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Re: Failed HP Envy Laptop

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Mar 7, 2017, 3:38:08 AM3/7/17
So what if i cant spell some of the most famous inventor's ect could not
either but are billionaires you can have a degree in whatever you wish and
be the stupidest poorest person in the world.
And have no degrees and be a billionaire.
You seem to think that because someone does not have a degree they are
automatically stupid and that is not true.
You measure my self and every one else to youre standards.
I have seen and have many copy's of youre harassment belittling and
attacking others in many of the news groups you troll in.
Because that person did not spell to your likening or give information to
your likening.
You think you are the best smartest person around Hawk admit it
Carma will catch it you some day it does all of us.
Maybe this is why our creator AKA GOD let you be a cripple in pain 24/7
because you don't live by the rules of the world and are rude disrespectful
and a jerk to any one who YOU think does not measure up to you.

"-= Hawk =-" <Ha...@The.Nest> wrote in message
> On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 03:40:40 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>It might be true that i haven't always treated you with respect hawk.
>>But that does not give you the right to disrespect me for life.
> It's usenet, douchebag. If your feelings get hurt go find a well
> moderated web board where you'll be all safe and sound.
>>I spell the best i can i am not perfect you pretend to be but will not
>>you are far from it.
> Andy, you've bragged about having degrees from TWO ivy league schools
> but you spell like a 3rd grader in remedial classes. BTW, I've never
> once made a claim to perfection, those are your whiny little words. I
> just spell and write far better than someone who claims to have attended
> Yale and Harvard.
>>I would love to see you actually admit that you aren't the know it all
>>perfect person you have spent years trying to convince us you are.
> I've never once tried to convince anyone of this delusion of yours.
>>I have not spent my life trying to convince others i am some super guy
>>powers like god and live in million dollar homes like you think i have.
> Yes you have. The folks in the roadrunner group would attest to that,
> two degrees from prestegious schools, owning two houses and an apartment
> as well as a plethora of compter equipment. You lie at the drop of a
> hat.
>>I may not have a lot of stuff but i live very nicely and have always had
>>over 2 grand in the bank as play money why ?
> There you go bragging, sort of, again. Two whole grand in the bank!
> Wowsers. Why, you might be able to afford a 1988 Toyota or maybe a Yugo!
>>Because i work a good paying UNION job and know how to control my costs
>>spend with in my means.
> Now it's a union job.
>>Something a lot of to days youth cannot do:)
>>Maby if you treated me with respect i would return the favor to you.
> I don't want your respect, Andy, your respect is worth less thn dog shit
> on a shoe. It's something you scrape off and hope to forget. I just want
> you to keep lying and bragging and getting caught changing your stories
> repeatedly. Because it's funny. You're a joke and you're the punchline.
> Keep up the good work, mop-jockey.
> --
> 'What Profiteth It A Kingdom If The Oxen Be Deflated?'
> Riddles II, v3
> - T. Pratchett


Mar 7, 2017, 3:48:43 AM3/7/17
Second of all i was unlike you raised in a proper family.
We accept others as they are not try to make them be who we think they can
YOU do you think my self and others who might not know every little thing
you know.
Spell as well as you etc etc are stupid and you attack and degrade them.
If you had grown up with my grand father you would have never made it past
child hood or youre ass would have been shipped off to boot camp school and
you would be MADE to be a proper polite man .
Or be cast out of the family and on youre own.
His and My generation don't tolerate kids acting the way you do as an adult.


Mar 7, 2017, 6:21:51 AM3/7/17
You would be surprised what i can do.
You just want me to admit i didn't go to this school or that school so you
can rag on me about it because to YOU it makes YOU think your better then
Guys like you will be taken out in time by the smarter bigger guys that
don't care for morons like you.
god crippled you to prove a point.
Smarten up and grow up or he might just take you out totaly.
And sadly no one in the world would miss you.
So what if i brag at times at least iam very well liked in my town and have
many many friends.
They think you are a loser.

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 03:48:06 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>Second of all i was unlike you raised in a proper family.
> Pray tell? What do you know of my family life nd upbringing? Nothing.
>>We accept others as they are not try to make them be who we think they can
> You don't try and help better each other?
>>YOU do you think my self and others who might not know every little thing
>>you know.
> I can't even decipher the gibberish above.
>>Spell as well as you etc etc are stupid and you attack and degrade them.
>>If you had grown up with my grand father you would have never made it past
>>child hood or youre ass would have been shipped off to boot camp school
>>you would be MADE to be a proper polite man .
> You're neither proper nor polite. Boot camp would have hmmered you for
> your poor spelling and grammar so your grandfather must have thought you
> worthless enough NOT to ship off to military school. Or are we about to
> be treated to another Andy lie?
>>Or be cast out of the family and on youre own.
>>His and My generation don't tolerate kids acting the way you do as an
> You don't have a choice. You don't have the brains or balls to kill file
> and ignore me.


Mar 7, 2017, 6:24:52 AM3/7/17
God does in fact live think about it idiot no one including YOU can tell us
how the very first person on the face of the earth came to be.
he or she did not just pop out of the air .
You don't believe because you are to self absorbed in youre self to
actually study.

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 03:37:32 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>So what if i cant spell some of the most famous inventor's ect could not
> But you're not a famous inventor. You're a famous fuckup, copycat and
> liar. Your 'fame' extends to a dozen people in half a dozen newsgroups.
> You've created nothing, made nothing, invented. . . nothing. You latch
> onto any typo someone else makes like you've discovered the Rosette
> Stone but sometimes it get boring trying to count your mistakes in a
> single post.
>>either but are billionaires you can have a degree in whatever you wish and
>>be the stupidest poorest person in the world.
> No, to have degrees from shit community colleges you might get by being
> a moron. They churn out middle management for Mcdonald's and other
> fascinating employment opportunities. But you've claimed degrees from
> schools with far higher standards. Even your inability to type would get
> you F's at Yale or Harvard.
>>And have no degrees and be a billionaire.
> You have no degree and admitted to barely having a couple grand to your
> name in the bank.
>>You seem to think that because someone does not have a degree they are
>>automatically stupid and that is not true.
> No, I think someone who can't write legible sentences. Mixes up words
> like break and brake and a host of others, can't punctuate or capitalize
> is stupid. It also helps that you brag about nothing worth caring about
> and lie constantly.
>>You measure my self and every one else to youre standards.
> I measure you by the person you display on usenet. You have this
> delusion that I or anyone else compare you to ourselves.
>>I have seen and have many copy's of youre harassment belittling and
>>attacking others in many of the news groups you troll in.
> Stalker!
>>Because that person did not spell to your likening or give information to
>>your likening.
>>You think you are the best smartest person around Hawk admit it
> I won't admit a lie or confirm one of your delusions, Andy. Smarter than
> you? Sure. A park bench is smarter than you. Most 6th grade students can
> write and spell better than you. Smartest person around? That's some
> festering brain maggot of your own making.
>>Carma will catch it you some day it does all of us.
> Carma may catch you. karma will catch those of us who can spell.
>>Maybe this is why our creator AKA GOD let you be a cripple in pain 24/7
> I'd rather be disabled and in pain for the rest of my life than be you
> for five minutes. BTW, there is no 'god'.
>>because you don't live by the rules of the world and are rude
>>and a jerk to any one who YOU think does not measure up to you.
> There are no 'rules of the world'. And I only lambast idiots like you.


Mar 7, 2017, 6:27:22 AM3/7/17
as far as youre family upbringing youre attitude and treatment of me and
others speaks volumes about you and youre self richous attitude that you are
so smart and went to the best schools ect.
You honestly think you are the best person around.
YOU ARNT so what if i didn't go to top name schools or what not only YOU
no one else does i have many degrees .

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 03:48:06 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>Second of all i was unlike you raised in a proper family.
> Pray tell? What do you know of my family life nd upbringing? Nothing.
>>We accept others as they are not try to make them be who we think they can
> You don't try and help better each other?
>>YOU do you think my self and others who might not know every little thing
>>you know.
> I can't even decipher the gibberish above.
>>Spell as well as you etc etc are stupid and you attack and degrade them.
>>If you had grown up with my grand father you would have never made it past
>>child hood or youre ass would have been shipped off to boot camp school
>>you would be MADE to be a proper polite man .
> You're neither proper nor polite. Boot camp would have hmmered you for
> your poor spelling and grammar so your grandfather must have thought you
> worthless enough NOT to ship off to military school. Or are we about to
> be treated to another Andy lie?
>>Or be cast out of the family and on youre own.
>>His and My generation don't tolerate kids acting the way you do as an
> You don't have a choice. You don't have the brains or balls to kill file
> and ignore me.


Mar 8, 2017, 2:11:46 AM3/8/17
Education is not every thing hawk maybe to you it is .
if you went to the best schools why aren't you wealthy and healthy and
livening well?
Answer because YOU ARE NOT PERFECT and its time you admitted it.
Just like you cross posting my replies to you in the road runner news group
to stir up problems over in that group.
You just want to bicker and belittle me because of my bragging that
infuriates you and you just went me to tell you how bad my life is and this
and that and things that aren't true.
I have and do lead a very good life and am well off money wise.
I don't need 2 or 3 jobs like many do.
A union job is all one needs to live well in life.
I make more in a week then most do in 2.
How much i make is none of youre business and i wont get in to that.
You will never get me to post personal information on a news group so you
can harass and belittle me i am not that dumb hawk.
You just want me to humiliate my self by admitting that alot of stuff i
might have said is not true personally i don't care what you or charjackson
or youre troll friends think of me.
Or what life i lead or what i might not have or do have.
AS for kilfileing you i could easily do that.
But you could just as easily shut youre mouth and not comment .
But due to youre disability and mental inability you cant just ignore
someone you HAVE to pick at them every chance you get because to YOU in YOUR
mind it makes you look better.
I know for a fact you have and were a bully in school and in life with those
around you.
Always thinking and acting like youre so grate and others are dumb.

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 06:26:57 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>as far as youre family upbringing youre attitude and treatment of me and
>>others speaks volumes about you and youre self richous attitude that you
>>so smart and went to the best schools ect.
>>You honestly think you are the best person around.
>>YOU ARNT so what if i didn't go to top name schools or what not only YOU
>>no one else does i have many degrees .
> So does a protractor.


Mar 8, 2017, 2:12:33 AM3/8/17
Science did not create man out of thin Air Hawk that is a fact:)

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 06:24:27 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>God does in fact live think about it idiot no one including YOU can tell
> God 'lives'?
>>how the very first person on the face of the earth came to be.
> It's called evolution. Read some Darwin. Or instead of watching the
> Cartoon Network watch a science show or three.
>>he or she did not just pop out of the air
>>You don't believe because you are to self absorbed in youre self to
>>actually study.
> I believe in science. You believe in a book not only written hundreds or
> more years after the events written about it's been revised, changed and
> edited hundreds of times.


Mar 8, 2017, 2:14:58 AM3/8/17
No Hawk it does not leave me out.
I am 6 feet plus tall and weigh 250 plus and can twist you up like a
I bench press 250 with ease and work out daily.
Guys like you in school i smartened up fast believe me.

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 06:21:24 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>You would be surprised what i can do.
> I'd be surprised if you could tie your shoes on the first try.
>>You just want me to admit i didn't go to this school or that school so you
>>can rag on me about it because to YOU it makes YOU think your better then
> No, I've repeatedly told you, Andy, all I want is you to continue acting
> like you do, bragging like you do and lying like you do. It's fucking
> hysterical and I enjoy a good laugh.
>>Guys like you will be taken out in time by the smarter bigger guys that
>>don't care for morons like you.
> Well, that leaves you out, doesn't it?
>>god crippled you to prove a point.
> Is it God or god, Andy? You can't even get that right. But there's still
> no god big or little G. It's just a fall back for people to excuse or
> explain things. Shit happens. God didn't cripple me, a fall did.
>>Smarten up and grow up or he might just take you out totaly.
>>And sadly no one in the world would miss you.
> Actually, Andy, unlike you who goes around begging for any attention he
> can get I have quite a few friends.
>>So what if i brag at times at least iam very well liked in my town and
>>many many friends.
> Lies.
>>They think you are a loser.
> Wait. . . your life is so pathetic you need to discuss usenet
> conversations with your fellow janitors? How long is it before they tell
> you to "shut the fuck up about that Hawk guy"?
> I think it's fucking hysterical you discuss your online bickering with
> people in real life. How fucking pathetic that all you have to talk
> about is me.


Mar 8, 2017, 2:21:55 AM3/8/17
Last of all Hawk i could just give up and let you get the last word on
But how i was raised that is letting the bully win aka YOU.
I will never let someone like you get the last word in with me.
And in real life i have never walked away from a fight unless i was the only
one standing as it should be.
Never let the other guy win that was the motto in the school boxing team and
believe me i lived by it and koed many a fighter.
Nothing is better then victory:)

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 06:24:27 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>God does in fact live think about it idiot no one including YOU can tell
> God 'lives'?
>>how the very first person on the face of the earth came to be.
> It's called evolution. Read some Darwin. Or instead of watching the
> Cartoon Network watch a science show or three.
>>he or she did not just pop out of the air
>>You don't believe because you are to self absorbed in youre self to
>>actually study.
> I believe in science. You believe in a book not only written hundreds or
> more years after the events written about it's been revised, changed and
> edited hundreds of times.


Mar 8, 2017, 2:22:56 AM3/8/17
Any time you want to post up youre so called credentials and degrees you go
for it.
Until that time you are just a low life usenet troll .

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 06:24:27 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>God does in fact live think about it idiot no one including YOU can tell
> God 'lives'?
>>how the very first person on the face of the earth came to be.
> It's called evolution. Read some Darwin. Or instead of watching the
> Cartoon Network watch a science show or three.
>>he or she did not just pop out of the air
>>You don't believe because you are to self absorbed in youre self to
>>actually study.
> I believe in science. You believe in a book not only written hundreds or
> more years after the events written about it's been revised, changed and
> edited hundreds of times.

Rene Lamontagne

Mar 8, 2017, 10:06:41 AM3/8/17
On 3/8/2017 6:05 AM, -= Hawk =- wrote:

Rene Lamontagne

Mar 8, 2017, 10:07:01 AM3/8/17
On 3/8/2017 1:22 AM, Andy wrote:

Rene Lamontagne

Mar 8, 2017, 10:07:20 AM3/8/17
On 3/8/2017 5:57 AM, -= Hawk =- wrote:
> On We

Rene Lamontagne

Mar 8, 2017, 10:08:22 AM3/8/17
On 3/8/2017 5:53 AM, -= Hawk =-


Mar 8, 2017, 5:01:53 PM3/8/17
On Wed, 8 Mar 2017 02:11:59 -0500, Andy, after 15 edits, wrote this:
> Science did not create man out of thin Air Hawk that is a fact:)

Listen, dingbat... it is religion that creates man out of thin air.

Gawd created man from dust, and a woman from his side.
Then they had some kids, one brother murdered the other brother, then after
a little incest, Wham!, the world was full of people.

We are all the offspring of inbreeding bastards.

I'd rather be kin to monkies :)


Rene Lamontagne

Mar 8, 2017, 6:47:35 PM3/8/17
On 3/8/2017 5:29 PM, -=


Mar 8, 2017, 7:28:33 PM3/8/17
Rene Lamontagne wrote:
> On 3/8/2017 5:29 PM, -=

A couple possibilities for your messages not coming through.

1) Stopped by your AV product.

2) Black hole routing problem. Symptoms would be, transmission
by Thunderbird would just "stall", yet both ends of the TCP/IP
connection are "happy" and it would stay that way forever if it
were not for the usage of software timers, or the human
killing the program in disgust. I had this happen once with my
ISPs email server. (They disabled ICMP a little too well.)

I don't think it's (2), because others would have trouble with
E-S too if that were the case.

Try disabling your AV and attempt to post again.



Mar 9, 2017, 3:47:29 AM3/9/17
Or last of it could be Hawk under one of his many Names.
Hawk is known for changeing names to screw with somone and claming to be the
know it all of usenet rules and how this and that works.

"Paul" <nos...@needed.invalid> wrote in message


Mar 9, 2017, 3:53:55 AM3/9/17
I have told you many times Hawk i will never post personal information about
me on a public news group how stupid can you be to ask for something like
That would be the same as going down a street in Florida and tapeing youre
social security card Drivers license and other ids on a public bulletin
board and expect someone not to steal youre id or drain your bank account .
You want to see the real me get out from behind youre key board you pussy
and come to Maine and meet me.
We all know you wont because youre a key board pussy who talks a big game
but in real life cant get out of his wheel chair.
FACE that fact PUSSY BOY.

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 8 Mar 2017 02:22:22 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>Any time you want to post up youre so called credentials and degrees you
>>for it.
> You're the one who brags, Andy, I've never made any claims that need
> proving. You're the one who needs to back up his lies, I mean claims.
> Not me. You brag and brag but you never offer a shred of proof but then
> demand others prove things to you they've never mentioned. Poor Andy,
> caught in another hole again.
>>Until that time you are just a low life usenet troll .
> And yet you can't get enough of bragging to me about how 'grate' (sic)
> you are.


Mar 9, 2017, 4:32:54 AM3/9/17
Andy wrote:
> Or last of it could be Hawk under one of his many Names.
> Hawk is known for changeing names to screw with somone and claming to be the
> know it all of usenet rules and how this and that works.


I already compared his posting account on the failed post,
to his posting account on successful posts.

You can only have a message stamped with the posting account,
if you know the login password for the account, and then post
with it. The account would have to be compromised to work
at that level.



Mar 9, 2017, 5:50:58 AM3/9/17
It is not my account so i don't care how many accounts Hawk or any one has:)

"Paul" <nos...@needed.invalid> wrote in message


Mar 9, 2017, 5:53:49 AM3/9/17
Yes i might have bagged a bit in the past BUT THAT IS THE PAST let go of it
and move on Hawk.
I don't at this point care what you or whoever thinks of me i am going to
keep on posting and answering computer related questions for those who
The other thing i can do is answer them privately from a throw away email
account so you and the rest of the trolls have nothing to read:)

"-= Hawk =-" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 9 Mar 2017 03:53:27 -0500, "Andy" <> scribbled:
>>I have told you many times Hawk i will never post personal information
>>me on a public news group how stupid can you be to ask for something like
> You've challenged me to do the same thing even though I've never once
> bragged (lied rather) about my money, job(s) and now numerous degrees
> you claim to have.
>>That would be the same as going down a street in Florida and tapeing youre
>>social security card Drivers license and other ids on a public bulletin
>>board and expect someone not to steal youre id or drain your bank account
>>You want to see the real me get out from behind youre key board you pussy
>>and come to Maine and meet me.
> I'd rather gouge my eyes out with rusty spoons and cauterize the wounds
> with a blow torch and rubbing alcohol.
>>We all know you wont because youre a key board pussy who talks a big game
>>but in real life cant get out of his wheel chair.
>>FACE that fact PUSSY BOY.
> Facing the fact right now, Andy, i don't own or use a wheelchair. If
> this were baseball you'd have racked up enough strikes for an entire
> season of outs. Not one of your claims has been a mile within range of
> the truth. BTW, keyboard is one word, not two.
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