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The Branch Davidian Massacre : The Waco Siege and Mass Murder of 76 Human Beings

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Jan 14, 2011, 12:34:00 AM1/14/11
On Jan 12, 5:53 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 1/12/2011 4:59 PM, wrote:
> >
> > Invisible Tanks
> > I wants to see that James Garner, Tank movie again.It's a real Good
> > movie.I have seen it a coupla or tree times before.
> > cuhulin

- You know, when Waco Texas "happened",
- remember the Branch Dividians?

-that's- Davidians with an 'a'

- I always tough it would be great to see
- Jim Rockford (James Garner) show up
- in his tank and hold off the military force
- from being used on civilians ...
- Regards,
- JS

That's the Waco Siege and Mass Murder of 76
Human Beings by Janet Reno & Bill Clinton
* Killing 23 Un-Armed Christian Children
* Killing 34 Un-Armed Christian Women
including 2 who were Pregnant
* Killing 19 ?Armed*? Men

* Against Tanks, Armored Vehicles and Para-Military
Troops of the US Federal Government.
-fyi- SWAT Team Training and above is Para-Military
Training and a group of Para-Military Trained LEOs
is a Para-Military Unit {Team}
Who did the US Federal Government declare WAR
On ? The Branch Davidian [DAVID'ian] and off-shoot
of the Seventh Day Adventist {Christian} Church.
? W H Y ?
Before : Trumped-Up Charges & Un-Proven Allegations
After : Cover-Up & Manufactured Facts After the Massacre

Jan 14, 2011, 12:39:51 AM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 12:34 am, RHF <> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 5:53 pm, John Smith <> wrote:
> > On 1/12/2011 4:59 PM, wrote:
> > >
> > > Invisible Tanks
> > > I wants to see that James Garner, Tank movie again.It's a real Good
> > > movie.I have seen it a coupla or tree times before.
> > > cuhulin
> - You know, when Waco Texas "happened",
> - remember the Branch Dividians?
> -that's- Davidians with an 'a'
> - I always tough it would be great to see
> - Jim Rockford (James Garner) show up
> - in his tank and hold off the military force
> - from being used on civilians ...
> -
> - Regards,
> - JS
> That's the Waco Siege and Mass Murder of 76
> Human Beings by Janet Reno & Bill Clinton

> * Killing 23 Un-Armed Christian Children
> * Killing 34  Un-Armed Christian Women
> including 2 who were Pregnant
> * Killing 19 ?Armed*? Men
> * Against Tanks, Armored Vehicles and Para-Military
> Troops of the US Federal Government.
> -fyi- SWAT Team Training and above is Para-Military
> Training and a group of Para-Military Trained LEOs
> is a Para-Military Unit {Team}
>  .
> Who did the US Federal Government declare WAR
> On ? The Branch Davidian [DAVID'ian] and off-shoot
> of the Seventh Day Adventist {Christian} Church.

>  .
> ? W H Y ?
> Before : Trumped-Up Charges & Un-Proven Allegations
> After : Cover-Up & Manufactured Facts After the Massacre
>  .
>  .

And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
Clinton and his pal Al Gore .


Jan 14, 2011, 1:07:41 AM1/14/11
- And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
- Clinton and his pal Al Gore .

Many be that should be the "Grave" Times . . .
-wrt- The Branch Davidian Massacre : The Waco Siege
and the Mass Murder of 76 Innocent Human Beings
Yes the Prez Clinton's "Grave" Times . . .
-a-la- Vince Foster's ?Death / Suicide / Murder?
Part # 1 : Vince Foster's ?Death / Suicide / Murder?
Sequel # 2 : John P. Wheeler's ?Death / Murder / Hit?
Was The Death ?Murder / Hit? of John P. Wheeler :
Taking One Name OFF The Obama Regime's Enemy List !

one does wonder and and ask why . . . ~ RHF


Jan 14, 2011, 2:20:59 AM1/14/11
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 00:14:51 -0600, wrote:

- One of those photos of Al Gore looking over klintoons shoulder,
- it looked like Gore had a hard on for klintoon.
- Photos of objects in front of the Sun - Pics
- ''They'' are coming to git us.
- cuhulin


Some say that Al Gore was the 'Poster Boy'
for the -typical- "Metro-Sexual"*
* MetroSexual {Sex On The Metro ?}
Or was that the "Metro-Sexual" 'Wanted Poster' ?
W?H?Y Drink Beer . . . It's a Renewable Resource !
Praise Be Al Gore The Profit of CO2 !
The Ugly Face of the True Al Gore {Truth}

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 14, 2011, 8:15:07 AM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:

> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .

Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and his
pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion dollar wars
we were lied into.


Jan 14, 2011, 8:35:05 AM1/14/11

They said Clinton was gonna take away all the guns too. I think fear is
big business. If people are ginning up fear and resentment just to make
money, they need to be shot, burned and hung from the Brooklyn Bridge.

Remove the profit motive from war and medicine.


Jan 14, 2011, 9:42:14 AM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 5:35 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> On 01/14/2011 05:15 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> > On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:
> >> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> >> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
> > Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and his
> > pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion dollar wars
> > we were lied into.
> They said Clinton was gonna take away all the guns too. I think fear is
> big business. If people are ginning up fear and resentment just to make
> money,

- they need to be shot, burned and hung from the Brooklyn Bridge.

Just Say NO To Violence 'Special-Dave'

- Remove the profit motive from war and medicine.

FYI : The US Military Is Already Nationalized :
? Should We Nationalize Doctors and Nurses Too !

REALITY CHECK 'Special-Dave' :
Before Sarah Palin and Before the Tea Party
Who Stated Targeting : Putting the Gun-Sight and
Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians ?
Liberals Did : To "Target" Prez Bush !
-that's- Liberal Political 'Hate' Speech !
Democrats Did : To "Target" Prez Bush !
-that's- Democrat Political Hate Speech !
Progressives Did : To "Target" Prez Bush !
-that's- Progressive Political Hate Speech !
Next-Up : VP Dick Cheney being Targeted by
Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
Followed-By : Senator John McCain being Targeted
by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
Then-Comes : Sarah Palin being Targeted
by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
?Q? Who Stated Targeting : Putting the Gun-Sight
and Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians :
Liberals, Democrats and Progressives Did : That's Who !
Targeted-R-Us & Targets-R-Us
please don't shoot ~ RHF
{ Give Political 'Peace' A Chance }
? Can We All Go Back To "Dunce Caps" !
-wrt- Prez-A-Duntz & VP-A-Duntz
Democr-A-Duntz & Repub-A-Duntz
-or- . . . Just Clown-A-Round . . .

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

D. Peter Maus

Jan 14, 2011, 11:43:48 AM1/14/11
On 1/14/11 09:58 , wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 21:39:51 -0800 (PST), wrote:
>> The Branch Davidian [DAVID'ian] and off-shoot
>>> of the Seventh Day Adventist {Christian} Church.
>>> .
>>> ? W H Y ?
>>> Before : Trumped-Up Charges& Un-Proven Allegations
>>> After : Cover-Up& Manufactured Facts After the Massacre

>>> .
>>> .
>> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
>> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
> The thought of roast koresh still makes me laugh.....

The thought that you've admitted you're here to disrupt, not to
discuss anything makes you laughable.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 12:01:37 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 5:35 AM, dave wrote:

> ...

> They said Clinton was gonna take away all the guns too. I think fear is
> big business. If people are ginning up fear and resentment just to make
> money, they need to be shot, burned and hung from the Brooklyn Bridge.
> Remove the profit motive from war and medicine.

Rest assured, government public servants can NEVER "take away" the
Creator given right to keep and bear arms.

However, these public servants, from the president on down, can attempt
to usurp the people power, the rightful government of the USA --
American citizens and behave in other criminally treasonous way ...


Joe from Kokomo

Jan 14, 2011, 1:05:44 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 12:01 PM, John Smith wrote:

> ... the Creator given right to keep and bear arms.

And you know this how? Has God been talking to you? Hearing voices?

Aknee Wombuster

Jan 14, 2011, 1:07:16 PM1/14/11
ONE CAN ENVISION the U.S.'s freedom(s) eventually evaporating under
the weight of the political civil war underway between Republicans
[conservatives] and Democrats [liberals].

When don't-give-an-inch parties cause the nation palpable harm
economically, militarily, diplomatically, and security-wise,
Americans' will be easily rallied by demagogues to support elimination
or reduction of various freedoms.

For example, the NRA already has our House and Senate by the
proverbial gonads. Thus, no freedom from the demonstrated dangers of
universal gun possession.

Our two-party system? It might just have to go.

Dick Tayter for president ca. 2024?

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 1:30:37 PM1/14/11

Well, I will surrender my gun, at the threat of great bodily harm or
death, but I want "them" to take it one bullet at a time!

Having God speak to you, or hearing voices, may be common to you, but
trust me, it is rather rare in sane individuals ...


D. Peter Maus

Jan 14, 2011, 1:38:38 PM1/14/11

It's in the Constitution, Joe.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 1:44:25 PM1/14/11

This covers the relationship between the Constitution and Bill of Rights
(let's not forget the Declaration of Independence either) so that it
should be clear to all which take the time to review it.

It is amazing anyone beyond high school does not have a firm
understanding of: The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the
Declaration of Independence ... no one should be ignorant of the
documents which are the whole basis of their country.

However, it is easy to find those who are writing worthless babbling and
attempting argument on only their personal opinions and worthless
beliefs ...


John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 1:53:20 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 10:44 AM, John Smith wrote:

> ...
> Regards,
> JS

To be more specific, the Constitution gives men ALL rights, and defers a
few to our representatives and public servants, so we have a safe and
sane society.

The Bill of Rights, because many knew certain specific rights would be
in danger, regardless of the Constitution, enumerated these rights which
were felt to be in danger of being infringed upon ... thereby giving
absolute guarantee that government NEVER endangers these rights nor
attempts to usurp them from the people.

"When it became clear that the Constitution was going to be ratified
despite the efforts of the Anti-Federalists, the men secured an
agreement that a Bill of Rights in the form of a list of amendments
would be attached to the Constitution and sent out for ratification.
James Madison sat down to draft 12 amendments, and after cutting the
first two, the Bill of Rights as we know it was ratified."


Attempting to treat the Bill of Rights as a separate and unrelated or
only loosely related to the Constitution is sheer fantasy. And, a tool,
frequently, used to attempt to weaken the words, concepts and meaning of
the Constitution -- or, simply put, outright obfuscation!



Jan 14, 2011, 2:12:22 PM1/14/11
No it's not. No supernatural mumbo jumbo in the Constitution.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 2:16:14 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 11:12 AM, dave wrote:

>> ...

>> It's in the Constitution, Joe.
> No it's not. No supernatural mumbo jumbo in the Constitution.

Yes, it is! You stand corrected ...

This, from the URL, above:

"When it became clear that the Constitution was going to be ratified
despite the efforts of the Anti-Federalists, the men secured an
agreement that a Bill of Rights in the form of a list of amendments
would be attached to the Constitution and sent out for ratification.
James Madison sat down to draft 12 amendments, and after cutting the
first two, the Bill of Rights as we know it was ratified."



Jan 14, 2011, 2:17:32 PM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 10:44 am, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 1/14/2011 10:38 AM, D. Peter Maus wrote:
> > On 1/14/11 12:05 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> >> On 1/14/2011 12:01 PM, John Smith wrote:
> >>> ... the Creator given right to keep and bear arms.
> >> And you know this how? Has God been talking to you? Hearing voices?
- - It's in the Constitution, Joe.

- This covers the relationship between the Constitution and Bill of
- (let's not forget the Declaration of Independence either) so that it
- should be clear to all which take the time to review it.
- It is amazing anyone beyond high school does not have a firm
- understanding of:  The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the
- Declaration of Independence ... no one should be ignorant of the
- documents which are the whole basis of their country.
- However, it is easy to find those who are writing worthless babbling
- attempting argument on only their personal opinions and worthless
- beliefs ...

- Regards,
- JS

Understanding the Three Steps to Each and Every
Americans 'Inalienable Rights' Personal Freedoms . . .

1st = Declaration of Independence

2nd = The Constitution

3rd = The Bill of Rights

Back-Up with "Peace Through Strength" !

Accept NO Phony "UN" Substitutes ~ RHF


Jan 14, 2011, 2:32:50 PM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 7:58 am, wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 21:39:51 -0800 (PST), wrote:
> >The Branch Davidian [DAVID'ian] and off-shoot
> >> of the Seventh Day Adventist {Christian} Church.
> >> .
> >> ? W H Y ?
> >> Before : Trumped-Up Charges & Un-Proven Allegations
> >> After : Cover-Up & Manufactured Facts After the Massacre
> >> .
> >> .
> >And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> >Clinton and his pal Al Gore .

- The thought of roast koresh still makes me laugh.....

Yoorghis : Your Thoughs {Words} Betray Your Humanity !

Yoorghis : ? So You Rejoice In The Deaths of Others !

-wrt- The Branch Davidian Massacre :

The Waco Siege and Mass Murder

of 76 Human Beings by Janet Reno & Bill Clinton
* Killing 23 Un-Armed Christian Children
* Killing 34 Un-Armed Christian Women
including 2 who were Pregnant
* Killing 19 ?Armed*? Men

imho - sick are you ~ RHF


Jan 14, 2011, 2:37:49 PM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 9:13 am, wrote:

- Clinton administration laid the 'hammer' down on
- the Branch Davidians when there was Absolutely
- NO need to have done it that way!
- cuhulin

The Branch Davidian Massacre : The Waco Siege

and Mass Murder of 76 Human Beings
by Janet Reno and Bill Clinton

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 2:42:32 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 11:37 AM, RHF wrote:

> ...

> The Branch Davidian Massacre : The Waco Siege
> and Mass Murder of 76 Human Beings
> by Janet Reno and Bill Clinton
> * Killing 23 Un-Armed Christian Children
> * Killing 34 Un-Armed Christian Women
> including 2 who were Pregnant
> * Killing 19 ?Armed*? Men
> imho - sick are you ~ RHF
> .
> .

When we let our government public servants get by with the murder of
these innocents, why is everyone, now, so surprised they went on to
3000+ on 9/11?

How many will die in "The Next Event?"



Jan 14, 2011, 3:03:51 PM1/14/11

The US Bill of Rights -it's-part-of-the- US Constitution :
Being the 1st Ten Amendments To It [.]
The United States Bill of Rights consists of the first
Ten Amendments ADDED to the US Constitution in
1791, as Supporters {Signers} of the US Constitution
had promised critics during the debates of 1788.
Delegates to the Philadelphia "US Constitutional"
Convention in September 1787 Debated whether
to 'include' a Bill of Rights in the Main Body of the
US Constitution, and Agreed to Create a separate
US Bill of Rights as a Follow-on Document as an
Amendment to the US Constitution itself.

Understanding the Three Steps to Each and Every
Americans 'Inalienable Rights' Personal Freedoms . . .

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 14, 2011, 3:20:06 PM1/14/11

>> On 1/14/2011 12:01 PM, John Smith wrote:
>>> ... the Creator given right to keep and bear arms.

On 1/14/2011 10:05 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> And you know this how? Has God been talking to you? Hearing voices?

On 1/14/2011 1:30 PM, John Smith wrote:

> Well, I will surrender my gun, at the threat of great bodily harm or
> death, but I want "them" to take it one bullet at a time!

In common usage, when the "Creator" is mentioned, it is commonly
interpreted as referring to God.

So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
that God said it's your right to own a Glock? What chapter and verse of
the Bible says this? What tablet is it chiseled in to?

If you mean "creators (small 'c') of the Constitution", please clearly
state so. If you say just 'the Creator' (capital 'C') as you did, I will
interpret this as your reference to God or Supreme Being and anxiously
await your reference to this supposed God-given right.

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 14, 2011, 3:20:36 PM1/14/11

>> On 1/14/2011 12:01 PM, John Smith wrote:
>>> ... the Creator given right to keep and bear arms.

On 1/14/11 12:05 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> And you know this how? Has God been talking to you? Hearing voices?

On 1/14/2011 1:38 PM, D. Peter Maus wrote:

> It's in the Constitution, Joe.

In common usage, when the "Creator" is mentioned, it is commonly

interpreted as referring to God.

So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
that God said it's your right to own a Glock? What chapter and verse of
the Bible says this? What tablet is it chiseled in to?

If the OP means "creators (small 'c') of the Constitution", he should
clearly state so. If he says just 'the Creator' (capital 'C') as he did,
I will interpret this as his reference to God or Supreme Being and
anxiously await his reference to this supposed God-given right.


Jan 14, 2011, 3:24:21 PM1/14/11
On 01/14/2011 11:37 AM, RHF wrote:

> The Branch Davidian Massacre : The Waco Siege

> * Killing 23 Un-Armed Christian Children

How the hell do you know what religion the children were?


Jan 14, 2011, 3:25:52 PM1/14/11
On 01/14/2011 12:03 PM, RHF wrote:

>> JS
> The US Bill of Rights -it's-part-of-the- US Constitution :
> Being the 1st Ten Amendments To It [.]
> -yes-it-is-that-simple-to-understand-
> .

It says you don't have to quarter troops except when you do.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 3:26:57 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 12:20 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...

> So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
> that God said it's your right to own a Glock? What chapter and verse of
> the Bible says this? What tablet is it chiseled in to?

Since our Constitution follows Christianity, yes, on some level "God
spoke to them" -- most likely, from reading the bible.

Yes, God guarantees me the right to self preservation, to defend my
life, even at the cost of taking the life of one who would take or
greatly harm mine.

> If you mean "creators (small 'c') of the Constitution", please clearly
> state so. If you say just 'the Creator' (capital 'C') as you did, I will
> interpret this as your reference to God or Supreme Being and anxiously
> await your reference to this supposed God-given right.

The forefathers were in line with Christian beliefs, and acknowledge the
existence of God given and inalienable rights given to men by their Creator.

No need to attempt obfuscation ... it is too plainly and simply stated ...


D Peter Maus

Jan 14, 2011, 3:27:33 PM1/14/11

Wow. Now THAT's some sophistry.

My hat's off to you. Well, it would be, if I wore hats.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 3:29:48 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 12:20 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

God guarantees me the right to self preservation, without suffering sin.

The Constitution, by way of my God given, and inalienable rights,
guarantees me the right to do this with a gun.

Your confusion seems that of a child ...



Jan 14, 2011, 3:30:27 PM1/14/11
On 01/14/2011 12:20 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
> that God said it's your right to own a Glock? What chapter and verse of
> the Bible says this? What tablet is it chiseled in to?
> If you mean "creators (small 'c') of the Constitution", please clearly
> state so. If you say just 'the Creator' (capital 'C') as you did, I will
> interpret this as your reference to God or Supreme Being and anxiously
> await your reference to this supposed God-given right.

No "Creator" in the Constitution. It's in a rather oddly worded part of
the Declaration of Independence where Jefferson appears to become an
alien, referring to men as "they" (not "we"), and inventing the word
"unALIENable. Was this a cosmic message from an ancient astronaut?

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 3:31:10 PM1/14/11

Because Branch Dividian is a spinoff from the Adventist Church which is
Christian based?


Bert Hyman

Jan 14, 2011, 3:32:51 PM1/14/11
In news:igqb5m$tti$ Joe from Kokomo
<> wrote:

> In common usage, when the "Creator" is mentioned, it is commonly
> interpreted as referring to God.
> So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
> that God said it's your right to own a Glock?

Well, the Declaration of Independence clearly says:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness.

So, Thomas Jefferson got that idea from somewhere.

Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 3:32:48 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 12:27 PM, D Peter Maus wrote:

> ...

> Wow. Now THAT's some sophistry.
> My hat's off to you. Well, it would be, if I wore hats.

Yes. A tool of idiot-morons ... ROFLOL



Jan 14, 2011, 3:37:04 PM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 6:42 am, RHF <> wrote:
> On Jan 14, 5:35 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > On 01/14/2011 05:15 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> > > On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:
> > >> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> > >> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
> > > Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and his
> > > pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion dollar wars
> > > we were lied into.

> > They said Clinton was gonna take away all the guns too. I think fear is
> > big business. If people are ginning up fear and resentment just to make
> > money,
> - they need to be shot, burned and hung from the Brooklyn Bridge.
> Just Say NO To Violence 'Special-Dave'
> - Remove the profit motive from war and medicine.
> FYI : The US Military Is Already Nationalized :
> ? Should We Nationalize Doctors and Nurses Too !
> REALITY CHECK 'Special-Dave' :
> Before Sarah Palin and Before the Tea Party
>  .
> Who Stated Targeting : Putting the Gun-Sight and
> Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians ?
>  .
> Liberals Did : To "Target" Prez Bush !
> -that's- Liberal Political 'Hate' Speech !
>  .
> Democrats Did : To "Target" Prez Bush !
> -that's- Democrat Political Hate Speech !
>  .
> Progressives Did : To "Target" Prez Bush !
> -that's- Progressive Political Hate Speech !
>  .
> Next-Up : VP Dick Cheney being Targeted by
> Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
>  .
> Followed-By : Senator John McCain being Targeted
> by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
>  .
> Then-Comes : Sarah Palin being Targeted
> by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
>  .
> ?Q? Who Stated Targeting : Putting the Gun-Sight
> and Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians :
> Liberals, Democrats and Progressives Did : That's Who !
>  .
> Targeted-R-Us & Targets-R-Us
> please don't shoot ~ RHF
> { Give Political 'Peace' A Chance }
>  .
> ? Can We All Go Back To "Dunce Caps" !
> -wrt- Prez-A-Duntz & VP-A-Duntz
> Democr-A-Duntz & Repub-A-Duntz
> -or- . . . Just Clown-A-Round . . .
>  .
>  .

Democrats Inciting Violence Against Republicans
With Bullseye {Target} Map !

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 3:42:35 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 12:30 PM, dave wrote:

> ...

> No "Creator" in the Constitution. It's in a rather oddly worded part of
> the Declaration of Independence where Jefferson appears to become an
> alien, referring to men as "they" (not "we"), and inventing the word
> "unALIENable. Was this a cosmic message from an ancient astronaut?
> Hmmm......

There are, and always will be, individuals, and groups, who are confused
and suffer obfuscation when discussing the documents which are the
foundation basis of our government, composed of public servants who
serve the actual government -- THE PEOPLE.

The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of
Rights, all supporting each other, all dealing with the same subject and
must be taken as a whole to realize the true reality of government here
in the USA -- America.

Obfuscation, by slicing and dicing this foundation up is the work of
morons who wish to undermine and fool ignorant American citizens ...
transparent attacks to weaken Patriotism and replace real law with the
new world orders plans for a nation of slaves and servants ...



Jan 14, 2011, 6:32:14 PM1/14/11

They were fairly open minded if not down right skeptical regarding
religion. Jefferson was likely an atheist, Washington had little time
for church, Franklin (at the time) was completely ambivalent.

The Age of Reason doesn't quite mesh cleanly with dogma.


Jan 14, 2011, 6:36:24 PM1/14/11

Yes. I have some Adventist friends who are borderline psychotics. I knew
some Branch Davidians, having lived in Bryan at the time of the siege.
Children are irreligious. Can't make that sort of commitment until you
are old enough to give informed consent.


Jan 14, 2011, 6:38:42 PM1/14/11
I think he got a lot of that from John Locke and a Virginia Declaration
of Religious Freedom or something. The Declaration of Independence was a
cut and paste job. Has no force of law, you know. Way too hastily thrown
together. Way too honest.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 7:04:02 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 3:32 PM, dave wrote:

> ...

> They were fairly open minded if not down right skeptical regarding
> religion. Jefferson was likely an atheist, Washington had little time
> for church, Franklin (at the time) was completely ambivalent.
> The Age of Reason doesn't quite mesh cleanly with dogma.

I think you confuse "God and the Church" with popular religions!

God is God, of course ... however, a Church is whenever 3 or more people
are gathered in his name ...

I think most all, if not all, had a belief in God ... they just didn't
believe in popular religions ...


John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 7:10:49 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 3:38 PM, dave wrote:

>> ...

> I think he got a lot of that from John Locke and a Virginia Declaration
> of Religious Freedom or something. The Declaration of Independence was a
> cut and paste job. Has no force of law, you know. Way too hastily thrown
> together. Way too honest.

The Declaration of Independence notes the powers, rights and privileges
of citizens ... and, your Creator has endowed you will ALL of them.

The Constitution gives the citizens public servants, generally referred
to as "the government," very limited and specific powers -- in order
that a rational, sane, fair and just representation of the peoples
powers and will can be exercised for a stable society ... people govern,
public servants serve to exercise the majority of the peoples' will ...


John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 7:15:38 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 3:36 PM, dave wrote:

> ...

> Yes. I have some Adventist friends who are borderline psychotics. I knew
> some Branch Davidians, having lived in Bryan at the time of the siege.
> Children are irreligious. Can't make that sort of commitment until you
> are old enough to give informed consent.

Interesting observation of yours. Kinda' like noticing that most
institutionalized mental patients are atheists ...

Yes. Children do not have the tools or education to make sound
decisions. I had no belief in God, until I realize it would be
impossible for life to have leaped from mud puddles on its' own; And,
was able to study the complexity of the cells "computer code", and the
impossibility of such complex instructions to have "just happened!"

To believe that life is the product of Spontaneous Generation is a study
in denial, ignorance and delusion ... a leap of faith which fails me.


Lamont Cranston

Jan 14, 2011, 7:24:51 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 4:15 PM, John Smith wrote:
> On 1/14/2011 3:36 PM, dave wrote:
>> ...
>> Yes. I have some Adventist friends who are borderline psychotics. I knew
>> some Branch Davidians, having lived in Bryan at the time of the siege.
>> Children are irreligious. Can't make that sort of commitment until you
>> are old enough to give informed consent.
> Interesting observation of yours. Kinda' like noticing that most
> institutionalized mental patients are atheists ...

...while most non-institutionalized mental cases are God-squaders.

Lamont Cranston

Jan 14, 2011, 7:25:54 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 4:10 PM, John Smith wrote:
> On 1/14/2011 3:38 PM, dave wrote:
> >> ...
>> I think he got a lot of that from John Locke and a Virginia Declaration
>> of Religious Freedom or something. The Declaration of Independence was a
>> cut and paste job. Has no force of law, you know. Way too hastily thrown
>> together. Way too honest.
> The Declaration of Independence notes the powers, rights and privileges
> of citizens ... and, your Creator has endowed you will ALL of them.

My creator is evolution. Yours?

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 14, 2011, 7:53:05 PM1/14/11

> On 1/14/2011 12:20 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>>>> On 1/14/2011 12:01 PM, John Smith wrote:
>>>>> ... the Creator given right to keep and bear arms.
>> On 1/14/11 12:05 , Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>>>> And you know this how? Has God been talking to you? Hearing voices?
>> On 1/14/2011 1:38 PM, D. Peter Maus wrote:
>>> It's in the Constitution, Joe.
>> In common usage, when the "Creator" is mentioned, it is commonly
>> interpreted as referring to God.
>> So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
>> that God said it's your right to own a Glock? What chapter and verse of
>> the Bible says this? What tablet is it chiseled in to?
>> If the OP means "creators (small 'c') of the Constitution", he should
>> clearly state so. If he says just 'the Creator' (capital 'C') as he did,
>> I will interpret this as his reference to God or Supreme Being and
>> anxiously await his reference to this supposed God-given right.

On 1/14/2011 3:29 PM, John Smith wrote:

> God guarantees me the right to self preservation, without suffering sin.

I'm sorry, but to me this sounds like a rationalization to justify the
person you supposedly killed.

> The Constitution, by way of my God given, and inalienable rights,
> guarantees me the right to do this with a gun.
> Your confusion seems that of a child ...

And this is my third request for you to end my confusion...Book, chapter
and verse, please. Show me where God (the Creator) says he "guarantees

me the right to do this with a gun."

Or is this just *your* personal
interpretation/justification/rationalization? I seem to remember Jesus
being quoted as saying "Turn the other cheek", not shoot the bastard
dead. But hey, maybe I missed it. Book, chapter and verse, please.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 7:55:14 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 4:25 PM, Lamont Cranston wrote:

> ...

> My creator is evolution. Yours?

Well, since I pointed out, my mind cannot make the leap of faith
necessary to believe complex lifeforms can leap forth from mud puddles
complete with complex DNA/RNA coding, the complexity of which rivals the
most complex computer code written by mankind ... I see your "evolution"
as only an ability of living organisms to adapt to their surroundings --
as given them by there Creator.

So, naturally, all impossibilities removed, I believe there was a
superior being who created me, indeed, which created ALL life with
complex "codings/instructions" necessary to its'/their survival ...

Children believe in "magic" ... then they grow up and require more
compete explanations ... you may find you are in possession of such a mind.


John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 8:01:33 PM1/14/11

I am sorry you fail to realize that you have already been answered, that
you now wish to "argue on" so you can maintain your state of denial ...
but then, you are much more limited than most ... a defect I will be
unable to make up for ... you need more help than I can give you.


Joe from Kokomo

Jan 14, 2011, 8:02:38 PM1/14/11

On 1/14/2011 3:27 PM, D Peter Maus wrote:

> Wow. Now THAT's some sophistry.
> My hat's off to you. Well, it would be, if I wore hats.

sophistry: subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation

Nah, not sophistry, nothing deceptive; just calling out the OP on *his*
mis-use of the English language...or have him quote chapter and verse to
defend his original statement.

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 14, 2011, 8:02:52 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 3:26 PM, John Smith wrote:
> On 1/14/2011 12:20 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>> ...
>> So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
>> that God said it's your right to own a Glock? What chapter and verse of
>> the Bible says this? What tablet is it chiseled in to?
> Since our Constitution follows Christianity, yes, on some level "God
> spoke to them" -- most likely, from reading the bible.

Book, chapter and verse, please.

> Yes, God guarantees me the right to self preservation, to defend my

> life, even at the cost of taking the life of one who would take or
> greatly harm mine.

Book, chapter and verse, please.

>> If you mean "creators (small 'c') of the Constitution", please clearly

>> state so. If you say just 'the Creator' (capital 'C') as you did, I will
>> interpret this as your reference to God or Supreme Being and anxiously
>> await your reference to this supposed God-given right.
> The forefathers were in line with Christian beliefs, and acknowledge the
> existence of God given and inalienable rights given to men by their
> Creator.

Owning a Glock? Book, chapter and verse, please.

> No need to attempt obfuscation ... it is too plainly and simply stated ...

No obfuscation on my part, just waiting for you to quote Book, chapter
and verse, please, to support your original quote "...the Creator given

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 8:18:28 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 5:02 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...

> sophistry: subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
> Nah, not sophistry, nothing deceptive; just calling out the OP on *his*
> mis-use of the English language...or have him quote chapter and verse to
> defend his original statement.

You damn moronic fool. You sit before a computer with a search engine.
Get your own "chapter and verse" to defend your logic ... others will
respond ... no one is here to serve you and deliver up what you would
command ... damn idiot!


John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 8:19:52 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 5:02 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...

> No obfuscation on my part, just waiting for you to quote Book, chapter
> and verse, please, to support your original quote "...the Creator given
> right to keep and bear arms."

Get off your ignorant arse, plug it into a search engine ... you mother
is not here to serve you ... MORON!


John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 8:21:56 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 5:02 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...

> sophistry: subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
> Nah, not sophistry, nothing deceptive; just calling out the OP on *his*
> mis-use of the English language...or have him quote chapter and verse to
> defend his original statement.

Yanno'? Your teachers were paid to educate you without offending you
... I am not, MORON! ROFLOL


First Post

Jan 14, 2011, 8:35:11 PM1/14/11
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 20:02:52 -0500, Joe from Kokomo <>

>On 1/14/2011 3:26 PM, John Smith wrote:

Oh geez. Is John a product of the public school system?
If he is then look how far we have fallen.
By the time I was in 6th grade I had been taught about the
Constitution and The Declaration of Independance and the difference
between the two.
And that was in the late 1960s.
And now we see more and more that are not only ignorant as to what the
documents mean but apparently believe they are both part of the same
Boggles the mind yes?


Jan 14, 2011, 8:35:39 PM1/14/11

Most likely from Mars most recently.

John Smith

Jan 14, 2011, 8:45:32 PM1/14/11
On 1/14/2011 5:35 PM, First Post wrote:

> ...

> Oh geez. Is John a product of the public school system?
> If he is then look how far we have fallen.
> By the time I was in 6th grade I had been taught about the
> Constitution and The Declaration of Independance and the difference
> between the two.
> And that was in the late 1960s.
> And now we see more and more that are not only ignorant as to what the
> documents mean but apparently believe they are both part of the same
> document.
> Boggles the mind yes?

If they were "the same document" one would be a "chapter" of the other.

They ARE the same in that they establish the foundation of government in
this country, USA. The are THE SAME in the fact they ESTABLISH,
PROMOTE, DEFINE, etc. those powers God given to man, and those powers
which man, in the USA, will relinquish to government to have a stable,
fair and just society ... quit smoke salvia divinorum ... it will become
much clearer to you ... fool ... sad, so very, very sad ...

These documents ARE the foundation of America, that foundation is only
complete with ALL three ... and fools attempt to attack, or separate
them, to attack the rights, responsibilities, privileges and heritage of
Americans ...

I only hope the fools you attempt to pull your BS on are relatively few
... but, it scares me fools, such as yourself, are so easily blinded by
your insane babblings ...


D. Peter Maus

Jan 14, 2011, 10:09:10 PM1/14/11

Nice rationalization about the sophistry.


Jan 14, 2011, 10:43:00 PM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 8:15 am, Joe from Kokomo <> wrote:
> On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:
> > And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> > Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
> Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and his
> pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion dollar wars
> we were lied into.

Yes,we know this too well...

Jan 14, 2011, 10:46:43 PM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 11:00 am, wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 08:15:07 -0500, Joe from Kokomo <>

> wrote:
> >On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:
> >> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> >> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
> >Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and his
> >pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion dollar wars
> >we were lied into.
> Almost as bad----Selling arms to sworn enemies, funneling billions and
> arms to murdering dictators in Iraq and South America, running "the
> most criminal adminstration in history" (reagan), committing perjury
> in a GJ depositon (Reagan), and making billionaires out of
> millionaires.

a.k.a as St.Ronald.

Message has been deleted


Jan 14, 2011, 11:11:34 PM1/14/11

Common Words + Simple English = Universal Understanding© ~ RHF

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

In A Word "Unalienable" Rights [.]

=WRT= "Endowed By Their Creator"

yes it is that simple ~ RHF
Understanding the Three Steps to Each and Every
Americans 'Inalienable Rights' Personal Freedoms . . .
The US Bill of Rights -it's-part-of-the- US Constitution :
Being the 1st Ten Amendments To It [.]

Jan 14, 2011, 11:16:09 PM1/14/11
On Jan 14, 10:59 pm, China Blue Max <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> Are you blaspheming the Lord your Reagan?
> --
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.           I'm whoever you want me to be.
> Silver silverware - Where is the love?       At least I can stay in character.
> Oval swimming pool - Where is the love?    Annoying Usenet one post at a time.
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.                     Mata Hari loves you.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

' HE ' will forgive me, I'm positive...

John Smith

Jan 15, 2011, 12:35:09 AM1/15/11
On 1/14/2011 7:59 PM, China Blue Max wrote:

> ...

> Are you blaspheming the Lord your Reagan?

Oh my gawd!

Ronnie raygun was the best puppet of the puppet masters yet!

Brain dead, trained in acting before going brain dead, and having a
massive case of alzheimers, he was "ONE OF A KIND!"

But, a joke to real Americans and Patriots ...


John Smith

Jan 15, 2011, 12:36:22 AM1/15/11

Bill "get a blow job from your intern" Clinton ... you mean that snake
in the grass?



Jan 15, 2011, 6:20:20 AM1/15/11
On Jan 14, 5:40 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

- - On 01/14/2011 05:15 PM, wrote:
- - In that case, if you have any money that says,
- - In God We Trust, if you want to get rid of it,
- - you can send it to me.
- - cuhulin, I'm no really here

- Courts have ruled that slogan
- has no religious meaning.
- No meaning except to stick it to Uncle Joe Stalin.

'Special-Dave' : D'Oh ! just a "slogan"
Yet another Liberal Lie {Half-Truth}
It the National "Motto" of the USA -not- simply a 'slogan'
Establish Officially as the US National "Motto" in 1956.
'Special-Dave' : D'Oh ! "no religious meaning"
Yet another Democrat Distortion {Half-Truth}
The Courts Rules that It Does NOT Establish a 'Religion'
[The Establishment of a 'State Religion' by the USA]
* You Do Not Have To Read Those Words : Only
Recognized the Shape, Size and Color of the
Coin or Bill and simply Read the Arabic Number
along with English Word for that Number to
know the Denomination and Value of the Money.
* You Are Not Required to 'Say' {Read the Words}
Out-Loud when Surrendering the Coins and Bills
in any Financial Transaction.
* The US Federal Government Does Not TAX You
To Support an "In God We Trust" Church which
would clearly be : The Establishment of Religion.
'Special-Dave' : "IN 'GOD' WE TRUST" !
Has Religious Meaning For Those Who Have Faith
-and- means nothing to those who don't.
'Special-Dave' : "IN 'GOD' WE TRUST" !
Don't Not Establish Religion
-but- Does Encourage Faith in Believers
-while- it means nothing to non-believers.
'Special-Dave' : "IN 'GOD' WE TRUST" !
It 'Is' -what- IT "IS" : The US National 'Motto' [.]
'Special-Dave' : D'Oh ! "Uncle Joe Stalin"
So Much More Progressive Propaganda {Half-Truth}
It has been in-use- since around the 1860s.
Were we Fighting Communism in the 1860s ?
Codified-in-the-Law at various times and in
various way ever since then; long before Uncle
Joe came around.
1st - Communism is Gone : We Don't Need
"In God We Trust" anymore...
=Truth= Americans Had and Needed Their
Personal 'Faith' : Before Communism; During
Communism; and and even now After Communism.
2nd - Stalin/Hitler/Mao/Ho/Pol-Pot Are All Dead :
We Don't Need "In God We Trust" anymore...
=Truth= Americans Had and Needed Their
Personal 'Faith' Before Communism Tyrants;
During the Communism Tyranny; and and even now
there are Tyrants of all ISM's throughout the World.
'Special-Dave' : Don't Diminish and Denigrate
'Special-Dave' : Don't Attack Religion; Religious
Freedom; and Persons-of-Faith {Believers}
'Special-Dave' : Don't Attack The US Constitutional
Individual 'Unalienable' Rights of those who Choose
to Believe and Be Persons-of-Faith {Believers}
Just As 'Special-Dave' You May Choose to Believe
As You Believe {not-believe}
-aka- "Anti-Faither" : Agnostic Atheist etc...
"BELIEVERS" : Let Their Individual Personal Religious
Freedom Be Their Right -and- Your Individual Personal
Anti-Religious Freedom Right Be Yours.
Just Say NO To The Tyranny of The Anti-Faithers
Try To Impose {Force} Non-Faith Upon All Others.
'Special-Dave' : I will Say "In God 'You' Trust" & Amen
for you as a luck-money prayer -for- "In God 'I' Trust".
for i choose to have 'faith' and i 'believe' - amen ~ RHF


Jan 15, 2011, 7:05:30 AM1/15/11
On Jan 14, 6:42 am, RHF <> wrote:

>  .
> Followed-By : Senator John McCain being Targeted
> by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
>  .
> Then-Comes : Sarah Palin being Targeted
> by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
>  .
> ?Q? Who Stated Targeting : Putting the Gun-Sight
> and Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians :
> Liberals, Democrats and Progressives Did : That's Who !
>  .
> Targeted-R-Us & Targets-R-Us
> please don't shoot ~ RHF
> { Give Political 'Peace' A Chance }
>  .
> ? Can We All Go Back To "Dunce Caps" !
> -wrt- Prez-A-Duntz & VP-A-Duntz
> Democr-A-Duntz & Repub-A-Duntz
> -or- . . . Just Clown-A-Round . . .
>  .
>  .

REALITY CHECK 'Special-Dave' :
Before Sarah Palin and Before the Tea Party
Who Stated Targeting : Putting the Gun-Sight and
Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians ?
Liberals Did It To "Target" Vice-Prez Cheney !
-that's- Liberal Political 'Hate' Speech !
Democrats Did It To "Target" Vice-Prez Cheney !
-that's- Democrat Political Hate Speech !
Progressives Did It To "Target" Vice-Prez Cheney !
-that's- Progressive Political Hate Speech !
? Can We All Go Back To "Dunce Caps" !
-wrt- Prez-A-Duntz & VP-A-Duntz
Democr-A-Duntz & Repub-A-Duntz
-or- . . . Just Clown-A-Round . . .
-note- Vice-Prez Cheney is portrayed
as an evil blood tainted demonic clown.
Targeted-R-Us : Who Stated Putting the Gun-Sight
and Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians ?
Democrats Inciting Violence Against Republicans
With Bullseye {Target} Map !
Next-Up : Senator John McCain being Targeted
by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
Followed-By : Sarah Palin being Targeted
by Liberals, Democrats and Progressives
?Q? Who Stated Targeting : Putting the Gun-Sight
and Bulls-Eye on Our Elected Leaders Politicians :
Liberals, Democrats and Progressives Did : That's Who !
Targeted-R-Us & Targets-R-Us
please don't shoot ~ RHF
{ Give Political 'Peace' A Chance }


Jan 15, 2011, 9:18:08 AM1/15/11
It should be "Don't tread on me, mofo"

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 15, 2011, 9:53:22 AM1/15/11

> On 1/14/2011 5:02 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>> ...
>> No obfuscation on my part, just waiting for you to quote Book, chapter
>> and verse, please, to support your original quote "...the Creator given
>> right to keep and bear arms."

On 1/14/2011 8:19 PM, John Smith wrote:

> Get off your ignorant arse, plug it into a search engine ... you mother
> is not here to serve you ... MORON!
> Regards,
> JS


Nice tap dancing, Sparky, but no cigar.

*YOU* made the statement and it is up to *YOU* to defend/support/prove
*YOUR* statement, not others. For all your blather, you sure are
abandoning *YOUR* responsibility to prove *YOUR* statement.

P.S. Too bad you had to resort to rudeness and name calling...looks like
according to netiquette that means you lost the argument (and a de facto
admission that you cannot defend *YOUR* statement).

However, thanks for showing us the fraud that you are. After three
requests to have -you- defend -your- statement and getting nothing but
smoke in return, let me respectfully bow out of this thread.

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 15, 2011, 9:54:04 AM1/15/11

On 1/14/2011 11:11 PM, RHF wrote:

> "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
> equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
> Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
> Happiness."
> In A Word "Unalienable" Rights [.]


Don't you pay attention, Roy?

1) The "creators of the the Constitution" is not the same as "THE
Creator". There is a (big) distinction between the two. And the OP DID
say the "CREATOR".

2) Some here are contending that the "creators of the Constitution" got
this input from the Creator via the Bible.

Please quote Book, chapter and verse. Not a complicated request.

Joe from Kokomo

Jan 15, 2011, 9:54:41 AM1/15/11

> On 1/14/2011 5:02 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
>> ...
>> sophistry: subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
>> Nah, not sophistry, nothing deceptive; just calling out the OP on *his*
>> mis-use of the English language...or have him quote chapter and verse to
>> defend his original statement.

On 1/14/2011 8:18 PM, John Smith wrote:

> You damn moronic fool. You sit before a computer with a search engine.
> Get your own "chapter and verse" to defend your logic ... others will
> respond ... no one is here to serve you and deliver up what you would
> command ... damn idiot!
> Regards,
> JS


Joe from Kokomo

Jan 15, 2011, 9:57:35 AM1/15/11

> On 1/14/2011 7:43 PM, wrote:
>> On Jan 14, 8:15 am, Joe from Kokomo<> wrote:
>>> On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:
>>>> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
>>>> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
>>> Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and his
>>> pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion dollar wars
>>> we were lied into.
>> Yes,we know this too well...

On 1/15/2011 12:36 AM, John Smith wrote:

> Bill "get a blow job from your intern" Clinton ... you mean that snake
> in the grass?
> Regards,
> JS

What IS your point?

Yes, Billy Boy got his blow job. So what? Are you implying that him
getting a blow job is worse than starting two Trillion dollar wars that
cost 4000+ American lives and thousands of American mutilations?

Finally, if you think Clinton getting a blow job makes him a "snake in
the grass", fair enough, but then what does that make George W. Bush for
*LYING* us into two bogus wars?

What a strange set of values you have.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

John Smith

Jan 15, 2011, 12:23:34 PM1/15/11
On 1/15/2011 6:54 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...

> Sigh...
> Don't you pay attention, Roy?
> 1) The "creators of the the Constitution" is not the same as "THE
> Creator". There is a (big) distinction between the two. And the OP DID
> say the "CREATOR".

I simply don't think most will find it that complicated nor have the
difficulty you have ... I believe I capitalized Creator ...

> 2) Some here are contending that the "creators of the Constitution" got
> this input from the Creator via the Bible.
> Fine.
> Please quote Book, chapter and verse. Not a complicated request.

Well, they could have gotten directly from God, as you seem to propose
... however, I favor the bible ... in the times we speak of, a good
education encompassed learning the bible ...

However, unless someone is familiar with some personal writing by the
forefather(s) the exact source where they got their information to place
". . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights . . ."
in The Declaration of Independence.

The hair you spilt is simply to thin to attack it with a knife ...


John Smith

Jan 15, 2011, 12:24:58 PM1/15/11
On 1/15/2011 6:54 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

> ...

> Huh???
> Nice tap dancing, Sparky, but no cigar.
> *YOU* made the statement and it is up to *YOU* to defend/support/prove
> *YOUR* statement, not others. For all your blather, you sure are
> abandoning *YOUR* responsibility to prove *YOUR* statement.
> P.S. Too bad you had to resort to rudeness and name calling...looks like
> according to netiquette that means you lost the argument (and a de facto
> admission that you cannot defend *YOUR* statement).
> However, thanks for showing us the fraud that you are. After three
> requests to have -you- defend -your- statement and getting nothing but
> smoke in return, let me respectfully bow out of this thread.

I cannot take credit for you being as dense as a rock or the fact you
actually take pride in being a moron ...


John Smith

Jan 15, 2011, 12:31:46 PM1/15/11
On 1/15/2011 6:54 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:

>> ...

Look, I know you are offended. But dude, you ARE a moron. You are just
focused on "the name calling", I am just focused on the fact it is true
... I know you don't want to admit it, I know you are in denial ... but,
the truth is the truth.



Jan 15, 2011, 9:41:52 PM1/15/11
On Jan 15, 6:18 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
-note- Subject was
-from- "In God 'We' Trust" Is The United States National 'Motto' -
-change-to- No "Motto" in the US Constitution
-back-to- "In God 'We' Trust" Is The United States National 'Motto' -
'Special-Dave' : I Did Not Make That Claim.
-fyi- It is not in the US Declaration of Independence
-or- US Bill of Rights -e-i-t-h-e-r-

"In God We Trust" became the US 'Motto'
By an Act of the US Congress and Signed
in to US Law by the US President
-and- The US Congress is in the US Constitution [.]
-as-is- The US President
- It should be "Don't tread on me, mofo"

For those would do not wish to
-see- "In God We Trust"
-read- "In God We Trust"
-think- "In God We Trust"
-say-the-words- "In God We Trust"
-have-faith-in- "In God We Trust" {as 'i' do}
Let Their Personal 'Motto' Be What It Will Be

My I suggest a Persona 'Motto' for you
'Special-Dave' : "Don't Step In It !"

-so- 'Special-Dave' let "Don't Step In It !" be your Motto
-and- Considering your many Posts here
"Don't Step In It !" is real good advice ;;-}}
-ps- 'Special-Dave' you can "mofo" "mofo" "mofo"
on that many times over...
-remember- "In God 'We' Trust" Is The
United States National 'Motto' - Amen ~ RHF


Jan 15, 2011, 10:18:30 PM1/15/11

JfK So Much Word Weaseling

Common Words + Simple English = Universal Understanding© ~ RHF

"The Founding Fathers" are Not 'the creators'
"The Founding Fathers" are the 'Drafters' and the 'Signers'.
They Never Claimed Any 'Deity' -but- Deferred to "Deity"

?Q? How Did "The Founding Fathers" Deferred to "Deity" ?

Here Is How : "The Founding Fathers" did refer/defer to Deity :

# 1 - "Created Equal" {All Men Are Created Equal}

in the US Declaration of Independence
Note : The Words are NOT 'All Men Are Equal'
-but- "All Men Are CREATED Equal"
-recognizing- A "Creator" 'Deity' above and beyond men.

# 2 - "Their Creator" {That 'They' Are Endowed By "Their Creator"}

in the US Declaration of Independence
Note : The Words are 'They' {All Men}
-and- "Their Creator" {Deity}
+plus+ "Endowed By" {Given}

YES : It Is That Simple ~ RHF

* * * O N C E * * * A G A I N * * *

"Unalienable Rights" -wrt- Endowed-By-Their-Creator = American

Common Words + Simple English = Universal Understanding© ~ RHF

"We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, [CREATE EQUAL]
that They [ALL MEN]
are Endowed By [GIVEN]
their Creator [THEIR CREATOR]
with certain unalienable Rights, [UNALIENABLE RIGHTS]
that among these are Life, [LIFE the Natural Ability of Living]
Liberty [LIBERTY the Natural Opportunity to be Free]
and the pursuit of Happiness." [Potential for HAPPINESS]

In A Word "Unalienable" Rights [.]

=WRT= "Endowed By Their Creator"


Jan 16, 2011, 5:06:46 AM1/16/11
On Jan 14, 12:32 pm, Bert Hyman <> wrote:
> Innews:igqb5m$tti$1...@news.eternal-september.orgJoe from Kokomo

> <> wrote:
> > In common usage, when the "Creator" is mentioned, it is commonly
> > interpreted as referring to God.
- - So are you saying God was talking to the framers
- - of the Constitution and that God said it's your right
- - to own a Glock?

? Will a Glock give you Life !
? Will a Glock give you Liberty !
? Will a Glock give you Happiness !

- Well, the Declaration of Independence clearly says:
- We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
- created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
- certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
- and the pursuit of Happiness.
- So, Thomas Jefferson got that idea from somewhere.
- --
- Bert Hyman      St. Paul, MN

Thomas Jefferson got the Words and Idea from
a Chinese Fortune Cookie with a piece of paper
{Fortune} inside.

On that piece of paper {Fortune} : Written in Chinese
was the Words :

We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness.

Strangely . . . Thomas Jefferson wrote the Words
down in English . . .

Even Stranger -because- There is NO Record of
Thomas Jefferson being able to read/speak Chinese.

and now you know the rest of the story ;;-}} ~ RHF


Jan 16, 2011, 6:03:30 AM1/16/11
On Jan 14, 12:30 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

> On 01/14/2011 12:20 PM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> > So are you saying God was talking to the framers of the Constitution and
> > that God said it's your right to own a Glock? What chapter and verse of
> > the Bible says this? What tablet is it chiseled in to?
> > If you mean "creators (small 'c') of the Constitution", please clearly
> > state so. If you say just 'the Creator' (capital 'C') as you did, I will
> > interpret this as your reference to God or Supreme Being and anxiously
> > await your reference to this supposed God-given right.

- No "Creator" in the Constitution.

'Special-Dave' clearly you will never find one.
-while- The Hand of "Their Creator" Is There To See :
For All Those Who Have Faith and Believe. - Amen ~ RHF

'Divine Providence' -is- "Divine Providence"
The Hand of God Working Here On Earth Through Men
* US Declaration of Independence = An Act of Divine Providence
* US Constitution = An Act of Divine Providence
* US Bill of Rights = An Act of Divine Providence
-and- I Say "Amen" To Them All ~ RHF

Understanding the Three Steps to Each and Every
Americans 'Inalienable Rights' Personal Freedoms . . .

1st the US Declaration of Independence Anno Domini 1776
2nd the US Constitution Anno Domini 1788
3rd the US Bill of Rights Anno Domini 1791
All Acts of Divine Providence for/to All Those
Who Have Faith and Believe - Amen ~ RHF

The US Bill of Rights -it's-part-of-the- US Constitution :
Being the 1st Ten Amendments To It [.]

- It's in a rather oddly worded part of the Declaration
- of Independence where Jefferson appears to become
- an alien,

'Special-Dave' your oddly worded ideas are real 'alien'.

- referring to men as "they" (not "we"),

'Special-Dave' "They" -means- 'All Men' {All Persons}
referring back to 'All Men'
-while- "We" is limited to you and me.
{The Collective "US'} "We" would be limited
to the Drafters and Signers -not- "All Men".
-read- Endowed-By-Their-Creator

"We the People" is a limited statement : Referring to
All the Peoples of the United States of America.
-while- "All Men" and 'They' are Universal and extend
to All the Peoples of the World
THUS : The US Declaration of Independence
Gave "All Men" throughout the World the Right to
Declaration Their Independence and Seek-out and
Secure a Free Life {Life with Freedoms} for Themselves.

- and inventing the word "unALIENable.

Unalienable Rights = Inalienable Rights = Natural Rights
The Idea {Concept} was conceived, evolved and developed
long before Jefferson.

- Was this a cosmic message from an ancient astronaut?
- Hmmm......

'Special-Dave' clearly it was NOT
a 'cosmic message' from you.

"Unalienable Rights" -wrt- Endowed-By-Their-Creator = American
In Conclusion : 'Special-Dave' keep your day job
of Smoking Medical Marijuana : Your attempt at
Historical Comedy Ain't Going To Pay The Bills [.]


m II

Jan 16, 2011, 12:31:46 PM1/16/11
On 11-01-16 04:03 AM, RHF wrote:

> 'Special-Dave' clearly you will never find one.
> -while- The Hand of "Their Creator" Is There To See :
> For All Those Who Have Faith and Believe. - Amen ~ RHF
> 'Divine Providence' -is- "Divine Providence"
> The Hand of God Working Here On Earth Through Men
> * US Declaration of Independence = An Act of Divine Providence
> * US Constitution = An Act of Divine Providence
> * US Bill of Rights = An Act of Divine Providence
> -and- I Say "Amen" To Them All ~ RHF

Gott mit uns!

For God has many hands doing His work and to each Nation He gives their
tasks, for the greater good and glory of the Almighty. Praised be the



Jan 16, 2011, 5:44:12 PM1/16/11
On Jan 16, 9:31 am, m II <C...@in.the.hat> wrote:
> On 11-01-16 04:03 AM, RHF wrote:
> > 'Special-Dave' clearly you will never find one.
> > -while- The Hand of "Their Creator" Is There To See :
> > For All Those Who Have Faith and Believe. - Amen ~ RHF
> > 'Divine Providence' -is- "Divine Providence"
> > The Hand of God Working Here On Earth Through Men
> >
> > * US Declaration of Independence = An Act of Divine Providence
> >
> > * US Constitution = An Act of Divine Providence
> >
> > * US Bill of Rights = An Act of Divine Providence
> >
> > -and- I Say "Amen" To Them All ~ RHF
> Gott mit uns!
> http://www.germanhelmet.moc/images/4092A.jpg

- For God has many hands doing His work
- and to each Nation He gives their tasks,
- for the greater good and glory of the Almighty.
- Praised be the Creator.
- mike

Once Again The Voice-of-Canada Speaks of . . .
{Making Us : Sick-R-Us}
Eternal Fraternal Love and Peace to Our Canadian
Cousins from All Your American Cousins ~ RHF
God {Allah} Bless Canada and All Canadians - Amen ~ RHF
? The US Declaration of Independence
= An Act of Divine Providence !
God {Allah} Bless the USA and All Americans - Amen ~ RHF

Drooling Idiot

Jan 16, 2011, 7:47:59 PM1/16/11
RHF <> wrote:
> On Jan 14, 5:35=A0am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:

> > On 01/14/2011 05:15 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> >
> > > On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:
> >
> > >> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> > >> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
> >
> > > Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and
> > > his pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion
> > > dollar wars we were lied into.
> >
> > They said Clinton was gonna take away all the guns too. I think fear is
> > big business. If people are ginning up fear and resentment just to make
> > money,
> - they need to be shot, burned and hung from the Brooklyn Bridge.
> Just Say NO To Violence 'Special-Dave'
> - Remove the profit motive from war and medicine.
> FYI : The US Military Is Already Nationalized :
> ? Should We Nationalize Doctors and Nurses Too !

I got news for you, dumb-ass, the US had more "private contractors" in Iraq
than it had soldiers.

Jan 16, 2011, 11:37:20 PM1/16/11
On Jan 16, 7:47 pm, (Drooling Idiot) wrote:
> than it had soldiers.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

^ That is not news . We all have known this for years . . .


Jan 17, 2011, 2:42:42 AM1/17/11
On Jan 16, 8:37 pm, wrote:
> On Jan 16, 7:47 pm, (Drooling Idiot) wrote:
> > RHF <> wrote:
> > > On Jan 14, 5:35=A0am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> > > > On 01/14/2011 05:15 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
> > > > > On 1/14/2011 12:39 AM, wrote:
> > > > >> And some people think back of Bill's presidency as 'Great Times' ...
> > > > >> Clinton and his pal Al Gore .
> > > > > Certainly not "great"...but a hell of a lot better times than W and
> > > > > his pals Cheney, Rumpot, Wolfowitz, Perle and two fake Trillion
> > > > > dollar wars we were lied into.
> > > > They said Clinton was gonna take away all the guns too. I think fear is
> > > > big business. If people are ginning up fear and resentment just to make
> > > > money,
> > > - they need to be shot, burned and hung from the Brooklyn Bridge.
> > > Just Say NO To Violence 'Special-Dave'
> > > - Remove the profit motive from war and medicine.

- - - FYI : The US Military Is Already Nationalized :
- - - ? Should We Nationalize Doctors and Nurses Too !

"Drooling Idiot" -wrote-
- - I got news for you, dumb-ass, the US had more
- - "private contractors" in Iraq than it had soldiers.

That's just a simple half-truth : Are all these so-called
"Private Contractors" actual Combat Soldiers ?
[ Functioning Military Combat Units ]
-or- Just mostly 'non-combat' Support Personal.
The Failure to have adequate Combat Soldier Staffing
is the US Congresses Voting to have Two Wars in
to different geographically dispersed Countries
[Two Wars : Two Theaters of War : Two Fronts]
and NOT Up-Staffing the US Army, Marines, Navy
and Air Force by 250K~375K Troops needed for the
DOD to Fight the War without relying on the Reserves
and the National Guard. PLU$ 100K+ Contractor$
-also- Factor-In the "Global War on Terrorism" :
That's another +50K More US Troops : Just to Do
that separate Military Intelligence, Training and
Combat Mission.
Oops : We have now since 11 Sept 2001 Attacks :
* Started the Iraq War
* Started the Afghan War
* Started the Global War on Terrorism
NOTE : Without a Major Long-Term [5~10 Years]
Build-Up* of the existing US Military Troop Strength :
That is proportional to these Military Objectives.
* Two to Four US Military Active Duty Enlistment Cycles
- That is not news .
- We all have known this for years . . .

The so-called Cold War "Peace Dividend"
BRAC : 1989, 1991, 1993, and 1995.
All resulted in the Down-Sizing of the US Military
Be There : Done That ! -Exited-26-Sept-1997- ~ RHF

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