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How to get your ip address (whatismyipaddress) from the Linux command line

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Sep 1, 2014, 10:38:20 PM9/1/14
I can get my IP address from a web browser (,
but how do I get my IP address from the Linux command line?

I don't mean the non routable IP address that I get from ifconfig,
but the Internet IP address that is what the outside world sees of
my machine.

This IP address changes all the time, but how do I find it out?


Sep 1, 2014, 10:57:15 PM9/1/14
Enter in a terminal:

curl; echo


inxi -i

<Wildman> GNU/Linux user #557453
The cow died so I don't need your bull!

Emanuel Berg

Sep 1, 2014, 11:13:43 PM9/1/14
On Tue, 2 Sep 2014 02:38:20 +0000 (UTC) Ninghong
<> wrote:

> I don't mean the non routable IP address that I get
> from ifconfig, but the Internet IP address that is
> what the outside world sees of my machine.

Wildman <> writes:

> Enter in a terminal:
> curl; echo
> or
> inxi -i

Can't you get that with 'ifconfig eth0' as well?

underground experts united


Sep 2, 2014, 12:19:07 AM9/2/14
I believe that gives you the internal or local network
ip. The OP was wanting the external or WAN ip.

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 2, 2014, 6:00:41 AM9/2/14
Ninghong wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
$ lynx -dump

Q: What lies on the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A: A nervous wreck.

Jasen Betts

Sep 2, 2014, 8:25:12 AM9/2/14
On 2014-09-02, Ninghong <> wrote:
> I can get my IP address from a web browser (,
> but how do I get my IP address from the Linux command line?

use a command-line web browser!

I use wget to ask my router what its IP address it.

but there's also a wbsite outt here somewhere that just returns the ip

wget -O- 2>/dev/null

but I know when I replace my router, could fail
any time without warning.

umop apisdn

--- news:// - complaints: ---

Bit Twister

Sep 2, 2014, 9:21:35 AM9/2/14
On 2 Sep 2014 12:25:12 GMT, Jasen Betts wrote:
> On 2014-09-02, Ninghong <> wrote:
>> I can get my IP address from a web browser (,
>> but how do I get my IP address from the Linux command line?
> use a command-line web browser!
> I use wget to ask my router what its IP address it.
> but there's also a wbsite outt here somewhere that just returns the ip
> adddress.

There are a few and using curl makes it easy enough.


Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 11:18:19 AM9/2/14
Bit Twister wrote:
> Jasen Betts wrote:
>> Ninghong wrote:

>>> I can get my IP address from a web browser (,
>>> but how do I get my IP address from the Linux command line?
>> use a command-line web browser!
>> I use wget to ask my router what its IP address it.
>> but there's also a wbsite outt here somewhere that just returns the ip
>> adddress.
> There are a few and using curl makes it easy enough.
> curl
> curl
> curl

Sometimes if you are troubleshooting something, you may not have good
name service and it is useful to use a site which will answer when
accessed by its IP, such as icanhazip (currently, but
not or dnsomatic.


Mike Easter

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 11:40:30 AM9/2/14
Mike Easter wrote:
> Bit Twister wrote:

>> curl

> a site which will answer when accessed by its IP, such as icanhazip

Other trivia (and uses) about icanhazip in its faq, and the wikipedia
articles on lolcat and I can has cheezeburger.

Mike Easter


Sep 2, 2014, 12:44:08 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:18:19 -0700, Mike Easter wrote:

> curl

I resigned myself to the fact that there is no Linux command that can
tell us the public IP address without going to an outside web site such
as whatismyipaddress.

So, to that end, I've created the alias, as you suggested:
alias whatismyipaddress='curl'


Sep 2, 2014, 1:02:12 PM9/2/14
I guess you missed my post mentioning inxi.

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 1:15:04 PM9/2/14
Wildman wrote:
> Ninghong wrote:
>> Mike Easter wrote:
>>> curl
>> I resigned myself to the fact that there is no Linux command that
>> can tell us the public IP address without going to an outside web
>> site such as whatismyipaddress.

Depending on how your network is configured, you can get your IP from
your router without 'going out'.

>> So, to that end, I've created the alias, as you suggested:
>> alias whatismyipaddress='curl'

That spares you from asking a nameserver what is icanhazip's address
first, but it still goes out there.

> I guess you missed my post mentioning inxi.

The inxi script (goes out and) gets it from

Mike Easter


Sep 2, 2014, 1:25:06 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:02:12 -0500, Wildman wrote:

> I guess you missed my post mentioning inxi.

I had tried it, but the command wasn't found.
$ sudo apt-get install inxi

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
gawk hddtemp mesa-utils
Suggested packages:
gawk-doc ksensors
The following NEW packages will be installed:
gawk hddtemp inxi mesa-utils
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 987 kB of archives.
After this operation, 2,769 kB of additional disk space will be used.
INXI(1) inxi
manual INXI(1)

inxi - Command line system information script for console and IRC

inxi - Single line, short form. Very basic output.

inxi [-AbCdDfFGhHiIlMnNopPrRsSuw] [-c NUMBER] [-v NUMBER]

inxi [-t (c or m or cm or mc NUMBER)] [-x -OPTION(s)] [-xx -OPTION
(s)] [-xxx -OPTION(s)]

inxi [--help] [--recommends] [--version] [-@ NUMBER]

inxi is a command line system information script built for for
console and IRC. It is also used for
forum technical support, as a debugging tool, to quickly
ascertain user system configuration and
hardware. inxi shows system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop,
Kernel, GCC version(s), Processes,
RAM usage, and a wide variety of other useful information.

inxi output varies between CLI and IRC, with some default filters
and color options applied to IRC
use. Script colors can be turned off if desired with -c 0, or
changed using the -c color options
listed in the OPTIONS section below.

In order to maintain basic privacy and security, inxi filters out
automatically on IRC things like
your network card mac address, WAN and LAN IP, your /home username
directory in partitions, and a few
other things.

Because inxi is often used on forums for support, you can also
trigger this filtering with the -z
option (-Fz, for example). To override the IRC filter, you can
use the -Z option. This can be useful
to debug network connection issues online in a private chat, for

Options can be combined if they do not conflict. Either group the
letters together or separate them.

Letters with numbers can have no gap or a gap at your discretion
unless using -t.

For example: inxi -AG or inxi -A -G or inxi -c10

-A Show Audio/sound card information.

-b Shows basic output, short form (previously -d). Same as:
inxi -v 2

-c [0-32]
Available color schemes. Scheme number is required.

Supported color schemes: 0-32

-c [94-99]
Color selectors run a color selector option prior to inxi
starting which lets you set the
config file value for the selection.

Color selectors for each type display.

(NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):

-c 94 - Console, out of X.

-c 95 - Terminal, running in X - like xTerm.

-c 96 - Gui IRC, running in X - like Xchat, Quassel, Konversation

-c 97 - Console IRC running in X - like irssi in xTerm.

-c 98 - Console IRC not in X.

-c 99 - Global - Overrides/removes all settings.

Setting specific color type removes the global color

-C Show full CPU output, including per CPU clockspeed if

-d Shows optical drive data. Same as -Dd. With -x, adds
features line to output. -xx adds a few
more features.

-D Show full hard Disk info, not only model, ie: /dev/sda
ST380817AS 80.0GB.

-f Show all cpu flags used, not just the short list. Not shown
with -F to avoid spamming. ARM
cpus: show features items.

-F Show Full output for inxi. Includes all Upper Case line
letters, plus -s and -n. Does not
show extra verbose options like -x -d -f -u -l -o -p -t -r
unless you use that argument.

-G Show Graphic card information (card, x type, resolution, glx
renderer, version).

-h This help menu.

--help Same as -h

-H This help menu, plus developer options. Do not use dev
options in normal operation!

-i Show Wan IP address, and shows local interfaces (requires
ifconfig network tool). Same as
-Nni. Not shown with -F for user security reasons, you
shouldn't paste your local/wan IP.

-I Show Information: processes, uptime, memory, irc client
(or shell type if run in shell, not
irc), inxi version.

-l Show partition labels. Default: short partition -P. For
full -p output, use: -pl (or -plu).

-M Show machine data. Motherboard, Bios, and if present,
System Builder (Like Lenovo). Older
systems/kernels without the required /sys data can use
dmidecode instead, run as root. If
using dmidecode, may also show bios revision as well as

-n Show Advanced Network card information. Same as -Nn. Shows
interface, speed, mac id, state,

-N Show Network card information. With -x, shows PCI BusID,
Port number.

-o Show unmounted partition information (includes UUID and
LABEL if available). Shows file sys‐
tem type if you have file installed, if you are root OR if
you have added to /etc/sudoers
(sudo v. 1.7 or newer):

<username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/file (sample)

Does not show components (partitions that create the md
raid array) of md-raid arrays.

-p Show full partition information (-P plus all other detected

-P Show Partition information (shows what -v 4 would show,
but without extra data). Shows, if
detected: / /boot /home /tmp /usr /var. Use -p to see all
mounted partitions.

-r Show distro repository data. Currently supported repo
types: APT (Debian, Ubuntu + derived

PACMAN (Arch Linux + derived versions)

PISI (Pardus + derived versions)

YUM. (Fedora, Redhat, maybe Suse + derived versions)

(as distro data is collected more will be added. If
your's is missing please show us how to
get this information and we'll try to add it.)

-R Show RAID data. Shows RAID devices, states, levels, and
components, and extra data with -x /
-xx. md-raid: If device is resyncing, shows resync
progress line as well.

Checks inxi application dependencies + recommends, and
directories, then shows what package(s)
you need to install to add support for that feature.

-s Show sensors output (if sensors installed/configured): mobo/
cpu/gpu temp; detected fan speeds.
Gpu temp only for Fglrx/Nvidia drivers. Nvidia shows screen
number for > 1 screens.

-S Show System information: host name, kernel, desktop
environment (if in X), distro. With -xx
show dm - or startx - (only shows if present and running if
out of X), and if in X, with -xxx
show more desktop info, like shell/panel etc.

-t [c or m or cm or mc NUMBER]
Show processes. If followed by numbers 1-20, shows
that number of processes for each type
(default: 5; if in irc, max: 5)

Make sure to have no space between letters and numbers (-t
cm10 - right, -t cm 10 - wrong).

-t c - cpu only. With -x, shows also memory for that process on
same line.

-t m - memory only. With -x, shows also cpu for that process on
same line.

-t cm - cpu+memory. With -x, shows also cpu or memory for that
process on same line.

-u Show partition UUIDs. Default: short partition -P. For full
-p output, use: -pu (or -plu).

-U Note - Maintainer may have disabled this function. If inxi
-h has no listing for U then its
disabled. Auto-update script. Note: if you installed
as root, you must be root to update,
otherwise user is fine. Also installs /updates this Man
Page to: /usr/share/man/man8 This
requires that you be root to write to that directory.

-V inxi version information. Prints information then exits.

same as -V

-v Script verbosity levels. Verbosity level number is
required. Should not be used with -b or -F.

Supported levels: 0-7 Examples : inxi -v 4 or inxi -v4

-v 0 - Short output, same as: inxi

-v 1 - Basic verbose, -S + basic CPU + -G + basic Disk + -I.

-v 2 - Adds networking card (-N), Machine (-M) data, and shows
basic hard disk data (names only).
Same as: inxi -b

-v 3 - Adds advanced CPU (-C); network (-n) data; triggers -x
advanced data option.

-v 4 - Adds partition size/filled data (-P) for (if present):/, /
home, /var/, /boot Shows full disk
data (-D)

-v 5 - Adds audio card (-A); sensors (-s), partition label (-l)
and UUID (-u), short form of opti‐
cal drives.

-v 6 - Adds full partition data (-p), unmounted partition data (-
o), optical drive data (-d); trig‐
gers -xx extra data option.

-v 7 - Adds network IP data (-i); triggers -xxx

-w Adds weather line. Note, this depends on an unreliable api
so it may not always be working in
the future. To get weather for an alternate location, use -
W <location_string>. See also -x,
-xx, -xxx option. Please note, your distribution's
maintainer may chose to disable this fea‐
ture, so if -w or -W don't work, that's why.

-W <location_string>
Get weather/time for an alternate location. Accepts postal/
zip code, city,state pair, or lati‐
tude,longitude. Note: city/country/state names must not
contain spaces. Replace spaces with
'+' sign. No spaces around , (comma). Use only ascii
letters in city/state/country names,
sorry. Examples: -W 95623 OR -W Boston,MA OR -
W45.5234,-122.6762 OR -W new+york,ny OR -W

-z Adds security filters for IP addresses, Mac, location (-
w), and user home directory name.
Default on for irc clients.

-Z Absolute override for output filters. Useful for debugging
networking issues in irc for exam‐

These options are for long form only, and can be triggered by one
or more -x, like -xx. Alternately,
the -v options trigger them in the following way: -v 3 adds -x; -v
6 adds -xx; -v 7 adds -xxx

These extra data triggers can be useful for getting more in-
depth data on various options. Can be
added to any long form option list, like: -bxx or -Sxxx

There are 3 extra data levels: -x; -xx; and -xxx

The following shows which lines / items get extra information with
each extra data level.

-x -A - Adds version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for
each Audio device.

-x -A - Shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of each Audio device.

-x -C - bogomips on CPU (if available).

-x -d - Adds items to features line of optical drive; adds rev
version to optical drive.

-x -D - Hdd temp with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if
you are root OR if you have added
to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer):

<username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp (sample)

-x -G - Direct rendering status for Graphics (in X).

-x -G - (for single gpu, nvidia driver) screen number gpu is
running on.

-x -G - Shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of each Graphics card.

-x -i - Show IPv6 as well for LAN interface (IF) devices.

-x -I - Show system GCC, default. With -xx, also show other
installed GCC versions.

-x -I - If in shell (not in IRC client, that is), show shell
version number (if available).

-x -N - Adds version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for
each Network card;

-x -N - Shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of each Network card.

-x -R - md-raid: Shows component raid id. Adds second RAID Info
line: raid level; report on drives
(like 5/5); blocks; chunk size; bitmap (if present). Resync
line, shows blocks synced/total
blocks. - zfs-raid: Shows raid array full size;
available size; portion allocated to RAID
(ie, not available as storage)."

-x -S - Desktop toolkit if available (GNOME/XFCE/KDE only);
Kernel gcc version.

-x -t - Adds memory use output to cpu (-xt c), and cpu use to
memory (-xt m).

-x -w / -W
- Adds wind speed and time zone (-w only), and makes output
go to two lines.

-xx -A - Adds vendor:product ID of each Audio device.

-xx -D - Adds disk serial number.

-xx -G - Adds vendor:product ID of each Graphics card.

-xx -I - Adds other detected installed gcc versions to primary gcc
output (if present).

-xx -I - Adds parent program (or tty) that started shell, if not
IRC client, to shell information.

-xx -M - Adds chassis information, if any data for that is
available. Also shows BIOS rom size if
using dmidecode.

-xx -N - Adds vendor:product ID of each Network card.

-xx -R - md-raid: Adds superblock (if present); algorythm, U data.
Adds system info line (kernel sup‐
port, read ahead, raid events). Adds if present, unused
device line. If device is resyncing,
shows resync progress line as well.

-xx -S - Adds, if run in X, display manager type to Desktop
information, if present. If none, shows
N/A. Supports most known display managers, like xdm, gdm,
kdm, slim, lightdm, or mdm.

-xx -w / -W
- Adds humidity and barometric pressure.

-xx -@ <11-14>
- Automatically uploads debugger data tar.gz file to

-xxx -S
- Adds, if run in X, shell/panel type info to Desktop
information, if present. If none, shows
nothing. Supports some current desktop extras like gnome-
panel, lxde-panel, and others. Added
mainly for Mint support.

-xxx -w / -W
- Adds location (city state country), weather observation
time, altitude of system. If wind
chill, heat index, or dew point are available, shows that
data as well.

-! 31 Turns off hostname in System line. Useful, with -z, for
anonymizing your inxi output for post‐
ing on forums or IRC.

-! 32 Turns on hostname in System line. Overrides inxi
config file value (if set):

-% Overrides defective or corrupted data.

-@ Triggers debugger output. Requires debugging level 1-14
(8-10 - logging of data). Less than 8
just triggers inxi debugger output on screen.

-@ [1-7]
- On screen debugger output.

-@ 8 - Basic logging. Check /home/yourname/.inxi/inxi*.log

-@ 9 - Full file/sys info logging.

-@ 10 - Color logging.

-@ <11-14>
The following create a tar.gz file of system data, plus
collecting the inxi output to file: To
automatically upload debugger data tar.gz file to inxi -xx@ <11-14> For
alternate ftp upload locations: Example:

inxi -! -xx@ 14

-@ 11 - With data file of xiin read of /sys

-@ 12 - With xorg conf and log data, xrandr, xprop, xdpyinfo,
glxinfo etc.

-@ 13 - With data from dev, disks, partitions, etc., plus xiin
data file.

-@ 14 - Everything, full data collection.

BitchX, Gaim/Pidgin, ircII, Irssi, Konversation, Kopete, KSirc,
KVIrc, Weechat, and Xchat. Plus any
others that are capable of displaying either built in or external
script output.

To trigger inxi output in your IRC client, pick the appropriate
method from the list below:

Xchat, irssi (and many other IRC clients)
/exec -o inxi [options]

If you leave off the -o, only you will see the output on
your local IRC client.

/cmd inxi [options]

To run inxi in konversation as a native script if your
distribution or inxi package did not do
this for you, create this symbolic link:

ln -s /usr/local/bin/inxi /usr/share/kde4/apps/konversation/

If inxi is somewhere else, change the path /usr/local/bin
to wherever it is located.

Then you can start inxi directly, like this:

/inxi [options]

/shell -o inxi [options]

Before WeeChat can run external scripts like inxi, you
need to install the weechat-plugins
package. This is automatically installed for Debian
users. Next, if you don't already have
it, you need to install, which is a python script.

In a web browser, Click on the download button at: http://

Make the script executable by

chmod +x

Move it to your home folder: /.weechat/python/autoload/
then logout, and start WeeChat with


Top of screen should say what pythons scripts have
loaded, and should include shell. Then to
run inxi, you would enter a command like this:

/shell -o inxi -bx

If you leave off the -o, only you will see the output on
your local weechat. WeeChat users may
also like to check out the

inxi will read the following configuration/initialization files in
the following order:



See wiki pages for more information on how to set these up:

Please report bugs using the following resources.

You may be asked to run the inxi debugger tool which will upload
a data dump of all system files for
use in debugging inxi. These data dumps are very important since
they provide us with all the real
system data inxi uses to parse out its report.

inxi main website/svn/wiki, file an issue report:

post on inxi developer forums:

You can also visit channel: #smxi to post issues.


inxi is is a fork of locsmif's largely unmaintained yet very
clever, infobash script.

Original infobash author and copyright holder: Copyright (C)
2005-2007 Michiel de Boer a.k.a. loc‐

inxi version: Copyright (C) 2008-13 Scott Rogers & Harald Hope

Further fixes (listed as known): Horst Tritremmel <hjt at>

Steven Barrett (aka: damentz) - usb audio patch; swap percent used
patch. Jarett.Stevens - dmidecode
-M patch for older systems with no /sys

And a special thanks to the nice people at channels
#linux-smokers-club and #smxi, who
all really have to be considered to be co-developers because of
their non-stop enthusiasm and will‐
ingness to provide real time testing and debugging of inxi

Without a wide range of diverse Linux kernel based Free Desktop
systems to test on, we could never
have gotten inxi to be as reliable and solid as it's turning out
to be.

And of course, big thanks locsmif, who figured out a lot of the
core methods, logic, and tricks used
in inxi.

Further thanks to the various inxi package maintainers, distro
support people, forum moderators, and
others, who contribute ideas, suggestions, and patches.

This Man page was originally created by Gordon Spencer (aka aus9)
and is maintained by Harald Hope
(aka h2 or TechAdmin).

2013-06-19 INXI(1)


Sep 2, 2014, 1:30:41 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 2 Sep 2014 17:25:06 +0000 (UTC)
Ninghong <> wrote:

> On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:02:12 -0500, Wildman wrote:
> > I guess you missed my post mentioning inxi.
> I had tried it, but the command wasn't found.

You give up too easy.

William Unruh

Sep 2, 2014, 1:34:07 PM9/2/14
On 2014-09-02, Jasen Betts <> wrote:
> On 2014-09-02, Ninghong <> wrote:
>> I can get my IP address from a web browser (,
>> but how do I get my IP address from the Linux command line?

Or just do
ifconfig -a
and read it off from the appropriate location.
Now this may be different from the IP address and external machines
sees because of NAT. Ie, your address might be a reserved local address,
which is translated by some switch into a public IP address. Which one
do you want?

> use a command-line web browser!
> I use wget to ask my router what its IP address it.
> but there's also a wbsite outt here somewhere that just returns the ip
> adddress.
> wget -O- 2>/dev/null

He gave one such site. which presumably you could
get to with lynx as well.
That would give you the external address, not neccessarily the IP address of your


Sep 2, 2014, 1:42:38 PM9/2/14
Yes, that is true. However, the OP's original question was
how to get the IP from the command line without using a web
browser. Inxi does that very well without having to remember
a long command. He, since then, has moved the goal post.

AFAIK there are two ways of getting your WAN IP, from a web
site or as you said, from your router. Unfortunately the
latter requires a web browser. Not what the OP wants.

Emanuel Berg

Sep 2, 2014, 3:02:34 PM9/2/14
Wildman <> writes:

>> Can't you get that with 'ifconfig eth0' as well?
> I believe that gives you the internal or local
> network ip. The OP was wanting the external or WAN
> ip.

Those seem to be identical in my case.

underground experts united

Eef Hartman

Sep 2, 2014, 3:24:20 PM9/2/14
Ninghong <> wrote:
> I resigned myself to the fact that there is no Linux command that can
> tell us the public IP address without going to an outside web site such
> as whatismyipaddress.

The thing is, Linux doesn't know, it is connected to the local LAN only.
The WAN (Wide Area Network) starts at your router (the box that connects
you with the outside net) and ITS IP-address is negociated, every time it
is switched on, with your Internet provider.
So if you know how to query your router (for ME that is a browser access
to its LAN address: you may be able to find out without
going to the Internet.
But that is completely dependent to the brand and model OF that router.

PS: the router, being the connection between LAN (local) and WAN has
TWO IP-addresses (local and internet) and does NAT-translating between
those networks.
This is wholly transparant for the system(s) on the LAN (and yes, if
you got more then one system on the LAN, they all will have the same IP
address on the Internet, as it's the IP-address of the router, not of
your system(s).

Richard Kettlewell

Sep 2, 2014, 3:55:10 PM9/2/14
William Unruh <> writes:
> On 2014-09-02, Jasen Betts <> wrote:
>> On 2014-09-02, Ninghong <> wrote:
>>> I can get my IP address from a web browser (,
>>> but how do I get my IP address from the Linux command line?
> Or just do
> ifconfig -a
> and read it off from the appropriate location.
> Now this may be different from the IP address and external machines
> sees because of NAT. Ie, your address might be a reserved local address,
> which is translated by some switch into a public IP address. Which one
> do you want?

It’s been completely clear since the start of the thread which one is
required, because:

I don't mean the non routable IP address that I get from ifconfig,
but the Internet IP address that is what the outside world sees of
my machine.



Sep 2, 2014, 4:19:56 PM9/2/14
You mean all of the commands given here didn't work for you? All but a
couple give you what you want-your internet address.


Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 4:24:17 PM9/2/14
Wildman wrote:
> the OP's original question was
> how to get the IP from the command line without using a web
> browser.

Yes; specifically he said:

> I can get my IP address from a web browser ... but how do I get my IP
> address from the Linux command line?

One could eliminate the web browser with wget, but with the browser
eliminated, one likely will have to deal with something else to parse
the html result, such as from a router's internal page or frame.

> Inxi does that very well without having to remember
> a long command.

I like inxi a lot. It is a very fat script that one can learn from.

> He, since then, has moved the goal post.

I think he should have defined his goal more comprehensively.

> AFAIK there are two ways of getting your WAN IP, from a web
> site or as you said, from your router. Unfortunately the
> latter requires a web browser. Not what the OP wants.

When I wget my router's address, something in my shell's configuration
decides to save the lengthy html (and child html/s) to disk. Then I
have to access the status sub-html frame to find the IP in there.

When I try to imagine his initial goal, it isn't clear to me which is
greatest of his intended priority, to use the commandline or to not
access an external website. While he seemed to be happy enough
accessing an external website without a browser, there still seemed to
be a wish for not going to the external site when he said:

> no Linux command that can tell us the public IP address without going
> to an outside web site

The inxi script gets the IP from a site's simple text page that has more
than just the IP address, so it isn't as 'clean' as the curl, so inxi tidies it up for presentation.

One could write a script to access one's particular router page and
similarly dissect/parse out the IP address without using a browser.

Mike Easter


Sep 2, 2014, 4:39:26 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 21:02:34 +0200
Emanuel Berg <> wrote:

> Wildman <> writes:
> >> Can't you get that with 'ifconfig eth0' as well?
> >
> > I believe that gives you the internal or local
> > network ip. The OP was wanting the external or WAN
> > ip.
> Those seem to be identical in my case.

I would assume then you have one computer connected directly
to the internet through your modem. If that is the case,
then yes, they would be the same.

I you have a router, normally your ip, on the LAN side, is
assigned by the router, although the ip can be set on the
computer and made permanent. The WAN side of the router
sees the ip assigned by your provider. So because of this,
the computer/OS has now way knowing what the WAN ip is. It
only sees the LAN.


Sep 2, 2014, 4:46:32 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 21:02:34 +0200, Emanuel Berg wrote:

> Those seem to be identical in my case.

If you don't have a home broadband router, and, if you only have a single
device hooked up to your modem or transceiver, then, sure, the public IP
address of the device is the same as the public connection.

But, if you have a typical setup where you have a modem or transceiver
connected to your ISP, and then you have a home broadband router
connected to the modem or transceiver, and then, to the router, you have
connected (wired or wirelessly) a few cellphones, VOIP boxes, computers,
printers, etc., then, *each* device on your local network has a different
private IP address, yet all have the same public IP address.

Anyway, I'm using the following alias, which, unfortunately, isn't a
Linux command at all (it's merely a browser command to a server) but
it works nonetheless:

alias whatismyipaddress='curl; echo'
alias wimipa='curl; echo'


Sep 2, 2014, 4:52:30 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:42:38 -0500, Wildman wrote:

> However, the OP's original question was how to get the IP from the
> command line without using a web browser. Inxi does that very well
> without having to remember a long command.

Actually, I tried all the suggestions, and inxi is interesting,
although, apparently being from Google, it scares me.

$ sudo apt-get install inxi
$ inxi -i
Card-1: Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 driver: iwlwifi
IF: wlan0 state: down mac: a0:99:f3:4a:33:10
Card-2: Intel 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection driver: e1000e
IF: eth0 state: up mac: a0:99:f3:4a:33:09
WAN IP: IF: eth0 ip: N/A IF: tun0 ip: IF: wlan0 ip:

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 4:52:31 PM9/2/14
Mike Easter wrote:
> One could write a script to access one's particular router page and
> similarly dissect/parse out the IP address without using a browser.

I can use the least 'resources' (including my inability to easily write
an html parsing script as a resource deficiency) to see my WAN IP
without going outside by using lynx to show it to me from one of the
router's html frame html/s.


That is a very limited/simple output which would easily be used to
direct the IP address somewhere.

Mike Easter


Sep 2, 2014, 4:53:47 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:30:41 -0500, Wildman wrote:

> You give up too easy.

I'm using "inxi -i" as we speak!


Sep 2, 2014, 4:54:50 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:24:20 +0000, Eef Hartman wrote:

> So if you know how to query your router (for ME that is a browser access
> to its LAN address:

I can ssh into the router using ssh -l admin -p 2323, etc., but I think
the "inxi -i" method is easier. :)


Sep 2, 2014, 4:55:54 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:34:07 +0000, William Unruh wrote:

> Or just do
> ifconfig -a
> and read it off from the appropriate location.
> Now this may be different from the IP address and external machines
> sees because of NAT. Ie, your address might be a reserved local address,
> which is translated by some switch into a public IP address. Which one
> do you want?

I don't need the local address.
I need the public address.

The "inxi -i" command works fine, for that.


Sep 2, 2014, 4:59:26 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:19:56 -0400, Caver1 wrote:

> You mean all of the commands given here didn't work for you? All but a
> couple give you what you want-your internet address.

Thanks to everyone, I have instituted *two* of the suggestions,
but all worked fine (and were all better than bringing up a browser).

1. inxi -i

2. alias wimipa='curl; echo'

I probably didn't need both commands, but, running two commands to
get the answer allows me to check them against each other, at least
until I learn to trust them over time.

The answer to the question is that there is no way, from native
Linux without querying a sesrver, to get the public IP address;
but, there are many ways to query a public server to find out
what your public IP address is.

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 5:06:03 PM9/2/14
Ninghong wrote:
> I think the "inxi -i" method is easier.

I betcha lynxing the router status is a few msec faster :-)

Depending on when you start your timer :-/

First there's the script, then there's the outside site webserver access
and page display and then some more script.

Lynx binary executes very quickly and it doesn't have to leave the LAN
to get its info and put it on the terminal screen.

Mike Easter

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 5:12:38 PM9/2/14
Ninghong wrote:

> The answer to the question is that there is no way, from native
> Linux without querying a sesrver, to get the public IP address;
> but, there are many ways to query a public server to find out
> what your public IP address is.

If we are going to debate that sentence, we need some strict definitions.

Neither curl nor inxi came with my default linux installation, but lynx did.

The only 'server' one has to query to access the router's WAN IP
information is the router's internal webserver; no external server need
be addressed.

So once you decide on a definition of native linux, use that native to
access the information in the router's htm.

Mike Easter

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 5:31:13 PM9/2/14
Mike Easter wrote:
> once you decide on a definition of native linux, use that native to
> access the information in the router's htm.

You can also use curl to get the router's WAN IP if you can use some
cleverness to whack out 1.5 lines of 48 chars of html markup junk
between IP Address and its value.

Mike Easter


Sep 2, 2014, 5:58:50 PM9/2/14
Excellent. Inxi is a great script that can provide information
on just about every aspect of your computer. Look over the man
pages when you get the chance.

It's too bad it is not installed by default on more distros. It
was/is on SolydX instead of lsb.


Sep 2, 2014, 6:05:40 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 2 Sep 2014 20:52:30 +0000 (UTC)
Ninghong <> wrote:

> On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:42:38 -0500, Wildman wrote:
> > However, the OP's original question was how to get the IP from the
> > command line without using a web browser. Inxi does that very well
> > without having to remember a long command.
> Actually, I tried all the suggestions, and inxi is interesting,
> although, apparently being from Google, it scares me.

I'm not a fan of G00gle either but not to worry. Nothing
nefarious about inxi. Otherwise it would not be in the
repositories and installed by default in Mint, SolydXK,
Crunchbang, AntiX, Arch and few others.


Sep 2, 2014, 6:25:25 PM9/2/14
Lynx was not installed by default in SolydX so I installed it.
Anyway, that approach will not work with my setup. Lynx works
but it does not return the correct WAN ip and there is a reason
for that. My cable modem is connected to a computer with Pfsense.
A second net card connects the Pfsense computer to the WAN port
on my router. My computers connect to the router's LAN ports.
The Pfsense ip is and the router ip is
so when I run 'lynx' I get as
the WAN ip. However, if I use 'curl', I get the
correct WAN ip.

<Wildman> GNU/Linux user #557453
There's no place like ~/.

Emanuel Berg

Sep 2, 2014, 6:57:34 PM9/2/14
Mike Easter <Mi...@ster.invalid> writes:

> Neither curl nor inxi came with my default linux
> installation, but lynx did.

Doesn't that depend on the distribution?

On my Debian all three tools (curl, inxi and lynx) are
available from the repositories, but only curl is
"automatically installed". (Check with:
'aptitude show TOOL'.)

I don't think either tool has anything to do with Linux
as a kernel but all can be part of a Linux system (of

But: Does it matter if they are "Linux" or not as long
as they offer the desired UI and do answer the OP's

underground experts united

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 8:03:09 PM9/2/14
Wildman wrote:
> Mike Easter

>> lynx
>> That is a very limited/simple output which would easily be used to
>> direct the IP address somewhere.
> Lynx was not installed by default in SolydX so I installed it.
> Anyway, that approach will not work with my setup. Lynx works
> but it does not return the correct WAN ip and there is a reason
> for that. My cable modem is connected to a computer with Pfsense.
> A second net card connects the Pfsense computer to the WAN port
> on my router. My computers connect to the router's LAN ports.
> The Pfsense ip is and the router ip is
> so when I run 'lynx' I get as
> the WAN ip. However, if I use 'curl', I get the
> correct WAN ip.

The address I used was based on/ determined by/ my accessing my
particular router's index webpage which contains links to other router
webpages. The simplest page with the IP address was the status page
linked from the index page and not requiring authentication (which some
other router pages require).

If your computer on the Pfsense LAN is able to access your router at, you might look around 'in there' (from the index page) and
see if there is a WAN IP accessible using some other address/pathway
than status.htm.

I understand how the curl works correctly; but if there is no
way you can see the WAN IP in the WAN facing router because of your
Pfsense security/isolation, then I guess you can't.

Mike Easter

Mike Easter

Sep 2, 2014, 8:13:49 PM9/2/14
Emanuel Berg wrote:
> Mike Easter

>> Neither curl nor inxi came with my default linux
>> installation, but lynx did.
> Doesn't that depend on the distribution?

Yes, of course.

> On my Debian all three tools (curl, inxi and lynx) are
> available from the repositories, but only curl is
> "automatically installed". (Check with:
> 'aptitude show TOOL'.)

I can't remember if my current distro came with inxi or if I installed
it from the repos; I know I installed curl from its repos and I know
lynx was installed by default. The distro I'm looking at is Mint 13 XFCE.

> I don't think either tool has anything to do with Linux
> as a kernel but all can be part of a Linux system (of
> course).
> But: Does it matter if they are "Linux" or not as long
> as they offer the desired UI and do answer the OP's
> question?

We're just 'chatting' here, so the 'matter' is only about points in the
conversation. Part of the debate or discussion is about precisely what
the OP question was.

I thought he wanted to use the commandline and preferred to not go
outside his LAN to determine his IP; but others assumed that he didn't
mind going outside his LAN as long as he didn't use a 'conventional'
browser, which he could do with curl if he chose the right website or
the right tool such as inxi with a website integrated.

It seemed sorta like a little 'game' or puzzle to me, so all that really
matters is what the rules of the/his game are. Since his rules seemed a
little fuzzy to me, the participants including me are sorta making up
rules and score points as we go along. If that matters.

Mike Easter


Sep 2, 2014, 8:22:17 PM9/2/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:13:49 -0700, Mike Easter wrote:

> I thought he wanted to use the commandline and preferred to not go
> outside his LAN to determine his IP; but others assumed that he didn't
> mind going outside his LAN as long as he didn't use a 'conventional'
> browser, which he could do with curl if he chose the right website or
> the right tool such as inxi with a website integrated.

I pretty much didn't want to have to go to the browser.
It is pretty neat to not even have to go outside the LAN though!


Sep 2, 2014, 8:27:03 PM9/2/14
Went through the whole thing and the real WAN ip was nowhere
to be found. BTW my router does have a status.htm page but it
would have to or the lynx command would not have worked.

> I understand how the curl works correctly; but if there is
> no way you can see the WAN IP in the WAN facing router because of
> your Pfsense security/isolation, then I guess you can't.

I made a mistake. The WAN ip Pfsense presents is
I access the web interface through and that is also
the address for the default gateway and DNS server.

Here's a screen shot of the status page. Even the mac address
is generated by Pfsense as it does not match the mac address of
the modem. So yes my network is isolated from the WAN.

<Wildman> GNU/Linux user #557453


Sep 2, 2014, 9:18:23 PM9/2/14
Ninghong <> writes:

> I can ssh into the router using ssh -l admin -p 2323, etc.,

If you have perl this may print all your router's IP addresses.

ssh ad...@ -p 2323 /sbin/ifconfig | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /inet addr:([\d\.]+)/'

Replace with your router's LAN IP.
Ifconfig may be elsewhere, fix the path if so.
Logic can be added to exclude,, etc.



Sep 2, 2014, 11:40:35 PM9/2/14
HASM <> writes:

> ssh ad...@ -p 2323 /sbin/ifconfig | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /inet addr:([\d\.]+)/'
> Replace with your router's LAN IP.
> Logic can be added to exclude,, etc.


ssh ad...@ /sbin/ifconfig | perl -ne 'next if /(|; print "$1\n" if /inet addr:([\d\.]+)/'



Sep 3, 2014, 1:34:54 AM9/3/14
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:18:23 -0700, HASM wrote:

> ssh ad...@ -p 2323 /sbin/ifconfig | perl -ne 'print "$1\n"
> if /inet addr[\d\.]+)/'

For some reason, there was a "smiley" after the "addr" and before
the [\d\.] so I'm not sure what the command was, exactly.

Mike Easter

Sep 3, 2014, 4:09:27 AM9/3/14
Ninghong wrote:
> For some reason, there was a "smiley"


Mike Easter

Jasen Betts

Sep 3, 2014, 7:50:01 AM9/3/14
On 2014-09-02, Mike Easter <Mi...@ster.invalid> wrote:
> Wildman wrote:
> The inxi script gets the IP from a site's simple text page that has more
> than just the IP address, so it isn't as 'clean' as the curl
>, so inxi tidies it up for presentation.
> One could write a script to access one's particular router page and
> similarly dissect/parse out the IP address without using a browser.

I do that.

wget -O - -o/dev/null |
grep 'var wan_ip' | cut '-d"' -f1

umop apisdn

--- news:// - complaints: ---


Sep 3, 2014, 9:54:18 AM9/3/14
Ninghong <> writes:

>> ssh ad...@ -p 2323 /sbin/ifconfig | perl -ne 'print "$1\n"
>> if /inet addr[\d\.]+)/'
> For some reason, there was a "smiley" after the "addr" and before
> the [\d\.] so I'm not sure what the command was, exactly.

Get a real newsreader (or disable emoticons on yours).

The smiley was a colon followed by a open parenthesis, which technically is
a frown not a smiley.


Emanuel Berg

Sep 3, 2014, 12:10:19 PM9/3/14
Mike Easter <Mi...@ster.invalid> writes:

> I can't remember if my current distro came with inxi
> or if I installed it from the repos; I know I
> installed curl from its repos and I know lynx was
> installed by default. The distro I'm looking at is
> Mint 13 XFCE.

Mint is based on Ubuntu, and Ubuntu on Debian, so it
should use aptitude (or apt-get).

If so, you can check the packages with 'aptitude show'
to see a package's priority. If it is "required" or
"important", it is in the Debian "base system".


$ aptitude search \~prequired -F"%p"
$ aptitude search \~pimportant -F"%p"

~ is pattern match,
p is priority,
-F is format, and
%p is is the package name.


I don't get either lynx, curl, or inxi: curl has the
priority "optional"; lynx and inxi, "extra".

> We're just 'chatting' here, so the 'matter' is only
> about points in the conversation. Part of the debate
> or discussion is about precisely what the OP question
> was.


underground experts united

Emanuel Berg

Sep 3, 2014, 12:13:25 PM9/3/14
Ninghong <> writes:

>> I thought he wanted to use the commandline and
>> preferred to not go outside his LAN to determine his
>> IP; but others assumed that he didn't mind going
>> outside his LAN as long as he didn't use a
>> 'conventional' browser, which he could do with curl
>> if he chose the right website or the right tool such
>> as inxi with a website integrated.
> I pretty much didn't want to have to go to the
> browser.

...but it is OK to use a browser as a CLI tool, like in
the lynx example?

underground experts united

Mike Easter

Sep 3, 2014, 5:52:00 PM9/3/14
Emanuel Berg wrote:
> I don't get either lynx, curl, or inxi: curl has the
> priority "optional"; lynx and inxi, "extra".

Yes, my system shows the same priorities for those 3.

I haven't used lynx for anything altho' I was familiar with 'how it
works'. I was pleased to see how 'perfect' it was for solving the
problem of looking at my WAN IP on my router's status page.

The result was clean and simple and very fast; that type of html page
table was 'made for' lynx. It couldn't/doesn't look any better graphically.

Lynx solves the problem of a page which would provide 'awkward' results
in curl. Altho' it is 12x the filesize of executable at 1.4 meg vs 126
K, I'm quite sure the 'operation' of looking at the IP is 'more
instantaneous' than using curl on a remote site name on the internet.

I don't know if the OP has an interest in looking at his router's status
with lynx or not. I have my router's address bookmarked in my regular
graphical browser, but if I were setting up an alias to determine my WAN
IP, I would use lynx on the router's status rather than curl or inxi on
a remote server's page.

Mike Easter

Emanuel Berg

Sep 3, 2014, 6:15:42 PM9/3/14
Mike Easter <Mi...@ster.invalid> writes:

> I haven't used lynx for anything altho' I was
> familiar with 'how it works'. I was pleased to see
> how perfect' it was for solving the problem of
> looking at my WAN IP on my router's status page.
> The result was clean and simple and very fast; that
> type of html page table was 'made for' lynx. It
> couldn't/doesn't look any better graphically.

Well, there are other nongraphical browsers: links,
w3m, Emacs-w3m... And even Firefox (a GUI-browser) can
be used in batch mode for certain tasks. I haven't
tried any of those for this particular problem but I
imagine they should all perform more or less like lynx.

> Lynx solves the problem of a page which would provide
> awkward' results in curl. Altho' it is 12x the
> filesize of executable at 1.4 meg vs 126 K

Yeah, only on a very specific system will the binary
size be an issue in this case.

underground experts united

Jasen Betts

Sep 4, 2014, 9:20:01 AM9/4/14
If you can speak HTTP you don't heed a browser:

echo "GET /" | nc 80

Emanuel Berg

Sep 4, 2014, 3:11:42 PM9/4/14
Jasen Betts <> writes:

> If you can speak HTTP you don't heed a browser:
> echo "GET /" | nc 80

Yeah - isn't this the best one yet, by far?

echo is often a shell function, but there is also
an echo (ha) in coreutils, which has priority

nc is nc.traditional on my Debian, which is in
netcat-traditional: "important".

Some zsh (should look more or less the same in bash and
other shells) to dig into this:

$ whence -ca echo # then nc; follow the links

$ file-there () { apt-file search $@ }
$ file-there echo | grep -w /bin/echo
$ file-there nc.traditional

$ aptitude show coreutils
$ aptitude show netcat-traditional

underground experts united

sou ky

Dec 21, 2023, 4:47:52 AM12/21/23
How to get your ip address (whatismyipaddress) from the Linux command line


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Jan 5, 2024, 9:52:10 AMJan 5
How to get your ip address (whatismyipaddress) from the Linux command line


LINE: @wy88win

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📲 WY88 📲

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Jame 06

Feb 9, 2024, 8:25:41 AMFeb 9

Chaaa mi

Feb 15, 2024, 4:00:37 AMFeb 15
How to get your ip address (whatismyipaddress) from the Linux command line


LINE: @wy88win

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