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F. Kathryn Gibson, Spiritual Center Official, 64, Washington Post

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Nov 13, 2009, 1:16:55 PM11/13/09

F. Kathryn Gibson Spiritual Center Official

F. Kathryn Gibson, 64, a member of the board of the National Spiritual
Science Center, a Washington-based nondenominational organization for the
study of metaphysics, clairvoyance and spiritual development, died Oct. 15
[2009] at Sibley Memorial Hospital. She had lung cancer.

Mrs. Gibson, known as Rev. Kathryn at the center, had a lifelong curiosity
about metaphysics and religion that extended to fields such as extrasensory
perception and psychical research. This led to her ministerial certification
and ordination in the late 1990s at the spiritual center's School of
Spiritual Science, where she became a faculty member. She also edited the
center's newsletter.

Mrs. Gibson, a District resident, specialized in performing ceremonies,
including interfaith and intercultural marriages. She helped couples create
ceremonies that incorporated rituals from their families' heritages.

Flora Kathryn DeFrantz was born in Chicago and grew up in Indianapolis.
After moving to the Washington area in 1964, she did volunteer work for John
Eaton Elementary School in the District and organizations such as the
Workshop for Careers in the Arts. She graduated from American University in

From 1986 to 1992, she lived in New York and did administrative and editing
work for the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency.

Survivors include her husband of 45 years, James O. Gibson of Washington, a
former director of the District's planning and development office; two
children, Julia Howard of Reston and Carl O.D. Gibson of New York City; a
sister; and five grandchildren.

Many years ago, Mrs. Gibson became a legal guardian for four nieces and
nephews after their parents died, and she and her husband adopted the
youngest child, Tanya Gibson-Clark, who lives in South Orange, N.J.


Adam Bernstein

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