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Who is alive and/or dead from the cast of the TV show "Dark Shadows"?

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Jan 30, 2009, 9:11:11 AM1/30/09
I looked on the net and found no info answering my wife's and my
question (see Subject Line).

Can anyone here share the answer?


Rich Kegarise

La N

Jan 30, 2009, 9:33:19 AM1/30/09

"darkme" <> wrote in message

Well, the obvious starting point would be:

I was just thinking of this show the other day, how much I loved it when I
was a kid. My favourite character was Barnabas Collins, played by Jonathan
Frid, and my, but he's a little long in the tooth anymore:

David Selby (Quentin Collins), the most handsome of all is still kicking

Victoria Winters was played by Alexandra Isles who was implicated in the
Sunny Von Bulow attempted murder case, as she - Victoria - was Claus Van
Bulow's mistress.

Where oh where is the way-back machine that would permit me to watch this
after school serial all over again.

- nilita

Laurie Mann

Jan 30, 2009, 11:16:55 AM1/30/09
>On Jan 30, 4:33 am, "La N" <> wrote:
> > "darkme" <> wrote in message

> >I looked on the net and found no info answering my wife's and my
> > question (see Subject Line).
> Well, the obvious starting point would be:
> I was just thinking of this show the other day, how much I loved it when I
> was a kid.  My favourite character was Barnabas Collins, played by Jonathan
> Frid, and my, but he's a little long in the tooth anymore:
> David Selby (Quentin Collins), the most handsome of all is still kicking
> around.
> Victoria Winters was played by Alexandra Isles who was implicated in the
> Sunny Von Bulow attempted murder case, as she - Victoria -  was Claus Van
> Bulow's mistress.
> Where oh where is the way-back machine that would permit me to watch this
> after school serial all over again.

I caught reruns of it back on the Sci Fi Channel a few years back. It
had aged very poorly. *sigh* I'd loved it when I was a kid.

Of the whole group, Kate Jackson was probably the most visible and is
still alive. Other living DS actors include Jerry Lacy, Lara Parker
and Roger Davis.

Grayson Hall, Michael Stroka, Dennis Patrick, Joan Bennett and Louis
Edmonds have all died.

Laurie Mann
Dead People Server


Jan 30, 2009, 11:22:06 AM1/30/09
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 09:33:19 GMT, "La N" <>
manipulated the electrons thusly:

I did first go to the IMDb, but I was hoping that there was a DS
website that listed the Dead/Alive info en mass. I looked for such a
website to no avail. I'm sure one exists!

Actually, you can get the DVDs from Netflix. The ones with Barnabas
starts with collection #2.

When SciFi Channel first came on the air (as it were), I taped all the
DS episodes (86 T-160 tapes, if I remember correctly!). They were
tons of fun to watch (they ran two episodes per day every weekday
morning). They repeated the run at least twice.

Jonathan Frid is 84 now, and is appeared at a DS convention in 2007!

So many of the actors are dead (that I know of). : '(

I too was one of the many who rushed home from school in hope of
catching as much of the show each day as possible!



Jan 30, 2009, 12:32:13 PM1/30/09
On Jan 30, 6:22 am, darkme <> wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 09:33:19 GMT, "La N" <>
> manipulated the electrons thusly:
> >"darkme" <> wrote in message

There used to be a terrific website called Dark Shadows Online, but
the man who operated
it and who had also written books, died and it sort of petered out. He
had very comprehensive
listings and often attended the conventions so he would have updates
about the actors.
It sort of lives on as Dark Shadows Journal Online at

If you click on cast list, you can get a short bio of each actor and
the webmaster attempts to keep
the site up to date, so there is death information.

Is there someone in particular that you are interested in. I know I
submitted the death information
for Don Briscoe to IMDB about a year after he passed. IMBD isn't
always as reliable as one might
like (although it is a very good resource).

Kathryn Leigh Scott runs a publishing house and has written and
compiled several books on the series.
She had a listing of those who had passed on in one of her books.


Brad Ferguson

Jan 30, 2009, 4:07:58 PM1/30/09
In article <>, darkme
<> wrote:

> Jonathan Frid is 84 now, and is appeared at a DS convention in 2007!

So he's ... undead.

R H Draney

Jan 30, 2009, 7:04:49 PM1/30/09
La N filted:

>I was just thinking of this show the other day, how much I loved it when I
>was a kid. My favourite character was Barnabas Collins, played by Jonathan
>Frid, and my, but he's a little long in the tooth anymore:

That's typecasting for you....r

"You got Schadenfreude on my Weltanschauung!"
"You got Weltanschauung in my Schadenfreude!"


Jan 30, 2009, 10:50:02 PM1/30/09
On Jan 30, 6:22 am, darkme <> wrote:
> Actually, you can get the DVDs from Netflix.  The ones with Barnabas starts with collection #2.  

"The Dark Shadows Collection" DVDs begin @ Vol. 1 with the Barnabas

6 followup volumes titled "Dark Shadows: The Beginning" cover the 10+
months (June '66 - Apr. '67) prior to Jonathan Frid joining the

> So many of the actors are dead (that I know of).

Many are still living. From the primary cast...

Alexandra Moltke (Vickie Winters)
Mitchell Ryan (Burke Devlin)
David Henesy (David Collins)
Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans / Josette Collins)
Nancy Barrett (Carolyn Stoddard)
Conard Fowkes (Frank Garner)
Diana Millay (Laura Collins)
Jonathan Frid (Barnabas Collins)
John Karlen (Willie Loomis)
Sharon Smythe (Sara Collins)
Lara Parker (Angelique Collins)
Jerry Lacy (Reverend Trask)
Roger Davis (Peter Bradford)
Humbert Allen Astredo (Nicholas Blair)
Robert Rodan (Adam)
Marie Wallace (Eve / Jenny Collins)
Betsy Durkin (Vickie Winters # 2)
Lisa Richards (Sabrina Stuart)
Denise Nickerson (Amy Jennings)
Alex Stevens (stunts / Werewolf)
David Selby (Quentin Collins)
Terry Crawford (Beth Chavez)
Donna McKechnie (Amanda Harris)
Christopher Pennock (Jeb Hawkes)
Geoffrey Scott (Skye Rumson)
Donna Wandrey (Roxanne Drew)
James Storm (Gerard Stiles)
Kate Jackson (Daphne Harridge)
Kathy Cody (Hallie Stokes)
Michael McGuire (Judah Zachery)

A couple notable guest actors, still living, who appeared in a handful
of episodes each...

Conrad Bain (Mr. Wells)
Abe Vigoda (Ezra Braithwaite / Otis Greene)

R H Draney

Jan 30, 2009, 11:33:41 PM1/30/09
BeAStooge filted:

>On Jan 30, 6:22=A0am, darkme <> wrote:
>> So many of the actors are dead (that I know of).
>Many are still living. From the primary cast...
>Alexandra Moltke (Vickie Winters)
>Mitchell Ryan (Burke Devlin)

But the *other* Burke Devlin, Anthony George, died in 2005....r

Kenny McCormack

Jan 31, 2009, 2:38:38 AM1/31/09
In article <>,

R H Draney <> wrote:
>BeAStooge filted:
>>On Jan 30, 6:22=A0am, darkme <> wrote:
>>> So many of the actors are dead (that I know of).
>>Many are still living. From the primary cast...
>>Alexandra Moltke (Vickie Winters)
>>Mitchell Ryan (Burke Devlin)
>But the *other* Burke Devlin, Anthony George, died in 2005....r

Heh heh.

I like the fact that they brought Burke back to be Greg's dad on D&G.

Jan 31, 2009, 3:49:26 PM1/31/09
On Jan 30, 5:50 pm, BeAStooge <> wrote:
> Many are still living. From the primary cast...
> Marie Wallace (Eve / Jenny Collins)

"Dark Shadows" Actress Marie Wallace Stars in New Camp Comedy
February 26, 2009 - March 7, 2009

Paul Adams, Artistic Director and Derek Jamison, Associate Artistic
Director, present Emerging Artists Theatre's world premiere of THE
CHISELERS by Mark Finley at TADA Theatre, beginning February 26,
featuring Marie Wallace in the role of "Beverley." The production is
directed by EAT member Melissa Attebery.

She's a famous ice sculptress and scion of the Sacramento Carstairs
dynasty and everyone wants to know what really happened the night
Margo Carstairs' husband was stabbed to death in a meat locker. Mark
Finley's sequined, big-haired, padded shouldered comedy points fingers
and names names!

MARIE WALLACE starred on the cult classic gothic soap opera "Dark
Shadows" in not one but three roles: the outrageous Eve,
affectionately known as "the most evil lady who ever lived," crazy red
haired gypsy Jenny Collins (Marie's personal favorite character) and
shopkeeper Megan Todd. Her stage credits include the original
productions of GYPSY and SWEET CHARITY.

Says Attebery, "After speaking with Marie, I had a feeling that she
was going to be a perfect fit for the role of Beverly, so I was
anxious for her to meet Mark. When she left the room, Mark just
smiled, wide-eyed. She was the one. Working with her so far has been a
dream, and we haven't even had our first rehearsal! We feel so lucky
that she decided to join us!" Finley adds, "I was so excited about
Marie coming in to read for Beverly! It was so terrific to meet her
and after her reading Melissa just looked at each other grinning and
nodding as if to say 'Well, that was kinda perfect.'"

The cast of the THE CHISELERS also features Amy Bizjak, Nick Mathews,
Thomas Poarch and Karen Stanion. The design team is Tim McMath (sets),
Jenny Granrud (lighting), Meredith Neal (costumes) and Kristyn Smith

MARK FINLEY is the artistic director of TOSOS and has directed many of
its acclaimed productions including Doric Wilson's A PERFECT
RELATIONSHIP and STREET THEATER and most recently Chris Weikel's PIG
TALE. As a member of Emerging Artists he has directed (most recently
Kathleen Warnock's SOME ARE PEOPLE) and acted (Chris Weikel's LOST
BOYS) but this is his first presentation by EAT as a playwright. His
play THE MERMAID is published by United Stages.

MELISSA ATTEBERY began her career in Los Angeles in television
development and production, holding positions at Paramount, Viacom and
Granada Entertainment. Her New York stage credits include a number of
original works by writers such as Leslie Bramm, Joe Godfrey, Vanda,
Aurin Squire, Carla Ching, Matt Casarino, Phil Schmiedl and Susan
Merson, playing at venues such as The Abingdon, HERE, The American
Globe, Theatre on Five, The Kraine and Westbeth. She has also directed
plays by Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Nicky Silver, Sam Shepard
and Eugene Ionesco. Her regional credits include works by A.R. Gurney,
Lee Blessing, Ken Ludwig, Eric Bentley, Jane Chambers and Doug Wright.
Melissa has assistant-directed for Tina Howe at the 24 HOUR PLAYS on
Broadway, and she directed the award-winning comedy LARRY GETS THE
CALL by Matt Casarino at the 15 Minute Play Festival. She is a
resident director at Emerging Artists Theatre, where she also serves
as the Assistant Company Manager for Directors. Please visit her new
website at

EMERGING ARTISTS THEATRE'S mission is to provide a dynamic home for
emerging writers and artists, providing the unique opportunity for
playwrights to collaborate with directors, actors, and designers
throughout the development process--from idea through fully realized
production. EAT's supportive environment continues to nurture a close-
knit group of artists working toward the common goal of creating
dynamic theatre, and its commitment to the development of new works is
integral to the cultural enrichment of New York City. The 2006-2007
season garnered EAT their first Drama Desk Awards nomination for
Capathia Jenkins in (mis)UNDERSTANDING MAMMY: The Hattie McDaniel
Story. In EAT's last season, the company produced more than 20
premiere works, three Off-Broadway shows, and worked with more than
400 emerging NYC–based theatre artists.

THE CHISELERS runs February 26, 2009-March 7, 2009, Thursday through
Saturday at 9:30pm. TADA Theatre is located at 15 West 28th St, 2nd
Floor, between Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Closest subway: N, R to 28th
Street. Tickets are $18, available at 866-811-4111 or

Jan 2, 2020, 11:20:02 PM1/2/20
You can watch it on TUBI.TV

Mar 28, 2020, 4:42:02 PM3/28/20
If you download the app TubiTV, it’s free, the original Dark Shadows is on there along with some other classics! Go to your apps and search for it! I did and I’m taking a sentimental journey back in time!
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