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“Fear Not; I Am with You”

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Bruderhof News

Jul 8, 2005, 2:47:17 AM7/8/05
Check out this article at

?Fear Not; I Am with You? - Reflections on the London Blasts
by Johann Christoph Arnold

Though the London terror attacks remind us (once again) how uncertain life is in a world of terror, this writer believes that anyone can overcome anxiety and fear.

Read the rest of this article at:
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Anonymous Reader

Jul 8, 2005, 11:39:01 AM7/8/05
Almost every day for many months I have read of similar suicide bombings and often greater number of deaths in Baghdad, Iraq. Why has their been no similar outpourings of shock and grief for the people of Baghdad? Is it becasue they are only Arabs?

Responding to

Sister Lita Camozzi

Jul 8, 2005, 11:39:30 AM7/8/05
"Fear not: I am with you." True but we need a healthy fear, too. A French singer moved me with a song, "Jai Peur," I Fear, I fear that I will not love enough etc. I have never been able to find the song again. We do need a type of healthy fear that keeps us alert to Gods Way. God is with us, yes, on our right tracks and when we are off-track, with his Holy Spirit, causing evil to surface so that the world can be purified." Jai peur that we need a few hearing aids to develop a holy way that is not yucky piety, holier than thou, off-putting to the world but in a context that can be tenderly embraced and practiced in spirit and in truth, inoffensively and edifying to others.

Responding to


Jul 8, 2005, 11:43:36 AM7/8/05
Im really touched by this message and you have said it all.I wouldnt like to dilute the strength of this message and I urge all to live for Jesus christ as He is the way ,the truth and the life.Hes our protecter in all circumstances.
May God comfort all those affected by this terror attack.

Responding to

Bayo Ogunsanya

Jul 8, 2005, 11:50:39 AM7/8/05
Fear not hit the nail on the head. We all, as a christian need to realize who we are in Christ. The events going on around us should further strengten our faith in Him, who we all belong. On behalf of myself and my family, we console those that lost their loved ones. May the good Lord give them all the fortitude to bear the irreplacable loss.

Responding to

Carl Holmes

Jul 8, 2005, 11:54:22 AM7/8/05
I find it interesting that you had already bought the house in London and that you saw need there even before the latest round of attacks there. It shows to me the Bruderhorf is listening to the heart of God. Keep up the good work.

Responding to

Zwelibanzi Robert Gaduka

Jul 8, 2005, 4:19:59 PM7/8/05
For gold to be refined it needs to be tested through strong fires, same as to us our faith will always be tested. I also relate these with the Potter whom builds the pots, any clay that is not valuable he molds it so that it can be suitable for his work. In essence through all these God is always on our side in our Spiritual life. It is not a matter of sight but of faith, what we see with our eyes bring fear and questions, and what the Spirit is showing us is completely clear. Jesus was crucified, Stephen was stoned to death, Shadrack, Meshack and Abednicho stood the test of time they were so convicted that they said: even if God wont rescue them from the fire they wont bow before the statue. Through all these God is on our side Romans 8:35. Nothing will separate from the love of God through Jesus. I hope this will encourage others, Jesus is Lord.

Responding to

Michael Burslem

Jul 8, 2005, 4:20:35 PM7/8/05
In times such as these Im drawn to the words of Habakkuk 3:17 Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines,
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food,
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls--
18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
19 The LORD God is my strength,
He will make my feet like deers feet,
And He will make me walk on my high hills.
If the Lord God is not our strength, heaven help us.

Responding to

Werner Swanepoel

Jul 8, 2005, 4:21:17 PM7/8/05
I lost my faith in God & religion years ago.
Honestly, how can a supreme, all mighty being claim that he loves his children so dearly, yet, how can he let this happen - natural disasters, disease, famine, pain, suffering, and these TERROR attacks!!!!
How can he let this happen to ordinary, innocent men, woman & children?
If you love someone, how can you let this happen??
And dont give me that crap that its a test of faith and all that rubbish! I dont buy it!
This just proves that there is no God!!

Responding to

Kuntal Dutta

Jul 8, 2005, 5:26:21 PM7/8/05
I really want to know more about the different stories , because these are not just information , but a message to think about. Why people are doing these mailicious, brutall acts, I dont know the reasons, because all the holy books like geeta, bible, kuran, it is mentioned that the god lives within the human being. But after all these attacks, killings, and bloodsheds, its a big knotty question for me that how could the god within the human being can permit him to do the inhuman acts. Please send be your opinion and thoughts about it.

Responding to

Selina P. Barua

Jul 9, 2005, 2:40:50 AM7/9/05
I remember 911 and I lived it because I am a New Yorker. And were I lived in Queens New York, I had a great view of Manhattans skyscrapers. In fact, my son saw the plane hit the first building from his class room. So we cant forget. Although now that am living in Philadelphia I sense that here the 911 calamity is pitted but it remains distant still. As for New Yorkers many seemed to have put it behind them too. Now, as a believer in Gospels and follower of Jesus Christ, I agree with your article. "Fear not". Violence, war, harassment etc. are all the systems of a fallen humanity. However, its not the disease. The disease is sin and the disease is global. The cure salvation in Jesus Christ for the heart is sick and needs to be made well. "By His strips we are healed". The church must (in divine love) minister to the world the Gospel, the gospel is a simple message a child can understand it. Theres no need trying to perfect a fallen humanity. All we end up doing is putting a covering over open wounds, or calming the monsters for a season, or sedating ourselves. The scale will never balance by human effort. The Gospel must first impact the heart before change can come, and the godly has always been a remnant.

Responding to

Sonia Zein

Jul 9, 2005, 2:43:20 AM7/9/05
I was really touched by what I just read. Seeing what happened in London today feels like a repeat of what happened on 9/11. I was shocked and scared and thought, will Africa be next. After reading your article though, I am at peace because I know no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and what more could I need for protection when I have Jesus protecting me!

Responding to

Lisa Vaughan

Jul 9, 2005, 3:26:58 AM7/9/05
after the wind, earthquake and fire...."...came a gentle whisper"...

We stand in the Lords presence, yet look to the wrong sources for evidence.

Thank you for your perspective.

Responding to

Thomas Crews

Jul 9, 2005, 5:46:50 AM7/9/05
In regard to the Daily Dig today, there seems to be differing views of God being expressed. "God withdraws" and Jesus saying "I will be with you always." I do not believe that God ever "withdraws" from us. That would be impossible. We can put space or belief or attitude between us and Gods expressions of creative love to us, but that is "us" withdrawing from that perfect relationship. God is always with us, always a part of us. We have to know that.

Responding to


Jul 9, 2005, 6:48:27 AM7/9/05
I so appreciate hearing Christs affirming words. When I was listening to the news last night, I could hear so much fear in mens voices. I could hear their attempts in coming up with the answer to protect America. I thought that they dont understand that we can only protect to a certain point and then we have to let God be our protector. I think a lot about Joseph and how amidst Herod trying to kill his son, in faith he persevered and protected his family as best as he could knowing that God was their almighty protector.

Responding to

Joanne Eddy

Jul 9, 2005, 7:28:16 AM7/9/05
In reading the responses, I would ask: Is it really God who withdraws from us, or we who withdraw from God? It seems to me that in a crisis, at least in America, we want to rely on ourselves, on our own strength, and turn our back on God. God remains with us, but we dont see God, as we have turned away. The effect is that our Lord IS with us always, but only in turning around (repenting) are we aware of Gods presence and willingness to reach out to us, if we but ask. And we have much to repent for. We fail to see our arrogance in the midst of our altruism. We ignore the impact of religion on nationalism (as true in the creation of a democratic Iraq as it was in the creation of America) and we think war can end, instead of perpetuate, violence.

Responding to


Jul 9, 2005, 8:06:27 AM7/9/05
Its only within us lies the fear....I truly beleive that lifes is not owning but sharing, by sharing we will lighten up and destroy our own fear as well as others fear, in which will complete our manifestation of Gods Glory for all of us.

Responding to

Bob Beaumier

Jul 9, 2005, 3:07:38 PM7/9/05
I think that "Fear Not, I am With You" is great. I myself need constant reminders about how fragile life is. I also need help in reinforcing my faith. You have done both of these. Thank you very much!

Responding to


Jul 9, 2005, 3:15:39 PM7/9/05
Isnt it amazing how history keeps repeating? So much pain and persecution has been experienced by so many! I hear Queen Elizabeth, Tony Blair, President Bush and so many others saying that the terrorists will not win nor will we change the way we live and I wonder just how far removed they really are from these terrible tragedies. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one if their life has changed and Id be very surprised if they said "No". How can we not be changed? Im also questioning the statement that Jesus is supposed to have said, "He who saves his life will lose it, but, he who loses it for my sake will be saved." Is this not similar to how "suicide bombers" apparently think? Id appreciate someone clarifying this for me. I wish all of us a less painful and more peaceful and loving life. Take care everyone!

Responding to

Anne Cassidy

Jul 9, 2005, 3:17:13 PM7/9/05
I wholeheartedly agree. God has us in the palm of his hands, not a sparrow falls without his knowledge, how much more important then are we to our heavenly Father who loves us beyond our comprehension of the meaning of love. In discussion with my friend recently about the bombings we sounded despairing about what could be done, but we forget that in all things we must pray and ask God for wisdom. If we truly believe that we have been created in Gods image then we must know that God has a better plan for us and no matter what adversity befalls us we are spirits with body and we will go back to our real home to be with our God who wants only good for us. God will give us strength when we need it most and not beforehand. Before we try to solve all the problems in this world ourselves we must turn to God for guidance and ask Him to come into our hearts and teach us to love properly - not in a human way but in His divine way. It is easy to retaliate but it is much harder to be still in the midst of the all this turmoil and trust God for our daily lives. They say God helps those who help themselves but we have to listen to that still small voice within our hearts to know what is the wise thing to do.

Responding to

Paul Terheide

Jul 9, 2005, 5:00:11 PM7/9/05
I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your article and more importantly your stand for peace. Thank You and may God bless You and your efforts.

Responding to

Raman Lal Raniga

Jul 10, 2005, 2:31:50 AM7/10/05
........Yes what shame for all mankind to be divided rather than to work in solidarity and make out into vast endless kingdom of heavens. My prayer Father God touch the people we pray in spirit amen. Bring your angry children to sanity Lord we pray

Dr. Robert M. Santry

Jul 10, 2005, 8:08:34 AM7/10/05
Johann Christoph Arnold reminds us to find comfort in Jesuss words, "fear not." God will bring good out of the evil tragedy in Londan. God will lead His people out of Egypt again.

Responding to

Thato Moloto

Jul 11, 2005, 3:26:28 AM7/11/05
Life can be taken in an instant, so wouldnt it be wise to hang on to your Creator? For at least you know that you will be safe amid this chaotic world. It is hard for me to let go???. I want to surrender myself to Jesus and be baptized. I know I have let so many people down, but the life I am carrying makes me have hope. Hope that one day I will be freed from all this chaos. God has a reason as to why I am going through this. It is hard, but I want to believe that He has forgiven me my sins. Thank you for the Inspiration , I look forward to reading the daily devotions. God Bless.

Responding to

Aida Quilates

Jul 11, 2005, 4:26:18 AM7/11/05
Many thanks for sending me your daily digs. It always reminds me of my relationship to Jesus, our Lord. Really we have nothing to fear if we invite Him always into our lives. He is with us all the way. Only we have taken Him for granted thinking that everything comes from us. Remember God created us not for our purpose but for His purpose.

Responding to

Wayne Northey

Jul 12, 2005, 9:24:32 AM7/12/05
Arguably, as Elizabeth OConnor has taught us, Jesus came to save us as much from our fears as from our sins. Especially if sin is the self turned inwards in a downward spiral of blindness towards God and neighbour/enemy, whose only end is indeed hell - not of Gods, but of our own, making. "Hell, madame, is to love no longer." says the priest in Georges Bernanos *Diary of a Country Priest*.
Quaker philosopher John Macmurray argues that we live our lives between two dominant emotions: fear and love. In this awareness we read (I Jn 4:18-19): "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us."

Responding to


Jul 12, 2005, 4:28:25 PM7/12/05
21 people died in a bombing in Baghdad seems to happen on a regular basis yet we are responsible for security there. All the indignation about terrorism is just hot air, who needs "condemnations", "damnations" and the usual litany of hyperbolic utterances - these words repair no limbs, apprehend no culprits, resurrect no dead....we usually staty with the hollow rhetoric when it would be better if people kept their eyes open and made life harder for terrorists.

Responding to

Antoinette Rader

Jul 13, 2005, 4:07:18 AM7/13/05
Our spiritual arrogance is what has caused us our greatest sorrow. We are willing to give up every thing, in order to be "right". We are willing to give up Life itself !.

Responding to


Jul 13, 2005, 4:46:21 AM7/13/05
Outstanding and timely response. This morning I was looking for the right words and you provided them. Thanks for your courage and leadership at a time when madness is on the rise.

Responding to


Jul 13, 2005, 10:44:04 PM7/13/05
Exactly. Those who truly believe in God must thrust fear aside. Acts of terrorism are human behavior. They are only successful if they create terror. Gods Son was sacrificed to teach us how to put our faith totally in the Creator. His resurrection is all the reassurance any of us needs.

Responding to

Robert Cheruiyot

Jul 14, 2005, 3:56:04 AM7/14/05
Praise be to the Almighty God! I look forward to Johann each and every waking moment. My attitude towards life, people and events has changed. May God continue using you.

Responding to

Desmond Donnelly

Jul 15, 2005, 7:59:47 AM7/15/05
Johann Christoph has done it again. As the Irish would say , He hit the nail on the head.

Responding to


Jul 15, 2005, 10:47:28 AM7/15/05
Ive long believed we will ultimately be judged on how we treat our fellow man. In order to gain access to heaven, we must show our fellow man love in spite of how they treat us. It is through the love of God we are able to offer love to our enemies.

Responding to

Zoe Borden

Jul 15, 2005, 10:58:44 AM7/15/05
In serving others we can find peace:

Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to
do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not
in vain.
- Helen Keller

The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of
- Ghandi

Theresa <> wrote in news:db8ia1$gu6$

Dulce Gerarda

Jul 17, 2005, 7:29:38 PM7/17/05
So sad and still people dont want to change. And it starts with yourself. If we want a better world we have to start changing our way of living, thinking and acting. God bless the world.

Responding to


Jul 20, 2005, 3:51:45 AM7/20/05
Thank you for the article because it is so easy for us to put the main source of our existence aside, when every thing is going the way we want. But shouldnt we be totally aware that if it wasnt for Jesus Christ our existence would mean nothing. We as people of Christ need to spread who the one that has total control in what we are and how much freedom we have, and no more than Jesus Christ is in charge of our very life and comfort. So lets join together and bring others to know and have that relationship that we have with Christ.

Responding to

Mary Chernushin

Jul 27, 2005, 11:44:40 AM7/27/05
Thank you, thank you for the spiritual perspective. Eliminating terrorism, begins by changed minds and hearts, not on the battlefield which only perpetuates it.

Responding to

Christopher Eshelman

Jul 29, 2005, 9:07:03 PM7/29/05
Thank you for this. The group I lead is currently studying Micah - this piece will be among many I send them as fodder for this weeks discussion.

What would happen if, instead of bombing some group essentially unrelated to the perpertrators of this crime, we instead focused on making sure each of us had a fig tree and bit of land (in other words, real security and means to provide for oneself and ones family) Then might we be able to beat swords into plowshares?

Responding to

leon carberry

Jul 30, 2005, 3:07:07 AM7/30/05
Thank you for your encouraging words at this time. As I live in outer London I am surprised what effect recent events have had on me - how it comes as a shock and fears and anxieties take you by surprise.

Responding to

Heidi Wagner

Jul 30, 2005, 5:33:00 PM7/30/05
Thank you friends for your very inspiring words. I think there is nothing harder than to try to tell ,especially an American, that violence is never the answer. Worse, to do their evil deeds like revenge, break every international law and to torture people in the name of Christianity is the most painful thing to experience for a struggling disciple of Jesus like me. How evil!!! Thanks again, you really helped me out a lot.

Responding to

Glenn Newsome

Aug 2, 2005, 1:05:36 PM8/2/05
Thanks for bringing the central message of Christ and the message of hope into all the rhetoric. What if instead of spending billions more on defense and security, we spent billions helping to solve the problems of our neighbors throughout the world? We will never stop war and violence by preparing for more war and violence. We will never be secure if we depend on ourselves for our security. We must send the message of understanding and compassion and then we will become secure.

Responding to


Aug 3, 2005, 8:28:31 AM8/3/05
The greatest tragedy of Sept 11th is that we returned violence for violence. We perpetuated the evil and worse yet struck out in blind fear against the wrong target and are now involved in on going violence in Iraq.

Responding to


Aug 4, 2005, 11:29:00 AM8/4/05
Anyone who has traveled in the past four years will have no doubt that our
"values and way of life" are going to be defended. Soldiers and armed
security guards are already a common sight at major airports and train
stations. After today, we will see more.

But it seems to me that amid all the tumult, we are missing the most
important thing. If 9/11 really changed us (as so many people claim) then
why are we once again seeking protection in heightened security and
military might? If we have really seen enough bloodshed and violence, then
why aren’t we turning to God for help?



Aug 6, 2005, 4:28:21 AM8/6/05
The causes and history of terrorism have proved the truth of the Biblical statement: "Man has dominated man to his injury." (Ecclesiastes 8:9)
The reality is that human efforts to combat terrorism, no matter how sincerely motivated, cannot successfully deal with its causes. The Bible realistically observes: "To earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." (Jeremiah 10:23) However, while the solution to the problem of terrorism is beyond human power, it certainly is not beyond Gods power........
Yes, Gods Son, Jesus Christ, will soon eliminate all injustice as well as those responsible for it. In Gods righteous new system, terrorism and violence of every kind will be things of the past. Then everyone on earth will live in security, free from fear of any harm for Revelation 21:3, 4 states With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."

Responding to


Aug 7, 2005, 3:41:10 AM8/7/05
The London attack was the closest to home so far. My husband was in London the morning of the attacks, and my heart started to beat fast as I heard the news. Thank God he was not in an affected part of the city. I believe the way ahead is to get up in the morning and live each and every day for God, whatever that may mean for each individual. Also, carry out the words of Jesus and love our enemies. The most powerful thing we can do right now is to show love to those whom the world around us hates - especially those from other faiths. What an impact it would have if Christians were to reach out in love right now to their Muslim neighbors, many of whom must be feeling vulnerable and afraid right now.

Responding to


Aug 7, 2005, 9:18:37 PM8/7/05
The reference to Israel and the suicide bombings is given in a context of terrorists attacks portraying them as acts of terrorism. In fact they are not the acts of terrorism but only of bloody resistance and rejection of the hegemony of Israel & western policies. It is ridiculous to quote from the bible for London bombings. What about the systematic and planned killings of thousands of Iraqis due to the sanctions and again in the name of weapons of mass destructions.......
Lastly, the killing of innocents is absolutely wrong and should be condemned and stopped by all means but there is a law of cause & effect plus some thing which may be possible - that is - the west itself killing itself to control others in the name of freedom & values.

Responding to

William Kean

Aug 9, 2005, 5:53:02 PM8/9/05
There is no fear in love, but perfect Love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. I John 4:18 ... That imperfection in us we are struggling with takes many forms. While ministering in Spain my wife and I went to Toledo, a city known for its religious tolerance to Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Hence the term "Holy Toledo". The unfortunate experience is that at a time in history that was happening but today, well the battle lines are drawn at the train station in Madrid.....

Responding to


Aug 20, 2005, 3:59:18 PM8/20/05
I have been really impacted by your write up.i just want to also say that Fear is a very strong force of life " fear connects us to what we fear". The only weapon to conquer it is Jesus Christ and knowing our rights in him.

Responding to


Aug 23, 2005, 11:08:32 PM8/23/05
This is a very interesting article, I am a Londoner living in the US and a christian. This was something I needed to hear, my faith has been strengthened after reading this. I feel blessed

Responding to

Sunny Railey

Aug 24, 2005, 7:57:13 AM8/24/05
This is a wonderful article and I have enjoyed reading it vey much. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, we should hear more like this from our pastors & ministers.

Responding to


Sep 17, 2005, 3:06:08 PM9/17/05
Timely, thanks! Your analysis also highlights the quandary those in leadership have who are persons of faith. Hezekiah (Hebrew Scriptures) is one who comes to mind as do the Sadducees and Hasmoneans (Greek Scriptures). It only makes sense 50 to 2500 years later, looking back.

Responding to

Jane Walz

Sep 25, 2005, 3:49:14 PM9/25/05
Very good article, balanced and true. Hopefully many will take it to heart.

Responding to


Sep 28, 2005, 8:32:40 PM9/28/05
Unfortunately not everyone is a Christian who believes in letting their light shine through their lives. There are thousands who are not even Christians and others who do not believe in God . Our government has to represent all of the people, so I dont see a national appeal for Gods help. Those who are believers should let their light shine and continue to pray to God for wisdom, His guidance and protection in this global war against terrorism(evil).

Responding to

Gary Johnson

Oct 8, 2005, 7:36:31 AM10/8/05
We do seem to have lost our sanity. Johann Christoph Arnold exhorts us to turn to God. Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt says we should "live single-heartedly for God." I wonder what would turning to God to fight terrorism look like? What would be the spiritual actions we would take. How would we behave to end terrorism. I know what we are doing is not working, but sometimes I just dont see the path.

Responding to

A.R. Ansari

Oct 24, 2005, 6:31:31 AM10/24/05
What about those innocent civilians who are killed everyday in Asia and Africa by the organized armed forces attacks and their atrocities. It is also equally condemnable and deplorable.

Responding to


Oct 29, 2005, 5:02:44 PM10/29/05
What will stop terrorism is for every man, woman and child on this earth to turn their hearts to Christ. And that, of course, is the goal of Christianity - to invite all to become children of God. But that will simply not happen in our lifetimes - and it will actually never happen - for Satan has a lock on many hearts, and many will and do choose to turn away from God. That is why there will be a judgment, and we will be judged. And there, the wheat shall be separated from the chaff. In the meantime, we should always attempt to transform hearts and souls, and to lead them to Christ. But we still have to deal with those who have not been so transformed, and many of those hearts are infected with serious and malevolent evil. And when a man comes knocking at your door, and tries to murder and torture your wife and child, you must fight that unrepentant evil, if you are to love your loved ones. We are to love even our enemies - and than means wanting to bring them to Christ. But we must protect ourselves from unrepentant evil, and defend ourselves against it, to the best of our ability, even as we try to enable that love. And well, the fact is - and this is not understood by most Christians - Christ and God do NOT promise us a wonderful and easy and long life if we have faith. He promises us eternal life with him. (For fear not the one who can kill the body, but rather the one who can kill both body and soul...) We should live each day in Christ as if it is our last, for we do not know how many days on this earth we have. (As Christ tells us over and over in the Gospels...)

Responding to

Charles Long

Nov 8, 2005, 7:03:06 PM11/8/05
With the war on terrorism, as in all earthly things, we should pray like God will do it all, and work like we will have to do it all. There is no substitute for asking Gods help, and we should not look for a substitute for doing everything we can to solve this problem.

Responding to


Nov 24, 2005, 3:02:42 PM11/24/05
You write: "We must stop thinking just of our own countries, and do what we can--even if only on a personal level--to build a more united global community." This sounds more like Rodney King "cant we all just get along" BS. How are we supposed to build "a more united global community" with people who deeply believe that their way to heaven is by killing infidels. That would be us Johann.
The 23rd Psalm says in part "Yea though I walk through the valley of death...thy rod and thy staff comfort me." Why did those weapons comfort the Psalmist? Because the he was supposed to use them to protect himself! What are we doing to protect ourselves? Im waiting for some real men to stand up to lead the fight against the new Nazism in this century--"Hitler in a headscarf." And dont start with me, some of the Germans my father killed while serving under Patton were good people too. Fiona, the Infidel and proud of it!

Responding to

Olaniyi Ayeni

Dec 5, 2005, 11:32:26 AM12/5/05
Youre very right. We need to realize that in this midst of this unending turmoil, Jesus is Lord and Hes ever wanting all and sundry to toe the path of peace and turn unto Him. It is high time that countries, their leaders and followers realized that we can no longer be doing it in our own ways. The best of human efforts at achieving peace and tranquility will fail. It has always being failing. There cannot be a better time than this to start calling upon God and yield to His plans and purpose for mankind. It was for this reasons that Jesus Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.

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