What were they so afraid of? Why did no other journalist bother to
interview Arlo at all? Because these kinds of bitches would attack
them, as maybe somehow be accused ourselves/myself of being guilty by
sympathetic objectivity/association to the "accussed and convicted
killer" of a great woman, Anna Mae Aquash? She can call me a liar and
"sick" publicly, self-righteously, but I can't respond with a mild
epithet about a female dog?
Is it like, if some reporter bothered to talk to Lee Harvey Oswald,
and maybe found out a little more truth? Or, maybe, why no one wanted
to talk to Mark David Chapman who had murdered a beloved figure, John
Lennon? Who, after all, wants to talk to creeps like that?
Real journalists.
As to Maloney's points in her screed: should I, or anyone, not have
talked to the Accused at all, for some reason of respect for her
mother? The police know very well I talked to Arlo in the Pennington
County Jail. So why scream about the whole thing as a lie and
fabrication for years, immediately afterward, impugning my
credibility? She says piously "As Anna Mae's daughter" to give her
ignorant rant credibility, and orders me not to use her mother's name.
She says the facts of the interview, tape-recorded by the police and
admitted already as evidence in Court (as well as the Canadian supreme
court), are really just "a series of sick stunts dreamed up". Why?
Why? Why? I don't know Arlo. I never met him before. I had nothing to
gain by talking to him. I didn't make a penny from the interview. The
New York Times didn't pick it up and give me a byline. A lowly Lakota
Alfred Bone Shirt is the only person who printed the interview on his
website, because he, and a lot of other folks on Rosebud and Pine
Ridge, know it's true. And this has certainly irked Maloney and her
cronies 2 Elk, Demain, Churchill, Jordan Dill, the RCMP, FBI, and
goody-goody bourgeoisie on this NG.
Arlo DID say he didn't remember talking to her on the phone - he was
stoned out of his gourd on smack. She testified under oath he DID tell
her he aided and abetted. That's perjury, Lady. 2 Elk and Demain said
so too - perjury, Guys. Doug Durham DID talk to Arlo 2 weeks before
his mysterious death in Arizona. Denver cop Abe Alonzo DID give Arlo
and others smack all the time, as many street people know very well.
These are facts corroborated by other witnesses, tape-recordings.
Arlo's worthless lawyer Tim Rensch DID ignore Arlo's heroin addiction,
as Arlo told him all this and much more, and Rensch DID cooperate with
the Gov't lawyers after the conviction trying to get him to rat out
Graham and Dick Marshall and "others of interest". Rensch should be up
for perjury and disbarment.
Maloney has no corroboration or verification for any of her slanders
and libels. There's plenty of others squealing around in hissy-fits at
IWJ and you can email the "Sisters", to
hear the squeals,, and some of
their buddies in the shadows like Bob Branscombe and Jordan Dill at
That is, if you care at all about justice and the murders of thousands
of Natives, alone, by the U.S. Government for centuries, over a
pattern deliberate of lawlessness, drug-running, torture, false
confessions, land-theft, genocide, religious Inquisitions and
This Post will now be sent to the U.S. Attorney Martin Jackley, and
various lawyers.
Should be!:
> IWJ and you can email the "Sisters", to
> hear the squeals,, and some of
That also could have been two elves pretending to be Arlo. They
wouldn't have known the difference.
IWJ is a front group for the FBI.
Indigenous women for Just US.
That's the fbi alright.
Oh, so now you are claiming that Anna Mae's daughters and all the
indigenous women who participate in Indigenous Women for Justice are
What is your evidence? Or is this just another case of pointing
fingers at people who won't get on board with you?
No it's a matter of evidence which has been provided here by the
mountainload - but in your case it is a matter of pointing fingers at
people you don't agree with, and saying, like good chauvinist amerikan
republicans, we don't know anything or haven't proven anything and
you're the only intelligent, decent ones around.
Yeah, where is the old winktay Hysteric these days? Hiding out/
Skulking in the shadows and making gestapo plans with his churchillian
Oh, now *i* am pointing fingers? At whom? And for what? This tactic of
twisting and distorting everything is getting old from your 'group'.
I'm not a republican and *you* are the male chauvinist Amerikan, if
your words are anything to go by. I asked you to provide evidence to
back up the so-called 'perjury' charges and in regard to your
'complaint' against Anna Mae's daughters - the ones *you* were
pointing a finger at, and labeling with derogatory names and terms
(fbi, bitch, pig, liar, etc.) simply because you don't "agree" with
them, and because they won't have anything to do with you.
Get real.
He's in hiding all right............leaving his white women to cover
his rear.
Oooookaaaaay, Ms. Subtle... and since there's only one actual 'white
woman' here (in addition to a few who might be exceeding the limit),
i'm gonna go ahead & assume you mean me. But even you are not as good
as Mr. David Wordmeister with his *skulking* and *gestapo plans* and
*churchillian buds* - sheesh, i think the two of you have passively/
aggressively covered all the verbal hot buttons here - don't *you*?
datz all dem Monkeez IS...Hawt Buttonz...
i'd hate to imagine dem Co-Minguling...
leezt dat wayz...Mad Moo kin say She Gotz a "man"...
maybe deyz sho hab sum Keedz...NO!...NO!...NO!
who dat Winkte davey Stealz hate so bad...anywho?
I don't know what a Winkte is, but he sure is doing his best to choose
just the right phrasing to associate you (and anyone who opposes his
'agenda') with nazis, right-wingers and even 'republicans' (when most
of us already know you're a-political and don't even believe in the
vote - and i can't say i disagree much with *that* perspective). If i
was Indian, i could agree with you without getting all these comments
about the color of my 'skin' - but since i'm not, i guess that doesn't
make it any better for you, after all. Just one more thing for them to
give you crap about, far as they are concerned.
You got your script ready for the trial or is trimbach still writing
it? People said in your newest interview you were obviously reading a
script. I said yep! That's good ol rick two elk, can't think off the
top of his shiny head.
Let's don't off the subject boys and girls, bitches and winktays.
Why did no other journalist bother to
> interview Arlo at all?
Why didn't trimbach/2 elk interview Arlo if he's so guilty? too
Because these kinds of bitches would attack
> them, as maybe somehow be accused ourselves/myself of being guilty by
> sympathetic objectivity/association to the "accussed and convicted
> killer" of a great woman, Anna Mae Aquash?
Oops i misspelled a word? can you see which one, OldWife of Flaunt?
She can call me a liar and
> "sick" publicly, self-righteously, but I can't respond with a mild
> epithet about a female dog?
Bark bark!
> Is it like, if some reporter bothered to talk to Lee Harvey Oswald,
> and maybe found out a little more truth? Or, maybe, why no one wanted
> to talk to Mark David Chapman who had murdered a beloved figure, John
> Lennon? Who, after all, wants to talk to creeps like that?
Ooo creepy Arlo, where was Antoinette either, speaking of barkers?
> Real journalists.
Timmy Giago? Paulie demain (french for yesterday)?
> As to Maloney's points in her screed: should I, or anyone, not have
> talked to the Accused at all, for some reason of respect for her
> mother?
There, I got the spelling right, evil wordsmith.
The police know very well I talked to Arlo in the Pennington
> County Jail. So why scream about the whole thing as a lie and
> fabrication for years, immediately afterward, impugning my
> credibility?
Change the subject, change the subject, call me and other supporters
of Anna Mae "names".
She says piously "As Anna Mae's daughter" to give her
> ignorant rant credibility, and orders me not to use her mother's name.
Daughterhood is not more sacred than Justice.
> She says the facts of the interview, tape-recorded by the police and
> admitted already as evidence in Court (as well as the Canadian supreme
> court), are really just "a series of sick stunts dreamed up". Why?
> Why? Why? I don't know Arlo.
What editors ordered all those "reporters" - including Little Stevie
Hendricks - NOT to go across the street and interview the Creep?
I never met him before. I had nothing to
> gain by talking to him. I didn't make a penny from the interview. The
> New York Times didn't pick it up and give me a byline. A lowly Lakota
> Alfred Bone Shirt is the only person who printed the interview on his
> website, because he, and a lot of other folks on Rosebud and Pine
> Ridge, know it's true.
But creeps in wisconsin and Denver and Honolulu know better.
And this has certainly irked Maloney and her
> cronies 2 Elk, Demain, Churchill, Jordan Dill, the RCMP, FBI, and
> goody-goody bourgeoisie on this NG.
Bark, bark! C'mon Barkers change the subject, attack me as the creep.
> Arlo DID say he didn't remember talking to her on the phone - he was
> stoned out of his gourd on smack.
Says who? One creep interviewing another creep in the Creepsville
Jail, on tape, phone logs.
She testified under oath he DID tell
> her he aided and abetted. That's perjury, Lady. 2 Elk and Demain said
> so too - perjury, Guys.
Even I wasn't under oath.
Doug Durham DID talk to Arlo 2 weeks before
> his mysterious death in Arizona.
Hmmm, Arizona, Arizona, home of Sedona Bob Branscombe . . . Hau Kola!
Denver cop Abe Alonzo DID give Arlo
> and others smack all the time, as many street people know very well.
Why wasn't Ol' honest Abe subpoenaed at the Trial?
> These are facts corroborated by other witnesses, tape-recordings.
> Arlo's worthless lawyer Tim Rensch DID ignore Arlo's heroin addiction,
> as Arlo told him all this and much more, and Rensch DID cooperate with
> the Gov't lawyers after the conviction trying to get him to rat out
> Graham and Dick Marshall and "others of interest". Rensch should be up
> for perjury and disbarment.
What, a dishonest lawyer?! Outrage. blasphemy. Blame the Messenger.
> Maloney has no corroboration or verification for any of her slanders
> and libels.
Maybe she was lied to by Yesterday Paul, and Tiny Dancer, but her
vitriol over the years against any and all of us who don't agree with
her (hell, I wrote flattering comments about her on the Graham
website's Trial report), is inexcusable. AND ESPECIALLY digging up a
grave for the second time, a questionable grave at that. And I'm the
morbund Hound of the Dark Moon?!
There's plenty of others squealing around in hissy-fits at
> IWJ and you can email the "Sisters", to
> hear the squeals,, and some of
> their buddies in the shadows like Bob Branscombe and Jordan Dill at
Where do we begin to dissect these lies?
> That is, if you care at all about justice and the murders of thousands
> of Natives, alone, by the U.S. Government for centuries, over a
> pattern deliberate of lawlessness, drug-running, torture, false
> confessions, land-theft, genocide, religious Inquisitions and
> Crusades.
Naw, forget all that. Call me and Monica names. That's more fun, good
Wart Churchill Cointel fun-tactics, works every time. NOT THIS TIME!
Who are you responding to here?
Or is this just an addendum?
Lay off the drugs tiny dancer. You're making absolutely no sense. How
long can you keep up your bad medicine to keep your white women under
control? I can't wait until it turns. That's going to be so fun.
"Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
by drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams."
Richard III
Well, don't have an orgasm just yet, Monica. You and 'Dave' got on
this thread that had been just you two, chatnoir and me, and started
attacking Richard Two Elk out of the blue. Huh?
And you don't think *you two* are the ones acting wierd?
(pssss, whisper..psss pssss, talk amongst yourselves, we're not here)
Dave: "Yeah, where is the old winktay Hysteric these days? Hiding out/
Skulking in the shadows and making gestapo plans with his churchillian
And here's you: "He's in hiding all right............leaving his white
women to cover his rear."
Seriously, if it wasn't such a serious subject, you two would crack me
up. Maybe i should just go along. It does give me free reign to say as
i please, since i have the likely excuse of being 'under the
influence'. Hmmm.
Then my only questions to 'Dave' are:
Is "Winktay" a bad word or somethin'?
Is it some kind of word used as measure of *disrespect*?
How confusing... my poor white befuddled medicine-muddled brain can
hardly make sense of it. I saw where he had used it in connection to
'bitches', so i assume it is some equally insulting word applying to
males.... unless he just has some incredible admiration for bitches.
What do *you* think?
Please respond immediately, as i am unable to think for myself. Due to
being under the influence of one of them-thar *gestapo skulkers*, you
Only perfect? Why it's sublime!
Your plots are thickening like day-old gravy.
Geez, you two are going nutzo on this thing. Please *try* to get a
> > "Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
> > by drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams."
> > -
> > Richard III- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Perfect.
As far as Shakespeare goes, I always liked this one better:
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Macbeth, Act 5 Scene 5:
That is good. I love Shakespeare.
Transvestite. Of course, in this situation, the use is
Any other Lakota words you care to learn?
Me too. Have you heard the theory that he might have been a "she"? I
think that is mostly based on the fact that some of his love sonnets
appear to have been written to a man. And so someone figured given
attitudes toward women at the time, and the fact that women were not
even allowed to play women's roles in plays, perhaps it was really a
woman doing the writing and using a "front man."
Hey, it's fun to muse to speak.
Hmmm... perhaps it relates to some 'deeper' issue.
> Any other Lakota words you care to learn?
Any others you'd care to teach? j/k :)
None are coming to mind at the moment, basenji, but... how would i
know unless you throw one out there first?
I've been out of school for quite a while so I didn't hear that. I
didn't take women's studies. Native studies was revolutionary at the
time. But that theory makes a lot of sense. I took a class in The
Bible as Literature. The theory then was that Shakespeare wrote the
King James Bible, the language is so beautiful. We found stories that
we didn't have shoved down our throats. It was funny. I used to think
I didn't like any of the new writing or music. My sister had told me
that Lil Kim was good. I heard something of Christina Aguilera's that
I liked. One time when both wayne and two elves were trying to put me
in my place I found a song on youtube called "Can't hold us down."
It's about sexism and is pretty good. It's by both Christina Aguilera
and Lil Kim. I posted it on here. No comment. I guess there was
nothing they could say to that.
He's a lumberjack and he's okay...
(Wow, from The Princess Bride to Monty Python.)
One of my floormates is bi, and his GLBT studies class
(Wonderful bird courses, eh?) has its own inconceivable use
of winkte, wherein a winkte is gay, even though two winkte
never had sex together because it was considered incest.
Crazy Horse was also gay, despite the fact that he had three
Isn't academia wonderful?
I Googled "winkte" and found:
"These duel-sexed people, or 'two-spirited' are seen without stigma
and considered emmisaries from the Creator. They are treated with
deference and respect, even considered sacred. They are sacred for
many reasons, not the least of which being that they embody both
Mother Earth and Father Sky. They may be found as a vital part of
almost any ceremony involving the entire band. They 'hold both a
masculine and feminine heart within their souls, and therefore twice
the power.' As androgyne beings, it is thought that they are better
able to be fair -- seeing into the hearts of both males and females.
They are often called on to play the role of mediator."
Is that fairly accurate? If it is, then the word is definitely NOT
meant to be an insult. I sure didn't get the idea the poster who used
it meant it respectfully. Not that my opinion matters, but words do
read yourself these past few weeks, your sounding a bit *off* your
Id hate to see a few years don the line you look back and regret your
sudden attack on woman. It is sad to see a person who ought to know
better hit a pot hole after pot hole. Back in the 70's Janet gathered
over 300
woman from all across Indian Country. What came from that the birth of
movements and the inspiration of some of the finest Woman in Indian
today. I ask woman who knew Anna Mae or knew of her and her work what
think of just how her memory is being treated. Dave? is that your
name? O'Brien or Seals
or? what the Fuck is with that? monica? and her recent outing of her
own self with a new aka.
Your both journalists? really? are YOU the best we have to get to the
truth? for Anna Mae!
take up a cause SHE would have taken on and feed her starving spirit
for once.
You sent that gibberish to "U.S. Attorney and various lawyers" ?? your
kidding right? you
read yourself right? perhaps your newest made friend having a bad
influence on you. Why yes!
that's it! your even beginning to sound like monica.
Ohhh scary indeed..
You are white lisa and you haave no idea about Anna Mae. Just keep to
your white self and stop trying to appropriate our way of life. You
sound so stupid.
Yeah, it's fairly accurate. Hence my link to
"inconceivable". The OP was using it to mean "faggot" or
But they're not a "vital part of almost any ceremony".
Their main function is to give names and work as
matchmakers and things like that.
this is so sad monica, I am a mother and grandmother of natives. We
are traditional
people monica! We fought hard to remember and honor our roots with the
help of
great people like the McClouds. Do you honestly think those people
would waist their
time helping my family if we were not BLOOD!? Why would those people
allow us into
the same sweat many great native leaders had gone in before? Why would
we have been
invited to travel to the Sundance with Janet? Why would she have me
come to her house
twice a week for years? Why would she have me cut her hair and take
care of her hands and
feet? why? I live a humble life monica, filled with Tradition carried
on through the ages and fought
hard to hold onto. Janet was NOT a stupid woman anyone can google Sapa
Dawn and learn who
and what Janet was all about. Me appropriate any way of life? show me
monica! your fucking off your rocker
as usual. Same old broken record lieing on good people! who is
sounding so stupid here! really now GET REAL!
your ignorance is showing.
Janet's girls are the ones that told me you are white. Misty says you
are white. You and debbie should be on that faux indian site. You are
not Indian lisa. You will never be no matter how much you lie.
That makes sense. Thanks.
BTW, your face doesn't scrunch up and look lopsided like Vizzini's
when you say, "Inconceivable!" does it? :-p
please, your reputation for calling good hard working people foul
not limited to the www. you truly are just lucky I am not at all like
you! you are shunned
because of the good woman you beat up on with your foul words. Shame
on you monica
if it is true what Misty and others have said you did to a certain
Smokehouse Mother!
Dang! you are not even worthy to wipe her boots. It is no wonder you
live like you do!
everything you do comes back to you monica! EVERYTHING.
You have no right to talk of the smokehouse and you lie. But then
white people can't do anything else. Lisa you are so jealous. You
can't see straight. You are a blonde blue eyed whore. You have no
right to tak about anything Indian. You are white. You will never be
anything else no matter how much you lie. Nancy says you go off your
medicines then you go nuts like this and start trouble. That's what
white women do. That's why people like you are not welcome in our
communities. You will never be a part of the smokehouse. You will
never have a right to talk there. You would be thrown out on your
white butt. Misty says you are white!
bringing in smokehouse issues to alt.native is not right, i think.
i think it is not right to call any woman a whore.
that is white man's talk, and you are neither white, nor a man.
no one should have brought smokehouse issues here.
Again you insult Janet and everything she taught at Sapa Dawn with
ignorant lies. I have worked hard my whole adult life for woman and
to help break cycles of abuse on many levels. I have been an advocate
the mentally ill for a number of years. You are a twisted sick
individual who hears
between the lines and ignores the truth. I am welcomed back where ever
I go into
monica. You are limited to where your spirit takes you, mine takes me
far because I
do respect where I come from. I try hard everyday to honor the memory
of many who lived
to tell us the truth about our blood. My grandchildren are raised
steeped in Tradition you
obviousely know nothing about monica. I went into the Sweat at Sapa
Dawn every week
for many years you silly woman. If you knew the people and the
significance of that place
you would know just how off you are.
Now please, climb out of my ass and work for woman and children! do
what you say you are
asked to do.
You are white and you are not accepted in our communities. Forget it
lisa. You are one looney tunes white woman. You can only get away with
this act among other white women. You insult Janet's memory everytime
you call up her name. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking
about. You try to steal our religion but you don't understand it
because you are white. You have to have Indian blood to be a part of
the Smokehouse. fYou are simply babbling. Misty would be ashamed that
she ever invited you to her dance. She would be so ashamed how you
talk of the Smokehouse. Just stop it lisa. You aren't worthy.
You have no idea who invites me anywhere I simply don't talk about who
I know
and where I go. Focus your time and energy on something of value to
your people
monica please. I should not matter enough for you to waist you days
talking nonsense
about. Your spinning lies don't make a difference for goodness sake
now does it.
You could have been writing the article you said you were asked to
write instead of berating me
all day
Then tell that asshole lisa to keep her white nose where it belongs.