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The Hidden Christ

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Jul 20, 2005, 3:15:55 PM7/20/05
Check out this free e-book at

The Hidden Christ - Taking the Gospel into the World
by Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt

How are Christians to bring the gospel to the world? After centuries of misguided crusades, how can we rediscover mission as Jesus understood it? Must peoples embrace Christianity to know Christ and his liberation?

Download this free e-book at:
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Jul 21, 2005, 4:42:14 PM7/21/05
"And God works through them now as one, for that is what they are." -A Course in Miracles

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Jul 22, 2005, 8:00:40 AM7/22/05
Absolute agreement. Thank you for bringing this book to my attention. It is everything I have come to believe.

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Jul 24, 2005, 9:56:11 AM7/24/05
Blumhardt's books are open doors that reveal the truth that christianity has tried its best to negate. The truth that christ did not come as part of a divine plan with a well worked out belief system, the acceptance of which would immediately revoke all our sins and grand us a free membership to the Kingdom of God. I have had well meaning christians tell me that unless I became a christian and also accepted all the excess baggage that comes with the idea of being a christian I am a sinner. The fact that I have accepted Christ into my life and that I live my life in light of his teachings, they tell me, has no meaning because I have not been baptised and do not belong to a church. I have learned to live with it. I believe that you do not have to be a Christian to believe in Christ. in fact, becoming a christian in many ways would certianly take you away from Christ. In the writings of Blumhardt I have found someone who shows me the way and gives me the inspiration to live my life in the light of Christ's teachings.

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Daniel Hulseapple

Jul 24, 2005, 6:58:46 PM7/24/05
Enlightening excerpt. However, my curiosity as to when this letter was written impelled me to check out the e-book. I would suggest that in future such reports that the publishing date of the original materials be listed. The original of this article was first publish in the the late 1950s nearly a half century ago. Although the work of God is still going on, there have been major strides in presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in China.

As an aside, this article upholds what I believe today - that denominationalism is killing the church. There is but one one God who displaces His glory in many manifest and unimaginable ways. God does not speak only through clergy, who are often so absorbed in the "intelligenceia" of their faith that they forget that it is the people to whom God comes, and to who the clergy owe servitude, and not the other way around.

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Michael F. Chamness

Jul 26, 2005, 2:42:00 PM7/26/05
I just downloaded it, haven't read it yet. But I want to thank you for all the good work you're doing, and continuing to do even though you've closed your publishing house.

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Herb Christopher

Jul 26, 2005, 5:21:44 PM7/26/05
I read the devotional every morning. Im eager to learn all I can about Jesus. Ienjoyed the article about the Hidden Christ.

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Patricia Mcconnell

Jul 26, 2005, 11:34:06 PM7/26/05
I find such a message more hopeful than those I hear in most churches, and that troubles me. However, the fact that you are getting your message out to people like me is a reassurance that Christ knows - and accepts? - our doubts about so much of organized religion. Thank you.(I must also tell you that while I am enormously grateful for the Daily Dig, I still miss The Plough enormously - along with its easily accessible bookstore - which is still yours, perhaps?)

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Louis Kanu

Jul 27, 2005, 5:01:06 AM7/27/05
I love your sight very much. I appreciate all your efforts. Chrisianity has not found its way in the hearts of many. A lot of things have been taken for granted, a lot of misguided principles have been implemented just to suit the strong few. I believe there is a silent crying majority outside there. They yearn for the right knowledge, but in so many instances, it has proved to be so costly. I would like to join you in bringing this knowledge to the grass roots.

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Gail McIntosh

Jul 27, 2005, 9:20:54 AM7/27/05
I simply wept with joy when I read this as I am convicted he is speaking the truth. Immediately I forwarded to my friend from China who resides in the US now and has been studying the Bible trying to understand the people in the USA. She is the most gentle loving person. Thank you for once again enriching so many people's life.

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Jul 27, 2005, 9:55:59 AM7/27/05
Praise the Lord we need to reach out to those with the Good News of Gods love.

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Barbara Saleh

Jul 28, 2005, 1:59:03 AM7/28/05
It is refreshing to see the truth of God's Kingdom and of how it should be advanced in the mission field, the way of the Holy Spirit and not man made religion. I agree that this is the way. I know many people around the world who have been awakened to the fact that our place is outside the camp with Jesus, and that only by his spirit can man draw near to God, and it is not by man's work. Relationship with Christ and not idealogy or form of Godliness is the true Way.

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J Lewis

Jul 29, 2005, 5:33:58 AM7/29/05
Thank you for sharing this book. I have always sensed that Christ is very much alive in those who don't know him as Lord. And often His light is stonger there than in we who call ourselves Christian. And yet we try to place our ideals and rules on an existing grace without any regard for what has already been set in place, ... to be be doing God's work on earth requires true humility and openness to all ways that He makes Himself known.

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Aug 3, 2005, 8:12:28 AM8/3/05
Thanks for the chance!!!

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Aug 25, 2005, 10:32:03 PM8/25/05
This is my struggle with the whole "Christianity" thing! I want to believe the way you all do, but where is the scripture to back it up? Your beliefs almost sound universalist. It is hard for me to reconcile that people can have Christ in them and not even know it, with verses like, "No man comes unto the Father, but by Me". I do believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, but I have had a hard time in the past couple of years believing that He is truly good. What you are saying in the daily dig makes sense, but I don't know if that is because it appeals to my human sense of fairness. I sound confused don't I, well I really am. My whole life I've been taught if you don't confess Jesus with your lips that He is your personal savior you are going to hell. No way around it. As for those people living in remote jungles and on mountain tops, well it is our fault that we did not go out and reach them. What do you think of all of this? What do you all think the Bible says about this subject? Thank you for any insight you can lend me.

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Sep 29, 2005, 1:37:22 PM9/29/05
Id have to agree, that Religion has nothing to do with the gospel. In my own personal opinion I feel that theres a segregation amongst Catholics, Mormons, Christians, Jehovah witness and so on. The gospel doesnt in any way mention any specific type of religion to teach or to practice only that we are all "Gods children" and equal as such. My belief is that Jesus Christ died for all our sins and that this is not mans world alone-until we come together and unite as true believers of Christ, constant turmoil and deception will continue.

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Oct 24, 2005, 7:33:25 AM10/24/05
What about the Great Commission? We've been charged by our brother Jesus to go into all nations and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These were among His last words to His beloved disciples, and we need to be attentive to them. More than attentive: we need to be willing to lay down our lives for this command. The kingdom is social justice but it is so much more than that, it is the now-and-future redemption of the cosmos in Christ, the head of all creation, through whom all things were made. We do indeed proclaim the Kingdom by being peacemakers (to work for peace, work for justice), but this does not preclude proclaiming the good news of redemption in Christ, knowledge of which generally does not come naturally to humankind. (just re-read Jesus and the prophets if you doubt that this is the human condition!). I worry that this author's notion of "church" is way too small! If anyone out there isn't turned off by what I'm saying, I'd encourage you to immerse yourself in prayer and in the prayerful reading of Scripture, and to seek the Kingdom in all its beauty and fullness.

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Oct 27, 2005, 10:31:37 PM10/27/05
What an inspirational and insightful lesson to be learned. My daughter-in-law is a Muslim. She was discussing Christianity with my mother one day and said to her, "what makes you think that the Christ-Spirit" is not speaking within Islam?" The same spirit that went from Jesus speaks to us as well." ... God IS love .. and when love is expressed, the spirit of Christ is there.

In fact, as Blumhardt sees it, the "unchurched" and the "heathen," and especially the oppressed, already belong to Christ, and he is at work in their hearts before we arrive. Jesus did not come to found churches, but to set in motion a movement of the Spirit that will encompass nations and lead to peace and social justice. "No longer religion against religion, but justice against sin, life against death."

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Nov 22, 2005, 10:31:34 PM11/22/05
You are so right to say that the trappings of our Christianity can be far from Christ, however, I see our unified task as bringing people to the cross and introducing them to Jesus as He commands us to do. Without that, there is no power to accomplish anything on earth. When we know Him through our rebirth, He handles the remainder of our collective foibles in His perfect timing. This includes the matter of social justice as well as freedom for the oppressed. These are just two of the horrific symptoms of our unwillingness to walk in the path of our Master, Jesus the Christ. Only His love in our hearts has any impact of anything that is unholy!

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Francis Kerkulah

Dec 5, 2005, 3:03:33 PM12/5/05
Your work is wonderful and very helpful in many ways. I found many meaninful materials that would help me personaly and others I share my faith with. I think this book would help me to learn more about Jesus.

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