> > But his puff-piece in <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Seals>
> > says he's in _Genocide of the Mind: New Native American Writing_,
> > and of course his _The Powwow Highway_ was flacked as his being
> > a Native American (Huron) author... so if he's not enrolled, that
> > means by Betsy Ashby Guardian's definition he's "FAUX", right?
> > And *** he's actually _made_a_LOT_OF_MONEY_at_it_ too ***, Betsy!
> > < ... crickets ... gently chirping ... in the tall grass ... >
> <http://www.ipl.org/div/natam/bin/browse.pl/A461>
> |
> | Native American Authors Project
> | David Seals , 1947-
> | Huron
> | Davydd ap Saille (the spelling used by the author)
> | is a talented Huron novelist, publisher (Sky and Sage
> | Books), freelance journalist, playwright, and documentary
> | video producer. He currently resides in South Dakota.
> Yet he's consistently evasive about being *enrolled*. Hmmmmm.
> It's a *pity* there are no *real* Faux Indian hunters here!
But, hey, wait a minute, *this* says he's *Cheyenne* !!! -->
| The Peace Pipe in Powwow Highway
| "Based on the 1979 novel by David Seals, a member
| of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the
| Cheyenne Nation,...."
The Amazing, Changing, Elusive, Evasive David Seals!
He's Irish! ("O'Brien") He's Welsh! ("Davydd ap Saille")
He's Huron! He's Cheyenne! No, he's, uh, Hurocheyenne!
But... is he enrolled? ("Are *you*?", he coyly retorts.)
Wow, he had no trouble stating LOUD and CLEAR that he was
Indian back in the 1970s and 1980s, and making *lots* of
money out of being a Big Name Native American Author then!
Then the decade rolled over, and suddenly all he was
*explicitly* saying about himself any more was that
he's an "American Poet" (see his Wikipedia entry) --
he's still in books of Native American authors, but he
avoids making the explicit claim, and evades a yes/no
answer to direct questions. Why do you suppose that is?
The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 made it a federal
crime to sell any form of art or craft as "made by an
Indian" unless the person who made it was indeed an
enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe/nation.
Which David Seals isn't. And recall Betsy Ashby saying:
"Real Indians have Treaties with the US government ...
Faux Indians don't. It is just that simple!"
-- <http://www.pagan.com/FauxIndians/>
Dave Seals spits at *real* Indians like Joe Medicine Crow:
What he did in Anna Mae Aquash's case, her daughter rebuked:
He's a serial liar: <http://tinyurl.com/daveseals-disinfo>.
And he still *implies* that he's a Real Indian™, authorized
to Speak On Indian Issues, Which YOU Are Not; but watch him
dodge and dance away when pressed on his actual credentials.
Fake. Phony. Going all the way back to his first books as a
"Native American Author" (before that lie became a *crime*).
David "O'Brien" Seals has been a liar for *decades*. Believe
*anything* he says at your peril. Heck, his family biography
is about alien abductions *from* Roswell, try and top *that*!
Liar, conspiracy theorist, and serious nutcase: David Seals.
That is simply your opinion fizzle. Means nothing. Two Elk isn't
enrolled either. Are you going to report him to nafps? David's books
"Powwow Highways" and "Sweet Medicine" and the movie based on "Powwow
Highways" are liked by REAL INDIANS. Richard Two Elk isn't an enrolled
Indian in a federally recognized Tribe. Yet he sells arts and crafts
on his site. He takes money from public schools as an expert on Lakota
culture. Is that illegal according to the arts and crafts act? He
COULD be prosecuted for that. He misleads anyone who listens to him or
reads him. His interview with NAJA, his posts, his forward for
trimbach's book, are all misleading. His story of tying a white man to
a cross and beating him for 1 to six hours is full of contradictions.
In one account he beat that man for 1 hour. In his forward for
trimbach he beat him for 6 hours. In one account he left that man tied
to a cross for the marshalls to retrieve. In another account he turned
that man over to security. In another account he took him to the
clinic. By his own admission that man died. He accuses AIM of burying
that man in Wounded Knee. Yet no bodies have been found within the
occupation perimeter. FBI and two elves lies. Is Richard Two Elk a
faux Indian by your standards? Take it to nafps! By his own admission
he has murdered a man during the occupation of Wounded Knee. Why
didn't the fbi arrest HIM for murder? Why aren't you demanding just us
for your fellow white man?
> Why aren't you demanding just us
> for your fellow white man?
Oh look. Suddenly monica has a LOT to say about an issue she said was
"none of her concern." I guess it was none of her business only as
long as the targets of betsy ashby's faux faux-Indian hunts were women
she didn't like.
Why didn't you demand justice for Wolfie? Why did you lie and tell
betsy that Donna and I were claiming to be Indians? You fed her names
like an informant and then shrugged and said you are not involved,
it's none of your concern.
Your words mean nothing, because you have proven over and over again
that you are willing to lie through your teeth whenever it suits your
agenda. You flip and flop like a landed fish, giving off the stench
of hypocrisy.
So what? Wolfie is liked by REAL INDIANS. That meant nothing to
you. You did not point that out to betsy ashby when Wolfie was being
hounded. Is the issue who has an enrollment card, or who is "popular"
with real Indians? See if you can pick a position and stay with it,
whether it relates to someone you don't like, or someone you do.
> Richard Two Elk isn't an enrolled
> Indian in a federally recognized Tribe. Yet he sells arts and crafts
> on his site. He takes money from public schools as an expert on Lakota
> culture. Is that illegal according to the arts and crafts act? He
> COULD be prosecuted for that.
Then why did you tell betsy ashby that "he is one of ours." ?? You
vouched for him, monica. Does your word mean anything, or not?
I like David and I trust my relatives and friends that vouch for him.
That's INDIAN princess.
Calm down. You're about to faint. ROTFLMAO!
> Calm down. You're about to faint. ROTFLMAO!
Monica laughs whenever she's caught lying. She laughs a lot here.
That's because honesty and her word of honor mean nothing to her.
They never did. How could they have? Look back at 1975-1976.
If she'd been an honest person, events would have been different.
and I trust my relatives and friends that vouch for him.
But they did not vouch that he is enrolled, did they? That's all
betsy cares about. If he's not enrolled, and therefore does not have
treaties with the US, then in betsy's book he's faux. Did you not
understand that when she explained her mission?
> That's INDIAN princess.
There no such thing as Indian princess. You confused. ;-p
> Calm down. You're about to faint. ROTFLMAO!
Why in the world would you think that? I might be about to faint from
the heat and humidity here from time to time, but I can't imagine ever
getting upset enough over *you* to swoon. Get over yourself.
You sure are doing a lot of ROTFLMAOing lately. Have you been into
the loco weed?
All of you white people are so funny. Didn't you read fizzle fizzling
on nafps? Even at debbie moran's invitation he got put in his place.
Of course whites wouldn't accept that from an Indian. The invader is
so invasive. They told him to leave but he won't. He's so stupid that
he doesn't even realize that they told him to his face that he isn't
wanted, they told him that he didn't present any evidence against me
or betsy. They don't like her but they wouldn't buy his sack of lies.
It's hilarious. Is this how I was supposed to be collatteral damage or
was this your whole plan princess? Debbie Moran thinks there are
Indian princesses. She tried to set herself up as one. She just
offended all the Elders. I told her not to do it, but she thought if
it was in print then she would be a real princess. The Suquamish Tribe
make fun of her. They call her S'Klallam royalty. That's
embarrassing....for her.
> They told him to leave but he won't.
One has to wonder how Monica imagines this works.
The organization, the website, NAFPS, told me to leave?
(Where? Link, please?) And I refused? And... then what?
Surely they just cancelled my logon and wiped my posts,
right? Right? Or, no, *I* wrestled them to the ground?
How is it *one* side is "he", and the *other* side is
supposed to represent the entire remaining 999+ members?
Who polled the lurkers?
In case you didn't notice, I am not on NAFPS. I did not attempt to
join and have no interest in doing so. So no, I did not read anything
there, and I did not have a "plan." We don't have midnight meetings
at the Pentagon and stick pins in war maps. I wish you could just get
this one thing through your head. We are not all FBI agents or
satanists or Jehova's Witnesses or any other group conspiring against
you for some nefarious purpose. We are all individuals, from
different places, who knew nothing of each other until a few months
ago. We simply share a dislike of you and betsy and your methods.
Why is that so far beyond the realm of possibility in your mind? Is
everyone who agrees with you part of some conspiracy, with a Top
Secret Plan, so you assume that's true for everyone?
> Debbie Moran thinks there are
> Indian princesses. She tried to set herself up as one. She just
> offended all the Elders. I told her not to do it, but she thought if
> it was in print then she would be a real princess. The Suquamish Tribe
> make fun of her. They call her S'Klallam royalty. That's
> embarrassing....for her.
I have no idea whether that's true or not. Since I know from
experience that you don't always tell the truth, and since she does
not post here and can't give her side of it, it's a non-issue to me.
> We don't have midnight meetings at the Pentagon and stick pins
> in war maps. I wish you could just get this one thing through
> your head. We are not all FBI agents or satanists or Jehovah's
> Witnesses or any other group conspiring against you for some
> nefarious purpose.
If you're not showing up tonight, can I have your pizza slices?
She has an account here. I don't lie. I'm not white.
Do they serve pizza at the temple of isis or set? ROTFLMAO!
> I don't lie.
Since numerous examples of your lies have been posted by you on alt.native,
(and in letters you allegedly initiated to tribal council chairpersons),
you're lying now. Your skin-tone having nothing to do with the fact that
you fabricate lies other than you using 'race' as a weapon to hide your own
bigotry behind. There is no assumption that monica's penchant for lying is
representative of NAs or her tribe/band.
*cricket chirping in the silence of monica's evading this question*
>You fed her [bettie] names
>like an informant and then shrugged and said you are not involved,
>it's none of your concern.
That was a cheap and weak trick to play on bettie, alright.
>Your [monica's] words mean nothing, because you have proven over and over
>that you are willing to lie through your teeth whenever it suits your
>agenda. You flip and flop like a landed fish, giving off the stench
>of hypocrisy.
Indeed, monica's lies and fabrications negate her words. Even her own
tribal councilmembers will not support monica's hypocrisy after she lied to
them. Maybe even before she lied to them. Either way, monica's
reprehensible opinions remain her own to weakly clutch to herself and are
notgeerally representative, (unless someone, other than monica, in a
position to authorize monica to speak for them indicates otherwise).
LOL! You are a gnat. Did you really expect response? You are not that
important. Deal with it white boy.
- [this space available since monica isn't using it to defend her lies]-
> >You fed her [bettie] names
> >like an informant and then shrugged and said you are not involved,
> >it's none of your concern.
> That was a cheap and weak trick to play on bettie, alright.
> >Your [monica's] words mean nothing, because you have proven over and over
> >again
> >that you are willing to lie through your teeth whenever it suits your
> >agenda. You flip and flop like a landed fish, giving off the stench
> >of hypocrisy.
> Indeed, monica's lies and fabrications negate her words. Even her own
> tribal councilmembers will not support monica's hypocrisy after she lied
> to
> them. Maybe even before she lied to them. Either way, monica's
> reprehensible opinions remain her own to weakly clutch to herself and are
> not generally representative, (unless someone, other than monica, in a
> position to authorize monica to speak for them indicates otherwise).
> "monica" evades:
>LOL! You are a gnat.
Your opinion has no merit, your words mean nothing.
>Did you really expect response?
An opportunity was available for a response, rather than assuming silence
meant one thing or another. Even now, it's not being assumed that your
fabrications represent the views of your tribe or band.
>You are not that important. Deal with it white boy.
Does someone have to be "important" enough or to ask whether or not your
racist opinions represent those of your tribe? Your use of the term "white
boy" shows your racism clearly enough; deal with that you bigoted racist.
Deal with your tribe and band Not supporting your prejudiced opinions as
representative. Deal with the offensive nature of you lying to them. You
won't - you'll stick with believing that your evasions go unnoticed and
unconsidered when considering the source; that being monica as an
established liar without honor.
An account here? What are you talking about? This isn't a bank. And
since you have lied about *me* I know you most certainly do lie. So
you just told another one.
What the heck does that have to do with your conspiracy theory? Are
you trying to be betsy's minime again? I can pick something out of
the air and try to get it to stick on you too. Watch.
How many blood sacrifices do you make when you do your bad work
against your enemies? What kind of blood is it?? Prove you do NOT
make blood sacrifices!!
You're constant ROTFLMAOing makes you look like a hyena. And your
actions are doing nothing to dispel that comparison.
This is exactly why monica imagines that she can ironically use bettie in
her racist vendetta 'against' other "whties" while selectively not
concurring with bettie's criteria if it's applied to someone she "likes".
That's the nature of monica's hypocrisy and that's why her deceptive words
do not carry the weight of validity nor are they representative of her
> and I trust my relatives and friends that vouch for him.
>But they did not vouch that he is enrolled, did they? That's all
>betsy cares about. If he's not enrolled, and therefore does not have
>treaties with the US, then in betsy's book he's faux. Did you not
>understand that when she explained her mission?
All monica can do is evade, lie, dodge, fabricate ... anything but face her
own hypocrisy. In doing so, she only represents monica.
It is becoming more apparent by the day that both these racist women
(Monica and Ashby) are being seen by many for what they truly are,
Bigoted baffoons with severe personality disorders.
What's really sad, Old Crow... is that most of these things are being
pointed out by ordinary people who have been brought into it from
various places and points of view. Yet, these same ordinary
individuals whose only commonality is a percentage of 'white blood'
are all speaking out about the same things: lies, hypocrisy, racism,
double-standards, libel, smear tactics, bigotry, harrassment,
stalking, threats, coercion, attempting to suppress free speech, etc.
And specifically in Monica's case, preventing *all* sides of native
issues from being presented and discussed on alt.native (in open
dialogue) without fear of being racially and verbally accosted with
personal attacks.
As i mentioned in an earlier post, i feel that racism is a 'secondary'
issue behind the motivations of Betsy and Monica. But Monica's anti-
white racism has only served to silence those of mixed blood, and now
few are speaking here as freely as they once did. It is a loss on many
levels, but one that Monica doesn't see or feel. That is sort of a by-
product, being able to conduct a 'white out' on alt.native. The real
issue in her case is to silence the 'dissenters' (anyone who
challenges her views). And because she... and Dave... and some others
are so paranoid - for whatever reasons - that those who speak out are
labeled fbi agents coming to discredit them because of the big murder
trials, as if ordinary individuals couldn't possibly see or 'figure
out' what kind of hypocrisy is going on here.
It is all so subtly manipulative. Sizzle and Sarchasm are right.
Neither Betsy or Monica are people of honor and integrity, and they
both see certain people as only 'meat' in their meatspace. Non-human
or objectified. Those two women may be 'strangers' to one another and
racially different, but they are birds of a feather, imo. Whether it's
because of personality disorders or simply that their moral compasses
have gone completely askew, i don't know, and may never.
how about telling me who your great grandpa was or even one of your
great grandparents. bet they were white! sure sounds like they were
as you talk like a white person. mike
Alt.native died of terminal whiteness.
Nice full beard, Dave! -->
That's a pretty quick assumption. But thanks for slipping a bit and
letting your true racist colors show. I'd rather 'assume' that your
public online behavior is being "looked into" quietly right now (after
inquiries from *several* different people who live in various parts of
the country) to see the lies, accusations, racism and level of your
offensiveness. And to see if you are publically misrepresenting your
Tribe (especially since you've said the Indians on your rez share your
same views on hating white people). If any response does occur, i'd
'assume' it would ultimately be private, handled internally between
you and members of your own Tribe. The only 'signal' to anyone else
might be a sudden and inexplicable change in your reprehensible
behavior online. Then everyone will know, right? Deal with it, Monica.
Either that, or she will suddenly decide that it really *would* be
better to have a private site where only people she approves of can
post, as many people have suggested. Hey...
>Alt.native died of terminal whiteness.
More likely that monica's brain functions are diminshed by early onset of
senility and terminal racism. She presents her repetitious evasions to
exihibit symtoms of her condition instead of trying to refute her
fabrications and lies. alt.native remains active, in direct contraction to
monica's faux autopsy comments.
So says your whtie butt.
alt.native died of terminal whiteness. It is now alt.www
Whqt other Indians are posting here besides me. REAL Indians, not
She does, doesn't she? She uses LOTS of the same tactics and has lots
of the attitudes she claims to hate in the colonizers. She even wants
to colonize a public unmoderated site. Maybe if she were to learn to
speak her native language she would learn a kinder, gentler way of
speaking, more like traditional Elders and less like a bitter apple.
How would you know whether or not I'm Anazasi or "white"? Is gossip your
forte`? Do you evade inquiries from your own tribal councilmembers after
you've lied to them too?
> how about telling me who your great grandpa was or even one of your
> great grandparents. bet they were white! sure sounds like they were
> as you talk like a white person. mike
>alt.native died of terminal whiteness
Your evasions and deceptions are wearing thinner with each repetition,
monica. Soon, there'll be nothing left but your barren bitterness and the
lies you tell yourself.
Your refusal to accommodate my preferences is the very reason I am
taking my push pins and going home! How many times have I told you
that I don't like pepperoni?? *sniff*
Interesting question, although i don't see any 'wannabes' here. Should
we do a Before and After count of *real* Indians posters based on the
year you started posting on a regular basis? As memory serves...
you've insulted and run off almost every person who's ever posted
here, and not only 'white'!
You're really asking that?? So no one else who posts here is a REAL
Indian? That will be news to a few people, I guess. And it bears
examination. I guess people could look back through the archives
since you've been posting here and see how many real Indians got
disgusted by your "ONLY my positions are allowed!" behavior and left.
The only time I personally witnessed that happen was when LL (a REAL
Indian) confronted you about it and gave up.
You don't get along with Wayne, rarebreed, and certainly not with
Richard. Actually you only get along with 2 or 3 occasional posters.
But like a true egomaniac, rather than looking at your own behavior
and thinking, "Hm...I don't seem to be able to discuss issues civilly
with the posters here. Maybe I need to find a different place," you
demand that everyone else either change, keep quiet, or leave. Good
luck with that. And good luck with your new private site!
Um, no... my 'white butt' says nothing. What *i* (the whole person) am
saying however... is that i'm 'assuming' that your Tribal council
members have more honor and integrity than you do, and will do the
right things for all concerned - especially if it comes to public
misrepresentation of the Tribe. Even if that positive assumption is
sadly proven wrong, everyone will *know* it by your own future
Do you have a problem with that, Monica?
Of course i'm continuing to 'assume' that your own Tribe/Nation/Family
is your first and foremost priority... although you do often prove me
wrong on that.
Key-rec-de-mondo..nd how many *others* are *here* making *us* suffer nd
become *INFECTED* with this INSIDIOUS DISEASE..!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOD GAWD...WHEN WILL I T E N D...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wayne george :-)
>That's a pretty quick assumption. But thanks for slipping a bit and
>letting your true racist colors show.
It's likely that those concerned were previously aware of monica's rabid
bigotry, even if they hadn't been reading her racist comments here.
>I'd rather 'assume' that your
>public online behavior is being "looked into" quietly right now (after
>inquiries from *several* different people who live in various parts of
>the country) to see the lies, accusations, racism and level of your
>offensiveness. And to see if you are publically misrepresenting your
>Tribe (especially since you've said the Indians on your rez share your
>same views on hating white people).
If anyone else has similar, (or other concerns), which would best be brought
to the attention of monica's tribal band chairwoman, the publically listed
e-mail address for Frances Charles is fgch...@elwha.nsn.us ... the same
person monica allegedly wrote, (and lied), to, even if at a different e-mail
>If any response does occur, i'd
>'assume' it would ultimately be private, handled internally between
>you and members of your own Tribe. The only 'signal' to anyone else
>might be a sudden and inexplicable change in your reprehensible
>behavior online.
That's the most probable way they'd deal with it, although a publically
available response was requested when they were written to, (one letter,
cc'd to two tribal chairpersons of the S'Klallam and publically posted to
alt.native). No response has been received as of this date, however, the
intention to publically post of any such response was directly stated in the
letter, (which may be why they demured so far).
>Then everyone will know, right? Deal with it, Monica.
She isn't likely to change her entrenched racism, even if her tribe directly
indicates that monica does not speak for the tribe in that matter. After
all, monica is afforded certain 'rights' of free speech, (even hate speech),
by the government she holds in contempt - just as the S'Klallam are afforded
certain financial considerations by the same government whose hand monica
bites even as it helps feed her contemptuous mouth. If monica weren't such
a hypocrit lacking integrity, she'd refuse any and all such 'assistance'
from the "white" goverment her despises.
YES..nd may The Bird-wit-a pair-o-dice fly up Her nose..!!!
"s r`ch sm" <s r`ch s...@yahoo.com>
> "s r`ch sm" <s r`ch s...@yahoo.com>
Removing accented vowels to distort archive records won't help divert or
evade either, monica. Nice try though, for an idiot.
Me. YouPick. runningwolf. A few others.
And Guardian's the fauxest FauxIndian(tm) of them all.
> Me.
ROFLMAO Trekkers and Goths and Methodists, Oh my!
> And Guardian's the fauxest FauxIndian(tm) of them all.
Alrighty then, you are just not real quick on the uptake are you? So
how many decades are you gong to be a "Medical student?" You are
pushing 30, time to get a job and start paying your mom some rent.
And Dave Seals? Nuthin' to say there, eh?
According to Guardian, Indians can't make pop culture jokes.
Sherman Alexie must be a FauxIndian(tm) too.
Oh noes, I just made another pop culture reference.