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passwd segmentation fault

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Grant Heffernan

Oct 28, 2000, 8:46:32 PM10/28/00
I hoping someone might have some ideas on this one:
Changing any user's passwd through Yast works fine.
Changing passwds from the command line results in a "Segmentation Fault"
error, and an exit code of 139. This doesn't, however happen all the
time.... sometimes it works.
Any ideas?


Grant Heffernan
Systems Engineer
Hanauer, Inc.
(703) 435-7740


Oct 29, 2000, 12:04:00 PM10/29/00
Hi Grant,

>Changing any user's passwd through Yast works fine.

Hallelujah!! ;-)

>Changing passwds from the command line results in a "Segmentation Fault"
>error, and an exit code of 139. This doesn't, however happen all the
>time.... sometimes it works.
>Any ideas?

Idea one: use yast ;-)
Idea two: tell us HOW you change passwords on the command line.
Do you login as the particular user, and issue the command passwd?
Do you login as root, then a "su - user23", then passwd?
Do you login as root, then issue the command passwd user23?

Maybe one of the above works for you, and you're outta trouble, that'll be
swell now wouldn't it?
Meanwhile you can also check your passwd-install thangs...

HTH, Mark

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