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Nov 10, 2018, 6:55:16 PM11/10/18
You are only engaged in subterfuge as dog and pony show...

Fran <> wrote:
> My apologies but I am posting this article from the SMH in full here as
> I will probably not be able to gain access to it when I use up my free
> quota of articles and I will want to read it again:
> Written by Anne Summers 10 November 2018.
> Just over three weeks ago in New York I joined an avid and apprehensive
> audience at a symposium to look at whether America was on the brink of
> fascism.
> Yale academics Timothy Snyder, whose new book The Road to Unfreedom
> charts the recent rise of authoritarianism in Europe, and philosopher
> Jason Stanley, whose book is, baldly, titled How Fascism Works, were
> guided through a discussion by The New Yorker’s admirable Jelani Cobb
> that once would have been thought unimaginable in 21st century America.
> It's going to get nasty as President Trump fights to retain the presidency.
> Yet so rapid has been the weakening, if not collapse, of so many
> American political institutions in the two years of Trump the question
> no longer seemed preposterous.
> The symposium, hosted by PEN America, was billed as an opportunity to
> review the state of American democracy ahead of the midterm elections.
> As New Yorkers, the audience understood their limited ability to
> influence the national outcome on November 6, which in many ways
> increased the fearful atmosphere as the panel outlined the ways American
> democracy was under assault by Donald Trump.
> Advertisement
> A helluva lot was riding on these elections and even if on the night it
> might have seemed the results were more a rebuke than a repudiation, on
> closer examination the results are not just good, they are very good.
> I say this because not only did the Democrats do the essential job they
> had to do, but there were many unanticipated and consequential
> collateral bonus results that have clearly demonstrated two things.
> First, a clear, and growing, majority of the country has repudiated
> Trump. Second, Trump’s path to re-election has now been blocked. He will
> be a one-term president.
> The Democrats’ one job was to win back the House and they have done that
> decisively, picking up 30 additional seats (so far), thereby "restoring
> the Constitution’s checks and balances", as Nancy Pelosi, the
> presumptive new Speaker of the House, said on election night.
> Democrats will now chair all House committees, have the power to
> subpoena, to conduct inquiries, to require the production of documents
> (Trump’s tax returns perhaps).
> There will now be checks on Trump of a kind he did not experience from
> the supine GOP-controlled Congress during his first two years.
> They can make life very difficult for the President. They may even begin
> impeachment proceedings.
> The next two years are going to be very nasty. Trump is cornered and he
> knows it. His behaviour since the election indicates how he intends to
> fight: firing his Attorney-General, no doubt setting in train an
> attempted firing of Special Prosecutor Mueller, escalating his war
> against the media.
> We know from Bob Woodward’s recent book, from "Anonymous" in The New
> York Times and from almost everyone who reports on the White House that
> we are dealing with an unmoored and dangerous man. We also know that
> Mueller has a truckload of sealed indictments, including against members
> of Trump’s family.
> Trump has no political skills. Nor does he know how to govern. But
> neither of this matters any more.
> He is fighting - not for his political life, which is all but over, but
> for his very liberty.
> The end game, as US commentators are already calling it, is likely to
> get very ugly.
> But it is the end we are looking at, which means we can look forward to
> it being over.
> Trump’s so-called base is now locked geographically and demographically.
> They are overwhelmingly white in a country where "minorities" are fast
> increasing their share of the population and they are mostly older,
> often considerably older than the Democrats’ new base. The future is not
> with them, not even the near future based on Tuesday’s results when a
> clear majority of Americans delivered a clear and unambiguous verdict on
> their President.
> There were many results on Tuesday to indicate that the Trump era has
> been well and truly challenged.
> The election of 19 female black judges in Houston, Texas, once the
> reddest of states, and the flipping of two House seats to the Democrats.
> Sadly, Beto O’ Rourke did not win, but his campaign enabled these other
> results and has left him free to run in 2020.
> The election of the first black person to Newt Gingrich’s old seat in
> Georgia: won by Lucy McBath who happens to be the mother of a child shot
> in a hate crime.
> The defeat of dozens of candidates endorsed by the National Rifle
> Association.
> The election was hailed as The Year of the Woman with a record 262
> contesting various seats.
> Sadly, the results fell well short of earth-shattering.
> Women are now governors of nine states, but this merely equals the
> previous record of 2004.
> There is one less woman in the Senate than the 23 before the election,
> and just 34 additional women in the House, bringing the total to 101.
> Overall female representation in Congress is now just 22.9 per cent.
> In Australia, hardly a global leader, 32.9 per cent of Federal
> Parliament is female.
> But the most heartening result for those worried about incipient fascism
> was the decisive return to blue of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
> In Michigan, 57.5 per cent of registered voters, the biggest voter
> turnout since 1967, went to the polls. In the Wisconsin suburbs the
> affluent Republicans who had kept the odious Scott Walker in the
> governor’s mansion turned their backs on him – and Trump. In
> Pennsylvania the Democrats picked up three seats and a governor with
> almost 60 per cent of the vote.
> These are the three states that enabled Trump to win in 2016. Now, with
> Democrats in control of their redistricting and with 46 Electoral
> College votes between them, they will ensure he cannot win in 2020.
> Anne Summers is an Australian writer based in the US. Her new book is
> Unfettered and Alive.


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NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN*
*CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a

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Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
(translation published within English as first European language in 1993),
first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie.
Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven
visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis
[James 3:6] as HYPOSTATIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
= #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


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That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO [iOS] SAPIEN [T] as

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After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean
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