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OT: Lindsay Lohan, Wordsmith

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Nov 29, 2006, 6:25:25 PM11/29/06
Lindsay Lohan's public comments on the death of Robert Altman were no
doubt well intended, but the poor girl obviously needs an editor. Here
is an article on the matter from the Independent:

Here is the full text:

I've always found it strange how articulate (in speech and print) were
the stars of the silent cinema as compared to those of the talking era.
Lindsay Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen off.


Nov 29, 2006, 6:58:49 PM11/29/06
She doesn't need an editor, she needs an english tutor.


Michael O'Connor

Nov 29, 2006, 7:42:16 PM11/29/06
I read today where she was allegedly a straight A student in high

aka Bob

Nov 29, 2006, 7:55:39 PM11/29/06
On 29 Nov 2006 15:25:25 -0800, magnanimously

>I've always found it strange how articulate (in speech and print) were
>the stars of the silent cinema as compared to those of the talking era.

If Lindsay Lohan wrote that sentence then she desperately needs an


"It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Woody Allen

Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <>


Nov 29, 2006, 8:30:05 PM11/29/06

"Michael O'Connor" <> wrote in message

>I read today where she was allegedly a straight A student in high
> school.

It is also alleged that she didn't wear panties in high school.



Nov 29, 2006, 8:55:00 PM11/29/06
Lindsay Lohan was SO close to Robert Altman, she misspelled the first
name of his wife of nearly 50 years...
Message has been deleted

Joe Pucillo

Nov 30, 2006, 12:07:51 AM11/30/06

<> wrote...

> I've always found it strange how articulate (in speech and
print) were
> the stars of the silent cinema as compared to those of the
talking era.


> Lindsay Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen off.

Never end a sentence with a preposition, lunkhead.

(Ahhhh....another "catch phrase"....)


aka Bob

Nov 30, 2006, 12:34:00 AM11/30/06
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:07:51 GMT, "Joe Pucillo"
<> magnanimously proffered:

><> wrote...
>> I've always found it strange how articulate (in speech and
>print) were
>> the stars of the silent cinema as compared to those of the
>talking era.
>> Lindsay Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen off.
>Never end a sentence with a preposition, lunkhead.

So how would you rephrase that sentence? Just curious ...

Joe Pucillo

Nov 30, 2006, 1:01:19 AM11/30/06
Wasn't it aka Bob who said...

> >> Lindsay Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen off.
> >
> >Never end a sentence with a preposition, lunkhead.
> So how would you rephrase that sentence? Just curious ...

At the university level, Bob Champ shows just how far off the
quality level has fallen.

How's that?

Actually, I probably wouldn't use the clumsy phrase "fallen off".
I would probably write " what level the quality has fallen."

hth :-)


Brad Ferguson

Nov 30, 2006, 1:32:39 AM11/30/06
In article <>, Joe
Pucillo <> wrote:

... shows just how far the quality has declined.

R H Draney

Nov 30, 2006, 1:54:56 AM11/30/06
Joe Pucillo filted:
><> wrote...

>> Lindsay Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen off.
>Never end a sentence with a preposition, lunkhead.

"Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen in an off sense"....r

"Keep your eye on the Bishop. I want to know when
he makes his move", said the Inspector, obliquely.

Alan Hope

Nov 30, 2006, 7:25:09 AM11/30/06
Rich Clancey goes:

> Also, who the heck is Lindsay Lohan?

A personality of the moving picture industry celebrated for her
tendency to air her ladytreasure in public while egressing motor
vehicles, m'Lud.


J.D. Baldwin

Nov 30, 2006, 11:58:38 AM11/30/06

In the previous article, Joe Pucillo <> wrote:
> > Lindsay Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen off.
> Never end a sentence with a preposition, lunkhead.

I'd call "off" an adverb in that context.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone disagrees with any statement I make, I
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |am quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ /|to deny under oath that I ever made it. -T. Lehrer

Nov 30, 2006, 2:12:15 PM11/30/06

Joe Pucillo wrote:
> <> wrote...
> > I've always found it strange how articulate (in speech and
> print) were
> > the stars of the silent cinema as compared to those of the
> talking era.
> Huh?
> > Lindsay Lohan shows how far the quality has fallen off.
> Never end a sentence with a preposition, lunkhead.

Your frigging idiot. "Off" is an adverb.

Nov 30, 2006, 2:16:01 PM11/30/06

Again, you show that you have no idea of what you are talking about.
"Fallen off" is not a clumsy phrase. "To what level the quality has
fallen" is pretentious. Why don't you lose it, Puke-ill-o.

Nov 30, 2006, 3:09:23 PM11/30/06

Michael O'Connor wrote:
> I read today where she was allegedly a straight A student in high
> school.

I have nothing against Lohan--she did the best she could. Her letter
was probably written on drugs--and must have been sent while the stuff
was wearing off. Much of it sounds like schizophrenic "salad talk."

It's sad that someone who belongs to a profession in which language is
so important should have so little command of it. She is entitled to
pity, and little more.

Entertainers have had a bad time of it lately. Mel Gibson and Michael
Richards indulge in racist rants; Danny Devito appears drunk, or at
least totally out of it, on a TV talk show; Britney Spears shows her
tail in nightclubs while in the company of super-bimbo Paris Hilton.

These people belong to an industry that all of us--or most of us,
anyway--love and admire. They seem intent on embarrassing it and
themselves, on proving how little they deserve the good-will we have
invested in them.

Joe Pucillo

Nov 30, 2006, 4:04:32 PM11/30/06
Wasn't it who said...
> Puke-ill-o.

Ah! Q.E.D., 'eh?



Nov 30, 2006, 7:01:23 PM11/30/06
Rich Clancey said the following On 11/30/2006 3:58 AM:

> Also, who the heck is Lindsay Lohan?

Perhaps 'Woodsmith' might be a more appropriate depiction of the young
tart considering how many guys have gotten a stiff one while ogling
her physical assets.

Flat Mouth never met George W. Bush...

"Tell him I blame him for the children we have lost, for the sickness
we have suffered, and for the hunger we have endured. The fault rests
on his shoulders."
~ Aysh-ke-bah-ke-ko-zhay (Flat Mouth), Leech Lake Ojibwe speaking of
Territorial Governor Alexander Ramsey

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

The Kentucky Wizard

Dec 1, 2006, 2:20:18 AM12/1/06

Yeah, Jimmy Kimmel read excepts of her note tonight on his show, and then
did a fake interview with her 'supposed' English teacher, who bolted when
Kimmel asked him why he gave her an "A" in class. It was pretty funny.

"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and
beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

© The Wiz ®


Dec 7, 2006, 10:17:45 PM12/7/06
She's at it again, folks!

Subject: The way of the future - Howard Hughes once said. I am willing
to release a politically/morally correct, fully adequite letter to the
press if any of you are willing to help. Simply to state my oppinions on
how our society should be educated on for the better of our country. Our
people. Also because I have such an impact on our younger generations,
as well as generations older than me. Which we all know and can
obviously see. People are just mean. I am going to proceed with putting
LR to court if need be for what she's done to me. Its my life. I want to
live it. People cannot lie and think that it is okay to continue on
having done so. Simply because they will do it again to someone else,
and that is not alright with me. I have had many ups and downs, as do we
all. But to make false accusations to one girl is unjust in my oppinion.
Having said this, I am willing to do anything I need to get my life the
way it should be and the way I work for it to be.. And have thus far in
my career. Let's sue the tabloids for saying the things they say.
Defamation of character. Amongst other illegal accusations, I will
repeat this over and over to make my point. I am not fully aware of what
these, again, accusations are, but I am fully and eagerly prepared to
learn them. Have harvey and all lawyers help me please. If he is
willing. Al Gore will help me he came up to me last night and said he
would be very happy to have a conversation with me. If he is willing to
help me, let's find out. Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Evan
metroplis, and John Daur who works with them would be willing, if we
just ask. If we just ASK. I'd really like to fix things and refuse to
stop on any account for these unintelligent, vulgar people who like to
hurt other people. Not just me, but everyone. I'm willing to hold a
press conference and I will do anything necessary to do so. In putting
an end to 'these people' trying to put an end to me and belittle me as
well as try to be the demise of me after all I've gone through and done
at such a young and tender age in a womans life. Its enough already,
I've had enough and I am going to be the one to make a change. For all
of my fellow actors, friends, people I admire and for those I've lost in
the recent days, years, months. I do believe the focus in the world has
misplaced and directed in the wrong directions and I am willing to be
the one to help change that and use my celebrity status to move the
focalpoint /(s) of the press to the real issues that we have going on as
we speak. Anyone that is willing to help and has a family member or
friend, even co-worker that is in a position to be involved in any way,
shape or form, please contact me, Jenni Muro, Leslie Sloane, Michael
Heller, Jason Sloane, Jason Weinberg as soon as you can or are willing.
Just ask them, it doesn't hurt to ask. So let's start now, rather than
waste time. Do you agree? Because I'm doing it either way. The way of
the future. Thank you for your time. Your Entertainer, Lindsay Lohan
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.

Louis Epstein

Dec 11, 2006, 7:42:44 PM12/11/06
to wrote:

Oh,IS it?
That's an "offly" unusual adverb...

The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.

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