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How does one learn his Comcast phone number?

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Aug 29, 2022, 11:35:30 PM8/29/22
Does somone know, or could he do me a great favor and check his comcast
account online to see if it includes the phone number of the phone that
is often included with a comcast account?

My brother is 82, he's having health problems, his cell phone voicemail
is often full so that I can't reach him, and he's stubborn. And so is
his wife's phone full for long periods, plus I think she again changed
her number without telling me

I worry asbout him and want to be able to reach him. Recently I visited
and learned that he had a cordless phone that came with his
comcast/xfinity account. He uses it once in a while to call out, but
doesn't know its number. I called myself and got the phone number from
caller-id, but when I called it, it was not in service. (When I looked
the number up on and, I got two other people who
appeared to live within 50 miles.)

I have one chance, if that many, to get him or his wife to do something
to find out the number. I know they will never call up comcast to ask
but if it appears online or on the paper bill, they might look for that.
So I wanted to ask you if it's going to be there. If it's not in either
of those, I'll try to get them to call up,

It's possible they never set up online access, so maybe I should ask
about the paper bill too.


Aug 30, 2022, 2:45:08 AM8/30/22
micky <> wrote:

> Does somone know, or could he do me a great favor and check his
> comcast account online to see if it includes the phone number of the
> phone that is often included with a comcast account?
> I worry asbout him and want to be able to reach him. Recently I
> visited and learned that he had a cordless phone that came with his
> comcast/xfinity account.

Never heard of that perk, unless you're asking about Comcast's cellular
service where they include an iPhone (yuck!) supposedly for free instead
of your bro using Comcast's Voice service (acts like a landline).

> He uses it once in a while to call out, but
> doesn't know its number.

If it's Comcast's cellular service and they gave him a free smartphone,
I know where to look for an Android phone: Android settings -> General
-> About phone -> Status. That tells my cell phone's number, and IMEI
data. That's the navigation on my LG smartphone that runs Android for
an OS. You'll need to ask in an Apple/iPhone newsgroup or forum where
to find an iPhone's phone number (assigned to the SIM card).

> I called myself and got the phone number from caller-id, but when I
> called it, it was not in service.

Don't call your cell phone from your cell phone. I'd be surprised by an
out-of-service SIT (Special Information Tone), but I would expect to get
a busy signal since the called phone is trying to reach your busy phone
trying to connect to itself. Call your sister, and have her tell you
what was your Caller ID.

> I know they will never call up comcast to ask
> but if it appears online or on the paper bill, they might look for that.
> So I wanted to ask you if it's going to be there. If it's not in either
> of those, I'll try to get them to call up,

Without knowing your bro's phone number, how are you going to call him
to ask him to call you back to get his Caller ID? If he has an e-mail
address, and if he actually monitors his e-mail account, then you could
send him an e-mail asking him to do test call to your phone number.

> It's possible they never set up online access, so maybe I should ask
> about the paper bill too.

I don't subscribe to Comcast's cellular service, so don't know how to
look that up. Perhaps the phone number is on the bill, but my bills are
on another floor at the other end of the house, and I'm not traipsing
over there to check. Your brother can do that.

Don't know if your brother is using Comcast's cellular service, or their
Voice service, because you didn't say. They used to have a Voice2Go
service where you could get additional virtual phone numbers, but I
think they discontinued that feature. Yet Voice2Go numbers are still
listed in the account. They discontinued Voice2Go about 16 months ago,
but they never got around to erasing histories in voice settings to make
the no-longer-usable Voice2Go numbers disappear from accounts.

I can log into my account, and go to using the phone
icon on their home page which goes to
Login, and look at your Voice account. The phone number/s is/are is
shown. In fact, if you have multiple voice numbers, and sign in as an
admin of your account, you can use the drop-down listbox to see all
Voice numbers in your account, even for member accounts.

While logged in under the admin member of my account, I looked at Voice
settings at which lists
the phone numbers for all admin, manager, and member accounts within the
same Comcast account. I don't use their cellular service, so I don't
know if those phone numbers are listed here.

leonard hofstatder

Aug 30, 2022, 6:03:35 AM8/30/22
It is under services - mine shows X1, TV, Voice - under Voice there is
link to "Manage Voice" and there it shows your Xfinity number.


Aug 30, 2022, 12:38:37 PM8/30/22
I noted that URL in my reply, but a cursory scan of it, assuming you
read other replies, has the URL buried in my verbose reply.

What I'm not sure is if that web page lists all phone numbers associated
to your account, or just those employed in Comcast's Voice service.
Their carrier service (Xfinity Mobile) might be managed separately.

"the phone that is often included with a comcast account". Phones are
not provided when you get a Voice phone number. The Voice service acts
like a landline, but over separate channels of the digital phone
supporting cable modem. They do have a promo offer of doling out
iPhones (too bad they don't offer Android phones) when you sign up for
their mobile service.

Comcast Voice and Xfinity Mobile are separate services. I don't know if
they are managed under the one Comcast account. Do you subscribe to
Xfinity Mobile for use with a cell phone?

danny burstein

Aug 30, 2022, 1:12:22 PM8/30/22

any chance there's some misunderstanding here?

Comcast/Xfiniti, as part of their services,

a: their whole mobile/cellular deal
b: phone lines that run over their cable
and "come out" the back of their
"cable modem", and look, smell, and
stink like a "wired" phone line.

This latter one (or... TWO... yes, you
can get two lines) can be cross connected
into home wiring to let you plug in so-called
"regular" or traditional wired phones, cordless,
and even fax machines.

One amusing option is when a call come in,
the number is displayed on your Comcast/Xfiniti
connected tv.

In our case, we only use the phone line for
our fax machine and for outgoing phone calls
that we don't want caller-id'ed-data based..

In other words, any call coming into our
Comcast line doesn't audibly ring and we
never answer.

nyway.. perhaps the OP is trying to find out
this phone number over at his parent's, and
no one realizes they have to use that specific
phone jack..

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]

Adam H. Kerman

Aug 30, 2022, 4:23:22 PM8/30/22
VanguardLH <V...@nguard.LH> wrote:

>. . .

>"the phone that is often included with a comcast account". Phones are
>not provided when you get a Voice phone number.

And yet, at times, Comcast has provided cheap phones during set up and
installation. I don't know of anyone who has received a cordless phone

>. . .


Aug 30, 2022, 5:19:57 PM8/30/22
In, on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 20:23:21 -0000 (UTC),
I can see that.

It's conceivable that my brother brought the phone itself, the cordless
phone, with him from wherever he lived before. So I should have said
"phone line" or phone number.


Aug 30, 2022, 7:56:29 PM8/30/22
In, on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 17:12:21 -0000 (UTC),
danny burstein <> wrote:

>any chance there's some misunderstanding here?
>Comcast/Xfiniti, as part of their services,
>a: their whole mobile/cellular deal
>b: phone lines that run over their cable
> and "come out" the back of their
> "cable modem", and look, smell, and
> stink like a "wired" phone line.

Yes, it's b.
>This latter one (or... TWO... yes, you
>can get two lines) can be cross connected
>into home wiring to let you plug in so-called
>"regular" or traditional wired phones, cordless,
>and even fax machines.
>One amusing option is when a call come in,
>the number is displayed on your Comcast/Xfiniti
>connected tv.

That would be nice.

>In our case, we only use the phone line for
>our fax machine and for outgoing phone calls
>that we don't want caller-id'ed-data based..
>In other words, any call coming into our
>Comcast line doesn't audibly ring and we
>never answer.
nyway.. perhaps the OP is trying to find out
>this phone number over at his parent's, and


>no one realizes they have to use that specific
>phone jack..

The place is crowded and I'm not positive the phone came from the cable
box (comcast) but I think so.

If I have to I'll go again in the winter and look harder. I should
visit again anyhow. His cell phone will probably work fine until then,
and even afterwards. (though once they both went to Peru to visit their
son and didn't tell me and I'm calling and calling both of them and no
answer for a week and I finally had to call a friend of his to find out
where he was.)

Thanks all.


Aug 30, 2022, 8:05:31 PM8/30/22
In, on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 05:03:31 -0500,
leonard hofstatder <> wrote:

>It is under services - mine shows X1, TV, Voice - under Voice there is
>link to "Manage Voice" and there it shows your Xfinity number.

This sounds great. And it's simple enough my brother or his wife might
even do it. If they know their userid and password. ;-( (I think my
brother still pays his bills by check via the mail. Even though he has
a computer and uses it.)

I may have to go there, although even that might not work. But I've
done my best. He is married, but his wife seems to be out of town
more often than most, and even if she's there, she's sort of a flake.
(Dont' tell her I said that.)

You really only need because I was
redirected there anyhow, to make me log in. Don't tell her but I used a
friend's login, and I had been a little worried that Voice might mean
some unreal phone number like Google Voice, but the number was very
familiar. I think it was her home number before she got a cell phone,
so it's her real number.

BTW, I asked her, twice, to do what I asked you guys to do and, as is
typical, she said yes and then didn't do it. I've known her 25 years.

Thanks all.


Sep 11, 2022, 10:23:35 AM9/11/22
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