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Need information re Steve Martin, Keith Moon skit

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Roger C. Swanson

May 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/14/98

Perhaps someone out there can help.

Many years ago there was a skit put on starring Steve Martin as the
propieter of a hotel specially designed for rock stars...easy breaking
chairs, tearaway fixtures. The skit had Martin doing an ad for the hotel
and Keith Moon played the rock star. Together they ended up destroying
the room and being washed out of the bathroom on a wave of soap suds.

Does anyone remember what show this was on and if the tape is available?

Thanks in advance.


John W. Leys

May 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/14/98

Roger C. Swanson wrote:

I don't know what show that skit was from, but parts of it are included in
the Kids Are Alright movie.

Alba Gu Brath!
John W. Leys, J.S.P.S., F.L.S.
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- George Gordon Noel, Lord Byron (1788-1824),
In a Letter to Francis Hodgson dated 4 December 1811.

Bill Wormstedt

May 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/14/98

Roger C. Swanson wrote:

> Perhaps someone out there can help.
> Many years ago there was a skit put on starring Steve Martin as the
> propieter of a hotel specially designed for rock stars...easy breaking
> chairs, tearaway fixtures. The skit had Martin doing an ad for the hotel
> and Keith Moon played the rock star. Together they ended up destroying
> the room and being washed out of the bathroom on a wave of soap suds.
> Does anyone remember what show this was on and if the tape is available?
> Thanks in advance.

I'm reasonably sure it was from Saturday Night Live. What year? Before
late 1978, anyway.


Bill Wormstedt

Ronald Terrence Bullard

May 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/15/98

I believe it was on Saturday Night Live....

Ron Bullard


May 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/15/98

>Perhaps someone out there can help.
>Many years ago there was a skit put on starring Steve Martin as the
>propieter of a hotel specially designed for rock stars...easy breaking
>chairs, tearaway fixtures. The skit had Martin doing an ad for the hotel
>and Keith Moon played the rock star. Together they ended up destroying
>the room and being washed out of the bathroom on a wave of soap suds.
>Does anyone remember what show this was on and if the tape is available?
>Thanks in advance.

This skit appeared on the "Rolling Stone 10th Anniversary Special", aired by
ABC in mid-1977. I don't think it's available on video.


May 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/15/98

I remember reading it was filmed during a break in the March 1976 American
tour but I couldn't tell you the show or when it was broadcast. Can't
remember. Its in TKAA film.

Roger C. Swanson <> wrote in article

> Perhaps someone out there can help.
> Many years ago there was a skit put on starring Steve Martin as the
> propieter of a hotel specially designed for rock stars...easy breaking
> chairs, tearaway fixtures. The skit had Martin doing an ad for the hotel
> and Keith Moon played the rock star. Together they ended up destroying
> the room and being washed out of the bathroom on a wave of soap suds.
> Does anyone remember what show this was on and if the tape is available?
> Thanks in advance.


Kevin McGowan

May 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/15/98

>Many years ago there was a skit put on starring Steve Martin as the
>propieter of a hotel specially designed for rock stars...easy breaking
>chairs, tearaway fixtures. The skit had Martin doing an ad for the hotel
>and Keith Moon played the rock star. Together they ended up destroying
>the room and being washed out of the bathroom on a wave of soap suds.
>Does anyone remember what show this was on and if the tape is available?

This came from the 10th anniversary show for Rolling Stone mag in 1977.
I think it aired on CBS. I doubt it is available on tape. It did show
up in the Kids are Alright movie too so if you get that you will have it.

May 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/16/98

In article <01bd7fef$5806e4c0$c2e728c3@default>,

"Aldrin" <> wrote:
> I remember reading it was filmed during a break in the March 1976 American
> tour but I couldn't tell you the show or when it was broadcast. Can't
> remember. Its in TKAA film.
> Roger C. Swanson <> wrote in article
> <>...
> > Perhaps someone out there can help.
> >
> > Many years ago there was a skit put on starring Steve Martin as the
> > propieter of a hotel specially designed for rock stars...easy breaking
> > chairs, tearaway fixtures. The skit had Martin doing an ad for the hotel
> > and Keith Moon played the rock star. Together they ended up destroying
> > the room and being washed out of the bathroom on a wave of soap suds.
> >
> > Does anyone remember what show this was on and if the tape is available?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > RCS
> >
> >

I believe it also (and initially) aired on Steve Martin's first tv special,
which aired in 77 or 78. It was a mediocre 1-hour special, I believe for
NBC, entirely for Steve Martin. Most of it was filmed sketches.

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