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Medicine Crow awarded the Medal of Freedom

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rare breed

Aug 15, 2009, 3:57:41 PM8/15/09


Aug 15, 2009, 6:13:20 PM8/15/09
On Aug 15, 12:57 pm, rare breed <> wrote:

Uncle tomahawk.

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 16, 2009, 4:58:38 PM8/16/09
On Aug 15, 5:13 pm, Dave Seals <sealsorama @> wrote:

> On Aug 15, 12:57 pm, rare breed <basenji529 @> wrote:
> >
> Uncle tomahawk.

The War Chief of the Crows receives a national honor,
and you respond by spitting a term of contempt at him.

So much for showing traditional decent respect to Elders.

What wars have *you* fought in? What battles have you won?
What medals earned? What nations/tribe named you War Chief?
What have you done to be worthy to stand in his shadow,
let alone to presume to be a judge of *his* character?

Oh yes, from the safety of the Net you've threatened
to cut the throat of a stranger you know you'll never
actually meet -- *brave* threat, little rat punk --
and you think *that* entitles you to squeak at a Chief!


Aug 16, 2009, 5:14:23 PM8/16/09

i don't think that was an appropriate remark, dave.


Aug 16, 2009, 5:29:38 PM8/16/09
On Aug 16, 1:58 pm, Sizzle Flambé <> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 5:13 pm, Dave Seals <sealsorama @> wrote:
> > On Aug 15, 12:57 pm, rare breed <basenji529 @> wrote:
> > >
> > Uncle tomahawk.
> The War Chief of the Crows receives a national honor,
> and you respond by spitting a term of contempt at him.
> So much for showing traditional decent respect to Elders.
> What wars have *you* fought in? What battles have you won?
> What medals earned? What nations/tribe named you War Chief?
> What have you done to be worthy to stand in his shadow,
> let alone to presume to be a judge of *his* character?

Well, according to Monica and Dave, they speak an Indian dialect of
english that can't be correctly interpreted by white people. Perhaps
he meant it as a compliment! Or... maybe it's just another big heap of

> Oh yes, from the safety of the Net you've threatened
> to cut the throat of a stranger you know you'll never
> actually meet -- *brave* threat, little rat punk --
> and you think *that* entitles you to squeak at a Chief!

It seems pretty typical for *truly* respectable people - even a man so
great as Mecicine Crow - to be disrespected around here, so i guess it
should come as no surprise. It reflects Dave's view when he said,
"Forget people. That's your mistake."

But... it seems to me that forgetting people is *his* mistake.

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 16, 2009, 6:30:15 PM8/16/09
On Aug 16, 4:29 pm, oldwifetale <oldwifetale @> wrote:

> It seems pretty typical for *truly* respectable people - even a

> man so great as Medicine Crow - to be disrespected around here...

Monica infamously called another Chief a "brown idiot".

And after *that* act of disrespect, she has the *gall* to cite
Cetan saying don't "insult a well known elder like Monica" --
she hasn't *lived* by that rule, she can't *hide* under it now.

> It reflects Dave's view when he said,
> "Forget people. That's your mistake."
> But... it seems to me that forgetting people is *his* mistake.

Typical of ideologists. They'll sacrifice real people for the
sake of "The People", an ideal that exists only in their heads.

Once there was The People -- Terror gave it birth;
Once there was The People and it made a Hell of Earth.
Earth arose and crushed it. Listen, O ye slain!
Once there was The People -- it shall never be again!

-- Rudyard Kipling, "Macdonough's Song" (final stanza)

rare breed

Aug 16, 2009, 8:59:11 PM8/16/09



Aug 16, 2009, 9:24:33 PM8/16/09

Are you an enrolled Indian, Dave?

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 16, 2009, 11:02:07 PM8/16/09
On Aug 16, 8:24 pm, Hope <holleratwaller @> wrote:

> On Aug 15, 5:13 pm, Dave <sealsorama @> wrote:
> > Uncle tomahawk.
> Are you an enrolled Indian, Dave?

While you wait for a direct, honest, straightforward answer
from Dave "O'Brien" Seals, may I suggest that you not hold
your breath, nor refrain from any other lifegiving activities
such as eating, drinking, etc.? You may have to wait a while.



Aug 17, 2009, 12:55:02 PM8/17/09

I've seen Uncle Joe plenty of times sucking up to the tourists at
Little Big Horn, in his stupidass hollywood costume, and the BIA
Tribal Councils selling out the people for his book deals and hustles.
He pushed the Casino over the overwhelming vote of his people against
it! Ask them on the ground, not me.

He's a bad joke to his own, local, grassroots people, who never get a
chance to be heard or have their word honored in the Great Father's


Aug 17, 2009, 12:56:27 PM8/17/09
> But... it seems to me that forgetting people is *his* mistake.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Do you even know Medicine Crow? He's a "great man"!

Or are you just sounding off as usual to make yourself look good.


Aug 17, 2009, 1:11:10 PM8/17/09

are you?

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 17, 2009, 1:23:43 PM8/17/09
On Aug 17, 11:56 am, Dave Seals <sealsorama @> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 2:29 pm, oldwifetale <oldwifetale @> wrote:
> Do you even know Medicine Crow? He's a "great man"!
> Or are you just sounding off as usual to make yourself look good.

*This*, from the rat punk who spat "Uncle tomahawk" at the War Chief!

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 17, 2009, 1:41:35 PM8/17/09
On Aug 17, 12:11 pm, Dave Seals <sealsorama @> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 6:24 pm, Hope <holleratwaller @> wrote:
> > On Aug 15, 5:13 pm, Dave Seals <sealsorama @> wrote:

> > > On Aug 15, 12:57 pm, rare breed <basenji529 @> wrote:
> > > >
> > > Uncle tomahawk.
> > Are you an enrolled Indian, Dave?
> are you?

*BINGO!* He's evading the question, as he had before!

Specifically (and quoting Donna, Monica, Donna, Dave) --

<> ---

>>>> Why does Dave Seals encourage the lies you tell? Is he an enrolled
>>>> Indian? Have you sicced Betsy on him yet? Have you told Guardian the
>>>> truth about where Lisa lives yet?
> ...
>>> David and Chat and others have always claimed to be mixed bloods.
>>> Their stories have never changed. I believe them.
>> Mixed blood - meaning partly 'white' and non-human just like the ones
>> you have insulted and sicced Guardian on?
> Like all good Natives, elders especially do not distinguish skin-color
> in the Sweat Lodges. I know who my family are, and so does my Nation,
> and that's all that matters. We can explain it to you, if you wish, in
> the Sweats. join us at Bear Butte sometime, and we'll be glad to talk
> about Mixed-blood quanta and enrollment bullshit all night with you.

(Notice Monica's _bountiful_ willingness to take *their* word for

But his puff-piece in <>
says he's in _Genocide of the Mind: New Native American Writing_,
and of course his _The Powwow Highway_ was flacked as his being
a Native American (Huron) author... so if he's not enrolled, that
means by Betsy Ashby Guardian's definition he's "FAUX", right?

And *** he's actually _made_a_LOT_OF_MONEY_at_it_ too ***, Betsy!

< ... crickets ... gently chirping ... in the tall grass ... >


Aug 17, 2009, 1:50:54 PM8/17/09

But then Dave Seals hasn''t been on my blog or sending me multiple e-
mails asking my opinion if he is really an less using
Monica Charles as the qualifier....If you have read any of Dave Seals
books you would know that he knows exactly WHO HE IS and lives his
life based on what is in his heart. He does not need affirmation from
anyone..he honors both his mother and his father...Seals/O'Brien. For
some reason I don't think he would be devastated if Monica or Betsy
questioned his authenticity. In fact someone said Monica Charles
respects whites more than she does mixed bloods....but I have come to
the conclusion that Monica Charles respects those who respect


Aug 17, 2009, 1:52:07 PM8/17/09

She isn't claiming to be an Indian, nor is she speaking for Indians,or
writing books and/or screenplays about Indians. People of mixed blood
here have been verbally attacked, harrassed and threatened for doing
far less when they aren't enrolled.

So... are you?


Aug 17, 2009, 2:00:33 PM8/17/09

> > But... it seems to me that forgetting people is *his* mistake.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Do you even know Medicine Crow? He's a "great man"!
> Or are you just sounding off as usual to make yourself look good.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

You are on the 'same page' as Monica, and you disrespect your own
people no matter their race! If this is how you say *real Indians*
honor their own 'race', then ptewie, i spit on your feet.

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 17, 2009, 2:11:53 PM8/17/09
> But his puff-piece in <>
> says he's in _Genocide of the Mind: New Native American Writing_,
> and of course his _The Powwow Highway_ was flacked as his being
> a Native American (Huron) author... so if he's not enrolled, that
> means by Betsy Ashby Guardian's definition he's "FAUX", right?
> And *** he's actually _made_a_LOT_OF_MONEY_at_it_ too ***, Betsy!
> < ... crickets ... gently chirping ... in the tall grass ... >

| Native American Authors Project
| David Seals , 1947-
| Huron
| Davydd ap Saille (the spelling used by the author)
| is a talented Huron novelist, publisher (Sky and Sage
| Books), freelance journalist, playwright, and documentary
| video producer. He currently resides in South Dakota.

Yet he's consistently evasive about being *enrolled*. Hmmmmm.

It's a *pity* there are no *real* Faux Indian hunters here!


Aug 17, 2009, 2:30:36 PM8/17/09
> Do you even know Medicine Crow? He's a "great man"!

No problem, Dave. Many good things about him have been said, and can
be found in abundance. Your anti-americanism prevents you from doing
the right thing in terms of how you publically present an Elder and an
elder 95 year old historian who 'witnessed' things you can only talk
about. Whatever, Dave. I will honor him even if you won't - since he
fought not only for his People, but by extension for *all* of us. Hate
is so blind.

Joe Medicine Crow:
Joe Medicine Crow on Battle of the Little Bighorn
Joe Medicine Crow Speaks
With a summary bio
Arlie Neskahi: There are many definitions of warriors and what they
represent to the Crow Nation. It's a question that Crow elder and
historian Joe Medicine Crow has examined for much of his 90 years, a
lifetime which has spanned two world wars, conflicts in Korea,
Vietnam, and the Mid East. Medicine Crow's own warrior legacy goes
back to his grandfather, who served as one of Custer's scouts.


Aug 17, 2009, 3:31:14 PM8/17/09
On Aug 17, 12:50 pm, lizzy <> wrote:

> > (Notice Monica's _bountiful_ willingness to take *their* word for
> > it!!!)
> > But his puff-piece in <>
> > says he's in _Genocide of the Mind: New Native American Writing_,
> > and of course his _The Powwow Highway_ was flacked as his being
> > a Native American (Huron) author... so if he's not enrolled, that
> > means by Betsy Ashby Guardian's definition he's "FAUX", right?
> > And *** he's actually _made_a_LOT_OF_MONEY_at_it_ too ***, Betsy!
> > < ... crickets ... gently chirping ... in the tall grass ... >
> But then Dave Seals hasn''t been on my blog or sending me multiple e-
> mails asking my opinion if he is really an less using
> Monica Charles as the qualifier....If you have read any of Dave Seals
> books you would know that he knows exactly WHO HE IS and lives his
> life based on what is in his heart. He does not need affirmation from
> anyone..he honors both his mother and his father...Seals/O'Brien. For
> some reason I don't think he would be devastated if Monica or Betsy
> questioned his authenticity. In fact someone said Monica Charles
> respects whites more than she does mixed bloods....but I have come to
> the conclusion that Monica Charles respects those who respect
> themselves.

We all have a right to our opinions. I have not been on your blog or
sending you emails either. I know WHO I AM and I live my life based
on what is in my heart. I do not need affirmation from anyone. I
honor both my mother and my father and my ancestors, English, Irish,
Cherokee--and the result, which is mixed Americans. Nor am I
devastated by the fact that monica and betsy question who I am or
don't approve of me.

Obviously they do not base their respect on who respects themselves.
It's ridiculous to say that no one they dislike respects themselves.
More often the problem is that they DO respect themselves and others
enough to speak up when they see things being said and done that
violate their consciences. "Someone" said monica respects whites more
than mixed bloods? Well, that is a real shame on both counts, IMO. I
would not respect that attitude, if it were true. Basing your respect
on what a person's blood is or isn't, as if it is something the person
can control, is racist, IMO.

The fact is, there is a huge double standard in operation here.
monica screams "You have no RIGHT! You are WHITE!" at some, while she
allows, or even encourages, other whites to do the very same thing.
Same with mixed bloods. So race obviously is not the REAL issue.
It's simply a convenient excuse to use when she doesn't like that
person and wants them to shut up and go away. If race really were the
issue, she would be consistent about it and reject all whites or mixed
bloods. She doesn't.

betsy is going after people who do not claim to be Indian and are
making no money off Indians or taking money from the government meant
for enrolled Indians. She is justifying it by slapping the "faux" or
"fraud" label on them, even though she is able to produce NO LEGAL
EVIDENCE of her claims. She claims the very suspicion that they MIGHT
be faux gives her a moral right to poke and pry into every facet of
their lives and gives her a right to demand that they prove their
innocence to her, in spite of the fact that in any LEGAL action, the
burden of proof would be on the prosecution. She has no authority to
demand anything from anyone.

It is the Henry VIII rationalization. When someone dared to point out
to him that the only evidence that Anne Boleyn had committed adultery
came from one woman who was known to hate her, and the hideous torture
of the men accused, the King did not care. He wanted her gone. So he
took the position, "Well, you cannot prove she was NOT unfaithful.
She COULD have been. You cannot account for every moment of her
time." So off with her head.

All this...and yet betsy is totally ignoring others who are NOT
enrolled and ARE making money from Indian issues. This has nothing to
do with who respects themselves. It has to do with who betsy
personally approves of and disapproves of. She has the money and the
time to make them pay for pissing her off. She said flat out that the
reason she is after Donna is that she thinks she is an asshole. She
admitted Donna has broken no laws. Yet she *claims* she is all about
hunting faux Indians. Where is the integrity in that? Where is the

Ironically, her MO is very similar to the old witch hunts. If you
were accused, it was up to you to prove your innocence, and many of
the "tests" ended up being fatal. If you survived, you were usually
still ruined in the community, and your family with you. "Oops,
sorry, we made a mistake!" did not fix that. betsy knows very well
that proving a negative is extremely difficult, and in some cases
impossible. But she gets what she wants just by pointing the finger
and starting the speculation and innuendo and doing her
"investigations." If she never comes up with any PROOF, or anything
she can turn over to the LEGAL AUTHORITIES, oh well.

Do you respect that? I do not. I would not respect that being done
to *anyone*, including the people I don't like. And I could not
"respect myself" if I sat back and said nothing. When people accept
this kind of stuff as okay, they should not be surprised if someday
someone comes along and decides they don't like something about *them*
and that that justifies "hunting" them. It doesn't have to be based
on any kind of moral imperative. It doesn't even have to be
rational. You are well aware that it has happened over and over and
over in our history. And whether it is done to one person, or to a
whole population, it is wrong.


Aug 17, 2009, 5:42:52 PM8/17/09

One of Custer's scouts. Enough said.


Aug 17, 2009, 5:50:41 PM8/17/09

huh? Who are you people demanding to know who I am, but can't even use
real names to identify yourselves?

Answer the question - are you, is she/it? Can't 'Hope' speak for

then I'll send you photos of my Grandfather at Tuba City in 1924,
etc., Loretteville enrollment #s, and you decide if he looks Indian
enough, and Clan documents.

People know who I am.


Aug 17, 2009, 6:22:53 PM8/17/09
> One of Custer's scouts. Enough said.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

well, hell, damn near everyone pulled the scout bit for a time.
extras for their families, and thinking it was also a blow against
i am not sure very many nations were not scouts at one time or
navajo, apache, cheyenne, pawnee, even some alaskan natives were used.
arikara, sioux, crow scouts were at the little big horn.
hopefully, they had the sense to get out of the way when they saw
custer wasn't listening to them or anyone else, just his ego.
heard tell some did not get away.
and the seminoles, and the various iroquois nations,
utes, choctaws, you name it.
damn near every tribe and nation served as scouts at one time or
another in history.
even with euros going against their own, there were indian scouts.
and when they weren't scouting, they were helping feed them.
washington's troops' bellies ran on indian corn.
and promises made in return for that help?
doesn't matter.
almost every one broken.
starting with george washington's promises.


Aug 17, 2009, 6:26:59 PM8/17/09
> starting with george washington's promises.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Sorry, I can't sympathize. They helped betray the greatest men and
women who ever lived around here. From the Apaches who helped track
down Geronimo, to the Goons on Pine Ridge who murdered hundreds of
inncoent women and children and elders sitting in their living rooms.


Aug 17, 2009, 6:30:35 PM8/17/09
On Aug 17, 11:30 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:

Anti-American is the only ethical stance for anyone who cares about
justice. How can you live with 10 million murdered Natives on the
northern continent alone, 100 million buffalo wantonly massacred for
nothing, Slavery, Vietnam, George Bush, Hiroshima, etc.?


Aug 17, 2009, 6:32:39 PM8/17/09
> People know who I am.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

um, dave, i got pictures of me at tuba city holding my brand new
granddaughter, that doesn't make me navajo. lol
the pitch is, if you are not enrolled, and if your are, and your tribe
doesn't want to give out personal and private info, and some don't, if
monica cannot vouch for you, you just ain't no part indian.
and monica isn't going to vouch for anyone she has not met, and she
hasn't met you, right?
nothing else counts.
if you don't want to roll out all your relatives to be dragged through
the mud, well, you get the idea.
you can't be indian.
if you are not enrolled and you be making money off what you know, and
was raised around, well, you just be faux.
if you lived with relatives, they be enrolled, and you not, oh,
ask bettie.
seems what is sauce for the goose, is also sauce for the gooser.
didn't you see this coming?


Aug 17, 2009, 6:37:14 PM8/17/09
On Aug 17, 4:50 pm, Dave <> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 10:52 am, oldwifetale <> wrote:
> > On Aug 17, 10:11 am, Dave <> wrote:
> > > On Aug 16, 6:24 pm, Hope <> wrote:
> > > > On Aug 15, 5:13 pm, Dave <> wrote:
> > > > > On Aug 15, 12:57 pm, rare breed <> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > Uncle tomahawk.
> > > > Are you an enrolled Indian, Dave?
> > > are you?
> > She isn't claiming to be an Indian, nor is she speaking for Indians,or
> > writing books and/or screenplays about Indians. People of mixed blood
> > here have been verbally attacked, harrassed and threatened for doing
> > far less when they aren't enrolled.
> > So... are you?
> huh? Who are you people demanding to know who I am, but can't even use
> real names to identify yourselves?

You did not seem to have any problem with betsy demanding to know who
Wolfie was and demanding to know facts about her life. Nor did you
seem to have a problem with her being accused of things for which no
proof was ever submitted. Same with all of the other people she
doesn't like.

Why did you not speak out about that, if you don't think it's right?
Why are you privileged to not have the same questions asked about
you? betsy said no real Indian she has ever asked about enrollment
had a problem with it. They simply said, "Yes I am. Here is the
number. Call and verify it."

But who knows, maybe that's not exactly the way of it, eh? Maybe
there is more to being an Indian than that. Maybe it's more complex,
and maybe the Indians themselves should get to determine who is an
Indian, rather than rely strictly on the government-instituted rolls.
That's what I believe. But obviously others have different opinions.

> Answer the question - are you, is she/it? Can't 'Hope' speak for
> itself?

You know very well I can, and do. Should I ask this question every
time you and monica jump in on posts? And why do you have to be
insulting and say "itself"? Do you have some reason to believe the
picture posted on my profile is not me? Even betsy seems satisfied
that I am a female. So does monica, based on the pejoratives she
uses. It is strange, though, that she uses human insults for those she
says are not human. Was using "itself" in reference to *your* belief
that whites are human? That, at least, would demonstrate some
consistency of belief.

> then I'll send you photos of my Grandfather at Tuba City in 1924,
> etc., Loretteville enrollment #s, and you decide if he looks Indian
> enough, and Clan documents.
> People know who I am.

Are you seriously trying to claim you don't know our names, as many
times as monica and betsy have posted them? My last name is in my
email addy. People know who I am too. If you don't pay attention,
that's not my problem.

monica has declared that she can only vouch for Indians she has met,
or through connections with people she knows. What good would a photo
do, if personal contact or a card is the standard for identifying the
real Indians? I have a photo of my grandmother. She looks Indian.
She had hair so black it had blue highlights. But she was not
enrolled. Neither am I. I have never claimed to be a member of any
Tribe or to be an Indian, only that I have some Indian blood. I am
not ashamed of that, nor do I have to defend it to anyone.

I will not accept a double standard of for identification and
"investigation," depending on popularity or whose good graces someone
is in. The same rules should apply to everyone. Why would you have
a problem with that?


Aug 17, 2009, 10:00:18 PM8/17/09
> People know who I am.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Big deal. My dad looks full blooded Indian in every photo, but he
doesn't go around claiming to be Indian. My husband's mother, aunt,
grandmother, etc. is enrolled but even he doesn't claim to be "an
Indian". According to Monica's standards, you can be a 'friend' to
Indians, but if you're not enrolled, you're not a real Indian. <shrug>
In fact, she is advocating the removal of all people with white blood
from native reservations, including married spouses and children,
whether it means broken families or not. I am just wanting to know how
you can support her double standards (regarding who she 'likes' and
'dislikes') considering your own position as a "mixed breed" who may
or may not be 'enrolled', ie. "real".

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 18, 2009, 12:22:15 AM8/18/09

But, hey, wait a minute, *this* says he's *Cheyenne* !!! -->

| The Peace Pipe in Powwow Highway
| "Based on the 1979 novel by David Seals, a member
| of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the
| Cheyenne Nation,...."

The Amazing, Changing, Elusive, Evasive David Seals!

He's Irish! ("O'Brien") He's Welsh! ("Davydd ap Saille")
He's Huron! He's Cheyenne! No, he's, uh, Hurocheyenne!
But... is he enrolled? ("Are *you*?", he coyly retorts.)

Wow, he had no trouble stating LOUD and CLEAR that he was
Indian back in the 1970s and 1980s, and making *lots* of
money out of being a Big Name Native American Author then!

Then the decade rolled over, and suddenly all he was
*explicitly* saying about himself any more was that
he's an "American Poet" (see his Wikipedia entry) --
he's still in books of Native American authors, but he
avoids making the explicit claim, and evades a yes/no
answer to direct questions. Why do you suppose that is?

The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 made it a federal
crime to sell any form of art or craft as "made by an
Indian" unless the person who made it was indeed an
enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe/nation.

Which David Seals isn't. And recall Betsy Ashby saying:
"Real Indians have Treaties with the US government ...
Faux Indians don't. It is just that simple!"
-- <>

Dave Seals spits at *real* Indians like Joe Medicine Crow:

What he did in Anna Mae Aquash's case, her daughter rebuked:

He's a serial liar: <>.

And he still *implies* that he's a Real Indian™, authorized
to Speak On Indian Issues, Which YOU Are Not; but watch him
dodge and dance away when pressed on his actual credentials.

Fake. Phony. Going all the way back to his first books as a
"Native American Author" (before that lie became a *crime*).

David "O'Brien" Seals has been a liar for *decades*. Believe
*anything* he says at your peril. Heck, his family biography
is about alien abductions *from* Roswell, try and top *that*!
Liar, conspiracy theorist, and serious nutcase: David Seals.


Aug 18, 2009, 7:59:22 AM8/18/09
On Aug 15, 6:13 pm, Dave <> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 12:57 pm, rare breed <> wrote:
> >
> Uncle tomahawk.

Thtas almost funny coming from the likes of you

Sizzle Flambé

Aug 18, 2009, 2:58:27 PM8/18/09
On Aug 17, 5:30 pm, Dave Seals <sealsorama @> wrote:

> the only ethical stance for anyone who cares about justice.

How would YOU know? You're not ethical and don't care about justice.





Aug 19, 2009, 1:42:35 AM8/19/09
"Hope" <> wrote:
>The fact is, there is a huge double standard in operation here.
>monica screams "You have no RIGHT! You are WHITE!" at some, while she
>allows, or even encourages, other whites to do the very same thing.
>Same with mixed bloods. So race obviously is not the REAL issue.
>It's simply a convenient excuse to use when she doesn't like that
>person and wants them to shut up and go away. If race really were the
>issue, she would be consistent about it and reject all whites or mixed
>bloods. She doesn't.

Given monica's extensive posting to that effect, it does appear as if she
believes that accusations of 'racism' on her part serve as defensive bunkers
for her own racism rather than refutations of numerous valid objections
raised by those she merely dismisses as being "white". As a corollary to
her sophistries, monica fabricates lies to 'justify' her bunker mentality,
(relying on mixing her fabrications with legitimate cases of
"institutionalized prejudice"). Since these stances are taken by monica in
the form of her own, (archived), posts, she resorts to evasions to try
diverting attention from that fact that she lies and faabricates, thus
weakening her position considerably.

>betsy is going after people who do not claim to be Indian and are
>making no money off Indians or taking money from the government meant
>for enrolled Indians. She is justifying it by slapping the "faux" or
>"fraud" label on them, even though she is able to produce NO LEGAL
>EVIDENCE of her claims. She claims the very suspicion that they MIGHT
>be faux gives her a moral right to poke and pry into every facet of
>their lives and gives her a right to demand that they prove their
>innocence to her, in spite of the fact that in any LEGAL action, the
>burden of proof would be on the prosecution. She has no authority to
>demand anything from anyone.

>All this...and yet betsy is totally ignoring others who are NOT

>enrolled and ARE making money from Indian issues. It has to do with who

>personally approves of and disapproves of. She has the money and the
>time to make them pay for pissing her off. She said flat out that the
>reason she is after Donna is that she thinks she is an asshole. She
>admitted Donna has broken no laws. Yet she *claims* she is all about
>hunting faux Indians. Where is the integrity in that? Where is the

In every instance on arw and alt.native, bettie has 'gone after' those who
she perceives as bruising her over-inflated ego by challenging her selective
applications of her own criteria. Instead, she's directly indicated that
her 'reasons' are personal, rather than objective and she thereby lacks
'objective' integrity, (her dubious 'subjective' integrity exists entirely
in her own ego and can be disregarded as merely narcissistic).

>Ironically, her MO is very similar to the old witch hunts. If you
>were accused, it was up to you to prove your innocence, and many of
>the "tests" ended up being fatal. If you survived, you were usually
>still ruined in the community, and your family with you. "Oops,
>sorry, we made a mistake!" did not fix that. betsy knows very well
>that proving a negative is extremely difficult, and in some cases
>impossible. But she gets what she wants just by pointing the finger
>and starting the speculation and innuendo and doing her
">investigations." If she never comes up with any PROOF, or anything
>she can turn over to the LEGAL AUTHORITIES, oh well.

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