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SuSE 8.1 CD/DVD/DCROM IDE-SCSI Chaos, here's how I fixed it

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2002年11月9日 10:49:112002/11/9
When I installed the 8.1 to replace a perfectly working 8.0 system, it
was just for the fun of installing and I got what I asked for: CD and
DVD devices could not be mounted, audio cds wouldn't play, device
links were switched.
So I
1. did what the (otherwise dissapointing) support database suggested:
include "cdrom" and "ide-cd" in sysconfig (with yast2 sysconfig
editor), then mk_initrd as root (check SuSE's database for this)
2. insert „max scsi luns=1", „hdb=ide-scsi" und „hdc=ide-scsi" in
/boot/grub/menu.lst (in the linux kernel line, after root=/dev/hda3),
all devices should be scsi emulations by now, check the scsi device
numbers with "cdrecord -scanbus"
3. point all devices (dvd, cdrecorder and cdrom) to their respective
scsi device, for example: ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd links the dvd to
the scsi device sr0
4.type "hwscan --list" as root, note all keys for all cdrom devices,
delete them in var/lib/hardware/unique_keys and type "hwscan --cdrom",
which detects now only the 2 correct drives

Now I have two working devices and no errors when booting anymore.
By the way, I think it very poor of SuSE, not to address this issue
aggressively and provide an explanation and a tutorial how to solve it
as it seems to be quite common.
In the process of solving the problem, I even downloaded the Mandrake
9 ISOs and installed Mandrake, to get rid of SuSE's device issues. And
what is extremely ridiculous: the free installation support supports
only ONE IDE device. Your system has two (like every system that was
build within the last 5 years)? Too bad, you're on your own!

Matthias Gerds

2002年11月9日 12:46:292002/11/9
收件人 wrote:

I perfectly agree with You: I took me hours (almost days) to find the
right informations and correct all the mistakes!

Still there are severe bugs in YaST, which I had to work around (not
accepting an ide-cdrom which is connected as hdd), and so on ....

I wonder what a complete newbie to Linux should do with all these
problems: Stay with w*ndows!? This has been the worst (no, the one with
the most mistakes) version I ever had since 6.0.

Shurely, YaST has improved, but why don't they take more time for a
better product control and make just only 2 versions in a year?


Dirk Trompetter

2002年11月10日 08:23:122002/11/10
收件人 wrote:

> 1. did what the (otherwise dissapointing) support database suggested:
> include "cdrom" and "ide-cd" in sysconfig (with yast2 sysconfig
> editor), then mk_initrd as root (check SuSE's database for this)
> 2. insert max scsi luns=1", hdb=ide-scsi" und hdc=ide-scsi" in
> /boot/grub/menu.lst (in the linux kernel line, after root=/dev/hda3),
> all devices should be scsi emulations by now, check the scsi device
> numbers with "cdrecord -scanbus"
> 3. point all devices (dvd, cdrecorder and cdrom) to their respective
> scsi device, for example: ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd links the dvd to
> the scsi device sr0
> 4.type "hwscan --list" as root, note all keys for all cdrom devices,
> delete them in var/lib/hardware/unique_keys and type "hwscan --cdrom",
> which detects now only the 2 correct drives

Thank you for this detailed information.

Newbie with hope

Dirk Trompetter

2002年11月10日 11:11:582002/11/10
收件人 wrote:
> 2. insert max scsi luns=1", hdb=ide-scsi" und hdc=ide-scsi" in
> /boot/grub/menu.lst (in the linux kernel line, after root=/dev/hda3),
> all devices should be scsi emulations by now, check the scsi device
> numbers with "cdrecord -scanbus"

Do I write "max scsi luns=1" or max_scsi_luns=1"?

> 3. point all devices (dvd, cdrecorder and cdrom) to their respective
> scsi device, for example: ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd links the dvd to
> the scsi device sr0

My boot.msg contains the following information:

<4>hdc: CD-532E-B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
<4>hdd: RICOH CD-R/RW MP7040A, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive (It is only a
cdrecorder! I don't have a dvd device)

So do I have to write...

ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom
ln -sf /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrecorder ?

Thanks for your help.



Stan Moore

2002年11月10日 12:10:332002/11/10
On Sat, 09 Nov 2002 18:46:29 +0100,
Matthias Gerds <> wrote:
> wrote:
<snip good information>

> I perfectly agree with You: I took me hours (almost days) to find the
> right informations and correct all the mistakes!
> Still there are severe bugs in YaST, which I had to work around (not
> accepting an ide-cdrom which is connected as hdd), and so on ....
> I wonder what a complete newbie to Linux should do with all these
> problems: Stay with w*ndows!? This has been the worst (no, the one with
> the most mistakes) version I ever had since 6.0.
> Shurely, YaST has improved, but why don't they take more time for a
> better product control and make just only 2 versions in a year?

Just a guess, but I guess they like to eat and have homes :) I will
concur with the fact that 8.1 seems to have some "glitches" with the
installation process.

Support your Coast Guard - get lost.


2002年11月10日 21:04:442002/11/10
收件人 wrote:

This is not written clear enough. Not all of the required information is
here. I am following along but I am lost with the step 3 point all devices
to their respective scsi devices. How and where do you go to find that.
Doesn't fstab come into play here? What about LILO! I don't think I am
using GRUB. I assume I am using LILO.
I know that "what you see" is not "what is" in linux. This has been my big
problem now for sometime. Hopefully someone out there knows.

Someday.....Somewhere over the rain bowl.....skies are green ....err blue.


2002年11月11日 04:03:492002/11/11
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 12:10:33 +0000, Stan Moore wrote:


> Just a guess, but I guess they like to eat and have homes :) I will
> concur with the fact that 8.1 seems to have some "glitches" with the
> installation process.

Just a guess, but desktop Linux is now accomplished enough to move beyond
basic survival issues. If SuSE don't make a really serious effort in the
Q&A department, they are going to pay for it severely. The same applies to
getting bugfixes into their knowledgebase and the update servers. I have
the 8.1 upgrade but after reading some of the stories in here and on the
net I may well not install it since I don't want to risk a rock-solid
installation of 8.0. Some of these issues - Nvidia drivers, ide-scsi among
others - have been appearing in upgrade after upgrade. They really should
have been dealt with by now.

Look at the SuSE website. It's pretty darn dull and oh so tech-driven.
There isn't much of a feeling about it that the company is keen to be up
to the minute and interested in setting new users firmly on the road to a
new and better OS.



Jason Adams

2002年11月11日 04:41:172002/11/11
Fish wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 12:10:33 +0000, Stan Moore wrote:
> [snip]
>> Just a guess, but I guess they like to eat and have homes :) I will
>> concur with the fact that 8.1 seems to have some "glitches" with the
>> installation process.

> The same applies to
> getting bugfixes into their knowledgebase and the update servers.

> Look at the SuSE website. It's pretty darn dull and oh so tech-driven.

So what do you want , Flash of Fixes?

Make up your mind.

Anchorage Alaska


2002年11月11日 07:01:282002/11/11
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 00:41:17 +0000, Jason Adams wrote:


> So what do you want , Flash of Fixes?
> Make up your mind.

Flush of fishes.

The two things are not mutually exclusive. At the moment,
we have no flash and some but not enough fixes. Some BB users forums might
help. SuSe don't have to participate in them but an easily found online
community would help, imho. Otherwise the risk is going the way of those
old Audi adverts. They spent years congratulating themselves on their
teknik while apparently failing to notice that in practice everyone went
out and bought Toyota. We really don't want the distro in front to be a
Dead Rat, do we?



2002年11月11日 08:10:082002/11/11
> This is not written clear enough. Not all of the required information is
> here.
That's very well possible as I'm by no means an expert. Let's make
this the SuSE support database article that never was. Please repost
with the additions you think are necessary!

> I am following along but I am lost with the step 3 point all devices
> to their respective scsi devices. How and where do you go to find that.

At the end of step 2, you checked (after rebooting, wich I also forgot
to mention) you checked with "cdrecord -scanbus". The result gives you
the numbers for your now-being-emulated-scsi devices. If there is a 0)
before your DVD device, then the DVD should be linked to scsi device
0, so the command will be ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd, your cdrom also
(ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom) and if your cd writer follows after a 1),
then the command will be ln -sf /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrecorder. The
combination of sr0 and sr1 and the devices cdrom, dvd and cdrecorder
depends on the numbers in the line of the "cdrecord -scanbus" output.

> Doesn't fstab come into play here?

I don't think so. I did't have to change anything there (I think that
was being taken care of by the linking of the devices above).

> What about LILO! I don't think I am
> using GRUB. I assume I am using LILO.

SuSE changed the default boo manager from lilo in 8.0 to GRUB in 8.1,
so if you run SuSE 8.1 and did not change from lilo to GRUB
deliberately, then you are most likely using GRUB (even if it looks
exactely like lilo looked in 8.0).

> I know that "what you see" is not "what is" in linux. This has been my big
> problem now for sometime. Hopefully someone out there knows.

> Someday.....Somewhere over the rain bowl.....skies are green ....err blue.

BTW, deleting the cdrom devices in one of the later steps can easily
be done in Konqueror as root, so log in as root, do the hwscan --list
thing in a konsole, open Konqueror, delte the files (right klick ->
delete), go back to the console, "hwscan -cdrom", reboot and it shoul
be fine.

Please provide your additions to this solution!


2002年11月11日 14:03:202002/11/11
收件人 wrote:

I think I have solved the mystery of the troublesome CD Problem with
suse 8.1 with the help of the newsgroup.
Please read:

These are the commands you will use to fix drives in suse 8.1
To find what device cdrom dvd and cdrecorder are pointing to as super user:
ls -la /dev/cdrom mine points to sr2
ls -la /dev/dvd mine points to sr0
ls -la /dev/cdrecorder mine points to sr1

To link devices to device:
ln -sf /dev/sr2 /dev/cdrom
ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd
ln -sf /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrecorder

Type "hwscan --list" as root, note all keys for all cdrom devices,

delete them in var/lib/hardware/unique_keys and type "hwscan --cdrom",
which detects now only the 2 correct drives

hwscan --list
To check the scsi device numbers:
cdrecord -scanbus

These are the step-by-step instructions:
1. Do what the support database suggested:
Include "cdrom" and "ide-cd" before sci-ide in sysconfig (with yast2
sysconfig editor),
Goto Yast2 and click on system and then editor for sysconfig
Click on Base Aministration
Click on Common Basics
Click on initrd_modules
Insert cdrom and ide-cd right before sci-ide

2. Next in konsole type in mk_initrd as root

3. Insert "max scsi luns=1", "hdb=ide-scsi" and "hdc=ide-scsi" in

/boot/grub/menu.lst (in the linux kernel line, after root=/dev/hda3),

4. All devices should be scsi emulations by now.
Check the scsi device numbers with "cdrecord -scanbus"

5. Now find out what devices are pointed to what devices?
To find what device cdrom dvd and cdrecorder are pointing to as super
ls -la /dev/cdrom mine points to sr2
ls -la /dev/dvd mine points to sr0
ls -la /dev/cdrecorder mine points to sr1

6. Point all devices (dvd, cdrecorder and cdrom) to their respective

scsi device, for example: ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd links the dvd to
the scsi device sr0

To link devices to device:
ln -sf /dev/sr2 /dev/cdrom
ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd
ln -sf /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrecorder
Remember change sr# to yours from step 5 above
if dvd is connected to master maybe sr0
if cdrecorder is connected to slave maybe sr1
cdrom maybe sr2

7. Type "hwscan --list" as root, note all keys for all cdrom devices,
delete them in var/lib/hardware/unique_keys

8. Type "hwscan --cdrom",

which detects now only the 2 correct drives

Hopefully I have been of some help to the struggling linux community.
Copy and paste this into a simple text file and save it.
Back it up.
What we need are simple step-by-step instructions followed by the
detailed instructions. I think that would make it a little easier
to fix things.

These are the detailed descriptions I have gathered from the newsgroup:
I had the same problem with DVD reader considered as CD-R device.

Basically, the CD-RW device needs a special module ide-scsi to be loaded,
while the DVD should use modules like cdrom and ide-cdrom. SuSE 8.1 setup
seems to load only ide-scsi, forgetting the other ones.

Assuming that your DVD is master and CD-RW is slave on the same controller,
this leads to CD-RW device being known as /dev/sr1 instead of /dev/sr0,
while the DVD device is known as /dev/sr0 instead of /dev/hdc. But the
icons are based on symbolic links pointing to the correct names, i.e.
/dev/cdrecorder points to /dev/sr0 and /dev/dvd points to /dev/hdc...
leading the CD-R icon pointing to the DVD device and the DVD icon pointing
to nothing.

You also have problems with icons pointing to Windows C and D drives. It
could be that this problem is actually related to the DVD / CD-RW problem:
maybe the ide-scsi module is also used to (try to) access the Windows

Anyway, have a look at the SuSE knowledge base article
<>... There you get
instructions about how to let Linux load those missing modules. Probably
that doing what's written there will be enough to correct the DVD and CD
icons problems... and maybe even the problem with the Windows partitions,

If following the instructions in that article do not solve the problem, then
please the contents of the /etc/fstabs file as well as the result of the
following commands so that we can help better:
ls -la /dev/dvd
ls -la /dev/cdrecorder
ls -la /dev/cdrom
ls -la /dev/cdrom1

Patrick Kremer

"Randy Green" <> wrote in message
> Randy Green wrote:
> > Randy Green wrote:
> >
> >> Recently upgraded to 8.1 and everything appeared to work fine, but now
> >> for some reason I can't mount either of my CD-RW, DVD, or my two
> >> drives. When I click on the cd or dvd icons, I get:
> >>
> >> Could not mount device.
> >> The reported error was:
> >> /dev/dvd: Input/output error
> >> mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was
> >>
> >> If I click on the Windows_C or D icons, I just get GIMP trying to load
> >> a file, though it can't find any files.
> >>
> >> This has got to be pretty basic, but I'm stumped.
> >>
> >> Randy Green
> >
> > As per a previous similar post, I tried:
> >
> > linux:/home/randy # mount -t iso9660 /dev/dvd /media/dvd
> > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/dvd,
> > or too many mounted file systems
> > (could this be the IDE device where you in fact use
> > ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?)
> >
> > Dunno if this helps...
> >
> > RAndy
> Ok this is really weird -- I've discovered that SuSE thinks my DVD-ROM is
> the 'cd-recorder (it's not). When I click on the cd-r icon with a CD with
> some photos on it, GIMP comes up with an initial message saying that it
> determine the file type. But If i go into GIMP and select 'file/open' and
> go to the cd-recorder directory, I can see the files on the CD!
> something's gotten crossed here. And this still doesn't explain why I
> see files on my Windows C & D drives.
> Sorryfor this lengthy post but I've noticed a few others having similar
> problems, but I haven't seen a clear resolution yet.
> Randy

SuSE 8.1 CD/DVD/DCROM IDE-SCSI Chaos, here's how I fixed it
From: <>
Saturday 09 November 2002 07:49:11
no references

When I installed the 8.1 to replace a perfectly working 8.0 system, it
was just for the fun of installing and I got what I asked for: CD and
DVD devices could not be mounted, audio cds wouldn't play, device
links were switched.
So I

1. did what the support database suggested:
include "cdrom" and "ide-cd" before sci-ide in sysconfig (with yast2
sysconfig editor),

2. then mk_initrd as root (check SuSE's database for this)

3. insert "max scsi luns=1", "hdb=ide-scsi" and "hdc=ide-scsi" in

/boot/grub/menu.lst (in the linux kernel line, after root=/dev/hda3),
all devices should be scsi emulations by now, check the scsi device
numbers with "cdrecord -scanbus"

4. Now find out what devices are pointed to what devices?
To find what device cdrom dvd and cdrecorder are pointing to as super user:
ls -la /dev/cdrom mine points to sr2
ls -la /dev/dvd mine points to sr0
ls -la /dev/cdrecorder mine points to sr1

5. point all devices (dvd, cdrecorder and cdrom) to their respective

scsi device, for example: ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd links the dvd to
the scsi device sr0

To link devices to device:
ln -sf /dev/sr2 /dev/cdrom
ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd
ln -sf /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrecorder
remember change sr# to yours from step 4 above
if dvd is connected to master maybe sr0
if cdrecorder is connected to slave maybe sr1
cdrom then maybe sr2

6. type "hwscan --list" as root, note all keys for all cdrom devices,
delete them in var/lib/hardware/unique_keys

7. type "hwscan --cdrom",

Dirk Trompetter

2002年11月12日 10:00:392002/11/12
jay wrote:

> If following the instructions in that article do not solve the problem,
> then please the contents of the /etc/fstabs file as well as the result of
> the following commands so that we can help better:
> ls -la /dev/dvd
> ls -la /dev/cdrecorder
> ls -la /dev/cdrom
> ls -la /dev/cdrom1

1) I still can't use konqueror to check my Audio-Cds with the command

2) CDBakeoven also shows the following error message when I try to copy a

cdrecord:No such file or directory. No read access for '/dev/hdc".

/dev/hda3 / reiserfs defaults 1
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1
/dev/hda2 swap swap pri=42 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0
/dev/cdrecorder /media/cdrecorder auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0
/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto noauto,user,sync 0

matrix@linux:~> ls -la /dev/cdrecorder
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 2002-11-10 16:51 /dev/cdrecorder
-> /dev/sr1
matrix@linux:~> ls -la /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 2002-11-10 16:48 /dev/cdrom ->

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards,



2002年11月12日 10:18:362002/11/12
Dirk Trompetter wrote:

This is my update for this information
Read this again and notice step 9 and cdrom1
I had just notice that I could not play audio cds
now mine are working. Hope this helps you.

These are the commands you will use to fix drives in suse 8.1
To find what device cdrom dvd and cdrecorder are pointing to as super user:
ls -la /dev/cdrom mine points to sr2
ls -la /dev/dvd mine points to sr0
ls -la /dev/cdrecorder mine points to sr1

ls -la /dev/cdrom1 mine points to sr0

To link devices to device:
ln -sf /dev/sr2 /dev/cdrom
ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd
ln -sf /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrecorder

ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom1

Type "hwscan --list" as root, note all keys for all cdrom devices,
delete them in var/lib/hardware/unique_keys and type "hwscan --cdrom",

which detects only the 2 correct drives

hwscan --list
To check the scsi device numbers:
cdrecord -scanbus

These are the step-by-step instructions:
1. Do what the support database suggested:
Include "cdrom" and "ide-cd" before sci-ide in sysconfig (with yast2
sysconfig editor),
Goto Yast2 and click on system and then editor for sysconfig
Click on Base Aministration
Click on Common Basics
Click on initrd_modules
Insert cdrom and ide-cd right before sci-ide

2. Next in konsole type in mk_initrd as root

3. Insert "max scsi luns=1", "hdb=ide-scsi" and "hdc=ide-scsi" in
/boot/grub/menu.lst (in the linux kernel line, after root=/dev/hda3),

4. All devices should be scsi emulations by now.
Check the scsi device numbers with "cdrecord -scanbus"

5. Now find out what devices are pointed to what devices?

To find what device cdrom dvd cdrecorder and cdrom1 are pointing to as
super user:
ls -la /dev/cdrom mine points to sr2 this is for data
ls -la /dev/dvd mine points to sr0 this is for dvd
ls -la /dev/cdrecorder mine points to sr1 this is for recording
ls -la /dev/cdrom1 mine points to sr0 this is for cd music

6. Point all devices (dvd, cdrecorder and cdrom) to their respective
scsi device, for example: ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd links the dvd to
the scsi device sr0
To link devices to device:
ln -sf /dev/sr2 /dev/cdrom
ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd
ln -sf /dev/sr1 /dev/cdrecorder

ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom1

Remember change sr# to yours from step 5 above
if dvd is connected to master maybe sr0
if cdrecorder is connected to slave maybe sr1
cdrom maybe sr2

cdrom1 maybe sr0

7. Type "hwscan --list" as root, note all keys for all cdrom devices,
delete them in var/lib/hardware/unique_keys

can easily be done in Konqueror as root, so log in as root, do the
hwscan --list thing in a konsole, open Konqueror, delte the files (right
klick ->

delete), go back to the console, "hwscan -cdrom", reboot and it should
be fine. Be careful. Do not delete the wrong files!

8. Type "hwscan --cdrom",
which detects now only the 2 correct drives

9. Set icons and applications to point to devices if needed.
make an icon for cdrom1 and point it to /dev/cdrom1
I found out that audio cds maybe using /dev/cdrom1

Stan Moore

2002年11月12日 21:10:152002/11/12
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:03:49 +0000,
Fish <> wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 12:10:33 +0000, Stan Moore wrote:
> [snip]
> Just a guess, but desktop Linux is now accomplished enough to move beyond
> basic survival issues. If SuSE don't make a really serious effort in the

Apparently you don't think they have in SuSE's case. Last I heard SuSE
was growing so I'm not convinced that the sky will fall if all the
problems aren't cleared up by the next version.

Putting together a large distribution like SuSE is a very big job and
I'm not all that shocked when some problems crop up. I'm not even too
shocked when it takes more than 24 hours before somebody else figures
out how to solve my problems. Of course that's why I'm sold on open
source. I'm not forced to depend on anyone - I can find and fix my own

I think SuSE is pretty responsive. Seems like most of the problems
brought up are covered in the knowledgebase. A lot of the ones that
aren't covered are hard to reproduce. I can speak from experience that a
problem you can't reproduce is VERY hard to actually pin down.

> Q&A department, they are going to pay for it severely. The same applies to
> getting bugfixes into their knowledgebase and the update servers. I have
> the 8.1 upgrade but after reading some of the stories in here and on the
> net I may well not install it since I don't want to risk a rock-solid
> installation of 8.0. Some of these issues - Nvidia drivers, ide-scsi among
> others - have been appearing in upgrade after upgrade. They really should
> have been dealt with by now.

Actually, with ide-scsi they were fixing some peoples problems and in
the process they broke things for others. when people want to watch
dvd's and burn cd's someone is going to be unhappy with a stock
installation. As for the nVidia drivers, much of that problem stems from

> Look at the SuSE website. It's pretty darn dull and oh so tech-driven.
> There isn't much of a feeling about it that the company is keen to be up
> to the minute and interested in setting new users firmly on the road to a
> new and better OS.

If I was interested in "cool" or glitz I'd be running a Mac :) Resources
are limited and I'd rather apply manhours to real work than advertising
and hype.

Personally, I believe the real problem is that we keep trying to dumb
things down too much. We should be trying to educate people up to a
higher level IMHO. Computers ARE technical and complicated and
reasonable people should expect to actually have to READ in oreder to
use them effectively.

Dirk Trompetter

2002年11月19日 10:52:392002/11/19
jay wrote:

> This is my update for this information
> Read this again and notice step 9 and cdrom1
> I had just notice that I could not play audio cds
> now mine are working. Hope this helps you.

Hi Jay,

I can't find cdrom1

linux:/home/matrix # ls -la /dev/cdrom1
ls: /dev/cdrom1: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

It is possible to play audio cds, but I still can't use konqueror with the
command audiocd:/

Do I have to change settings of the konqueror to use the command?




2002年11月19日 23:51:312002/11/19
Dirk Trompetter wrote:

I am not sure what audiocd is. I typed it in konsole and it never loaded.
Is it an application or you just want to play "Audio Cds".
At first when I clicked on an mp3 audio file in konqueror, it would not
work. So I changed the file assoication in konqueror to xmms.
goto settings, configure konqueror, file associations, audio, and select
the x-mp3 wave and others and enter xmms for preference making xmms first.

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