thinking on his answer. He looked at her again, 'Yes, sister. I do.' She asked once more. 'Do you love me. Do you love me in that special way you love no other sister?' He thought on his answer, and in honesty knew he could respond in the way she perhaps desired. 'Yes Elenniel. I do.' She looked at him, kissed him on the forehead, and left.

He smiled, a slight smile and returning to his thinking of strategy for chulara, decided to go to visit the rim for some quite space to think. To think on Chulara and, perhaps, other thoughts which had just entered his head.

Coming down the stairwell and turning to walk along the corridor, a voice hailed him.
'Michael, where are you going?'
Michael turned towards the familiar voice. It was Ambriel, of course. 'Nowhere special, Ambriel.'
When Ambriel saw that his question was unlikely to be answered any further, he persisted. 'Perhaps you may not think it special, but may I know where it is anyway?' Michael looked at him and smiled. 'Well, if you must know, I am going to the rim.'
A perplexed look came over Ambriel's face.
'The rim! Why would you want to go to the rim? There's nothing there.'
'I know Ambriel, I know.' He paused before speaking further. 'I guess I go there for a number of reasons. I like it there, and it gives me time to think. But I suppose I mainly go there to be alone for a while.'
'Oh,' Ambriel replied, slightly taken aback, 'I guess you probably wouldn't want any company then, would you?' Michael considered his response before answering. He could tell him no, that he wanted to be alone, as he did. But something in his heart told him that if Ambriel really wanted to come along with him, then he should let him. 'Well I usually go to the rim to be alone, but if you want to come along you may.' Ambriel's face brightened. 'Are you sure it's alright? You really don't mind?'
'No, it's ok. Come on then.' Michael turned and started walking down the corridor, Ambriel following alongside.

They came to the bottom of the keep and exited via the large entrance. The rim was some distance from Zaphon, the place they knew as home.
Michael turned to Ambriel and said, 'Are you ready?'
'Yes', he replied. They both then unfurled their wings and took to the sky. Angels flew with grace and ease, and although the rim was a fair distance by foot, flying would not take them too long. As he flew, Michael looked over the golden landscape spread out below him. Close to home there were various gardens filled with all sorts of wonderful flora, but these disappeared the further they went out, to be replaced by large meadows and rolling hills. Here and there were occasional buildings, which some of his brethren stayed in from time to time.

After a while the hills gave way to larger mountains, a sign to Michael that they were getting near their destination. Shortly he spotted the edge of the mountains where they gave way to the rim. He waved to Ambriel, signalling that they should descend. Ambriel nodded consent and they started their way down. They landed near the summit of one of the smaller mountains and looked around to get their perspective.
'Come on', Michael said to Ambriel. He pointed towards the edge of the mountain, 'The rim is just over there.'

The rim was, in essence, the edge of eternity. Beyond it lay a great expanse of nothingness - a complete void. To his Father it was the uncreated - a place where he had not yet done any work. To Michael it was simply the rim. When he was younger, Michael had flown off the edge to see how far he could go. To his great surprise he was only able to fly a few metres beyond the edge. After that, while he was still flying and felt like he was moving forward, he simply did not seem to be going anywhere. Apparently there was nowhere else for him to go. Nothing existed beyond a certain point except a great realm of emptiness. Today there would be no such foolishness. Michael walked over towards the rim and sat down, legs dangling over the edge. Ambriel soon came and joined him.

After sitting there for a long while and looking out at the nothingness, Ambriel spoke up.
'I don't think I have ever been to this part of the rim before. Is it a place you come to often?'
'No, not really', Michael replied. 'In fact, I don't think that I have been to this exact spot ever before.' The silence resumed. Michael continued staring out at the emptiness, his mind going over recent events. Before coming to the rim he had been in his room planning strategies for Katchular. Katchular was a strategic game played with a mat and many different coloured markers. The object was to trap the opponent's markers and eliminate them from the game one by one. Michael was good at the game, and had devised many different strategies for winning. One of the reasons for him wanting to come to the rim that day was to think about some new strategies he had been working on. For a long time he had been the best player at the game amongst his brethren, but recently Saruviel had started to improve greatly. He had even beaten Michael on a few recent occasions. Michael's gameplan was usually built around a strong defence. When he had a strong position he would gradually attack outwards and wear down his opponents. Saruviel, however, was quite different. He would attack relentlessly - ruthlessly even. Michael had to acknowledge that the general strategy seemed to work, and had thought about using some of Saruviel's moves in his own game. Michael glanced towards Ambriel and considered him. Ambriel rarely played Katchular. When he did he was usually beaten quite soundly. Perhaps that discouraged him from playing; however Michael didn't think it was that simple. Ambriel was a gentle, peaceful fellow. He did not seem to like contests or competitions that much - they seemed somehow to go against his nature, or so Michael thought. That didn't surprise Michael. Ever since he had known him, Ambriel had been like that.

'Michael,' Ambriel spoke up, interrupting Michael's thoughts. 'Do you ever wonder how Father made us?' Michael found the question a little puzzling.
'How he made us? Well, I guess I've never really thought about it that much. Thinking about it I suppose he just willed us into existence or something like that. I couldn't say for sure. Why do you ask?' 'Well', he replied a little hesitantly, 'I was speaking to Saruviel a little while ago and he asked me the same question. I didn't know what to tell him, so I thought that I would ask you'.
'Oh. Well, perhaps you should tell him to ask Father. That would be the easiest way to find out.'
'Yes, I guess you're right. It probably would be.'

Ambriel paused a little, before speaking on.
'Yes', he replied.
'Have you noticed anything different about Saruviel recently?'
Michael looked straight at him. 'Different? What do you mean? He seems the same to me.'
'Well', Ambriel replied, 'I guess you haven't noticed, but recently Saruviel doesn't seem to be getting as involved with things at home as he used to. He is sometimes absent when assembly is called, and he doesn't come to many of the other gatherings. He seems to be keeping company mainly with Daraqel and Kantriel but few others.'
'No, I guess I hadn't noticed that', Michael said. 'Have you talked to him about it?' Does he have a reason for his absences?'
'Oh no, I haven't talked to him about it. Really, it is just something that I have noticed recently and I was just concerned, that's all. I thought I would talk to someone else about it first to see if anyone else had noticed.' Michael thought on that briefly before continuing. 'Well, perhaps Saruviel is just going through some changes. I remember that when I was younger and speaking with Father, he said that there would come a time in my life when I would go through many changes. He said that as I grew older I would mature, and that change would be part of my life, and with time I should learn to accept that. I may be wrong, but perhaps Saruviel is simply going through some changes at the moment and he may just need some time to himself to get used to those changes. That may be the reason for his absences and him keeping to himself. I could not say for sure, though.'
Ambriel looked at Michael for a moment as if considering what he had said and then turned and looked out towards the rim. 'Yes, I guess it could be that. Maybe he is just going through some changes, as you say, and needs time to himself. Perhaps that is all it is'. Ambriel left off speaking and continued staring out at the rim.
Michael looked at him for a while, then turned his gaze likewise towards the rim. That was just like Ambriel, to be concerned about others, Michael thought to himself. It was something that Michael admired about him.

His thoughts, however, quickly turned to that of Saruviel. Michael had not really noticed anything different about Saruviel recently, but he could honestly say that he had not been paying a great deal of attention. As head of the assembly, Michael had many duties, which often kept him occupied for hours at a time. He didn't always have the time to concern himself with the everyday affairs of his fellow brethren. It was not that he only had little interest in them; it was not that at all. It was just that his duties kept him busy for the majority of the time, and in his free time he usually liked to do his own thing.

Perhaps that was something he would have to look at. His responsibilities were important to him and he enjoyed doing them. As firstborn of the assembly it was his right and responsibility to be the head and set an example for his brethren. However, if those responsibilities caused him to neglect his friendships and relationships with his brethren, friendships and relationships that were fundamental to his life, then perhaps he would have to think again about how he handled them. 'Was he really as involved with his brothers as he should be?' he questioned himself. He always attended assembly and most of the gatherings, and at those times he would speak with many of his brethren. However, if he had really been taking an interest, why hadn't he noticed Saruviel's absences? 'Perhaps I should speak to Father and ask his advice', he thought to himself. It was a way in which Michael handled many of his difficulties. 'If there is any problem, he will be able to help me.'

After having sat there for a lone while pondering the various happenings in his life, Michael turned his attention towards the sky. The afternoon was fading fast and night was approaching. Throughout the realm of eternity, as his Father had called it, there were divisions in time that he had called day and night. Day was the time when things were light and colourful. It was a time for activity. A time when work was undertaken and gatherings took place. A time that Michael enjoyed a great deal. However, when the day's activities were done, darkness would descend. His Father had said that a period of rest was necessary. A time to be recovered and to be refreshed. Work could not go on indefinitely. There needed to be a time of sleep, as he had called it, after which the activities could begin again, with a renewed strength.

Michael turned towards Ambriel. "It's getting late. We should probably be making our way back.'
Ambriel nodded his consent 'Yes, I guess you are right. I have enjoyed myself though. I think I am beginning to understand why you like coming here. It is very quiet, and the rim does have a sort of attraction to it, doesn't it?'
Michael smiled, 'You've noticed. I don't know what it is about this place, but it seems to help me focus my thoughts. A good place to think.' Michael stood up and stretched himself. 'Anyway, it's getting late, and I am a little hungry. Are you ready to go?'
'Yes', Ambriel replied. 'Let's go'.
Michael turned away from the rim and took to the sky.
As they flew along, Michael thought on the afternoon he had just spent. He hadn't really come up with any new strategies for Katchular, but that didn't really bother him. Ambriel had been good company, and had raised an issue that Michael felt important. All things considered, an afternoon well spent.

As they got closer to home, Michael could make out the lights of Zaphon in the distance. Zaphon, or eternity's haven as it was also called, was the place Michael knew as home. Thinking back, he remembered the time of it being built. Originally, when he was very young, he and his brethren had lived in a garden environment. The garden provided all they needed to eat and afforded many places for recreation and rest. However, after time had passed and more of his brethren had come into being, his Father had said it was necessary to build a more appropriate place for them to live and dwell in - a place which they could truly call home.

Building that home had been a valuable learning experience for Michael. Father had placed him in charge of the project and given him the essential idea of what he had in mind. Bringing that plan to completion was Michael's responsibility. Before any of the work had taken place, however, Father had first taught the angels how it might be accomplished. He had given them instruction in how tools could be made, that were then used for cutting down wood and quarrying stone, which would be the materials used for the construction of the keep.

Countless days passed in the building of the keep, far too many for Michael to remember them all. But as it progressed and neared completion, Michael had felt a growing sense of satisfaction. Satisfaction at achieving something worthwhile. When the project was finally complete, there had been a great celebration. Working together, the angels had achieved something. They had built themselves a home. Those days were, of course, long ago. But Michael always felt happy in reminiscing about them.

As they both neared Zaphon Michael signalled that they should descend. Ambriel obliged and they started circling downwards. Once grounded, Michael waved to Ambriel, 'It looks like dinner will be upon us shortly. I am going to go clean up a little. I will see you there?' 'For sure,' replied Ambriel. 'After that flight I am feeling quite hungry,' Ambriel patted his stomach, 'and my belly is starting to make strange noises.'
Michael laughed shaking his head a little, and then turned and started making his way up the steps of the keep.

After cleaning himself up with the wash basin in his room, Michael put on a clean tunic, and started making his way towards the diner hall. As he made his way along the upper hallway of the keep where the dorms were, his attention turned to the workmanship along the walls and ceiling. The construction that he and his brethren had done in the building of the keep had indeed been good work. The stone bricks and the woodwork fitted together perfectly, and it would likely be many millennia before any of it needed replacing. He particularly admired some of the engravings that Elenniel had carved into the walls. She was very talented at her craft, and all sorts of elaborate figures, shapes and designs were carved into the stonework and woodwork that ran along the halls of the keep.

Every now and again Michael would visit Elenniel at her workshop located north of Zaphon. She spent much of her time there carving and engraving in both wood and stone, and Michael enjoyed spending time with her inspecting her latest work. He actually liked spending time with her regardless. She was a quiet angel and did not speak very much. But when she did speak, it was obvious her words were carefully chosen. She often challenged Michael to think about things in a different light - to consider viewing things from a different perspective. It was a quality that he liked about her and something he tried to put into practice for himself. Taking one last look at some of the designs, he turned and started making his way down the stairwell to the bottom floor.

* * * * *

The dinner hall was alive with chatter as he came through the large doorways, a hush soon descending though, as his presence became known. He smiled and nodded at some of his brethren in his immediate vicinity and gradually made his way towards the table at the head of the room. Michael sat at the head table in the dining hall - one of the privileges of his birthright. Fortunately, he had come just in time, as he eyed a dinner trolley being wheeled in from the side doorway. Michael took his seat and glanced around. The room appeared near full. It seemed that most of his brethren were in attendance that night. It was not always as such. Often, many of the angels were away, staying at some of the smaller keeps located around the realm. It was usually only on special occasions that most were in attendance at Zaphon.

Michael turned his attention to the angel seated opposite him. 'Yes Jerahmeel,' he replied.
'It would seem that you are almost late for dinner. That's not like you,' said Jerahmeel.
'Yes, I do apologise' replied Michael. 'Ambriel and I had spent the afternoon away from the keep. Time perhaps got away from us a little. Anyway, most of the brethren appear to be here this evening. Is there some event that I am not aware of?'
Jerahmeel looked around the room. 'Yes, the room does appear near full. But to answer your question, no, there is no special event that I am aware of.' Jerahmeel looked at him, a slight grin on his face. 'Perhaps a bout of homesickness has overcome some of them.'
Michael laughed. 'Yes, I am sure that's it.'

His attention turned towards the angel seated next to Jerahmeel. 'Sariel. It is good to see you. I haven't seen you at dinner for a while. Is there some special reason for you being with us tonight?'
'It is good to see you as well Michael,' Sariel replied. 'Actually yes, I think I can tell you why there are so many of us here this evening. Gabriel has requested our presence. He came to see me, and many others, this afternoon and asked if I would come along tonight.' 'Oh,' said Michael, his curiosity aroused. 'Did he give you some reason?'
'Only that he missed us, and would appreciate it if we came tonight. He may have some other reason, but he did not share that with me.' Sariel's attention turned towards an angel who had made her way to the side of their table and was about to start serving. 'Dinner is upon us brothers.'

After making his way through a plate of steamed vegetables and baked langwah, Michael turned his attention back to Sariel. 'So you say Gabriel asked you here tonight.'
Sariel nodded.
'I wonder if he has an announcement to make?' queried Michael.
Sariel smiled. 'I wouldn't know, Michael. I took what he said at face value. Simply that he missed us and would appreciate our company for dinner.'
'Oh well,' replied Michael. 'I guess if he does have an announcement to make he will speak up shortly. Sariel, I was wondering ....' began Michael, but before he could speak any further, a tinging noise was being made over to his left.

Heads turned to see Gabriel standing, tapping on a glass with a fork to gain the attention that was now focused on him. Gabriel looked around the room at his brethren. 'Brothers, Sisters. I am glad that you could all make it this evening. On such short notice I am very grateful that so many of you were able to attend. Firstly, I would like to thank Shannel, Muriel and Kaladel for the excellent meal they have prepared for us this evening. The langwah is the best that I have had in a long time.' Gabriel nodded towards the cooking staff seated at the side of the room. 'A very fine meal Shannel. You have outdone yourself.'
Shannel, Zaphon's head cook, smiled back. She was used to receiving compliments from Gabriel, but always received them graciously.

Gabriel resumed speaking. 'Now Brothers, Sisters. As some of you may already suspect, I have not called this gathering tonight for no reason. Although it is always a delight to see you all together, there is something I wish to discuss with you.' Gabriel paused, preparing for his next words. 'We have all known each other for a long time now.' Gabriel looked towards Michael, nodding in his direction. 'Michael, of course, is our eldest, and he has known each of us from our birth. All in all, Father has brought to life 140 of us, 70 male and 70 female. We are the Angelic Seraphim. Children of God and Father's precious delight. Father has given us this realm of eternity to live in, and Zaphon, the place we know as home.' He paused again to add emphasis to his following words. 'As many of you know, I speak with him often, and recently he has begun to tell me of plans that he has made.' Gabriel paused briefly. 'Plans to start creating again.' A buzz quickly started around the room.
Michael looked at Gabriel in astonishment. 'Creating!' he mouthed to himself silently, startled at the announcement. 'Creating?' He is going to start working again?'

Gabriel started tapping on his glass again to silence the chatter. 'Yes, I know the news may come as a shock to some of you. But let me first say that it has always been his intent to continue working at some time in the future. We and the realm that we live in are the first of his works, that is true. But he has told me quite firmly that the time is approaching when he will soon start his creative works again. He has not told me when this will happen, only that it will be soon.'

Matrel who was seated near the back of the room stood up and waved to get Gabriel's attention. 'But why would he want to create again? Is he not satisfied with us? With our realm? Is there something wrong with us that he would want to create all over again?' His words seemed to echo some of the concerns of the other angels present.
'Please, Matrel. Let me assure you that that is most definitely not the case. Father loves us - dearly. He often tells me how proud he is of each of you, and with the way that you are living your lives. This new creative endeavour that he plans in no way threatens what he has already done. He has assured me strongly that it will only enhance our lives. But please, hear Davriel. Father has given some words to him to share with us.'

Davriel who was seated next to Gabriel stood up and started speaking. 'Brother, Sisters. let me first repeat Gabriel's assurances in saying that this new work will only enhance what he has already created. Now, what he intends doing is simple. As some of you may know, the realm we live in stretches from Zaphon our home at the centre of the realm outwards, a distance of approximately 50,000 cubits to the rim. And the realm is roughly circular in shape. Father has told me that he intends extending that distance to the rim outwards, from 50,000 cubits to,' Davriel paused and looked around to add emphasis to the words that he was about to speak, 'to 5,000,000 cubits!' The buzz in the room seemed to increase a notch with that announcement. 'Furthermore, and this is perhaps the most exciting news of all. While we Seraphim are the firstborn of his children, it is his intent that we are to no longer be alone. Stating it simply, Father intends to add to us more brothers and sisters. To bring forth more members of the Assembly of God. And from what Father has told myself and Gabriel, they are to be vast in number.' With those words said, the chatter around the room reached a new level. Davriel, satisfied that his words had been received and understood, returned to his seat.

Michael sat for a long moment staring towards Gabriel and Davriel, and then turned his attention back towards Jerahmeel. 'Well', he said after a while, 'how about that!'

* * * * *

Later on, as dinner had ended and most of his brethren had retired for the evening, Michael made his way out of the dinner hall towards the lounge, where he had a hunch Gabriel would be. He found him seated on one of the lounges deep in conversation with Davriel. Michael sat down opposite him, and waited until he had their attention. After a short while Gabriel stopped speaking with Davriel and turned towards Michael. Sensing Michael's mood, Gabriel put his hand up, as if to stop Michael from speaking. 'Yes, I think I know what you are going to say. Why were you not told sooner?'
Michael looked at him sharply, a slight edge in his voice. 'Well, yes Gabriel. With news like this I really should have been made aware of it before you had shared it with any of the others. As firstborn it is my right to know about things like this as soon as they are known.' He paused before continuing. 'How long have you known that Father was planning to do this?'
'I understand your concerns Michael, I really do.' Gabriel replied. 'I had thought about sharing this with you as soon as I found out. But Father asked me not to. He simply said it would be better to share it with all the brethren at the same time. And that includes yourself. Only me and Davriel had known about it before tonight.'
Michael persisted, 'And how long had you known about it?'
Gabriel gave him a look belying his frustration at Michael's persistence. 'You don't give up, do you? Well, to tell you the truth, I first got an idea that this might be on his mind a few months ago. Father had not said anything definite, but he had perhaps dropped some hints that had given me the idea. But officially he told me three weeks ago.'
'Three weeks!' exclaimed Michael. 'Three weeks!' he repeated for emphasis. 'And you have waited until now before sharing this with us? Why such a long wait?' 'Well,' Gabriel began cautiously, sensing Michael's disapproval. 'Father felt that the time was not right to share it with all the brethren immediately. My belief is that he wanted to see how Davriel and myself handled the news before sharing it with anyone else. As you can probably understand, I was a little unsettled at first. But he has assured me that he knows exactly what he is doing, which of course he does.'
Seemingly satisfied with that response, the tension in Michael's voice diminished somewhat. 'Well, I guess if that is how he wanted the news delivered, then it was probably the right way.'
'Yes, I think so,' Gabriel replied.
Michael smiled. 'You know, when I think about it, I guess I should have known that this would happen eventually. I was at the rim this afternoon with Ambriel. Looking out I remembered something that Father had told me when I was much younger. He said that the rim was the edge of eternity. That it marked the boundary between the created and the uncreated - between our realm and a place where he had not yet done any work. I guess the possibility was always there that he would work again one day. And I guess that day has come.'
Gabriel pondered those words. 'To tell you the truth, I had never really thought about it. I don't really go to the rim very often. It just seems like the edge of our realm to me. But, yes. It is where he will do his further work.'
Michael motioned to Davriel, 'You said that there would be more brothers and sisters. More like us. I had thought that the number of Seraphim was complete. After all this time is he to add more brethren to our fold?'
Davriel considered his words carefully before replying. 'Yes, it is as you say. The number of Seraphim is complete. Father told me quite clearly that our number will not be added to.' Davriel glanced towards Gabriel before continuing. 'As we said in the dining room earlier, Father has not yet shared all of his plans for our new brethren with us. All I can really say is that they will be like us in many ways, but that they will not be identical. They will not be Seraphim.'
'Not Seraphim,' Michael said. 'Then what? Will they be angels like us?'
Gabriel answered for Davriel. 'I am afraid that we really can not answer that question Michael. That is about the limit of our knowledge on the subject. But it is as Davriel has said. They will be like us in many ways, but not identical. However Father has said quite clearly that they will be our brethren. And that is all we know.'
'Mmm. Well then,' Michael said, and looked at them for a short while before continuing, 'It would seem then that our lives are about to change quite dramatically. But if this is what Father has planned then it would be best if we got used to the idea.'
'Indeed,' Gabriel replied. Michael looked down at the ground, in thought, 'I think it would be best if both of you made yourselves generally available over the next few days. I am sure that all of our brethren will be wanting to ask you many questions, especially those who were not at dinner tonight.'
'Certainly.' Gabriel replied.
'Yes, of course' said Davriel.
'Good'. Michael said, 'and I do appreciate the way that you broke this news this evening. It was handled well.' 'Thanks,' Gabriel replied.

Michael looked at them a short while, seemingly satisfied with what had been said. 'Well, if you two will excuse me, it is getting late and it has been a long day. A long eventful day. And I have much to think about.' 'Yes, it has,' Gabriel replied. 'I will see you tomorrow, Michael. Good night.'
'Yes, good night,' echoed Davriel. Michael nodded at them smiling, and made his way out of the lounge.

As he made his way along the lower hallway towards the stairwell leading up to the dormitories, a voice hailed him from behind. He turned to see Ambriel standing there, a big grin on his face.
'Michael, isn't this news amazing. We are to have new brethren!'
'Yes,' Michael replied. He could tell from the way that Ambriel was smiling that the news had gone well with him. Although he had fears for the way many of his brethren would receive the news, fears that they would feel threatened in their position, it was obvious that there would be no such problems with Ambriel.

'Yes,' he continued. 'It looks as if Father has decided that we are ready to be added to. Our family is to grow Ambriel.'
'Yes,' he replied. 'I can hardly wait. Do you think ...', Ambriel began.
Michael put his hands up to stop him from continuing. 'Please Ambriel. It has been a long day, and I am tired. I am sure your questions can wait until tomorrow.'
'Oh. Oh, of course,' said Ambriel, slightly taken aback. 'Yes, they can wait. Well, good night then Michael.' 'Good night Ambriel.' Ambriel smiled at him and then turned and walked away. Michael watched him briefly and the turned and started making his way towards the stairwell and up to his room.

Taking a small candle from a cache underneath a torch that was burning along the upper hallway, Michael lit it and entered his room. He sat down on his bed and placed the candle in the lamp that was on the table alongside his bed. With the lamp lit, he replaced it on the table, and sat back down on his bed. His thoughts were all over the place. As he changed from his dinner tunic into a sleeping gown, Michael wondered in his heart about how these new events would really affect life in Zaphon. He was now quite used to his life, and the little change that usually went along with it. Oh, there had always been new things. New events and occurrences which changed life somewhat. From the new inventions such as the lamp he used that lit up his room, to the various celebrations, and the new songs to be sung in choir. But these things never really changed the routine in Zaphon very much. Life went on as usual and lives were lived. However, now that Father was to begin work again, change was coming. And not minor change, but change that would alter the very way that they lived their lives. Michael was not sure if he was ready for such a change. He liked things as they were now. But if Father indeed wanted to begin working again, then he knew he should be in favour of it, even if his heart was not ready.

'Perhaps I need to be more like Ambriel,' he thought to himself. 'He is looking forward to it.' That was perhaps a strength in Ambriel that Michael didn't have. It seemed that Ambriel could accept change quite well. But perhaps the real reason for Ambriel's apparent joy, or so Michael suspected, was the announcement that Father would bring to life more brothers and sisters. Ambriel valued his friendships with his brethren a great deal, and now that there would be more of them, that only afforded him more opportunities to gain new friends and make new relationships. But whatever the reason for Ambriel's reaction to the news, it was the positive example that he had set that Michael knew that he should try to emulate in some way. He was the firstborn and the head of the Assembly. He needed to be in agreement with this new direction that Father planned to take them in, to be wholehearted about it. And he needed his brethren to know that. Perhaps both for their sake and his. As he lay on his bed staring up at the ceiling, he wondered if that really would be the case. 'Time will only tell,' he thought to himself, as he closed his eyes and searched for sleep.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Jul 12, 2015, 5:26:12 AM7/12/15
The Actewagl email address was my personal email address. Actewagl was also an Internet Service Provider, and I was using that ISP at the time.

Daniel Daly
Canberra, Australia


Jul 12, 2015, 3:57:45 PM7/12/15
On Sun, 12 Jul 2015 02:24:12 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>Morning Stars
>Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
> Before the beginning God planned. He planned something special, something new, something he had not done before. He planned to create.

Dies irae, dies ilia
Solvet Saeclum in favilla
Teste Satan cum sibylla.
Quantos tremor est futurus
Quando Vindex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus.
Dies irae, dies ilia!

Non usitata nee tenui ferar
Penna biformis per liquidum aethera
Vates, neque in terris morabor
Longius, invidiaque maior
Orbis relinquam


Jul 12, 2015, 3:58:41 PM7/12/15
Agios o Baphomet

O Oriens splendour lucis aeternae

Et sol justitiae:

Veni et illumina sedentes in tenebris

Et umbra mortis
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