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What is the purpose of this NG?

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M LeFors

Jul 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/13/97

When I subscribed to this NG, I saw a description that read <Lawmen
and Outlaws of the Old West> or something *real* real close to it...

Why are there so many postings about LBH and GAC? Neither have
anything to do with lawmen or outlaws...

There are also entirely too many flames.... If you people want to
bicker at each other about GAC, do it in E-Mail to each other and stop
wasting everybody's time!
Chuck a.k.a. Ringo
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment -

George Szaszvari

Jul 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/15/97

In article <>,[

> When I subscribed to this NG, I saw a description that read <Lawmen
>and Outlaws of the Old West> or something *real* real close to it...
<nonsense snipped>..

Well, this is very interesting. Where did you see this description?
I don't know of any moderation policy that limits discussions here
to only one aspect of the Old West.

BTW Where are all your contributions about lawmen and baddies?
Since I'm the main one to answer Linda's GAC and LBH postings,
I guess you're directing your whining at me. I actually post more
stuff about Indians, Lawmen and other Old West stuff, than GAC or
LBH. You've either just turned up or haven't been paying attention.
Tsk, tsk. Had you any wit you might have realized that the recent
"flames" were largely jokes...geddit?

You, the self-appointed net cop, should know that there is, in
fact, very little flaming here, except who
like to order other people around. You must be a government stooge.

George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * The Commodore64 Lives!

David Laro

Jul 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/16/97

George Szaszvari <> wrote:
: In article <>,[
: says...
: > When I subscribed to this NG, I saw a description that read <Lawmen
: >and Outlaws of the Old West> or something *real* real close to it...
: <nonsense snipped>..

: Well, this is very interesting. Where did you see this description?
: I don't know of any moderation policy that limits discussions here
: to only one aspect of the Old West.

George, you were the only person to mention "moderation policy." Where
did you find that? I believe the poster was unhappy with the utter
domination of the NG by a non-event like LBH. Many posters and former
posters would agree, I believe, but are reluctant to express any opinion
which would be immediately attacked by the very vocal few.

: BTW Where are all your contributions about lawmen and baddies?

: Since I'm the main one to answer Linda's GAC and LBH postings,
: I guess you're directing your whining at me. I actually post more
: stuff about Indians, Lawmen and other Old West stuff, than GAC or
: LBH. You've either just turned up or haven't been paying attention.

Although I don't respond to this NG often, that is mainly due to my policy
of filtering all of Linda's stuff (both her disagreeable postings and the
few in which she shares her legendary knowledge of LBH.) I do read it
regularly. From postings of recent months, I must disagree with your
statement here that you " more stuff about Indians..." I don't
think so, Tim.

I think your imagination is getting the best of your recollection. But
then, that's just my opinion, no better or worse than your unsupported
statements above.

: Tsk, tsk. Had you any wit you might have realized that the recent

: "flames" were largely jokes...geddit?

"Had you any wit..."??

Ah, now you stoop to Linda's level and call names -- toss insults.

I guess that goes with the LBH mystique, the arrogance and the rash
'always ready to leap into battle' posture. You two make a nice couple!

One question: MIGHT one be excused for believing that "had YOU any wit"
you'd be able to carry on a sociable exchange of words without resorting
to the insult? (Just a question. Seems reasonable to me!)

: You, the self-appointed net cop, should know that there is, in

: fact, very little flaming here, except who
: like to order other people around. You must be a government stooge.

Self-appointed net cop? Government stooge?

Now I see where you fit in the food chain of ideas.

Lower than I'd previously placed you.

You may respond with a blistering post if you choose. It is
expected, almost required!

I may see it, may not, but I don't plan to engage in any discussions with
someone who operates as you do.

Your manners were obviously misplaced, somewhere along the line. Most of
your postings here do not draw enough water to be worthy of consideration,
anyway. Your flaming of the new guy simply required (well, really, begged
for) a polite, measured response. Notice no flames, no name-calling here.
Just my frank and earnest (Ernest?) opinion. Was that what you were
looking for? Were you merely trolling at our expense? We'll never know.

And oh, yes, welcome to the new guy. This group does have something to
offer, if you can ignore the childish prattle about LBH and the hero,
(to many) GAC. (well, okay, not to the Native Americans, but there were

You've heard of the "kill file" procedure? Saves a lot of
annoyance and pestering. I recommend it.

(and, just in case anyone considers asking "where's the authority for your
words, just read my words again. The justification is already there,
thoughtfully provided in advance by the person to whom I responded!:-)

But for those who REALLY need quotes I offer the following, each with a
meaning which will be obvious to anyone with just a smidgen of sublety.

The West wasn't won on salad.
--North Dakota Beef Council

"Ain't nothin' in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead
- Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower

"I move we recess to go outside and throw up."
- Texas House Speaker Gib Lewis during a budget hearing

The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit.
-- W. Somerset Maugham

And finally, this one:

...the sea squirt, when young, seeks a rock to which it can anchor
itself. Once it finds a rock, it will stay there the rest of its life.
When it has been anchored, it no longer needs its brain, so it eats it.
sort of like getting tenure...
--Molly Ball

David L.
Alright, I'm leaving already! But who said there was no entertainment on
this newsgroup? :-)

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