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The Martyrs of Alcatraz

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Bruderhof News

Dec 20, 2003, 11:33:26 AM12/20/03
Check out this article at

The Martyrs of Alcatraz - Religious Persecution in the Land of the Free
by Dan Hallock

Throughout history Christians have been killed for their religious convictions. But in the United States in the twentieth century?

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Linda Garrison

Dec 28, 2003, 5:26:00 PM12/28/03
Had I not stumbled onto and into this site, I never would have known the story of these men. You honor their memory, and acknowledge that of God in every one, when you tell these stories.

Responding to

Donn Reese

Jan 9, 2004, 8:11:50 PM1/9/04
Thank you for publishing their story of faithfulness. We need to be reminded of those for whom the Christian Faith and the teachings of Jesus are real and put into action. They and their families will not be forgotten.
We live in a time when the world wide christian community is being challenged with violence and military solutions to mankinds age old problems. Do Christians really believe in the Kingdom of God as the solution or will they give in to human temporal reasonings.

As part of the world wide community of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. I and many thousands of my brothers and sisters have had the honor to be in prison rather than take up arms against fellow humans. We stand in solidarity with you dear ones.

In Christ

Responding to

Stan Lee

Jan 10, 2004, 7:07:19 PM1/10/04
I was greatly moved by this dreadful account. Many will be strengthened by it, and enabled to resist the demands of the those who seek to to take us where our conscience and beliefs, as followers of Jesus, will not allow us to go.

Responding to

Lee Hoover

Jan 11, 2004, 10:11:51 PM1/11/04
Thank you for this story. EVERYONE needs to know and understand that ALL must serve GOD first, under their own conscionse.

Responding to

Gene Torisky

Jan 13, 2004, 5:09:33 PM1/13/04
A brutally timely story ...

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Osbourne McConathy

Jan 14, 2004, 4:03:35 PM1/14/04
An amazing story of suffering for the Lord's sake. ... Thank you for the consistently high quality of your messages.

Responding to

Mohan Mathews

Jan 15, 2004, 1:23:36 PM1/15/04
Shocking tale of valour. Thanks for featuring the Hutterites. What glory that men receive grace to suffer so for the truth of Christ! May God raise up many more such souls of iron committed ...

Responding to

Patrick Miller

Jan 21, 2004, 6:05:55 PM1/21/04
Could it be that the soldiers themselves may have believed that they too were only doing Jesus' will? Isn't it at least possible that everyone suffered in this tragedy? Gruesome details aside, where's the sympathy and compassion for the hard-hearted solders, whose fear and shame blinded them to their own divinity? Is not the great wail "please forgive them Father for they know not what they do," aimed at reminding us even our own murderers are our kin, and God loves them as well? There isn't a single line in this garden variety Christian morality tale that portrays the soldiers as human beings too- perhaps even Christians themselves.
Jesus reminds us again and again that even the Romans are children of God.

Responding to

Betty Waller

Jan 22, 2004, 9:34:02 PM1/22/04
I am not a pacifist, and certainly wish evil weren't in this world. The Hutterites paid a high price for their beliefs. Perhaps, they are the ones who led this country into honoring anti-war beliefs in a much more understanding way. Certainly, there are many in our country today who hold to these beliefs and are not demanded to become a member of our armed forces.
However, as long as there is evil in this world, there will be war. It is difficult to communicate with a psychopath. I'm not sure many in this country would even fight against a Hitler today. And there are many who are thankful that someone was willing to lay down their life for the sake of their fellowman....I follow your beautiful selections from loving people, with high ideals and wonderful, expressive ways with words . It is a world I would like to live in. It will come, one day, when our Savior returns and the battle with evil ends.

Responding to

Michael Edens

Jan 23, 2004, 7:31:51 PM1/23/04
A powerful story and reminder that what has happened before can happen again - and will happen again, even in this country once founded upon the ideas of religious and political freedom. Indeed, whenever the social and political atmosphere of a nation is sufficiently charged with hate to act against those who's moral convictions run counter to the prevailing passion, then dehumanization of such persons is quick to follow. In such a time torture - far from being a crime - is not only approved, but commended. As it was true with Jesus, who raised no army, who advocated no overthrow, so it will be true with us wherever we are seen as a threat to the will of the social order, a prick to the social conscience of a society determined to rush headlong upon a course of action mingled with revenge and murder.

Responding to

Mike Haxton

Jan 24, 2004, 3:26:10 PM1/24/04
I didn't think that the government could have such cruelity. I know that they weren't as politically correct as they are now, but that is just inhumane to do to anyone, especially someone that is your own citizen. But because of these brothers we have hopeful learned a lesson and will not treat others that way.

Responding to


Jan 25, 2004, 11:20:29 PM1/25/04
I found this very powerful information. Absolutely outrageous to think that this could happen even in 1918 and shows that government ignorance and arrogance went hand-in-hand again in treating these men. I worry about our present regime in Washington ... Only God can save us. I don't think he will enter politics. We need the inspiration of good men and women to take over.

Responding to

Roger Dean

Jan 26, 2004, 9:13:50 PM1/26/04
This and similar stories should be published frequently to remind us: (a) how easy the lives of most of us are, (b) how dangerous the states which promise to 'protect' our freedom can be.

Responding to

Fred Richards

Jan 29, 2004, 9:15:51 AM1/29/04
My greatgrandfather faced persecution like this, though not as brutal in late 19th century England as a Salvation Army officer. For years the family saved a piece of prison black bread, barely edible. "This is your inheritance," was our reminder of what did and will happen if we remain faithful to the teaching of Jesus Christ and not Caesar.

Responding to

Colin Campbell

Jan 30, 2004, 7:07:38 AM1/30/04
These men are the real heroes of war. - Navy Veteran.

Responding to

Frank Tavella

Jan 31, 2004, 9:08:57 AM1/31/04
This incident angers me because as a Secular Franciscan, I too am forbidden to fight by my Order. To know that my country did this to these men who only wanted to follow Jesus is apalling. I am going to spread this story so that more will know of this outrage. This incident only shows that if one follows the Master, one must be ready to suffer. Unfortunately, this country has lost sight of the centrality of God in its life. Now he is shoved to the side and ignored or banished to appease the liberal thinkers. In the words of Jesus: 'Father, forgive them, they know not wnat they do.' One can only hope this is true, if not, this country is in for some serious purification.

Responding to


Feb 2, 2004, 7:21:22 PM2/2/04
This is something one would expect to hear about the sixteen-seventeen hundreds. To know that this sort of thing could possibly happen even now, is chilling. If a person does not have the right to worship God in his or her own way in this country, then no one has any rights at all. By taking away one person's rights, you diminish the rights of everyone.

Responding to


Feb 11, 2004, 2:50:35 PM2/11/04
I confess that I am ashamed of the actions of my brothers in arms toward my brothers in Jesus. We must pray that all those in public offices hold the public good as their first duty. We must focus on the masters teaching in the purest and most complete way possible to bring love into this world, greater then the hate that has been allowed in.

Responding to


Jun 29, 2004, 9:02:03 PM6/29/04
This is very timely and it shows how all humans need to be tolerant of all of our different beliefs and rights...We all need to be aware that this country was founded on freedom. And there are many religions that are founded in peace...

Responding to

Willie Parker

Jul 4, 2004, 7:00:51 AM7/4/04
This story moves me on several levels, but none moreso than the recognition that it could be repeated today in our current climate of paranoia about national security and state-based idolatry that we are calling patriotism. The PATRIOT Act sets the legal climate for such. My personal challenge is to cultivate this depth of simple faith and trust in the Creator that would allow me to endure and hold fast without question should this fate befall me. The time to build that capacity is now, not waiting till the need for it arises and merely hoping that you have it.

Responding to

Jim Brooke

Jul 6, 2004, 2:43:37 AM7/6/04
This story speaks volumes about the mindset of the military tribunal, as well as the insurmountable courage of the individual who knows where he stands.

Responding to

Mary Holm

Jul 15, 2004, 7:01:39 AM7/15/04
We all like to think, as Americans, that we live in this wonderful country that can do no wrong, but the truth is that while there is much good in this country there is a dark side, too. What happened to these four men is part of that dark underside. These kinds of things, unfortunately, will continue to happen as long as any person acts out of fear rather than out of love. These men, for the love of Jesus Christ, were braver than many who obediently donned military attire. May none other suffer as they suffered.

Responding to


Jul 17, 2004, 2:41:46 AM7/17/04
Violence tends to breed violence, the old testament, as example pre christians, raping virgins, killing men and women non believers of then Judaism, then the Crusades, Inquisition, Protestants versus Catholics, Martin Luther, the schism eastern, western split. hmmmmm blood thirsty if you ask me. Not more than a century ago, S. Africa, the Hindus getting their beatings by the brits, christians. News flash within the last couple years, priests indicted on charges of molestation. Living still by the sword.

Responding to


Dec 31, 2004, 6:54:37 AM12/31/04
Are we in the United States of America coming to the place once again where we must be martyred for the convictions of our hearts? Dear God above, let us hope not!

Responding to


Oct 13, 2005, 11:02:41 AM10/13/05
Well, this is certainly a heart wrenching story. Man are sometime selfish and in this case the military has shamed itself. Every man has his or her right to his decision, therefore it is wrong for the military to do so. Being a world community, I have again and again abuse by the military staff towards war prisoner. I understand that maybe this military staff has lost his/or her friend in the war but it is not our right to do such disgraceful act of humiliating or torturing the prisoner. Im not condenming the military of USA for no military organization is perfect, but I hope this kind of barbaric action will stop and being a Malaysian, I hope this incident will not happen in my country. As for the families of the tortured victim <the hutterite man> I would like to express my sympathy and may God haveits mercy on you.

Responding to


Oct 13, 2005, 3:44:33 PM10/13/05
"I am a soldier of Christ; I cannot fight."

St. Martin of Tours


Oct 22, 2005, 10:31:33 PM10/22/05
What a story what these men went through for their beliefs. On Saturday July 10, 2004 I was on a bus tour that stopped by the graves of these brave men. They are buried here in South Dakota Our bus guide read in detail about their treatment which is almost unbelivable.

Responding to

Delamer Duverus

Nov 30, 2005, 5:22:16 AM11/30/05
A story worth sharing with every man in every nation of the world. No more wars.
Ralph Chaplins made an error in his poem, "Dare Not Speak". In the 10th line he uses the word "meek." He should have used the word timid. The Hutterites were meek, as was the Christ.

Responding to


Nov 30, 2005, 8:32:10 AM11/30/05
Thank you so much for what you are doing - it is humbling to be reminded that there have been peaceful protestors to all wars. Sometimes I lose sight, and allow others to make me feel unpatriotic for objecting to an unjust war. This gives me strength.

Responding to


Nov 30, 2005, 8:32:05 PM11/30/05
This reminds us if you do not try to correct injustice, you accept it. Land of the free?? Definitely home of the brave.

Responding to


Dec 1, 2005, 8:32:09 AM12/1/05
To me, there is such a difference between supporting the people that are fighting for our freedoms and supporting the reasons polititians have made those frustrates me when people believe that supporting or not supporting one always means supporting or rejecting the other. To see what these people went through for their beliefs only re-emphasizes this for me....

Responding to

Belinda Willis

Dec 1, 2005, 9:34:34 PM12/1/05
Why does this country (USA) go to war in the name of freedom? Why does it maim and kill in the name of democracy? Why do Americans believe that this action is necessary or even justified? When will it be obvious to everyone that only those in power stand to gain from such behavior and the price of so-called freedom is far too great? When will we learn that the only difference between ourselves and "those" people is our belief in a difference? As we circle the sun and move through the universe on the space ship that we call Earth, perhaps we could all pause for a moment to appreciate the enormity of our purpose here...a purpose of service to each other and our planet...a purpose filled with wonder, joy, love and amazement at all of Gods creations.

Responding to


Dec 4, 2005, 12:32:03 AM12/4/05
I was really shocked by this article. When I think of how we in America praise fighting men as we immortalized "Sargent York with Gary Cooper" who was supposed to have been a pacifist but was encouraged to go and fight and kill Germans. We have never been told about the abuse and torture of the Hutterites on the other hand. America has come a long way. I say thank God for the sixties and the flower children and those who fled to Canada rather than go to Viet-Nam.

Responding to

Gary Bauer

Dec 4, 2005, 9:34:19 AM12/4/05
This act of terrorism should be trumpeted throughout the world. This is American hypocrisy at its worst.

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Robert di Grappa

Dec 4, 2005, 2:32:08 PM12/4/05
It makes me feel ashamed. Im reminded of the infamous Gulag in Russia that the famous author Solzhenitsyn spoke of. I was a combat soldier in Viet Nam and we did have some objectors in our outfit. The common soldier felt that if you were against killing then stay out of the field. We, those of us who were unenlightened, did not understand their motive, but left them to their own beliefs. To have rulers who would subject people to such horrific conditions simply because they did not want to join the club strengthens in me all the more the belief that God never created man to be ruled by man, but rather in man individually. We owe all to Him and not to another. It is only because of Him we have anything to offer one another. I am very sad to have read this account. I know the Lord has a special place for people like this.

Responding to


Dec 4, 2005, 8:32:08 PM12/4/05
It was most interesting and sad to read about how these men were treated for what they believed in, not really doing anyone any harm. We live very close to the Hutterite colonies and find them the most helpful and dedicated people and would do no one any harm. I never realized they originated from the Catholic church.
I think you do an awesome job on your web site and Im thankful I came across it by accident.

Responding to

Gerald Harper

Dec 5, 2005, 3:02:45 AM12/5/05
Thats America to me--unfortunately its not just us.

Responding to

Joan Anderson

Dec 6, 2005, 7:03:18 AM12/6/05
The shameful episode of the four imprisoned Hutterites in the early 1900s brings to mind the recent move by the Bush administration to set aside humanitarian treatment of prisoners as part of the "homeland security" initiative. The ends will never justify the means when those means include the physical or psychological torture of others. I was glad to read that the Hutterite colonies emigrated to Canada to escape further pursecution. Thank God for our neighbor to the north who has provided safe refuge when the United States powers that be have become enemy to their own people. Thank God, also, that other citizens, the media, and organized efforts such as Amnesty International have monitored and continue to monitor public systems and demand accountability and justice for all.

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