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final occult philosophy/mathematics ebooks in a series published

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Hermes Trismegistus

Dec 25, 2015, 2:02:32 AM12/25/15
New Pythagorean, Classical-based, Platonist, Hermetic, Gnostic
Leibnizian, etc., pagan mathematicist rationalist idealist philosophy
ebooks (in the 'God Series' not about any creator 'God', but
mathematics-theism, also resulting in evolutionary polytheism,
autotheism, and in a sense, mathematical panendeism), have been
published (also with reference/commentary to Mediaeval & Renaissance and
Modern mysticism/esoterism--including German Idealism--and far Eastern

They are the God Series ebooks 30 - 32: _The Holographic Soul_,
_Science's War on Reason_, _How to Create The Universe_. The series is
at and the ebooks at
and are also on (catching up) and some by associated
authors (Michael Faust, Adam Weishaupt) at those sites and . Before even reading the first 29 ebooks I
mentioned earlier, they may expect you to have read their earlier
website (for terminology) now only available as the authors' other ebook
series at sites above (as their site has been replaced with ). Summaries are below.

_The Holographic Soul_

Where is your mind located? How does it interact with your body? When
your body dies, does your mind die too, or does it have an afterlife?
Thats the mystery of existence. If humanity cannot answer these
questions once and for all then it has no understanding of reality.

The answer is not going to be something obvious. It will require some
great conceptual leap, hitherto unforeseen by almost all of humanity.

The ancients believed that a person was a reflection of the cosmos. A
person had a body and a soul, and so did the cosmos. Is that a silly
Mythos, or can it be intellectually defended?

The rational link between the ancient wisdom and modern knowledge is
none other than holography. Holography is what allows scientific
materialism to be replaced by mathematical idealism. Holography allows
the soul, rather than matter, to be considered the source of reality.
Mental atoms with atomic mass zero replace material atoms with atomic
mass greater than zero as the basis of the world.

Individual souls control individual bodies, and the collection of all
souls controls the collective body the cosmos. All of this is the
inevitable consequence of ontological Fourier mathematics.

The unprecedented intellectual leap that humanity must make is to
conceive of reality as mathematical rather than religious, spiritual,
philosophical, metaphysical or physical (scientific). Pythagoras
understood this 2,500 years ago. He was at least 2,500 years ahead of
his time (!).

Over 300 years ago, Leibniz, with his Monadology, adopted a holographic
model of reality, whereby dimensionless monads created the illusion of
the dimensional material world. He was ignored. So it goes. Humanitys
greatest geniuses are always painfully far ahead of the game. Thats
exactly why theyre the greatest geniuses.

No one who understands that theres more to the world than science needs
to turn to God, religion, faith, spirituality, mysticism or metaphysics.
They do, however, need to turn to mathematics, the worlds most hated and
dreaded subject. Where better to hide from humanity the Truth of
existence than in the exact place where humans most fear to tread?!

The answer to existence has always been right in front of humanity in
the shape of math. It might as well have been hidden in the bottomless
Cosmic Abyss!

Math in its pristine state is immaterial, non-sensory and outside space
and time. Those are exactly the properties of mind. Mind is nothing but
math. Mind is how math exists in itself. Minds are monads, monads are
singularities, and singularities are Fourier frequency domains. From the
collective interaction of all of these frequencies from the vast
interference pattern they produce we get the spacetime universe of
matter. Its nothing but an ontological hologram that comes inbuilt with
mathematical forcefields that lend it the illusion of being solid. Its
all in the math.

Mind does not come from matter, as science claims. The exact opposite is
true. Everything starts with unextended minds = dimensionless Fourier

What comes after physics isnt metaphysics, its math. Math is the ground
of science. Math is the interior of science, mind the interior of
matter. Humanity has made the error of regarding the outside as real,
and the inside as an epiphenomenon. The reverse is true. The simple fact
is that without math, science would be an irrational religion.

A mathematical universe is a holographic universe, a monadic universe, a
Leibnizian rather than Newtonian universe. We are all living in a
dynamic, evolving hologram, aiming to transform itself into heaven,
populated by not one but countless Gods.

The universe is a God factory. Its exact purpose is to turn imperfect
souls into perfect Gods. What could be better than that? Math is the
divine language that makes it possible.

_Science's War on Reason_

People cant reason. They dont even know what reason is. Reason is almost
always harnessed to something that has nothing to do with reason.
Believers in mainstream religion are feeling types who reason with their
emotions, or with their mystical intuitions. They subscribe to narrative
logic, i.e. to a holy text by some charismatic prophet claiming to
convey Gods thoughts. They never ask why God doesnt communicate his
message directly ... with no middle men, and no bizarre books about
desert tribes from thousands of years ago.

No rational person takes religion seriously given that rationalism is
exactly what is absent from it. Mainstream religion isnt designed for
thinking types. Its for feeling types and intuitives. Its about Mythos
rather than Logos. The only religion a thinking person would take
seriously is a Logos religion, with no prophets, no holy books, no
commandments, no ban on bacon sandwiches, no demand to wear strings
dangling from your trousers, to grow a big beard and sport a funny hat.

A Logos religion is one based solely on reason, logic and mathematics.
Such a religion exists ... its the religion of Illuminism, shaped by
Pythagoras, Leibniz and Hegel. It has at its core the rational study of
the two numbers zero and infinity, i.e. the two numbers that define
singularities (aka minds/souls), and which are the two numbers most
incomprehensible to scientists.

Atheism is not the denial of the existence of God or Gods, its the
denial of a reality predicated on zero and infinity, i.e. its an attack
on mathematics, not religion.

Scientists are sensing types. Bizarrely, they claim to be on the side of
reason. They delude themselves that because they reject religious
Mythos, they must be advocates of reason. That simply demonstrates how
irrational they are, and how ignorant of philosophy. As anyone with a
modicum of philosophical literacy knows, the historical enemy of
rationalism isnt religious faith but empiricism. All empiricists all
scientists are opposed to rationalism, i.e. the existence of a rational
order of reality completely removed from the human senses, which can
only be apprehended rationally, logically, mathematically and via
intellectual intuition.

No rationalist would have any trouble contemplating zero/infinity
singularities, yet empiricists and materialists flee from them in
horror. They are not running away because of reason, but because they
are sensing types who are fundamentally opposed to reason whenever it
opposes their autistic, sensory mania.

There is nothing in reason to prohibit the existence of zero/infinity
singularities minds but they are inconceivable to sensing types, who
deny their existence on that basis alone (an entirely irrational and
anti-intellectual basis).

Science wages war against "hidden variables", but hidden variables are
merely all the stuff of math, including mental singularities, which are
not susceptible to sensory detection and interpretation.

Scientists are people of the senses, so its disgraceful that they try to
don the cloak of rationalism, even though they are explicitly opposed to
mathematical rationalism, which addresses a more fundamental, noumenal
reality than the one amenable to phenomenal science.

Scientists are anti-rationalists and anti-intellectuals, antagonistic to
reason, antagonistic to the inevitable destination where reason leads
us: zero/infinity singularities. These are the Leibnizian monads that
define existence itself, but which will never be objects of sensory
science. No Super Large Hadron Collider will ever detect a single trace
of them. Scientists, irrationally, conclude that anything that isnt
available to an experiment doesnt exist. They subscribe to the fallacy
that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. No rationalist no
person dominated by their reason and logic rather than their irrational,
fallible, unreliable human senses would ever reach such an absurd

_How to Create The Universe_

This book explains how the entire universe can be created using just two
ingredients: nothing at all and the principle of sufficient reason.

This is the final book in The God Series.

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