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An Hour of Terror - and Grace

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Bruderhof News

Sep 23, 2005, 2:23:56 AM9/23/05
Check out this article at

An Hour of Terror - and Grace -
by Johann Christoph Arnold

It is not only an hour of judgment, but also one of grace. We cannot forget that God wants to redeem the entire universe, including the seen and the unseen, and every human being in every country, and of every culture.

Read the rest of this article at:
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Sep 23, 2005, 8:40:19 AM9/23/05
Dear Christoph,
Good to have you back!! No one tells it like it is quite like you do.

Responding to

Lori Voyzey

Sep 23, 2005, 9:46:49 AM9/23/05
Excellent article - really makes you stop and think of others instead of yourself, which we should all do, but dont seem to do. So many of us are blessed with our lives but only see what is wrong in it - not what is right and how fortunate we are to have what we do (myself included). Situations like this really have a a tendency to make your really look at things and put them in perspective. May God Bless them all!

Responding to


Sep 23, 2005, 10:01:20 AM9/23/05
I pray for an attitude such as Mr. Arnold demonstrates above. I confess that I dont have it. Since Katrina struck, opening the inadequacies of government for the world to see, I have fought anger and frustration. As for finger-pointing, at the same time the Federal Government/President was cautioning against fingerpointing, it/he was pointing its/his fingers at the state and local levels. Photo-ops abounded, especially that epitome of weirdly lighted 26-minute speech in deserted New Orleans. As Rita approaches landfall, there has been modest improvement. We shall see.
Sorry, this is the best I can do. If you think this is bad, you should see the comments I deleted.

Responding to


Sep 23, 2005, 11:57:20 AM9/23/05
God bless you! Saying the things that need to be said, is a true gift from God!

Responding to

Robbie K.

Sep 23, 2005, 3:42:54 PM9/23/05
I thought this article is honest and straight to the facts and point. I cant say that I am perfect because I have sinned and will probably sin again and again in my life. But I do ask God to continue to forgive me for my sins because it is he whom is my judge and jury. As you said in the article if this world would stop finger pointing and pull together more we could unite as a whole village but there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians. I feel God has something special for his own and I just hope that I will be one of those He calls for his special works .It probably is a who lot of people like myself that wants to say and do something but with being less fortunate and politics we dont stand a chance of being able to truly express ourselves. So we are having to just sit by and let the world fall on it knees. I know this is his works and He has been trying to get our attention for some time and he will continue to do the things He is doing until we lift up our voice in praise and honor Him and only Him. We rely on man to much and if you look around he is destroying our universe more and more each day with bombs, toxic and guns. I just will continue to ask my father to forgive me and do with me as He will.

Responding to

Celeste Garcia

Sep 24, 2005, 3:05:50 AM9/24/05
First of all, God bless you, the Holy Spirit if talking thru you, no body cleans his house from out side into the house,we clean our houses from inside to out side that is what God is doing, He is giving us the opportunity to clean our hearts where He wants to live in for all the love that He has for us. Is time of grace for every body that give the opportunity to think about what we are doing in this life, are we real Christians or just faking. Are those still looking and fighting to take God from our schools isnt all what is happening to our country to make these evil thoughts to turn to Jesus and claim to Him for forgiven.
If we really love Jesus we need to be one in Jesus, how we can blame our President of something that we all are responsible. Do we pray for pace and grace for the world everyday, do we apprecite our blessings and thank God for all the blessings? Do we really care for our children in our family? Do we respect and practice the 10 Commands?
Do we think that God is watching us day and night?
Do we share our blessings? There are so many questions that for sure we will answer no and then we blame one person we should blame us because we dont Love we are not good Christians, I was born in south america and I admire this country because had a christian foundation as read on the bills "In God we trust", the God that now we care less.
As soon as we start praying and changing our hearts everything will change. God says prayers are the humans power and the God weakness. Lets pray and ask Jesus to live in our hearts and let God to be in our schools, Jesus says if you are ashame of Me I will be ashame of you in from of my Father.
We have to be brave and active as Christians lets work together for forgivense.
God bless us.

Responding to


Sep 24, 2005, 5:13:15 PM9/24/05
George W. Bush is not to be compared to a prophet. He has had countless opportunities to hear the prophetic voices around them and arrogantly has ignored those voices. He is the "king" who continues to oppress and exploit the people and the earth he is, instead, to lead. He shows no compassion for those among us who most need us. We are the Babylonians. We are the Roman Empire. The response to Katrina has not divided us - we have been divided by those who, like the President, are in the name of Christ, victimizing those whom were called to protect. Those of us who are poor, who are victimized by the grossly consumeristic culture perpetrated by the U.S., live daily in the "tension and fear," as you call it, of not knowing how well feed, house, clothe, and find education and medical care for our children and families. We are not, as a nation, living as children of God, but the opposite. As a nation, we have been conformed to the world, not transformed by Christ. He (and those of his ilk) must be accountable. Christ suffered and died and rose again - the final victim - that others need not be victims, but many of us do not follow His leadership and instead continue to victimize our most vulnerable people, animals, and the planet itself. This is our sin. It is not sin that we ourselves, the poor, the old, the mentally ill call the President and the Nation to - compassionately - heal the wounds of inequity.

Responding to


Sep 25, 2005, 8:07:14 AM9/25/05
I agree that we have committed atrocities as a nation and have used religion as an excuse. As to God calling us to judgement, I cannot quite be certain of that. I can be certain that we have been very short sighted and selfish in many ways among them is refusing to care for the less fortunate and ignoring global warning. We seem to make excuses to do what we want and to assume that facts are not relevant. We are reaping the results of our actions.

Responding to

Alice Ward

Sep 25, 2005, 8:16:30 AM9/25/05
The Daily Dig today touched me in a special way. It clearly states the feelings that I have had for so long regarding the state of our nation and our "reasonable service" to do the will of God. May we all be transformed by the renewal of our minds.

So, too, I pray for our President that he will be open to the will of God and use his unique position to guide us all.

Responding to

Jane Wight Vance

Sep 25, 2005, 3:48:53 PM9/25/05
I cant agree with you on this one....and while I have always respected the president of our country regardless of his party....this is one man I simply have no respect for....his record screams to anyone willing to listen and while I could easily list the reasons for my sad conclusion....I believe anyone who is an avid reader/researcher/observer can plainly see the negative and often hurtful things this administration has heaped upon the average working American. The record speaks loud and clear and unfortunately the lust for power and wealth drive the wheel at the expense of the people......and the people are silent.....and this is
what really scares me! We are so blessed to live in a bountiful country....and having said that...everyone regardless of race, creed or color should have access to medical care and medicine when needed....every working American should be
receiving a living wage in order to provide for themselves and their families......and our young and our elderly should never want for respectful care. Katrina exposed the fact that the THIRD WORLD exists right here in our country and no doubt this has violated the comfort zone of those Americans who are self absorbed. And while my daughter and I have been active in regards to providing basic needs to the people who have come to our area from much more is needed. We can only imagine how helpless they must feel.....Katrina has brought the best out in people and it also has brought the worse. Most certainly this incident has revealed that our government has fallen way short in many areas....and indeed a justified finger should be pointed at the president and at his appointees....Brown and Chertoff! Brown said he wasnt even aware there were people at the convention center....much less that they needed water, food, medicine.....(I knew that from simply watching the news on TV) and Chertoff stood in front of the TV cameras and said everything was under concerns.....and has he spoke people were drowning! Heaven help us all!!!!
How easy easy easy it is to condemn those who have lived in generational poverty and easy it is to point a finger at the more than 127,000 who had no vehicles that lived in New Orleans and had no financial means to go anywhere....or those who were old and those who were ill, those who remained loyal to their pets and refused to leave.....and those who had so little to begin with and were determined to try and hold matter how humble their homes may have been. It is not difficult for me to understand why so many people living in other countries view Americans as lying, greedy hypocrites.....certainly this is not a true picture of us all....but those looking from the outside in see who we have elected to RUN this so called democracy.....and sadly this speaks volumes. I never thought that as I approached the 70th year of my life I would ever feel the way I do....but I am glad I am old and would not want to be young....facing what the next generations will be facing. I believe we have failed miserably to steward of our earth....and we have failed the yet to be born....and so sadly it never had to be this way....not ever.

Responding to

Glynnis Lecuona

Sep 25, 2005, 3:54:36 PM9/25/05
I got a letter in my postbox last night.

Your words: "When approached by a neighbor, a beggar, or a stranger - by anyone whom God sends to our door to bring us closer to him - will we turn our back, or will we go the extra mile and give our second coat?"

Convicted me not to turn away with thoughts of not again!

Thank you Lord!

Responding to

Anonymous Reader

Sep 26, 2005, 5:09:33 AM9/26/05
I do not disagree with the finger pointing and separation elements of this message. What unsettles me is the amont of profit "corruption" for our taxpayers expense that is in store based upon past history of our country and this region by the controlling people that give little to get a lot in the pork barrel process. As to Jesus returning that was cramped into the message, I think it is off course of the original purpose of the message. To me the end of the world" is within us, we get to choose each day to be a part of world of self-destruction or hold within ourselves to "separate our self from the thieves of worldly interest"! I am not one that believes that the world/planet will ever end! The command as I understand it, that we separate ourselves is to "rise above worldly (government or judging)influences". Disaster (as humans choose to call them)to me on the Planet is a natural God evolutional process for the Planet. People die or dont die, but we can to evolve to the "next step" in life or death, not fear to live each day is mans desire to scare a bowel movement out of people by the insecure "holy of holies" groups that have been around for more than 5,000 years. The Religious Wrong needs to get over themselves, and let go thus allowing the Universal Forces of Good to empower our lives, not them that desire power and pretending they have enlightenment. They are the weak that is trying to scare the rest of us into submission to their "less than accepting each "soul" to evolve here or anywhere in all the galaxies according to a Universal Plan that no person can understand. So this writer just needs to "have a check up from the neck up"! Evolving souls will not buy into his life experience.

Responding to

Dellareece Moss

Sep 26, 2005, 10:33:21 AM9/26/05
"An hour of terror and Grace" was a timely message that encapsulated so many of our thoughts. Truly this is a time such as many have never seen in their lifetime.... much fear and devastation but also the wonderful Grace and mercy of God...... His wonderful loving kindness shown to usward...... molding us more into His Divine image. Breaking down walls of division and bringing us face to face with our mortality. Let us heed the call and draw near to HIM as His Holy Spirit bids us come. It is only in Him that we can find rest for our weary souls.

Responding to

Amazama Tennyson

Sep 26, 2005, 10:34:06 AM9/26/05
It is indeed a terrible time in the history of man, what is happening to America. It only reminds us of the prophecies in scriptures and the fulfillment of such and how we need to conduct ourselves in the fear of the Lord. The Lord grant us grace to understand, may he strengthen us.

Responding to

Howard Heiner

Sep 26, 2005, 10:37:14 AM9/26/05
I want to reinforce what I am sure you have heard from other readers, your writings do reflect the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life and are an inspiration to all of us. My Protestant background, plus living many years overseas as a missionary has brought me to some theological differences from your faith. But, for me that is ok, since Gods grace does allow diversity. I would like to comment on todays Daily Dig An Hour of Grace. It was very well done and I agree completely. It does raise some questions for me. You stated: "In a way, our fear is perfectly understandable: most of us are so burdened. Who wants to have all their wrongdoings exposed?" Comment: Is this the nature of the fear that is rampant in our society? Especially since the terrible happing of 9/11, then Katrina and now perhaps Rita. I think our citizens fear is a fear of the unknown, the loss of the sense of our countrys manifest destiny, a new feeling of national vulnerability. Our national society is sick and there is little personal acceptance that our individual thinking and life style is a part of the sickness. Katrina is the first event that has really exposed in the mass media our sin of poverty and destroying natures protection (wet land) for economic gain. I question whether there is an adequate understanding of the theology of personal or collective sin in our country, let alone accept personal responsibility in our lives for what has happened. You stated: "If only we were courageous enough to let this happen (both personally, and as a nation). This destiny may include suffering, but if we accept it and let it soften our hearts, we will see it as Gods preparation for what is to come. Comment: How do we as individual Christians respond to this challenge of helping ourselves and collectively our nation to respond to the challenge of a true fear of God? I work through my local United Methodist Church, Conference and national Boards to help develop this awareness. As an example, our national Board of Church and Society and Council of Bishops so alienated President Bush in their public opposition to the Iraq War that he refused to meet with them for a long time. Both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are United Methodists, yet fail to accept the council of their Church or others who have a theological opposition to their leadership. Our President speaks often about evil countries, but fails to grasp our own nations collective sins. Your reader stated: "Hurricane Katrina brought to light the wide economic gulf that separates Americas haves and have-nots. Will God really bless a nation that abandons his chosen--the poor and wretched of the earth?" Comment: How true as I have mentioned above. To those of us who want to call our nation beyond national patriotism we must continually remind our people that Gods grace covers all humankind - all nations. God loves and is concerned about the three billion who live in absolute poverty not knowing each day if there will be adequate food for their family. Most of us in this country are so far from that uncertainty that we can not comprehended that type of fear. This is too long, since many must write to you. But, I wanted to share how much I appreciate your writing and how it helps me grown in my faith journey.

Responding to

Angelina Julio Baki

Sep 26, 2005, 2:58:34 PM9/26/05
I think there is a fulfilment of a prophecy. I do not have my Bible with me. But I remember faintly that Zephanaia said: they divided my land and scattered my people, I will send my wrath against them. Bush worked on dividing the land of Israel. So, we are wittnessing hurricanes hitting land and causing lots of destruction on humans and many other things.

The lord told adam cursed is the earth because of you.

Responding to


Sep 26, 2005, 3:03:13 PM9/26/05
I was deeply moved by the article and greatly appreciate being able to once again receive thought provoking ideas. Even though there was some divisiveness and finger pointing after the Katrina hurricane I have also witnessed much outpouring of love and concern for our brothers and sisters. Its too bad it takes a catastrophe to make some of us realize we have not loved the least of these enough to make a difference in their lives and to give thanks to God for all we have and praise His name. Im so glad to hear that you are recovering at home with loved ones.

Responding to

Gary Bauer

Sep 27, 2005, 9:28:34 AM9/27/05
Mr Arnold, I think every reader should take 20 minutes and read the book of Amos. It hits the conditions of this nation right on target. Its an excellent supplement for this article.

Responding to


Sep 28, 2005, 10:27:04 AM9/28/05
I like the art with your article. The scripture you mention is one I recall reading when I was young, now I am 53??. I have both lost and gained a great deal in this life. With the losses, in particularly, I have gained knowledge and understanding, but more than these I want to know I have benefited (loved) God by abiding in him and following where ever he leads or calls. I may not know what the results of my walk are until I see him, but it seems I have to remain in the circumstances I am in and work within those parameters as I best understand my duty until He accomplishes His purposes and moves me or the apparent obstacles. I think the great thing I am discovering is that I do not need to take myself too seriously---God is sovereign--and who can thwart His ultimate will? He thought of us and created each and every one of us as unique persons, fit to contain Him through the Holy Spirit. Is that not awesome?

Responding to

Daniel Dupuis

Sep 29, 2005, 2:32:35 AM9/29/05
" cleanse us from the many atrocities we have committed as a nation..."
What an offense and childish idea! While the hurricane(s) offer us an opportunity to be "God-like" they are not Gods attempt to "cleanse". Just another attempt by human beings to use the idea of the wrath of God to advance their own all too human agenda.

Responding to


Sep 29, 2005, 7:36:50 AM9/29/05
An Hour of Terror - and Grace is a heartwarming article in time where our brother, especially those who are in the path of destructive hurricanes and storm ( here in the Philippines we have at least, at the average 22 storms annually, 8 deaths as a result of the recent storm Labuyo)

I can agree with you totally that indeed many times we are being led where we sometimes do not want to go. I just want to confer if we can consider this Gods love leading us where we are suppose to be being the sons of God.
Is this not the way of God to remind us of what we are suppose to be as Christians as you have noted that those who have more must take care to those who have less?
But more than this being Christian stuff, are we not to consider the culture where you Americans are living? Without prejudice, you are the people of free and liberal minded, but can we consider also that this series of hurricanes and man made disaster is reminding us that we need to live by the law and culture of God?
Abortion, Same sex marriages, Divorce are some of the culture where you our brother Americans can easily live with, of course great number of our christian brothers are also against these.
I am not painting a doomsday theory here, but we need to reconsider this culture that we are breeding.
We Phillipinos are great American fans and in reality we are starting to agree to these culture of yours.
I pray that God will let us see the meaning of all the things that is happening now.
For without a single hesitation it is indeed the wisdom of God which is now leading us to where we do not what to go.
May God Bless us always. and thank you for your daily digs.

Responding to

Claudette Armentrout

Sep 29, 2005, 11:07:54 AM9/29/05
I agree with his comments. This is definitely a wake up call. When Jesus comes we need to be ready. Every eye will behold Him in all of His glory--the good and the bad, but those not ready will call for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them to hide them from His brightness. The righteous dead will rise first, then He will draw all of His faithful ones up to heaven for eternity. Satan and his followers will then be destroyed. What a glorious time that will be. Amen!

Responding to

Edna Richardson

Sep 29, 2005, 11:40:15 AM9/29/05
This message resonates with so much truth. I wish each person could read and understand its content. The very thing that separates us from being embraced by Gods outstretched arms is our unwillingness to allow ourselves to be exposed for what we are - a sinner. We let our pride build the fence that keeps out Gods desire to become a child of the King. We live in such a time that God has pulled out "all the stops of the organ of life". We are given the opportunity to examine our innermost being and we refuse to seize the moment. Jesus prayed, "God, forgive them, for they know not what they do." God, have mercy!

Responding to

Charles Marin

Sep 29, 2005, 11:49:05 AM9/29/05
Last week when Rita was projected to enter Galveston, just 50 miles from Deer Park. We decided to go into a shelter at our local High School. That day during dinner at the shelter, you could see old people with walkers and canes watching young children playing in the High schools large hall. This never happends in our bedroom community just a few miles outside of Houston. Out of disaster we were all forced to become community. I knew that the Lord was there and we had become a small Zion. (Zechariah 7: 3,4.)"Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem each with cane in hand because of his age. The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there."
Charles Marin

Responding to

Antoinette Rader

Sep 29, 2005, 2:32:48 PM9/29/05
I have forwarded your e-mail to a local radio station-

Responding to

Charlene Tharp

Sep 29, 2005, 4:32:55 PM9/29/05
I say Amen to the whole article. We in this great nation need to really take a look on how we treat our poor.

The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina should open all eyes on the federal and state level to examine what we are doing to help eliminate poverty in our country.

I pray that our government leaders would not be so concerned about who gets what vote (Republican or Democrat) but to work together to care justly for the people. We have been truly blessed by God in this nation, and we should thank him daily, and also be willing to help out our fellow Americans.

Many have responded so generously to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I just pray that our government leaders will see that more has to be done to help those in poor areas.

Responding to

R. White

Sep 29, 2005, 11:36:34 PM9/29/05
I usually find so much to relate to with these daily infusions of spirituality, and Im often inspired by them, even though I am not particularly religious. But I heartily agree with some of the others who are critical of the article. Pres. Bush already purports to be a Christian, yet does decidedly un-Christian things, like taking from the poor and disenfranchised to put more $$ into his pockets and in the pockets of his family and political cronies, declaring an unnecessary and deceptive war, ignoring the damage we do to the environment, & the list goes on and on. If this is how a Believer acts, then he does not need to listen to God anymore. The admistration has done much damage to our country and to the work of peacemakers the world over. The reckoning of sins should be directed towards him, his administration, and those who cannot or will not see thru the Publicity for who these people really are. I pray that those interested in Peace will stop tolerating this man and his policies and let their frustration with this administration be demonstrated in their voting choices.

Responding to


Sep 30, 2005, 8:32:42 AM9/30/05
An Hour of Terror and Grace.

Thank you for this article. I am praying that the finger-pointing people will turn that negative energy into positive works. What a waste of time to be judgmental and critical now, how bold to set themselves up as judges. I have given money to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, I am praying daily for them as well, but I still feel a great sense of urgency to help them. I loved how you pointed out that we need to listen to God and be open to Him to begin to peel the layers of selfishness away. I am so guilty. Amen.

Responding to

Joey Krugel

Sep 30, 2005, 4:32:52 PM9/30/05
First, I find all your articles useful, and a thought came to me about this recent storm Rita. Seems everytime disaster hits us we turn first to the government for help, the same one which cant balance a budget, agree on basic things, yet we expect them somehow to help, instead of turning to the only king I know who quieted the waters. In turn we put ourselves above God in a sense, our government, us as humans, as if we can do more than him.

Responding to

Hassan Musa

Oct 1, 2005, 6:32:31 AM10/1/05
My heart is all out with America at this moment of deep
gloom, pains and uncertainties. Some of us may not be there
to render any form of physical assistance, but our prayers
are always there that God Almighty be with America.
I do also hope Americans use these moments to reflect on life generally. As a pacifist I hate war. Alot of people the
world over are going through situations worse than 100 katrinas can bring. Americans have never seen any worth in
the lives of people at the receiving end of their warped foreign policies. Listen America: Before God there is only one humanity under the Umbrella of His Love. We all have our fears, hopes, failures, trials and challenges. And going through all these with the hope for the best for mankind
justifies our special creation. That is why America, Iraq and Afghanistan, Darfur and others, with their pains will always come our pains. When will we all take Jesus Christ serious.

Responding to


Oct 2, 2005, 5:36:31 AM10/2/05
I wish every human being will read this message and see the hand writting on the wall, we should realise that the word of God will not go unfulfilled. It appears we the people of the world think much of our selves than what our creator wants us to do.We are too forgetfull of the happenings around us. We are also too proud to see reason. We think much on what we could get from the world than what we could offer in fullfilment of Gods purpose for our living. A word they say is sufficient for the wise.

Responding to

Dr. Robert M. Santry

Oct 2, 2005, 5:05:35 PM10/2/05
The hour of terror ushers in grace demonstrated by Gods intervention and human action.
Great article! Thank you.

Responding to

Beatrix Howell

Oct 3, 2005, 1:36:48 AM10/3/05
Thank you brother Arnold for sharing your precious and real personal thoughts and feelings while goiing through your times of questioning and suffering. Also you are so right on concerning what is happening in America and what as true believers we are to be and do in times such as these and always. If you ever feel you would like to have a time away to rest and refresh in our Precious Savior Jesus, we would love to have you and sister Verena stay with us.....

Responding to

Shean Barte

Oct 3, 2005, 10:34:10 AM10/3/05
Katrina incident reminds us to remember God and be thankful of the life we are enjoying right now....

Responding to

Desmond Donnelly

Oct 4, 2005, 3:49:09 AM10/4/05
Johann Christoph hits it on the head every time. No one could say as well as he has, what most of us are thinking and feeling.....

Responding to

Claudia Horak

Oct 4, 2005, 7:04:47 AM10/4/05
Yes, the picture you paint of human sin is one side of the coin. On the other side of the coin as you state so well is grace. I guess I tend to focus my lens more on the acts of kindness and grace that come to light during these times. It is not evil and sin that draw me to God, it is the love that human beings show to one another that I feel changes hearts--they meet God in those who reach out in love. That is the only way that God by the Spirit is enfleshed and can be embraced in our world. John recognizes Jesus as the one who fills their empty net with fish. He points the disciples in the boat to Jesus on the beach and says, "It is the Lord." May all of our acts and words do the same.

Responding to

Carl Holmes

Oct 17, 2005, 4:31:40 PM10/17/05
What a hopeful essay. So often I feel like what you write regarding these things are doomsday and death. This is a great treatment of what is going on today in our country. I agree with your assesment. We are much like the ancient Greeks. We are "civilized" but we leave the poor and the downtroden behind. In Greece human life was so devalued they would leave unwanted babies in the wilderness to die. We may not be doing that very thing, but we might as well be.

When I go on missions trips or am teaching a missionary the one simple and practical verse of James 1:27 comes up "pure and undefiled religion is this, to minister to widows and orphans in their distress..." So very many of the poor today are just that. Single moms are widows in Gods eyes, Children without two parents (of the opposite sex) are orphans. If you were to weigh the effort of the church today to try and stop such things we would be found wanting, in a big way.

Mr. Arnold I applaud you for bringing it up, we need more voices in the wilderness calling us back to the grass roots of the faith...

Responding to


Oct 27, 2005, 10:36:27 AM10/27/05
When hurricane Katrina hit America I said to myself, What have they done to deserve such a "punishment" and my mind was full of questions marks and it still is now. I really sympathize with all affected by this and I would like to say even us down here in Africa understand the agonies and the pains that American citizens are going through right now. We are also affected because we never know where it can go next. I personally am touched by what happened and am praying that it comes to an end, (by not commanding to the Almighty, but with a plea) Let it be. Amen.

Responding to

Bruderhof Communities

Oct 28, 2005, 11:49:27 AM10/28/05
The cross still stands, spiritually speaking. It is rooted in the earth,
and towers up to heaven. But its arms are stretched open wide. They are a
reminder to lost humankind of God’s endless love to all peoples and

-Heinrich Arnold


Nov 10, 2005, 2:31:56 PM11/10/05
With permission I called the above article the fourth Epistle of John. In the beginning war was not in the design of Almighty God to the people of the world. War actually comes through greediness of mankind. When God created Heaven and earth, the whole universe was in peace and harmony. No hatred until sin started to have dominion over man. At this point mans reasoning began to develop and absorb into subconscious mind. Plans to do evil began to initiate, development of war materials begun on expenses defending territory. You see, for us to stop war, we must first stop fighting ourselves through sin and stop doing evil. At this junction, I pray that almighty God will heal our land and make us instrument of His peace. God almighty to grant our leaders the grace to trust in HIM with all there heart and not to lean on there own understanding and the power to acknowledge HIM in all there decision .I pray for the peace of America and entire world.

Responding to

Ann Clark

Dec 5, 2005, 9:03:25 AM12/5/05
Your words are like a balm in this time of anxiety and fear and chaos.

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